The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 15, 1912, Image 8

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    jQ-N KENLON.
New York Fire Chief
Piiotssrciphcd en Duty j
At Ecuitab'e Fire, j
( '"")'
- ' I ' i
Ca:nszl8 Admits lis Rccommend
eJ Kb far Micnny General.
pr.oiECTio:i n kot ie:ceo.
i '"V AtWf-J
f 5
5 '!
Steel King Says There Is No Danger
of Foreign Steel Flooding the A.ncr
lean MarKtt if Luty Is Lowered.
Quizzed on Irjnorance of Law.
Washington, Jan. 12 Andrew Car
negie, piessd hard by nieuihers of
the houiie ( o.ninUlt a oi lniiiry on Um
Unit d StuttM el torj.oration, ad
HiiiU'd tlu.l. ho ii'coiniiRiHlcil tiie ap
p(iil iiiijnt of I'hllaiidt r C. Knox, tno
li'(!hPt ( retnry oi state, aa ittoiu. y
g !iural in President McrCinleys iab
iiiet in l'Jiil, Mr. Knox having been one
Of the :h!ef counselor for the Car
n:fiie Steel coiniiany since lS'Ji), when
tho Khe'-inrn anil trust law was passed.
Mr. Carneglo repeatedly haJ de
clared bclore the (o.nniittee that he
never knew that the participation of
his company in the Bteel plate pool
and other like pools was unlwiiil and
Kepresentatlve McfliUtcui'dy of Maine
saatiht to Hhow that he had retom
ni(!iHled to rresldent McKin'ey theap
pointnient of Mr. Knox nftar the lat
ter, as roundel for his company, Ind
left him In ignorance of the govern
ment's statutes so many years.
I Mr Carncjle reiterated his tiriff
' views. II" d 'elared that the steel In-
Mercury Drops to 22 Degrees Eelo
Zero in Omaha This Morning.
O .iaha, Jan. 12. The temperature
dropped to 22 degrees below zero at
J o'c lock this morning.
Vedora, N. I)., he'.d the record with
tho mercury standing at 42 degrees
below zero. In the south, Amarilio
Tex., reported 3 below. Temperatures
Of from 10 to 15 below in the Texas
Panhandle weic predicted.
Snow and a forty mile wind in Kan
p;m, so ithern Missouri and northern
Oklahoma were added to the low-st
temp icfres of the winter. Kansas
st.ite university at Lawretre was
cli.'st (1. Topekn reported that both tho
Rock Island and the Santa Fe had
abandoned attempts to br!n; trains
throai-'h, while the Un'on PaclQc was
forci d to abandon a'l train schedules
west r.f that city.
In reaver, O! la., $10 a ton is of
fered for real. Tho co-rtv o'lces were
cl :-s"d nnd the oa! on hand was (lis
tril i't"'! ni'iftnu: the people.
A fit'irm o'' blizard like proport'ors
swe: t '.'Mrf-sro. f ouis W8 4 In the
"r'n of the worft blizzard of the win
t r.
No Pem'ty for Using Power Fluid Be
low Standard.
Lincoln Jan. 12 The state-oil In
spector las run up against a sna-j.
Eomo time ayo ho was puzzled to
lrow wlcllur tho law prohibited
Irin Ins
isan n Rules CcznxUtce.
SltfW IliITMf.T'.'irj
Nebraskan Attacks Caucus Method of
Naming Committees and Fiiijht of
Either Party to Prevent Open Nomi
nation Ltfeattd by Sixty Votes.
I Washington, Jan. 12. Republican
Insurgents met dciuit in the house in
en att'.mpt to upstt Republican Load
er Manns power to name all Republic
an candidates for places on the Iioust
committee s.
Lei by Representative Nonis
(Neb.), who managed the great rales
fi;ht of the previous congress, the in-
s.irgcnts tried to set asid' Manns
nomination of Philip U. Campbell
(Kan.L regular, to succeed the late
13. H. Madison, insurgent, on tho com
mitter1 on rules, and to nominate In
his place Victor Murdock (Kan.)', an
insm gent.
