The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 15, 1912, Image 7

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U Will Ba aa Exc!usiY3
Aristccrcltc ManarcSiy.
Pastor Russell, In the Philippines,
Describes the Fifth Universal Em
pire of Earth Sin and Death Shall
Be Overthrown and Human'ty Up
lifted From Ignorance and Supersti
tion General Hall and Comrades, Al
to of the Foreign Missions Investi
fntinq Committee, Visit the Islands.
M a n i I a. Jan.
14tb.-Ge:i. W. P.
Hall. stvont. in
command of the
TJ. S. Army ard
at one time Mili
tary Governor of
the Philippine,
is here in compa
ny with Pastor
C. T. Russell.
Prof. F. 11. Robi
son. Dr. L. V.
Jones. Mr. J. T.
I). Pyles. Mr. E.
V . Kueliu and Mr. R. R.Maxwell.
tie Hppi'inl Committee of Foreign Mis
sions Investigation appointed by the
International Ulble Students Associa
Hon. They were heartily welcomed
and given every facility for uotiug civil
and missionary activities amongst the
Filipinos. Pastor Russell gave two ad
iresses today to large audiences, chief
ly Americans. lie had a very earnest
earing. We report his address in
the Manila Graud Opera House from
the text. "Thy Kingdom come. Tby
will lie done on earth, as it is done in
aeaven." (Matthew vl. 10.1 Ilesuid;-
Many of us have lea rued to nppreel
ate a republican form of government
a the very highest type of civil ad
ministration. I trust that I am not one
whit behind the most patriotic of you
la my appreciation of the great govern
ent of (he ITuited States which many
f us believe is the noblest that has yet
risen nuionsist men. Nevertheless, the
Bible teaches that Messiah's reign wi
be that of a Monarchy; "hot only so. it
will lie a very exclusive and aristo
oratle Monarchy. Additionally, it will
e most autocratic theocratic: the wi
of its subjects will not lie consnlted in
the slightest particular.
The Fifth Universal Empire,
At first, in alarm, we are ready to
say. Would tiot that be a most danger
eus conditiou of things? Could any
loyal family, however noble and gen
erous. be entrusted with such auto
ratlc power without fear of its bein
misused for the enslavement of the
people, for the nggrnud zeinent of th
ro'.ers? Have we uot learned this In
the history of the pnst six thousnni
years? Po we not see the necessity
for curtailing nnl controlling tin- pow
era of kings and governors? Are we
ot more and more brought to realize
Hie necessity that the people shall rule
whether in Congress or in Parliament
Donmas or In Chambers of Deputies
es. ves. inv dear friends, 1 heartily
arcede to all this: but when I shall de
scribe to you the nature of the King
dom that is to be established, and its
personnel. all your fears will assuredly
flee, and you will rejoice exceedingly
fluat the Tivlne arrangement Is what it
lb in respect to the tin ocratlc Kingdom
stiortly to be established nnd to take
Ter the govern. .tent of the world.
Kcriinurolly. it is described as the
Fifth Universal Empire of earth. 1
remind yon of the Divinely Inspired
"ream of King Nebtn haduezzar. .us in
terpreted ly the Prophet Daniel. It
was of an image majestic, grand. Tht?
head of the image was Nebuchadncz
wir's own kingdom at Rabylon. tho
first to rule over the earth. Next, rep
resented in the breast nnd arms of
silver, cam Med:i-Persla. the second
Universal Empire of earth, the con
queror of L.;b,vlon. Next, repr n-n'eil
til the belly and thighs of the Image,
oiinii Grecia. the third I'lilversal Em
pire of earth, which ennq icred. Mcdo-
Persht. Next, represented In the leg
f Iron, enme Rome, the fourth t'nl
Ttrsnl Empire, conqueror of ( recce.
There nre to be no more until Messiah's
Kingdom: It will be the Fifth. Meau
Mme. we have bad two attempts at u
fifth monarchy, both unsuccessful. One
f these attempts was by Napoleon I.
lie other was that of the Papacy. Dur
ing this time the present divisions,
which resulted from the breaking up of
the Romun Empire, are represented by
Miefeet of the luiu .-e, with their ten toes.
Smiting the Image' Feet.
