CAIRO, ILL, AN ISLAND CITY Wall of Water Twenty Feet High er Than Streets.- SAMUEL COTNER DIES SUDDENLY FLOOD SCENES. Battling Night and Day To Re-enforce the Levees And Result of Bad Break. founder ol Coiner University Passes Away in Logansport. f ONLY ENTRANCE 13 BY BOAT. WAS THERE TO PAY A VISIT. 4' ... Break Anywhere Would Mean Inunda tion cf Town- Women and Children Are Sent Away and Only Levee Workers Remain. i Thirty thousnud persons lionie-;;iess-, 2,1100 square miles of country inundated, thiity persons drowned "and a financial tons of $10,000,000 coiiKtitute tlio nnult of two weeks'' Z flood in the Mississippi valley. J Railroad trafllc in thetto sections lis practically paralyzed. Hundreds 4 of persons still are menaced by xine tine ot waters ai points in 4 lower Missouri, northwest Tennes-4 4 .. .1 .. I. .. ql, ...n T An '- unu m nniinnn. iii'7 nie 111a Trooned on house tops, In trees and ' Ion anchored rafts directly In the. Tsweep of the ranipaclnR river. A' Z majority of them may he rescued. 444444444-444444444444 Cairo today is an Island city, sur rounded by an ocean of water, the erect of which Is ten feet higher than the average level of the city. In many places this wall of water stands twenty feet higher than the street. With a bright, sun cheerfully blazing upon the city after the severe rain and windstorm, hope returned to the fighting levee protectors. For the first time In a week the workers got a much reeded rest, although the watch fulness along the levee was not re laxed and the men were ready at all times to answer calls to points of trouble. Two thousand levee workers were scattered about the great levee system to renew their patrol. Oenerous donations from all parts of Kentucky are being sent to Hick man to aid the 3,500 flood refugees who have straggled Into that city. A large number of steamboats are plying between this city and flooded towns below In search of Stock, which Is being landed on the hills near Wick llffe, Ky. Express coinpnnles are car rying supplies to refugees free ot chnrge. Several thousand acres of wheat are under water in Mississippi county, Mis sonrl. Many thousand dollars' worth of stock have perished and farmers are living in their attics. Cairo Island City. For four days Cairo has been an 1st nnd city. When the levees protecting the dra'nage district went out all rail communication was stopped and the only entrance to the city now Is by licat from Mounds, nine miles away. Mounds nominally Is an Inland town, three miles from the Ohio river, but there Is now water three feet deep at the Rig Four depot. AlnioRt $300,000 has been spent in lighting the flood at Cairo and the drainage district. Five thousand or more men have been paid an average of $1 50 a day for more than a week, Cairo Is protected by three main levees and several small ones. There are few women and children left in Cairo. Two More Levees Break. With two levees gone and more ex petted to break, the flood situation In the vicinity of Memphis is desperate. At Golden take and I'en Camp, In Mississippi and Arkansas, It is almost as lmd, and crevasses are threatening at Luxoia, Immediately north ot Oolden iJike, and at Modoc, on the White river front. At half a dozen oth er points the outlook Is grave. At the St. Claire and Wyanoke breaks water Is pouring through both gaps at a terrific rate and eating away the enrthworks. The southern half ol Crlttendon county and portions of the adjoining counties of St. Francis. Poinsett and Cross are Inundated and the overflow Is racing down the St Francis river, back toward the Mis slsslppl at Helena. Tlie tracks of the 8t. 1uIb, Iron Mountain and Southern, the Cotton Tlelt and the Chicago. Rock Islnnd and Pacific are being washed away at ser ral points. Breaks Give Relief for Time. For the moment tho breaks have re lieved the situation south of Memphis to some extent. The big levee at Golden Ijtke, Ark hevernl miles above the St. Clair tireak, Is expected to go out any mln ute. The situation at Reelfoot could be much worse. The greatest loss has been to live stock that could not be rapid' y moved. It Is reported two hlldren were drowned. The situation at Hickman is greatly Improved. Tho Mississippi fell eight Inches In twenty-four hours. Counting aid s'tthoilsed by the government, the -flood fund for Hickman alone amounts to $1 7,0oo. No distress Is reported from other places seriously affected Inst week. John Lax Is Dead. . West Point. Neb., April 8. News has J'ist reached the city of the death at