Opposed by both Democratic and Re
housetii fm eyoor
Is Very Plaii
No iiiul ter w hnl, I In
waler, saw inu wood,
uline riiKiii" if vciy
I hid fliiss of work.
Wo don I ludit vo 1 1 ore i:
M'lld af lrl' ill! Ugille, ii'
will cerlaiiily have nt L'ouli
1 1 i j-i"
publican leaders, the Insurgent at
into the Ftate for sale and uso t,;mi.t was beaten by a vote of 1C7 to
which did net come up to the jo7. Of the 107 votes cast In favor of
rcq.ilred giavity test of G2, when b.kIi Murdock, 21 were Republican and Rl
gasoline was used lor rower p.irposcs pemoerptjc; whi'o 107 Republican
An examinat'on of the law la the at V0tP9 ,Vere oast against the proposed
tomey veit'-ral's office clears up that
fo'nt rnd indirrtrs e'early thrt thei
hringlni into tho st-te for any pur-
ritnto by Amcilean I'ichh asmucIhiioii.
IIILUUHO Illi'-Clil llJIl
Ita Than S33fl,'333,C0) Re
cov:rsd fo
dustry need' d no protei tlve nriff and j p0B(, 0f rasf,iiro in.-w the specified
strndr rd Is pro! ibited by law,
A further reading o the law also
discloses that If part'es persist In
bringing it in, no matter far what pur
pose. tVe ol Inspector and other state
officers are be'pless, for the reasen
that the paso'ine serfon of the law
rrntnins n- rena'tv for the v'o'ation
of its prov'sinns. The Insrr' tor ran
Ipo-eit ml reftise to approve, bat
there ho must stop.
Fc:r.:cr Gand tJato tar Pltcs Scc
C32s ai 1 ii. Jicisci
that conereps need have no fear that
forelT steel would floral the American
He declared that the dav of compe
tit'on had passed because of te nbil
itv of Kii'itulacturers to fix and main
tain prl(i.
'To von he"eve te slt'lft'on f'div
devt'-o-s cemiH t't'en?" he was asked.
"Ce'ta'n'v," was O'e rejilv. !
"That men in trrsa corporations
meet ko'iiow'-pvc to'lav to fix .p-l' es?" i
"I th'nk that Is obvious " he replied.
Mr. Cirpecle wns nsl ed If henreed
tOl-'V w'th Views he pypresed two j
yeT;J a"0 IT'P": "overrrnept repf,rol of J
cornr t'oiu- and rcu'uMon of prices. I
I "I stri r-'hre to f'em " he "pwr-1
fd. "I he'l'-ve t'"H "0"f rii'iicpt should J
renb'te mavl'"titn prices."
I "Po"'t vo'i think it rn unfoifinnte
condlt'en?" ho w-s asl ed.
"I th'nk V'P time ! n'Tlved w1'eii
that I TieeeM.un-v and I pe'pt to t'ie 'n
t"r''1ate co'innerce co,,,u'i 'sin wh'e't
has l'r'vt'' t jn"c" e'd r and p'tlce
I out of chj'n" In the r"''r""d lit's'ne-s."
New York, Jan. 12. Iletween ?300,
(lUU.dia) an. I $ i .o,0i,i..iit,u m i.imi anil
seciitilies (te letiiivtil ml. id. Horn
tho va ilts o, two o, tao In. i. lit :al in
Htitiitions whose In ;.i.i .ii.iu i s were
destroyed by tae lire tout gt.tti d the
IOijii. table Life A.-isuuiln e sw it ty
bulldin;; Tuesday. '1 he vaults of the
Etpillalile Trust eompi.ny a oueyieldid
jaoo.i:i)i),(.(ia, whhh we.e tians.nicd
to the roiiiaany h ti nii oi,;ry o..i(es.
Many mi : inn-', more w.'iv ttneti Irom
the vaults of the e
wnnpiiny, of wlihh $;;,(. ini.otio was rep
reseated In a single box of god edt.f
icntos, which an oilh i r of the Inst.tu
tion eariled thro.igh the stn tt.t tucked
Hiitb r his arm with only u lone iHilico
Btaa to protect him.