The prophecy declares (Daniel II. 44)
Mint In the days of these kings, repre
sented by the toes of the Image, the
God of heaven will set up a Kingdom,
vhl. b shall subdue all kingdoms, and
which shall never be overthrown. It
hall "be given to the eople. saints,
f the Most High God. nnd they shall
take the Kingdom nnd possess It for
ever, even forever and ever." (Daniel
Til. IS. 27.1 In tbp picture God's King
dom Is symliotlcally represented na a
great stone, hewn from the mountain
without hands Hupcrnaturnlly. It shall
gmite the image In its feet, nnd forth
with "the Iron, the brass, the silver
and the gold shall become like the
stinff of a summer threshing floor, nnd
the wind shall carry It away," but the
mountain shall Increase until "It shall
111 the whole earth."
Thus. Id a figure, or symbol. God
pictures things now shortly to come to
pass. I know not how much to ex
pect from the war between Italy and
Turkey, but Rome and Constantinople
stand for, represent, the two legs of
the image, for be It remembered that
each In turn was the Roman Capital,
and representative of the Image. We
are certainly justified in watching
with considerable interest the preseut
war and what it may Ik lending to in
the way of involving all the ten king
doms represented In this prophecy.
But that Is not the special point of
interest In my subject: rather. 1 am
discussing the character of Messiah's
Kingdom, which Is to rule the world.
overthrow Sin and Death and uplift
humanity from ignorance, superstition,
sin. weakness and death. The dec
laration Is that
Messiah shall reign i
until lie shall have put down all In
subordination, and that the last enemy
to be destroyed will be death, il
Corinthians xv. '2.1. 'Jii.)
Tills is th" Kingdom for which tho
Master Himself taught His followers
to pray. Nothing s'lyht or InxlgtiMleunt
will lie the outcome of that glorious.
Messianic reign of a thousand years.
t its very beelrnlng Satan will be
oound. with all that th's aiguilles
the repression of evil and darkness.
For a thousand years the Sun of Right
eousness shall pour forth the light or
truth and grace upon our poor, fallen
race until the knowledge of God s
glory shall fill the whole earth as tho
waters cover the great deep. (Ilnbak
kuk ii. H.i Eventually all wilful op
ponents of that Kingdom will die the
Second Death, from which there will
be no redemption, no recovery. Rut
meantime, all the willing and obedient
will lie riving, not only from the tomb,
but also out of all the weaknesses and
frailties of the present time. up. up. up
to the fulness of perfection of life, al-
th-ufh they will not live again in this
perfect sense until the thousand years
shall be finished. With the close of
tlu-t reign of righteousness, after It
shall have accomplished Its work or
delivering the groaning creation from
the bondge of corruption, sin and
death. Mesrlah will abdicate the
Throne, as It Is written. "He will de
liver up the Kingdom to God. even the
Father, that lie may be all In all.
I Corinthians xv. 21.
No More Sighing, Crying, Dying.
What a glorious triumph that will be
when every creature In heaven and
enrth nnd tinder the earth shall be
beard saying. Praise, glory, honor, do
minion nnd might lie unto llim that
slltelh upon the Throne, nnd unto the
Iiiuib. forever. (Revelation v. 13.1
What a glorious conditiou will then ob
tain when there shall be no uioje cry
lug. no more sighing, no more dying,
for all the fortner things of slu and
death, shall have passed away'. All!
He that sitteth upon the Throne said.
T...lifm1. I make all things new!" Glad
we are that our great Messiah is about
to overthrow sin and evil, nbout to es
tnblisli righteousness on n permanent
nnd everlasting foundation, which will
insure that to all eternity God's will
shall be done os perfectly In this earth
as It Is now done in heaven
I iisl; you to consider candidly you
need not reply -is there a kingdom in
the world today that In your Judgment
litlv represents a Divine government
amongst men? Is there a perfect gov
ernment. Is there a single spot In all
the earth where God's will is done as
it Is done in heaven? You are cou
versiint with historv. You know the
bloedv record which marks its pages,
You know that so-called Christian Kit
rone has been drenched with blood
more than any other part of the world
You know that the cause of wrong has
triumphed as often or ofteuer thau the
cause of right. You know that today
these kingdoms of Europe, styled king
donis of God. are threatening one mi
nt her ns thev have done In the past
you know that great guus. great bat
tleshis and monster torpedoes, such
as the world has never known before
nre being prepared by these various
nations for use. either aggressively or
defensively, against one another, while
thev all -rlnlui to be Christ's kingdoms
Is this logical? Is this rational? Most
assuredly not!
