UNDER THE LAW REWARDS CANNOT II DEMI BE ACCEPTED Bl OFFICERS CF UW Numerous Authorities are Cited to Show That the Salary or Fees k the Only Compensation Allowed the Officers Would Save Much Hard Feelinjf Over Reward for Convicts. The question of the collection of the reward and to whom it should go of $700 on each of the murderous convicts which escaped from the penitentiary a week ago by shooting down the deputy and warden has been quite extensive ly agitated through the news papers of the state. Some there are among oflicials who it is slated would lay claim to the re ward. Ft is a general proposition of law that when a man lakes an oath as an officer, and the com pensation or remuneration of the office is a stipulated salary, such as is generally the case with sheriffs and police officers, as well as judges, all of the duties of the office are to he performed for the salary fixed by law, nnd none can accept any fee or re ward above their salary. Montgomery . II. Troop, a recognized authority in his work on "Public Officers," at section No. 48!), says: "It is evident that where a reward has been offered, by the public authorities or by an individual, for a service which is in the line of an officer's duty, he T E From Wednesday'! Dalli. Ice Gorge at Papio Creek, Which Crosses Eurllngton Tracks Be tween La Platte and Bollevue. The Miii'linglon I rain service was .somewhat deranged I his morning on account' of an ice gorge at Hie Papio creek, which crosses I he tracks between La Plalle ami l!clleue. The creek was so swollen that two miles of track were under water. The local switch engine crew went over the I rack last night wild the road 'master and arrived tin the vjllage of Papio to, see the town under water, the water be ing almost to the window sills. In one instance Hie citizens had placed long timbers, one end on a table, in nn old lady's dwelling and were bringing her to land; she was about 80 years old. On account of the condition of the track No. (5 did not run this morning and I he switch engine and crew substituted for No. 15, taking the Omaha passengers to Pacific Junction to catch No. 5 from the cast. Road Master Em merson and A. F. Iledengren, with i). S. Johnson's crew, went lo the scene of the trouble at :I5 this morning. Children are more likely to contract the contagious diseases when hey have colds. Whooping cough, diphtheria, scarlet, fever and consumption are diseases that are often contracted when the child has a cold. That is why all medical authorities say beware of colds. For the quick cure of colds you will find nothing better than Chamberlain's Hough Rem edy. It can always be depended upon and is pleasant nnd safe to lake. For sale by F. H. Fricke A Co. Home Experience. Knowledge is the result of ex perience. v iaV(. (, ,.y many things- before we reach the de sired result. The same was done by our forefathers. All herbs and vegetables were tried until it was decided which of Iheni should be used as food, which as feed and which as medicine. Kuril genera iion milled to this knowledge until the present science of medicine was developed. Different herbs were combined to make their ef fect upon the human body larger nnd quicker. In this way the well known remedy, Triner's American F.lixir of Hitler Wine, was found. It look many experiments before this high-class remedy was brought to its present perfection. II should lie employed in diseases of the digestive organs, in loss of nppelite and strength, in con stipation, headache, nervousness. Al drug stores. Jos. Triner 133.1-i:i:t! So. Ashland Ave.! Chicago. III. For Sale. Some good first-class prairie bay, on farm eight miles west of Plallsmnulh. R. L. Props!, Myiinrd. BURLINGTON SEHVIC DERANGED cannot claim the reward, al though he may have performed the service." At section No. 482 of the same work Troop says: "So a sheriff is not entitled to any compensa tion beyond the statutory fees and salary, if any, for his per sonal attentions to bis prisoners." In a later section the same author says: "The rule that a public officer, whose duty it is to detect or arrest offenders, cannot have a reward, offered by the public or by an individual, for the detection or arrest of a particular offender, has been decleared and applied in many American cases." It would appear from the fore going that the officers who have signified their willing to turn their claim for reward over to the widow of Roy Blunt, to in a measure compensate her for her loss, have in reality no claim to turn over. Apart from anything that the officers did, the lady may be entitled to the reward, as she it was who first telephoned the news to T. II. Pollock, and be to Sheriff Hyers as to the exact loca. I ion of (he bandits. In County Court. The court was engaged today hearing the case of Mrs. Sarah McKlwain against the Piatt, Mutual Insurance company. A number of witnesses gave testi mony, the more important ones being Mrs. McKlwain and her son, It. A. McKlwain for Hie plaint iff and II. R. Hering for Hie defend ant. The case was tried to the court with a jury, A. L. Tidd ap pearing for the plaintiff and Hon. J). O. liwyer for the defendant. The case is being hotly contested and watched with interest, as there are other cases similarly situated, the