There rcpipir.-i yet to he opened tho
Kro: t vault of the ii'iltabh' Assurance
Middy Itself, with, its truis.ire ol
$3; O.o 0,0(10, whli h was still burled so
deep under tons of It e cemented debris
that the doors could not be readied.
The body of Ilattalim Chief Walsh
Iti Htl'l In the ruins, and Us recovery
Hoeius likely to bo a task of days.
PACXER".' RFC1HD3 rpsm
Takes Place of Late Judfje Lowell aa
Fellow of Harvard.
Paris, Jan. 12. Robert I'aron, am
bittr. ador nf the Pnit I States at Pat 's,
nonti: ins the i 'od of hit reslgiiaron.
Mr. Iiaton ispi cially refrained from
UiaUilu: l is i ( til oiiii tit pttel.e, as in
desired lite Hist ainiuuiii I'titt nl to
oonte from llarvard university, which
bore him to be a ttllow in place of
Judge Lowell, tleceaii tl.
Ambassador Pat on said ho wished
lis friends to know that there were
o ul'.erlor motives for his resignation
Ho had been lor seventeen years a
lieniber of the hoard of overseers nn.l
oould not. he said, decline the honor
f becoming a fellow of llarvard.
which he considered to bo the best
single Influence for good In America.
"Is yoar resignation at this time In
fluerced bv the presidential election?"
ho was nuked.
"No," wnF the decided answer. "I
havo no Intention of enter'n? politics.
Mv re'at'o-'B with President Tall are
Most friendly and cordial. This, more
over. 1 have voiced In my letter of res-
Mr. Huron was appointed ambassa
dor to France on Deo. 21. 1903. Ho
had previously been assistant score
tiry of state rrom Jim. 27. 1909. until
March (i, .1!'H9. He wiib graduated
from Harvard In 1880
Cocumerts Pho'v'nn MrtuoHi of F'cjt-T
Ing Teft Co'ts Cone.
Chicago. Jan. 12. !lio';s and roc
ords 'iinw'n" t' e ite"is tutd nllo'vnoes
used in rigurlu": the test to-;t of fresh
monts, which were Inspected bv n f d ,
oral grand jnry l'ivestl"at'ng e'afc-i
of rebat'n-' a'"i'nst tve packers In
I 11)09. rrnnot be fo ind by einplo"eM ,
1 n' the flel'cnd'iPts for use In f'e trial,
of the t'Mi piickers charged w'th con- i
sp'racy In restraint of trade before
Judge Carpenter.
Three nero'-PCnts einploved by the
packers testified that they had
searched for the records In ciuesth'n
nnd had been ppnb'o to find t"m.
Thev said f'ev Itclleved the doe'i
ment? hrd been destroyed. The w't
nesses were asked to irlii't the price
led'-'er and oter books bearing on
the sale of fresh mats Ipto revft.
hut It In evnrpt"d the de'ense will
make a determined eo't to prevent
these froip rn'ir' Into t''e rero"d of
tho case on t" g'-onnd Dirt the )oo'-s
of n eorpori-t'on pappet he used as
pvldeneo ii"")"st Its oncers In n crim
inal prrrepdln":.
T''0 tvrre vitiwiMfs prpvionslv had
riven ,t"rl'i"rtnv nan'pst. f'e pon'.-rs
before fpt'e'"! r'"d I'trls 1i"t T-'d-"
(irtionter tli'p'ivi'fl f pc-pi't te w't
Ppfmc'i) fo rP" t"e st'M'OT"''Me H't'tfl
of th0,t' pv'f'f rrfl pnron tr lio-i'--
tor'pj 1o''v for t'.p purpose of refresh
In"- ii(.i" "c-titer'-.
TP A t'T"" wHni'i,( pc'lf't We"(
Tl,.p".. p "nvnv t''f prPn'X'fPt 111
'the (Iros'O.vl -pt Co"rtlo ff A f-
r".0"r Co.; I'd ir nttioi bO'l n rWk
H ( v. r uin.i dPPrtnmpt, ppd " .
Tiwi'im, chl"f iiecoiiiitant for Morris
& Co.
