The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 08, 1912, Image 5

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INTEND taking you upon my
own borne as far as Falrvlew,
and I will leave you there safe
with your friends."
"And .ud then?" she asked anxi
ously. "Then, of course, I propose riding at
once for the lines of my own army."
"And do you Imagine 1 will ever per
mlt that V" she questioned fiercely, 'i
am n Southern girl, armed; I know
whut you mean to do. Mr. Spy."
I stood up before Iter quietly in the
"You can certainly shoot me if you
wish." I acknowledged soberly. "Per
haps you might be justified In such an
act. I am not going to disarm you nor
make uuy effort to prevent your doing
as you desire. But if you do not shoot
me 1 iuteiid doing my very best to
take you wufely to Falrvlew."
1 think we wore there for a long mo
ment motionless, speechless, staring
toward each other's dim shadow
through the darkness.
"Come," I said at last, holding out
my hand. "Every moment of delay
only serves to Increase your suffer
ing." She shrank back as though to avoid
my touch, nnd. reckless of all conse
fences, I lifted her slight form In my
arms. To my Intense surprise she
made no resistance, no struggle. Her
bead rested against my arm, with face
averted, bot 1 could feel a shudder run i
through her body.
"You will be compelled to ride man
fashion." I announced quietly. "I
doubt If you could sit the saddle in
any other way."
Whether It was my calm insistence
or merely her own sense of inability
to resist longer I do not know, but for
a single Instant 1 felt the weight of
her hand upon my shoulder, and then
he hud found seat In the Raddle, her
head bowed forward, her bands clasp
lug the pommel, as If the pain and ex
ertion had left her faint. Somewhere
in the passage, the uplifting, the re
volver bad slipped from her fingers
and fallen unnoticed Into the black
news of the road. Without uttering a
word 1 shortened the stirrup leather
to meet her requirements, fastening
the one opposite back so it could not
dangle against her Injured ankle.
Then I wet a silk neckerchief discov
ered In the pocket of the Jacket I
wore, sousing the cloth with water
from the canteen, nnd bound It se
curely about the aching, swollen foot.
"Had 1 better bind you into the sad
dle?" "No," the vole barely nudlble. "1
shall not fall. Are-are you going to
walk-all the way?"
1 could plainly distinguish the sob
of her rapid brenthlng.
"1-1 thank you."
That was nil. yet I cannot fitly ex
press the comfort, the encouragement,
these few falterlngly spoken words
brought to me. They were so unex
pected, so significant of the dual
awakening of her more womanly na
ture, ns to rlohl Die tnstnuHv a fresb
vision of the girl. She had recognized
kindness, even in an enemy, and hud
proved frtlr minded enough to respond
generously. Whatever might occur
between us hereafter, she would never
o able to remember me us before.
Yet I did not flatter myself that this
slight outburst of gratitude would
long endure. But I wondered vague
ly if she was not secretly glad to lie
saved from (lilvert Dunn eveu at so
great a cost.
The return Jouruey proved exceed-
lngly slow, for the Intense pain she j nm going to make thnt wrong as easy
miiTercd left her weak. Steady plod-1 to remedy ns I possibly can. 1 nm go
ding brought us to the cleft In the, lng nway now the very moment I can
"This Is the road. Is It not?"
Yes; It Is not fur now to Falrvlew."
Tbe path led downward, but not
steeply, winding somewhat crazlly
nmong rocks iluu trees, until we "BnaTTy
emerged upon the smooth grass land
of the lower valley. The silence here
was profound, the brooding night seem
lng even more dense and lonely thuD
upon the open ridge nbove. I felt my
uncertain way forward until the nar
row road suddenly ended before a high
gate. This I succeeded in opening
without much dltllculty. and we fol
lowed a graveled driveway that led
circling to the front of what appeared
In the gloom to be a house of consider
able size. It was wrapped In dark
ness. As I hesitated at the foot of the
steps leading upward to the front door
I felt her extended hand touch my
"What are you going to say how
explain my being here alone with
I glanced back toward her, wishing
I could read the meaning of her eyes,
the expression of her face.
"I was merely Intending to name
myself as a Confederate officer, n
friend of Lieutenant Dunn, Intrusted
by blm to bring you here for safety
owing to his having been suddenly or
dered out on special duty."
"And -and my accident?"
