The- Platisniouth - Journal Published Semi-Weekly at PUttsnuutli, Nebraska t,H5 R. A. QAT3, Publisher. Kn lured at the l'ostollico at I'lattsmouth, Nebrsska, as second-1'lasB mailer. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE it?" -! -CSV - Mr. Huhm-vcII wfii hi run r( . iml si raw utr Hu llo' I'diiii'.iil li'i mi HI) 1 1 i I T l!,;i'e II HuV,,-IT, I stand intr wii c pfi 1 1 1 1 1 jal. II' Hi" hall: lull Irusl men Iry for an i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 ' y lial li much Inn;;- j roil fur it Ihey will I into IhiI water, ! he is in The In-al dI Hie campaign is hem' fell somewhat, nolliwilh slari'liii:; winter is not, over yet. (lonsiileriuK' all the hrlii-u i tdioy hae mil, in (Ihieawo, il is a very unsafe place for policemen. The report. Ilial file Chinese have come mil for Roosevelt is Articulated In make r. Sun trem ble for his job. "Marse-1 Waller.son doesn'l tnimJ hciiip culled "line gentle man," Iml like so many of us, lie draws I he line al "old." Why expiel, people to ilevofe lime to Hie st udy of literal lire, when Ihey liaven'l yel read over lh lasl, telephone directory? A presidential 1 1 i 1 1 n i i i k rod thai remains up for over a year ame lo i :o : law" ''Iml. M'nail as -li.-uhl in Ill' oHiee- lli.rliilri o.liier. ikes a lare amoiinl of eon- nie persun In belies e I hal, ler than In'.- neighbor. Wonder if Mike isn't "sorry that he spoke so loud? Mike is "some" in veiling his foot in it. :o: (ioviTiimenl control of rail mads has no terror for railroad owners. They own the govern ment also. :o : We suspect that Aunt Delia had not been in I he While house more t han a day before discovering I hat I he kilchen slnvc needed black ing. :o: If Hie democrats can find some H'ood. competent man for slate nidilor in the western part of the ale il will prove a great tiling ir the parly. I'.ut if we are coin idled to support u man with no ecord at all, look out for break is. generally shows signs of wear by the time the storm comes along. :o: - It is said t hat the price of I he aeroplane will soon lie in the reach of everyone. It usually is after a fellow gels a tumble in it. A Cinciimiil i man found nine pearls worth $100 each in a single oyster, yel some people will con tinue, to kick alioul the high prices of food. On those blue days when you despair of the future of the re public, just try washing Hie ollici windows and see how much bellei you feel. After careful reading of I he congressional proceedings we fail to see. anvlhing about the ad vocates of a subsidy. Have Ihey .subsided'.' How ran Ihey expect to enlargi the. circulat ion of I he Congees sional Hecord until Ihey make it Hie right size to line I lie bureau drawer with? Roosevelt is not nearly .so strong with his parly right now as 'he, was eight years ago, ami no one knows (his any bet lor than Mr. Hnosevcll. himself. :o: One good way for your wife to pay a part of I he hill for her new xpring gown 18 to gel. a $50 prizo for one of these articles on "How- to Dress on $50 a Year." :o: From I he w ay people are get ling all "hoi up" over polities, wc expert, to see one or Iwo hanging around this olllco (he night of No vetnher 5 to learn if the people have gone and done il. :o:- Washington's birthday in ivy he a perfectly safe subject for con gressmen, hut they must, discuss vouic more, recent matters if they hope, to quiet old Pro llono Pub lim in the country papers. :o: Talk of perjury as a result of the testimony at the trial of tho indicted beef packers in Chicago is all well though; hut il would be u good idoa to bring the pros- en!, interminable hoof trial to n fdnsc before slat-ling a lot more. .Mr. Tafl, may be, as claimed, a progressive- al heart, but on the great issue of his administration, the making of a tariff, ho stood iy willi arms folded when the progressives were battling for the ual treatment of cmisuincr and producer. , :o: "My hat h in the ring." ay llr-o.