The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 08, 1912, Image 7

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BOARD OF conns
Plattsmouth. Neb., January 2. 112. I
Board mel pursuant to adjournment.
Present, L. l. Swltzer. M. L. Friedrlch
aid O. 11. Jordan, County Commission
ers; IK O. Morgan, County Clerk.
Minutes of previous session read and
approved, when the following business
was transacted in regular form:
Clerk of the District Court appointed
Jessie M. Robertson as Deputy Clerk of
the District Court at a salary of S00.U0
pnr annum, to be paid out of the fees of
the office. Appointment made and
salary approved.
County Clerk reported, as provided
by statute, he had called for bids for
hooks, blanks and -stationery for the
year 1912; bids to be tiled before noon
January 1st, 1912; and that bids had
Wten received from the following firms:
The Journal, l'rinters, Plattsmouth.
Y ork Wank Book Co., York Nebraska.
mlth-l'remler Typewriter Co., Oma-
a, Nebraska. I
Contract for class "B" stationery'
awarded to the 1'lattsmouth Journal
Prlnterv and the contract on books,
etc., under class "A" postponed await- .
fR investigation.
Register of Deeds filed his report of !
foes earned for the fourth quarter, 1911,
410.0f. .
Countv Clerk tiled hi report or rees
earned fourth quarter, 1911, $215.98.
The follow ing otlicial. bonds were ap
proved: Alex Miller, road overseer, Hoad Dis
trict No. 8.
Wm. II. Hush, road overseer Road
IMstrlct No. 7.
Chas. Helchart, constable, Louisville
It. D. McNurlln, constable, Weeping
Water Precinct.
Carl Schrocder, constable, Avoca
Harry R. Graves, justice of the peace,
Tipton Precinct.
Reuben Foster, justice of the peace,
Liberty Precinct.
M. Archer, justice of the peace,
Plattsmouth City.
M. Archer, police magistrate.
Pluttsmouth City.
K. Manspeaker, deputy snerm, cass (
Frank J. Llbershall, deputy county
Mike Tritsch, deputy county
res surer.
W. K. Fox, county treasurer.
The following banks, upon applica
tion, were designated as County de
positories: The Hank of Murdock.
First National Bunk of Plattsmouth.
City National Bank of Weeping
morlcnn Exchange Bank, Rlmwood.
The First National Bunk, Greenwood.
The Bank of Cass County, i'latts
nouth. Rank of Commerce, Louisville.
Unnlev State Bank. Mnnlev,
Plnttpmmith State Bank. Plattsmouth. ;
First National Bank Klm-vood.
The Farmers State Bnnk, Wabash.
The Bnnk of F.agle, Kagle, Neb.
Hurray State Bank, Murray, Neb.
The following bonds of National
Banks were approved:
First National Bank, Plattsmouth,
F1"-' National
Bank, Elmwood,
The ioilowlng claims were allowed o
he General fund:
I D. SMtzer, salary and ex
pense $ 36.00
Hammond & Stephens Co., sup-
plies to County Superintendent 66.55
D. C. Morgan, salary and ex
pense 144.44
Klopp & Bartlett Co., supplies
and records 74.09
The Plattsmouth Journal, sup
plies and printing 54.15
O. U. Jordan, salary and mileage 2U.00
Nebraska State Hospital, cloth
ing Charles Anderson 32.00
Bail S. Leehley, assigned to D. C
Morgan, bailill's certificate ....
M. L." Friedrlch, salary and ex
pense 20.60
h. G. Larson, balllT's certificate..
Avoca lovn Hall, rooms tor pri
mary and general elections....
Fred Patterson, oillee work
Run In F. Bialley, sheriff Doug
las County, Slate vs. Bose....
Br. II. F. Brendel, Insane case
James Wllinot
T. O. Dwyer, insane cus Jamos
James l.ohertsou. Insane case
James Wilmot
. i . Quinton, insane cuse James
Mrs. i.arry Polsall. Insane case
James Wilmot . . .'
