The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 22, 1912, Image 4

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Plattsmouth - Journal
Published Semi-Weekly at Plattsmouth, Nebraska
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Entered at the PostofTice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as Becond-clasg
There's u lime to bo merry,
A time Id lie gay,
A time to plant Inters,
A time to mako hay.
There's a lime to yet busy
Ami clean on" the shelf,
A lime to unlond
Ami to rake in the, pelf.
There's a lime for the merchant
The merchant who's wise,
To mark down his goods
And then to advertise.
And let it he said,
Just to close up this rhyme,
That now, Mister Merchant,
Is the very best. time.
How about that January thaw?
Cold claimed twenty-flvo vie-
Mms in one week in Chicago.
:o :
The political atmosphere, seems
to be serene, notwithstanding tbc
old weather.
The man who writes tho gas
bills in this world will have the
devil to pay in the next.
There are plenty of slippery
places now for the wicked, as well
as the righteous, to walk upon.
And now abiedth faith, hope,
charity, these three; but the
greatest of these is charity. I
Cor. xiii, 13.
: o :
flovernor Wilson has declared
war on the mosquito and tho
bouse fly, but be says nothing
about presidential boea.
Not all of Mr. Carnegie's ideas
an be. classed as llap-doodlc. He
says: "Slock jobbers ' are par
asitCB, feeding on values and
creating none."
"Hookworm has invaded twen
ty-two Kentucky counties." Ilathcr
dangerous for the hookworm, for
it is said to be very easily pre
served in alcohol.
I :o:
According to the republican
"organs" the Woodrow Wilson
presidential boom has collapsed.
This, you know, is what repub
lican "organs" are for.
While we are keenly interested
in Mr. Hoosevell, we decline to
devote a column and a half to u
description of his prowess in cut
ting down a birch sapling.
ft is said that Hussia will take
her time in making a new treaty
with the United Slates. It cer
tainly took time in violating lift)
old one kepi it up for forty
"Tariff slashed on iron and
steel." Pray be calm. Tho slash
has been effected not as yet by
the customs house officials, but
by the democrats of the ways and
means committee of the house.
Who is to run for the logis
latum on the democratic ticket?
H is lime to Ihink about, a can
didate for this position. Cass
county is now entitled to only one
The Carnegie monument ithould
commemorate some truly historic
event, like getting the belter of
John I), on the ore deal, rather
than merely getting rid of a few
t "iisand libraries.
:o : ,
Mis. Sarah Platl-Docke-r has
decided not lo be a candidate for
United Slates senator Colorado.
Any t.cci'inplished shopper, suoh
an Mr. J latt-Uecker, mHtt4realixo
that the prico of a Colorad soa
If the "fool killer" was not so
far behind with his work lawyers
would starve to death.
The populists' national conven
tion will probably meet in Lin
coln. That's the rumor now.
In relieving suffering among
I he poor the best t ime to' give is
early, and the next best time is
lion'l expect Hie cold weather
lo disappear all at once. the
vvarmlh, you know, has to come
by degrees.
Teddy has put a dead man in
the Ananias club. It is under
stood that club is fearfully over
crowded with the live ones.
"Commerce court fights for its
lire." It liasn't lived a worthy
life so far, and hence those who
would have it reprieved are few.
We hope they don't get Mr.
Iloosevelt into presidential poli
ties until he gets the June wed
dings reported for Hie Outlook.
There are fourteen dark horses
mentioned for the democratic
nomination, but several of them all in
would not be safe for any lady to
The Chinese throne will prob-
With a united and harmonious
party, the democrats will have the
finest opportunity for success
next fall they have ever bad in
many years. But factionalism
must be thrown aside and all
march in one solid phalanx on
ward to victory.
someone's duty to make an in
vestigation and show to the out
side world that Cass county will j
not put ui with such outrageous
affairs. Whose duty was it to re
port this outrage? It was, evi-
.t,.n.iV Tit mi -Vi - h n 'n
not the proper oflifllcials be- llS IfejMlj Cl FOftj-tlW Tll33-
stirred themselves in an effort to
It is an easy matter for voters investigate?
to post themselves upon the char- I interested in
acter and ability of candidates
before the primary. If they will
do this there are some fellows
who have filed as candidates for
state offices who will get beauti
fully left when the returns are
We are no moro
the matter than
anybody else, but an outraged
public has now raised its voice,
and demands that something be
done without further delay.
s:nl Gvsr Le.vis.
Don't fail lo attend Hie Lady
Minstrels next Wednesday night
at, the al'rmele. The finest treat
in many years.
