The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 21, 1912, Image 6

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    Murray Department
IVIen's Suits S5
If mi y of fie muUra of the Journal kiuxe of a social event or an item of interest in this vicinity and will mail name to this office it will appear under this keadin
'e taint all item of interest. Editor Jour ial.
V an i in V
Murray State Bank
Capital $10,000 Surplus $5,000
CHAS. C. PARMELE, President
F.L NUTZMAN, Vice-President
W. G. BOEDEKER, Cashier
Wc Solicit Your Banking
toTOur Dejwsits are protected by the Depositor's Guaran
tee Fund of the State of Nebraska.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
(Siren Picket was a Plattsmouth
visitor last Sunday.
Mrs. Hay Sniil h is the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Jenkins,
Pert Young has been numbered
with (lie sick for the past week.
Mrs. II. L. Oldham has been
numbered wit h I ho sick this week.
Dr. 15. K. Hrendel was a Platts
mouth visilor last Saturday even
ing. W. (1. Id'owu has been number
ed with the sick for the past few
Mr. aivd Mrs. V. 0. Ilrown were
in Omaha last Saturday evening
and Sunday.
1. A. Young and son, Rex, were
I'ounly seal, visitors Tuesday of
Ibis week.
Charles Spangler has been suf
fering from an attack of the
grippe fur I he past few days.
O, V. Yiruiu was looking after
some business mailers in the
count) sent Tuesday of Ibis week.
The .man win says the roads
are bad is either reflecting on
your , iidgmtut or is questioning
your eyesight.
Mrs. J. V. Merger departed for
1. inci.ii Wednesday, where she
will enter Hie hospital for the.
treat, cut ol rheumatism.
All rt Queen, Lloyd Lewis and
Wayn Lewis were Plattsmouth
visit' s Tuesday evening and
Wedii,'-s(la morning.
Mrn. Alba Young, "from Min
nesol , arrived in Murray Sun
dav f r a few works' visit with
Mum y friends and relatives.
M' . M. I. Allison came up
Saturday fnx Union to spend a
few d:ys with Mr. and Mrs. YV. K.
Dull, el uiiiiii'; home Wednesday.
l'rank Hanker, sister of
,V. K. Dull, arrived this
from Yuungstown, Ohio, to
a few weeks with Mr. and
If it were not. for ths brown and
blackened apples bird life would
be up against it as hard as a
fifteen feet, lasting for nine
months in the year. Statisticians
estimate that there is enough of
this white, wet substance to cover
all the candidates in the coming
campaign from the presidential
down to the aspirant for chief
custodian of corkscrews.
Harold Morton Kramer, Hie
novelist, delivered a lecture in
the Christian church Tuesday
evening. Mis subject was "Here
or Nowhere." His philosophy of
life is pood. The destiny of man
is determined by his will lo do,
not "smokin' and spiltin' " and
"don't, gef blue, but hustle." He
does not falk among the clouds,
but comes down on a dead level
arid gives you something for
everyday use'.
A Journal representative was
unable to visit Murray (his vek,
fearing that the high water and
stormy weather woufd prevent
the (rain from returning .lliat
evening. You may imagine our
surprise when we heard (lie old
M. P. (rain pull into Hie county
seat right, on time that, evening.
Some difTerence over I lie week
previous, five hours fate, thank
you. Should you find the news
items a frille mort interesting
this week it will be no fault of
ours, homo 01 our good Murray
friends did if,.
Mrs. Dull.
Mr and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher
of ' stern Nebraska are the
guoK' of Mr. and Mrs. W. S.
Smil' Ibis week. Mrs. Fletcher
isler of Mrs. Smith.
Wiley and C. M. Read were
' sent visitors Thursday of
eek. They paid the Jour-
nice a brief call and Mr.
renewed for his brother's
at Re, Washington.
Young went to Omaha
'ay, taking Mrs. Alba Young
ho.-;ui;tl. Mrs. Young's
s here will regret very much
-n that it. became necessary
t to enter the hospital for
and Mrs. L. F,. Hnnnard,
east of Murray, were visit
d trudii'g in I he count v seat
day of this week. They
Millers :il the Journal office-,
'ing I heir subscript ion for
is a
thin iial
in r
1 rep
Dr. (iilmore was called to Union
Saturday on professional busi
ness. Mrs. Mary Allison came in from
Union Monday to spend the week
with friends.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
Nick Friedrioh. i.s on the. tick list
this week.
Mr. and Mrs.. William Ilrown
were passengers to Omaha Sat
urday evening..
W imam Ilainey of Platls-
niouth spent Monday iu Murray
attending to business..
Dr. A. K. Walker of Union
passed through hurt! Tuesday on
his way to PlattsmoutU.
