HEIGHTS AND DEPTHS DIVINE Faster Russell en tha All-Par-vad.ng Lova of God. BIDS FAREWELL TO BOMBAY- Preacher Sees Hopeful Signs That the Religious Sentiment of India Will Be Illumined With the True Light Di vine Power Will Be Exercised to Awaken the People to an Under standing of the Glory of Cod. A 7 I fPASIOli (?TJSSTir) lionibay. Feb. . Tbe Committee of tbe International Itlblo Student k As soelation for the in vestigation of For-i-Ijin Missions have spent three weeks id India and trav elled over three thousand ml let. The seven mem bers divided tbe work amongst themselves at the various stopping points and will eolabor ill the report. VV'c report today's dis course It) the V. M. C. A. Auditorium by I'nstor Knssoll. the Chairman of tbe Committee, us follows: I bud a great liferent In your land and Its people lie fore coming to your shores, but my luterest has been greatly Increased by what I have wit nessed during the past three weeks in India -not only In your largest cities, but also In your towus. villages and agricultural districts. As there are no other extremes in the world so great as lie) ween the caps of your Himalaya mountains and the wash of your coral Ht rands. J!t.(Kl() feet below them, so likewise there can le found no greater contrast socially and financially then between your wealthy princes and your poverty iilrlckon lower castes. Although such contrasts are deplora ble we have no remedy to suggest, ex cept the Divine one the establish ment of Messiah's Kingdom. Sympnthy Misapplied. Meantime, If poverty be favorable to salntslilp. there should be excellent material In abundance here. Indeed, one of the things w hich has Impressed me Is the religious sentiment of India. The religious fervor of the thousands who bathe In the Ganges, and the numerous temples nnd shrines In every city, remind me of Saint l'uul's words respecting some of tils day: "feeling after God. If Imply they . might Hud Mm" The two thousand temples and shrines of the one city of llenares speak volumes for the religious senti ment of the people and. although I have remarked of your hundreds ot millions of hopelessly poor. 1 have not overlooked the fact that some of your wealthy have shown that they are not without generous Instincts. Many ot your merchant princes have evidently given largely to the charitable Institu tions, notably In Itoinbny; and I would not overlook tbe fact that In one of your great cities large nnimal hospitals have been provided for decrepit chick mm, donkeys, horses, etc. However we tuny consider such sympathy mis applied, In view of human need and HtifTerlmr. we cannot overlook the fact that sympathy is there only waiting for the proper direction which Mes siah's Kingdom will shortly give. J it your own grand Itotnbny I noted with astonishment the Towers of Si lence, where the Parse element of your population gives the tlesh of Its dend to feed the vultures. Alas! my soul cries out. Is not such heroism worthy of a better cause would not these I 'a ires make wonderfully faith ful Christians. If they but had the blessing of the true Light? Mow I re joice In t ho Irivlno promise that the true Light of the world shall yet light en every man that cotmth into the 'world: iJobn I, 0.1 Mow glad I am that now i see the Divine provision for the hundreds of millions of India and ot the Whole world to come to a knowledge of the glory of Cod, under tbe uplifting of the Kingdom of Mes siah! And how I rejoice to believe It la near, even nt ttip doors Just behind a terrible time of trouble and anarchy. which India will not escape: Heights and Depths Divine. lint I must not dwell too much on tbe dark side of India's picture; you know it tisi well already. I will allow the wonderful heights of the Himalayas from your sea shore to draw our ntteu tlon to the Apostle's words respecting "the heights nnd depths, the lengths and breadths of the Love of Hod. which pasHcth all understanding " That Is the text of my parting words to India. In the past our forefathers studied God's Word with the light of tallow candle, or of a pine knot, or of a smoking lump; now we may uearch the Scriptures In the clear, .steady light of ttte electric lamp, which brings us utmost noon day bright ticks. Correspondingly, we dud beauties In the Divine Word and Plan which our forefathers of the day of the tallow dip could not discern. Once we be lieved with onr forefathers that God's love was merely for the "elect." saintly lew. aud that the non-elect. In Ms dis pleasure, lie bad doomed to eternal Buffering. Now we see the same bless ings as ever for ho "elect," but other blessings for tbu uon-eloct. the world -artbly blewdngs of restitution to hu man perfection and to on earthly Eden, world-wide Our forefathers saw the height of Cod's love for the holy angels and its condescension to the saintly of men. but they did not see its depths. They did not see that the Kcdcmption accom plished by Jesus Is ultimately to reach down to and embrace the very humblest and most degraded of human kind How the precious Scriptures which tell of .lesus as the Saviour of the world, as well as of the Church, escaped our notice, who can explain? Put surely glad are we that now we can see