I. Ala lis raker, Insane case
James Wilmot
Muiy E, Foster, salary and ex
pense Bora 1 lelschman, care of blind
48.00 ,
.70 '
man three months 13.00
Huns Kievers, salary and laun- .
dry 78.00
fllerk of the Supreme Court,
State vs. John Clarence....!.. 16.70
James Robertson, State vs. John
Clarence 2.50
,Il n Bauer, merchandise to farm,
jail and court house 62.09.
C H. 'iaylor, salary and expense 113.08
8. Hullish, merchandise to poor.. 7.00
Nebraska Telephone Co., rent and
tolls 7.76
C! W. Bavlor, coal to county 144.98
W. H. Rosencrans & Sons, agent,
County Treasurer's bond .... 171.00!
J, E. Barwick. agent, County
Tresurer'g bond 171.00
J. H. Donnelly, agent, County
Treasurer's bond and County
Judge 207.00
J. M. I,eyda, agent, County
Sheriff's bond
Plattsmouth Water Compnny,
water to Jail and court house..
V. II. Dunbar, menls to Jurv....
H. Manspeaker, deputy county
sheriff's sularv
James Robertson. Clerk of the
34 75
District Court, salary snd fees 241.00
Jerrv McHugh, State vs. McCann,
ot nl
l nrles Antheney, State vs. Mc
rnnn, et al
Tim Schlater, State vs. McCann
et al .-
John Cramer, State vs. McCann,
et al
Joi n Koup, State vh. McCann,
et al
Hurry Thompson, State vs. Mc
Cann, et a I
eo. Thlmgnn, State vs. McCann,
et al
A. R. Noble, State vs. McCann,
et nl
Paul Lundburg, State vs. Mc
Cann, et a I
Mrs. Fred Masters, State vh. Mc
Cann. et al
. D. Qulnton, State vs. McCann
et al ;
urs. rreu masters, stale va.
George Lytle 2 80
Mike Tritsch, State vs. George
Lytle 2.80
Tim Schlater, State vs George
Lytle 2.80
Pii'l ' undberg, State vs. George
I-ytle 2.80
erf M. Foote. assigned to C. D.
Qulnton, State vs. George
Lvtle ;
. D Qulnton. State VH flnn
I-ytle 9 g5
Al'en J. Beeson. 8tate vs. Geore-e
Lvtle .
lers Brothers, merchandise to
Tlerk of S'inreme Court.' fees',
State vs. Kee7er & Sltrman. . . .
Wnr Cecil. minnlUii tn
countv 75
n. v. ,eneifier. postal nunnlles
Jarne Pnbprtsnn, fees State vs.
rsnk McCnnn. et al
Nebrsska I l"M Co.. ni to rnnrt
bouse and Jail 23 04
J- I'enson, guarding county
J"'1 l,' : 34.00
j. r.. iptn. RRinry, superintend
'ni mvir rarm
mm a
y V,, io.vv
to countv .,ian" s
?. 1. Qulnton, honrrilnT countv
r-inners and Jailor foes and
'nrv 274 30
C. ' Onlnton. hnnrt'ln rlty
T-rinor And committments . . 11 82
John Corv. d'nncr to Jurv j ro
I), k M"fnddpn. nhcrlff fees,
.lib narencfl 11 ?S
O. Pn-on. rrt of FM ptinnrd f 20
K. I'Rrmele. team to commls-
to county
M. Farmer, poll tax returned, ac
I count non-resident, Uoad Dis
1 trlct No. 17
The following claims were allowed
on the Koad fund:
W. B. Banning lumber, Uoad Dis-
! trlct No. 11 23.20
Perry Cook, labor, Boad District
No. 16 10.00
Ed Carr, labor, Uoad District No.
