t i t t t I wish to announce that my Millinery Opening will be held on -t" k and continuing up to Easter. We have made great ? preparations for this date, and our line is much larger t than ever before. We want all our old customers to J call and see us. Also as many new ones as desire jj to see our excellent line. J Dress Making and all Kinds of Sewing! AvocANEwsliHE PRUURY was at Weeping lock ret unii'd lo Uoilnesday, April Sri, .IS JULIA DOVER J South Sixth St. First Door South Fricke Dru Store. ENSILAGE CATTLE SELL AM PRICE Stock Takes on Flesh Rapidly, and What Is More Important, Soils Well. (). II. Allen of Waliash was in again today with a car of cattle of his own feeding. There were six cows ami fifteen heifers in the car, ( In whole lot averaging l.Otil pounds and selling al .$(5.25. The cows were out, of a lot that, cost as feeders M.G!). These cattle Were started Jteccnihef l, on alfalfa hay ami ensilage and on January i, were int, on a full feed, consisting of twenty to twenty-live pounds of. ensilage, twelve pounds of shelled corn and Iwo to three pound of hay per head per day. II is impossiltle to state the amount of gain in weight for the reason that Mr. Allen has a large hunch nn feed and keeps shipping the lops out a ear or. two at a lime. II is very certain, however, Hi a I the cattle have done exceed ingly well, as shown hy the price at which I hey sold. . Mr. Allen has made a great success of feed ing ensilage and is very nlhusi nslie over the silo as an adjunct to cattle feeding. A very full re port of his met hod was published in the .lournal-Slockinaii of March Beautiful Easter Display. Have you noticed the Easter decoration in Ed Uynott & Go.'s window? The firm has a beauti ful display of colors advertising in a striking way "Sun-Proof paints" and "Princess floor painls." Long streamers of crepe paper representing the various color designs in which the paints are manufactured are artistical ly draped from the ceiling to Hie boltom of the window. Wilhin the window bunnies and eggs and Easter notions galore and here Oiul there a pietureo f a beauti fully painted dwelling is observ ed, as well as some of Hie more striking advertisements of the Sun-I'rcof goods. The entire scene has an Easter air and pre sents to tin' artistic, eye a picture of much beauty and attractiveness. .J. M. Iiunliar Water .Monday. Willie I'alme Lincoln Monday. I!. V. .Moore was over from Ne hiiwka Wednesday. Mis. Oca E. Copes was al Lin coln I he lirsl of I lie week. Ed.vanl l-'leshnian was here from Mauley Friday night. Henry Kulinhenn is visiting relaties at Seward litis week. E. Nutman shipped 50(1 sheep In Omaha the first of Hie week. John Dankleff was on the Oma ha market with slock this week. Mrs. A. T. Harmon and son, Earl, were al Omaha Saturday. Sherwiu Williams paints and varnishes are sold al Copes' drug store. J. P. Rassmussen has been numbered among the sick this week. For aching, burning, tired, swollen and tender feet try A. D. S. Foot Soap. Miss Francis of Dunbar was here over Sunday visiting her sis ter, Miss Eolia. When you need wall paper go to Copes' drug store. He has an exceptionally fine line this year. If you need a paper hanger he will get one for you. The box social given by the school at the town hall Friday night was largely attended. A fine progarm was rendered. The vooa city band furnished some fine music for the occasion. About thirly-five dollars was realized to help swell the school library fund. ELECTO 2. Journal-Slock man, Omaha, March 3d. mill FREE HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION. f have arranged to get n rate of $:i0.fi0 round trip lo Derniott, Arkansas, on I he second day of May, where we have 15,000 acres of fine farm lands for sale. Those buying land while there will have their railroad fare returned. For furl her particulars apply lo or write, TL. Amick, Mynard, Neb. See the exhibit, at J. I.. Russell's Riley Hold Bar. Seeds that Grow. New, recleaned tested alfalfa, 00-8 per cent pure, $10.45 per bushel. Red clover, 09 per cent pure, 13.50 per bushel. Timothy, 87.50. Alsyke, $13.50. Canadian oals, Swedish, $1.25. Red top, $3.00. lUue grass, $5.25. Cow peas, $2.50. Rape, $3.50. Amber cane, $1.25. flerman millet, $1.10. Katllr corn. 81.00. Tested yellow and while seed corn, $2.50 Spring wheat, $1.25. Seamless bags, 20e each. Jersey sweet potatoes, $3,75 per barrel. Genu ine inire Red River Early Ohio seed potatoes. Ask for dcliverei price April 1st. Seed samples sent on request. Johnson Bros.. Nebraska City, Neb, Nineteen Miles a Second without a jar, shock or disturb ance, is I lie aw ful speed of our earth through space. We wonder at such ease of nature's move ment, and so do those who take Dr. King's New Life iPlls. No griping, no distress, just tbor ough work that, brings good health and fine feelings. 