The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 05, 1912, Image 6

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Faster Rossell Delivers Message
Ol L0Y3.
Preacher Aika Mohammedans to Re
member God's Promise to Abraham.
With the Coming of the Messiah the
Glory of the Lord Shall Fill All the
Earth Darkness Shall Be No More
and God's Promises Shall Be Fulfilled.
Travancore, In
din. Feb. 4.-The
Foreign Missions
Comuiiltee of the
International Bi
ble StudeutH As
sociation has
reached here.
I'uator Russell of
the Committee is
widely known in
thin IHstri.t. Ills
j coiiiiiir uas neeu
pSfQg teUSSQl) a topic of interest
for several weeks.
Not only are Christian natives nlert to
nice. Ill tit. but their heathen country
uieu tire. also. Interested. Mohamme
dans have lieen Inquiring. Has i'aslor
IIusscll any speelal uicssiiKe for Us?
The u nil iiKcmcut Is that the I'listor
shall spend a full week In this Ids
trict and be at Minima next Sunday,
fie will, of course, be speaking every
day and. iillliougli this will be done
thnntnh an interpreter, the natives ure
keenly n'erl to bear what liny call.
(IwIh Lmc MfMsmjr. Addressing n large
crowd under rat her unfavorable cir
cumstances, the I'aslor snld:
have chnsen lis my text on this oc
casion the Message of the ntigcls at
the birth of our Kcdeemer-"Fe:ir not!
Heboid, we bring you good tidings of
great Joy, which shall lie unto nil peo
ple." (Luke il. 10.1 1 feel that 1 nni
not entirely n si ranger to many of you.
nor you to me. For a considerable
time I have seen regular reports sent
In from this District to the Interna-
tlonnl Illhlc Students Association, of
which 1 have the honor of being Pres
ident. These reports Informed ua of
your growing love for Und and for the
Message of Ills grace net before us in
the Bible. Everything of Interest that
Irant-pires amongst you here Is prompt
ly reported to tis the numbers who at
tend the meetings, the numbers of
iidultH Immersed and the numbers of
children consecrated by their parents.
These reports In turn are published
to the Bible Students nil over the
world. We wnnt you to know of tie
Christian love of these children of God
-of various nationalities who are repre
sented by the Committee now before
you. We desire to know of your spir
itual state and of what may be done
wisely and economically to forward
the same. Our Society is not wealthy,
but the little that It possesses Is most
cheerfully and economically used in
the service of the Lord mid Ills Cause
ICven some of your faces me familiar
lo us. for Brother Iicvnsal njuin Kent
us the photos of bis native assistants
of this lilstrlet. No doubt lie explain
ed to you his own marvelous expert
ences, as he told them to us: Mow, as
the sou of a native Methodist mission
ary, he thought to follow In Ills father's
footsteps, after obtaining an education.
He came to America, and, as it result
of a four years' course In u Methodist
College In Ohio, found himself an ag
uostlc a Higher Critic, tin Involution
1st, u thorough unbeliever In the Inspi
ration of the Bible. Too honest to
preai h what ho no longer believed, he
abandoned missionary Intentions.
Ijiter, six Volumes of "Studies In the
Scriptures," published by the Interna
tlonnl Bible Students Association,
brought the brother buck to tho Bible
and to u fuller and more Intelligent
faith than he had ever before known.
Thou be had n Message of "good (Id
lugs" for his race, and (i oil's provi
dence sent him back to you; und now
Hie true light, through his Instrumen
tality, has reached many of your hearts
and brought gladness through n more
intelligent knowledge of Hod, through
His Word. Ah. dear friends, we all
know what n Joyful Message of Truth
has come to you, and we trust that you
will be faithful in letting your light
shine before others and thus glorify
your Father In Heaven.
The Father of Mercies.
Two days ago. on the Island of Cey
Jon. my attention was drawn to the
tomb of the good Bishop llcltcr. I in
mediately to my iiilud came the words
of his well-known hymn,
"Wlint though the Hplcy bi'oriws
lllow mi l (i or Ceylon's iHle,
Ami every iinnnet elrlim'S,
Ami only Inun In vile!"
