The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 01, 1912, Image 4

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    The- Plattsmouth - Journal
CZ3 Published Semi-Weekli at Plattsmouth, Kebrasha CZTD
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Entered at the Poatoffice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class
Only a short lime now unlit the As the Washington ladies may
primary elect ion. U is time for
candidates to pet busy.
There is entirely too much
harmony anions the democrats in
wmgress to suit, the republicans.
If things keep on this way wc
taa!l feel like taking the butler
down to the safe deposit vault
In view of the protest from our
government, the Cuban congress
may nut pass a law giving every
(Julian an ollice.
Wilson called Wallersnn a
"nice old gentleman." This
would make most people, madder
I ban calling them a thief.
Henry Lumouchurr. lefl an
stale valued at 10,000,000. The
remarkable thing ahoul it is that
he. was a newspaper man.
fl may also develop thai it was
Francis Macon who kidnapped
f.harley lloss, hit liilly Patterson
arid stole the grand jury notes.
Governor Folk anil Chump Clark
may discover thai Missouri's
"favorite sun" was born in Vir
ginia and is now a resident of
New Jersey.
I ' ;o:
Senator ltailey of Texas op
poses the bill to establish a child
welfare bureau. That's one fine
thing about Mr. ltailey. You al
ways know just where to find him.
"The political situation is
tonne,",: ,'s.fy a Washington dis
patch. So far as the administra
tion is concerned it secerns to be
the past tense.
. :o:
"I am for Tafl as strong us a
man can be," says Mr. Hitchcock,
the postmaster general. He can
he thai and still not be very
strong for Tafl.
, . ;0;
The subsidiary oil companies
find the independents have put up
I he. price of oil, too. It is still
possible to meel ami talk over
prices after dark.
: o :-
No danger (hat the Irish play
er h will have to walk the tracks,
If their friends keep on prosecut
ing them, they cun well afford to
travel by special trains.
Possibly the reason why the
ground-hog retires so speedily is
not on account of the weather,
but because he catches a glimpse
of the farmer's boy and Towser.
Princess Patricia must have
enjoyed the 28,000 violets placed
on the table in her honor, but
nursing half a dozen roots in her
own back yard perhaps gives her
more satisfaction.
A Yukon miner shocked New
York bv hanging a red flannel
get their ball gowns snowed on if
they keep on inaugurating presi
dents in March, the public busi
ness should he set aside and the
date put off to April.
The war department has grant
ed permission for an army ball
team to go to Japan to play Tokio
university. In time, no doubt, all
international . differences will be
skilled in this manner.
Wall si reel nole: It having
been reported that Woodrovv Wil
son was seen wearing a red neck
lie, profound depression pervad
ed the street and the bottom
seemed to have dropped out of the
The bath-tub trust is ordered
to appear in court. The trusts
must have that homey feeling
Alien they get into court now, and
no doubt put up their feet on the
mantel-piece as if it was their
own living room.
It is said that ex-Senator Iluck
of Otoe, county will probably be a
andidate for senator again this
,ear. Mr. Huck served two terms
from Otoe county and ran the
bird time, but was defeated
:h rough treachery in his own
If the Imke of Connaughl had
nerely discovered the cure foi
ome disease, thus saving thou
sands of people, nr had made
iomo great invention reducing Itu
ost of living, ih curiosity-seek-rs
would never have bloelLerf lh
There are several! fellMwa r-um-u'ng
for state iifMMituUiou wn Mm
lemocratic ticket who. think tfev
tarty owes them a living and: tho
ire going to havs iti wixc way or
mother. And then,, on. Ihn- olhtr
land, many of th leading- puliiti
ians believe it is- best to grime
them a position where- they can
turn their own way than iti i to
tween Morehead and Metcalfe,
.ith that one question, "which
Aill be the stronger candidate?"
Personal feeling will, of course,
enter largely into the settlement
of that matter, but we are of the
candid opinion that Morehead
Aould be the strongest candidate
the party could name. Will
Maupin's Weekly.