25c at IF. fi. Fricke & Co. The "Child's Welfare" move ment has challenged the atlen tion of thoughtful people every where. Mothers are natural sup porters, and will find in Foley's Honey and Tar Compound a most valuable aid. Coughs and colds that unchecked lead to croup, bronchitis and pneumonia, yield quickly to the healing and sooth ing qualities of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Extension Telephones! A second instrument on your line- placed in another part of the store or another room of your resi dence. In the first instance it saves the time of your clerk, which wolud be wasted, in running across the building to answer, and it saves the customer an annoying wait while he gets there. In the house it saves the wife many steps up and down stairs. By her bedside it is quick and ef ficient protection in case of fire or burglary. At the the sick bed it is nn unfailing and untiring servant and, with the convalescent, affords a visit with an xious friends at home or at a distance. The cost is trifling. Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Company M. E. BRANTNER, Local Manager HI":H-HH-WW-WW . GREENWOOD. ? ! (Snecial Corresnondence.) ! M-I i-KH M-H-M-M iW' Our lately organized slock com pany is laying in its lumber now. Dr. Talcott reports a young son at John Kyles, which was born March 22. ' ' ' )' del your new Easter bonnets at Margaret McClelan's at the mil linery opening March 27th. The Knights and Ladies of Se curity gave an entertainment and lecture last Monday evening. A program and basket supper was given at the Christian church last Saturday evening. Quite a few were present. Mr. Lyle has taken a new as sistant who has taken up his per manent abode with him. The young man's birthday will fall on March 22d. A debate, "Resolved, That the judges should be subject to recall by their constituents," will he given at the Literary Thursday night, March 28. Mrs. C. M. Hayden and daugh ter, Florence, of Wahoo, and also Miss Frances Fensler of Lincoln, arevisitmg wun Mrs. iiayucn s sister, Dr. Houston-Jones. The school board lias made music one of the required studies in the public school. Miss Reed of Lincoln has been employed as leacber of music and will give a lesson each Wednesday afternoon. i HOW COLDS CAUSE KIDNEY DISEASE. Partly by driving blood from the surface and congesting the kidneys, and partly by throwing loo much work upon them. Foley Kidney Pills strengthen the kid neys, give tone to the urinary organs and restore the normal action of the bladder. They are tonic in action, quick in results. Try them. For sale by F. O. Fricke & Co. Lost. A trailing hound, white with yellow spots. Had on collar with initials "P. E. E." Last seen Fri day, March 22nd, near Rock HlulTs. Will pay reward for re covery. Notify "The J.edger," or D. E. Eaton, Union, Neb. 3-28-2t-wkly. The Law Says Emphatically How Names Shall Be Rotated on Same. A statement issued Monday by Seciclary of Male Wail and w Inch was sent, out to the 'various coun ty clerks of the slate along with the list of candidates which were certified out, does not meet with the hearty approval of some of the political leaders, says the Lincoln News. This is true par ticularly of that part which re lates to the rotation of the names on i lie coming primary hallol. Hearing on this matter, Secretary Wail said: "ft has been suggested that the delegates be designated on the ballot as to their choice for presi dent. I think the better way. however, would be to rotate the names in fours, instead of singly, of the delegates and alternates at large, and in twos of the district delegates, thus keeping together the two sets as endorsed by the separate leagues. I have no authority in the mailer of in structions to give you, and as the primary law does not cover the situation, it is up to you to use your own discretion. The above plan might in some instances aid a voter in making his choice for delegate. No requests from oilier political parties have been made for this manner of making up the ballot. The primary law does not authorize this department lo is sue a sample ballot." In direct opposition to these re commendations of the stale olli- rial, the law under which county clerks niusl operate has this to say on the mailer: "fn printing the tickets for the various elec tion districts the position of the names shall be changed in each ollice division for election dis trict, fn making the change of position the printer shall take Hie line of type al the head of each ollice division and dace it. at the bottom of thai division, shoving ill) Hie column so that the name w hich was second before I he change shall be lirsl after Hie change." This clause of the law would appear lo check the sug gestions made by the secretary of stale and would prevent his ideas from being carried into ef- ieci in I ne manner lie set out in his communication lo the county officials. Officials of some of the faction al leagues have suggested that his suggestion is fully as much a breach of the intent of Hie pri mary law as I he plan w hereby I hey wished to have the various candidates for delegates designat ed by their presidential alliances. Alien! ion has also been called to the fact that the pairing which the stale ollicial has suggested would be impossible to accomp lish under the present situation. On the democratic ticket, for in stance, there are four Wilson candidates for delegale-at-large, and only three anti-Wilson can didates for those