Children Cry for Fletcher's A .-HKHKII 'I'-H i' weighing and writing checks. EAGLE. J-lllo received that day 65.000 Beacon. pounds of porkers, and his son, .?w.?W-i!T. .!-!!! !-WI' John, look Ihem to the Nebraska .. i. .... r.. t .. imr uly market mat, evening. old friend, Conrad Wetenkamp, out again after several weeks' illness. Joseph Edwards of Irwin, Iowa, irrived Monday and is spending a ew davs visiting with his sister. :V r The Kind You llnvc Always liou-ht, and which fc:ss bc- In use for over 30 years, has lorno (ho sl;:nat ::ro t..' and has been mado uimo.r pc- frf-f-f- Konal mipervision fdnce Its l:w:i:!v. J&tCU6l A11iw tio iRfl t det eivo you k:i tlifs. All Counterfi lt, Imitations and "Just-as-good" nr hut Kxperimcnts that trifle -w ith iv.ul endanger t.'io la-alt h of Infants and Children r.xperieneo against Kxperinai.t. What is CASTORIA Caslorla I a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains laJLher Opium, Morphine itor other Jfareotlo mihstaiH-e. Its ago is itx guarantee. It destroys Worm mid allays lVvfrishness. It cures Diarrluea and AViml Colic. I t relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Jt .assimilates the Food, regulates tho 8loma li and i;ovvels, gixing healthy and natural fclee.n. The Children's Puiiaoea- Tho 31 other's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS I Bears the Signature of SI The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THE CINTU COMPANY, 7f TMCT. r OPK CITY. IM"MI-MMMH"M--M LOUISVILLE. ! Courier. 4M-W"H-IM"H-!M"M"M Edward Lohncs is in the, Pres byterian hospital in Omaha, where lie was operated ipon Tuesday. lie is gelling along nicely. Miss (inldy Eager returned last Saturday from Lincoln, when! she had been the past live months taking treatment in a sanitarium Her many Louisville friends will ho pleased to know that she has been restored to heallh. oor old (luesl LenholT was taken lo the county poor farm Tuesday. (iusl spent bis life fighting booze and although he yvas game he received a blow on I he solar plexus, 'which put him to Ihe bad. The Courier is informed I lint a deal was closed this week where by Mrs. Hubert McCarly becomes the owner of I wo valuable lols on Main street south of Nichols' store building and will erect a fine new brick building on them next spring. Charles William is here Ibis week from Ilenfrow, Oklahoma, visiting wllh his parents. Mr. Williams is a hardware and im plement dealer in Ilenfrow. lie went lo Kansas City lo allend Iho Implement Dealers' convention and look occasion to visit here dy,ring his vacation. Announcements of Ihe mar riage of Charles II. O. Petersen and Miss Lena Maude Hubble of Pierce, Neb., on Thursday, Jan uary 1H. have been received in Louisville. the groom is a former Louisville boy and is n son of P. Petersen. His many friends here wish him and his bride a long and happy wedded life. ' The saloons of Robert McCarty and Henry Thiele were entered Monday nighl or early Tuesday morning and Ihe cash regisler al bolh places were relieved of the change, amounting lo about $'20 in nil. The thieves entered with skeleton keys by the front doors and left no trace behind them. Whether it was (he work of local lalenl or some, bums who were seen about town of course is not known, bul it is a safe guess (hat thev were not expert cracksmen, OS Ihe safe in McCarty's saloon contained a neat sum and it was not molested. Ha Won't Limp Now. No more limping for Tom Moore of Cochran, da. "I ha da bad sore on my instep (hat nothing seemed lo help till I used Hucklcn's Arnica Salve." he writes, "but Ibis wonderful healer soon cure( me. Heals old, running sores ulcers, boils, burns, cuts, bruises eczema or piles. Try it. Only cents, at F. d. Fricke fc Co. 3jC That's distributing some money among the farmers of this vicinity, and indicates that Abe is a pretty good fellow to have around at hog sell ing time. f Mrs. John Peterson. Carl J. Sack was down from aveloek Wednesday attending to i it some nusiness mauers ami i.iu- ... ing on relatives ami irienus. Chas. L. draves and daughters, Vernie and Leola, came up from Union last Saturday lo make a visit wnn narry uraves aim family. Harry Caddy met with a very painful accident Wednesday norning while helping put up ice. He was struck on the top of his head with a pick, making a gash of about one ami one-half inches in length. Marshal Fred Spahule was noti fied Wednesday