The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 22, 1912, Image 7

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Attorney for Lytle to Appeal Case to the Supreme Court and Asks
That Judgment be Suspended on Prisoner, Alleging that
Certain Parts of Criminal Code is Unconstitutional.
rm Wednesday's Daily. 1
At a session of tin district
Murt yesterday Judge Travis
passed sentence "ii (ieorge Lytic,
ibe. third man convicted of burg
lary by explosives of the jewelry
store, of Mike Tritsch at, Louis
ville September J9th last.
Lytle was eoiivicted liy a jury
a February -, and a motion for
a now trial tiled within three
days, and argued and submitted
to the . court today. Lytic
was taken to the court, room by
She, sheriff about 1:15 p. in., and
after listening to his attorney,
Ur. Urit I, for a time, the prisoner
was directed by Judge Travis to
stand up, and the Judge then in
formed Lytle that he bad been
ttonvicled by a jury after a fair
rial of the crime charged in the
information, and the convicted
man was then nsked if he had
anything to say why the sentence
f the court should not be passed
upon him. Lytle replied that he
was innocent of the crime of
which he had been convicted.
The eourt. then pronounced a
similar sentence to that passed
on Lytle's associates, Frank Mc
Cann and John Doud, namely,
that the prisoner should, be taken
fcn the penitentiary from the court
room, there to remain at hard
labor, Sundays and holidays ex
cepted, for a period of twenty
years, or during his natural life,
but not less than twenty years.
Lytle's attorney then tiled af
lidavils of poverty, alleging that
defendant bad no funds to meet
the expense of transcript, and he
desired to appeal the ease to the
supreme court, and moved the
court to reipiire the clerk of the
court to prepare a transcript at
the expense of the county. A
motion in arrest of judgment was
also filed setting forth that two
reasons existed why the court
sliould interfere and arrest its
judgment, the first being that
sections "0a and 50b of the
criminal code of Nebraska were
unconstitutional; the second rea
son was that section 50-2b of the
code is unconstitutional.
The story of the crime for
which Lytle and his companions i
were convicted is still fresh in
the minds of the Journal readers,
and no rood purpose could be
served by rehearsing it' again.
The entire stock of jewelry of Mr.
Tritsch was taken and was never
afterward recovered. The de
fendants had an impartial trial
before a learned judge and a con
scientious jury, but the chain of
circumstances about the accused
men was such that, no reasonable
man could come to any other con
elusion than that reached by the
jury in each ease.
Held Tuesday Evening at masonic
Mall by Members of the
Eastern Star.
The members of the Kastern
sjtar participated in a most, de
lightful Washington party on
Tuesday evening, this social event
being held in the Masonic hall,
and a mention of which, in our
hurry, we failed to get for yester
day's issue.
The hall bad been appropriate
ly decorated in the national colors
lor the occasion ami (her1! were a
large number of the members tt
Hie Eastern Star present to enjoy
the usual good time. Various
games and amusements had been
planned for the evening's enter-
lainnient, which were very pleas
antly interspersed with social
conversation and musie, there be
ing both vocal and instrumental.
One of the games introduced dur
ing the evening was progressive
political "high five, and this game
was entered into with much in
terest and enthusiasm and made
the hours simply fly.
At a convenient hour all repair
ed to 'fhe bamiuel . isiom, where an
elegant, luncheon was spread, the
table being very attractively dec
orated with little flags and the na
tional colors in honor of the
birthtfay of (ieorpe Washington.
After thoroughly relishing the
lunelhMii the members tarried for
a few moments and enjoyed a
social time, after which they dis
persed, voting this evening enter
tainment a splendid one.
' i Special Correspondent.) -I
Dr. I. 1. Jones was at Spring
field last Thursday.
John ltorneinicr's baby buy is
isck with pneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs. Kd Jumper spent
Sunday with relatives here.
Charlie Moon was a week-end
guest of Dr. Jones and family.
(Ieorge Moomey and wife ate
Sunday dinner with bis parents.
John Hung is sawing wood this
week for several farmers in the
vicinity of Alvo.