places. Granted that (he suggestion of the sec retary could legally be followed, il would mean that a Wilson can didate in many precincts be paired with the three anli-Wilson men. In other voting precincts the pair ing of candidates for delegales-at-large, as the state ollicial sug gests, would throw two Wilson men and two anti-Wilson men in the same category. In many of the congressional districts of the stale the plan of dividing into pairs would not be feasible be cause of odd numbers -of candid ates in various factions of both the democratic and republican parlies. Several weeks ago il was thought that the arrangement whereby a one or Iwo-word presi- lenlial designation could be put after the candidates' names, would be acceptable to the state ollicial. Taft men, however, objected to that when their progressive brethren declared that they would have the words "La Follette- Rosevelt" follow the names of the men whom they bad II led for the delegate places. The objection appeared so valid in the mind of the secretary of state that he ruled that no designation should be made after the names of the candidates. Smartest SpringClothes you've ever seen; extreme quality; extreme style. Big variety of grays, tans, blues, browns and mixtures of them. Ex ceptional values $13 to $25. Look any time, buy if you feel inclined we won't urge you. fi -Boy's clothes such as you want; such as "stand the racket;" such as cost you enough to be good for service, with lots of style added. Norfolk and double breasted suits. Sailors and Russian suits for small boys. Prices $3.50 to $8.50. fj Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats ' HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. I-!!! I!!JJ J!!! Reports were handed out in the grades today, with the exception of Miss Harrison's school, which will have attention later. Next Thursday the senior class will have charge of the convoca tion and an interesting hour is anticipated. The normal training class will begin observation work today. The class is under the manage ment, of Miss Horning, and, will watch reading in Miss Amelia Mail in's room this afternoon, and the class will be accompanied by Miss Horning or Superintend ent Abbotl. back for (wo or three weeks, owing to the serious illness uf her father, and possibly not this term. Miss Edna Shopp, one of the senior teacher's training class students, has been substituting for Miss Harrison during her absence thus far. Miss Rachel Adams, a graduate of the High school, has been appointed to do Miss Harrison's work until her return and Miss Shopp will stiine her studies. re- At convocation this morning Miss Verna Cole played three superior piano numbers, "The Two Larks," by Leschet iky ; "Hunioreske," by Art Dvorak, and "Ru Martin," by Benjamin God ard. All were most highly ap preciated and heartily encored. Miss ! cache r lendenl Harrison, the First ward 'vhojied lo Hie superin loday that she will not be A COLD, YAGRIPPE, THEN PNEUMONIA Is too often the fatal sequence, and coughs that hang on weaken the system and lower the vital re sistance. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound is a reliable, medicine thai stops the cough promptly by healing the cause; sooths the in flamed air passages, and checks the cold. Keep always on hand. Refuse substitutes. For sale by F. C. Fricke k Co. Forest Rose Flour. The next time you need a sack of flour try a sack. You will find it the be9t on the market. Councilman George Dovey was a passenger to Omaha on Hie fast mail today, where he interviewed the wholesalers for a lime. For Representative. We are requested to announce the name of George W. Olson as a candidate for state representative, subject to the choice of the democratic voters at the pri maries on Friday, April t0lh. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has won its great reputations and extensive sale by its remarkable It can be depended upon. Try it cures of roughs, colds and croup. Sold bv F. (1. Fricke fc Co. Many sufferers from rheu matism have been surprised and delighted with the prompt relief afforded by applying 'Chamber lain's Liniment). Not one case of rheumatism in ten requires any internal treatment whatever. This liniment is for sale by F. 0. Fricke Co. George Fischer in Hie city today at the Perkins. of Murray was and registered Eievt Spring Styles! IN "MILLER-MADE" CLOTHES for Sunday, Monday and Every Day Arc Here HP HERE'S a cleverly styled, and painstakingly constructed "Miller-Made" suit waiting here for you a suit that you can wear to work or to play to church or the theatre. "Miller-Made" Clothes are extremely versatile and men and young men who have this same quality will appreciate them. A point which it might lie well for you to remember in connection with these famous clothes is that they are guaranteed by Miller, Watt &. Co. the makers, and also by ourselves. There is not the slightest chance of your not getting your money's worth and In'ing protected while you're wearing the do! hes. We are ever alert for the most spectacular clothes value we can find and if you are also, you'll visit us at once. Silver Shirts OjR;rai:iJ.a'gaac,aic:s;;rc