M array Department PUi:i'AKi:i IN THE INTfcKKSTS OF THE PEOPLE OF MU It It AY AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY 1 Oil THE JOURNAL READEBS. " , ; ol the mukr, of ffit Jtn,ul know of n vrint uxnt or ut item of i,,ttnt in thit emmty and will mad name to thi ojfict it if ii appear under thin lundin 'Vr ri,i all Umw ofinhrtd. E'litof Jwtr M.J. Murray State Bank j) r-n MURRAY, ilEDRASKA CTT3 Capital SI0.000 Surplus S.5,000 CI IAS. C. PARMELE, President F. L. NUTZMAN, Vice-President W. G. KOEDEKLR, Cashier Wc Solicit Your Banking Business J I'm" Our Deposits are protected by the Depositor's Guaran ty U e Fund of the State of Nebraska. You Can Pay Your Taxes Here Frit Tigner wan a Union visit or Monday. Enjoy a peasant evening with your friends, February 14th. Automobile and carriage paint ing. Frank Gobclman. Miss Jessie Drost spent Thurs day evening with friends at Union. K. II. Queen was looking after business in Omaha Wednesday. The Sunshine Hand will give a Valentine Hox Social February 14. James Tigner wasv called to Plattsmoulh Monday oil business. Fd Lewis was delivering corn to the Murray elevators Thursday. Wayne Lewis is a guest of Frank liugay for a few days this week. Charles Spaugler and family spent Sunday with K. V. dole and wife. Dave Slagle was looking after business in I'latlsinnulh Satur day. J. I). Tigner of Seota spent Sunday with his family near Mur ray. Hay Campbell was visiting a friend in Murray Sunday after noon. Mrs. W. Hutchison entertained I be K. N. K. Wednesday after noon. Mrs. Charles Creamer was transacting business in Nebraska City Tuesday. The little children of II. C. Creamer have been quite sick the past week. All boxes will go at the same price at the Valentine Social at 1. M. Davis'. Levi Slagle had a very sick horse while coming from IMatts mouth Saturday. The Lewislon school children have been having some pleasant coasting parlies. Regardless of the bad roads, Hev. W. A. Taylor held services at Kenosha Sunday. He sure'to attend the Valentine Hox Social at the home of I. M. Davis February 14. Frank Dugay. and Thurman Frans attended tho show in Plat I smoul h Wednesday. Miss Jessie Drost was calling on friends and looking after busi oens in Platlsmouth Saturday. Thurman Frans, who has been visiting K. 11. Queen and family left for his borne at Union Sun day. The girls be sure to bring boxes and the boys lo bring pocket books at the Sunshine Hand Val entine Social Wednesday evening February 14. Frank Hhoilcn returned from Omaha Monday night feeling much relieved. Frank will soon lie as good as new, after a few (piiel davs. Frank Hboden was a passenger to Omaha Monday morning, where he will consult a surgeon in re gard to bis knee, which has been giving him considerable pain. Mrs. Frank llhoden pleasantly entertained a few friends and neighbors Saturday evening. Tho time wa9 spent in games and music, and light refreshments were served at a lato hour, Those present were: Robert Goodrich and wife, K. 11. Queen and wife, Mrs. John Tigner, Pearl Dugay, Herlha Nickels, Etta Nickels, Pearl Hoyles, James Tigner, C. S. Tigner, Frank Reed, Will Hostel ter, Dr. llostelter and Oliver Lloyd. I. S. While was on the sick list a few days I his week. Mr. and Mrs. Z. W. Shrader were in Murray last Monday. George Oldham was down from Platlsmouth looking after some business mailers Monday. Mrs. P. H. Hall, residing down al Old Rock HlulTs, has been quite sick for the past few days. Miss Maude Rustcrholtz will entertain at a linen shower for Miss Vallery on Saturday after noon. L. D. Hiatt was in Omaha Tues day looking after some business matters and buying some new goods. Mrs. Frank Gobelman of lattsmoutb was visiting this week al. the home of Mr. and Mrs S. White. R. C. Hailey, the Maple Grove dacksinilh, was looking after some business matters in Murray Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Mark While were visiting at the home of their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. I. S. White. this week. Dr. and Mrs. Gilmore went to Nebraska City last. Friday to at lend the Lady Minstrels from Plattsinoulh. Dr. and Mrs. Gilmore enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. Hrown at supper Monday evening. We are informed that Henry