:o :
The man who says, "take my
advice," seldom gives you a
chance to lake anything else that
belongs to him.
You will miss half of your life
if you fail to attend the Lady Min
strels at the Parmele Wednesday
night, January 24.
Nebraska City will try the com
mission form of government next
spring, having so voled at a spec
ial election Tuesday.
The weather is due to moderate,
but not enough lo cause anv
stampede in the direction of the
ice cream soda "counter.
II is no disrespect to those
oilier admirable graces, Faith and
Hope, to give. Charity the right of
way in winter weather.
Kvcry business man should
make his arrangements so that ho
can lake part in the banquet one
week from next Monday night.
A millionaire banker in Ama-
ville. Texas, shot and killed a
millionaire rancher. The bank
and the ranch will now be divided
among the lawyers.
:o ;
Ion. John 11. Morehead is cer
tainly the candidate for demo
crats lo nominate for governor
Kvcry day evidences of this fact
becomes more demonstrative.
Zero weather, the forecast says
is over. lor three or four
weeks it has been over tho entire
country from tho Hock mountains
to the Atlantic seaboard.
ably be moved from Pekin, but we
would not haul it out of town un
til I he roads get settled next
Mr. Bryan has bought a 1912
model automobile, which is one of
several indications that the don
key is not traveling fast enough
lo please him.
Lorimer says he is the victim of
a plot. Why, that was tho
case with certain seats in the
United States senate allotted to
I he state of Illinois.
The government has secured
permission to examine the books
of the meat packers, and we have l,"'m as'de-
the feeling thai the bible will not
be found among them.
Governor Aldrich has gotten
limself in a pretty pickle by try
ing to blow both "hot and cold" in
politics. The Taft faction have
given him the cedd shoulder, and civil service is administered in
the insurgents are very doubtful the postal departments one can
as to bis sincerity with that fac-I hardly help enlerlaining the ut-
For the theory of the civil
service as applied to government
work, one cannot but have great (.rtsment ot Ue United Mine
Mitchell, White, Lewis, Walker, Hayes
and Green Elected Delegates to Fed
eration of Labor Con vent. on Social
ist hesoluton Kejected.
Indianapolis, Jan. 19. John P.
W h.te ot uskaloosa, la., wa3 re elected
respect, even though he may
doubt the wisdom of life tenure in
office. But the manner in which
lion of the republican party. It
seems, therefore, that, Mr. Aid
rich was decidedly "in (he soup."
We love to see good, honest
democrats rewarded for their
loyally. But we detest to see pro
fessed democrats coming up for
places simply because they think
they can poss'ibly be nominated in
a primary election. We have in
our mind's eye one or two fellows
who insist on loading themselves
on the party, whose records are
everything else but good. Throw-
most contempt.
The civil service is simply, as
now administered, a political con
venience for the administration.
Whenever the whim strikes the
postmaster general or. the presi
dent, either can suspend the
operation of the rules. When an
other whim besets them they can
extend it. The former whim
manifests itself about the time
political discipline is deemed es-
by a majority of 45.4i4'L. over his ob
I'OU'.nt, 'liio.mis L. Lewis oi liridge
t oi t, ()., ai toi ding to the repoit oi ilio
Ulitrs made to tue convention.
White received l04,01Cj votes to
Lew. a 58,591. Hank J. Hayes was re-tiede-l
vice president by a majority
of ti 4 , 8 2 1 votes over Sumac 1 Dascoo of
Illino.s. Secretary-Treasurer Ldwn
hairy was not opposed lor re eleitioa.
Deieufites elected lor the American
Federation of Labor convention were
as ioI.ows: John Mitche.l of New
ork, John P. White of Iowa, Thomas
L. Lewis of Ohio, Frank J. Hayes,
John H. Walker and Duncan McDonald
of Illinois and William Green of Ohio.
By a vote of 615 to 155 the convea
tion refused to adopt a resolution com
mitting the organization to the Social
ist party and approved the substitute
measure of the resolutions committee,
declaring "It would be well If workore
would unite on the political as well as
the Industrial field." The resolutions
Andy Carnegie was tickled over
doing John p. out of some mil
lions on the ore deal, but prob
ably John I), was equally tickled
to get rid of the money.
If the bridge conibino don't "get
it in the neck" in the next leuis-
ature we miss our guess. That
the taxpayers have been paying
loo much for I he construction of
county bridges no one can doubt.
If the democrats were only in
power the republicans would be
able to use the old "bread line"
and "soup bouse" arguments with
telling effect in the coming campaign.