"Your horse stumbled In the dark
ness and fell. In consequence of which
I was compelled to convey you on my
She drew a deep breath of relief.
"Yes. that will do that will be best
now; they need never know the whole
The expression of her face could not
be seen, yet I knew she was leaning
slightly forward, as though seeking
vainly to decipher my features in the
"I feel that you have sufficient rea
son to dislike me." I began, anxious to
uncover. If possible, her true feeling.
"1 know I have, and yet I do not,"
she exclaimed Impulsively nnd as
though surprised at her own frankness
"1 cannot explnln why; 1 ought to hute
you for what you have don. Yet In
all this trouble you have proved your
self kind, thoughtful, considerate, and
1 can only feel mortified, hurt nnd re
gretful at my present helplessness."
"It Is very good of you to confess
even that."
"1 am simply accustomed to speak
ing the truth under all circumstances.
It is an unpleasant habit acquired in
childhood. You are nothing to me and
never can be. I would do everything
in my power to thwart your present
purpose. I believe 1 could shoot you
down if I were still armed, and 1
know I would denounce you here and
now If there was any one at hand i
able to make you prisoner. We re
main enemies, but but In some un
accountable way 1 cannot personally
hate you."
"You mean It Is the Yankee and not
the man you war against?"
"I am certainly enlisted against
your cause. Nor have I any reaJ rea
son to respect you otherwise."
"You consider me guilty, then, of do-"
liberate treachery toward you?"
"What was it except treachery?
You came to us falsely wearing that
uniform which we respect; you came
pretending to be another man; you
obtained entrance to the sanctity of
our home under an assumed name;
you deliberately tricked nie Into a
most unhappy and compromising po
sition. Could any right minded wom
an ever forgive all this? is what yo'.i
have done justified even by Ynukee
"No." I acknowledged gravely. "Ml
the rest might be justified by the ne
cessitlos of wnr, hut not the personal
injury which 1 have done you. Yet 1
feel assured you are In the- care of
friends. It Is not at nil probable we
shall ever meet again. Put first I de
sire to say this: You have appealed to
me, have won my deepest admiration
and respect. . 1 .canno benrto feel.
however nimh if misfit be deserve 1.
that you utterly despise me."
"1 acknowledge I do not. I believe
what you have told uie you
merely yielded to circumstances In the
hope of saving yourself nttil thus gain
ing opportunity to perform what yon
consider an imperative duty."
I th:ink you from the
bottom of i
P.efnre we
fiy heart for saying that.
finally part would you accept my
I knew she straightened stiffly back
la the saddle, her hands pressed against
the pummel.
Oh. no: I could not do that. You
have no right to ask such a thing: not
while you continue to wear falsely that
Uniform; not while you Intend riding
directly away from here planning to
do Injury to my people."
1 bowed and turned away, hat in
hand, toward the steps. Her voice
halted me.
"He-before you knock." she ques
tioned doubtfully, "would you tell me
your name?"
"Certainly. You will need to know-
that; I had forgotten. I am Elbrt
"An an officer?"
"Not commissioned; merely a ser
geant of artillery."
"I thank you; that was all."
1 knocked twice before receiving any
reply; then shufiliug feet sounded with
in, nnd the voice of tin aged man nsued
anxiously who was there.
"An otlicer of the Tenth Georgia cav
alry." 1 replied readily. "I have a
ludy with me who has been injured by
a fail from her horse."
I heard b!m unbar the heavy door,
opening It barely wide enough to peer
cautiously forth. The voice of the girl
sounded from below.
"it Is nil right. .Judge Dunn; 1 am
Jean Denslow."
Our situntlou was explained In a few
sentences, and. the Judge guiding me,
I bore her unresisting Into the broad
hallway. "I am beginning to wish I
might come buik again." I said.
1 beard no spoken word.
"You wi'.l answer nothing?"
"Only that I wish to forget this night
utterly, utterly. If you are Indeed a
gentleman you will understand and
I beard the stiff rustle of a dress on
the stairs and knew her frienls were
dowu. My own night's work
yet remained unaccomplished and was
urgent. 1 passed swiftly out and down
the steps.
I felt perfectly safe, so far as Jean
Denslow was concerned. She certainly
could no longer ride, and, to the best
of my knowledge, there was rfo one at
Falrvlew who could be trusted to de
part westward with any message of
warning to the Confederate command
er. I Intended following the cast road
at least as far ns the ford at Coulter's
Landing. Once safely beyond tbe river
1 could soon find my way Into tbe pro
toctlon of the Federal lines.