-ex elt . Vuii will have my inswer Monday." Tlii' bal!h--cry in Missouii is "Clark ami Harmony." While in Xebra-ka il i- "Anvone who can secure Harmony." Mikr Harrington don't seem to lake lo Ho name of Harmon, whi-lher .-1 II 1 1 llarman or Har mon, lie ih ll'l seem lo like it. It is generally agree. (ilV I'inehol had been v. hi i1 1 1. W. chopped 1 1 tree, thing hal if iron ;id cherry would have been dif ferent. II is about lime for some of the county candidates to be tiling for repre.-enliif ive, county commig sioner, assessor and county at torney. :o : . A movement is on foot to have servant girls addressed as "Miss," but that won't help much in fam ilies where tlvy don't dare speak to her at. all. :o: If yon are giing k Europe or Panama this spring, and if you don't have an airship in your wood-shed and can't swim, you should engage your Lwth about now. : '3 : There is said to havr been al most a gossip famine in town the other day when quilc a number of telephones were put out of pftfii inissiou lor a shnrU tinne.. :oc fare waged.' Ain't all 'mr can- 1 agricultural population. The! didales democrat? j money is to be used for practical :o: deinou-'t.rat ion- of improved Henry Waller-oii has "bobbed farming method-, and of wavs for up ' i'pain in his h iding place and i making coinlil ion- of farm life! ci tines art ii-le i : forth wiih another lonji mure ultra' live -:o:- If the goverumoul sleuths will investigate, we believe they will 11 ml that some of the dissolved fragments of the Standard Oil ompaiiy have been calling up noli oilier by telopluu.i.e, and pos sibly have exchanged letters I h rough the nostolllcv. Senator Hitchcock is one of the proper persons to send as a dele gal e-al-large to the Ualtimorv Speaking of statesmanship, there is the Hoiii. Sulzee" of .New York, who thinks Hint I hie "unfed1 Stales should givo J'aniuna bark ti Cobnribia, witty; an arlbgy. :o! i Then? will bo no opiniHilion Co Hon. .Mm A. Jlaguiro for tilnt nominafion for ttmgrea in !lbu Il is ju.-l impossible for H in v to In. Ill ins tongue vvnen I Im re i- a lif-ht on. He ain't built I hal way. il would appear. In convor-al ion with one of the allies! Mli'liu'n TS of the Male sen ale I lie olher day, he remarked lo us I hal IN'ii. W. H. Manning was one of lln most influential, ! td-headed ainf able members of lh;il body, and should be return ed. S range as il may appear, the ,'jamth'inan we conversed with was a i efiufdicaii. There are many republicans thririughiml the land vho do, not believe that. Kooseve'.l, is ;vny slroi'.ger Hum Tafl. Well, we can't see why be sbouhf be. The "big Mick" got a great, deal- of credit, for dunig things, Iwt poini out In us evilu one gre'iit thing I but. di .in? it! the use, of this in-adi-aitverlisini "big slicli,'' will y i a ? Ti'xas, as v.ll as any other slat,, has its usual! muni r of liar,-. It woiibf havk- been just as will H nw r'i).rted the Houston lir at, really what, it, vas, .'.OO'I.OOO, inslead (r Si 0.0)0, 000. Of course, I lu. latter amount soundKl higher for Houston and perhapts-advertiseit the town nnre extendi vely. But what is the use of lyiii'S suoftt malltii.TS? A material cluangc das bcMi made ist the ptislal savings baak law. i!l'reat!ir dl wsiil; not ! nocessa?y for a pr.sou to be a - :o :- First (t.irict. Hll, vvlmin i:,uld a botlrr mani ! foumii for lilu: place? :ti Soiim' ri'publicaus ar awaUjiig with iuU'iise interest fiir. Te.dily's auswoir iwxt Monday. U'belher he runs M wot. btf: will. mL hawe. a resident of the lerrtt.iu'y srved by ttu; post il.iee. i.T!ordr thai he may become a depositor iai. liliw postti PUivings luiiik.. Cmln 111' old law such'i'co was ;vi:i.uui:vd, but the law ?tas beti t i -nt so that 41 o .tin f,,t ill ill,. i..i':r an nov, lab: posit M.pnsVilihav.Ji.v al IMatl i ji'.outh r. an) HJie.n- m After a.ciliin o t" !?l,,tMsiiioii;.li tsils oJCsvr lo'.vus iss X"tn.