Mj) K ALCOJIOL 3 PEK CENT" AVcgclalilcl'rpprjal'wnftiriis similaiiiii'icrooJanilRctluIa ling Uic SiuTacis ui'iL'ovcIsi fnnii-Ii' il the alibi witnesses. Ho Hun i in pT-i-o-nl nit tin' minds of (!). jury I hat Al Lytic i i i not wear I hal George was willi him Tromolcs DtfcslionJCkerfu!--2ss and ResiConlalns neither UpiunLMorphinc nor Mineral. I.OTl..nCOTIC. isrSnil 'vrnml -I uurki.-i.'.Sta li'mn.M' i'mlml S'Kti" MLjcrai Hart. Anerfecl Remedy forCtmrtpa lion. Sour Slomach.Dlarrtiota Worms .Convulsions.tcvcriJ nessmulLossOFSLEEP. FacSb'.Ic Signature of NEW YORK. For Tnfants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho aturo of Sisnaturo AM AW In USG For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. TM( ef NTAUM OOMMNV. NIW VO OITY. p.. I I !.) I HIIIWIII JURY III PIS i siimti: ck kim:si: roil cass 4 t; I TV Kl.lt Til K lvll III 12 An lle liy Honril f miuty ( oiilulitm-r of H ilnl, Jnuuury H. IHIJ. Court House expense I 12,000 00 TRIGT m GKE LVTLE GUILTY AS CHARGED Case Was Given to Jury Yesterday Afternoon Following Strong Arguments by Attorneys for State and Defense and at 9:30 a Verdict of Guilty Was Returned. the tit f the robbery; thai il! tin y h;nl was tin' testimony ot ti'n Kenyan that hi' was not alli o do anything hut a few chores, nit Hen had said tie was away a niile nf days at a lime. That was exactly wnai uic suue thought. Judge Slabaugh closed by charging the jury that sym- alhy had no place in dealing out Histice; inai tu'orgc i.juc was the architect of Ins own char acter and had no one. to blame for his posilion. He reminded the jury that they sat in the jury box without, bavins? been chal lenged by the stale, for Hie reason that the stale believed they were men of courage, and that they would do their duly as men, and that when an array of circum stances so overwhelming had ieen shown to them that their calm, deliberate judgment would prevail. Judge Travis then read his in structions and told I he jury to retire and select their foreman and deliberate on the case and have the foreman sign and date one of the forms of verdict which the Judge handed them. The jury went out about (5 o'clock and was out until about 9:30, when il brought in a verdict of guilty as charged. The motion for a new t rial for John Doud, convicted as an ac complice wilh Lylle and McCann. was argued by Mr. Brill last evening at 7:30 and overruled by the court. The Judge then sen tenced Doud to an indeterminate sentence for life, or not, less than twenty years at hard labor in slate penitentiary at Lancaster, near Lincoln. Sheriff Ouinlon and M. V. Thomas look Doud and McCann lo (he penitentiary this morning. Commissioners salary ouv..u County Supe lintendent's salary 1.6'IO.UO Vssessnig county j.iiuo.uo Mm kink' tax list 70". ut) Hooks, blanks and supplies.. 2.0OU 00 Election expense 2.300.00 j.u,,l l.oiM.OO Jail expense 1.000.00 Paupers and poor farm Ji.uuO.OO County attorney's salary .... 1.200.00 lirldges 32.000.00 Kosds 30,000.00 Incidentals 5,310 00 Soldiers' lielief 1.000.00 Court Expense 13,000.00 Sheriffs Salary i.mu.uu County Clerk's salary 1.K50.00 Deputy Sheriff's salary 540.00 Total 1115,550.00 D. C. MORGAN, County Clujrk. NOTICE. IN DISTRICT COUKT OP CASS County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Guardianship of ' llav Huby, lioss Rubv, Teddy Ruby and Helen Ruby, Minors. Now, on this 25th day of January, 1912, this cause came on to bo heard upon the petition of Martin L. Huby, guardian, praying therein for a license to sell the Southeast Quarter of Sec tion Twelve (12). Township Eleven (11) Range Twelve (12). situate In Cass County, Nebraska, for the purpose of maintaining and educating said minors. It Is ordered that the next of kin of said minors and all persons Interested In said matter, appear before me at the District Court lioom at Plattsmouth, In Cnss County, Nebraska, on the 28th day of February, 1912, at 10 oclock A. M. to show cause why a license should not be grnnted to said guardian as above set forth. That notice of teh time and place or above hearing be given to the next kin of said minors and all persons In terested by publishing a cony of this order In the Weekly Journal, a news aner printed and