The- Plattsmouth - Journal CZZD Published Seml-Weeklj at Plattsmouth, Nebraska R. A. GATES, Publisher. Entered at the I'ostoflke at I'lattsinouth, Nebraska, as second-class matter. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE a valentine? asking, for of In (lie l;i !; cities Hit- people are fiiriif.-l ly fiyinu for cheaper bread. Did you g'l What's I lie list' o course you tlitl. Another' holiday will soon In' here Washington's hirt Inlay aiio week from today, :o: ins- Many dcmocrals, as well as many republicans, do not lake- en thusiastically lo steam rollers. John (.I. Wharton, the new postmaster at, Omaha, will take possession of the olllee this week. If Ohl Sol keeps up his work a few (lays he will do wonders in I he way of cleaning the sidewalks himself. A corner lot in the Kverg lades f Florida would at least have the advantage thai you would not have if) water your lawn. :o: II is an old saying Dial, politics "makes stronger lied-fellows." If ver true, if is ccrlainly line in Nebraska at. the present lime. :o: When you llnd a man who says he is a republican, "without pre fix or suflix," it is always safe to ask him what oflice he is a can dldale for. :o : It is proposed to have bachelors labeled so as to protect girls from 'ziarried llirls, Hut can Ihey make he, married men willing to llirl with their own wives? :o: The Mexicans lake I he saint latisfacl ion in gun-play just out ride Tni'le Sam's garden wall that Hie. small boy finds in playing ball under the paHor windows. Although Father Tall ant rather Itryau are both spanking ongress, the youngster si ill fails U) brush its hair, ami refuses to practice on the piano Why should Secretary Knox wmke a formal lour of the Soiilh American republics ul Ibis lime? No delegates to the Chicago con vention can be picked up down there. ;o: Most people do not attain fame until somewhat advanced in years but in I he public mind fieorgii Washington reached (he climax of his fame when he wielded the lit Me hatchet. :o: Huttor and egg men are indict ed for high prices in New York. Meanwhile the real trouble is the growing feeling of the cows and hens that, they belong to the Icifiuro class. :o: Although there will lie a bal ance of $125,502,200 in the Tin' department of justice ap pears lo be doing everything' pos sible to erase bomb throwing from the lil ol' popular outdoor sports. :o: Secretary .N'agcl says big busi ness should be encouraged. As some of our churches maintain "cheerful Idler exchanges," why not send a few to our trust presi dents along willi Hie other shut- '('.hickens come home to roost," only. And eggs still ? cenN'a dozen. :o:- Tal'l little realized when the good Justice Harlan died what an exceedingly dillieult vacancy was created. :u : France and Italy are snarling, but they won't light. Not because war is wrong, but because war is expensive. :o: President Tal't refers to the progressives as political neura- ics who have lost I heir sense ot proport ion." :o: Senator La Follelle says he has no intention ol w it mlrawiug lroni ie presidential race, but will soon st be able lo proceed with his cam paign to I he cud. So be it.. :o: by Senator Hitchcock. He always made good, no matter e you placr him. That's the upporting lion has W lie reason we delight in him. . :o: When the eight governors gut to lyster ltay to plead with Roose velt to declare his position, they found him so occupied in discus sing Hie habits of the woodchuck with a farmer's boy from North Jay, Maine, that he could not see t hem. Wisp politicians, who have clean records, should hasten to I all Ihe publicity Ihey can, if they are candidates, before April t'.i--llie dale of the primary clcc- i hi . J nose wiiose records are what smirchy will advertise leniselves as little as possible. :o: l'lie postmasters and federal Willi Hie opening- of spring the A Hrilish submarine has gone olliee-holders in general, are lin Nebraska Cilv merchants expect M ' l These new fangled ing up all over the country for lo again inaugurate their bargain Ughling machines usually wait Tafl. And maybe you don't think ... i .it .i i . . i l ... i : it... l... ill dav sales. We can't see any rea- 1111111 a I'aiuo lieiore tney negiri to mai is over nan me name won son why Plattsmouth merchants !'' '"' contrary tricks. in the race for a renoinination. il.m-l lev Hiis inaimee of secnriniH :o: u en, n just is, aim JJii.yiau ' i new business person who brings you a knows it better than anyone else choice niece of gossip will take :o:- : r 1 1 : . I. .. t r .. Candidates are coining thick " l" " " """ " k;i .ii. i .,,1.1 ,. i..... it.., and plenty. William 0. Stamm l,,u "n'i' of Lincoln is out. for railway com missioner on the democratic ticket. The democrats now need a gootj man lor slate auditor, one that can command the respect of all democrats. :o: peddler is around. :o: Afler much work Is (iovernor Aldrich selfish? e adviseii me i,a roiioiie sun porters not lo support Congress an Morris lor united Mates senator, but he did not object t an endorsement of his admin- There is no law that guarantees one man a privilege Ihal is not guaranteed to others, notwith standing some people seem to lb ink so. fn the race of life and in politics, also, out; man is as free as another, as long as he outbids himself within the lounds of Ihe laws of Ihe land and decency, :o: on grape vines, fruit trees, etc., the house holder will soon be relieved by the islralion. Perhaps they ought to small bov from the bollier of bar- endorse him for senator. Maybt vesting Ihe nroduet. that would suit him heller :o: :o Complaint is made that the Congressman i.ohecK lias in- senalors are taking massage Induced a bill in congress for I lie baths at public expense. Hut it is permission of the government lo stunt' satisfaction to know that construct a wagon bridge across Ihey (In lake baths. Ihe Missouri at Uellcvuc. Why i ..l til . II . . II. ,1 'HI. T ;o: noi ai riaiisinoui ii : i ne journal Nevertheless, Woodrow Wilson advised our Commercial club lo has been eomnaral ivelv fori unale get busy several mouths ago in in escaping brickbats so far. The this mailer, but for some cause or only tilings itirown at linn have m hit i uey oni inn, inKf 10 me mea been an assortment of boom- Platlsmoulh is Ihe proper place Oovcrinir Aldrich get erangs. for such a bridge and it might In :o: well for the Commercial club to at, When w si'llletl as lo his choice for presi lent? First be was for f.n Fol- et)e, then for Tafl, ami then for says in said article are the fol lowing: "I have earnestly ana conscientiously supported Mr. Mryau in three presidential elec tions, and I would be pleased lo upporl him again if he would permit himself to become a can didal!'. If, however, he is not a candidale for the nomination, Ii know of no reason why I should not exercise the right of a mature American citizen who has devoted great portion of his life to the sludy of public questions, to vote for such a man as I believe, under all circumstances, is best tiualilied for the position and most likely to be elected if nominated. I have no sympathy with those who charge (Iovernor Harmon with be ing a reactionary or in iavor oi unlawful combinations and trusts, is (here is no evidence lo support these charges ami my personal know ledge of Ihe man leads me lo repudiate them as unfounded." Senator Allen is simply assuming the same preogalive that is guaranteed to all voters, and the same right which many democrats assumed two years ago when they voled for Aldrich for governor. see the house bill become a law. II would have added comfort l thousands of needy veterans in their rapidly declining days. :o: There are many ways in which Hie democratic party in Nebraska could become united, and victory lerch upon ils banner. Hut it can never lie done ny tne I'ull Dick. nil Hevil" phfn adopted by some men in both factions of the party. II looks like labor wasted to even make an efi'orl for success at the mils with the parly in its present lenioralizeil condition. Maybe liter the primary election the adtTs will become restored lo it'ir sound, sober judgment, as of old, and see Ihe error of their folly and all gel together once ne in another desperate effort for victory. Hut, I hen, we are in no worse shape than the rcpub- ienns. Hut that, is not much con solation for democrats, at the very inie we should be united ami harmonious. Certain earnest souls have been greatly distressed over the ques tion of how the republican na tional convention could praise the Tall administration in ils plat form ami I hen nominate someone else. That's easy, if you only knew the trick it is done bv. :o :- A :bl,(imi dinner was given lo leasl look into Hie matter. the Russian ambassador ami wife, :o: Roosevell. Now who svill he sup- ami if this scale of living is lo "Why Mr. Tafl Can't Win," is a port if Roosevell is not a can- prevail in Washington the gov- heading in a few of Ihe melropoli tlitlale? Hard to It'll; he having erniiieiil clerks most work more lain .journals. These miners know switched so often. Hut, then, it than seven hours a dav. tioesii t mailer very much, real v. who he is for. -:o :- -:o:- 1 1 1 1 more about it than we do. It iniply means that these papers Kvitlently Chauncey Depcw did don't want him lo w in, I hat's all. not mean Aldrich of Nebraska in Ihe same with papers who do not. speaking of a vice presidential vwinl (iovernor llari i lo win. candidate, lie certainly hud the N" one can lell anything about it I We believe Woodrow Wilson or Champ Clark can win, but Ihal is simply our opinion, and no more. :o : T. W. Smith of York, former warden of the pe uilentiary under i i .... . :., v.. sio.ii..,,i...,.,r,.,.'