Long has lost his third valuable horse this winter, it dying sudden ly from some disease in the corn stalks fields. Levy Slagle was in Plaltsniouth last Saturday and one of hi horses was taken ill while I here necessitating the calling of the veterinary. lleincmoer Nilurday evening February 3, is the date of the Dickerman entertainment. Makr arrangements to come. Admis sion 2rc. Miss Margie Walker deparlc last Thursday for Kansas City Mo., and other points in Kansas Oklahoma and Texas, for a three months' visit. II. C. Long, who met with tin misfortune of breaking bis leg a few days ago, is getting along very nicely, but, is still routined lo his home. Henry says it seems as though it had been three years since the injury. A. 0. Montgomery, who has been attending college at Tarkio, Mo., is the guest of II. L. Oldham and family this week. Mr. Mont gomery is here on land interests. Fritz Lulz met with quite a serious accident while butchering at Iho homo of Louis Puis a few days ago. He severed ono of tho arteries of tho fingers, causing a very serious hemorrhage. It took somo timo to stop tho flow of blood from tho wound. I. illle Mis Clara Churchill has lirrn -rk lor lib' pas IV w days.' A. C. M' 'ill joinery was in I'latlMiioulh Wednesday morning. Ilex Yniini: and C. Lawlon al 1 1 m ! - I Hie play in Plat I smoul h . 1 1 1 -i lax evening. I I. .1. Pitman was lookinu- afl'T -nine business mailers in the ( -1 1 1 1 ; I M-at .Moinlax nT lliis week. Thei e will lie in-aching al the I'lesiivierian cnurcii nexi ran balh. both morning and evening. Augnsl llasl. from Wilcox, Neb., was in .Murra.v looking after some business mailers Wednes day of this week. James pollock of Die I'lalls 'iioulh Telephone company was in Murray lasl Friday looking after some telephone business. William Rice and daughter, Lucille, were in Plaltsniouth Mon day doing some trading ami look ing after some business mailers. Invitations are oul for the wed ding, of Miss Lela Vallery and 'roui Tilson, which will occur Wednesday evening, February 7. The A id socjel v met al I he I c of Mrs. II. F. Hrendel Wed nesday afternoon. A very pleas ant and profitable meeting was held.' Jell Lewis was looking after some business mailers in the county seal Monday of Ibis week, pavjng the Journal nlliee a brief call to renew his subscription. State Deputy Mrs. Sarah GilTord was in Murray this weekWn the interests of the Royal Neighbors. Six new members were taken into the Murray Circle. ivir. ami Mrs. r.d lull are now permanently located in their new home in Murray. While every thing is not in the best of order as yet, they are here and at home. Mrs. A. C. Long, who is in the hospital at Omaha recovering from a surgical operation, is get- ing, along very nicely at this time and will soon be able to re turn home. Mrs. Robert Shrader, who is in the hospital at Omaha receiving treatment, is gaining strength very rapidly and every hope is entertained for her permanent re covery. I'. M. Burger, who is making lis home with his daughter at Ainsworth. Neb., and has been piite sick for some time, is still quite ill. His condition is im proving very slowly. Mrs. Charles Carroll has been suffering a great deal for the past evv weeks with rheumatism in the hand. She expects to go lo the sanitarium within the next few weeks should relief not be given her before. Frank llhoden went to Omaha Monday for the purpose of under going a minor operation for the injury he received lo his knee a few weeks ago. He is recovering very rapidlv. but will bo laid un for several days yet. W. K. Dull, who has been suf fering with stomach trouble for the past year, suffered a very severe relapse this week. He is improving at this lime, but his condition from a few weeks ago has been greatly weakened and his strength returns very slowly. Miss Lucas and Miss Sass are accomplished entertainers and you will enioy hearing them at Jenkins hall February 3. You often hear the comment, "You can go to Omaha and see a good show for a quarter." This is your op portunily to see Omaha talent in Murray for 25c. Mrs. Warren Wiley, who has been here for the pnsl few weeks visiting with her mother and sis lers, departed for her homo in Plainview Ibis week. She intended lo return Wednesday evening, but the Hltle baby that has been sick r ... ii. . . . i tor ine pasi iew days became worse and she was compelled to postpone the journey. Her sister Mrs. Gapen, was going to Omaha with her. ( Iyer unite a on Tiic Serious Quarrel. al the Todd school house serious quarrel took place sdav of I his week. It .. 