We must go to the Bible for true in
formation ou this subject. It tells us
that these kingdoms ure not the king
doins of God. but "kingdoms of this
world." It tills us thut Satan Is the
Prince of this world iJolni xlv. 3d
Epheslnns ii. 2t: that he Is "the god of
thU world." "that now worked) In the
hearts of the children of dlsobwlleuce'
so much more numerous than the
children of obedience that he through
them holds the world's coutrol. But
with equal clearness the Bible declares
the Divine Power nnd mastery over
Satan nnd that he nnd his reign of sin
and death are permitted of God for a
limited time nnd for a special purpose
The testimony tells ns thnt when the
due time shnll come Messiah shall take
His greut ower and relgu then Satau
shnll be bound nnd nil the forces of
sin and darkuess be restrained. Then
the Sun of Righteousness shall arise
with healing In Its beams to flood the
earth with the light of the knowledge
of the glory of (Sod.
The Election Hath Obtained It.
Come wiib me and take a cursory
view of God's great work thus fur no
coranllshed For more than two thou
sand years God gave no clear Intluia
tlon of what He Intended to do for the
fallen race. Then He made a state
meiit to Abraham, so clear, so explicit.
that St. Paul declares It was a state
nicnt of the Gospel In advance. G
said to Abraham. I intend to bless the
world, which could only mean. I Intend
to relieve them of the curse of death
which came upon them through Ad
ani's slu. God added to Abraham,
This blessing which I will bring to nil
the families of the earth will come
through your posterlty-"In thee and
In thy Seed shnll nil the families of the
earth be blessed."
God's due time for bringing ttm
blessing was still future; the blessing
intended could not come until Messiah
6hould come: but meantime God gave
to the uatural seed of Abraham,
through Moses, the Law Covenant,
which offered them eternal life and an
inheritance in the Kingdom if they
could keep the Law. Of course, they
could uot keep the Law because it was
the measure of a perfect mail's ubillty.
and alas! like the remainder of the
world, the Israelites were itnperfact
sluuers. Nevertheless the offer and
their attempt to keep the Law brought
them great uplift of heart, so that
when Jesus came to them a considera
ble number were ready to receive llim.
did receive llim. and lie received them.
Thev be( a me sons of God. through the
begetting of the Holy Spirit, at Pente
cost and afterward. These were the
spiritual Seed of Abraham, begotten ot
the Holy Spirit. Jesus Himself being
the Head, or First; the others were
counted in as members of Ills Body.
Israel had been hoping for a share in
Messiah's Kingdom, and St. Paul ex-
lalns. "Israel hath not i b'.alned that
with h he socket li for. I ft, u election
hath obtained it. and c "t were
blinded." The blinded Israelites are
still cast as de. but not forever. The
dvlne blessing shall come to natural
Israel Just as soon as spiritual Israel
shall be completed. (See Rom. xi.U.i lH I
The Kingdom Suffereth Violence.
What d.d the "e.ectiou" obtain?
Of what did the faithful "Israelites
indeed" become heirs by accepting
Jesus and by the Pentecostal blessing?
We answer that they became identified
with Messiah's Kingdom and heirs or
Inheritors of the glorious promise made
to Abraham, that in Mils Kingdom all
the families of the earth should In
blessed. But now note that there were
not n sufficient number of Jews found
worthy to complete the Klncdutn class.
The Kimrdom therefore could not be
Inaugurated Iher God had foreseen
this and through the Prophet had
promised that some would be gather d
from the Gentiles to ( omplete tlii
Kingdom class. The entire work of
this Gospel Age has been the cubing of
this "elect" class for the Kingdom. If
we have rightly viewed the matter, tin
foreordained number will soon have
been found, the election will be at an
end. (lie accepted will be glorllled as
the Kingdom, and Messiah's reign of
righteousness will begin
Rut notice now the iourse of nil be
longing to the Kingdom class, 'hrnugn
out this age. They are not reigning
with Christ, but suffering with Christ
And Jesus expl ined this: they are in
deed of the Royal Family, because be
gotten of the Holy Spirit: they are in
deed the Kingdom class, because (hey
are affiliated with the great King: but
they have not yet entered Into their
glory. They will do so only by tho
nower of the First Resurrection. Thus
it is written. "We must all lie cluing
ed." because., "flesh and blood cannot
inherit the Kingdom of God.