I' loyd Seybolt of Geneva has
filed for the democratic nomina
tion for slate treasurer. He is
said to have been a successfu
banker in Nebraska for twenty
five years.
:o :
Congressman Maguire is the
only member from Nebraska that
voted against the 20 cents a mile
graft now being paid as mileage
to congressmen. Our John al
ways voles right.
Itns paper is for lion. W. B
Banning for senator. He has
served two terms most acceptably
lo his constituents and is equally
as popular in Otoe as he is in
Cass. Mr. Bannimr has alwavs
proved equal lo the emergency.
Taft wants to know why Host
master (ieneral Hitchcock made
the parcels post announcement
without first consulting him. Tho
president is, no doubt, led to bo
lieve strongly that a tratiorous
insurgent has been found right in
his own executivo family.
The Journal would like to sup
port every man running for a
stale office in order to please the
views of all our readers, but
would that be right and proper?
Have we not the same right to our
opinion, and the same right to
support such candidates as we
please as other democrats? We
always support the nominees, no
matter whether they were our
choice at the primary or not.
nuns wnere uie proper demo
cratic spirit is displayed.
sential. The latter whim when committee had reported that it would
the administration's term is draw
ing toward a close.
Under the civil service rules it
is contemplated that one under
its protection can only be removed
be unconstitutional for the United
Mine Workers to indorse any political
Five hundred dollars was appropri
ated for the fund of the striking but
ton workers at Muscatine, la.
' A resolution providing for secession
for some cause in the nature of rora tlie American Federation of La
bor and charging that Gompers, Mitch-
Is not this the last that I have
chosent? to deal thy bread to the
hungry, and that thou bring the
poor that are cast out to thy
house? when thou seest the naked
thai thou cover him? Isaiah
The republican slandpat lead
ers of Nebraska have evidently
passed Governor Aldrich up, and
he will havo to be an insurgent
now or nothing. It is really a
hard matter to understand just
exactly where ho stands.
Jeff Davis, Arkansas' hot blast
statesman, is in eruption again.
At its next election Arkansas
should call out all its lire depart
ments and effectually quench this
very irritating form of combus
The boys are running consider
able of a risk of getting injured
or killed in coasting down High.
school hill and Main street. We
candidly believe it should bo slop
ped before some serious accident
Mr. Morehead did not deem it
necessary to deny the rumor that
he had put his gubernatorial
boom into the hands of Tom Ben
ton. This is another proof that
Mr. Morehead is n very level
headed gentleman. Will Mau
pin's Weekly.
"The Folk-Clark scrap in Mis
souri tempts one to recall the old
couplet: "There were two cats in
Kilkenny, each thought there was
one cat too many; so they fought
and they fit, and they scratched
and they bit, until instead of two
cats there weren't any."
Like religion, there is too
much hypocrisy in politics. There
has been too many great men
kept back because they were not
hypocrites. While W. J. Bryan
may have his faults as well as
other great men, no one can say
he is a hypocrite. Could he have
acted the part of a hypocrite he
would be president today. Thai's
the troble in politics the bigger
the hypocrite, the more success
ful politician.. Honesty and sin
cerity in politics are things of the
Good men who could be elected
and are well qualified for any
position, are kept back by men
who have no qualities at all to
recommend them for positions
That's tho trouble with the demo
crats of Nebraska. Good, honest
and ablo men do not care to run
the risk of getting defeated in the
primary by such cattle, but under
the primary law you can't pro
hibit them from running for
office. But when they are once
nominated what are you going to
do? Why such fellows will Dor
sisl. in loading themselves upon
the party wo are unabel to perceive.
incompetency or an offense
against the government service,
but one of the rules established
by the present postal adminis
tration is that one may be re
moved "for (he good of the serv-'
ice." That is such an elastic
provision as can easily be made
lo cover urgent political ex
igencies. Meantime such cases as that of
Postmaster Thomas at Omaha,
who was accused of levvinc
political assessments upon his
uibordinalcs in a senatorial elec
tion, don't seem to jar the ad
ministration at all. The state
ment that over 1,!U)() was con
tributed by the paslmasters of the
Fifth congressional district to aid
in the election of a congressman,
ami that every postmaster in the
district "was ordered" to con
tribute, disturbs no civil service
disciple in the least.
The twenty-eighth annual re
port Of the civil "service commis
sion has just been sent out. It is
a droll document, in that it con
tains the following:
"The number of complaints re
ceived during the past year of
ell and other labor leaders were "In
the grasp of the capitalistic class
through the Influence of the National
Civic Federation" was defeated. , v
1 -, . 1 , , t- , i i i .' i'i .I I li.i
Communication From Labor Leader
Ordered Printed in Record.