of general circula tion In Cass County, Nebraska, for three weeks prior to tho said day of hearing. mnvKY n. travis. Judge of the District Court. From Saturday's Jrnlly. The trial of i 'ge Lytic, Charged wilh the robbery of M. Trilsch's jewelry store al Louis ville on the night of September 28 or the early morning of I he 2'Jlli, by blowing open his iron Wife wilh nitroglycerine, or some ! her explosive, was resumed yes terday iiriernoon. Lylle s alibi yilnesH, Hen Keagan, was placed OJi the stand and lestilled that last fall George Lylle was in very poor health, in fact, was a sick man, and unable lo do anything at all xcepl a few chores about the Itarn; I hal he was w ith w itness at Quit lime and attended to his horses and was barely able to do Oil's. On cross-examination he ftfiid that Lylle might have been HCway a couple of days at a time, a)id he supposed Lytic was over at lijs brother's. Dr. Martin of this city, who at tended Lylle after he was arrested tivo months after the robbery, was (jailed, but on objection of the tflato was not permitted to testify. The defendant also called' Tim Jichlaler, the bartender, who sold 0ree men beer over his bar on September 2, and who positively unentitled Doud and Mccann us tivo of the three, but could not ffliy whether Lylle was the third man or not. Defendant also call (Jl Vogle of South Hend, who itlenlillcd McCann and Doud, but (Hd not see Lytic on September Ti, the day before the Wabash hank safe was attempted lo he hlown. The defendant did not take the Hi and in his own behalf, and lioj lly before 3 o'clock in the af fcrnoon (lie defendant and the fftate rested and the argument of Uie state's case was commenced l)v County Attorney Taylor. Mr Taylor reviewed the evidence in ncalm and dispassionate manner wjlhoul show of oratory. He took Ilie jury over to Louisville, show ejl then) the three men loafing about the elevator all day and the Tritsch store, the safe wilh making an extended argument, dwelling on the evidence of Tim Schlaler ami impressing on Hie minds of the jury that Mr. Schlaler had the best opportunity lo identify Lylle of any of the wit nesses, for he was closer lo I tie three men than any of them. Mr, Hrill made a good argument for Ins client, and when he was through there was nothing left unsaid which would assist the mrv in viewing I lie testimony from Lylle's standpoint. Tin peaker played on the sympathelii con null ma oniy inemners 01 the panel were visably alTecled bul many in the court room as well. Mr. Hrill pictured liberty and freedom in all its attractive ness, weaving into his oratory touches of nature, and here and ere a bit of pMclry, and closed by asking tho jury not to send Ibis sick man to the place of deep, dark despair on the kind of evidence which had been submit ted to 'them. Judge Slabaugh, for the state, followed the attorney for the de fendant wilh one of the strongest arguments for conviction which has ever been produced in this court, lie began his address by telling the jury that freedom and liberty were not license, and the liberty given under the constitu tion to every American citizen was not the sort that permitted the midnight assassan lo prwol in the midnight hour and with terrible explosives destroy prop erly and maybe life. He doubled not that had Mr. Trilsch been about his place of business at the time the safe was blown he would never have, been present to testify in the case. Judge Slabaugh dwell on the testimony of the witnesses who positively identifying Oeorge Lylle, these being four in num ber Mr. Ossenkop, Mrs. Haddon, Mrs. Masters and a young man driving home his cows. The speaker paid a tribute to the bravery and courage of the police Died In Lincoln. H rorn Saturdays Daily. Mrs. Martha Kaught, a former well Known i,ass county limy, men in Lincoln Thursday. The Slale iiii'iial of yesterday contained Hie following concerning her, which will be of interest lo many iss cniinly people: "Mrs. Martha Kaught died Thursday noon at. her home, .) 