Little Miss Marvel Armgwert is
doing nicely alter a severe attack
of pneumonia.
Mrs. C Moomey and daughter,
Miss Helen, were shopping in
Omaha Tuesday.
Henry (iillespie returned Fri
day from a six weeks' visit in
('.(dorado and western Nebraska.
Mr, and Mrs. Herman (lakenieir
went fo Omaha Saturday, where
they will make their future home.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wesl
lake and daughter, Mary Florence,
visited relatives near Alvo Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. James Uriltian of
Lincoln visited relatives and
friends here several days last
Kinile Harry of Alvo mine iIoau
Saturday evening, took in the
dance and visited with friends on
Misses Thorpe and (iieseker,
our charming sctwol maams,
spent Saturday and Sunday in
Alvo and Murdock played
basket ball at this place last
Thursday, Murdock winning by a
score of to V.
Miss Kale Amgwert of Omaha
came down Saturday on No. 17
and visited with relatives and
friends until Monday evening.
Last Friday evening the beauti
ful home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Stroy was the scene of much frolic
and amusement, when their
daughter, Miss Clara, entertained
the eighth, ninth and tenth grades
of the High school, she being a
member of the ninth grade. Valen.
lim decorations were carriinl out
in a most, pleasing manner.
Various games and amusements,
with social conversation and
musie. made the hours pass so
quickly before the quests
realized The hour they were in
vited into the dining room, where
a delightful two-course luncheon
was served, and only those who
were present can tell just how
nirrrh it was enjoyed. After a few
more hours of enjoyment, 1hf
twenty guests departed, voting
Miss dlara a most thoughtful en
tertainer and feeling that they had
passed a very happy evening.
n n
SEE how much Irtr ii
lnken (tin bilking
SEE how mm Ii more uni
form in qualify
SEE how pure how good
SEE Imw economical and
SEE ht yon Cft Cnl.uiiot
Jit yoan
CfOOOP'3 y
H til
desires to announce to the farmers of Cass County that in the future he will
carry a full line of Farm Implements and Vehicles in connection with General
Merchandise, consisting of
Clark Buggies
Stock Scales
Manure Spreaders
Cream Separators
Kentucky Seeders
Bain Wagons
Omaha Chief
Gasoline Engines
Feed Grinders
Canton Plow Goods
and any and everything in the Implement Line. Also, repairs for all imple
ments. I also have the agency for the firm Parlin & Orendorff, wholesale and
manufacturers of all kinds of implements.
; v - ,s a
Lj i; Vi j ii llf- h
Vvi. '!. s-.1' .--V J
"5 sk vx t'r
Nothing Can Undermine It in
Pivrpte m'v sinnet.imes slow to
riM-og-iMze true merit, and they
cannot lie blannd, for so many
have bivn humbugged in the past.
The experience -of hundreds of
Plallsinoul h residents, expressid
publicly (through newspapers and
other sources, places I loan's Kid
ney Pills )ii a firm foundation
J. V. lliekson, Oak St., Platts
mouth, Nek, says: " shall never
cease to praise I loan's Kidney
Pills, as they proved of such great
benefit to m several years ago.
For some time I was caused much
suilVring from attacks of lumbago'
that, came m without, the least1
warning. The simplest, movement j
was painful and I was also au-j
noyed by irregular passages of
the kidney secretions. I read so'
much about ! loan's Kidney Pills i
I but I finally procured a box from I
Ityuott A Cus Drug Store. I was j
so gratified with the results of1
the ir use that 1 publicly rccom-i
minded them in I'MtCi. ami at this'
lime I v.illiiivh renew that stale.;
meot. 1 hope that other kidney
suiferers will prolit by my x-i
perienee.'' J
f'l i r sale b.v all dealers. Price j
Tit) cents. l-'oster-Milhurn (Io.,i
lmiT.iln. New Vnrk. sole agents forj
Hi" I'nilcr Slides. ' i
H i ! i ii"1:;: 1 io r" the n:oui I'loan's -'
anil t;ike rn ol tier. !