clearly that the Itodeemer is ,1 Propitiation for our sins, the Church's sins, und not for ours only, but also for the sins of the v. hole world. This fuller appreciation of the lengths and breadths and heights and depths of love Divine is coming to Christian people ns a benediction from heaven. Just at the time when many are Highor-Critically repudiating the Illble and Its God as unworthy of be lief. The true view of Cod's Word we have Intimated, namely, that all the families of the earth are to be blessed by Messiah's Kingdom, and that the Church. In process of election for the past eighteen centuries. Is to be sharer with her Lord In that King dom. Is It any wonder that this glori ous view of our Creator and His plan for human salvation Is Inspiring sanc tifying to the hearts of all who have the hearing ear to receive It! Is It not In full accord with the earliest state ment of the Gospel. Through thy Seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed?" Is It not the claim of the Church and of the lllble that the saint ly believers of the Gospel Age consti tute the spiritual Seed of Abraham, the lirlde of Messiah, "the Hotly or Christ which Is the Church?" And have we not also the assurance, "If ye be Christ's, then are ye' Abraham's Seed, and heirs according to the promise V" Galatians 111. Pi. 1!0. From the Horrible Pit. Another view or the heights nnd depths of God's love Is that which rec ognizes us as a race fallen from hu man perfection Into the mire of sin whose quicksands are swallowing up mankind at the rate of itO.OOO every day. The Divine Program shows two salvations for the groaning creation. The lirst of these Is the most wonder ful; It Is now In progress, and we urge all who have the hearing ear to lay aside every weight ami every besot ting sin that they may attain this spe cial salvation offered to the Church. Hy faith, through the medium of ex ceeding great and precious promises. God Is now lifting the obedient "elect" from the original pit of sin and death, from the mental degradation In which we all were as Adam's race; and to some extent they are being lifted also physically from this degradation. The transforming work begins with each believer In .lesus who presents himself a living sacrifice to walk in tho Master's footsteps. Eveo thoug'.i these may not generally be of the wealthy nnd educated and higher so cial classes, the power of the Holy Spirit operating through the Divine promises gradually beautifies- not only the characters but to some extent the features of those who rejoice to take up their cross and follow the Savior. However uncouth and rude or care less or savage they may have been be fore, the transforming Influence of the Holy Spirit develops In them the fruits of the spirit meekness, gentleness, pa tience, lorigsufferliig. brotherly-kindness, love; nnd these things continuing in them and abounding more and more, ami attesting their faithfulness unto death, make these neither barren nor unfruitful In the knowledge of Cod und In the character-likeness of Jesus: nnd hence the Resurrection change will usher them into the everlasting King dom of their Saviour to be sharers lu His glory, honor nnd Immortality far above angels, principalities nnd pow ers nnd every name that Is named Do we not here see wonderful depths from which these are rescued nnd won derful heights to wbclv they are yet to be lifted by Divine grace nnd Its ar rangements on their behalf. Surely all mauklnd who see this glorious ar rangement of our God enn glorify Him on this account. God's Original Design to Be Carried Out For the world a somewhnt similar nnd yet very different blessing Is outlined In the Divine Plan of the Ages. Our poor race lu some quarters of tho world. fallen from the Image of God almost to tho level of the brute, sadly needs the uplifting, restricting, restitutlonnry Influences which Messiah's glorious Kingdom will bring to them. To what heights will man be raised? Oh, not so high ns the Church, tbe elect Pride of the Lnml not so high ns cherubim or even ns angels, but very high, never theless back to all that was lost In Eilen. How our hearts glow with gratitude toward God ns we perceive that Ills original design for Ills human crea lures Is yet to be carried out to the letter! "Ms Word that Is gone forth ouf of Ms mouth shall not return unto Mm void, but It shall prosper In the thing whereunto He sent It." (Isaiah Iv. 11.1 He said. "Let Us make man In Our Image;" nnd when he was made the Divine Judgment expressed was that he was "very good," only "a little lower than the angels." (Hebrews 11 7.1 Moreover, he was crowned with glory nnd with lienor In n sense that the angels were not crowned, for mnn was made the king, the ruler, the Dl vine representative of all the lower creatures of the earth. As we rend "Thou didst set him over the works of Thy hands all sheep and oxen, yen. nnd the benst of the field, the fowl of the air and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the path of tbo seas." -IVa I in viit. 0-8. This Godlikeness In the flesh and this Divine authority associated with It has leen marred aud much of It has been lost The six thousand years or the reign of sin and death have not