The market reports tell us that
butter is not so strong.
Groundhog day will soon be
here. Then we will know about
that six weeks more of cold
weath in a horn.
Lincoln people; claim the
typhoid fever epidemic in that city
is about over, yet there is a case
or two crops out occasionally.
II is now sajd that the La Fol
lelte and Roosevelt forces in
braska have joined hands to de-
feat Tafl in Nebraska. Don't
I hat leal you?
Governor I-'oss has a large force
f militia stationed in Lawrence.
Mass., to protect the woolen mills
"rom the strikers. Isn't Schedule
protection enough?
:o ;
Ditfrenv,- the Chicago attorney,
vho (fefciided the McNarnars at
'.os Angeles,, has been indicted
n two coTiivls for bribing jurors
n Ibis celefo'ated' case,
II is reported' that the1 steel
rust is pushiiy ftVioselt, for
ward as a candidtlv in1 r"t!nTO for
lis consent for Hi' t'lUltJ tlw fak
ver the Tennessee' (loal; &v4 Iron
According to Gaby iKlys-,.
s back in Paris, Amefiiitf'. all
lutT." She also assert Hint s4ie
vas asked in marriage rttf t5ms
i week, indicating that' (i(liy i
ome bluffer herself.
I hp organization whM'h' is-
torkiii? to secure the l3iriuis
lelegatMin for Roosevelt neeitnot
ic started if it provokes arise
ul of lion. Joseph GuerneyrtiUH
rm f Danville.
Th f lib if February is not fftr
ilT. Thtt date is better known a
aEtrmilhw' day the day on which
jowa.rd wrak vengeance upn
their emi'inres through the miiH
.v it: hi hhJ!i,m.H-lHking valentinee.
T1 uuh ir women who Ira
jeep luanin(rtlieiHiiin.ini3Hry with. lmrchants are a ,;
. l il I t i .
:miimui uiiii iv.ur BwW any A!1:VS! llw And wli.
I - il " '
if it back. Hut such.,s tar). tuow Uu.y aro,.dA.
. .... .... i in r.. .. .. r.. . a, I I
""l 1,1 inw a dntv they owe to themselves
honor, and il would be an imposi- lft hy tuwn , whjf h ,iv(, uaJ
lion upon t he peph to. vr nom- rt t;vj
inale them
minislration is already in deep
enough? Besides, the president
might fool 'em by signing the
:o :
Henri Watlerson had better
have kept his mouth closed in re
ference to Woodrow Wilson's
campaign funds if he cannot show
up better than he has. Henri is
always getting his foot into it, and
wc do not know of a campaign,
since the eventful Tilden election,
that the gentleman from Kentucky
has not tried to get up some ex
citement in presidential year to
hurt someone. Hut this time, it
seems, he is helping Governor
Wilson, rather than hurting his
llmi, W, 15. Hanning's friends
have petitioned him to run again
for the senate, Senator Hautiing
has served ivvo terms, and so ac
ceptably has be served his con
stituents that demand I made
upon him to run again. Senator
K'n-ek of Otoe cnjiity, wild was
del'aled for ri'lection, nd
whom it was IhoupUd might !; a
raudi'fole Ibis time', has decided
not to I'.vnke the race, tnd is there
fore in favor of SenatiM' Hanning,
Mr. iiarnV-ug's record r the son
ale is as ''ear as crystal! and no
one can pvihly Jill the' bill any
"-:o :'
II. A. WebbVl' of Kearm has
filed as a e;;tlidale for tatc
auditor on the' publican ticket.
Mr. Webbert ha.-- jived in Keaitie-y
"or thirty-seveit1 yars anditftS
buitt up a succful printiig
brismes. He is e'i'l' iitly a g(ni
nan fur the place, a man wh
iff able1 to conduct ; trusiness
lw w successful I?'1 iiA-rerfainljy1
tn l"rk after the-lousiness in
liii.t; I he public.'- is not j
ways be dodged. The honest man
would rather pay a heavy impost
on such property when he inherits
it than pay a fair tax by driblets
while his neighbors arc lying out
of their burdens.
