The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 11, 1912, Image 2

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    HID Ai I'lll'S RELIEF
Anniverary of Lee's Surrender Observed by G. A. R. and W. R.
C With a Fine Program at Their Hall.
From Wednesday's Dally. . ;
A large attendance was present
last evening to enjoy the fine
porgram arranged by the com
mittee in charge of the exercises
at the 0. A. R. hall, held in com
memoration of one of the most
important events in American
history, the surrender of General
R. E. Lee to General U. ,S. Grant
on April 9, 18G5. Forty-seven
eventful years have transpired
since the occurrence of the event
which terminated one of the
bloodiest civil wars which history
records. To suitably commem
orate so important an event and
to impress upon the minds of
those men who participated in the
struggle that their sacrifices, are
still appreciated, the WJR. C. ar
ranged to suitably celebrate Lee's
surrender, by giving one, of the
best programs presented for a
long time, as well as to serve an
""appetizing lunch. f
-The exercises were prj'crdcd by
having 'Old Glory" saluted by the
members of the V. R. G., and this
impressive ceremony was carried
out in a manner befitting the or
ganization, after which the entire
audience joined in, singing
"America." Myrtle Peterson gave
a recital entitled "The Flag." A
solo by Jodie Stenner; "Fall in
- R. M. Schlae3, Manager of the
Majestic, to Start New
Theater Soon.
R. M. Schlaes, the enterprising
manager of the Majestic theater,
is soon to start a new show house
in the cjy, and it, will be, a straight
picture house and no vaudeville.
Mr. Schlaes dues this to accom
modate those who do not.eure for
vaudeville, but do Ijke a good
picture show.
The new place will go in where
A. L. Henry formerly had his
notion store, and will be refitted,
the paper torn oil and painted and
frescoed. A new' up-fo-dalc steel
ceiling will be placed in the build
ing, the floor will be raised, with
out steps, HO inches, but with a
gentle incline, which is a greater
elevation than he has iu the Ma
jestic. In the new bouse there
will be live exits, two in each end
and one on the side. A twelve
foot open lobby will be- placed in
the front, an indirect lighting
system installed, enabling Mr.
Schlaes to show daylight, pictures,
, such as can be seen in New York
4 and Chicago. Fine new birch
opera chairs will be placed in the
new theater and everything made
as modern and up-to-date as pos
sible. '!
Licensed pictures only will be
shown in the new theater, while
in the old theater independent
pictures will be shown. Electric
fans will be installed amMlie best
of ventilation will be had, and
when the warm weal her comes Mr.
Schlaes will put in n large ex
haust fan to aid the ventilation.
The electricians are wiring Hie
building, and as soon as material
hi D 116
a clean sweep of them and offer them to you at $1 Cash.
These ore all line fur hats, nearly all shapes and colors. We
advise you to come early as they will not stay here long at
that price. We have scores of boxes of new hats waiting for
the new shelving, also new spring caps.
C. E. Wescott's Sons
Always the Home of Satisfaction
for Grub," brought forth a great
deal of applause.
Comrade R. H. Windham made
a few well timed remarks
"Why Do We Celebrate April 9?"
that were highly appreciated by
all present. Mr. Windham's
speech was followed by a solo
sang by Miss Helen Chapman, ac
companied by Miss Estelle Baird.
A recitation by Nellie Mae Cowles
followed Miss Chapman's solo.
Glen Scott sang a solo entitled
"The Little Hoy in Blue." Read
ings by Mrs. A. J. lleeson in her
usual happy style much pleased
the audience and she was encored
several times. Miss Myra Sten
ner sang "The Lively Hardtack"
in a manner to captivate her list
eners. C. H. Peterson and Judge
lleeson were called upon for
speeches and responded grace
fully, both receiving a great deal
of applause.
After the program and speech
making was over an elegant
lunch, prepared by the members
of the W. R. C, was served, which
added materially to the evening's
enjoyment.' The committee on
arrangements could not have per
formed their task more perfectly
and their services Were highly ap
preciated. arrives the carpenters and paint
ers will do the rest. It is the
plan of the management to have
the new house open by May first.
The new show house and the
Majestic will be incorporated in
one company and shares will be
sold at. $10 each. Mr. Schlaes
guarantees a good per cent on the
investment,. ami any one wishing
to purchase stock should see him.
Season tickets good for a year will
lie sold for $10, and these will ad
mit one to the shows in one
house. Soon after the show is
opened the company will issue
coupons with each admission
ticket, which will be good to the
holder for 5 cents, thus enabling
the patron to see two shows for
15 cents.
; Why He Was Late.
' ''What, 'made you so late?" "
"I met Smithson."''
"Well, that is no reason why
you should be an hour late get
ling home to supper."
"I know, but I asked him how
he was feeling, and he insisted on
telling me about his stomach
"Did you tell him to lake Cham
berlain's Tablets?"
"Sure, that is what he needs."
Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Sells the Seed Corn.
From W-dnes(lay' Dally.
K. C. Cook was in the city this
morning looking after some items
of business, and had hardly got
ten anything done when he re
ceived a telephone call to return
home and measure out some seed
corn for A. Becker of Nehawka.
Charles says he sure has the corn
that will grow this season and it
is a fine variety at that.
Paul llandley, the commission
merchant, was called to Omaha
yesterday on important business.
Just now, while the alterations on
our building ore in progress we have
no room for our'open stock of Men's
Fur Hats, so we have decided to make
Money for Good Causfl.
In these days of prosperity
many men and women who have
acquired a goodly amount of
valuable property are in a posi
tion to make handsome gifts to
worthy institutions. Just now
the attention of such fortunate
citizens of our state is being in
vited to the opportunity to place
their surplus funds in the $400,
000 endowment which friends of
Christian education hope to pre
sent on May first to the Nebraska
Wesleyan university. This in
stitution has fully proven its
worthiness and is a credit to the
state and nation. It is manned
by a strong faculty of forty-five
highly capable professors, led by
Chancellor C. A. Fulmer, himself
a Nebraska product, who not only
possesses masterful equipment
for the work, but is one of the
most genial and lovable of men.
The Wesleyan is turning out 100
Christian teachers per year and
other of her graduates are filling
positions of honor as pastors or
men of business.
"My little son had a very severe
cold. I was recommended to try
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and
before a small bottle was finished
he was as well as ever," writes
Mrs. II. Silks, 29 Dowling Street, '
Sydney, Australia.
For sale by
Sydney, Australia,
is for sale by F. G.
This remedy
Fricke & Co.
Buys Three Acres.
George Sherwood has bought
the three-acre tract of land j.nst
south of the Charles Cook place,
from the Spangler estate. This
property has been known ' for
years, as the Ransom Cole place,
and is an excellent piece of land.
It has a good house located on it,
also other improvements. We do
not want to be inquisitive at all,
mt at the same time would like
to know what Mr. Sherwood wants
with a place of this kind. If we
were to ask him he would no
oubt tell us that it was none of
our business. Now, George, is
one of the finest old bachelors in
this country, and it may be there
some handsome- young lady
thinking of taking up her home
in Mr. Sherwood's new posses
sion. However, we will leave it
to the other fellow to find mfl
just what George's intentions
are; it may be simply for an In
vestment. ! ' ' .'
You will look a good while, be
ore you find a better medicine, for
coughs and colds than Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy". It nbt'Ohly
gives relief it cures. Try it
when you have a cough or cold, aro certain To be"ple.asd
with the prompt cure which it will
efiect. For sale by F. G. Fricke i
dt Co. ; '
In District Court. '
Transcript in the case of Sarah
E. MeKiwain vs. Platte Mutual In
surance company, appealed from
the county court, has been filed in
the district court.
A: petition' by Leona " P. Mc-
Cleery atid Daniel,' her husband,
against. Helen A, Pollard, et al.,
has been filed in the district court
seeking to partition the real estate
of the late L. C. Pollard, deceased.
The plaintiffs are represented by
Keester & Slrout, .attorneys, of
Alma, Neb.
Jesse L. Pell and Etta Pearsley
have filed a petition in the court
against Mary Nida, et al., the
object being the partition of the
real estate owned by the . late
Henry T. Pell, deceased, of Union.
County Attorney C. H. Taylor
brings the suit for the plaint ill's.
Don't be surprised if you havo
an attack of rheumatism this
spring. Just rub the affected
parts freely with Chamberlain's
Liniment and it will soon disap
pear. Sold by F. G. Fricko & Co.
Sam Hlnkle Here.