Linioli-, Ian. 12. Governor
inn. o m c. I i.e wo. lid api.o.iil
h. i,..ti.i, (i.'.iiity iOud (o..i.ii..i.i
sucteiil ;. R- .la.Ci t.on
lt;,ii.-on wan
situ. ft Wilt it
No. a P.
.-,:oii( r, to
dt cease 1.
a candiuuie lor tho po
Jiitksoii was appointed
and had stio.ig backing. lie is at
p; e: t lit ( haiini.,11 of the ReublUi.n
K,ip;:i;tt' in l iincaster loupty. He1
i. a a-.'-'.ist by pior ssioa and canu
to Ibis c t , fioin Keuniey. He at 0110
time owned a loupl" o. din,' stoics
in t'als city, but mcnt'.y disposed of
one of them. Hanson is a graduate
of the ITnlverblty of Co;cnliac;t n.
Railway Commission Continues Hear
ing on N0it.twtt,tcrn Vaiu-t.on.
Lincoln, .K.ii. 12. ihe rui.way com
misn.oii is sti.l ena.,ed with t.i
......unstiin aluia.uii. Mr. IL.rJ,
the- suties txpeit, w.. on Lie btuuJ
tiul tne ratiroad attorneys were e.i
dtavoting tc draw out oi hiai adin.s
slons on whiih to base a thu.u tnat m
UlU.ut!' Ills tsuuiaie oi mc
tiie piopeity i.e had not ai.owed
euo.ish above the iiist tost of ion
sit in ting a road to a. low for subsist
i mo for embankments and other i.n
ao dablo deiods in new consti uction
which had to he remedied w.tiun
tliree years alter construction.
The neptihlicans who favorod sub-
(tt'tntlng Murdock's n-'me In place of
that of Cr mpbe'l were:
Akin (. Y). Comer, Dav'dson,
Cary. lCsch I onreot, Morse rnd Nel
s"n (Wis.). Anderon Tavis and I.ind
hef n (Mirn ). French (Ida.). Hansen,
Hubbard. v'oeds, Creen and Proety
(la). Ilclsesen (N. X).), Lafferty
(Ore l, 5 a Folic tt and Warlnrt n
(Vnsh'). Norrls (N'eh). Rees, Yo'-ng
and .Tiulson (Kan). St"nens (Cal)
Under'-ood SuTorts Mann.
The pominat'on of Murdock bv Nor
rls came p. ft or the nomination of
Campbrll hv re'"o-rnt'e Loader Un-derwo'-d
who in'oiined the ho-tse tnt
CainphelVs name had been presented
to him by Mann. Undo wood eho-ted
the Deniocrats to unl-old the Repuld'c
an leader, whnn the Rennbliran cau
cus had author'i'ed to select commit
tee me'itbers fir t' e PemibMoan side.
Norr's Pttafked lteth the caucus
method of selecfng committee and j
the rieht of either paitv to prevent
ot en nominntions on f'e lloor. Un
derwood de hired nnminat'ons from '
Ihe tloir of the house would destroy
i o-'Miletelv tbe hp'i'n-e of eonrnittees
and C'at the ivit' o'-'tv or someone to
P'l-'S en itnrn'i'i'"""'" pvt't be recng-ri-eil.
'oM'.iflf.-t:-"i,'p I's "tt'tnt'e,
Pemcerats v"i' "l with the uisnr-
ily tton to Ho a (lasoline Kiifritio.
work is llial you havo, whether it bo pump
tirindini; feed, making' electric lighls, elc, lne
raii(liy lakiiiK U'o placo of any olhor tower
a person in Ihis community that would
(iidii'L think ho could save money. Von
e in lindinh' a cheap engine if price ia
what ou are looking' for, and it you will look them over carefully,
lake nolo of lite few pieces thai they put on lliem to operate the me
chanism, oii can u ry plainly see why they are cheaper. Tho fact is,
if I hey put more parly lo lln ir engine they certainly would have Iti
gel more money. Tin re is i.-o patent on the device of simplicity, (as
it is so called,, 'on cheap enpinos. it is jusl simply making an engine
just as cheap as possible in order to undersell his competitor. If
Mm ever have an opporlunily jusl lake a look at the machine shops,
railroads, large power plants, elc, and see if you can llnd anv cheap
grades of engines in their use. They certainly ought to be good
judges of engines.