1 1 1 as ihoiigh the teacher, Miss Seiiwarls, ;, taking Clarence l-aliii'lock to task for some in jury lie had done to some of Hie Iniildin-s about the grounds, and the young man denied the charge, Whereupon llel'nld Todd. Soil Of Louie Todd, informed the teacher thai Clarence did do the mischief, and he Harold saw him when be did it. This angered the ;11 leinpei' of young Fahnsloek to -neb an extent thai lie leaped for the stove poker and .-truck Harold across I he head a terrific blow, felling him and culling an ugly gash across I he forehead, com ing close lo fracturing the skull. Then Fahnsloek ran for home. Even though injured young Todd grabbed a ball bat and followed him. Young Todd proved much I he swiftest on fool and soon cauirhl Clarence and immediately dealt out several telling blows upon Hie young man wit 1 1 the ball bat. Both young men were in 'llied to some extent, but young Todd much the woi'sl'-from the (ii st blow, and who also seems to tiave the sympathy of the com munity and is not held in blame for the trouble. Through Sleepers to California Through sleepers are now operated to California via Denver. Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake City. TO I. (IS AN(.i:i.KS VIA SALT l.AKK KOI TK: Every day through Tourist Sleepers. Daylight ride through Scenic Colorado with half day stop-over in Salt Lake. TO I. OS WGF.I.K.S VI SOl'TIIKII I UIKK'i Every day through Tourist Slee ;er service with personally conducted lliroimh hlc'ier to l.iix An Helen Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Daylight ride through Scenic Co orado and Salt Lake. TO S lltVMTMO VI WKSTKHX IMi iriCi Through Tourist Sleepers every Wednesday, Fj-iday and Saturday, via Denver, Scenic Colorado, Salt Lak- and Feather River Canyon. to i. (is via:i.i:s via sata fi: ho iti:: Personally conducted through Tourist Sleepers every Tuesday via Dea ver, Santa Fe route. IMUOM.Il SI VMltl Sl.l l.l'l ItS TO SAN I lltVClSlO: Kvcry day through Standard Sleepers via Denver, Salt Lake and Southern Pacific. Daylight ride through Scenic Colorado. Let me tell you ahout our through sleeping cars to California. alno to all Northwest territory via lii !l:u;;s, Mont. R. W. CLEMENT, Jgent. L. W. WJKELY, General Passinjer Agent, Onah, Neb. Contest Day at Murray. t'otiutv Superiiileudenl Miss Mary Foster came down from I'lallsiiio.uth Wednesday morning to conduct a couiesl in the. Mur ray and .surrounding schools. The contest was in spelling and ma thematics and the pupils of the various schools took paid. These contests are being held over the I country for the purpose of select- ing pupils i eonle-l, am are 4 M4H -W LEGAL ADVERTISING. 4 t The following section of a 4 law regarding the disposi lion or placing of legal ad-j- verlisinp in newspapers was lllSl I'll' conies I hue. bolb t Ural c bolb test. legislature of 1900, and we desire the friends of the o altend the county ! Journal lo make a note of the winners in thei! its provisions and govern eligible lo the county ' v 'themselves accordingly: I o be held al some future v Miss KnI her Itice won in !! he spelling ami mat bcina nutest and will be eligible to classes in the county con- The New Firm. Iliall & Tull are beginning to get everything in their new store squared away for a genuine busi ness campaign. They are going to exert every effort lo siiuolv the people of Murray and vicinity with I be very best goods the market affords. All the patrons of the store will receive very courteous treatment and all their dealings will be strictly on the sejuare. We do not neneve mat Murray ever numbered in her population two better ouim men than Hemmy Hiatt and Kd Tult. and we also believe that the people of this community owe them a share of their patronage. They are young men with a future and the people of this community are in a posi tion to make that future, so let your judgment be fair with them and we will wager they will more than meet you half way at all times. They have come to Mur ray to remain, possibly for many years be one of you; one's warm est friends slum Id be numbered among those nearest, and we. have teen near to these boys for the oast ten years and we know that tney are deserving of your patronage. May they be success ful is the most sincere wish of the Journal publisher. lOSTlM TK rv VAVFASV. F(H CASS corvrv I'oit thio vkah una An Mnile by Hie llonril l County ('iiiiuiilxNioiierH f t'ltv County, Jiiniiiiry !. 