Our Lord Himself was the Pattern,
the l-oreruuner of all these. After His
con -ei ration and His he'etting of the
Holy Spirit. He was tested even unto
ileith, even the death of the cross, be
fore lie exiierleneed Ills glorious res-urre'-tioit
change and ascended up and
sat (l)vu at the right hand of the
Majesty on High. Similarly nil of His
followers, after consecration, must be
tested., their loyalty must be proven,
before they can share with Him In
"Ills Resurrection."
Partly for the testing of these, their
development takes place In a time
when Satan Is the Prime of this world,
and when his power Is permitted to
be exercised agnlnst then) as It Was
exercised against their Lord. The mes
sage to the;c Is. "The Kingdom suffer
eth violence and the violent take It by
force." As our Ird suffered violence
from the Prince of this world, so will
Ills followers, for "the disciple Is not
above His Lord." His promise to His
followers Is. "Re thou faithful unto
death, and I will give thee a crown of
life "-Revelation II. 10.
"The World Knoweth Us Not."
So (hen we perceive that (Sod s King
dom class, the followers of Jesus, have
been suffering violence. Just as did
their Leader, for righteousness' sake.
That the persecutors hud not known
and done their evil work Intentional
ly, St. Peter Intimates when he says
to the Jews. "I wot that In Ignorance
ye did it. ns did also your rulers, for
if they had known they would not
have crucified the Prince of Life."
Hence. In due time their blindness
shall be turned away nnd they will
look upon Him whom they pierced and
mourn (Zecharlah x it. IOi. and God
will pour usui them the spirit of pray
or and supplication, nnd forgive them
ntid make the experience profitable to
its many as shall prove willing.
Meantime, for eighteen enlurles, the
Scriptures declare. "The world knowet li
us not even us It knew Him uot."
God's saintly ones have uot been gen
erally the great, the Influential, either
In church or state, Just as Jesus nnd the
Apostles were not In I heir day. Never
theless, the Lord knoweth those that
are Ills. Scattered here and there,
durlug the paat eighteen centuries. Ho
has been dealing with them, preparing
them, pollshlug them, fitting them as
Jewels. And lie tells us thnt at our
Iyord's second coming lie will make up
Ills Jewels they will constitute the
Kingdom class, for If we suffer with
nim. we shall also reign with Him.
I am sure you will agree with ine
that those whom the Lord has been so
rarefully selecting. Instructing nnc
polishing In the school of Christ, who
have been so effectively polished with
the trials and disciplines of evil, will
be the very class above all others to
whom the glorious dominion of earth
may well be eutmsted without fear.
Only thoe thoroughly loyal to God
and to principle will be In that King
dom clans.
G2H2ral Lelpn cl Harris &
Co. fc3l In EviJer.c3.
Prosecution is Trying to Show That
Allowances for By-Productj Are Too
Low Other Cooks Missing Govern
ment Wins Important Point.
Chicago, Jan. 13. An important
point was won by the govcrnnunt in
the prosecut.on of the ten Chicago
packers charged with criminal vio.a-
t'.on of the Sherman law when United
States Judge George A. Carpeutet
l anted District Attorney Wllkerson
r.nd an expert accoantant permission
to examine the books of Morris & Co.
outside the hess ons of tho court.
Tho books in question are the gen
eral journals and ledgers for the pe
riod between 1905 and 1910 and wore
produced in court by tho chief ac
countant of the company. The govern
ment wants to read into the record ot
the case numerous entries In suppo.t
of its contention that the allowances
mado for by products are Inadequate
ar.d part of the general operating plan
of the allegpd combination.
Cy Products Underprlced.
The general ledgers of Morris & Co,
from 1907 to 1910 were taken before
Judge Carpenter and items show'ng
the allowances credited for by prod
nets were road to the Jury by the dls
tr'ct attorney In an effort to prove
the government's contention that
those allowances are inadequate.