We are agents in this pari, of the county for Fairhans-Mors
enuiiies and would only be loo glad to show you I lie difference be
tween Ihis engine and any engine of inferior make and cheaper price
and show ou where thev make the difference in price.
This niuiiie can be bad in anv horse-power from t H. P. to 500
II. P., and upi ighl or liorivi ulal. and can also bo had In burn any kind
of fuel, such as illuminating' gas, natural gas, kerosene, naplha,
ensolh.". elc.
liefoio vim fullv dermo to buv you bad better see Ihe Fairbans
Morse and if vou don't think it better than Ihe rest, we cannot thou
expect, yo.i lo buy this make.
Write or call for a o'h-pngo catalogue and prices.
3 iivid) vr
gf "IS.
FiU'ow'p" t
the COn'"it"
senli't'en pi
('( !' t if Me' l'"t k f'tr
e1""-e. tP I'O'eie eh" t-
"t-o trn-'-.' tt i'inre
0 . t, i i r'"'eit (" wis
tlf'S ol;ff.l (n on 1 "VCVt l,v S.).
Vo-rl ' h'' fl''st ''e'ent
vl(' n rM'i.iT t'i n"'vntaient
(if V'fir'.'fl-n ('" bV llT"r"CPt. PS
j, r.,".lior n' thi s: ''"'r1' ""tv Invent I'p"- (n"M"'tt" or wh'p the late
fri.pi'it,'Hv V"i'1nn vas also a
,tl.'H 'P'-is v""'",')'i was tahh'd
on th" mnt'rn o' Vp('onVrot 17 to 21.
The Ins nerts ' eo"1d Pt m ister
rtw .A vn'oq to farce a roll call on
tho question.
coim mnr'TS titns
Cetctlve Peleascd From All Responsi
bility on Charge cf Kidnaping.
Indiana polls .L.n. 12. Compliment
i,v iit. f. (b ia iciit lor Having
rcmleicd a goat senke to his coun
ti-v." Wil.lam .1. minis, ine mieinvc,
was released from the i barge oi nav
kidnauod .lo. in J. McNanuira, tho
linger and iis broih
i Hirer, drove in from
Ihis morning and
Ihe week-end shop-
Object to Lodge's Treaty Compromise.
Washington, Jan. 12. The Iidge
ament'nii nl to tho resolut'on for rati
Oration of the arbitration treaties with
Qrnt Prltnln and Franco has stirred
nnexpeoteti opposition from Democrat
lc Bonntors. It is favored by three-
fourths of the Republican senatorn
who nrwpt It ns a happy compromise
erf all differences.
Move Food and Fuel to Snowbound
Town of Jetmore, Kan.
Jetmore, Kan., Jan. 12. Hearing t'e
first Hh'pment of provisions that has
reached snovho"nd Jetmore since Dee.
Id. a branch line train arrived here
In charge or a comm'ttee of a hundred
Jetmore citizens. I d by Mnor Harry
rtreese. An ample supply of food and
fuel was p'ncMl at the disposal of the
group of ranchers and townspeople.
After waltlntr more than two weeks
for the Santa Fe ral'wny to get Ita
trnek open, Jetmore residents flmi'lv
took possession of the train which wns
b'oekndod between Jetmore and Inr
ned The protests of Conductor I.eltoh
avalhd h'm nntlilpe. Kvory man on
the train joined In the work w'th pick
and shovel on the drifts of snow and
Ice which ri'lod the out.
Beatrice Epidemic at End.
Lincoln, Jan. 12. The board of pub
lic lands and buildings Is confident the
epidemic of typhoid fever at the Insti
tute for the Feeble Minded at lleatrlce
has been eradicated.
Many Want Extensions.