From childhood I had sung those
words, nnd dually found myself on
Ceylon's Isle. But, my dear hearers
1 a in not so sure but that the deal'
Bishop exaggerated n little the vlli
ness of the human types of this vl
clnlty. roverty. Indeed, 1 nee on
every hand. and. If vlleness Ik mens
uri'd by our great Creator by lack o
weal' ii, then certainly joti are vile In
coinp .rlson to Rome more wealthy
Bui (-in we really believe that this Is
the I il vine standard? Shall we not
rather believe the words of Jehovah
"Man looketh upon the outward op
nearaiicp. but God looketh upou tin
heart?" (I Samuel xvl. 7.1
I a in not here to flatter you not
here to sny thut poverty l a proof of
tiurtty of heart. On the contrary, It
' f'-;fSSf
la my duty la a minister of Christ to
declare that there Is none righteous.
no, not oue. Hut 1 may aay to you
that, adniltthnr that all men have
siuned-Nome In way more peculiar
to inn' nationality and some to an-
other. It lit ours to point out the need
of an Atonement for aln and the fact
that "the blood (the wierilirei of Jesus
Christ our Urd. cleaimi'th iih from all
Blu"-"Neither la there salvation In
any other, for there in none other
Name Riven under heaven or nmmiu'st
men whereby we must lie saved -Jew
or (Jeutlle. Ixiud or free, Cau
casian or Indian.
I believe, therefore, that I cannot do
better than to relate to you the "Old.
Old Story," of the love of Cod mani
fested In Christ, the Redeemer. My
text tells that Old Story In precious
words of life, which bad well-nigh
lieen lost during the darker ages and
since; for many of you may Ih sur
prised to know that the vast majority
of people in Christian lands have very
Blight conception of the love of (od.
Indeed. I am sorry that It Is true, but
tho faith of many Christians, as ex
pressed In their creeds. Is more terri
ble, more (Jod dishonoring t'.ian n't
the liellefs of any heathen In the
whole world.
I am glad to tell you. however, that
really very fen- people In Christian
hinds any longer hOevc their own
creeds. I know no, how much of
them are preached ho'c. True Chris
tian people are much better than their
creeds. They have n sympathy for
yon who live In these parts and for
residents of other benighted lands.
Many of them give liberally, whether
wisely or not. In their desire to bene-
fit the heathen.
I assure you thnt however much
Ihelr creeds ass.-rt It. these k'nd heart-1 M(.imtiiiie the earth Itself will le
e;l people do not believe that the mass. Ulll,e t() "blossom ns the rose" nnd lo
es or mankind are bound lo eternal "-,.d her Increase." and "IIh wilder
misery because of not h iving he-ird of n'()S , it;-ry phn e shall he
the "Only Name." They reallv do not j,ul 'cie knowledge of the glofv
know wh it thev believe. The smoke of sll!ll tin (, w,,. P,irtb as the
of the "dark ages" still prevails to waters cover the sea." The result will
Hitch an extent t'uit their eyes of un- )l0 ,lllt ,,vcry knee will bow und ev
ders'nnding cannot s"e "the length vry tongue confess" to the glory of
and the bread li nnd t'-o height and foI. n) wll() s);,n r,.j,.rt this wmi-
the depth of the love of (Jod. which (,,,.(! demonstration Divine Power
passeth nil nnderstandln"." They do nn(i OVP Vll be este 'ined unworthy of
know, however, tint, although they nnv fur,i.r favors nnd will be de
li re fallen from Cod's Image through Htr'0yed from among the people. In the
aln. they stlil luive too much of Ills Seeond r0, st. Peter tells us that
God-like quality of love to torture any- i n) ,iie l0v prophets told this blessed
body, or even dumb brutes; hence they ; story of r'oniK restitution. See his
realize that there must be some mis- .....i.. tlltement of tho matter in Acts
take in the creeds which they have so
long possessed, which consign nil ex
cept "the elect" to eternal misery.
Now Look at Our Text.
Note In our text the terms of
a blessing Intended of God for ev-
ery crenture. Two thousand years be- i
fore the angels uttered those words
God gave the same Message of hope
and Joy to Father Abraham. Let those
of this audience who are Mohamme
dans, ns well as others, call to mind
the promise to which 1 refer. It was
the promise with the oath. God. fore-
knowing thnt tho fulfilment of the
promise would be long delayed, made
oath to It. so that all who trust In
Him might have the consolation of
that promise. And what Is the prom- j
Ise? Owl said to Abraham. "In thee .
and lu thy seed shall all the families
of the earth be blessed."