that he had been appointed deputy game warden for Eagle and vicinity. Ered informs us he intends to attend to his duties without fear or favor. Win. Ejnke returned home the lalter part of last week from Cherokee county. Kansas, where he had been to look at some land While away Mr. Einke made a deal whereby he traded his livery barn and eanipment for n well irn proved 200-acre farm in Cherokee county, Kansas. The. new owner" of the livery barn is W. C. dunr of Fort Scott, Kas. Mr. Einke and family will depart for their Kansas home about March 1 Harold Morland, a young man from College View, was out hunt ing one dav last week and killed four quails contrary to law. The mailer was reported to (he game warden at Lincoln, and on Friday Deputy dame Warden II. W. livers came down and complaint was filed against Moreland in Just ice draves' court. Young Moreland appeared in court and entered a pica of guilty, where upon he was fined the amount specified hv law $5 a bird and cosls amounting (o $2 5.25, which was pormplly paid. THE SOUND SLEEP OF GOOD HEALTH Is not, for those suffering from kidney ailments and irregularities. The prompt, useo f I oley Kidney Pills will dispel backache and rheumatism, heal and strengthen sore, weak and ailing kidneys, re store normal action, and with it health and strength. Mrs. M. 1 Spalsbury, Sterling, 111., says: "I suffered great pain in my back and kidneys, could not sleep night, ami could not raise my hands over mv head. But two hollies of Foley Kidney f Pills cured me. I'or sale ny r. . Fricke & Co.' Almost Lost His Life. 8. A. Slid of Mason, Mich., will never forget bis terrible exposure lo a merciless storm. "It gave me h dreadful cold," ho writes, "that caused severe pains in my chest, so it was hard for mo to breathe A neighbor gave mo several doses of Dr. King's New Discovery which brought great relief. Tho doctor said I was on the. verge o pneumonia, but to continue with Ihe Dissovory. I did so and two bottles completely cured mo." Use only tli it ' quick, nafep reliable medicine for coughs, colds, or any throat or lung trouble. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bolllo free flyaranleed by F. 0. Fricke & Co MM-M-M-M"WMM-H WEEPING WATER. ! Republican. :H!-M"H-H-M-M-M"iM The large engine for Ihe elec tric light plant arrived last Friday and both are now about in posi tion for use. Down in Rock county, Kansas, so Ed Hunter writes, they killed tour carloads of jack-rabbils and shipped Ihem oul. It is reported that in some places the jacks came into the towns in droves and raided Ihe grocery stores. Dr. II. Jensen of Kansas City was a visitor in town last Satur day. He is one of Ihe professors in tne Kansas t;ity veterinary college, and was in Lincoln at tending Ihe slate veterinary meet ing and other meetings in Ihe city and at the si ale farm. We are informed (hat on (he first, of Ihe month Ihe Sheldon & Sheldon and voss Lumber com panies will consolidate. Messrs. Voss and Sheldon lake the ma jority of slock and the balance subscribed by homo parties, and T. F. Jameson to manage the yard. Captain Cyrus N. Haird of Lin coin, pioneer and veteran soldier, died January 17. Mr. Haird was cashier of the Weeping Water bank at one time and Ihe family resided here. Later he relumed lo Lincoln. During his residence here he won many friends and ver bad a kindly feeling for Weeping Water. H. L. Philpot and Elmont Pres ton expect lo go lo Chicago (his week lo attend the automobile show. When it conies to automo bile exbibilions, and accessories pertaining (hereto, what you don't see in Chicago has not been manufactured. They will remain a week. Last Saturday whiles kaling on (he creek the bins engaged in (he eame of "crack-lhe-whip." Albert Puck was holding down tho (ail end, and when tho whip cracked he was thrown and the hone of his left limb was broken above the ankle. He was taken home, Iho bone set, and now an nctive bov is finding it hard to keep still for a few weeks, and suffer ing considerable pain. Crack-the-whip is danerorous sport on the ice or ground. Shocking Sounds in the earth are sometimes beard before a terrible earthquake, that warn of the coming peril. Na ture's warnings are kind. Thai lull pain or ache in Ihe back warns you I be kidneys need ai- fenlion if you would escape those anirerous maladies, Dropsy, Dia betes or Height's disease. Take Electric Hitlers at once and see