Public Auction
Farm and
'lilir mtnv fellows whc'iHre' always
'wiij'iiii'pr armnid uf'tMi jobs:
rhj lkiviifl any busin-Mf their
Owii H lnL after, newT-ii'M'any,
MV M' alwajs lonkiivf- fin an
,uaw Viw.w l drop. VY regret
I'Hutl Mv.. WeJvWrt is not!.iMiio-'
"iratl,. i'toa we could ppovl'
Fin;. IWuawf e believ"iitei.-a
gndl iimou fior iti place. .
ApnusiAliioni l( the propwxI'Jin
virtliiKit!iMni' mtr hf money tict'in
coiifiies mkhis to be lacmlt: on
thif d!ojie tlw oid burdi'O'aar. the
sesvuoni wjt!lii iiiny more in vfciat-
imr innmwiil!ti'fjf rather lhi!Hnny'
im)!i(nhnl HT.-es to (lefeliui;:at
lentil V awerlain the ?Sl-in
line iHiiJltkr. KMiie of 1. 1 "stands f.;
patitn'it. have "".Mdemnly
conii'if- tnai sucn u.icaquiry
'mijtlkii ifitMidiare a panic,"tnfasfc'J
Ahie-lu irvedi frequentlKie.itii'neM
The undersigned will sell at
Public Auction at his farm, five
miles northwest of Plattsmouth,
Nebraska, on
The following described prop
erty, to wit:
Thirteen Head of Horses and
One teans draft horses, weight
One team miles, weight 2,400.
One team mares, weight 2,500.
One black hwse colt, coming 3
years old, wei-ght iiOO.
One team f black mares,
weight 2.400.
One driving' h.vje, weight 1,000.
One colt, comhrtf 3 years, weight
. Two bay colt?.-'1'Vining 2 years
One mule, counVig 2 years old.
Fifty Head of Cattle.
Thirty head f eows and
Two registered GJtToway bulls.
One registered buif eal'f.
Three registered- Galloway
Two registered Galloway heifers
Two full bloodedi ITolstein
f ail's.
7cr full blooded lolstein
li evfers-.
Ten ftead of Calves.-
nViTfy head of Ho?,s.
Farm Implements;.
TAvp lumber wagon'8
Tw' buggies.
On'' aprinp wagon.
. Two xalking plows.
' One '.'rnbined lister,
j Threw cultivators,
j Two' fay rakes,
j Two1 furrows.
j4 in. .r.vji..
j One ccm planter.
! One scT.ifer.
One hay loader.
I One sivfe delivery raker.
: ine (LSover Leaf .visnuirr
. Vivp'et;f of work harneesv.
Otic stf frf buggy harnses.
Otie bMKsIed.
Two s?,?e? water tanks?.
; 2Y lknels of timothy and'
rt(Vver ssiwf mixed.
Oilier arttfcles loo numerous to
Terms of 8aldr-
Locating and Fighting Infectiort Cttt'
tert Only Known Meant of Control.
The cbestnut Imrk disease wns first
recognized ns a sevlous disease tn ttw
Hdnlty of New York city in 1904. an
the first publication regarding It ap
peared In 100(5. There Is reliable evi
dence, however, that it was present on
Long Wand nt least as early ns 1893.
Its origin to unknown, bnt there Is
onie evWence that tt was Imported
from the orient wftb the Japanese
chestnut. This view b not, however,
held by nlf investigator. Rut, what
ever niny breve been its ffiue or place
of origin. It certain tt has now
spread into ut Vast ten states.