Abraham was twice glad! He re
joiced that the curse that had rested
upon the race would ultimately be
lifted; secondly, he , rejoiced that the
blessing of the Almighty. would reach
mankind through bis posterity. Nel I
tlier Ishnmel nor Isaac was the prom- I
Iseil seed-neither blessed the world.;
Neither Jacob nor Kami was the prom-
Ised Seed of Abraham to bless the
world, for neither of them did the ,
work. Neither did the tuition of Israel
succeed lu blessing the world; nor did I
they attain eternal life for themselves. ,
The Divine Purpose looked down to
Messiah and snw lu Iliin the real Seed
of Abraham through whom eventually
Divine Power w'll be exercised and Di
vine Grace be shed abroad among men. i
According to the Scriptures, the Mes
rIu ti. the Deliverer. Is composite com- I
posed of numerous members. Each
one of these members must be tested
and proven In respect to his loyalty to
God and to the principles of righteous-1
ness ,,,,fore .hp. ?u "i:n,n. 'l'9 ,?!:
nous rewiiiu oi nit un int-iiiiiuic. vmu
bus foreordained how many shall con
stitute this Messiah company and what
Btitute mis Messmu company ami wmu
.toll be their character-nua.lllcat.ons.
aecord:ng to which they may make
their "culling and their election sure."
They must be so loyal to God and to
the principles of His righteousness
that they will gladly aacrillce every
earthly Interest, yen, life itself. It w 111
be readily seen that there are not very
many of such deep devotion as this. In
the whole world. However, God. vho
knows the end from the beginning, de
clares that His purposes shall not fail.
which means that He will succeed In
the nppolntiHl time In tlndltig the pre
destinated number of the proper faith
obedience, diameter.
Restrictions at First Only.
The primary restrictions were that
this glorious opportunity to become
members of the Messiah, "the Seetl of
Abraham" for the blessing of the
world. miiKt be llrst offered to (he nut-
tiral Heed of Abraham, duly after the
worthy of these had been pithd'cd
could thiH (rival privilege lie extended
toothers. Itut mark you well - the se-
lection of this special class does not
Involve the "non-elect" In eternal tor
ment, uor In nny disaster. On the con
trary, the (rntlicrlnir of tile "elect"
should be rcun riled as mi assurance on
God'a part of the fulfilment of Ills
lur(r-r promise, that through these
Ridntly ones, the Messianic Hody. (rreat
blesslinrs tire to lie showered upon
Abraham's natural need; yea, und upon
nil the families of the earth.
The l.lessliiK of the world will I.e
Restitution. If. dm the Evolutionists
toll us. the Plble theory, that man
wan created In God's Imape. la wrong
and ne s re.,nv tne ofr-sprtnc of an
a,,e tlleu destitution would be the
w,)rst thine that could possibly come
to UiMt,kind-to restore hlui to simian
eu1itoiiM. Hut the Hil.le Ik iilte rlu'lit
KiYllK the liivlne declaration to
man that he whs created perfect and
upright and in the limine and likeness
of Cod and (hat our defilement came
through the sin of disobedience and
thai our degradation came through he
redity and that we needed to he re
1(,i wltb ,, nfe f , ther-tbat
"us by a man came death, by a man
also should come the -resurrection of
t lie dead." The simple story of the
Bible Is of human degradation and
death, of redemption und of n coining
time of up Iftlng from sin and death
conditions to perfection and life. This
offer will lie as world-wide as was the
condemnation which came upon our
race through Adam. For six thousand
years our race has lieen living under
a reign of sin and death, hut the Sev
enth Thousand will be the great Sab
bath typified by Israel's Jubilee Yeir.
in which all debtors went free and
every man returned to his firmer es
tafe. The glorious possibilities of that
thousand years are variously preenl-
I ed to us in the Blh'e. It Is to be the
New Day. to be ushered In by the Sun
' of Righteousness with healing in His
beams. Ignorance and sin. sorrow and
c-it li. sh ill lice a way-darkness und
superstition shall viinl"h. Satan shall
be bound for n thousand ye-irs nnd de
ceive man no more. Messiah will
reign with Divine Power. A Priest
,)U)n tIls Throne. He will extend tner-
cv tf t1()s0 wliom He rn'es. He will
instruct them, succor them, uplift
t.lMi ,,, s ti, mw f Cod. will
wilH, Wuv ,' tcirs.