16 25.60
A. I. Bird, road drag, Road Dis
trict No. 16 2.00
Joe Allen labor. Road District
No. 16 60.00
L. R. I'pton, merchandise, Road
District No. 11 22.30
T. P. Pollard, grading roads,
Road District No. 5 30.00
W. B. Banning, dragging roads,
Road District No. 11 28.80
G. F. Allen, blacksmith work.
Road District No. 8
C. 11. Spohn, road work. Road
District No. 13
Win. 11. Rush, road work. Road
District No. 7
P. C. Wachter, blacksmith work.
Road District No. 16
Alex Miller roud work.
District No. 8
Alex Miller, road work,
District No. 8
George Miller, road work,
District No. 8
A. Winther, road work,
District No. S
II. O'Brien, roud work, Road Dis
trict No. 8
Georce Shaffer, road work. Uoad
District No. 8 55.60
V. Rockwell, road work, Road
District No. 8
B. Dill, poll tax returned, ac
count overcharge Road Dis
trict No. 10 ;
Wm. StoMman. road work, Uoad
District No. 8
Walter-O'Brien, road work, Uoad
District No. 8
Dixie Klrkpatrlck, road work.
Road District No. 8
M. L. Furlong, road work, Uoad
district No. 27
The following claims were
. . 37.45
on the Bridge fund:
! W. B. Banning, bridge lumber..
' Nebraska Construction Co., ma
terial on county line Otoe and
Cass counties 188.07
Hoard adjourned to meet Wednesday,
January 3, 1912.
D O. MORGAN, County Clerk.
Plattsmouth, Neb., January 3, 1912.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Present, L. I). Hwltzer, M. L. Friedrlch
and C. R. Jordan, Countv Commission
ers; D. C. Morgan, County Clerk.
Bond of . W. Nelthart, Justice of
the rpace, Stove Creek Precinct, ap
proved. County Trensurer-elect W. K. Fox
filed his annolntment of Mike Tritsch
as Deputv County Treusurer for the en
suing term at a salary of $1,000.00 per
yenr. Same was approved.
Bond of Ben Beckman, road over
seer. Itopd District No. 10, approved.
The following claims were allowed
on Hp General fund:
M. Hild. cot. to countv $
H. M. SnennlcbBeii. merchandise
to poor, court house and farm 61.70
The following claims were allowed
on the I'oHd fund:
Pitmen ft Do vis, merchandise to
Bond District No. 10 25.40
W. C Norvnl. road work. Road
District vn. 14 '7.05
B"srd adjourned to meet Thursday,
January 4t.
D. C. MORGAN, County Clerk.
Plattsmouth, Neb.. January 4, 1912.
Hoard met pursun'nt to adjournment.
Present, L. D. Hwltzer, M. L. Friedrlch
and C. R. Jordan, County Commission
ers: D. C. Morgan, County Clerk.
Minutes of previous session read and
approved, when the following business
was transacted In regular form:
Bond of Charles E. lieebner. County
Commissioner, approved by County
'l he County Board proceeded to or-
I gnnize ns follows:
M. L. Friedrlch, chairman; C. U. Jor
dan vice chairman, and Charles E.
Heehner. Junior member.
Statement of cash on hand and In
banks of County Treasurer at close of
business January 3, 1912, received and
placed on tile.
Bond of W. E. Norris, constable Tip
ton Precinct, improved.
County Treasurer W. K. Fox this dav
tiled his reuuest that Miss Mia Gerlng
be appointed (Thief Clerk in his olllce
for the ensuing term at a salary of
$9110.00 per year. Request received, ap
pointment mnile and sulary approved.
Countv Sheriff this day appointed E.
Mnnspeaker Deputy Sheriff of Cnss
Countv, at a salnry of $45.00 per month.
Appointment made and salary ap
proved by Bourd.
Countv Sheriff filed bis report of fees
earned for fourth quarter, 1911.