The bark disease appears wlttmntely
to exterminate the cliestmst trees In
nny locality wl'i'.eh It Infest; Three
years ago the (taucial loss fronv this
disease "In and uSont New Torft dty"
was esllmateit nt "ttotween $.".:l!)e,,0(X)'
and $10,000,000." Tlio agricultural de
partment writers regard 2r).0()0.000 a
a conservative estiiiinfe of the tliinneial
Joss from this disease up to 1911: Ia
many localities the1 greatest damage
has been among chestnuts grown' tor
if he had sold a million of fake
mining stock no attention would
have been paid to anything so
An Illinois court decided the
other day thn( a bulldog is a
deadly weapon. Following tho
same line of reasoning a juslico
of the peace in Pittsburg, Has.,
deeided that a jackrabbit is not an
animal. Neither of Iheso rulings
i an be regarded as inconsistent
with the well known dooision Of
the federal court of New York to
the rffect that frogs' logs ar
In the Kansas City Star's voting
Of course Chester H. Aldrich contest fr president, Roosvalt
will be rc-nomiuutvd for governor.! has more votes than all the httli-
Any other republican candidacy is unce put together, and Chump
a joke. And following their usual Clark is away ahead on the dwno
custom the democrats are more cratio side of tho house.. Uho
than likely to make Aldrich's most of these voles, howevAP-, aw
election a cinch. There are thou- from Missouri and Kansas,.
sands of republicans ready to bolt :o:
Aldrich if they can do so without The Journal would like. tw. see
being discovered and have any- some good, deserving dunwerat
thing like an excuse for doing it. Nile for state auditor on bhat it
Without entering into the dis- could feel free to suppH'l! anil
cussion of personalities, we be- one who is not jumpiw up for
lieve that John II. Morehead is the positions every timo an oppnr-
slrongest man the democrats tunity is presented.. Thv demo
could select for the gubernatorial cralic party is pesteueul with too
nomination. The nomination lies niany such hangor-pn, and the
between Mr. Morehead and Rich- quicker the parly gels rid of such
leeches the belle it will be lor
the democrats.
shirt out of a hotel window, hulard L. Metcalfe, ltolh are splen
did men, well qualilled for the
position of governor, and capable
of giving the state a clean, busl
ness-like adminstration. In
, 1 A ,
v ' i
All' fHun r $10 and; undr;
ist'i!' over $10; a credit
WtUtihw inonths will!! bi- giving
ihV purrituiser giving tood'bankt-atn-
pminir bearing iniwesti afc 8
pr ocFit. No property, to loawe
tthv prtMiirtes until &ttledi for
mntenclh will be srved.' Sale
tiSi.liegriiinll Ml o'c lock i,-a. m...
wurned'fc '"'x ifKinson, 4vjetionon,
n:ifi M hwvlil aoinc men iiK.lrnc. for.
tin, ra'the tariff. I'a-k!appe,alJ35ee8 South CiiPlattsmOHth
of this sort have lost tifltjir forc,A,-
(the Old Martin. Furat
ami most people wouldree, that hasAatalled a Sa.Mm:oaote pta.
arafi b prepared tjfQrnisikQacdl wro
bwoff all kinds a, Rost& ajndD chunk
j All orderstflromptfc5' filled, auad
m solicited.
Nemaha county has discovere
a gold mine, and now a great
choosing between these two men boom in soil is expected down that
democrats need only be concern- way. They don't want lo get up
ed about ouo question: "Which too much excitement or they may
man is most likely lo poll the full be doomed to a great disappoint-
parly strength and draw somo incut, as is usually the case with
from the opposition? To elect a gold mines in Nebraska
democratic candidate for gov
ernor it is necessary to get prac
tically all tho democratic and
populist votes and a goodly per
centage of republican votes. So
il is that tho democrats should
concern thomsclvos chiefly, as bo-
leinocralic congressmen are
planning to put the adininistra
lion "in tho hole" by forcing
President Taft to veto a lot of
tariff bills on tho eve of tho con
vention. Isn't the holo the nd
if, a Mditin exists ia?fCw. Yd
suu-fe that a mere invet ligation. of
iti wuld "produce n flattie,," ' tho
B(,Ker the panic is pjrruluce.d i and
the- farts disclosed, ,ttw bet I ftn-QU,
wiH the country be.