IU. I.I I . 1 .
diner rnupoi snipped a car
load of fat cows to. the South
Omaha market. Monday.
Mr. I licks of Lincoln, is now
employed as the binding man at
the Palace livery bam.
lion. William Puis, from Ml.
Pleasant precinct, spent the tore
part of the week in Nebraska
William Wheeler was. ht Lin
coln Tuesday, wheirw Iw alU-nd-ed
the Pryan bampu't,, rvluruiig
home Wednesday..
Kd (iravtfs cam in Crmm Peru
Monday evening for a, tow days'
visit with his parunts, Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Orave.v
Mr. Jas. I, oi mh rid iik' and fam
ily hav moved to tllw old Lough-
ridge homestead, where they will
live for thtf coming year.
Dr. and Mrs. (iilmore accoin
panied their daughter, Helen, lo
Omaha, where sh was operated
on for an enlarged tonsil.
Mr. (Unison of the Dieti Luin
ner company ki omana, was
Iransacting business with Kd-
monds & Urown Tuesday.
M. (1. Church ilt has carved out
a beautiful violin from maple and
spruce pine. It is a piece of
artistic work. Its tone is as bril
liant and as mellow as
Mexican Party.
While Mr. and Mrs. S. O. fir
man were traveling in tne so-mn
and Mexico this winter they wrrp
not forgetful of their friends' at
home, which was plainly shown
Monday evening of this- week,
when they invited a few of their
friends in to spend the evening.
Cards were the amusement' unfiT
about 11 o'clock, when lum-h wns
served. Peach of wine was pass
ed flrsl. Ihal Was made in- Mex
ico, and as the lirhel of I hi' hot'lfe
was in Mexican print' the- guests
were requested' to guess what
(hey were lasting; The second
course was sherberf and raKc. nmf
Hie third consisted' of candV amf
cigaretles, also of Mexican nunviT-
Neighbors of Roy Blunt Are Very
Indignant Over His
While the capture of the
escaped convicts and killing of
two of I hem was a desired sequel
t the man hunt of Monday, the
killing of Roy IMunt, an innocent
farmer boy, who was forced by
I hem to drive them in trying to
mak. their escape, is strongly
condemned by every law-abiding
citizen. And while many condemu
the passes and ollicials who were
in at the killing, the neighbors-of
the yiMing man and those iu
nearest proximity to the territory
through which the convicts made
their way, are strongest in their
denunciation of the hasty dis
patch of the outlaws, when a
small auvouwt of delay and watch
ing of opportunity the same re
sult coulf have been accom
plished b$ sh moling a horse in the
team amf t!he life of young Plunt
would lutfn bin spared.
Sheriff iQiviivton. in speaking of
the matter, remarked that he was
an officer and tvoi on the ground
and won fit' not ay, under the
circunisthnep,. jjirsl what he
would haw dinv though it had
been his- plan- Rill one of the
horses lo sl'op t'h'iTiW- for liberty,
but the flHperatV- character of
Ihe outlaws ought! l'o he taken in
to consiuVrat'iorr lir (he people
he fore lon strcnrlS' ewndemiiiiig
the nll'icer fim- wfuif had hap
' pened.
j The convicts rhv nilmfed to
jfake bolli'mimf and' his wife with
them as ft'ostagi's ;?nif afffr she
!h'ft the lioise ami' started to her
j father's, a-milir. amT a h.ilT away,
jffn convAfi tiiic IWvnt and fid-
Ifuwed his wiri- I'or ha IT a mile;
1'hrn lurned bai'K. to iVis home and
Boy's Suits $1.65
iYSen's Fine Shirts 85c
Boy's Shirts & Waists 25c
What Does It EVJean?
It simply means that we are up against a crowded condi
tion here and are obliged to make room. New goods are
pushing in at the back door at the rate of 300 pounds a day.
The carpenters have set us back 20 feet in front. What can
we do but sacrifice the price in order to move out quickiy all
the last season's stock. There has never been a sale just like
this m Plattsmouth before. It's the least advertised and yet
the best known. Your friends have told you about it. It's
up to you to take advantage of it now and' that right quickly
if you want some of these bargains.
C. E. Wescotf s Sons
Always the Home of Satisfaction
-I forced hnrrtb hu:U mv br (fain
racture. J he cicrareltes wetl and taki- them 01 their way to
tin1 wit"! Albright: Tlte mmir woman
rolled in corn husk's, and
they were made was rruile ffli would
curiosity. Pauline Oldham wop
(he king prize, which was a hamf
made Mexican piece of oott'erv.
and fhe consolation pri-e wn
also a piece of pottery, Vhnre
Pilman winning this number.