changed the Divine Intention. On the contrary, the human family has bceu multiplying: it has been given valu able lessons on the exceeding sinful ness of sin; it has learned to know nil first. Next it must be brought to a knowledge of good and to an nppre elation of Divine mercy. This will come to mankind during the thousand years of Messiah's reign, in which not only the living will tie blessed with knowledge and with recovery from the power of death, but gradually all that have gone down to the tomb shall come forth, that they may be raised up. up, up again to the perfection of life, and fully lire again at the end of the thou sand years. Revolution xx. 5. In the Ages to Come. Nor will the lengths aud the breadths of Divine love toward the elect Church, the Pride of Christ, be fully exhibited to angels and to men, even during tho glorious period of Messiah's reign. Saint Paul explicitly declare., "that In the Ages to come He might shew tho exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us through Christ Jesus." U it asked what onnortuuitr there will be for further favors to be cJ bestowed upon the Church at the con- M elusion of the Millennial reign? We answer that as the Scriptures declare t lint Gotl formed the earth not in vain fA but made it to be inhabited, ami will make It glorious as His footstool in due time, so ft'n iiimv !(:! so 1 1 with resneet to, fi the oilier phi nets of our solar system. Gradually through coining Ages Divine i 3 power will lie excrctseii in nnnging lint being millions of Intelligent creatures on every planet of our system. And still more than tliis, if our astro mimical concepts are correct, all the Used stars are suns, ami around each sun are planets. Are there, then, a thousand blazing suns? Yes. more, Are there ten thousand? Yes. more. Are there ten limes ten thousand? Yes. more! Are there ten lime a hundred thousand, a million? Yes. more! Are 9 tri ti ti ti New Gin T -v. 9 GiNGHAI m ii wp. X ?.'V rt GINGHAE8S . You will be surprised when you see the Beautiful Pat- terns we can show you in our 10c Ginghams. it Fifty Patterns to Select From! S f 9 YUAN HOLES ALL GiiiMA ii! to Ms President, SAME AGOPTED FQS COUNTRY there ten times ten millions, a hundred millions? Yes, and more! And if we i A allow an average of ten planets to eacn. sun this would make more than a thou sand million planets, ull made not lu vain, but eventually to bo Inhabited. And astronomers assure usf that we bave every reason to believe that if we could stand upon the very farthermost sun or our knowledge we would see .... many millions more beyond. Alas! our poor minds uro bewildered' with such Immensity, with such mani festations of the lengths nnd breadths of Divine Power and Wisdom, even as we have already been bewildered In our attempt to appreciate the-lengths and breadths and heights ucd depths of Divine Love'. Will tiler not In deed.'then. be unite a mifllclenr-y of the Divine Program to be outworked through Christ and the Church to Jus tify the Apostle's statement that in.( the Ages to come Gotl will manifest fjfjjfo "cClQIlS UV .. ... . it:.. ..h.w... I..' lue exceeding ricnes in in bwuw His loving kindness town-! us lit Christ .lesus? India's Shore In God' Grace. India's hundreds of millions have not gone to a bell of hopeless despair and endless torture! Thank God, no! They have gone to the sumo hell to which Jesus went, the same to which, the Apostles and Prophets went, the same to which all manklnJ. both good' und bad go the Rible ic)l. the tomb, the state of leath-irott In the Old Testament Hebrew, und huilrs. In the New Testament Greek. They are all asleep, unconscious, until the morning of the resurrection. Thus "Abraham, slept with his fathers." as did Kings; David ami Solomon, nmi nil. both gooil and bad. Thus .lesus' friend. I.a.arus, fell iisbep and was awakened by tlx?- Saviour on the fourth day. called forth; from the tomb. Thus also Saint Ste phen, stoned to death, fell asleep; and Saint Paul speaks of mankind In tho tomb ns sleeping In .lesus. nnd of tha Church ns being asleep lu Christ. In tho glorious morning of the New Dispensation, inaugurated' by Messi ah's Kingdom, the awukenlng of man kind will gradually proceed. Our Sav ior Informs us that His Church. th elect Pride, will constitute thp First Resurrection, nnd thnt subsequently nil that sleep In the dust of the earth shall come forth, "every mnn in bis own order." In his own rank. Even tually all shall be brought forth nnd thus Sicol will be no. more, Radr shall be destroyed ns th Scriptures say, "Ob. Sheol. I will b thy destruction!" (Hosen xlll, 14.1 Our Lord declares that He has the keys of Hades tho rightful authority to open tbe tomb and ultimately release nil the prisoners of sin nnd death and to grant them restitution privileges under Ms Mes sianic Kingdom, which first of all will bind Satan and overthrow his King dom of darkness nnd sin, ignorance and superstition. As for those who will ultimately re ject Divine favor, the message Is that thoy shall die the Second Death. From It there will be no redemption, no res. urreotlon, no recovery. As Saint Peter declares, they shall perish like natural brute beasts. It Is time that wo should