holders of claims anxiously await ing the outcome of the present case before rnmmenc. ing a suit against the same de fendant. The defense in Hie present, case is that the, policy was canceled and the company not liable (in that ground. The ''Child's Welfare" move ment has challenged the atten tion of thoughtful people every where. Mothers are natural sup porters, and will find in Foley's Honey and Tar Compound n most valuable aid. Coughs and colds that unchecked lead to croup, bronchitis and pneumonia, yield quickly to the healing and sooth ing qualities of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. For sale by F. H. Fricke & Co. Over the $5,000,000.00 Mark. Twenty-four years of suc cessful business career sees the Old Line Hankers Life Insurance company of Lincoln with over $5,100,000.00 in assets, nil in vested and making good earnings on first farm mortgages. This is a Nebraska company and their sound condition should sound good to Nebraska people. If they have made good for the past Iwenly-four years, what will keep I hem from making just as good or even belter in the next twenty four years? They are still mak ing one of the most liberal policies of any insurance com pany doing business in the stale, and should receive I he patronage of those seeking safe invest ments in Ihe insurance line. FREE HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION. I have arranged lo get a rale or Jf.lO.OO round trip to Dermolt, Arkansas, on the second day of May, where we have 15,000 acres of fine farm lands for sale. Those buying land while there will have I heir railroad fare returned. For further particulars apply to or write, T. L. Amiek, Mynard, Neb. See lu exhibit at J. L. Russell's Riley Hotel Par. INITIAL STATIONERY AT LESS THAN COST The Journal has 32 boxes of that exlra line English twill in itial stationery thai has been sell ing for 00 cents that we want to close out at HO cents per box. The letters we have on hand are as follows: I (1, 2 E, 2 J, 2 I, 2 II. .1 N. 1 L, 1 K. 1 V, 1 S.'2 R, 2 P. These are the old English style letter and the finest grade linen paper. ADDRESSES iIIHO DISH. II D. C. Interesting Talk Monday Evening to Members of the Young Men's Bible Class. County Attorney G. II. Taylor delivered an interesting talk of thirty minutes Monday evening to the members of the Y. M. B. C. of the Methodist church on the sub ject of "Individuality." He ela borated on the theme of the per sonal unit, in the home, in busi ness and in society. Mr. Taylor said in part: "The individuality of man is the moving factor of society. Every advancement in industrial or social life comes from the in dividual. It is not the mind of the community or the mind of society that conceives the me chanical invention, or social re form. It is the individual exer cising those personal powers with which we are all endowed. In deed, the source of man's power is his individuality." In speaking of the good to be accomplished for the w hole of -society by the individual, the speak er particularized on the life, of William Lloyd Harrison, who per formed such notable service for the black race in championing the cause of liberating the slaves. He recounted the early education, or lack of it, and the lowly sur roundings of the youth of Har rison; yet it remained for the strong individuality of this ycnilh to awaken the consicenecs of the people of this country to the great wrong of slavery. Four millions of human beings were being held down by. the cruel 'shackles of servitude. The matchless work of Harrison and his individual ef forts alone were largely instru mental in awakening society to the wrong if was permit I ing to exist. There was a large attendance at the meeting and the address of Mr. Taylor was very much ap preciated by I hose who heard it. A COLD, YAGRIPPE, THEN PNEUMONIA Is loo often the fatal sequence, and coughs that hang on weaken the system and lower Ihe vita! re sistance. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound is a reliable medicine that stops the cough promptly by healing the cause; sooths ih in flamed air, passages, nnd. checks Ihe cold. Keep always on hand. Refuse substitutes. For sale by F. fl. Fricke & Co. Sheriffs Feel Rather Sore. Itecause the Misouri Pacific railway was so arbitrary in its treatment of the sheriffs of Rich ardson, Nemaha and Otoe coun ties during the excitement on Monday, those model officers of the law will no longer do "free gratis fer-nnthin"' work for the Missouri Pacific as I hey have so often done in the past. The company "held up" the sheriffs for $lf)i for the special train run from Falls City to Union and then refused to take Ihe checks of the gentlemen un til they had been cashed at Union. They were also tardy in their ar rival and altogether made Mes srs. Fenton, Jones and Fischer "pretty tired," as I hey expressed themselves. It has been Hie custom of these three diligent officials to do con siderable work for the M. P. com pany at different limes without any thought of or hope for re muneration. It is believed that the company, in Ihe future, will lie compelled to do its own de tective work, at least insofar as Otoe county is concerned. Ne braska City Press. It. H. Collins, Postmaster, Harnegat, N. J., was