Their large circle of friend's irn
eerfamlv glad to Nave ITTr; itmf
Mrs. Pitman home with them
acrain. and "ill' limcr reineiit""
jlhis one eveninir spent wirti them.
The gnosis present' were: Mes
srs. and Mesdames J. W. ITol'nre.
T. J. Ttrendei; V. fT. Rrrmtt.
Tames I,ruo:hridcre, O. X. navfs.
Tlr. and Mrs. ("!. IT', (iilmore. Mis
ses Paulino and Fiiy Oldliam. Mes
srs. Albert Young and Yance Pit
fitixi llnvi" betrr fn the
wagon nail she iwit vmfer Ihe
nrse of" giihg d ffre hen
house far eggs, made hfr rsrape
to her father's home. Thr men
were of'sucn a (fsperafe rhar
aeler Ih'rtf Ihey winil'if have cx
n)sed a dl'fensel'es woman fo Ihe
hnllets- of Clio pwrsiri'irff cifizens
and officers-in orH'er U gain (hoi r
coveted lilWIy.
Ordinary Cathartics and PI J f and
Harsh Physio Cause Dis
tressing Complaints.
Operated oir Today.
Hrovenor Dovoy was attacks!
last evening at (i- o'etock with a
rfangerous form of appendicitis
and was hurried to an Omaha
hospital on the early M. P. tram
this morning and operated upon:
at once. Dr. T. P. Livingston ac
companied him to the hospital,
and" it was his opinion that with
out an operation the patient
woufd not live twenty-four hours..
As siion as the operation was
performed Dr. Livingston 'phoned
to Mr. Dovey that Orovenor had
come fh rough it all' right', and
while not at that time (10:30) yet
recovered from the elTectis of the
ansthel'i'e, yet he felt surer he-
ABLE Is an aAnost certain result of'kid'
ney trouMe. D. Toomey, 803 E.
Olive St., RIoomington, 111.', s-ays-r
'T suffered with backache and'
pains fa my kidneys which' were
almost unbearable. I gave Foley's
Kidney PiTIs a good trial, and'they
ilJone wiindors for me. Todav I
ean do a hard day's work and' not
feci' tira erTeets." For sal6 by F.
'. FrirKe- & Co.
mm proven
Plattsmouth Readers Can No
Langejr Doubt th Evidence.
Land for Sare.
I have 320 acres of r.irnl in
Rawlins county, Kansas, 100
acres fin each ipiarfer tinder
cultivation; all nice, sniiMrfh land;
one-nmirter mile to clVrirrh and
school: located right nt Linda
poslofTlce and 13 m-ilcs from rail
road station-, live miles fo country
sloro. This laud is in n good
neighborhood. Will trade one
quarter for good residence prop
erly in Plattsmouth or will trade
all for eastern Nebraska land.
What have yon for trade? For
further particulars write or in
quire of If. O. Long, Murray, Neb.
uns are seen in flocks of a
od or more in orchards
l they subsist on the
ed apple, left in the Irees
Hugh Hobb ami wife were pas
sengers through Murray from
Union lo Lincoln, via Omaha,
where they will spend a few days
with Mont Robb. steward of the
(irandina Loughirdgo left Tues
day morning ior Oregon, w icre
be will spend a year with her
son, 1 r. V . l. Lougliridge, who
Is now located at Portland. She
was accompanied as far as Oma
ha by her son, James Lovighridge.
The excitement on our streets
after the capture and killing of
the penitentiary mutineers was
at a high pitch Tuesday. The
alroucious and unnecessary kill
ing of Roy nlunt, who under
duress drove the yeggmen, was
condemned in fiery words.
Snow is a white substance
covering the earth from three to
Please Settle Now.
Having sold our yanl to the
Notd Lumber Co. of SI. Joseph,
Mo., we wish lo ak that all per
sons knowing themselves to lie
indebted to us lo pleasr call and
set He their account or make nr
rangements for eurrvimr the
same. Uespect fullv.
Kdmunds & Prown.
Hedge Posts for Sale.
I have 00 good hedge posts for
sale. Lee Nickels, Murray.
This, tmitefuli citizen
Told. fl iju kll rlii.f of last inn?
Tim fuels, air now conllrineiL
tflicl liifstiiimny i.s complete1
tlni iivideiK'f (fonelusive.
ft finrms (fouvineing proif of
Mrs.. S. J. r.aynore, 1201H Arbor
St,'., Omah;, Neb., says:: "My
kid'iwys wrv badly disonfifwd, as
was showTf hy the unnattiiral eon-
dittia of fhe kidney secretions. I
tried various remedies, But did not
not tee any improvement until I
ornrmmred the use of T win's Kid
ney (Mils. Since taking Ihem I
have felt better in eery way and
have I bus been ow-winced that
they are a preparation of merit."