begin to magnify God's Love, the lengths and breadths nnd heights nnd depths of which are beyond all human apprecia tion. As we do this our benrts are en larged; our lives nro ennobled; the grace of Oml Is shed abroad in our hearts; the light of Divine Truth shines out from our words nnd conduct more and more. Thus we become copies of God's denr Son, llttlo by little, In tho spirit of our minds; and thus we are tit ted and prepared for a abnre with Mm In Ms glorious Kingdom which shnli bring In Restitution uplift from sin ml death for Adam and bis race. acts 111, 10-21. jjL ww U SL li cr; MM SyJyli POWER ull C8 Nation Will Be Officially Entitled "the Great Republic of China," to include All Its Provinces Many Proposals on Capital. Peking, Feb. 26. TJi government is preparing an elaborate reception for the delegation of republicans who are coming here under ths leadership ot Tang Shao Yi from. Nauklng to notify Yuan Shi Kul of his election aa presi dent of the republic. The people however, seem to ho Indifferent re specting the momentous visit. Telegrams have b'ien received from Tarlous sections o tbe country om bodylng various proposals with respect to the. future capital. It Is believed that Yuan Shi Kal U secretly inspiring thin with the. obiwet of dividing the south on the mutter of the location of the capital. While Yunn Sh! Kal realizes tbe im perativeness ot uniting the nwintry. he Is proceedtus; confidently tn the knowledge chat he guHsussu tTui means-of mmverting or politically de tenting his (lynnnents. Apparently the country is very strongly in favor of Yuan Shi Kai'ns president. Many sol diers, who n:-c not republican, have given their full adherence to tile presi dent elect, ami Yuan Shi'Kai holds the confidence c.f both Munch us and Chi nese, whlcU indicates that the- sus picions that-tin was double dealing for the court's overthrow were unwar ranted. The new government' has decided that (lie ctitmu v sliair Hereafter be of ficially styled "The Great Repnblic or China," tho word' "great" being intend ed to Include Thibet, TuTkestarti Mongolia and Manchuria. It has prac tically been- decided to convert the Forbidden- City into' a government en closure, where all the offices will be situated. When the empress dowager and thu emperor depart, the extensive grounds about the winter palace will he-converted into-a public park. TWO STORMS THIS WEEK Weekly Bulletin of Weatmjr Bureau predicts Ram or bnow.. Washington.. Feb. lit!. Two storms or rain or snow, or both, are predicted to eros the country this week, hy the weekly bulletin of the weather bu ream A dltsurhun;e central, in the south- wet will advance to tU Ohio val'ey today and nio.ve to the St. Lawrence vallev. It will be attetwied by general precipitation over the Mississippi val lev und 'he region east, tho preclpita r.ioa being In the l'oinv of rain In Bouth- und sr.ow and in in. la nortnern states. TWa disturbance v;.ll h- followed uy a change to co'.t'er s. ;Ukt over all ";;tricls east of t'ic Ilocky mountains, rut It will be s'.;ort duration, aud it ?a probable iVat rising t. mperature -.ill overyprrr.tl tti' plains states to morrow and the ' astern half of tho r oantry .y the mioM!c of the week. Th next goivral disturbance to. .-ross the cnuntr will appear in the far wcrt on Wednesday or Thursday, cross the middle west nhonf Friday smd the eastern tntes near tho close of the week. It probably win be at tended hy gen-K-.il rains, although hiiows are likely ii the northern states Fifty Killed in Bei.-Mt. Constantinople, Feb. 2(l.-At:cording to the latest dispatches from Holriit, the forts, the corvette Avnlllah and a torpetlo boat replied to tha Italian fire' during the bombardment. The AvnH lih was struck and soon was In flames. The torpedo bn;U was sunk. No fewisr than fifty persons were killed. Feudist Sentenced to Death. Uardwell, Ky.. Feb. 2li Willard Ilirhardson, who killed John Violent lu Carlisle cta.nty and who has been threatened by three different mobs since his arrest, waiv tried1 at, Bard well and sentenced ts death. aim His Only Worry. Grapht.er I've got my hooks out for a swell political office, big salary and all that. .lenklns-Do you think yo can fill it? Graphier-Never thought of that. What's worrying me is wheth er I'll be able to gt It PtiladeiDbiH Ledger. - Better HaSu es al the Price! Fanger's department Store! MT A sample line just received the latest creation of Ladies' Spring Coats and Suits made in the latest colors and styles. Be sure and see our east window. We also have a few Ladies' Winter Coats and Suits, which will be sold regardless of cost of values. Ye Have Just Received a Hew Line of the Very Latest Ginghams! We have a few Winter Overcoats nnd Suifs left over from our Winter stock. We will sell them now regardless of cost of value. It will pay you to buy an Overcoat or Suit if you need one in a year. tayWe have a complete line of Men's, Ladies' and Children's Shoes we guarantee and repair them free of charge the first time. JW'Remember this is the store which offers you the best bargains in the community, and if goods are not satisfactory money will be gladly refunded. 1 THE HOME OF GUARANTEED VALUES H" "' 1 r. . ZUeECEe, Manager ii a