Countv Clerk this day Instructed to
order two tax lists with tabs for same
for the .year 1912 of the Klopp & Bart
lett Co. of Omaha.
Farmers and Merchants Bank of
Alvo this dav made application to be
come a County Depository, agreeing to
pay 2 per cent, and the same was ap
proved. The following claims were allowed
on the Genernl fund:
L. It. Swltzer, sulary and mile
age $ 9.60
Wm. Hollv, clothing to Lambert 13.30
The following claim was allowed on
the Poad fund:
George Polsall, part payment on
grading contract, Inheritance
Tax fund $200.00
Board adjourned to meet Tuesday,
January 9, 1912.
D. C. MORGAN, County Clerk.
Take Your Time and Road This
Do You Want to Buy? Do
You Still Want to Pay Rent?
Do you wnnt to buy a farm, or
do you si ill want to pay rent for a
farm and give everything you
raise to t ho oilier fellow? If yon
want to buy rail on mo, and If
there is anything that can be done
for you it shall come you way
Land this side of North IMatto at
5.00 per acre, in fl'iO acre lots,
where you can go into cattle rais
ing and keep all the chickens you
want. Wake up I go to llgureing,
and find out how much you was
worth 10 years ago, and then look
at yourself at the present time.
You will find that a change be
conies necessary for your better
nient. I have land from the graz
ing land to the best alffalfa land
in the state. I will be in Platts
mouth for a week, and if you are
interested 'phono 13 E or write
nrady, Neh.
Tom Svoboda, who has been on
the sick list for two weeks, was
down town yesterday for the first
lime since his sickness. This is
the first time Tom has boen sick
a U'ilViin Tilts m-kwllAl Via
ii ii i ii ii i n tiim i umi ii mi in- nut's
ft "ot want any "more of it in his."
Mrs. May IJurlon. who has been
here visit inar her parents, Mr. am
Mrs. Fred Kunsmann, returned to
her home in Urunswick, Neb., this
8 loners
Kdw. Hynott & Co.
talar Leaves !:r WasHaiton
Wi h Mass o! Records.
Covernment Officials Not Taking Any
Chances on Local County Authori
tiesWill Hold McManigal in Fed
fa I Euiltfing.
lndhnnro'.iF, Jan. 6. Oscar Lawlcr,
Baia! asjisL,nt to Attorney General
V .cUorsliani la the government's proi
icuiicn o the alleged dynamiting con
6inracy, let lure for Washington,
i.ter a three days' conference with
Jii:ted KU'.tes Attorney Charles Vv.
Miller, In (large of the federal In
vcFt'.sati'in In this district.
Mr. Lawlcr probably will confer with
Tresidtnt T alt as well as the attorney
central on the latter's return lrom
I . mania next week. Besides being
fib.e to slvc the president a personal
account of what the Investigation at
I.os Angeles revealed, Mr Lawler now
con furnish a general resume of all
the evidence gathered here and else
where throughout the country show
ing alleged violations of the federal
laws In transporting explosives and
conspiraty to violate these laws. He
will have with him State's Attorney
John D. Fredericks of Los Angeles
county Ca'ifoinia, prosecutor of the
It will be the first opportunity Mr.
Lawler will have had to talk with
President Taft about the dynamiting
conspiracy since Aug. 1G, a few days
after the McNamara trial began, when
the president was on a speaking tour
In CallTornla.
Mr. Lawler took with him manv Im
portant books and papers, which he
will exhibit personally to officials of
the department of justice. Lawler
will return here some time next week
In time to assist In the examination of
Ortie E. McManlgal, confessed dyna
miter, before the federal grand Jury.
It was learned that preparations to
gnard McManieal In the federal hu Id
In?; have resulted not only from t'.ie
desire to protect him from possible
enemies, but to prevent any interfer
ence from the county authorities. He
therefore will be kept on federal terrl
tory inmciul of at the county Jail
where countv officials could Interrogate
Mm or poKs'hly arrest him for alleged
."t"te offerees, as he Is not under fed Indictment, but subpoenaed in
Ihis Jurisdiction.
Three Important witnesses appeared
et the frtleral erand jury chamber
They were Patrick J. EtiTan, formerly
business agent of the Iron worl ers'
local tit lr-n; P. J. Cook, a bookkeeper
in the office of John J. McNamara,
mid FronU Tckhof of Cincinnati, a
close friend of McNamara.
La Follette Ends Second Cay in llli
nois in uabt at. LOu..
East St. LoiWH, ill., Jan. o. oeiutoi
St. l.OuiS Uy Htit'hlx.ll 111 Uld City nail
u&i'iiio.y loom, im tauvtu oi toiiui
tiou in mu fcuveiiiuiuui to a. ciunu o.
uh u una wo.iic-n wmcu tihtd u ruo.u.
'ine ttenuior wan luncu to rest m a
hotel aiur ms arntai in uuat at.
iuis, iut his Bt-crttury wuo anlej
lii'ii up the steps to the HbHemoiy
room, said that Senator l& fo.ieut
iad bft-n gaining strength since tauy
in the day.
ihvi bciiator In beginning his speech the course oi corrupiio.i
wiutii, declared, had made t..c
Umtod States governmtnt "ioitun as
a governnu.nt of the poople."
"li.e beginning of the corruption
was felt," said La Follette, "soon alter
(ho orunb.atlon of the large torpoia
ov we are paying the cost of lo
gltimale profits and on stock watered
io'ir times," sn'.d the speaker In reier
ring to the cost of living. j
Colonel Will Bottle Himself Up at
Sagamore Hill.
Oystor Uay, N. V., Jan. 6. After u
talk In New York with James U. tiar
field, former secretary of the Interior
and a leader of the Republican pro
greHstvcs of Ohio, Colonel Roosevelt
returned to Oyster Ray.
The former president had just one
thing to say. It was that he had no
intention of letting the public know
what he thinks about the selection of
a Republican candidate for president.
He declared his intention of bottling
himself up at Sagamore Hill and re
fusing to answer any questions.
Labor Leaders Head for Homeatake.
Denver, Jan. 6. The executive
council of the Western Federation of
Miners decided to go from here to
South Dakota to study the strike sit
uatlon at the Homestake mine, and if
a sottlement cannot be effected, to do
vise ways nnd means of making the
stilke more effective.
Nevada Windows Broken by Quake.
Reno, Nev., Jan. 6. An earthquake
shock was felt at Laws and at Bishop.
The duration was five Beronds nt
Laws, nnd nt Dlshop the shock was
the worst In Its history. Electric
clocks were stopped and windows
were broken.
Overcoats, Suits. Duck Coets,
Sweater Coats. Fleeced Underwear. Mi-
tens. Caps end aJl sorts of Winter Wear
ables for Men t Greatly Reduced Prices. Our January Clearance
Sale is in full blast. Your dollar will do double duty here now, and it will pay
you to be among the early birds, as such bargains are soon snapped up ffee
are a few specials fr Saturday. Men's all leather Mitttens, knit wrist, only
25c; Men's Fleeced Underwear 39c; Men's Flannel Shirts 95c; Men's Wool Pants
$1.90; Men's Fine Jersey Shirts 50c; Men's Suits and Overcoats, $3, $7, $9, $12, $16.
Watch It Grow.
At the call of C. A. Rawls, chair
man of the committee to take sub
scriptions to the Y. M. C. A. and
icll membership tickets fox the
same the committee met at Mr.
Ilawl's ollice last week and map-
ped out the territory and allotted
I he work, and on Monday morning
of this week the committee be
gan the campaign to raise the re
quired $2,000. -
A careful estimate has been
made of the necessary outlay to
get the necessajy working ma
terial to carry on the enterprise
as it is done elsewhere, and the
completion of the enterprise will
reflect credit on the town and
I hose' who reside in IMat lsmouth.