Llntoln, .1 tin: 12 'Ihe boaid of pub
lie Inula and bui.d.n;s is receiv.n.4 an
unpsurillv large u imlwr of requests lor
c:.l n urns in pay.iieins on scho .l
lands under lease and tor muKr
sale contr.ut. A niiijo.ity of the.n lomo
1 1 oat tho south wesu in pint of t..e
Mi le. where the flops were largely a
lailure last year. The board Is In
timed to grant such requests.
jrldges In Merritt County.
Llnto.n Jan. 12.-U. D. Price, state
ciuinet.r.n turned fiom Mori 111 coui.ty
where ho went to consult tho touiity
issioncrs regarding bridges
h it is nronosed to constriut witu
Ktate aid at l!rid.;epoit and r.aya.d
over the North Platte river. The en
irinter recomniontled concrete con
siruifoii and this was approved by
the con.missloncis.
New Articles Are Filed.
Llnro'n, Jan. 12 The Lincoln Tele-
uhone and Tilcgrarh company n.ed
amended articles of incorporation
with the sjcietary of state. The cap
10.1 tn.-u Is ra'sod to $1,100,0 0 to
conform with the order of the railway
commissioners permitting the pur
.hmn nf the Roll mopei'tles in the
South Tlntto country.
Two Plead Not Guilty.
Lincoln. Jan. 12 Albert D. Welp
ton and ljnvrence 11. Ctift. cashier nnd
assistant (ashler of the C.reenwood
bank, appeared before Judge Munge
In the lederal court and pleaded not
guilty to the charges of embezzlement
and falslfvlnn the books. Their ease
were postponed until the May term
From Friday's Daily.
Nelson .lean departed for Peru
this afternoon In visit his brother,
Professor Jean, tor a few days.
.1. A. Pollard, jr., of Salem
visited Plallsmouth yesterday aft
ernoon and looked after business
mailers for a lime.
Henry Thierolf or Cedar Ct k
wiis looking after business mai
lers in I'lallsmituth yesterday,
looking- after tin week-end shop-piir-r.
W. ('.. Mob
or. I.. A. Mei
Iheir homes
looked after
Mrs. F,. J. (Hark of Omaha was
m Hie oily lasi niutii ami visneti
Ihe Woodman of the World Circle,
returning lo her home Ihis after
noon .
Major Creamer returned lo his
home at Council lllulTs this morn
ing, having made tests of tho
poslolllco boiler and pies yester
day afternoon.
John ' Ossenkop of Louisville
. , t -..
came clown on io. i .jesieruay
and looked afler business mat
ters in this city for a few hours
between trains.
Mrs. John Albert returned
from Omaha hist evening on No.
whore she had visited her
Henry Long and wife, four in Meg
west of Murray. Miss Long hast
visited friends in Denver over the
holiday s.
County. Nebrakn.
In tie Mn l let- ot the Estate of Lena
Wilshelt, iJccensetl.
Tills must; a int.- on for hearing upoa
t lip petition of Herman LuetelienH, e-t-etiUii'
of t I.e estate of Lena Welshelt,
iloetased, praying for a llct'tise to sell
(lit- iioillii'tist quarter of Section 12, in. Range 1 1), Hunt of the t'.lh
)'. M., In Cuss County, Nohraskn, or a
sttllii iciil amount of the sumo to bring 1
I be sum of $1 L'llH.aa, for the payments
of debts allo'vvt-il ngalnst said estates
anil cost of ndinlnlstralion and special
devises in the will of said dct'etixed
H i re not being sullieloiit personal un(
ft ly to i ny such debts, expenses and
It Is therefore ordered that all per
sons Interested In said estate nppear
before itte at my oillee In the Court
Tons.1 at Plnttsmouth, Nebraska, on the
;tlth day of January, 1 !H 2 . at II) o'clock
A. M to show cause why a license
should not he granted to said executor
to si'll .said real estate ns above de
scribed of sitid deceased or its miicU
thereof as may he necessary to pay
such devt.-cs, ,t..,ts and expenses.
It Is directed that this order be pub
lished four weeks prior to said date in
the I'lattsnioiith Journal, a newspaper
published semi-weekly at Plattsmnuth,
Nebraska, nnd of general circulation
In said Cass County.
lmtcd tills 5th dav of December, 1911.
Judge of the District Court.