From Wednesday's Pally.
Sam llinkle, ex-mayor of Have-
lock and a former well known
Plattsinoulh man, who is a can
didate for state railway commis
sioner on the democratic ticket,
to he voted on April 10, spent the
lay in this city yesterday. Mr
llinkle was formerly, when resid
ing in this city, an employe of the
Burlington at the storehouse, and
has many friends among the rail
way employes, as well as among
an classes or citizens. sain is
highly esteemed by nil who know
nun ami win receive a rousing
vote in this part of the stale, and
if selected as a candidate , will
make a manly, open fight for the
election, lie is well equipped for
the position of railway commis
sioner and will give his con
slituents a business administra
lion of the affairs of the office if
William Puis, from west of
Murray, was in town today visit
Louisville Wrestler No Match for
Oscar Wasem, and Fact Was
Soon Demonstrated.
Frank Schmarderer, the much
vaunted Louisville wrestler, met
defeat last night in two straight
falls at the hands of Oscar Was
em, state champion. The match
was refereed by Farmer Burns.
The first round was completed in
35 minutes, when the Omaha
athlete forced the Louisville
boy's shoulders to the mat. The
second round lasted but 19 min
utes. It is said Schmarderer's back
ers were much disappointed at the
outcome of the match and left the
hall quite crestfallen. A large
crowd witnessed the match, it
having been extensively adver
tised. No special train was run
from Plattsinoulh on this occas-
sion, yet some of the admirers of
the sport from this city witness
ed the match. Mr. Clifford of
Louisville, who was in the citv
yrday, predicted a good match,
a ""larderer had wrestled with
Wasem in their training and had
been able to prevent Wasem
throwing him.
A careful mother will not give
her child a medicine without
knowing it is pure, contains no
opiates, and has healing . and
curative qualities. Such a medi
cine is roleys Honey and Tar
Compound, for croup, whooping
cough, bronchitis, and all affec
tions of the throat, lungs and
chest. Best and safest for chil
dren and grown persons. Take
no substitute. For sale by F. G
Fricke & Co.
Hyers Gets Reward.
The Lincoln correspondent for
the Omaha Bee sends the follow
ing relative to the reward recent
ly received by Sheriff Gus livers
for the capture of the escaped
convicts. The Bee saysj Sheriff
Hyers of Lancaster county has
received a state warrant for .$300
for returning Gray, Dowd am
Morley to the penitentiary, the
former two being dead. This is
the, regular reward for the return
of prisoners., He has also re
ceived a warrant for $200 fur
procuring evidence against those
who smuggled alius '' and ex
plosives into the penitentiary. As
yet. -t Uo reward for the arrest of
the convicts has not been claimed
by anyone,
Calves Bring Good Money.
From Monday's Dally.
Robert Nickels and sou. Albert.
el'urned from South Omaha yes
terday, where Mr. Nickels, sr.,
marketed his calves, which were
ess than a year old. The. twenty-
nine head realized Mr. Nickels a
neat sum of money. They aver
aged 700 pounds each and brought
7 ',4 cents per pound, being $50.75
ach. For his 6-year-old bull,
weighing 2,330 pounds, Mr.
Nickels received $130. Mr.
Nickels was well pleased with the
results of stock feeding last year.
U. W. Korns, the well known
blacksmith at Woodville, Neb., is
cured of a lame hack that was a
serious trouble to him. He says:
"I have used Foley Kidney Pills
and they have done me more good
for lame back than anything I
ever used. I cheerfully recom
mend them for lame back and
kidney ailments." For sale by F.
O. Fricke & Co. " '.
Don't Ml S3 This.
The following is the program
to be rendered by the Burlington
band at the Parmele : theater
Tuesday evening, April 10:
Second Reg. Conn. N. (S.. Reeves
Overlure--Lustspeal. .Keler Hela
Air de Hallet Cleopatra. ..Gonuod
Fantasia Mornington. . . Gorton
Moreen Carseleristique The
Dawn of Love Bendix
Waltz Wiener Hint Strauss
Selection The Prince of
Pilsen Luders
Patrol The Blue and Gray. . . .
Three Reels of Moving Pictures
Fine Musical Program.