Her face was constantly before me
as I leaned forward striving to peer
Into the shadows ahead. Frank, truth
ful, outspoke:), warm hearted, she had
made an Impression upon me not easi
ly forgotten. And this young woman
wim legally my wife! Somehow the
thought sent the hot bloo.l of youth
rioting through my veins. Of course
the relationship was no more than a
mere name. It was, as I well knew,
a condition achieved by fraud and
despicable deceit, yet nevertheless the
fuct remained that there was now this
tie existing between us. And sho
actually neither hated nor despised
mo for what I had done.
There was nothing whatever at
Coulter's to obstruct my progress.
Two hours later, still urging the tired
Hleed remorselessly forward, I arrived
at n crossroads and a Federal picket.
So sudden was the unexpected en
counter that I barely halted within
rnuge of his gun, the startled fellow
so convinced the enemy was upon him
1 expected a shot before I could begin
explanations. He was a soldier of tbe
Forty -second Illinois. Sheridan's di
vision, and after live minutes of cou
troversy the boyish looking corporal,
who came running forward nt the
sentrj's first cull, consented to escort
me In person to his regimental head
qunrters. . From the colonel's tent I
wns very promptly pnssed beyond to
where Sheridan was. taking breakfast
on the rude porch of n log house, sev
era I of hl. stofL.clustcred abou. him.
y& if
nere I passed through some minutes
of rapid questioning nnd was finally
dispatched westward astride a fresh
horse ii nd acenmpaiiied by an aid. It
was sliuhMy after S o'clock when we
arrived in the presence of Host ran.
For a moment the general s'linnsl
the brief note handed him by the aid
Then he looked up, carefully scruti my face with his quiet gray
"What is your name?"
"King, sir."
"Yiju claim to have been a sergeant
In Reynolds' battery. 1 understand?"
"Yes, sir."
He turned quickly to an officer at
the end of the table
"Morton, step outside and request
Lieutenant McDermott to come here
for a moni"iit."
We waited In silence, the genera!
nervously rustling some loose papers
about on the table before him and
whispering short, snappy sentences to
a man in a major's uniform seated be
sld' blm Perhaps ten minutes thus
elapsed before Morton returned w'th
his man Posecrans glanced up Inquir
ingly nt the latter nnd then over to
ward me.
"Lieutenant." he said quietly, "kind
ly Inform us If yon have ever seen
this inau before."
The officer thus nddressed stepped
over toward me, confused by. the light
as well ns the Confederate uniform I
wore: then his bronzed face broke Into
a smile, and he extended his band.
"Ity heavens, King, but I am glad to
see you alive and safe again We had
you marked dowu us 'killed or miss
ing.' and there are mighty few of us
"He belonged to you. then?" It was
the voice of the general, breaking In
Impatiently upon our greeting.
"This man Is Sergeant Elbert King
of Reynolds' battery, sir." answered
McDermott. turning Instantly toward
him. yet still retaining my hand clasp
ed tightly within his own.
"Very well. Now. Sergeant King, we
are prepared to listen to your story."
I to'd It swiftly, realizing the value
of time and inspired by the I tcrest I
Immediately perceived depicted In the
faces clustered about. 1 related mere
ly what they needed to know from the
military viewpoint, leaving out all ref l
erence to the girl, except to mention I
that she wns the cause of Lieutenant
Dunn's night ride.
"You report." said the major, "that
the plan, ns you understood It. wns to
double the Confederate r'ght wing to
the rear past their center Inst night;
then that during today, nnd under
protection of those bluffs yonder, the
center will nlso be moved to the left,
thus mnsslng their entire fighting force
Just back of Miners vllle soon after
dark, with the Intention of burling It
In solid mass ngalnst our unprepared
right flank at daybreak tomorrow?
Do I state this correctly?"
"That was my understanding, sir."
"Yet. our pickets have reported no
movement apparent In their front.
Cnmpfires were burning the full length
of the Confederate lines from Miners
vllle to Coulter's Landing all through
the night.'"