- '
ill, 10-23.
A Redemptive Sacrifice Necessary.
We must not forget thnt in the Dl
vlue arrangement n sncrillce for sins
was necessury. Because of his diso
bedience, Adam was condemned to
,.,, nnt to ,......, torment, us
om. cm!(lH niltitnUellv declure. His
nu,0 ,n U1, Hlnm,(li ,.,,
. . .naUv. hem e we nre a dying race
mentally, morally and physically
wrecked. God could not Justly set
aside His own sentiments and declare
na u-nrthv Tils favor nnd Its irlft of
otprna ,lfe Uut ,nt,e (.nm ,u
M con)1(.inne(, 00ndltlon through one
, . fiiaflUMti,.,.- it was nossible
... nlI .,. ,. r,.,111(,,,(1 from ,,
hn w1,nPe through the sacritice of
one ,te(1(.,,11)pr, ..As n) ln Ad im die.
ln ,,. rlirlst Bhn. bo niml
nllve. every man in his own order." -
1 Corinthians xv. 22. 23.
Here we have an Important ques-
itlMi. Has n Redeemer been provuiea
. c, tlmt Coil enn lust 1 v nermit Messiah
,f nw(ll,.n HtWM,lnK members of
wu. rn(V rt)1 , pllft out of slu
((ml d(i(ltl) ,0 pprfe., ,,,
,.,...,, K. nrl,l.wldo? 'the
,,. tj y' , Mt nis heav-
' ,. ,, .a M1,wi n.i, . i,,,t
IU; )y U)p mn of G()(1 ,,,,, ,stl.
. .. ,,..., .,.., fr everv
,,,,.., 0 , iti, reward of
io 'VntUvt W1W p0,ious exaltation
... . . f ,nipsty.
. nlmvn m.,n(.nltles nnd
., .. T,,lla ... n,,niied t
rule and to bless those whom nis
denth redeemed.
Why. then, does the Messianic work
de'ny? Why ('id .lesus not immediate
ly begin the work of restitution? The
Hlble answers the question most clear
It. It assures us that before thnt work
can berln there must be select ed from
1 amongst men. by n -pedal call and by
apeciol tests, a saintly class, a "Httl
, flock." to whom It is the Father a goot
. , vp ,hl, KlnR(,0m joint-
w.fn His o.y Son. the P.e-
, . 1
deemer. So. then, what remains Is for
1 nil of this class to finish their course
with Jov nnd then, by the First ttesur
rectlon. to pass beyond the roll to be
1 forever with their Iord as spirit be
! ings-pnrtiikers of the divine nature,
far above angels, principalities and
I Then the spiritual Seed of Abrnhmn
will be complete, and then It will be
' gin its work of blesslnu. first the nat
ural seed of Abraham, nnd. subse
iquently. nil the families of the earth.
j If at first we. were Inclined to feel Ini
' pntlent of the long delay, we nre check
ed bv the thought that If tne work of
r.od In the selection of the solrltnal
Peed of Abraham, "like unto the stars
of heaven." had been completed sinu
er. ire would li'ive missed the "'orloiis
opportunity of heeoiuinp member of
it. Imther. therefore, let us relolce In
the delay, renll'lnj: that the world In
(tcncrit I puffers nothitiK in death, but
u.rely sleeps until the resurrection
inornlnir. Ict us he jrlud nnd rejoice
nnd (rive plory to ("5ml and strive h
make our "calllnit nnd our election
sure" to a place In Abraham' spiritual
Peed, of whom St. Paul dii lnres. "If ye
he Christ's, then nre ye Alirnlnini'
niu) .rs BOeonlinst to the prom-
Ise." (Clnl.itlans III. 2!.i How (dud we
well may be ntul how much we well
tuny rejoice In the rrlorlonn Plan of
our God. whoso lonjrtb and breadth
ftnd M(:ht nnJ d(ipth transcend our
blithest hopesund ambitions!
Carriers ts Havs Busy W:ek a!
Lincoln Wiiii Hearings.
Road's Affairs Aired Before Federal
Court Physical Valuation Hearing
Resumed Supreme Court Recon
venes New Lxecutive Order,
Lincoln, Feb. 5. The railroads will
be conspicuous ln Lincoln tnia week.