-aska f lilie saiv.v cla- int (.'Ives hois Parker tm maktf the race. ag'UJisf this tii.i;i, . hvvry wcili sal itii'.d. Jilali lliere a;n 10:- TEDDY A ft VOTE-GETTER. Some of l!i' wc-ieru governor. Ihmk Mr. Hoo-evelt is a very Wonderful Vote-Seller, but is h The records do n sii-iaiu their Ihi'orv. in .-nil' of Mr, Roose velt's unprecedented mpular pluarilit'.- in I'.'Oi, liven SLublis of Kansii. would (ii.ublb admit thai the ciining pre.-Kleil! I Al election Will oe ile- cided by H'l-'' stales of New York, Ohio, Imliaaa, Illinois and Mi--j-ouri. In 100 1 lt -.scveH polled tCiil, T)l.'f voles in New York; in f'.M)8 Tart polled 87'),o70. hi l'.MU Hoosevolt pidled (iOr), O'.Ti votes in (diio; in I'.IOS Tit'J poiiied r72,.'ili. ht I'.Mt'i Itoosvell pol'ibd 31)8, voles in Indiiuia; in l'.tos Tali pi'dhM 3f8.ti.)3.. In I'JOi Hoosi-adt polled 1132. Ciir) in Illinois; in Tafl Uone.'J (iU.H.02!. In llilli Ronsevlt polleii :l' 1, 1 V veil's in Mivsoiiri; im I '.108 T.'il'l pviHeif i7,2(i:j;. Takivg. these ii states t'gelli i'j;, Uiiosev.' (I po led 2,7 t i vol.-s l. Tail's J.;0!.r)07, a. dif lei'ence in ISoosev oil's fav o of l'J.iHL v. Riioseielt, tii.wvevei:. was running against fudge. Parker, vh'-provd. Uc be th weakest can did lie llw diiniocrafi. over ni'iiin aled. foe presidenl. . Mr. Taff,:was running against M r. . IJryaiu. who poliVid. n mrif voles l.haii weriv evor before east: for a. democratic pres-ilniiriialicamliibviy. In t fit?, (ive .-tal is- referred to, . Mr. . IU-yan in i!i00:haZ polled J , J'l 3,8S."i wotc-t; but. .Clnlgif Parker i'r. year later pollvt ci Hilly 1,'.)2'.1.I8, . slwing Mial J8(),9 M denin'mts in these idtiU-vW suppo -.".( Mr.. Bryan ,':i f'llMi1 iwiru.sed ti .uipori: Judge Pari'v m t0i. Yet with,, this trein!ndi'.- advaniiasro in the mat ter rtf ogipvoicnts.. Mr; HiM.vsivolt iir t'sMi njifived iirly 12,ili more voIti tbin. did Miv Taff urn 1908, What, tllion,' ijix-umcs-. of Mr. .HousevcCtrs faDulnus political MY NEW AUTO B ROBLRT M,THEU SON Chni iruul.hei- guv Mikif Ilar ringliiKiii some p-rvlly hit shok. Sax whaii you please, about Chum,. I.i has always bvvn a diunocriiii, ai.ul convention, and the masses of the ,js j,ut vvor.'i.for th. partyv shfs party should rise up and oleel fui- ilsolf him. They have elected both Sen ators Stone and Heed over tu Mis souri, and why mil Senator Hitch cock from Nebraska? to: i -:o: They may he aiSle Im reihwr eocigress to. order tiy bringing: w tlm mace as iui embJoin of tuntlKirity, iml ymu could iwver Ojtiiol dovvi a hoy's SuniJny skooil class in I bat manner. -:o.r Ed Trifsch ami Will Knhu, from nw Otfar (Wi'tk, wen in the city liist Saturday, and whilv herft paid' the Journal' olHco- a brief caH'. Thi-y wfrt here Uioking af tor surrre bus-imo-ss m mt tors. In John II. Morehead Hie demo crats will have a candidate for governor who is a level-headed business man, and his career 1 c r not informed, that any Ihrough life has doiuonstrateit one has as yet sent. Ibwors to the (bat he is that kind of a cititfio. express, company oflhurs,. in sym A man who cannot conduct his pal by ilh tlwtir fel ings under own business successfully is uotl invest Ration, but )) doubt the a safe man to conduct husiAvss omission; was unintifutional. for the people. Hemenibftr that ;Q: as you go along. f ()Ung poonb? am seen read- - :o: I mg hook of Paowning's lov Why some men will persist in poems, tlm-c is, nothing doing; forcing themselves upoa the parly but. if yon atclv Ihom w ith a book for. onice when they know their of house plans, tt is time for dad standing as well as the parly, and bs clear the hous out at 10 pv m maybe a little better, wo cannot ;o: conceive. II is boiler to not have Tlmv septus to be a feeling on any candidate at all than one who I the part of our Mexican brethren is calculated to pull the balance f that they fought, hied and died (o of the ticket down. Kvou on get. rid of luaz, and have not had poor stick on the ticket is cal- a single revolution since then lo culaleil to injure the balance of give 'em the worth of their I he candidates. inouov. :o: ;o: lid