t The- Plattsmouth - Journal CD Published Seml-Weeklj at Plattsmouth, Nebraska R. A. BATES, Publisher. Entered nt the Postoflice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class matter. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE II doesn't take very much effort to ral tie mi empty head. ;o; Well, will we have that demo cratic bampiel? Say yes or no, ;ul lie done, with it. :o: The In del inspector is on his Moulds. II will he well to see that !!! bed sheets are full size. Why not Honsovell and Yeisor? Wouldn't John make a daisy can-i Widale for vice president? Well, t guess yes! . :o; Information accumulated dur ing the last ton years has con vinced the public that, the past iwrise of the steel tariff is stole. :o: January may consider that it wits very In city to he permitted to icrve out its term without, having l,it jons eimilaled for ils recall. :o: Itut few farmers were in town Saturday. The roads were so blocked Ihat it was impossible lo get here. ''he worst drifts in many years. "The situation as far as J'resi lent Tafl, is concerned." says the Bon. James Hchoolcrafl Sherman, "has improved wonderfully in Iho last few weeks." :o: The only safe way to travel ver the railroad tracks nowdays rs hy nieans of a hand-car, which can he pulled oil' one side when ymi see a train coining. W. II. Hearst, has engaged eigh teen rooms for the democratic na tional convention. As he can go fco bed in hut one at a time, this ih just seventeen too many. The Colonel is a grandfather, hut Micro is no sign of a disposi tion to slop going out evenings and settle down in the chimney nrner, in: Owing lo the fact that the Hhc.rwood hill has not yet become a law, the pension appropriation bill which passed the house car ries with it only $152,000,000. :o: Why don't some of our agri- - Miiltural societies buy the throne of China, which can bo had cheap now? It would bo tine for a Ridge's stand for tho horse trot 8. :o : people who sutler from tho rise in kerosene can use cniTdles, but Iho sufferings of tho motorists fiver the advance in gasoline can nt be helped, as there iH no sub stitute. - :o: If tho groundhog called around Oyster Hay or Marse Henri's Httnctuni. ho Mircly must have hied himself lo the deepest corner of hto hole, seeing the indication of stormy woataor, :o: Champ Clink, in the New York ludepondont, says thai the Paine- Aldrieh laijfl' bill costs the poo- pn of this country $500,000,000 a year, needlessly, This amounts to 'J7T)0 for each family. When we remember thai Iho average income, of ouch family in this country amounts to only $120 a year we see wIihI a bunion is this that I'ic i eptddicans have foisted upon the ciuntiy. - :o: ' is becoming customary to put in the front window of i stores and let him mako a marathon, rim on tho piano for thirty honih or so. This, how ever, fs no HwJl.y in tl:o rosidenco tftehborhftodh. (I. W. f'.honey of I'nion has tiled as a repuhlican candidate for representative. No one on the democratic side of the house has ye signified I heir intention of running. I.et modern weather prophets discredit the groundhog as they will, but it must be observed that I he old Mr. Hog saw his shadow early Friday morning, ami the next day it snowed. -:o:- (iovernor Aldrich commands r lloosevelt to speak up or quit. And, of course, Teddy will do it. lie is used to following the dic lales of such "small fry" as Aid rich in your mind. :o : 'The president of Princeton says a student just graduated from lliat college is worth only $G a week. It often takes a persistent advertising campaign to dispose of him even at. Ihat figure -:o :- Husiness men are said to be lerrori.ed by tin: feeling against the Irusls. If they can't support I heir families under present con ditions they can help out by keep ing chickens in Ihe back yard. :o: During Iho last few days Presi dent Taft has been suffering from a sore throat. Anyone, who has been gelling it in the neck as frequently as the president must uecesssirilv Imvn :i sore Hi rout ...... ....... ........ .... . :o: The strike of the woolen mill employes in l.awrence. Mass.. seems to be without any good eason. Many of the workers have been receiving as high as $5.50 a week, whether they needed it or not. ! ' o: J'ho first thing the democrats want to do in order to succeed is to get rid of those deadheats who are always Hanging around lor places to drop in in case Ihe party is successful. They are coining to the front now, and some of them have even n i .. .1 r i i 1 into 101 M"ie olllces. If nominated someone will have to pay their campaign expenses. :o: Aldrich is determined to raise another row in Omaha, and has ordered the attorney general to go there and "stir up things" in general. When tho governor can't find anything clso lo keep his name before tho people of tho stato ho raises Cain with Omaha. Aldrich seems to bo revengeful. He hasn't forgotten the small vote he received for his present position, and if he keeps doing as he has been doing ho won't get a corporal's guard at tho next elec tion. -:o:- All the democrats want this year is a licket composed of good, reliable candidates whose rec- ords and characters will bear in- spection. There are some can- .iKiaves airoauy mod lor siaie lotllr.es, who, if nominated, will carry the entire ticket down in defeat, i, nder Hie primary elec- lion system you can't help (heir being candidates, but. the voters should post themselves on the character of Ihe men who arc running, and then vote for those whom they know are well fitted for Ihe various positions. -:o:- T'ho fact that Molcalfo "bolted" the nomination of Dahlman dur ing the