Children Cry for Fletcher's 5 ra The Kind You Have Always Bought, rind, which Las beci. in uao for over 30 years, has homo the Blrrnaturo of and lias heen made under l.'.a :or- --i- Honal supervision since Its Infancy. f-CCiCA&Vi Allmirnn nt.n t, rlowl vn roll li fVlw. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-goo'l" aro but Experiments tliat trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- .goric, Drops and Sootlilng Syrups. It is Plcusant. It contains neither Opium, .Morphine nor other Jiarcotlo Kuhstanee. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worm nd allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind. Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea- Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS I Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years thc crNTiun company, rr Muftr rntccT, ncw vork city. In Charge of the News-Herald. L. J. MayhVId runie down from Louisville yesterday morning and will look after I he management of Hits News-Herald fur a few days while his brother,' (). M., is cm Ihe sirk list. The laller is net ting aloiiK nieely at, this lime, hul. is very weak from his recent ill ness. L. J. is one of Ihe veteran newspaper men of Cass cuiinly and will sure conduct the affairs of Ihe News-Herald in a business like maimer. Reading for Women's Club. On Mondav afternoon Ihe cur rent evenls department of Ihe Lincoln Women's club gave an extensive program lo a crowded house at Ihe Temple f healer in that city. Miss Marie Douglass of I'lallsmouth gave a reading, concerning which Ihe Slale Jour nal or March 2(1, says: "The music was followed by a fine dra matic reading from 'If I Were King,' by Miss Mraie Douglass." Miss Mary Clark of Corning, Iowa, who has been paying a visit to the A. K. Todd home for a few days, departed for her home Ibis morning on No. 15. Hold Annual Feast. Prom Tuedy i Dally. The members of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church entertained their hus bands and children to the number of fifty at a 7 o'clock dinner last evening at Ihe home of Mr. and Mrs. (leorge DeLong. A short program was given of music and readings, and a male chorus sang impressively "There Is an Ap erture in the lloltom of the Sea," with I). C. Morgan as director and Dr. Cummins accompanist. The chorus went so well that a con sideration had to be paid to stop it. Mrs. (Iregg, Mrs. DeLong'.s sister, of ilavclock, sang two line solos, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Anderson, also of Have lock. Miss Anderson gave read ings that were highly appreciated by the company. The dinner was served in cafefarian style, which greatly reduced the expenditure of labor, while it added to Ihe en joyment of the feast. The com pany stayed until a late hour and the evening was a very enjoyable one lo all present. m1 fill LETTER FROM MISSOURI Platte River Wagon Bridge Safe. From Tuesday's Dally. James Pollock returned from the Duff-Pollock wagon bridge yesterday afternoon, firmly of the opinion that Ihe ice was going out nicely. The current on the north end of the bridge Is open. The i'.urlingfon has a large force of men blasting out the thick ice between the Durlinglon bridge and the wagon bridge, so as to make a clear channel when the river breaks up, which the company ofllcials expert, lo occur today. T. II. Pollock has men guarding the wagon bridge, and each man, with a long pike, steers Ihe blocks of ice out. into Ihe moving current and it quickly finals down the river. OFF CIA L Returns From Plalnvlew. From Tuesday's Dally All io Meisinger of Cedar Creek was a visitor in this city today and was a pleasant caller at this olllce. Mr. Meisinger says he re turned from Plainview, Nebraska, last night, at which point he has been visiting his sister, Mrs. (Jeorge W. Horn and family, for the past four weeks, and reports a very nice trip and n most enjoy able visit. Law Would Not Let Him Offer Special Train to Sheriffs Free of Charge. A few days ago the Press con tained a story about the trans portation of a trainload of sheriffs and soldiers to the scene of the tragedy in Sarpy county, when the penitentiary troubles were culminated. The Press mentioned, after a conversation with Sheriff Fisher and others, that the Missouri Pa cific had not fairly treated the sheriffs of Otoe, Nemaha and Hie hard son counties in their man ner of charging heavily for the train, and in other ways. As a matter of fairness to the road and its olllcials and to give the public the other side of the matter, the Press cheerfully and pleasantly publishes the follow ing letter, a copy of which was also sent to the Plattsmouth Evening Journal, which copied the Press article: Editor Nebraska Press: I noticed an article in the Even ing Journal of Plattsmouth, copied from the Nebraska City Press, headed "Sheriffs Feel Rather Sore," criticising us for collecting from the sheriffs for the special train run from Kails City to Union, and return. 