D. O. DVVVKIt Attorney.
C. H ALDRICH. Attorney.
... .11 1. .!,..,. , -i.i ... 1, t ' . 1 ... 1 I. I.
coniesseii uynamiici. ah mi- nii."6 uaugiiier, miss r.inmu, ut un- nm-
In the indictment against Hums lor jta for a few days
. .1. ... 1 1.....1..M (n
'.iivine oai'l iron me taoiii uit-. ...
nli: nar.oT: hut Ainl a' d taking him
in rnllfornla lor trial were bold to no
nu'l and veld.
it I or this co '.it h:-d had anything
to do with tho most o; air. isuriiii m
this !ii'tiiiice, I should certainly now
tender him an ap ilo-ry," said Federal
J.til'-e A. n. Anib rs-n In (Psnnss'ng
the imlUtm. nts brtr.ignt ny me couniy
in ml lurv. under w'.'ch th detective
had been he'd in lin.noo imu.
fhe court he'd that when Perns rnd
HosicU. n deteillvo of I os Anieies,
Crl . arrested McNamara on a rcqui
s'tlon from the Governor of Calilornh
end honored by the governor of In thev acted lerally under the
federi FfP'tes and any conflict In
ib( state law w'th the federal law
which tend" It. possible to bring an In
dlctiwnt was not constitutional.
6enator Insists Upon Explaining
Answers to All Quest'ons.
Washington, Jan. 12 Details of the
Band of Hope, the Hopkins Helping
Handera and the "Hopkins apple bar
rel," all things more or less synono
mous with Republican politics In Illi
nois In the senatorial Hunt of 1908 and
l!)'i9. wore told by Senator I orltuer
befntp thp committee of senators In
vestigating his election.
Flat Viheel on Coach Breaks Ralls.
Aberdeen. S. D.. Jan. 12. A flat
wheel on a coach of a- passenger train
of the Milwaukee railroad, which
broke many rails between here nnd
Mtlbnnk, S. D., has demoralized traffic
on the rnilroad between the two places
Miss Nellie Julyan of the Mer-
... i , ; ....I .1...
cervine scnooi is reporiou on un:
sick list and Miss Crete Hriggs is
teaching school during Miss
Julvan's absence.
Mayor (leorgo Pock of Cedar
Crook visited Plaltsmoulh yes
terday, looking; afler business
mailers, returning to his homo on
Ihe afternoon train.
Miss Truda Long arrived from
Denver on No. G yeslerday and
drove to the homo of tier parents,
County, Nebraska:
In the matter of the estate of Adam
Ingram, deceused:
This cause canto on for bearing upon
t lie petition of Kd ward Ingram, admin
istrator of the estate of Adam Ingrum,
oeceased, praying for a license to sell
the west half of tho northwest quarter
and the southeast (itiarlcr of the north
west quarter In section 19, township
12, range 12, In Cass county, Nebraska,
or a sulliclent amount of the same tt
bring the sum of IlTiO.OO for the Mtjr-
menls of debts ullowed against shIS
estate and the cost of administration,
and also to pay tho expenses of these
proceedings, there not being sulliclent
personal property to pay such debt
and expenses.
H Is therefore ordered that all pe
sons interested In said estate appear
before tne at mv olllce In tho court
house, at I'lattsnioiith, Nebraska, on
the Utlth day or January, lftlJ, at U
o'clock a. m., to show cause wbv a
ense sbsould not lie granted to such ad
ministrator to sell so much of the abort)
described real estate, or all of the same
of said deceased ns shall he necessary
to puv said debts nnd expenses.
It Is further directed that this ordor
bo published for four successive weelcw
prior to said day In the I'lnttsmoutS
Scntl-VVcokl v Journal, a newspnner
published nt I'lnttstnottth, Nehrnka
nnd of general circulation In said Cnoa
count v.
Dated this 4th dnv of December. 1911.
j..,i, f . district Court.
P. O. PWYEP. Attorney
-Sale on
Woolen - Underwear!
Ladies. Gentlemen and Children if you can't keep
warm try some of our nice underwear. We think we
have a remedy for this weather. We are showing
the best line ever shown in Plattsmouth.