Tbe government attempts to show
by t''e intricate method of acconnt'n?
emploved tat the systems of the dif
ferent packers were practically uni
Several witnesses who have been ex
amined Ftnted they were unable to
rero'Wt tro detn'ls of the nMownnrcs
for bvproiViets to which they bad pre
vlnnsly testified before a federal grand
They rVdircd thnt ninny of tlie
bool s nnd roenrds w'drh the coven
ment desires to uRe In tt'e presort cne
nnd which were produced before the
fcdenl emu! Jury in a relating in
vcst'-Rtlnn nn'nt the packers in
1909 had d'appcrred.
Supreme Ccurt PHes Attorneys W't'i
CueMions and Problems.
Washington, Jan. 13. After twentv
four hours of combined assault by at
torneys fr.r the railroads, the Inter
r.t.-te cotrmerce commission and the
department of justice on tho j lrlsdlc
tion of the new commerce ro irt to re
view cases where the conttn ss'on en
tors no affirmative orders, the loaders
in tp fliit expressed confidence ol
The attack was renewed unexpect
edly through g ih'.ln',' quest'ops ashed
by the court. The rule In the "uni
form dvr-iivrage code," by which rail
roads char-'e demurrage on private
porq va mnl'i nuest'on o" ls-i
Every member of tho court plied th
r.ttornoys with questions and prob
His Son Not Attorney for Railroads
In Two Cent Fare Case.
Washington, Jan. 13. United States
Circuit Judge William C. Hook of Kan
is one of tho most prominent cnndl
dates for the supreme court vacancy,
made a personal reply to President
Tnft to charges recently made aalnd
him with the Idea of prevcnt'ng his
Through Senator Curtis of Kansas,
lud'JO Hook laid before tho president
i letter denying the charge that his
stin had been an attorney for the rn'l
mai's In the Oklahoma 2 cent fare ca.'O
in which Judge Ib'ok Issued an In
junction in favor of the railroads.
Ohio Governor Thinks Old Hickory
Might Straighten Matters.
East St. Louis, 111., Jan. 13. "Oh,
for an hour of Andrew Jackson!" This
wish for tho resurrection of tho tarUi
and economy policies of President
Jackson summarized the views of Oov
ernor Judson Harmon of Uh'o in a
speech before the Democratic club
here. The occasion was a celebration
of the 100th anniversary of the battle
of New Orleans In the war of 1812.
Cast Four Million Votes In Elections
to Reichstag.
Be'lln, Jan. 13. An unprecedented
Socialistic vote, which probably
reached 4,000,000, and heavy Socialist
gains proved the fenture of the 1912
elections to the relrhstag, held
throughout the empire. Tho election
was marked also by tho disastrous
rout of the Radicals and far smaller
Inroads Into tho Clerical and Cousery
atlve majority of the last reichstng
than was anticipated.
Texan Attacks president Taft.
Washington, Jan. 13. Representa
tive Smith of Texas attacked Presl
dent Taft In the houso for alleged full
ure to protect Americans on the bor
dcr daring the Mexican revolution last
Men of All Kinds, Send Cash to Cir.
Vho Warts to V.ed.
Denver, Jan. 13. Mis Fay Living
ston, twenty lour years j'd, who is u
jail here, lollow ng her arrest in Clu y
enne. on a charge of tiHln the
to defraud, confessed to robbing score;
Of men In various parts of the counti)
out of small sums ou her promise ol
immediate marriage.
She used newspapers freely In ad
vertislng for correspondents, nnd
Bcorcs of youths, middle aged men
ministers, doctors nnd particularly la
borers, according to her own st:Ue
nunts, became hur victims. The post
office inspectors lound hundreds of k t
ters from these men in her rooms at a
local hotel.
The woman alleges that she eanu
here from Amarlllo, Tex., and sat
that at ono t'me she was a clerk In o
Chicago wholesale nfislc house anc
was employed by the Chicago News.
Wh n she benn her operations hert
sho did rot act her ma'l In this city
hut bad It forwarded to Rock Springs
Wyo., then to Cheyenne, W yo., anl
subseqtu ntly to Col unlms Neb., Crnn'
Iibnd, Neb., and to various small
towns In tho vicinity of Denver.
C!raic:'br toy Gta VIxj ci
Omaha, Jan. 13. Following tho lead
of the Farmers' Co operative Gra P
and Uve Stx:k State association, t.u
Nebraska Farmers' (ongrcss unanl
mously voted to ho'd Its next ronven
tlon in Omaha. As the Nebraska r.ti al
Hie commission holds Its session:
with the other organizations, Oinahi
again draws the trio of conventions.
Addresses by Chancellor Avery oi
Nebraska unlvers'ty and Spenkei
Charles Adkins of the Illinois leg.s
laturo c'osed the sessions of the three
Dr. Avery said tho present proble-n
of ntrrleultural education is to reach
the boy who has neither time nor in
cllnntlon for college studv. He spoke
against scattered agricultural schools.
Tell House Investigating Committee
of Industry's Value.
Washington, Jan. 13. Tho magni
tude, of tho beet sugar Industry anJ
tho development of a.;ricultmal laud.)
through Its activities had not been of q(.Sj(mH areklng to show that a
fully realized by the house Investigut ,,an waa formulated to organize the
Ing committee until the criticism of United States Steel corporation ho'orn
three Colorado laimers of their treat Mr McKlnley was elected prcs'denl. In
mint by the Great Western Sugar 9oo and thnt tho deal was consum
company pennltted the Introdiict'on o mntr,i HOon after his election. He
testimony In rebuttal. The committee bromrrt out the fact that Mr. Carnc-le
heard from Michigan, Colorado and
NVbrnsUa sugar beet growers. In-
vurlah'y they told of s.iccCHsful and
profitable, beet farmln?.
Chipping Combine Not Completed.
Cleveland, Jan. 13. A gigantic trust
with ho'dlngs aggregating $:,00,onn,(l(iO
nnd controlling 300 great lake vessels
was part'y organized In the autuniu
of 1911, snys the News. That It wn.
not compbUed, the Btory runs, wns due
to the government's Investigation of j
the Vn'tod States Steel corporation
during which information regnrdin?
the nllcgcd trust was gleaned by the
government agents.
Knabo Piano Plant Burns.
Cincinnati, Jan. 13. The plane
manufacturing plant of Knabo Ihos.,
in Norwood, was destroyed by fire.
Loss. $200,000.
Fire Destroys Fairbury Flour Mills.
Fairbury, Neb., Jan. 13. Fire de
stroyed the Fairbury Roller mills,
causing a loss of $35 000.
Iicon RourReol.s declined the task of
forming a French cui'iliiet, tendered by
President Fullleros.
American Fedctutlon of Ijihor offi
cials urged the house labor committer
to create n department of labor.
The house steel inquiry committee
subpoenaed J. 11. Reed, Carnegie's
counsel and Secretary Knox's lormer
law partner.
A hand of Bulgarians threw three
boinhs into an open air mass meeting
at Zikowu, near llskub, European Tur
key, killing three persons and injuring
twenty two.
Uert H. Franklin, a detective arrest
ed on a charge of bribery In the mur
der trial of James n. McNamnra at
Ixs Angeles, has agreed to enter a
plea of guilty.
Pennsylvonla's Gettysburg unnlvcr
xnry courr: lesion urged $500,000 appro
priation before the Gettysburg con
gressional cr-mmlttee for the erection
of a permanent memorial.
The continued cold in eastern Colo
rado has frozen many water holes
and tho consequent water shortage
has increased the difficulties of caring
for thousands of range cattle.
The final ballots of the English coal
miners for or against a national strike,
which will affect 900,0,0 men, were
cast. It Is known that the results will
show a voto overwhelmingly In favor
of a strike
George Parker, colored, vt Omaha,
tho Crelghton university medical stu
dent, charged with killing Mrs. C.
Jackson, colored, with a razor at St
Paul, Dec. 26, was adjudged Insane by
Judge Rerllle and waa committed to
the St. Peter Insane hospital.
kenmssfer Given $(n3 Cae:
p:cleJ Polil cat Jumps.
Stock Jobbers Cranded as Parasites
by Former Steel King Adm-ta LO
natmg $15X09 to Oppose Imperial
ism With Kooseveit on Truoti.
Washington, Jr.n. 13. Andrew Car
negie toniludod iiis testimony bo. ore
Ut house steel trust investlbUiiuZ
loium.ttce. lie admitted tiiat in j
be had lontributed f 15.000 to OiH'"-)
the 1.0. Icy oi imperialism and the m
Iicm.Uou oi tho l'hl.tpp ties; assui.ol
Wull street and branded "stock jjj
bers as parasites;" urged the Roose
velt trust policy In preicrente to
ot Prtslduit la.t tor dealing with t e
trimts, and asked congress to coasiuor
caieiully that problem.
After a day oi exam nation on many
subjects, Mr. Carnegie was suhjicied
to a fire ot questions which put hi a
on his mettle. Chairman Manley
elicited from him an attack on stink
Jobbing that probably will Influence
legislation to bo proposed by tho com
mittee nnd Representative
dy of Malno took tho ironmaster over
some political jumps that weie alto
gether unexpected.
"Mr. Carnegie," asked Chairman
Stanley, "In tho organization of tho
Carneglo Steel company of New Jer
sey, why did you divide your stock In
to $1,000 shares?"
"To keep theni oft the Stock ex
chrnge," wag Mr. Carnegie's quick r
ply. "Why did you want to keep them off
the Stork exchange?"
Never Traded on 'Chance.
"IVcauso 1 did not believe In stoclt
jO0Unfr. put 1 did not wish to have
my pnrtners In bus'ness tempted to
Bpt..culat!on. I never In my Ufa bought
Bol(1 a Btmro of Ht0( k on t, Bp,.cu.
jnllv0 umrUct. j waa r,.nroj different
I had a grandfather ruined In
8eotland by stock speculation. I ro
solved that it was ruinous when a
young man, nnd thronrhoit my busi
ness career I never bought lonj nor
sold short."
Representative McOlllieiuldv some-
wllRt (.0fw j Mr. Carnegie with n firo
bad told McKlnley to havo nothin? to
do with Ini'ierlii'lsm or tho acquisition
of the Philippines.
Enjoyg Proceedings.
At the roucluBlon of his testimony,
Mr. Cnmegle mado u little speech. Uls
Ing from tho w'tness chair, ho said:
"Gentlemen, I came down here with
an aversion to publicity, but I want to
t oil yon truthfully I have enjoyed it.
Ijet me nay to you, get the court or
ganized and proceed ono step nt a
tlmo. Gentlemen, I shall miss ynir
hnppv faces. When shall we meet
"That latch string is a'wavs hmg
lne o it. Mr. Carnegie," said Chairman
"Wei", if I even get another of
those signatures of yours to on oTldtU
summons " said tho Ironmaster, "I will
be nt vonr dlsmwal unless, of course,
my counsel objects."
Nominee Hired to Withdraw, Travels
in Regal Style.
Wllkesbarre, Tu., Jan. 13. Throwing
$25 in coin to the newshoys as he
left, John J. Mclcvilt, a local poli
tician and son of it day laborer, left
WllKenlmrro In bis own special train
over tho Uhlgh Valley railioad lor
New York to enjoy the experience of
being a millionaire for one day.
The train consisted of a hnggagu
car, parlor car and several day
coaches. He paid $292 for tho special
train and $24 extra for a parlor cur of
thirty two scats.
A lurge crowd was nt the station t
soo him off Trior to his departure,
ho held a reception nt a hotel.
Accotnpnnylng McDevItt Is a physl
clan, Pr. E. A. Sweeney, a few per
sonal friends and half a score of nows
pnper men. Tho train Is Bched.ilod
to make no stops until it reaches New
McDevitt got his spending money by
withdrawing ns a candidate for coun
ty treasurer. He put himself up as a
tandldate In tho primaries and s
many peop'a voted for him just as a
jcko thnt he wns nominated. Thv
county commltteo hecame alarmed and
tried to get him to withdraw. The ne
gotiations for withdrawal were cob
ducted through tho public press, Mc
Devitt naming a higher prlco each
day. At last the committee paid him
something like $2,500 to get off the
Morse Taken to Hot Springs.
Washington, Jan. 13. Charles Y.
Morse, the New York hanker, wns or
dered transferred from Fort McPher
fion to the army general hospital, Hot
Springs, Ark. President Taft and At
torney General Wlekershara decide!
on the transfer, believing special med
teal treatment was necessary.