Iu the feiieial court, beginning touuy,
wili be the hearing oi tne lnjuncuou
brojgnt by the minority BtocKho.dets
to prevent the Union Pacific irom
fcpending nay of the assets ot the ot.
Joseph and Grand Isiat.d road. Sam
uel Untermeyer of New ork, one of
tne country's most nottd lawyers, will
appear in this case as attorney for tue
minority stockholders, the Union Pa
cific itself being the majority owner.
The case is expected to be hotly con
tested and the result may have an im
portant bearing on the future of the
Granci Island road. ,
Another railroad case of more than
passing importance is the Wayne
depot litiatii n. The railway coinniis
Flon ordered the Omaha road to erect
a new deyot at Wayne and the com
pany took tlio case Into the federal
court. Th'j first dash will come over
a motion to remand the case to the
state eo'.irt. The Ktlgatlrn 1.3 import
ant as being looked upon as a preie
dent, both as to the rlnht. of the fed
eral court to hear the case and also
in its hearing on the rlfiht ol' Uie com
mission to co'iipd tho company to
erect the depot. Eoth of these points
are likely to he watch(d by many
towns in Nebraska, and particularly
Albion, which has appealed to the
commission dur'ng the last week to
compel the North western and Union
I-acilio roads to build a union depot at
that place.
Valuation Hearing.
The physical valuation of the Union
Pacific is also set for hearing, begin
ning today, before the railway commis
sion. Owing to the company's attor
neys being engaged in the federal
court, actual hearings on the valuation
will not begin today, but the engineers
of the company and those. of the com
mission expect to get together nnd
seek to harmonize their exhibits so
that they can lie readily compared.
This work will keep them busy in all
probability until the attorneys are
ready to proceed with the hearing.
There iR w'de difference between the
htinvites of the company and of the
state engineers nn the va'uo of the
ompapj's property in Nebraska. The
company returns its property nt a
valuation of $117,71(1,190. while the
state engineers figure its reproduction
value at fSS,74 1.817. n difference of
Supreme Court Commences.
The supreme court reconvened to
day uiul the first thing on the docket
is four cares from Seward county.
wiikh have been hack and forth be
.wei n the district nnd supreme courts
or about nineteen years They nre
tic Jens National bank against
Yetts, Hank of Stnplehurst against
Yi tcs, L'tlca bank against Yates and
f.a'ky against Yates. AH the cases
will te submitted together as they
nre all related nnd are involved with
tee failure of the Capital National
bi'tik of Lincoln, out of which a great
tangle of litigation grew.
New Executive Order.
Ijind Commissioner Cowlcs is in re
ceipt of executive order No. 14G1,
from tho Interior department at Wash
ington, segregating for the use of the
agricultural department as a preserve
and brjedlns ground for native birds
about twenty two square miles of land
contiguous to Valentine, In Cherry
county, which preserve is to be known
os tho Niobrara reservation, within
the confines of which reservation It
shall be unlawful for any person to
hunt or tako the eggs of birds except
undei anthor'tv granted by the secre
tary cf agriculture.
Drifts in Some Placet Are Fifteen
Feet High.
OmnliH, Feb. 5. Hllzzards ln Iowa,
Nebraska and Minnesota have com
plctcly disrupted nil railroad sched
ales, for, with tho exception of the
HurlltiKton, trains on nil lines into
Omaha nrfc from twelve to twenty
four hours lute.
According to railroad reports, drift
Inj; snow has imt caused so much
trouble for years. All over Iowa, east
tin Nebraska and Minnesota traffic in
blocked nnd trains are snowho.ind
lho Northwestern and the Hock U
;nd bi'jran to send out snowplows to
buttle with the drifts, which in pome
places are more than fifteen feet IiIkIi?
J. B. Donovan Dies of Heart Disease.
Omaha, Feb. 5. John H. Donovan,
well known rspnper man of Mad
luon, Neb., died at the homo of his sis
ter, Mrs. McKalo, G08 North Twenty
third jtreet, South Omaha, of heart
dlKense. He was forty four years old.
Chairman Byrnes Calls Committee.
Columbtm, Nel, Feb. 5. State
Chairman J. C. Byrnes of the Denm
tratlc committee has Issued a call for
a meettnR of the committee here,
Fob. 8.