you ever notice it? ItuL of Horses are worth twice as much i course you have that just at a as ton years ago, says (he census lime when the democratic pros- The automobile will never provide ports are (he brightest there aro the seclusion required by young a lot of follows who boh up and people on summer nights, and you spoil everything? Such fellows can't make it carry a heavier load are not good for any party, only by licking it. to create discord and ill-feeling. :o: The rank and die of (he, demo- The Harmon forces in Nebraska cralic parly aro getting onlo such will wage no warfare, unless as follovvs and keep Iheni in their sailed by backers of other can- many wu'so pi tici s .than nwr own. and ho is gurra ' viiling to t length? New ; YWk WHvU. nvase linking,, sbocbil lw- hapiyn. to be km who! er.agvs. in that busino-., Tbore. urn but tow pnttt tier towns im Nelnraska, and you take otir business- Houses, hottds, etc., fUcy n' far ahead of .'like towns. throughout liho country. :o-r Th-mr is a. way to bring aftoul hariuimy laid; viMory foir Uio (lem-nM-ats of. Netiraska, but ill will ncv ,ii be (81110 unless the IiwnI of he ticket' ih- a man who va. fl'ett fr4n Ibio piu-tiicipation Im th ampaigiii two years ago,, whiclii iMisod the disruption vf llw pirly.. Thali might be just' as wefl .tidorslififd nwvv before fAo pri mary afterwards. We have good, mn who look inn part in the citmpaifro that has caused the Iron bile- and il is just such men who. ean unito the party and bring forth go4wl results. Mi who have niftde themselves obiwxtous to a certain portion of tfc party can do it that's one thing very cer tain. S Miles Soath of Plattsmouth (the Old Martift Farm) has installed a Saw Mill on his pl'ace, and is prepared to ftiraish hard; lum berof alii kinds,, posts and chunk wood. "A11 orders pzamptly filled and also souuited. minds all the lime, and under stand their true object. didales. That's the, right view, bul why should there be anv vvar- An important, extension of the work of agricultural colleges is provided for in ft bill now be Cure. congress, which proposes to ap propriate money for the purpose of carrying education in scientific fanning and home economies to the homes so that such knowledge shall not be limited to the small percentage of the farm boys and girls who are able to attend col lege. The appropriation is to be small at first, only $0,000 for each sfalo which will appropriate an equal sum, but it is to increase, nt the rafo of $300,000 a year for the whole country, until after ten years tho annual appropriation will bo $3,000,000, to bo allotted to states in proportion to their DR Herman Grccdcr, Graduate: Vetineary &rgcoi (Formerly with U. S. Department Agriculture) Licensed by Nebraska State Board Calls Arswcred Promptly Phone 378 White, Plattsmouth Do You want an AUCTIONEER? If you do, get one who has Experience, Ability, Judgement, Telegraph or write ROBERT WIKINSON, Dunbar, Neb. Dates made at this office or the Murray State Bank. Rates Reasonable I had jnt Imnglit now aut'Hiiobile--one of tli" now lilit iii:ike- fu- ijl.(C0 unit was trying it m t!ii rnnl. it was a very prrtry niucltino- tj scat live peo ple, ti t' tonticau lining of iihiiisiiiiuin. It was nit!. or oarly in tho spring to ri'Io for plra.uv. for tlu roads wt.Ti still oxo ra'di. -tint I slink to the host ' of thrill and w;:s t'olihti.Hl Willi the- lioi'l'oniiain i nf iny vchirlo. I was driving along, fooling very Cum in i :y now t y. for tho pnrohaso of vl;i. h I had l oon saving for a oouple uf yo.irs. whon I nvoriook a young Man and a young woman hurrying jlinii:, tho man niiTying m suit east', the ?.miai! holiiing up Ur skirts to koop thorn from tho mud. Tlio man, lujiir i;ig an .11110. lookod hick and. seeing im: comiaw. si..nd in tin.' middle of the ro:ui and motioned 'for 1110 to stop. I pulled ii. :f course. - ir- was fa.sldon ahly dies oil. a was tlio girl, who was as pretty at si peach. "IWg pardon for stopping you, sir. Would yo:x Liind giving us 11 lift? Wi are anxious to ciitctt a train on the C, I., aiifl 15. railroad. If you vo;ilS take . over there you have nr idea what a favor you would do us." N n the C Im 11 ml 1!.