backache fly and all your best feelings relurn. "My son received -Teal, benefit from their use for kidney and bladder I rouble,'' writes Pot or Hondy, South Rock wood, Mich. "It, is certainly a ureal kidney medicine." Try it. 50 cents, at F. d. Fricke & Co. NEHAWKA. News. -l Mrs. L. C. Todd went to Lincoln on the afternoon train Saturday, where she expected to visit at home for a few days. Hennett Chrisvvisser, who has been over hero visiting for a few davs, returned to his home at Platlsmoufh Monday evening. Ray Pollard closed a deal this week whereby he trades his big autocrat and some land in Kansas for a choice quarter of land out in Buffalo county. J. A. Pollard, jr., one of the many Nehawka boys who has gone out in the world and made good was hero for a few hours Satur day. He left that evening for Salem for a short visit at home. Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Ingwersen are rejoicing over Ihe arrival at itieir borne Saturday night, of a nanv girl. As tneir two older children are boys they are fo be excused for their exuberancy. iiust, inieie ot Syracuse, a brother of II. Thiele and Mrs. F. C. Schomakcr, look them by sur prise Mondav by introducing them lo his wife, Mrs. Thiele, lo whom he was married last Wednesday. They returned Wednesday even ing. A card from Chester Hallenline. who is still in Omaha, informs us that his eve is again improvin slowlv and that he can see out of a little, but they think it, better tor mm to siav imiii mere is no further danger from eomplica- I ions. Miss been at Copper CM Malleable Range! This range has a perfected and patented rust proof copper lining. This is beyound question the greatest advance step made in range build ing. The body and flues are not subjected to contract with rust produc ing damy asbestos, as is the case with all other ranges, as our one piece copper lining is placed between the asbestos and outside body and a dry air space is formed between the copper and body by a series of bosses inch in height, reserving the body in a perfectly dry state. Here are the desirable and distinc tive features of the Copper Clad Malle able Range: A very beautiful design and finish hidden hinges and catches. Back flue made entirely of malleable iron. Large perfect pouch feed. All nickle plated parts are of a plain oval design, absolutely devoid of rivets, bolts background or scroll. Square ornamental closet pipe. Weighted oven door, requiring noun- sightly catches. A perfect contract resivoir adjustment. Combining the above valuable improvements with material and workmanship of the highest quality, we offer the Copper Clad Malleable Range as the highest grade range ever produced. InL PLUMBING! HEATING! HARDWARE! i.v ITf5cfr"r J t 1 l . M A ' I tat Z2T2 dlad home weens on account sickness, returned West, who has ior t tie past two of a snell of o her sludie Blsmed a Good Worker. i warned my neart lor severe distress in my left side for two vears." writes W. Evans, Dan ville, Va., "but I know now it was indigestion, as Dr. King's New Life Pills completely cured me." Hesl for stomach, liver and kid ney troubles, constipation, head ache or debility. 25c, at F, O Fricke & Co. JJJ . UNION. ! ! Ledger. 4 W-!"H"!-HW-HWIv-H-: John Taylor of deneva arrived Monday evening to make several days' visit with relatives and friends in and near this village. Fred Montgomery and family of Lorlon made a few days' visit at the M. H. Shoemaker home in this village, returning home Monday. Miss Margie Walker of Murray passed through here on the fore noon train yesterday, starling lo Larned, Kas., lo visit relatives. Lee Thacker, who spent several weeks with relatives and friends in Ibis village and vicinity, de parted Tuesday morning for his home at Monle Vista, Colo. W. D. Wheeler of Rock lHuffs precinct made a short visit hero Tuesday forenoon, being on his way lo Healrice lo look afler some important business affairs. Mrs. John Larsh went to Omaha last Friday evening, returning with Mrs. Ella S. Larsh. who was in thai city several davs lo have a specialist treat one of her eyes. Mrs. William Slot lor departed last Friday evening for Dakota City in response to a message notifying her of Ihe very serious illness of her brother, N. D. Snyder. Her son, Carey, accom panied her on tho trip. Emery Rauer and wife, who had been visiting several weeks with Union relatives and friends, started Tuesday morning