Seargent DoViolf Hero. j
Seai--enl .1. K. )e'ol T of the
Mlevenl Ii t'. s. infantry .,, 'n!.
1). A. Mus.-.e!. iirrived last, even-;
in- on ii lln months' furloiiuli,
and will visit relatives and friends
in Plallsmoiilh. Clenwood ami
Weeping Wider. Seargent De
Wolf lias been in the .service four
years and is an ideal soldier, a!
former Has.- county boy and has!
many friends in the county and;
elsewhere, who are pleased at his
There i no better mwiicine
mafte for (Mlds than Chamber
lain" Cough Remedy. It acts on
nature's plan, relieves the lungs,
opens the secretions, aids ex
pectoration; and restores the
system to a healthy condithm.
For alo by F. 0. Fricke & CV.
SociaHisi Meeting.
The socialists of Nebraska are
I'xpeetiug great, gains in the party
vote this year. Clyde J. Wright,
the stale secretary of the party,
with headquarters id Lincoln,
gives onl the si aleiiuMit, that in
three years the parly membership
has increased over fillO per cent
and that if a vote was to be taken
now it wmild record close to'15,
IMK). The socialists have, started
their camphigu mil lonally through
the national parly machinery, with
a membership of over 100. dim. A
national socialist eeum bureau
has been started and five circuits
are al work, with live lecturers on
each circuit. The slate secretary
sins thai a liainload of literature
will be distributed over these five
circuits. Patterned after Die na
tional lycenni bureau Hie slate or
ganization of Nebraska has estab
lished a lo-iiuinber lycenni
course. I'lic slide campaign has
opcnetl in Ncbi'iiskii and Hie
adviinee lecturers are now m li
I'lal ( -1 1 n m t ) h lia been L'ien
laics for the opening mm of ii
meet in'.: on March d. Clyde ,f.
Wriu'hl. vbo was the recent
socialist candidate for goeriior,
will iuhlress flu's me. 'ting. The
all'air will be held ;d Coales' ball
id H p. in. This is bid one of the
many bit; meetings Ilial will be
held at I'lallsnionlh. Wright tun
just returned from a lecture trip
ill the southern slides, where he
was lecturing for I be national
lyceum bureau, lie is considered
to be one of the mil ional lectur
ers of ability.
For Sale.
IldO split buroak posts, carriage
arid buggy. See Lloyd Unpen, ad
ministrator of F. M. Young estate.
Your Money Back If You Are Not
Satisfied With the Medicine
We Recommend. J
We are so positive that our,
remedy will permanently relieve!
constipation, no matter how
chronic it may be, that we offer to
funiis'ti (he medicine at our ex
pense should it. fail to produce
sal isl'aelory results.
If is worse than useless to at
tempt to cure constipation with
cathartic drugs. Laxatives or
caltiarlics do much harm. They
cause ii reaction, irritate and
weaken the bowels and tend to
make constipation more chronic.
lVsides, their use becomes a
tfihil that, is dangerous.
Constipation is wired by a
weakness of the nerves and mus
cles of the large intestine ur de
scending colon. To expect per
manent relief you must therefore
tone up ami strengthen these or
gans and restore them to
"healthier activity.
We want you to try itcxall Or
derlies on our recommendation.
They are exceedingly pleasant to
take, being eaten like candy, and
are ideal for children, delicate
persons, anil old folks, as well us
for the robust. They act directly
on the nerves and muscles of the
bowels. They apparently have a
neutral action on other associate
organs or glands. They do not
purge, cause excessive looseness,
nor create any inconvenience
whatever. They may be taken at
tiny time, day or night. They will
positively relieve chrome or
habitual const ipnlion, if not, of
surgical variety, and the myriads
of assoicate or dependent chronic
ailments, if taken with regularity
Tor a reasonable length of lime.
lL' tablets. 10 cents; .'Hi tablets,
- cents; 80 tablets, r0 cents. Sold
in Tlat tsinoul h only at our store
-The Itexall Store. F. C. Frirfce
it Co., I'n ion Work.