. ,wi,; Jwrong pig by the ear. He must n'ii the campaign is over. ivisrnii.n. loi- .1 i.imvnir have meant Senator Aldrich of as a candidate for delegate-at- ll,lo,,, IfiIaiJ' I :i imp i (it Miii 4 1 ii 1 1 1 1 ti im I in ii n I ti n n 1 0 ' nif 1 1 i. in in inoi i inn urn loiiiii coiivi'iilinn. This makes an even ' nele Sam is said to be a poor half-dozen candidates for dele- debtor when it comes to collect gate-at-large, ami only two to idg elaims against him. The old elect. gentleman means well, but his :o? guardians uemanu ineir com treasury uy i no tune congress KfUs through, Uncle Sain will have o borrow money to clean up his J ing so hill hoard. (iovernor Folk has shown good pensation before they let him pay l . . ... judgment in withdrawing: from his debts. Ihe presidential race in Missouri. o: Ami while we admire Champ Clark The republican congressmen very much, and can give him our from Nebraska are making all I support in his aspirations, we do manner of sport over the mention not believe Ihal (iovernor Folk of (Iovernor Aldrich as a probable has been treated just exactly right candidate for vice president. Well, by the democratic leaders of the it is quite. laughable, to say the slate. least. :o:- :o: It pays most any man to be Arizona now takes it place as patriotic at a salary of $7,500 per the forty-eighth stato admitted year and 20 cents a mile to and into the Union, and a former from Washington. Most of us Missourian has been inaugurated could afford to bo patriotic for governor. It is hard work lo keep In Ihe nomination of Hon. John II. Morchead for governor the democrats will have a man who will command the united support of the democracy of Nebraska. nd, then, he is a gentleman pos sessing all the essentials to make a governor of whom the entire people of the slate could point with pride. Is it not better to nominate a man who can accom plish tho desired result (victory) than to nominate one who cannot command the support of his en tire party? Tho answer would naturally be yes I :o: The Harmon forces in Nebraska will nieel in Fremont next Mon day to effect an organization. In vitations have been sent out gen erally all over the state, and it is expected that a large number of democrats favorable to the Ohio man will be on hand lo take part in Ihe meet ing. ) ;o; The democrats, as Miey (read Hie pathway, should not forget the valiant services that Hon. Willis Fi. Reed of Madison has rendered the party. Mr. Reed is a very able man, ami if elected lo the United tales senate would do honor to the stale of Nebraska. He dt erves some recognition at the mils of the democratic parly uul Ihe Journal hopes he will not "long in receiving that which he is .justly entitled to. :o ; What about that baseball club? re we lo have one in Plattsmouth the coming season, or are we to eniain olT the baseball map? Now is the time for us to get a iiiovh on us in that direction. Who'll take the lead? We certainly can find someone who will jump up and do. We can get into the Mink eague if we will organize right now, and once in that league we are sure of some excellent ball playing in Plattsmouth during the season. ofllee-holders -:o:- The immortal John O. Yeiser of Omaha has called a little conven Mon of his own, which is to meet rn the metropolis on February 22. John evidently is going to have Fverything his own way or ho will Kive a little band wagon all to himself. :o: "Equal rfcglilB to all special irlvllegos none." Ah, but isn't ttbat a granfl Hontence, if we could all boo alike its full moaning? Uosl of us view it in the right Hpirlt, while oThers don't and It. H. Howell, opponent of Vic Rosewater for republican nationa committeeman, has just returned from W'nshinclon to his home in one-.ounn o. that, ana .ess. The a missourian down, no matter 0maha Rn(1 ,n 8poftkinff Qf gen are not the only wnere ne goes. . . . Dnva. Tn Wo . incrton I learned Hint Senator A cargo of plug hats, paper HUchcock hn9 alrP'ady bccomo ono of tho most influential members of the senate, and should the democratic parly, by any fluke ones that are