-railroad runn Diirallol with the road I ' .fas 011 and can only he- reached hy e-rossroiidM which I knew to he in bad -condition. I had ito inlnd to put my machine to such a lest, o- I tohl the gentleman. 'Jiat I was soiTy, hut I hadn't tinio to gic so far, whereupon lie tinik me ioto-his ouliU(-iice, telling iu that he and the girl were a runaway couple. The gii -I'- fa tlit was dead set on her lDarrying a broken down Itritish noble ikuii thrw titnw her age and was to hare takan her abroad the next day to- be married,. tSe old fellow being bo inflrni that h; cwildti't stand a journey lo-Auioriou. I. tiirne-i: to bolt at ttie couple, and the-girl pive mw an appenliiig glance thiit won am: "vVhat station d you "ish- to retch V" T asked. "f.'arrinstoiu" "That's- ttrty mil.n."' "WJlh 1 G i splmdid machinoryoti can iU- it In iun hour, certainly in on hour ai.l a halt" 'Wot orw tin" iwnds I shall' have to lis." The girti put br hjindkerchie to her eyns and hegau to- cry. At the same timo wo Hoard the distant chag of au aiitO'Coniiaig at HtUl speed. 'Wo-aiwlost!" he ivailinl. "My friend," said the lofer in a tirin 11 Ion voice. "we are riclvand able-ta-pay you auy price for thc uao of yvnr autai Name It." I.' had no. mind either to Bell my nutO' it to take advantage- of the rwcesstticfl . of a pair of lorer "All right," 1 snkl;. I'll taUi- you over, tint nob for pay. il the world loves u lover, and I'm ai lover inj,self." I- let her wit and on,: reaching the next roud tluit led toward the rallroud tiTimd Into it. Soon 1 after this-we-llcitrd the- automobile tiehiid us pass llie- rnud w- had taken, Imt when-H nulled u returoed and followed us knew that tt'tr us. Tlie- in. in hokel very nervous, and thc-fflrl was iuu hysterical. I'ftv a matter of ten. miles -we were -on n very fair roaiU then struck one. nt so g(Mtl.- I had distanced the pursidng father on tho-fair road, but had st-un'oly entered. npMi-, ttie Inferior one when I heard. an ominous rhug-,liUK,.IudicatiuK that. In.- was not far In the' rear. I. put on, full; speed, but we bgan to bounce,, uad with every "thank you, ma'am," 1 wiuced. I bad not to ex. poKt my uto toisach a Uraiu. t slowed uix "For heaTen'g sak ko on!"" cried the Sirl. The iKrise behind sounding nearet I (nit on little more speed. I heard the two whispering, then Wie man sntd to ine. "Slow up for a moment." 1 did so, and to my surprise h Jumped out with the ault aase and took to. the woods. "Uo on." sa 111 the pirt Not undersrandlng the strange pro ceeding I did; not quite know what to do and sat thinking about It when I felt Homethuig cold at the back of my neck. Turning, I saw tbo girt poktng n revolver nt m. "Move n mighty quick. she ialfl In a maul's voice. There was nothing for It but to do her bidding. I knew now that I had been fooled hy a pair of thieves, that one of them Intended to take the nvtag uwny, whllo the other would force me to lead the pursuers on while his pal secured the plunder. It didn't make r.ny dilTerenoo how many ruts we went over, the girl I had behind me Insisted on going faster and enforced her demands at the point of the pistol. I knew my beautiful new auto was Retting frightfully damaged, but what could I do? It was a terrible rldo over roads that got worse every mile. When we reached a point within half a mile of the station we broke down completely and ran against a telegraph pole, and I landed In a soft ditch. Get ting up, I Raw the girl limping for the station. , My machine was only good for the scrap heap, and when tho pursuers canio tip and I told my story I got no sympathy. Tho tfilw who took to the woods got nway. and'lhe one who con tinued on to the station caught a train before the pursuers came up. I have no further use for cloning lovers.