troubled with a severe lagrippe cough. He says: "I would be completely exhausted after each fit of violent coughing. I bought a bottlo of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and before I had taken it all the coughing spells had entirely ceased. It can't be beat." For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. In From Cedar Creek. O. L. Meisinger nnd two sons, Lawrence and Hlen, from near Cedar Creek, were in the city to day, coming down on Ihe Schuyler for a few hours' visit with county seat friends. Mr. Meisinger call ed at the Journal office to renew for his paper and also for his father, J. H. Meisinger. They re lumed home this nflernoon. You can say goodbye lo con stipation with a clear conscience if you use Chamberlain's Tablets. Many have been perrniancntly cured by their use. For salo by F. H. Fricke, & Co. 2B2531EBB2 AGAIN THE SEASON IS CHANGING AGAIN NEW CLOTHES TIME IS HERE! WHY not purchase early this time? Why not get the very best pick out of the very best line? Why not see things when they are better to look at them at any other time, and when the possibilities for making a wise choice are greatest. We are making our fir.t showing of "Miller-Made" suits and overcoats. If you have known them before, you can expect more than ever in style and value. If you haven't known them, you can expect more of the features you like than you have ever before seen for the price. Snappy Clothes $Sand Up Watch Our Windows mm University Shoes $3.50 and $1 THE i iviuru Your Money Bac kfor the Asking. . You Promise Nothing. ' - We are 'so 'confident that we can furnish relief for indigestion and dyspepsia that we promise to supply Ihe medicine free of all cost lo every one who uses il ac cording lo directions who is not perfectly satisfied with the re sults. We exact no promises and put no one iiinler any obligation whatever. Surely nothing could be fairer. We are located right here where you live, and our reputation should be sufficient as surance of the genuineness of our offer. We want every one who is troubled with indigestion or dys pepsia in any form I come to our store ami buy a box of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets. Take them home, and give them a reasonable trial, according to directions. If I hey don't please you, tell us and we will ipiickly return your money. They have a very mild but positive action upon the organs with which they come in contact, apparently acting ns a regulative Ionic upon the relaxed muscular coat of the bowel, thus overcoming weakness, and aiding to restore the bowels lo more vigorous and healthy activity. Three sizes, lTm Sue and iM.no. Remember, you can obtain Rexall FTTFORM 41 CLOTfirf CAN OU ASK MORE? IHi 0LLY5 "MILLER-MADE" STORE IJHTJfflS GEESE Remedies only at our store The Rexall Store. F. (1. Fricke & Co., Union Hlock. Very Lengthy Ballot. Here is the order in which the names of candidates for office at the slate primary election, April ID, will appear on the ballot, ac cording to the formula thai Sec retary Wait has made up to send to county clerks: Preference for president. Preference for vice president. Preference for United Slates senator. Presidential electors. Const ilul ion a I amendments. (iovernor. Uieulenanl governor. Secretary of slate. Auditor of public accounts. Stale treasurer. Superintendent of public in struction. Attorney general. Commissioner of public lands and buildings. Railway commissioner. Congressmen. Slate senators. Slate representatives. National committeeman. Delegates-at-large lo national convent ion. District delegates lo national convention. F.d Kirkpatrick of Nehawka was a county seat visitor yesterday looking afler business matters at the court house. YOU'LL find it really enjoyable to drop in here some day and look through our display of Spring Suits and Ov ercoats. We've never shown so many garments nor such fine ones. $10 and up to $30. New blocks ready in Men's Spring hats. Showing the points of style which make a new hat instantly recog nizable. Chamios $3. Stetson $4 and $5. Manhattan Shirts New Spring Silver Shirts $1.25 HOW COLDS CAUSE KIDNEY DISEASE. Partly by driving blood rrom the surface and congesting the kidneys, and partly by throwing too much work upon I hem. Foley Kidney Pills strengthen the kid neys, give lone to the urinary organs and restore the normal action of the bladder. They are tonic in action, quick in results. Try them. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Funeral of Mrs. Calder. The remains of Mrs. Calder, ac companied by a party of Lincoln relatives and friends, arrived at the Uurlinglo'n station at 1:15 this afternoon. Rev. L. W. Hade and a number of Plallsmouth friends met them at the station. Rev. Hade conducted a short funeral service at. the cemetery. The pall-bearers were: Council man Cicorge Dovcy, William Bal lance, Dan Smith, Robert Sher wood, sr., Walter While and W. J. Slreight. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has won its great reputations and extensive sale by its remarkable cures of coughs, colds and croup. It can be depended upon. Try it. Sold by F. H. Fricke & Co. Forest Rose Flour. The next time you need a sack of flour try a sack. Yon will find it the best on the market. Stetson Hals