11)1-'. Court House expense Commissioners' salary County Superintendent's salary Assessing county .MakinK tax list Hooks, blanks and supplies Flection expense Fuel Jail expense Paupers and poor farm.... County attorney's sulury . . bridges Koads Incidentals Soldiers' ltellef Court Kxpense Sherllf's Salary County Clerk's salary.... Deputy Sheriff's salary... 12,000.00 2. 500.00 1,600.00 3,500.00 700.00 2,000.00 2.300.00 1.600.00 1.000.00 2,000.00 1,200.00 32 000.00 SO'.OOO.OO 6.310.00 1,000.00 13,000.00 1.750.00 1,650.00 640.00 I I Murray Dancing Club. The Murray Dancing club will give another dance in the Jenkins hall in Murray on Saturday oven ing. February 10. The music will be furnished by the popular Jacobs' orchestra of Omaha. You know there is a good time in store for you, so do not make any other date. Don't forget! The Journal office It prepared to do all kinds of fancy Job work. Give us a trial Good Land for Sale. Forty acres of good bottom and, near small town, $40 per acre, cash, if taken soon. AI90 150 acres second bottom land at $35 per acre. Call or address, A. II. Oslrom, Max, Neb. For Sale. Some good first-class prairie my, on farm eight miles west of Platlsmouth. R. L. Props!, Mynard. DO YOU KNOW THAT -J. H, COOK- carries a full line of FRESH and CURED "That from and after tho ! passage and approval of this ! act it shall be the lawful right, of any plaintiff or ! petitioner in any suit, ac ! lion or proceeding, pending ! or prosecuted in any of the ! district courts of this state, J in which-it is necessary to 4 publish in a newspaper any f ! notice or copy of an order, 4" ! growing out of, or connected 4 4 w ith such action or proceed- 4 . 4 ing either by himself or his 4 4 attorney1 of record, to desig- 4 4 nato in what newspaper 4 4 such notice or copy of order 4 4 shall be published. And it 4 4 shall be the right of the 4 4 widow, widower, or a ma- 4 4 jority of tho heirs-at-law of 4 4 legal age, of the estate of 4 4 any deceased intestate or 4 4 the widow, widower, or a 4 majority of the legatees or 4 4 devises of lawful age, of 4 4 the estate of deceased 4 4 testatem to designate the 4 4 newspaper in which the 4 4 notices pertaining to the 4 upon the petition of Martin u Ruby, .j. settlement of the estates of 4" Kuardlan, praylni? therein for a license : , . . . J , to sell the Southeast Quarter of 8eo-; 4 8UCh deceased persons Shall 4 tion Twelve (12), Township Eleven t. nl,UshpH And It hall JU (111 i:an Twelve (12. situate In T 1)0 pUUUSIiea. Ana II Snail f Cass County, Nebraska, for the purpose ' be the duty of the judges Of 4 ill mill II vai in ills niiu ruu.aiiiig oatu . minors. It Is ordered that the next of kin of Total '115,650.00 D. C. MO HQ AN, County Clerk, (TI( K. IN DISTRICT COUKT OP CASS County. Nebraska. In the Matter of tho Guardianship of Kay Kuby, Hoss Ituby, Teddy KuDy and Helen Kuby. Minors. Now, on this 25th day of January, 1912, this cause came on to be heard said minors and all persons Interested In said matter, appear perore me at tne District Court Room at Plattsmouth. In I Cass County, Nebraska, on the 28th day of February, 1912, at 10 o'clock A. M. to show rauso why a license should not be arranted to said Kuardlan as above set forth. That notice of teh time and place of above hearing be given to the next kin of said minors and all persons In terested by publishing a copy of this order In the Weekly Journal, a news paper printed and of general circula tion In Cass County, Nebraska, for three weeks prior to the said day of hearing. HMtVEY T. TRAVIS. Judge of the District Court. NOTICK OF SALE. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF CASS County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Lena Welshelt, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that in pur suance of an order of Hon. Harvey D. Travis, Judge of the District Court of Cass county. Nebraska, made on tnis 20th day of January, 1912, for the sale of the real estate hereinafter de scribed there will be sold at the front door of the American Exchange Bank In the Village of Elmwood, Cass County, Nebraska, on the 21st day of February, 1912, at 1 o'clock P. M., at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate to-wlt: The Northeast Quarter of Section 12. Township 10, Range 10, East of the 6th V. M., in Cass County, Nebraska. Said sale will remain open one hour. Dated this 22nd day of January, 1912. HERMAN LUETCHENS. Executor of Said Estate. C. S. AI.DRICII ! D. O. DWYER, Attorneys. 4 the district court, county 4 4 Judges or any other officer 4 4 charged with the duty of or- 4 4 dering, directing or super- 4 4 Intending the publication of 4 4 any of such notices, or 4 4 copies of orders, to strictly 4 4 comply with such deslgna- 4 4 tlons, when made In ac- 4 4 cordance with the pro- 4 4 visions of this act." 4 4 We want the friends of 4 4 the Journal throughout Cass 4 4 county to understand that 4 4 when they have district 4 4 court notices or county 4 4 court notices to publish they 4 4 are empowered with the 4 4 right to designate the paper 4 J 4 in which such notices shall 4 4 be published. 4 n n H f 1 Mil Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies! ? Also a nice line of Con fectionery and Cigars. McDaniel Old Stand MURRAY, NEBRASKA NOTICE OP SAI.K. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF CASS Cnuntv. Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estato of Adam Ingram, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that in pur suance of an order of Hon. Hnrvey D. Travis, Judge of the District Court of said Cass County, made on the 20th day of January, 1912, ror the sale or tne real estate hereinafter described, there will he sold at the south door of the Court House, at I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, on the 23rd dnv of February 1912, at 1 o'clock 1". M., at public vendue, to tho highest bidder for cash, tho fol lowing described real estate to-wlt: The west half of tho northwest quarter nnd the southeast quarter of tho north west (piarter, In Section 19, Township 1U. llanice 12, In diss County, Nebraska. Said sale will remain open one hour. Dated this 2.'lrd day of .Innunrv, 1912. Edward Ingram, Administrator of Said Estate. D. O. DWYER, Attorney. (tick 'F tmnHTntTto, IN THE COI NTY COl'RT OF CASS Count v. Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas W Shyrock, Deceased. All persons Interested In said estate are hereby notified thnt a petition has been tiled alleging that said decensed died Intestate and prnvlng for admin istration unon said estate. A hearing will be had upon said petition on the 23rd dav of February, 1912, at 10 o'clock A. M.. at the Countv Court room at I'lnttsmoutb. All objections and protests to snld petition should bo on llle and heard nt snld time. (SeftD ALLEN J. HEESON. County Judge. 2-1-Swks. Lands for Sale. 440 acres in southeast Green wood county, Kansas; fenced and cross-fenced; 80 acres of rich creek bottom land in cultivation, balanco finest native prairie grass (limesoil). Fair 5-room house stabling, etc. Some bearing or chard. Lots of fine living water, which is furnished by a Jargo creek which runs through north side of ranch. Creek is skirted with timber; cattle come off grass into deep water. This is consider ed to be one of the best little stock ranches in the county. School close by; fine smooth road to town. Just 5 i-2 miles from ranch to town; a nice well im proved country all the way. For quick sale 918 per acre buys this HO acres; no trade taken on this. Has a mortgage of $3500 that has yet three years to run. $4120 buys the equity. Nothing better for the money, dive me to your friend if you don't want me, I must sell. V. A. Nelson, Real Estate Broker, Fall River, Greenwood County, Kansas. Good barn for rent. Call the Journal for particulars. on tf. Mrs. Hansen of Nehawka has been a guest for a short time of her sister, Mrs. William Huntor, and in company with Mr. Hunter, Mesdames Hunter and Hansen visited Omaha today, going on the early train this morning.