North Yakima, Wash., of John Lai a former resident of West Point, at the age of sixty-eight. Mr. tax was formerly in business at West point for some years and later removed with his family to the Pacific coast. He Is sur vived by widow and three, children . i 3 TV 1 N -n f - V. DECLARE MADERO IS RUINING MEXICO Special Commissioners Charge Him With Misuse of Funds. New York, April 8. The three spe clal commissioners from General Oroz co, leader of the Mexican revolution 1Mb, who arrived here to present to the American people the revolution ists' side of the present troublo In their country, In a long statement given out by Manual Lujan, head ol the commission, bitterly assailed the administration of President Madero and declared that his tactics In the government of Mexico are slowly wrecking the nation. Madero Is charged with violating every oath he made to the men thai helped him to overthrow the reign ol Diaz. He Is charged with misuse ol government funds, with making it Im possible to walk the highways of Mex ico In safety and with not protecting the Interests of foreign business and tho people of his own country. "The present revolution Is not a new one," the statement says, "it is mere ly a continuance, of the revolution which began when the rule of Presl dent Diaz became unbearable." Madero. the commissioners declare was not called to the presidency b the people, but was accepted by th revolutionists because no one ds came forward. SUMNER TO WEDHEALTH PAIR Final Banna Are Read for First "Certl fled Marriage" at Chicago. Chicago, April 8. Formal prelim Inarles ot the first marriage under the new rules of the Episcopalian catho dral of Chicago were completed. For the third and last time tht banns were read for a wedding to b celebrated Wednesday. The contract Ing parties are A. W. Bode, an oper ator at the Rnglewood police station and Miss May Palmer. Both Mr. Bode and Miss Palmer hao met the restrictions established b Dean Sumner with the approval ol Bishop C. P. Anderson. They hav submitltd certificates from reputablt physicians stating that they are not mentally or physically deficient and that they hnve no Incurable or coin munlcnb'.e disease. MINERS SOON TO RESUME Returns From Referendum Vote WM Be in by April 19. Des Moines, April 8. There is nc doubt that the mine workers will ac cept tho wage offer made by tho oper ntors at Cleveland, according to Join P. White, president of the United Mine Workers ot America, Mr. White was in Des Moines to at tend to shopping and visited a few friends before returning to his homt !n Oskuloosa, from which he had beer absent at the conference in Cleveland "The men will bo able to return tt work after the referendum vote, which will bo taken on the new wage scak April 10. The votes will be In bj Iprll is," he said. Meat Rate Readjustment. Washington, April 8. A readjust nient of the frelghtr rates on fresb meats and packing house product! throughout the middle west Is to bt made by the Interstate commerce com mission. Advances of the rates have been proposed to the commission by some of the railroads, the Increase! amounting to from 20 to 65 per cent over the existing rates. These ad vances were suspended by the com mission pending an Inquiry into the entire situation. Western High Wins Debate with DUlei Dlller, Neb, April 8. The Western high school debating team defeated the Dlller team here by a two to one decision. The question was that ol the closed shop, Dlller supporting tht affirmative. Nebraska Pioneer Drops. Dead as He Enters His Sister's Home Cbtners Have Lived in Omaha for Forty-six Years Body to Be Buried There. Omaha, April 6. Samuel Cottier, pioneer banker and real estate dealer, founder of Cotner university and a resident of Omaha for many years, dropped dead at the homo of his sis- tor, Mrs. Mary Harnett, of heart fail ure. Mr. Cotner and his wife went to Logansport, lnd., to visit his sister and he dropped dead of heart failure as ho entered her hoii.