Lands for Sale.
i 4 0 acres in southeast Ureen
wood county, Kansas; fenced and
cross-fenced; 80 acres of rich
creek bottom land in cultivation,
balance finest native, prairie grass
(liinesoil). Fair 5-room house
stabling, etc. Some bearing or
chard. Lots of line living water,
which is furnished by a large
creek which runs through north
side of ranch. Creek is skirled
wilh timber; cattle come oil grass
into deep water. This is consider
ed to be one of the best little stock
ranches in the county. School
close by; fine 1 smooth road to
town. Just 5 1-2 miles from
ranch to town; a nice well im
proved country all the way. For
quick sale 918 per acre buys this
l id acres; no trado taken on this.
Has a mortgage of $.'1500 that has
yet three years to run. $Li20 buys
(lie equity. Nothing belter for the
money, (live me to your friend if
you don't want me, I must sell.
W. A. Nelson, Ileal Estate
Uroker, Fall River, Greenwood
bounty, Kansas.
Forest. Hose Flour. The next
lime you need a sack of Hour try
a sack. You will find if the best
on flu- market.
Good Marksman.
Mn Washington's birthday, 22
years ago, there was great
mortality among the feathered
tribe, especially the wild ducks.
W. .1. Slreighl, now of Ihe sport
ing linn of Slreight A UarKer,
single handed and alone, one
morning, brought in forty mal
lards, and it was not a very good
day for wild duck shooting either.
Soon after thai, within a year or
two, the same sportsman, in com
pany with another good shot, got
a wagon load of geese on the river
near Ashland one afternoon.
Slreight. & Marker are cleaning up
their arsenal ami exercising their
dogs expecting to go on the chase
in a few days after the ice in the
river breaks up.
You Risk No Money If You Try
This Remedy..
We want every one troubled
with indigestion ami dyspepsia to
come to our store, and obtain a
box of llexall Dyspepsia Tablets.
They contain Misuiulh-Suhnjtrate
and Pepsin carefully combined so
as to develop their greatest, power
to overcome digestive disturb
ance. Hexall Dyspepsia Tablets are
very pleasant to lake. They tend
to sooth the irritable, weak stom
ach, to strengthen and invigorate
the digestive organs, to relieve
nausea and indigestion, thus pro
moting nutrition and bringing
about a feeling of comfort.
If on give Itexall Dyspepsia
Tablets a reasonable trial we will
return your money if you are not
satisfied with the result. Three
sizes, 25 cents', !0 cents and $1.00.
Ilemember, you can obtain Hexall
Remedies only at our store The
llexall Store. l !. Fricke & Co.,
Union Mlock.
Is sweeping over the town. Old
and young alike are affected, and
Ihe strain is particularly bard on
little children and on elderly peo
ple. Foley's Money and Tar Com
pound is a quick, safe and relia
ble cure for all coughs and colds.
Contains no opiates. For sale by
F. (i Fricke - Co.
Loses More Cattle.
A. S. Will, whose misfortune in
losing twenty bead of cattle out
of his pens was mentioned in the
Journal this week, informs us that
be has lost seven bead more, mak
ing in all Iwenty-srveii head that
have died.
I -i
Tho Best Flour in the
Market. Sold by all
Leading Dealers
Fareger's Department Store!
: r'A sample lino just received the latest creation of Ladies' Sprint Coats and
Suits made in the latest colors and styles. Do sure and see our cast window'
Wc also have a few Ladies' Winter Coats and Suits, which will he sold regardless
of cost of values.
Wo Have Jusl Received a Hew Line of Ik !Jory Latest Giagharas!
We have a few Winter Overcoms and Sui's left' over from our Winter stock. We will sell them
now regardless of cost of value. It will pay you to buy mi Overcoat or Suit if you need one in ;i y nr.
t-:"We li;ivo n complete line of Men s, Ladies' and Children's Shoes we Himranlee and repair tlu iii
free of cliaie the first time.
Remember this is the store which offers you the hest bargains in the niininunity. and if oods are
not satisfactory money will lie gladly refunded.
V. UCICEe, Manager'