The Journal will print the list
from day to day and we will all be
interested in watching the list
growr. Two of the loading frater
nal organizations of the city have
started the list with nice con
tributions as follows:
Knights and Ladies of Se
curity 550.00
l E. O. Society 35.00
E. II. Wescott, C. A. Mar
shall, It. Glen Rawls,
Floyd Partridge, John
Halt, jr 50.00
O. i. Could, John Crabill,
R. A. Dates, J. P. Saltier,
Thomas Wiles, Leland
Briggs, T. II. Pollock, C.
V. Mayfleld, II. I). Travis,
K. Weyi-ich, V. Clement,
II. F. Coos, M. S. Ftriggs,
Robert Rebal, G. L.
Farley 150.00
J. II. Kuhns, . Jennings
Seivers, E. C. Ilild, Ed
Lutz 40.00
G. K. Slaats, Floyd Mc
Daniel, R A. Uosencrans,
A. J. Ueeson, Joe Peters,
V. D. Glock G0.00
C. G. Fricke, II. M. Soen
nichscn, E. V. Cook. Har
ris Cook, C. II. Smith,
Tom Stokes, A. J. Sny
der, John Bauer, jr 80.00
E. Wurl. J. M. Robert.". R.
M. Schlaes, Jesse Perry,
Henry Perry, Hallie
Perry 00.00
Plattsmouth Improvement
Society 13.50
H. S. Austin, Ed Znckweiler,
II. N. Dovey, George
Dovey. J. II. Haldeman.. . 50.00
C. A. RawK, T. P. Living
ston, Fritz Fricke, Paul
Morgan. Arthur Troop. . 50.00
II. F. Moore, Fred Mann,
Dr. Frank Cummins, Wil
liam Haird 40.00
Fred Dawson, A. O. Moore,
Robert Newell, Will
Adams, Frank Gobelman,
C. C. Wescott, Woodmen
of the World 70.00
Hugh Cecil, R. F. Patter
son, John Hollstrom. . . . 30.00
F. Andrews, Joe Hiher 20.00
M. Hild, N. C. Abbott, E.
L. Richcy, Ed Drainer, T.
M. Patterson, James
Mauzy, C. II. Warner, C.
S. Johnson 80.00
Geo. Falter, W. A. Robert
son, B. A. McElwain, J. P.
Falter, C. C. Parmele,
Pollock Parmele, R. B.
Windham, Albert Cla
baugh, Joe McMaken, D.
B. Smith, L. W. Gade, D.
C. Morgan, Dr. J. S.
Livingston 130.00
J. M. Robertson, C. II. Tay
lor, George Becker, W.
II. Newell, F. M. Richey,
J. L. Richey, J. K. Pol
lock, F. A. Powell 80.00
Hilt Martin, Truman
Waugh. Jess Warga,
Fred MeCauley, James
Birnie, William Brink
! man, Robert Hayes 70.00
E. R. Travis, John Falter,
Carl Dalton, A. L. Tidd,
C.rant Wetenkamp 50.00
Total to date $1,208.50
THKASl'll V 1 K l A M Tl 10 T.
Washington, I). C, December 12, 1911.
Wll UIIEAS, By Btitlnfaclory evidence
presented to the underHUneil, It ha
been muds to appear that
The 1'ItnI Nntlnnnl Hnnk
of I'IhIIhiimimIIi,
located In the City of I'lHltsmouth In
the County of Cans and Htate of Ne
braska, has compiled with till the pro
visions of the Act of Congress, "to en
able National IlnnklnK Association lo
extend their corpornto existence, and
for other purposes," approved July ii.
1882, as amended by the Act, approved
April 12, 1HU2:
NOW, TH Kit KFOn K, I. Thomns P.