1 am very sorry that any criticism or adverse feeling should be engendered against the Mis souri Pacific on Ibis account, as we are positively neiu up ny tiie law and cannot furnish a train for slate authorities under any other terms than I hose given to private citizens. This matter is regulated wholly by law and we could not do otherwise than collect the full amount. Sheriff Kenton is a personal friend of the writer and 1 wish to assure you that we would have done anything in our power to assist him in catching the crim inals that. Ihe law would permit, us to do. We learned Ihe officers' special was at Union, that the escaped convicts and been caught and ini- t New Location in Old Postoffice Building -Spring iJli 4 An Elegant Line of HATS U U Lru U xdJ f Ok V. &fn (jog Hrvtktrx C ON DISPLAY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27th Miss Myers mediately notified them in order to reduce the expense. Yours re spectfully, F. F. Russ, Sup't. Falls City, March 23d. Nebraska City Press. To Mothers And Others. You can use Bucklen's Arnica Salve to cure children of eczema, rashes, tetter, chafings, scaly and crusted humors, as well as their accidental injuries cuts, burns, bruises, etc., with perfect safety. Nothing else heals so quickly. For boils, ulcers, old, running or fever sores or piles it has no equal. 25 cenls at F. CI. Fricke & Co. For Sale. Some good llrst-class prairie hay. on form eight miles west of Plaltsmoulh. R. L. Props!, Mynard. Don't forget! The Journal office is prepared to do all kinds of fancy Job work. Give us a trial. Glorious News comes from Dr. J. T. Curtiss, Dwight, Kan. He writes: "I not only have cured bad cases of eczema in my patients with Elec tric Bitters, but also cured my self by them of the same disease. I feel sure they will benefit any case of eczema." This shows what thousands have proved, that Electric Bitters is a most ef fective blood purifier. It's an ex cellent remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and run ning sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion, builds up the strength. Price 50 cents. Satisfaction guaranteed by F. G. Fricke & Co. Rock Island Bridge Out. From Wednesday's Dally. The bridge on the Rock Island at South Mend went out today at about, noon. The bridge is not a total loss, a span or two being all that went at that time. The train service on that line is blocked. In ' Redforn Whalebone Won't R.uit Corsets $3.30 to $6.00 it; i km Kingston Petticoats! Ghuihom 5fle to $1.00 Sateen $1.50 to 150 Heatherbloom.. 2.50 to 3.50 Silk 3.50 to 7.50 77, n Here arc a few of the lines we carry that are advertised in all prominent magazines and papers by the firms that make them. It is the best merchandise they know how to make, andgyou know the best is the cheapest in the end. MM Mm iton HOSIERY for Ladies and Children! Cotton 10 to 50c Lisle 25 to 50c Embroirdered 25 to 85c Silk 50c to $2.25 oy-Most all shades you nsk for. M UN SON'S Acorn Brand I 1761 Peerless Muslin UNDERWEAR! , 15c to $1.00 i - Lingerie Waists $1.00 to $6.00 Drawers Corset Covers 25c to 1.50 fcv3 Skirts 50c to 6.00 Princess Slips $1.25 to 3.00 Kgt lAmiuiiKiuoua -fav IV u.u Night Robes 50c to 3.00 Brown Burreli Co.'s Misses' and Children's Dresses! See this line before you buy from $1,00 to S3.50 Never has our line of Ginghams, Batiste, Tissues, Flaxons and White Wash Goods been so large or complete. Wo are glad to have you look them over. We have a better stock of Drcssl Trimmings than most the city stores and at better prices. Fringe and Belt Trimming in most all shades. Allovcrs, all prices and all colors. Only two weeks to Easter you had better hurry. PH jtfin r.lcndcl Qro.'s House Dresses, Kimonos, Shirts and Middy Blouses! House Dresses.. $1.25 to $3.50 Skirts and Waists 1.50 to 5.00 Middy Blouses.. 1.25 to 2.00 4pw Forest fIills Underwear Hand -Trimmed! Vests 10 to 50c Drawers ' 25 to 50c Union Suits 25 to 50c 3 PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA