The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 22, 1912, Image 4

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Plattsrnouih - Journal
Published Semi-Weeklj at
Entered at the roatollice at Piattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class
1'ln' sngiic O iisl slill exists. Hut
what, arc we o do about, il? ;
I'osl masters are a unil in de
claring lha.1. (he nation "owes an-
oilier (eriu to't iind us."
Naming Janus is becoming
ipiile popular iu iminy sections of
the slate :m it, looks like the
proper I hint; lo do.
:o: '
Nebraska Oily people evidently
believe in Ihc "early liird gelling lo mind at Itiistinie. These eom
rlie. woiiii," for they arc thus early j plinienlary lines, come from the
talking for a i'ourlh of July bottom most, depths of the giz-
An earnest, editor in Vienna
protests that, the Herman crown
prince is "loo American" in his
melhods. Spending money too
freely, is hivl?
.Mike Harrington is opposed to
fiovernor Harmon for president.
Me probably don't like the name,
since his light, again! Mr. Har
mful for railway commissioner
last year, lie evidently believes
that one. of the. names is as bad as
Hie other.
The "give and lake" plan must
he, adopted by the democrats if
they expect to be successful in
Nebraska. There is evidently I wo
great fiictioiiH, ami somel hing w ill
have to he done to gel, Ihem to
gether, or there will he little use
of democrats going to the polls at
nil next fall.
The leading republicans of the
sl.iti' view Hie predicament thai
. Hie democrats arc gelling llieni
m;Ivcs jniii wilh significance, and
the democratic masses wilh
.alarm. The responsibility for Ibis
condition is not all one-sided,
either. And no one knows this
heller than the would-be leaders
Don't forget the Kurliugloii
seed corn special Ihal will he in
flail .siiioutli Monday, Fehruiiry INS
- next. Monday. every fanner
who is interested in the mailer
land they all should In 1 come out
ad hear what the lecturers have
lo say. You may learn
how to select good seed after you
have, seen Hie testing dem
onslralcd. :o:
Koine democrats think that Sen
ator Hitchcock should not lie a
candidate for delcgalc-al-large to
t Im national convention, and they
give as a reason why, that he has
been sulllcienfly favored by thej
party. This is no good reason
why at all, because in most of the
slates I'niled States senators are
always selected as delegates to
Mich con venl ions, on account of
their ability to do so. Hut while
un this question pray how is it
with some others who desire lo go
from Nebraska as delegates? Mr.
Hitchcock is not "Hie only peeblo
on the bench, " Ihal has been
favored is hcY
: ;o;
II is geierall) conceded in
political circles here Dial John H.
Morehead will he I he democrat io
nominee for governor. lie is the
only capable man before I ho
democratic voters at (his lime, lie
is practical and has demonstrated
his capabilities by success as
school teacher, merchant, farmer
and slock raiser, hanker, county
treasurer, mayor of his home city,
stain senator and now acting gov
ernor. Personally he is clean,
iind always has been. Intellectual,
hroad minded, unassuming and
loyal, he is foully an ideal man for
fcWin day afl age. He is a man
Piattsmouth, Nebraska
whom il i a pleasure to meet, as
In- makes 110 stall of superiority
ami is neither ;i f-ri-a ik 1 -s t am Iit, a
brnngard nor a bu!l'noii. lie will
be nominated by Hie democrats
ami if elecleil will be a governor
to be proud of for his menial ami
morjil worlh, for liis idiiinness,
gentleness iiml sincerity. There
are very lew men in I his world I
would think of taking off my hat
to, but (lovernor Morchead comes
as near I bill line as any who conies
zard ami are as free as the (lowers
thiil bloom in the sprint,'. Lin
coln Herald.
Such good progress is being
made wilh the prosecution of the
meal, packers that il looks now as
though il might be possible to jail
Ihe grandchildren of some. fJf
Arizona, which is now ex
! periencing all the joys of state-
liood, will begin experiencing
some of its attendant sorrows
when Ihe legislature meets on
March 18.
II is safe to bet that there "will
be more people raising chickens
the coming season than ever be
fore. High prices are a great in
ccnlivc for all to get in Ihc
money-making business.
The public is able lo watch the
scrap between Standard Oil nnd
the Waters-Pierce corporation
wiin periect composure. When
oil magnates fall out honest men
are supposed to get their dues.
Among the infallible signs that
spring is almost here, congress
men are shipping garden seeds to
ineir const Mucins, lint our ex
perience with seed coming from
Washington is to lest Ihem be
fore planting.
:o :
Congressman Henry is gaining
I'ecruils lor the money trust in
vesl igal ion. Probably many niein-
i .... t i ip i.
uers nave nejiril irom Home, jm
three democrat ic members from
Nebraska are lined up wilh the
gentleman from Texas.
i.. 1 1... i i .. r i... . I
,l '
we staled there were seven can-
.ii. i. .(.... f.. i .... .,i i
' or..-KM-..,-.-uoM- .urn
only two to elect. We should luivo
said there were four to elect from
im- si.ue .u large, aim iwo iro n
each congressional district.
in. s is evidently an age or
SllsniCIOII. (ieili'l'lll Ainwu-iiFtti (all... :.. i-.-i . - ..
being investigated by the war do
partnienl, and Ihe war department
is being investigated hy congress,
and congress is being investigated
by the people.
:o :
Will the investigation of Sen-
a tor Lorimer he another white-
wasii uiiair, or wm uie proceed-
I. .. .v.. : 1 1 i i . .1
ings be prolonged until his term
has expired? It matters not verv
much which, but it will surelv he
one or the other.
"The remedy for
statutes and corrupt courts is to
uliW'l lr.iit.1 mi, I 1 1, w... I . . 1. A
..I pvnu nun vw.i- uirii iu mum!
and adininsler them," says Presi-
dent Hutchins of the University of
Micuigan. a ins is good, advice,
bul it listens easier Minn it is.
A new executive order, dated at
the White house and signed hy imposition upon every horse own
the president, states that while er and there is not a cent's worth
rural carriers will be allowed lo
vote and discuss politics private
ly, they must take no part what
ver in political matters so far as
becoming delegates or working for
my pari icubir candidate, under
penalty of disinissiil from the
rvice, or such discipline as the
ciil service board may see lit, to
iniiici. j low aiioiii iiosi masters :
"The anle worm wiggle" is the
alcsl dance. It will be useful in
helping the girls lo catch suckers.
:o :
The president of China will
hae ;i sweet olil time trying to
shiike hiimls willi ill i, nun, (Mil)
:o :
It takes ii reasonably smart fel
lo admit thai he is wrong
when he would make friends by
so doing.
Lake Superior is frozen over,
but if Ihe Duluth youngsters try
to skate around Ihe pond they'll
be late to school.
Our army has decided to buy a
few areoplanes. They will be
highly useful in giving rat tie
show exhibitions.
While congress is invest igaling
the money trust they should
s o i-( ;i i n and make public, the
oieaiis by which the everyday man
can get into it.
Arizona has now become the
forly-eighth sister, and we are
anxious to learn how stie survives
the change from cowboy leggings
to Ihe hobble skirt.
It is ii mystery lo us how Presi
dent Taft can find time to dis-
tribute the postollices when he is
running back and forth lo make
speeches in New York.
The Order of Ihe Carter has
been conferred on Sir Edward
Drey, bill so far as we can see he
will have lo hold his other stock-
ing up with a safely pin.
it now remains to ne seen
whet her Mr. Tafl's Naurotic club
will attain the long and exclusive
membership Iisl gained by Mr.
Koosevelt's Ananias club.
Perhaps the south pole has been
captured by this time, hut, if they
want to trade it for the clothes
pole iu our back yard we shall re
quire at least $7.50 to boot.
Klla Wheeler Wilcox is named
to be the first woman to go on the
supreme bench, but, as Ella is a
poet, we do not feel sure that she
would have her hat on straight.
Senator La Follette.'s breakdown
is due to his not having had a rest
for twelve years. Running for
viec president would he better
tnail any mcuicmo the doctor
I rouM give him.
t h.. i..,ni nn.,.i:.i..i..
i jt fivji illicit luiiumair iiiciL
made (hat iini.mnniim.,n,.,- ....
lerence years ago to the Pal a
Kl)ians might as well realize that
1 1" is coiupieieiy out oi uic run
King George has made his
speech from the throne, but he
w ill have to make, less stereotyped
remarks if he expects the boys in
Ihegallery to stop eating peanuts
and listen.
James J. Hill thinks competi
tion will endure indefinitely. He
seems to forget bow much easier
it is to make profits out of the
consumer than out of an alert
business rival.
I Jl - I... i .
Miers oi in ceding Horses in
every county in the state should
refuse to support any man for the
legislature who does not pledge
himself to vote for the reneal of
the "Hore Inspection" law. It is
a fraud and a fake and an unjust
of benefit In its operation. Kear
ney Democrat. Them's our senti
ments exactly.
It is claimed that statislcs d namite, the capitalists can buy
prove thiil Yale athletes are long ' more I ban anyone else. No legis
lived. One thing is sure, that latures, courts, nor congressmen
hard study never hurt them.
The bouse proposes lo tax leyal methods, provided thai, voice
cosmetics. While (lie women have ' is in accordance with the priu
never sit id much about taxes on ! ciples of human just ice.
necessities, we see some one's I
finish if they put a tax on beauty.
Itishop Wahicii of (Cincinnati i
has preached 10,0(10 sermons, and j
Ihe man who has heard Ihem all,
and will yet continue to put plug
ged coins into Ihe contribution
box. must have a reprobate mind.
Wanted An up-to-date demo
cratic candidate for slate, auditor.
No one who has been a profes
sional pap-suckcr, but one who
has a clean character and can
command Ihe respect of his party.
:o :
Sarah Bernhardt is to get 87,
000 a week over here next fall, and
it would seem as if she ought to
be able to get, along without ask
ing an advance of pay ahead of
Saturday night.
In view of the outcome of the
Los Angeles cases, most people
will feel that, some more evidence
I ban Ihe headlines in the news
papers is necessary lo form an
opinion on the 51 arrests on con
spiracy charges.
;o ;
II makes but little differnce fo
us who the democrats nominate
for president Wilson, Clark, Un
derwood or Harmon whoever he
may be, he will receive our sup
port. That's the sort of demo
cracy I hat wins.
As il, is a long time since we
have heard from Mr. lloosevclt,
Ihe sick committee of the grange
onghl to go around and see if he
is able to be up, and if he would
not like the neighbors lo get his
wood-pile into the barn.
II is said that Mr. lloosevclt is
wailing for the psychological
moment before declaring himself
on the presidency. In our ex
perience j js much more dillicull
to pul your linger on Ihe psycho
logical moment I nan To locale a
collar billion when it rolls under
the bureau.
:o :
II has been the experience of
hundreds and thousands of good
men everywhere that politics is a
profession almosta s uncertain as
seeking gold or oil prospects. He
that engages in this profession
has a great deal to lose he loses
many of his friends for one thing,
if he persists in having things all
his own way, and the other fellows
must follow. The possibility of
gain for such fellows are rather
Every good citizen of this re
public will hope for a fair and
speedy trial of the 5i men who
have been arrested for alleged
conspiracy in the dynamite plots.
If these men are innocent of
this charge, a grave injustice has
been done, not merely to them,
but to the organizations they rep
resent, composed of men who are
doing the best they can to advanco
their scale of living to a clean and
helpful American basis.
If these men are guilty of this
bloody conspiracy, they are strik
ing at the very foundations of this
republic. Our government is a
joint partnership. In a business
concern, if some of the partners
refuse to abide by the rules of the
company and plunder and destroy
the property of the other members
Ihe end of Ihe partnership is in
sight. Similarly in a partnership
formed for the purpose of govern
The fact that courts have often
been unjust and that capital has
often bribed officials, is no excuse
for resorting to dynamite. In the
long run Ihe ballot will be a more
efficient weapon than violence. If
Ihe battle is to be fought with
and out against the
'voice of the people expressed by
The I I' lrul packers declare
(hat during the ears 11MI7, I '.'OS.
I'.mm.i iind Ii) 10. their net profits
from fresh meal were only one
eighth of one cent a pound.
In I '.'07 I he retail price of fre.-h
meal was from 11.8 In i:f-;i per
cent higher than in l'.'OO, while
the price nf cattle declined in
that period from . 112.5(5 to $81. 5:1.
And while dressed beef was half a
cent a pound dearer in 11M0 than
in 11)01), the price of beeves was
lower, declining from $8 per hun
dred pounds in It'O'.i lo 7.55 in
Any self-respecting cow, says
the New York World, has the right
to wonder who got the extra dif
ference between her price on the
hoof and her price dressed.
Shocking Sounds
in the earth are sometimes heard
before a terrible earthquake, that
warn of the coming peril. Na
ture's warrvings are kind. That
dull pain or ache in the back
warns you the kidneys need at
tention if you would escape those
dangerous maladies, Dropsy, Dia
betes or Height's disease. Take
Electric Hitlers at -once and see
backache fly and all your best
feelings return. "My son received
great benefit from (heir use for
kidney and bladder trouble,"
wriles Peter Bondy, South Rock
wood, Mich. "It is certainly a
great kidney medicine." Try it.
50 cents, at V. (. Fricke & Co.
From D. L. Amick.
D. L. Amick wriles from Kan
sas City, where he is at the Ger
man hospital, in the care of Dr.
Minor. Dave has been suffering
for Ihe past few months with a
stomach trouble, and he went to
Kansas City for treatment. II will
be good news to Dave's many
friends in Cass county to know
that the Doctor is of the opinion
that he can give him permanent
relief, but will require several
weeks'l reatment to do so.
In District Court.
The court was engaged this
morning in hearing arguments on
a motion for a new trial in the
case of the Stale vs. John Hose, '
who was convicted at the present
term of court of shoot ing with in
tent to do great bodily harm, a
neighbor, at a dance at Avoca last
summer. A. I.. Iidd appeared for
Ihe defendant, while County At
torney C. 11. Taylor appeared for
the slate.
8 Miles South of Piattsmouth
(the Old Martin Farm)
has installed a Saw Mill on his place,
and is prepared to furnish hard lum
ber of all kinds, posts and chunk
WTA11 orders promptly filled, and
also solicited. ,
llorman Grocdor,
Graduate Vefincary Surgeon
(Formerly with U. S. Department
Licensed by Nebraska Slate
Calls Answered Promptly
Thone 378 White, Plattamouth
Do You want an
If you do, get one who has
Experience, Ability, Judgement.
Telegraph or write
Dunbar, Neb.
Dates made at this office or the
Murray State Bank.
Rates Reasonable
can lout
1.. J. Mayliebl has gone t
Slanton lo visit ielaties for a
We are glad lo report that, ilrw.
Alfred Johnson is able to bi
around again alter several weeks'
Mr. iind Mrs. John Grimes ul
San Francisco are on I heir way
ea-l ami will arrive in Louisville
Ibis week.
A. A. Jackmaii is ill Ihe 81.
Joseph's hospital in Omaha taking
treatment for I; is shoulder, of
which hi' has lost Ihe use through
a weakness of Hie nerve.
Mrs. (). M. Mayliebl, who ha
been confined to the hospital at
Springfield for the past seveH
weeks, has recovered sufficiently
lo be able to be brought home,.
Arthur Slander left Wednesday
for Lincoln, where he went to
allend the Retail Hardware Deal
ers convention, rrom there, hf
went to Archer In visit his broth
er, Lewis and family.
Lot Abraham, state command-
n nl of the G. A. R. of Iowa,
visited his sister, Mrs. Ilebeccu
Jackman, over Sunday. He left
for Arlington Monday accom
panied by Mrs. Jackman, where
they visited another brother.
Charles Harlow met with quite
an accident Monday. He was
hauling a load of hogs to Cedar
Creek, where they were to be
shipped lo the South Omaha mar
ket. He was standing on the front
end of Ihe wagon and fell oh" and
was run over, receiving two brok
en ribs and other injuries. He
was taken to the Ole Ward home,
where he had been working, and
is getting along nicely .
Word conies to the Courier
from Los Angeles, Cal, that Miss
Grace Hasemeier, a former Louis
ville girl, who is a student in the
Egan Dramatic school, appeared
February 10, as a star in a pro
duction entitled, "Home," by
Molcrnlick. It is reported that
she will in all probability become
one of America's favorite actres
ses. The. Courier and all of Miss
Hasemeier's old-time friends are
highly pleased with this favorable
report and wish her success in
her calling.
I- News. 4
Orandma Chapman left on Ibe
evening train Monday for Piatts
mouth, where she will visit her
daughter, Mrs. John Halt.
Xels Anderson has purchased a
coop of pure bred chickens and
will be able soon to take orders
for fancy brands of striped Easier
eggs, and feather dusters.
Mrs. J. M. Palmer, who whs
operated on recently at OskalooRa,
Iowa, is reported as getting along
finely and that the operation was
a success in every way.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry ObernoHe
came in Monday from Tamerack,
Minn., for an extended visit with
the Hansen families. Mrs. Ober
nolte is a sister of the Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Hay Davis, who
live north' of town, near Eight
Mile drove, were passengers to
Lincoln Monday evening. Mr.
Davis has purchased a ranch in
Colorado and expects to leave with
his family for that state soon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Lemon of
Hossvile, Kansas, are here on a
visit to relatives and friends. Mr.
and Mrs. Lemon were residents of
this county for years prior to
their removal to Kansas a few
years ago, and as they have dis
posed of their holdings in Kansas
they may again conclude to mate
this their home. Mrs. Lemon i
a sister of Mrs. J. E. Fulton.
Miss Olive Whiteman, who wns
taken to Omaha last Thursday
afternoon, suffering with a severe
attack of appendicitis, was oper
ated on at a hospital there at 8
0 clock that evening and is now
recovering nicely and should no
unforseen complications arise
ought, to make a rapid recovery.
Her father and mother went up
with her, returning the next day,
and they were also there Tuesdav.
Goes to Hospital in Kansas City.
Walt Vallery and Alex Camp
bell, both from near Murray, de
parted I his week for Kansas City,
where they will enter the Thorn
ton & Minor hospital for the treat
ment of fistula and piles. Both
gentlemen have been complaining
of these troubles for some time,
and as the Thornton & Minor in
stitute is the only guaranteed
and permanent cure for these
troubles, they are losing no time
in securing their remedy. They
wil! probably be in Kansas City
for several weeks.
The Journal office carries aH
kinds of typewriter supplies.