Khiip, Peinity anil Acting Comptroller
of the Currency, do
iK'teliv certify that
The Klrst National Hank of 1'latts
mouth " located In the City of I'lults
mouth. In the County of Chsh and Wlnte
of Nebraska, is authorized to have
succession for the period specified In Ita
amended articles of association;
namely, until close of business on De
cember 12, 19111.
my band and seal of olllce, this lith
ilnv of December, 1911.
Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the
L urrency.
Charter No. 1914. Extension No. 1074.
Miss Kiltie Cummins has been
appointed resident instructor in
Pianoforte for the University
School of Music for JMallsmouth
and vicinity
Studeiils wishing to
register with her as associate
......M . ... i ii. . it..: t-t .1 i j
I..,..,. ... uh- un.versi.y oi
Music may do so now for the term
ending March 2()lh, 11)12. Here
after pupils studying under the
direction of Miss Cummins will
receive their credits and certi
ficates of proficiency through the
University School of Music.
Miss Emma
Falter,. who has
been spending her vacation with
her parents, departed for Grafton,
Neb., yesterday afternoon, where
she will resume her duties as
teacher in the High school.
Children Cry
Tho Kind You Have Always
In use for over ;( years,
' All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-an-good" are hut
KxperliuentH that triflo with and endanger tliv health of
Infants and Children tfxpertenco against Expcrlnu'iiL
Casloria Is a harmless Hiil8tltuto for Castor OH, I'nro
gorie, Drops nnd Soothing SyrupH. It 13 rieiiHant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotlo
Mihstanee. Its ago Is itK guarantee. It destroys "Wormn
and allays FeverlNhncss. It euros Diarrhwa and AVlnd
Colic. It relieves Teetldnjj Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and liowcls, giving' healthy bad natural b1cci.
The Children's I'unaeeiv- Tho Jlother's Friend.
i Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bg..o;
In Use For Over 30 Years
So sis
A Suspicion.
In older persons a sudden
weakness, without any apparent
cause, should always arouse lhi
suspicion of some malady of the
stomach calling for immediate
relief. Give them at once Triner's
American F.lixir of Hitter Wine.
This remedy will drive out all im
purities from the digestive canal.
The advantage of it above other
remedies is that it is made of pure
red wine, a natural tonic and in
vigorator, which does not allow
the body to collapse after the
cleaning-out. It creates energy
because it stimulates the organs
of the body to a greater activity.
i on will cn.iov II (rood aimetil e. H
1 , , .. ,., ., ,,
I Miuiiu Mrcji uuu new viiiiiiiy, jjoiii
old and young persons should use
Ihis remedy in diseases of the
stomach, the bowels, Hie liver and
the nerves. It also brings de
cided relief in many cases of
rheumatic and neuralgic pains, in
constipation, in wind-colic, in
cramps and many ailments of
women. At drug slorcs. Jos.
Triner, 1333-my S. Ashland
Ave., Chicago, III.
Mrs. F.lla WolIT, Mrs. Mary
Schneider nnd Mrs. Mollie Duff of
Cedar Creek. Ilnnnee einiiniil Ico nf
,!, i(ipa, llf ,,. r,,.,,.,,,,, ,lf
I Honor, were in the cily today lo
, sullmil Upi. act.uunts ,() MisH
T0r(.Hfl Homnel. grand recorder for
the slate.
Miss Bailie Fight departed this
afternoon for Grand Island,
where she will resume her duties
next Monday as teacher, she hav
ing visilcd her parents, John
1 l.'i.rl.l n.,,i ;r., ii,. i...i:,i..
.. l"" """u
1 tpnnnllnn
R. L. Propst and daughter came
down from Omaha on No. 2 this
afternoon and left later for their
homo at Mynard.
for Fletcher's
lionf'lit, nml av!i! !i 1ms lec:i
Ikis borno tho Kl::iat::.-.j c..f
and lias lieen made under ;'.: r-
umifil cliliiM'l'kliin r:liwrt I f i i,.v-
Signature of