patriotic, even if they do get good money for be- -:o:- collars, dolls, toys and drums has been shipped from New York to West Africa. The first named two lorney general of Missouri, will be 'U1T"'" WM",0,"UIU elect tho president next fall, Ne a candidate for the democratic " ' braaka will have great influence in lion. K. W. Major, present at- noiiiinatiou of that stale for gov ernor. When we knew him best he was a slate senator, and one of for a high noon wedding. :o:- tho senate. I was very much im pressed with the position and The harmony gag put forth by strength of Judge Norris in the the brightest young men in the n ,ow 01 1110 !ncoln politicians bouse. Both republicans and stale. Ho is now one of the ablest ' "Ihor night did not stop Sen- democrats speak of him in the men in-Missouri, and his admin- lxU)V Hveridge from giving some highest terms." islration as attorney general has d,r0Pl blows ,0 standpatters, and demonstrated to the voters thai 1 19 siUl' '1C mado some of them Ex-United Slates Senator W. V, he will fill the office of governor slu,rm "ke angle worms. Allen, in a communication to the in tho same manner that ho served :o: . Lincoln Daily Star, tolling why he as attorney general. May success. It will bo a great honor to tho for Governor Harmon of Ohio attend our old friend is our democrats of Nebraska to bo rep- for president, gives somo very ex prayer. resented in the Daltimoro conven- rellent reasons. Among things ho -:o:- Notlce to Stallion Owners. The 1DH Stallion Registration .aw requires all males, pure bred, ross-bred, grade or jack, to be examined by a stale inspector. An inspector will be at the hotel in Plattsinouth at 8 a. in. on February 21, and at the hotel in I. a Platte at 7:02 a. m. on Feb ruary 20; at (he holel in Foil Crook at 10 a. ni. on February 2 at Hellevue at 1:30 p. m. Feb ruary 20; Mynard at 1:32 p. m. l'ebruary 17, and Murray at 6 a. in. February 17, for the, purpose of inspecting all stallions and jacks that have not been inspected in the vicinity of the respective towns named. Horses should be brought to the nearest point men tioned above. The inspection will cost S5.00 for each animal, and will begin at time set each day. Copies of the law may be had from V. H. Mel lor, Secretary Nebraska Stallion Registration Hoard. Lin coln, Neb. :o:- Archembyus V. Benson. C. C. Woscotl, esq., is in re ceipt of a Idler from Edward R. Harvey, attorney, of Washington, U. C, stating that the writer is very anxious to locate somo of Ihe family of Archembuys V. Hen son, an ex-Union soldier of Com pany II, Second Nebraska cavalry, who lived at Plattsmouth and en listed from her in December, 18G2. The writer believes the soldier is lead, as he was ii or 45 years of age at Ihe time of the war. Pos sibly somo of his famity are still living in this neighborhood. Any one having any information con cerning the soldier or his rela tives, or their whereabouts, will confer a favor by leaving same wit h C. E. Wesoott's Sons, at their store. I:rei Bates, 8 Miles South of Plattsmouth (the Old Martin Farm) has installed a Saw Mill on his place, and is prepared to furnish hard lum ber of all kinds, posts and chunk wood. A11 orders promptly filled, and also soiicited. When Hendiet Arnold betrayed the American cause General Washington turned to somo of his army associates and said: "Whom can the people trust now?" In these days of misplaced con fidence, betrayal, treachery, double-dealing and intrigue, whom can we trust with tho con fident air that breathes the very essence of truth and sincerity? The one priceless jewel in the casket of confidence springs from friendship that is pure as refined gold. :o: PENSION BILL DEFEATED. What is known as the "Dollar- a-Day'' pension bill, which recent ly passed the lower branch of con gress, was defeated by the senate committee. Another bill is to be presented in Ihe senate, but its provisions are such as lo be of no value to the men who most need it. Tho limit is placed at $30 per month, but to get it a soldier must have served three or more years and bo 75 years old. Thou sands of needy veterans do not reach tho '75-year limit. Only hero and there such a pension wil do any good. Wo had hoped to DR Herman Grccdor, Graduate Vclincary Surgeon (Formerly with U. S. Department Agriculture) Licensed by Nebraska State Board Calls Answered Promptly Phone 378 White, Tlattsmouth Do You want an AUCTIONEER? If you do, get one who haB Experience, Ability, Judgement. Telegraph or write ROBERT WIKINSOII, Dunbar, Neb. Dates made at this office or the Murray State Bank. Rates Reasonable