-. He was sixty-nine years old. Mr. Cotner had been a resident of Omaha for nearly forty-six years, he and hlB wife having como here from IiOgansport in 1866, five years after their marriage. Mr. Cotner taught school on the site now occupied by Bellevuo college and through the ear ly days was one of the most ardent of those who fought for more thorough and higher education. He and his wife gave not only of their time, but of their means for educational ad vancement. They endowed Cotner university and from them it got its name. Mr. Cotner Is survived by his wid ow and one son, Samuel Cotner, Jr., who lives in the Big Horn basin. The body will bo brought to Omaha for burial. ENGINEER BUSY ON BRIDGES Preparing Plans at Request of Coun ties Over the State. Lincoln, April 6. The office force of State Engineer Price is busy prepar ing plans and specifications for bridges. There was a large amount of state aid bridge work In the office be fore the recent floods played havoc with bridges in the Platte, Elkhorn and other valleys. While there are no funds available for more state aid bridges, the law provides for the state engineer furnishing plans and specifi cations on application of the various counties, and many such requests are now coming to the office, with the de mand just commencing. Plans made by the department are all standardized as far as possible, and with slight changes of specifications those made for one bridge of a certain length will answer for another, and np to last summer the office had a fairly com plete outfit of plans for almost every sized bridge. The last legislature, however, changed the requirements to stand a strain of twenty tons In stead of twelve, as heretofore, and new plans are required for all con structed since that date. This makes the work due to the flood considerably greater. ISSUES GASOLINE ORDER Randall Notifies Dealers That Fluid Must Be Kept Underground. Lincoln. April 6. Fire Commission er Randall has Issued an order which will stir things up in all probability. Ho Is sending out a circular to all dealers In gasoline that the fluid must be kept In an underground system hereafter and that prosecutions will follow If the order Is not respected. He takes the Btand this authority is given him in the law which makes practices which endanger lire ana property by fire a nuisance, and he In sists that unless gasoline is kept un der ground it is a great menace. He consoles the dealers by telling thero the saving In evaporation by putting it underground will more than pay for installing the system. Court Settles Black's Salary Suit. Kearney, Neb., April 6. In the dis trict court, the case of the Kearney Baseball and Athletic association against H. S. Slevers of Grand Island, president of the Nebraska State Base ball league last year, the association was awarded $120 and the defendant charged with costs, all resulting from the Black salary case. West Point Farmer Is Poisoned. West Point, Neb., April 6. Frank llarcal, a farmer who lived in Gage valley, east of this city, is dead as the result of accidental poisoning. He had been sick for some time and got hold of a bottlo containing wood alcohol, which he had mistaken for the med iclne nrescrlbed for him. He died In a few hours. Hughes Cannot Come. Lincoln, April 6. Justice Charles K. Hughes of the United States supreme court, who had been invited to deliver the address on the occasion of the unveiling of the UncOin monument on the capltol grounds, has written Sec retary of 8tate Wait that he cannot accept the invitation. An Old Resident Dead. Stromsburg, Nob., April 6. Godfrey Johnson, a long time resident of Polk county, died at his home near Shelby. Mr. Johnson formerly lived near this city and has many relativ i and friends here. He was seventy-six years old. We have about 50 Sample Waists and Shirts from Munson's (the Acorn brand) that we are closing out at the factory price. It is a good time to get a Stylish Waist at a reduction. These are all new 1912 Waists A new lot of Mandel Bro.'s Middy Blouses and Shirts just received . i. Shirts $1-25, $1.65 and $2.50 Silk Shirts, Something Swell. $2.75 These Waist and Shirts are made by two of the leading manu facturers of Ladies Waists, and you will find them out of the ordi. nary class in every particular. We want to show them to YOU! Voto for Shallenberger for Senator lie in rifflil on public rUtewtioiis. He is strong with the people. Nominated for cohrppss and Heeled. Nominated for governor and Heeled. . Nominal)' him for United Slates senator and he will he elected. The Democratic Party Needs a Victory. Says Seed Corn Will Grow. I'eler Keil docs not lake any slock in the rumor circulated some tine ago thai the seed corn this year is had. Mr.' Koil ex perimented willi his pen of corn and look Iwenly kernels from as many cars, "hit or miss," as he came to them in the crib, and planted them in an earthen jar and kepi tho jar in proper tem perature. Kvcry kernel sent out a line, healthy stalk of corn. Mr. Keil is of the opinion thai all the fuss made about bad seed corn is not well limed. Miss At wood Sustains Injuries. Last Friday afternoon while descending the steps at the post ofllce Miss Edith Atwood, by some mischance, fell and was severely injured, receiving cuts on her face and a badly sprained arm. She was removed to rooms at the Riley hole! and a physician sum moned at once, and several stilches were required to close the cuts sustained. Miss Atwood has kept her room since, but is said to be doing as well as pos sible under the circumstances. James Jelinek returned lo Oma ha on the early train today to at lend school, after his Easter vacation. James is making good progress in his studies and will soon be equipped for business. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, Ttia Kind You Hare Always Bo'iglil Bears the BigQSture of C to PLATTSMOUH, NED. j-H-I H-I-l-M J-HH IHH- THE WEATHER. HrHr t he readings below are taken at the Burlington depot, where the ther mometer Is placed under condition! similar to those used by the United States weather bureau: Temperatures In Plattsmouth. 8 a. nr. ... -17 1 p. in. ... 6G 10 a. in. ... 57 2 p. ni 70 Forecast. For Nebraska Fair Monday; warmer in casl portion. Tuesday, fair. A Cowaraly Assault. As Fred J5. Kgonberger was wending his way homeward last night on South Sixth street some one dealt him a blow on the head with a club. He was walking along and had arrived at the vacant lot just south of the fire house when someone jumped out and dealt him a tremendous blow with a club that landed on his left cheek bone, knocking him down. As he fell he landed against a tree, making an ugly gash on the other side of his face. He got onto his feet as soon a9 possible, but no one was in sight. Fred says there was no cause for such an assault, as he has no enemies, at least one who would be so bit ter as to commit such a deed. It is thought that whoever it was made a mistake, and that the blow was intended for someone else, probably with the intention of robbery. Fred was around this morning, and aside from the sore spots was feeling pretty well. It was a cowardly trick, and if Fred could have gotten hold of him he would have given him "what Paddy did the drum." INITIAL STATIONERY AT LESS THAN COST The Journal has 32 boxes of that cxlra fine English twill in itial stationery that has been sell ing for 60 cents that wo want to close out at 30 cents per Dox. The letters we have on hand are as follows: 4 O, 2 E, 2 J, 2 I, 2 II, 3 N, 1 L, 1 K, 1 V, 1 S, 2 It, 2 P. These are the old English style letter and the finest grade linen paper. Attend Missionary Meeting. Frank Wiles ami wife, Mrs. E. II. Spangler, Miss Elizabeth Spangler, Mrs. Oscar Oapcn, Mrs. Joe Wiles, Mrs. Stephen Wiles, Mrs. Luke Wiles, Mrs. Will T. Adams and daughter, Miss Har riet, returned last night on No. 2 from Omaha, where they had been as delegates to attend the branch missionary meeting of the U. II. church. James Sage and wife were Omaha passengers on the morn ing train today, where Mr. Sage was called on business, while Mrs. Sage visited her sister, Mrs. O. M. Streight. PEY m M Sarah Bernhardt at the Parmele. It may be doubted whether money alone would have induced Sarah Bernhardt, the greatest living actress, to play "Camille" before the moving picture camera. To such a passionate lover of art it must have seemed glorious to defy the limitations of space and lime and have the whole world as her' audience. The Cinematograph is indeed a monu ment. Photo plays will be the offering at the Parmele theater one night only, Sunday, April 14. Madame Bernhardt will be seen in the role of "Camille," while Madame Rejane will be seen in "Madame Sans (Jeve." These are the same films as originally created such a furore in New York and are just closing a phenomenal engagement at the Urandeis theater, Omaha. Wanted. Thirty head of cattle to pas lure, at $2.00 a head per month. W. Whitt, ' On Dick Streight's Place. 4-5-lfd. Iitsl Bates, 8 Miles South of Plattsmouth (the Old Martin Farm) has installed a Saw Mill on his place, and is prepared to furnish hard lum ber of all kinds, posts and chunk wood. KAll orders promptly filled, and also solicited. DR Herman Grcodor, Graduate Vetincary Surgeon (Formerly with U. S. Department Agriculture) Licensed by Nebraska State Board Calls Answered Promptly Phone 378 White, Plattsmouth Do You want an AUCTIONEER? If you do, get one who has Experience, Ability, Judgement. Telegraph or write ROBERT VIKINSON, Dunbar, Neb. Dates made at this office or the Murray State Bank. Rates Reasonable