2 T slreet. She was the wifeo f John ('. Kaught, and was i7 years of aue. Marl ha Hoot w as born inMiehigan in IK(i. She caint to Nebraska and was married in Cass county lo J. C Kaught jn IK!).!. Thev came to Lincoln six vears ago, and have since made Iheir home in this cily. She leaves, besides her husband, three sons and three daughters Dr. A. M. Kaught of Scot Is Bluffs, Neb.: Mrs. K.dith Murpbv of Seward Neb.; Claude, Justus, Hnlh and (irace, residing wilh Iheir par ents. She is also survived by her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. James Hoot, of 21) to Vine slreet; a brother, Frank Root, of Beaver Sily, Neb., and two sisters, Mrs, Mary McDaniel and Mrs. Minnie Wood of Lincoln. The funeral will be held from the residence at '?:30 p. in. today, with interment in Wyuka cemetery.'' NOTICK OP SALE. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF CASS Count v. Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Lena Welshelt, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that In pur suance of an order of Hon. Harvey I). Travis. Judge of the District Court of tnss County, Nebraska, made on this 20th day of January, 1912, for the sale of tlie real estate hereinafter de scribed there will be sold at the front door of the American Htchnnge Hank In the Village of Elmwood, Cass County, Nebrnska, on the 21st day of February, 1912, at 1 o'clock P. M., at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate to-wlt: The Northeast Quarter of Seel Ion 12, Township 10. Range 10, East of the (ith 1'. M In Cass County, ebrnska. Said sale will remain open ono hour. Dated this 22nd dnv of .Tnnonrv. 1912. HERMAN I.I'KTCHENS. Evecutor of Said Estate. C. S. AU1RICH I). (). D WYE It, Attorneys. -IIOifiORE BLUE MONDAYS!- Now-a-days every pi oressive farmer is buying labor saving machin ery. He does not buy these implements because he is lazy or indisposed, but because he knows he can handle his products and do his farm work. not only quicker, but moee economically, than he can without them. But How About His Wife? s she leaning over the primitive washboard or tugging at the handle of a washing machine. If she is doing either of these, no matter how much modern machinery is already on the farm, there is one important think acking a "Maytag" Power Washer. With this on the farm she can giv the tiresome job to the gasoline en gine and go about her more ph asant house work with a sense of satisfa tion an relief. The up-to-date farmer ia buying "Maytag" Power Washer will not only show is pn gressiveness but will k t make every Monday as pleasant a V 1 other days, and no longer to be looked J f.0f forward to with visions of tired mu i - " j cles and an aching back. The wringer on the "Maytag" Power Washer swings on a hingt and can be used for wringing clothes at the same time that you are do ing a washing without any other part of the washer interfering. The entire machine is operated with one handle. This handle con trols the washer and wringer absolutely starts it, reverses it and stop it. It is the only one on the machine there can be no mistakes. We want to call your attentio to this fea'ure. The operator can't go wrong, it is impossible to use the wrong handle in a moment of hurry or confusion, for no matter what the maceine is doing, all that is neces sary is to turn the handle and the machine will da the other thing. This machine can be seen at X'v JOHIW PLUMBING! BMJERL HEATING! HARDWARE! CASS Adam NOTICE OK SALE. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF Countv, NebrasKU. In the Matter of t he Estate of Ingram, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that In pur suance of nn order of Hon. Harvey D. Travis, Judge of the District Court of said Cass County, made on the 20tli day of January, 1912. for the sale of Hie real estate hereinafter described, there will be sold at the south door ol I lie Court House, at l'latlsnioiith, Nebraska, on the 2:ird day of February 1912, at l o'clock l M.. at public vendue, to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described real estate to-wlt: The west half of the northwest quarter ii nd the southeast ouarlcr of the north west iiuarter. In Section 19, Township 1, Range 12, In Cas:i Countv, Nebrnska, Said sale will remain open ouo hour. Diited this 2;ird dey ol January, 1912. Edward Ingram, Administrator of Said Estate. D. (). DW'YER, Attorney. Public Auction CTICK F AI)IIM I II i'IO.V. IN THE CdCNTV COl'liT OF CASS Countv. Nebraska. In tho Matter of the Estate of Thomas W Slvrock. Deceased. All persons Interested In snld estate are hereby notified that a petition has been filed alleging that said deceased died Intestate and pravlng for admin istration neon said estate. V hearing ill be had upon said petition on the :'rd dav of February. 