last campaign is, of course, working against him in ceilain quarters. But, on tho other hand, may it not bo equally true that his "bolt" has strength- cned him in other quarters? If the opposition to Metcalfe's can didacy is basing its hopes solely on Metcalfe's bolt, it is due for a shock. There is no disguising the fact thai Metcalfe's candidacy for the nominal ion is growing in strength every day. It is being managed by a master hand, an it is achieving unusual publicity. Whelhcr Melcalfe as the nominee would be as strong as Melcalfe for the nomination is beside the present quest ion. Those w ho sit down and quietly figure that be cause "Met" boiled he cannot be nominated would better wake up. Will Maupin's Weekly. -:o: Senator Manning has tiled with the secretary of slate. There will be rio opposition to him for the nominal ion of senator. :o : I'hese straw votes that are be ing taken in some of the cities I ...... 'i ,...i , i.. i,. a'" "' - the people will vide. For in stance, in Lincoln, Hoosevelt, in a straw vole, received 100 votes and Mr. Hryan only 10. Hut Hryan is not a candidate. :o: The railroads offer to give Denver $r0,(i00 for its Auditorium in return for Ihe use of a certain street. Although Ihe money would have lo pass through poli- ieians' hands (he offer may hi; a good one, and Denver can get a i? 12,500 pipe organ for nolhing. :o: F.x-Uniled Slates Senalor Wil liam V. Allen has declared his in tention of supporting (lovernor Harmon of Ohio for president. The republicans don't like this act ion on I lie part ol ex-Senator Allen, but why we are unable lo falhom. And we don't suppose Ihe senator cares who objects lo "is support of Mr. Harmon, either '.O'- Some people have views on the presidential question, and they iiiiiik iney are rignt. mil iney are not wining to concede to others the same privileges if they dis- agree with them. Every voter has a right to his own views and is privileged lo vote for those camiKiat.es whom he desires to see nominated. This is yet a free country, and will be as long as the American flag is allowed to uoai over n -:o:- It is about time for the. state inspector of stallions lo come anilina nn1 k 5 oul of (fach stallion owner in Cass county. Phis is certainly tho biggest graft ever perpetrated upon tho owners. Now, we desire to ask the qucs- nnd would like for someone who knows to answer: Who gets this money the stato or the ex aminer? It is an imposition and the law making such compulsion should bo repealed by tho next legislature :o: There is no use of trying to force upon the party a candidate who cannot command tho united support of the parly at the gen eral election. This has been tried and would not work, and you can't force the voters to do something they .do not want to do. It is aN ways best to nominate men whose records as democrats are clear and clean. There is no use to nin Uny risks on this matter when we have plenty of true and tried democrats who can unite the parly in Ihoir support ;0 n,,, mi,ir wij iar(Hy fail to regard Ihe steady increase in the1 0f oil and oil products as an attempt on the part, of the own ers of the various component parts of tho Standard Oil trust to discipline the public. Throe times in the thirty-odd days that have passed since the end of 1911, tho price of crude oil has been ad vanced, and each timo there was a corresponding raise in the price of tho refined products. Gasoline and petroleum now cost 2 cents a gallon more than they did on January 1. Valentine day will soon be here -February I S. :o: )Iil.-l empire at an end, and a republic now assured fur China. :o: The rubber trust announces that it will not stretch prices this :o:- The campaign has become loo strenuous for Senator La Folletle, and he is compelled to take a rest. Old weather prophets insist Ihat we will have an early spring. We hope so. It's certainly Hue us. I :o: Teddy is a clever politician, all right, but Dorothy Dix cam write rings around him on the subject of woman's rights. : o : Sheriff (ius llyers of Lancaster county has a llrst-class damage suit tiled against him and only in oftleo a little over a month. :o: The beef barons couldn't get even any other way, and now they are accused of destroying' the records. That's. one way of de feating the government. :o: The potato crop having failed, people are urged to eat rice. Newly married couples can get several meals from the offering? mode at their wedding. Congressmen who are anxious for a nice summer trip begin to prick up their ears when this in ternational commission on Hi.' cost of loving is mentioned. :o : The Moderator, published at Omaha, is nol slow in speaking its sentiments, and the way il goes for I he fellow s who need "jacking up" and get it right straight from Ihe shoulder is a caution. The expenditure of Sl'O.ooo fur Iho Lake Chaiuplaiu celebration is being criticised, but anything that keeps n number of congressmen out of mischief for several days i t lie regarded tolerantly. There is nothing to indicate, if Thomas llyan walked up lo Tam many Hall with a campaign con tribution, that they would throw the money indignantly into New York harbor. While dissolution of trusts might not start competition among- the dissolved members, some of the retailers might, feel that they could handle, independ ent goods without hiding them between the partitions. :o: . A LiLncoln minister declares tho church's influence must bo utilized in solving problems of labor. Perhaps if this question had been taken up in the church years ago there would not be so much suffering in tho country now. ' :o: From reports over the country we do not think "Fatty" Taft need be alarmed about his renomina tion. With tho postmasters and federal officers booming him, is a great power within itself that is hard to down. :o: Sausage makers are petitioning the government pure food author ities for permission to keep their process a secret. Sausage mak ers are foremost among those who should not be allowed to do anything of the sort. :o: The democrat ic party has al ways opposed machine politics and the men who undertake to establish such a system within the ranks of that party will get il whore the chicken got the ax sooner or later. :o: A new source of food supply has been found in petroleum. The public, however, may view it with suspicion, remembering what it did to John P. Rockefeller' stomach. Yeisor and HosewaU-r! Now, candidly, isn't that a pretty pan to draw to? :o: II eauuol be said that the American people fail to do their presidential shopping early. :o: The price of rubber, they say, has fallen, but we see no evidence oT Ibis fad in the price of rubber goods. People would be more comfort able if (hey threw away the thermometer, but what would be come of Ihe soda fountain man? '-re among .pod hats are lo bo s season's Faster mil linery offerings. 11 is to be in ferred thai the price, also, will be egg-like. Harper's Weekly now knows the folly of supporting a candidate for the presidency without first having a license from the proper authority. :o : Senator Hitchcock will be a candidate for deegale-at-large to the national convent ion. Well, we don'l know of anyone Dial has a better right lo go as such. . The seed corn proposition is a mailer now lo be looked after. And Iho farmers who look after this mailer in time are the ones who will prolil b good crops nexi season. There's no mistake about that. II is rumored Ihat the express companies may lie required to re duce rales on packages. It would conform with their reputations as pniiunimopisis n iney soon came down before I'ncle Sam blazes away. t :o: ... People all over tho state are getting ready h roads campaign open the good soon as the proper season opens. ' ork wil ie done this year m ass countv Minn in any two revious years. AN AGGRESSIVVE INDUSTRY. When the automobile tlrst ante into popular favor in this ountry, most of the ears were imported from Kunqie. Year by oar up lo lsmo, the imports of machines exceeded the exports, although the margin of difference bowed a gradual decrease. In I'.'OG the imports and the exports were about equal. That year was the last of the ascendancy of the foreign-made car. The imports into this country began to de crease rapidly, while the exports grew by leaps and bounds, until in the calendar year 19H the balance of automobile trade in favor-of tluv United States was more than $19,000,000. The total of exports was $21,600,000, while tho value of imports was only $2,400,000. No better statistical statement than this can be made of the progress of the automobile manu factoring industry of America The increased consumption of cars in this country is being more and more supplied by domestic manufacture, while the growing demand abroad is being more and more satisfied by our production It can be said now that th American automobile loads tho world, and the crack cars of France, Italy, Oerinany and Eng land are sull'ering in competition with America's best. The enterprise that has enabled this country lo lake Iho lead over tho rest of Iho world is no belter exemplified I ban by the circum stances under which the automo bile shows will be held during the coming season. Though tho exhibitions are of nature of a public enterprise, the automobile men have gone ahead on their own hook, soliciting no public aid save that of sympathy with their purpose, and general co-operation with them. Independent, ielf-reliant and I 'V? Your or uni formity. Your for great est leave nng power. Your for never falling re.-iuhs. Yours for purity. Your for economy . Your for every thing that goes to ir. ike up a strictly high grade, ever d spendable baking powder. Thnt is Calumet. Try it onro and nolo the i n- rrovement in your bak ing. See how miich mora economiidl over tin l.ih- priccd trust brands how much better than the cheap and big-can kindr Calumet is highest in qnaty moderate in cot. Received Highest Aw vd World' Pure Food position. euulcrprising, the automobile men of America, already in the lead, have hardly started their bat I If for world supremacy. -:o:- For a sprain you will llnd Chamberlain's Liniment excellent. " a"as the pain, removes the soreness, and soon restores the narts to a healthy condition. 28 anfi 50 c,,nt bottles for sale by F. fi. Fricko & Co. For sale bills and all other kinds of Job work call at the Journal office. We Ask Your Aid Probably you have never realized that each telephone subscriber is a vital factor in securing good telephone service. You and every other tele phone user are essential part ners in the Company that sup plies your telephone equipment- This Company is making every effort to meet the needs of the entire public for a tele phone service that is united, direct and universal, and is trying hard to win and to merit a reputation for prompt and efficienLservice. We have no desire to dodge our responsibility to give the very best service, but take note of this: No community ever enjoys really first-class telephone ser vice unless the Company has the intelligent and the hearty co-operation of its subscribers- In a series of advertisements we shall point out how you can be loyal to yourselves and your neighbors in helping us give the best service possible. Lincoln I Tftlonnna anrl Telegraph Go.