The above statement was given
April 15, 11)00, and on February
, 1009, Mrs. naynore nddetf:
My faith in Doan's Kidney Pitts
remains unbroken. I have no in
clination lo retract one word fnmi
Ihe statement f gave in I00( re
garding my experience with this
For sale hy all dealers. Price
50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co
Pufl'alo, New York, sole agents for
the I'nited States.
Hemember the name Doan's
and take no other.
Leave orders nt Murray State Bank
Address cither Plattsmouth
or Murray.
You cannot be over-carefuf in:
I Fie selection of medicim for
children. Only the very gentlest
bowel medicine should ever he!
given, except iii omergtnoy ca.siW..
Onh'nary pillf- cathautirs and
purgatives aiv apt tin do inonn'
harm Mian good. They may cause
griping nausej and oiilcr dis
trerfsing after wuTects- that are
frequently health-destroying.
V9 personalis recommend amifj wouhf eome out all right
guarantee HcxalTOrderlr'es as thc
sat( and most' .JependiJtlle rem
edy, which we know, for cnnstipai
tioir and assooiiile bowel' dis
orders. Ye have such absolute
fa if ff in Ihe virtues of tins rem
edy fhaf we sell' if on our guar
anfK" f money hack in every in where if finis to- jrive- en-
tire safisfacl ion, and we-urge all'
in iwd nt such medicine in try it'
at orrr risk.
RVra.fl Orderli are- oiiUm- just'
like randy, iu-v panbiiilhrly
prompt and agrwable iiv action,,
may bo faken at any time, day or
night; do not irmso d'jHrrlloeav.
nam, griping,-, excessive loose
ness, or other umlesirable effects.
Thy have a very mild but' positive
aetlwi upon th tn"gans wiiti which
they come in contact, apparently
nerrng as a regualtive tonic upoir
Ihtr relaxed muvrular' of thi
boweF, thus oveiTomiiig weakness,
aiT aiding to trstbre. t'rtrt-bowel
l( more vigorous ami' Healthy
flexall Orderlies eommnniy
ci-mipletely re-lieve const ipation-,
excrpl of course wften of a
surgical character. They a?so
Tfnd (o overoime t he necessity of
constantly taking hixatives fo
keep the bowels in normal' con
dition. Thive sizes of packages,
10 cents, 2I cents and 50 crnts.
Remeniber, you can- obtain Rexal'l
Remedies iii Plallsmoulh only at
our store me iivxan More. r
ft. Fricke- (in., Union HhwR..
Changed at Cullom:.
Tlh" Fnrlington train serviiie-via-
La PTafte and Hellevuo- t'O'
Omahawas resumed today,. Nbi 15
makirjg its usual run, but' being
over an hour late. A lonn-passenger,
returning from the
wresii'mg rnafrli, got off of the
Schuyl'er all Cullom this morniing
about! 5)rl5, expecting to change
cars fi-ir Pfatfsmoulh, hut not
finding a train waiting after the
SchnFer pulled out f6i- Omaha
"phoned in fo knowwhen llo iwuld
get the next train down, and' was
in farmed that the next; train
down would be No. 30- aoutj 8
oYCoclt (his evening.
8uD80rtbe for the Daily Journal
For Infants and Children.
Tha Kind You Have Always Bo'i
Beara the
BlgnKture of
Come here for pure-food groceries. Everything clean
and up-to-date:
Fresh Lettuce, each 5c Easter Egg Dye Packages 5c
" Ripe Tomatoes, per lb. . . . 15c fcpaghettj witn tomato sauce. . iuc
" Cauliflower 20 and 15c Asparagus tips 25c
" Cabbage, per lb 6c Pure Olive Oils 10, 25, 45c
" Grape Fruit, each 15c Onion Salt 15c
u Oranges, per doz. . . 20, 25, 40c Mushroons, each 20, 25, 30c
" Apples, per peek . . 25 and 35c Pimientos, per can 15 and 25c
English Walnuts, per lb 15c Canned Vegetables, per can.... 10c
Pop corn, per box 5c Boiled Cabbage, per can 10c
For Sale.
one Success range and one
combination china closet and
sideboard., Moth good as new.
Call or address,
Mrs. YV. fl. Prown, Murray, Neb.
If In need of fancy stationery
give the Journal a call. We carry
a full line.
We have nothing but fresh tested seeds in stock. Get
a package of Cabbage or Tomato seed now and start a box
of plants in the house, so you will have them ready when
gardening time comes.
Corner. Sixth and Main St. yJAones 2&.y