for their home in Strathmore, Canada. Joe and Miss Annie Hauer accom panied (hem as far as Omaha. W. d. dlasgow departed Mon day evening for tho heallh resort at Hot Springs. S. D., to spend Iho remainder of Iho winter, hoping lo improve his health. He left with a good smile and plenty of "Tiger" fine-cut. and Ihe latter will help him along while it lasts. Monday was "hog day" in this town, and A. L. Ileckcr was a busy n (lie academy at, Nebraska Citv Mondav. Her mother accom panied her, returning on Ihe eveninor (rain Tuesday. luomiav evening an M. I. pas senger (rain on Ihe main line killed a man about Ihree miles south of Nebraska City. He was a deaf mule .and was horriblv mantrled. Less than two weeks before Ihcv killed a track walker north of town who was allemptinf lo cross a long (resile just ahead of the train. HOW THE C0 n re"CTS KIDNEYS Avoid taking cold if vour kid neys are sensitive. Cold congests the kidnevs, throws too much work upon them, and weaken" their action. Serious kidnev trouble and even Height's disease may result. Slrenelhen your kid nevs, get. rid of Hie pain and soreness, build Ihem no bv Ihe timelv use of Folev Kidney Pills. Tonic in action, nuick in results. For sale by F. d. Fricke & Co. IHE PASSING OF 15. PETERCARLSON Died at Her Home in This City Last Night After an Illness of Two Weeks. From Tuesday's Daily. Mrs. Matnilda Carlson, wife of Peter Carlson, died at her home in I his city last night after a severe. illness of two weeKs dura tion. .Mrs. Carlson has been in poor health for several weeks, but was not considered in a critical condition until within the last two weeks. Mathilda Hermark was born in llellferst, Sweden, September 10, 18 Hi, where she grew lo woman hood, and in 1809 came to America with her parents, who settled in Chicago. There she was married ugust 20, 1873, to Pcler Carlson, ' ilh whom she lived happily until the date of her death. In 1888 Mr. and Mrs. Carlson removed from Chicago to Plallsmouth, and have been highly respected citizens of litis city since that lime, almost a quarter of a century. Two sons, John and dust, and Ihree daughters, Mrs. Hilma Nyden, Misses Julia ant Ella, beside her husband, survive lo mourn Mrs. Carlson's death. She leaves four sisters and three brothers, as follows: Mrs. Strode, Mrs. Jnnberg, Miss Tall and Miss Emma Hermark, all of Chicago. Her brothers arc dust, John and Charles Hermark, of Phillips, Neb. Funeral arrangements will bo announced in tomorrow's issue of the Journal. Texas Party Returns. From Wednesday's Dally. W. E. Roscncrans, tho hustling real estate dealer, returned from Texas last night, accompanied by Frank Raker, having been away for about Uiree weeks. Ex-County Commissioner L. D. Switzer, deorge Kaffenberger and Chester Rice, who accompanied Mr. Rosen crans on the trip returned the day before. The party returned feel ing fine, having enjoyed the trip through Texas very much, view ing the many attractive invest ments offered. They brought back a fine picture showing the busi ness section of San Antonio, a city of 90,000 population, which can be seen at Mr. Roscncrans ollice. near the posloflice. FORESI ROSE wahoo.ncb. The Best Flour In the Market. Sold by all Leading Dealers inn mmTmTT? 3 EAGLE'S ANNUAL S'ndv Rslqns Joi. Snndv Andrews handed in his resignation as baggageman at the Hnrlintrlon station last nmht. with n request for Iranspot lal ton (o Omaha. The notice was rather short, but as Sandv had b'M'ii a pretlv good hand, (he bovs will nrobpblv (rv to get him an nrmnal. Ouittintr just at this lime when (he spring business is beginning lo pick up, will be ouite a jolt for (he company, bul, nevertheless, it is a safe bet that it will at least trv to continue business al the old stand. AN EPIDEMIC OF COUGHINQ Is sweeping over tho (own. Old nnd voting alike arc affected, and (he strain is particularly hard on lit He children and on elderly peo ple. Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound is a quick, safe and relia ble euro for all coughs and colds Contains no opiates. For sale by F. O. Fricke & Co. "The Acorns," tne pooutar 6 cigars. Mads by Ptak A Bajeok. Given by The Plattsmouth Aerie No. 365 Several Valuable Prizes Will Be Awarded 0 ! MASK $1 BALL 0 oc COATES' HALL Saturday Evening, February 17th You know the good time he Eagles have, so make it a point lo attend. Music by the M. W. A. Orchestra - CZZ3 0 n DO