1912, at 10 Vclock . M at the Countv Court room it Plattsmouth. All objections and Protests to said petition should be on 'lie and heard at said time. (Seal) ALLEN J. BF.ESOM. - County Judge. 2-l-3wks. Special for Wrestling Match. From Saturday's Dally. All wishing lo attend thrf wrestling match al Louisville Thursday night should give their names to Claude Mayfleld at once. Arrangements are being made for a special train over the Burling ton, to leave Plattsmouth at 7 p in. and returning leave Louisville after the match. The fare will he tU cents for the round trip. The go will be between Sehmrder er of Louisville and Doty of Weeping Water. The biar event of the evening will be between Spence of Louisville and Terry of Nebraska Cily. J. M. Gross Recovering. F. It. CiiiHimann has jul re ceived a letter from J. M. Gross, formerly a traveling man fre quently calling on the l'lalls 'tiouth trade, who was recently set upon and slugged almost to death at his place of business al Peoria, III., in which Mr. Gross slates that he is gelling along nicely and will probably be out again in two or three weeks. One of the men was captured two days after, and will be taken to the penitentiary at Joliet to begin an indeterminate sentence of from one year to life. Mr. dross wants to be remembered lo all his friends in Plattsmouth. Uie door blown off, tho jewelry lolllcer.s of the slale, some of whom ijtock gone, the bar of soap Fred Qssenkop had sold to Lytic, half used up, lying on tho floor, and then the watch bearing the Trilsch number on tho inner yorks and containing a screw which Mr. Trilsch had made. The atch was on fleorgo Lytle's per son when arrested. Mr. Taylor closed his argument wilh a strong plea to the jury lo let their verdict lie one which would protect the property of Cass county citizens from such men as Lytic and his accomplices. Attorney Brill next addressed Uic jury in behalf of the accused, j Mr. Brill had taken occasion to criticise. The speaker was glad that men nail the courage lo go out in the nighttime and guard honest men's properly while they slept and that it required more courage to do this than Judge Slabaugh claimed to possess. He then directed his argument to the alibi and staled to the jury that Omaha was tho home of the alibi alibis could be had there for any price, for half price, for no price at all. When a man was tried in Omaha he had no trouble in gel ting alibi witnesses; when one way tried in the country Omaha Riley Hotel Sold. From Friday's Daily. Register of Deeds Andy Snyder today entered on record n deed executed by Herman II. Brown and wife of Hennepin countv. Min nesota, to Daniel P. Wild of Syca more, 111., conveying to the pur chaser the Riley hotel properlv, Hie consideration being $(15,000 riie deed was executed on the 18th of January and is subject to taxes of 1911, payable in 1912. Returns From New York. From Saturday's Dally. Mrs. Oeorge Dovey, who has been spending the winter in New York with her daughter, Miss Alice, surprised her husband and family by alighting from No. 15 this morning, as her husband, Mr. Dovey, and daughter, Miss Catherine, hoarded the train for Omaha. Mrs. Dovey expressed herself as having had a most en lovable visit will) her daughter in New York. Car Shortage Relieved. Burlington reports show that tho car shortage complained of one week ago is relieved, although as much grain i9 now moving as was moving at that time. A greater number of grain cars Is in the service now. t Miss Mabel Ossenkop came down from Louisville yesterday to be a witness at the trial of George Lytic. Miss Ossenkop is a guesl of the Perkins house while in the city. Fred Bornman, A. K. Leesley and J. C. Lemon of Greenwood and Frank Creamer and Harry Long of South Bend returned to their homes this morning, hav ing acted as jurors in the district court at tho Lytic trial. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. TTia Kind You Haia Alwayv Boig!it The undersigned will sell al Public Auction al his farm, live miles northwest of I'laltsmoulh, Nebraska, on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8th, The following described prop erly, lo wit: TMttcen Hond of Horses and Mules. One learn draft horses, weight J,800. One team mules, weight 2,-100. One team mares, weight 2,500. One black horse colt, coming 3 ears old, weight 1,-100. I One team of black mares, ! .ctehl ,'.100. One di ning horse, weight 1,000. One colt, coining 3 years, weight 1,100. Two bay colts, coming 2 years old. One mule, coming 2 years old. Fifty Head of Cattle. Thirty head of cows and heifers. Two registered Galloway bulls. One registered bull calf. Three registered Galloway cows. Two registered Galloway heifers Two full blooded Holstein bulls. Two full blooded Holstein heifers. Ten head of Calves. Thirtv head of Ho?. Farm Implements. Three lumber wagons. Two buggies. One spring wagon. Two mowers. Two walking plows. One combined lister. Three cultivators. Two hay rakes. Two harrows. One disc. Ono corn planter. One seeder. One hay loader. Ono side delivery rake. Onb Clover Leaf manure p reader. Five sets of work harness. One set of buggy harness. Ono bob-sled. Two steel water tanks. 21 bushels of timothy and clover seed mixed. Other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of 8ale: All sums or $10 and under, cash in hand; over $10, a credit of twelve months will bo given, tho purchaser giving good bank able paper hearing interest at 8 per cent. No property to leave the premises until settled for Free lunch will ho served. Sale to begin at 10 o'clock a. m. J. I FALTER. Rob't. Wilkinson, Auctioneer. Big Loss by Fire. F F. Spies, who is spending u few days wilh his parents, return ed from Sallisaw, Okla., where, last Wednesday night, the Prof. Ray company, in which Mr. Spies is intersled, met with a severe loss from fire. The Sallisaw Daily News gives the following account of the (ire: "The Wonderland theater, cor ner of Chicksaw and Oak streets, was destroyed by lire about 1 o'clock this (Wednesday) morn ing, cnlnning a loss of approxi mately 0,0(10, wilh no insurance. OT this amount about ? 1,000 falls on Prof. Ray, who lost all of his paraphernalia for the talking pis lures, which were playing the house this week. Despite the fact that within a few minutes after the alarm was sounded several people were on the scene, ons trunk belonging to the Rays was all thai was saved. The Ray leave tonight for Kansas City t equip nnolher outfit and will soos be on the road again. Bears the UiniHure ANNOUNCEMENT. The undersigned has no apolo gizes or explanations to make for starling tho fourth drug store is Plattsmouth further than to say that the senior member of th tlrm has resided hero for 37 year and the junior member was bom here and we prcfered lo live, is Plattsmouth in preference t casting our lot in some other city. We did not enter into this busi ness enterprise with the expecta tion or desire lo drive anyone out of business in order lo succeed, htit reasoned thai if we could gel. our share of the drug business it this city and country tributary , thereto we could all live. We ; have taken our chances in getlinj , our share of your patronage, and jti'no, which settles all questions, win solve tnai prouiem. i;ora in and see us. Smith & Mauzy Drug Co. The Journal office orrres kinds of typewriter supplies. all Bd Snow Storm. From Saturday's Dally. The worst snow storm and cold, freezing weather which has bees known in this locality for thirty years struck eastern Cass coun ty last night. This morning ths drifts were piled high and the east and west roads were impas sable. Rural Carrier Miles Alles returned from his route, having only gone as far as Captain Tsaae Wiles place, when he encounter ed snow drifts too high to pas over. Tho railway service is bad ly delayed. N. Crissinger said when he went to tho north end of the yards this morning the wind struck him and he felt sure thf temperature was 5 below zero. Henry . Brinkman was a pas senger to Glenwood on tho earl train today.