Washington, Jan. 19. A sharp at
tack on President Gompers of the
American Federation of Labor was
made fn the senate by Heyburn (Ida.),,
who protested that a communication
from Mr. Gompers should not be re
ceived by tho senate. He said that no
communication should be accepted
from that source after the revelation?
made In the McNamara case.
Mr. Heyburn had a colloquy wHh
several senators, who Insisted that
any citizen had a right to address a
communication to the senate. The
Idaho senator demanded to know If
any senator could vouch for Gompers'
Senator Reed (Mo.) criticised Hoy
lurn for attempting to shut out a
communication from the American
Federation of labor. The latter re
plied tht, he referred to Gompers in
dividually. "Would you sit here and receive a
communication from the McNamara
brothers, each ps an official?" demand
ed Heyburn of Reed.
"UnhesttatlnKly, yes," rep'ied the
senntor from Mlsso-irl. "I would re
ceive It from the best or the meanest
of God Almlehty'a creatures."
On motion of . Senator Fletclier K.
was ordered that the protest sent In
political activity on the part of Senators Hevbnrn. Brendeeee and Gol
the employes in tho competitive 'higer voted In the negative.
class and of solicitation and re-
ceipt of political assessments was 1
comparatively small, and with one c,5ck Hand plots Afla'nt Governor of
or two exceptions the cases re
sulting have been of only ordinary
importance. This condition is
noteworthy in view of tho political
campaign in the fall of 1910. The
reason for this apparent decrease
I Massachusetts Discovered.
I Lioston, Jan. 19. When Governor
Foss came to the state house ho was
guarded by detectives and plain
clothes men watched for the possible
appearance of Black Hand agents.
The governor's secretary, Mr. HbI
man. snld: "We received from sources
in political activity and political whlch we conaldcred trustworthy and
...... . , , from six widely different ports thot
solicitation is undoubtedly that tt a secret meeting held at night ecr
employes and the public generally taln Interests had sent to New York
nvo Impnmin.r i,oii., ir i to hnvp two Dlat"k Hand bomb throw
- -vvi.n.up t'tui i 1II1U1 Hit U Ul
the civil service act and rules and
or the resolute stand of the presi
dent in support of the same.
There have been no convictions
since the last report for violations
of the statutes relating to the
solicitation and receipt of politi
cal assessments, and but few
prosecutions, are now pending."
Ah! Just, so. Lincoln Star.
There, have been various
rumors regarding a very dis
graceful affair that is said to have
occurred almost within a stone's
throw of Plattsmouth. The Jour
nal has paid but litlle attention to
these rumors because we did not
believe they could possibly be
true. But, we have received a
communication in which tho
writer says the disgraceful affair
has become common talk
throughout the county, and wants
to know why the authorities havo
not. made some effort to in-
vcsugaio uiese rumors, and if j has installed a Saw Mill on his place,
true bring the guilty parties to and is prepared to furnish hard lum
the bar of justice. If all reports 'tor of all kinds, posts and chunk
are. I run. if. ia nn, nt h .. I Vv'OOxl.
I v-ii-j vI IIIV IIIUOl I ullJ .1 in . . .. -
hir,n ... aii oraers promptly mieo, ana izou.uuo.
heinous crimes ever committed in 'also soiiciteti. and several
era ccme over here and attack Govern
or Foss and other officials and givo at
tention to their residences.
"It was our information that the
fecllii!! n"ninst the povcrnor wis duo
to his nrtlon In sending the mll!t!n tc
fawrrnce. as well as because he hud
signed the fifty four hour bill, whloli
la cn Issue In tho strike."
Proposed Advance In Rates Withdrawn
Washington, Jan. 19. Voluntary
withdrawal by the western and south
western railway lines of proposed ad
lances in the freight rates on live
stock, rnrtfculnrly cattle and calves,
Induced the interstate commerce com
mission to varate its orders suspend
ing the Increased tariffs. This means
the Investigation proposed will bo
8 Miles Soilth Of PlattSmOUth abandoned and that the lower rates
will continue In effect.
Ira I3ci tos
(the Old Martin Farm)
a civilized country, and
it is)
Ltdcjewood Nearly Wiped Out.
Aberdeen, S. B., Jan. 19. The busi
ness section of Lldgowood, a town of
WOO people in Richland, N. D., was de
stroyed by fire. The loss Is estimated
The first Nntlonal bank
large mercantile estab
lishments were wiped out.
atorship is to high.