"Then the most of them must have
been dummy fires, sir, for I rode from
Denslow's plantation to Coulter's with
out encountering n slnglo man. I am
positive that after midnight there was
not a Confederate company left on duty
east of Salter's creek. A few men
May have been detailed to keep the
fires going, but their regiments were
certainly already on the march west
ward." Roecrnns was leaning stiffly back
In his chair, tapping on the table with
the blunt end of a pencil, his keen eyes
constantly studying my face. Sud
denly he glanced over toward the
group of officers standlug clustered In
tbe doorway.
(To De Continued.)
In Justice Court.
From Friday's Dally.
An interesting case pending be
fore Judge Archer is one enlilled
Iron Stove Co. vs. Frank Svoboda,
the Mynard blacksmith, who de
parted for parts unknown some
time ago. The suit is one in at
tachment and service was had
publication, the action having
been brought for palintilT by At
torney I). O. Dwyer, for a claim of
$G.r). Property of the defendant
to the value of $80.13 ha been
seized by the plaintiff and would
have been sold and the proceeds
applied on the claim, bit! R. L.
I'ropst, who claimed a lien on
the goods of Svoboda for rent of
the shop, intervened nnd objected
to the palintilT disposing of the
goods. Attorney A. L. Tidd ap
peared for Mr. IM'opst and the
cause was continued unlil .T.intiary
in for furl her trial.-
Fop Sale.
l;edigreed Duroc-Jersey male
pigs. V. K. I'erry,
Mynard, Neb.
FOIl KAI.K Harred Hock
Cockerels at $1.00 each. Inquire,
of Mrs. John Yardley, Route. 1,1
l'lallsinoulh, Neb., or call Murray
'phone 3-K. l-i-3lw.
Ir. Ransom and bride arrived
from Farley, la., a week ago,
where they had visited the doe
tor's parents, and after spending
a week in this city, departed this
morning for their home at Doleus,
U I3S S3js Cn'y 3 Par C3nt c!
Gain Comes From H:at.
Testimony of Former Manager of
Armour Company Compared With
That Before Grand Jury and Court
May Be Asked to Act.
Chicago. Jan. 5. Hy products yield
97 per cent of the profits in tho pack
ing business, according to figures giv
en by William D. Mftos, formerly g n
rial manager of tho Armour Packing
company of Kansas City, who ion I
cludtd Ms teitiniony in the trial oi the
ten Chicago puckers chained Willi
criminal vio ation of tho Sherman law.
Ho gave the company's net piohts
for 1SU9 as 202 S75.18 in the dressed
beef department, based on the slaugh
ter of 20-1. 820 animals.
An analysis of tbe 'figures civen by
the witness showed that the company
made hut 3 cents profit on (bessed
m-at of each steer killed, while the
fat of each animal yielded n profit of
42 cents. The profit on hides was '!7
cents a hcd and IS cents profit was
obtained from the glue manufactured
from the hoofs of each steer. The
profit from the fat was fourteen times
thnt yielded by the dressed beef and
the profit, from hides was nearly as
much. The money made from glue in
the hoofs was six times ns much ns
that made from the sale of the fresh
meats, according to Mr. Miles
I Special Counsel Shecan spent sev
eral hours In an effort to compel the
witness to admit thnt these figures
were obtained bv bookkeeping melh
ods devised by the packers, but was
plan Inquiry Into Evidence.
Witnesses fo" the government, if their
testimony on the stand is In vari
ance on material points with thnt giv
en by them be'ore the federal grand
Jurv may themselves face an Inquiry.
V. R. Miles, whose answers to ccr
tfiln questions have boon unsntisfae
torv to the prosecution, testified
nealrst the packers before two federal
grand I'ir'es. At least three other
former officers nnd emn'ovees of pack
ing firms v o testified before the
grand icrv will be called as witnesses
In the trial.
it ws reported thit counsel for the
government wo-ilrt make a careful
romnnr'on of M'tes' testimony in te
tiial with the statements he made be
fore th ernnrt Juries and thnt If nnv
Important discrepancies are discovered
ranv ask Jndge Carpenter to act In the
Cincinnati Confidant of McNamara Is
Guarded by Detectives.
Ind'nnapolls, Jan. 5. Frank Eekhoff
of Cincinnati, Intimate friend of John
J. M"Nnmnrn for years, appeared at
the federal grand Jury chamber R.
H. Johnson, mnnneer of the street
ral'wny lines at Peoria, also enme In
answer to n subpoena, and both men
are assumed to have related details
of various dvnnmlts explosions now
beln" lnvestlnted bv the trove'TTmrnt.