The M. W. A. Orchestra has
received a large number of new
musical selections which Ihey will
render al the Cosmopolitan club
dance Saturday evening, April 13,
at. Conies' hall. Among them are
the following: ''Hag Time
Violin," "O-U Circus Day," "Rag.
ing the Haby to Sleep," "I'd Love
to Live in Loveland Willi a Girl
Like You," "Everybody Doing It,
"That Haunting Hag Time Time,
"Let's Make Love While the Moon
Indiana Scientist Who Originated the Now Fam
ous "Home Treatment"
Free to Sick
In order that every reader of
the Journal who needs treatment
nay have an opportunity to test
this celebrated medicine, the now
famous Indiana scientist, has
come to the front with an offer to
give absolutely free a large proof
package to five hundred readers
of this paper to prove the won
derful claims which have been
made for it. In making this offer
the scientist said: "I know that
there are many people who have
been suffering for years with
some chronic disease and many
of them have spent large sums of
money seeking a cure. I know
that these people hesitate about
investing money in medicine be
cause they have despaired of ever
getting well. Thousands have
told me that story and many
thousands of the same people
have told me afterwards that my
treatment had cured them after
doctors and everything else had
failed. I want to show these
despairing people that all the
newspaper talk about my treat
ment is absolutely true. I want
to prove to a limited number no
matter what the disease, no mat
ter how long they may have suf
fered, no matter how blue and
discouraged that my treatment
really and actually does accom
plish the wonderful results that
Coupon A-84 For Free Proof Treatment
Dr. Jas. W. Kldd. Ft. Wayne. Ind.
Please semi me a Test Course of Treatment for my case, fre and postage paid. Just
as you promise. ,
Name , ;
PostOkfice .
Sthkkt or H. V. 1). No. .
. How Lonu
Make a cross (x) before disease yon have.
you suffer most.
.... Rheumatism
... .Constipation
, . ...Torpid Liver.
... Kidney Troubl
(ilve any other
...Bladder Trouble
...Weak Lungs
. ..Chronic Cough
. . .Asthma
...Hay Fever v j
. . .Heart Trouble
Poor Circula
...tion ...Impure Blood
symptoms on seierate
r7 1
Nearly all the Easter Hats worn
by all the best dressed womert of
Plattsmouth will be from our store.
The authentic styles this season are extremely
varied and they are graceful and harmonions in
color, but more than ever, they require the skillful
individual touches that adapt them to the faces of
the wearers.
Miss Leona Bryant, our head designer has been
one of our most successful milliners. She is a style
authority and every hat in this department must be
absolutely correct. Her advice and aid in the se
lecting and adapting of the proper Easter Hat will
be of wonderful advantage to you.
Fanger's Department Store
V. ZUCKER, manager
The Home of
Offers Large Package
and Ailing.
have been reported."
People who suffer from Rheu
matism, Kidney Trouble, Stum
ach Trouble, Liver or Bowel Dis
orders, Catarrh, Bronchitis,
Asthma, Chronic Coughs, Weak
Lungs, Lumbago, Piles, Urina.ry
Disorders, Female Weakness of
any kind, the weak, worn-out,
broken-down and despondent will
be delighted at the effect of a few
doses. This wonderful treatment
creates a fine appetite and helps
the digestive organs to carry on
their functions as they should.
It strengthens the kidneys, too,
and drives rheumatism poisons
from the blood as if by magic.
That is why people who try it be
come so enthusiastic.
Any reader of the Journal who
will try this extraordinary medi
cine that has created so much
excitement by its cures can obtain
absolutely free a liberal treat
ment by simply filling in the
coupon below or writing a letter
describing their case in their own
words, if they prefer, and mailing
it today to James W. Kidd, Fort
Wayne, Indiana. No money need
be sent and no charge of any kind
will be made.
As this offer is limited, you
should write at once, in order to
be sure to receive your free treat
ment. Static .
Afflicted .
Two crosses (xx) before the one from which
. Pimples
. .Neuralgia
, Nervousness
..Obesity .
.Delayed Periods
Female Weak
ness ..Womb Trouble
. Ovarian Trouble
. Irregular Per
. .iods
. . Painful Periods
. Delayed Periods
..Hot Flashes .
Bearing Down
. . Leucorrhoea
sheet. Correspondence In all languages.
Guaranteed Values
ing with his many county seat
Shines," "Take Me in Your Arms
friends. '