: o
Many of our cnhe.rval;v-
pie feel nowuiays. tAnh l
foundations of iio worUll aru Cue
ing shaken by win hi Iiuws- a.s the
inheritance tn,v, and, (defies market
ing property rights.. They rvgrct
the good till: da.vj. wljsM our
statesmen ili stood without hitch
ing. We wcw llieieUyi' much in
terest ed in. rei.vJ.iaig the article,
"Cnnvif tnous (.? a (irandfatlier,"
in I In- February Scribner, bj
Judg Roberl (iranl, lo learn llvil
inheritance taxes were used as, tux
biuk as the times of KniiMiror
Augustus, A. D. 0, and that tho
Homans borrowed the idea from
the Egyptians, who practiced it
si ill earlier.
This idea running so far back
into history is getting a strong
foothold on our system of taxa
lion. Many honest property hold
ers feel that no other system of
taxation works with such absolute
Justice. The tax on the living
man's stocks and bonds will ftl
Do Yfti W0rtl an
If,. g ena who has,. Oty, Judgement.
TelegMflla r write
Dunbar, Neb.
Dates made at this office c Viut
Murray State Bank.
Rates RcasonaW
bbeasxd msamvt barkk
oroflrnaatal pursse9.. which:! bavev a.i
vatan iweatly im xee8&jof itbBlH.voJiuei.
as- luniter.
Ki nwthod of tomaniKing individual
trce against tlt bark disease, is yet
kBAKVik, and no luetbod 0f ,treatt os,
cn!h them waeu .once,, attacked; 1.
etrtaJba In Its rtwilta. WhlJo. ttila. Is.
wifioiilninate fram , the.. standpoint of
th wner of onban trees aad., large .
enttinental tre of great IijkAtvWtMil :
oiiMi no uiet'iwl of dealing. witti.slni
f) trees surjtery, medlpatloa spray
,iag. etc. howerer successfuliia, Itself,,
would meet tb demands ofs the. nres
1 tot situation It Is not,prpvlftbl0.atc
present to eot'ly any IndlvWpat methv
od of treatnmt to forest trs; the tav
diTidual tt ts not wor.tlilt: and, will;
not be for atny years.
Fortunately, however,-, there- la. a
method oC dealing with , the situation)
which is applicable to th'i-cauntry as a,
whole anjl which, bo,, fan as. tested, la.
practlcaUev The dcte advancea
but Blotty In a solid line, but instead!
spreads, from Isolated center of Infec
tion, eft en many mile, in advanc ot
the it1d line of dise&ae. It thcrfor
seemed probable that; if these advance
Infections could be. located) at a rea
sonably early stage- they coHjdk be
ellodnated at relatively little- tspanm.
thus preventing furtfhar spreedl from
these points at loost It is believed
tftat this method; of attack v.lH proTe
practicable and if carried out on a
jlnrce scale wllb result ultimately tn
the control of Uie bark djseose which
has done so mujuhi damage.
Herman Groeder,
Graduate Vetincary Surgeon
(Formerly, with U. S. Department
Licensed by Nebraska State
Calls Answered Promptly
Phone 378 White, Plattsmouth
Adapting Crop t CUmatea.
The furuu cannot chauge his cli
matic environment, hut he can grow
crops nd.iptd to tt. There are two
ways of Cfing tbl by the breeding
and selection of hardy plants and by
the Introduction of new species and
varieties adapted by nature to new
liK-atloua. The experiment stations tn
the different states and territories have
been doiug word along the first line,
end the federal government, through
the bureau of plant Industry, has been
seeking hnrdy varieties of plants from
til parts of the world for Introduction
Into our own country. Country Gentleman.
Are you setting a good exam
ple for the young farmers In
your neighborhood T If not, be
gin anew this year and be a
worthy example for better agriculture.