The undersigned will sell at his farm, five miies south
west of Mynard, and a quarter mile north of Eight Mile
Grove church, on
85 HEAD -5 Tried Sows; 30 Spring Gilts and
50 Fall Pigs
There will be in this offering five tried sows sired by Glenn's Critic
97439 and out of granddaughters of "Kant Be Beat," former world's cham
pion boar, and bred to "Commodore B. & C'sCol." 89803, a show hog at
the Illinois, Iowa and Nebraska State Fairs in 1910.
Thirty gilts sired by Commonore B. & C's Col. and bred to "Crimson
Model" and "Chief Again," boars of the large, growthy, heavy-boaed type.
Fifty fall pigs sired by Commodore B. &. C's Col.
TERMS OF SALE! -All sums of $20 and under, cash; over $20,
a credit of twelve months will be givi n, purchaser giving good bankable
paper bearing eight per cent interest from date. All property must be
settled for before being removed.
ZSSKr V. E. PERRY, Owner
Lands for Sale.
iiO acres in southeast Green
wood eouniy, Kansas; fenced and
cross-fenced; 80 acres of rich
creek bottom land in cultivation,
balance finest native prairie grass
(liincsoil) , Fair 5-room house
slabling. etc. Some bearing or
chard. I-ois of fine living water,
which is furnished by a large
creek which runs through north
side of ranch. Creek is skirted
with limber; cattle come off grass
into deep water. This is consider
ed to be one of the best little stock
ranches in the county. School
close by; fine smooth road to
town. Just 5 1-2 miles from
ranch to town; a nice well im-
i proved country all the way. For
quick sale $18 per acre buys this
i ifl acres'; no trade taken on this.
Has a mortgage of $3500 that has
yet three years to run. $4420 buys
the equity. Nothing better for the
money. Give me to your friend if
yon don't want nie, I must sell.
V. A. Nelson, Real Estate
Broker, Fall River, Greenwood
County, Kansas.
The Eagles' Annual Ball.
The Magics' Annual Mask Ball,
that in past years has proven to
be one of the most delightful oc
casions of the cnlire dance sea
son, will be given at Goates' hall
on Saturday evening, February 17.
Several very valuablep ries will
be awarded In the best and most
appropriate costumes, which
prizes may be seen in the west
You can save money by buying your Groceries of us.
Compare these prices with those offered by others. Also
note the quality:
10 Bars New Style Laundry Soap 25c
3 Cans Good Corn 25c
.Large Cans Hominy, Kraut, Pumpkin or Boiled Cabbage, each 10c
Good Japan Rice, per pound 5c
Good Coffee, per pound 25c
E. C. Corn Flakes, three for 25c
Crisco 25c
Rumford Baking Powder, pound can 23c
New Quail Oats large 23c; small package 10c
Quart "Jar Queen Olives 40c
Large Can Ripe Olives 25c
Santa Claus Shelled Pop Corn, per package 5c
Skinner's Macaroni. Mczzaai, Spaghetti, Vermicell or Elbows, per
package .' 10c
Walker's Grape Juice, large bottle 25c
" Chili-Con-Carne 10c
A fine line of Imported and Domestic Canned Goods
for lunches.
Corner. Sixth and Main St. yJhones
window of I be Weyrich & lladra
ba drug store. This enterprising
linn deserve a great deal of credit
for the tasty manner in which
I hey have displayed the prizes for
the lodge in their window. When
you are down town take a look at
them and they will convince you
that they are worthy of entering
the contest. The music for the
dance is to be furnished by the
M. V. A. orchestra, which is suf
ficient guarantee for the musical
end of the program. You will
also find a costumer at the Eagles'
lodge rooms all day the day of the
dance, where you will find a swell
line of costumes to select from.
Standard Oil Route Change.
II. G. McMaken & Son, since the
death of Colonel McMaken, have
resigned their agency for the
Standard Oil company at this
place and the company will sup
ply the vacancy by placing in
charge Mr. Elliott of Falls City.
The new agent was in town Sat
urday making arrangements for
renting a barn for four or six
mules, to be used in distributing
oil through the territory adjacent
lo Plattsmoulh. He will remove
his family to Plattsmoulh as soon
ns a suitable dwelling can be
Miss Carrie Greenwald was a
passenger to Falls City Saturday
afternoon, where she spent Sun-""
day with relatives and friends,
returning to this city last evening.