Kckhoff, confident of John .1 McNa
mar, nnd a neighbor of the McNnmnra
family In C'nclnnatl. for weeks has
been Kiinrded bv Defective Hums' ns I with Croat Prltaln. Senator H'tchcock
slstnnts nTlnst contnet with persons of Nebraska, on the floor of the sen
alleged to be interested In sen'lng bis ate, denounced the proposed arbltra
Una. It Is known be Is one of the prin tlon treaty with thnt country. He de
clna' witnesses relied on bv the gov ' cl.ired the plan to permit tho presl
amiKMii in ia offnHo in pvnnun irrmina dent to nnnoint commissioners to 1
of men In mnnv cities charged with
havln" furthered explosions aenlnt
pronertv of employers of nonunion
Iron workers.
MrManlnal Leaves El Paso.
El Po, Tex., Jan. 5. Under the
cnnrdlnn'h'n of two detectives nnd so
rnrelv lockpd In tbe sfte room of a
8leen'n cpr nttnebed to the r.o'f'en
Sttelli,tcd Southern Pacific traln.Or-
tie MfMnnln arrived here. His car
was transferred to nn El Pnso nnl
Southwestern Pock Island trnln nnd
In a fpw minutes wns rin north
McMnnlgnl Is en route to Indianapolis
Imperial Troops Ord-red to Take Of
fensive Tomorrow.
Shanghai, China. Jan. 5 The Im
perlal government In Peking has s-nt
ordTS to nil tho generals In command
of the Imperial troops thnt thev are
to resume hostilities nt 8 o'c'ock to
morrow morning, unless they receive
notification In the meantime thnt the
nnn'stlce hetwern the two forces has
been ngn'n rerewed.
This step has been taken. It Is ns
Burned bore as n result or the refusal
of the revolutionaries to continue the
regotlatlons wlfh the Peking author -
ltles by telo-n-nnh. 'n accordance with
the demand of Premier Yunn Shi Kal
Four Men Freeze to Death.
Tna rt x Inn Tun K T)m tiiAitrn
fill 'howling or a' dog' led to the dls
rovery near this city of the body of E I
Taylor, a farmer, who hnd fallen from
Ms wtiron on tho way to market nnd
frozen to death by the roadside. At
lenst four persons are known to have
frozen fo death In this Bectlon of west
ern Kllnsas since the heavy snow and
cold wave came a week ago.
Says Social Side of University Li.'e la
" Made Too Prominent.
Lincoln, Jan. 5. Rigi-nt F". L. 1 taller
Of Omaha, in a speech before the uni
versity students, warned them against
overemphasis on the social side of
university life, fraternity affiliations,
Ubieties nnd the indulgence of scntl
ucntal affinities between sexes during
school life.
Mr. Hallcr's address was a hitter ar
raignment of conditions which be be
lieved wi.sted at tin state university
to a consideiahle degree. He urgod
the students to turn away from such
false gods and return to the Ideal of
scholarship as exemplified in the work
of Dean flcsscy.
He asserted that scholarship, not
athletics, brings g'ory to the state in
stitution nnd that an overemphasis
had been placed upon the by products,
such as social activities and fraternal
"I sometimes think thnt It would be
a good thing," declared Regent Duller,
"to confine the attendance nt the uni
versity to students who ma'ce their
own way through or perhaps to those
who have to borrow money with which
to secure an education. Thev who
make no sacrifice have no rea'izatton
of their opportunities. The ones who
do nre much less apt to run after f.ilso
Sponsors lor AldrlcS ii Sa
ropular Giatfol is Assjrel
Washington. Jan. 5. Tho monetary
commission's plan for a national re
serve association, when It goes to
congress on Tuesday, will provide for
an organization so constituted that the
financial Institutions of New York, the
seat of the money power of the Unit
ed States, will control less than 10
per cent of the total representation In
the central association, although they
possess fully 30 per cent of the bank
ing capital, the sponsors for the bill
This was done to gnnrd acnlnst so
called Wall street control of the pro
posed institution whtch would largely
supplant tho United Stntcs treas try
and perform the functions of a na
tlonnl fiscal agent.
The south, with about 10 per cent ot
the hanking resources of the country,
would control 23 per cent of the repre
sentation In the reserve association.
Npw Knglnnd, with 12 per cent of the
banking capital, would have 8 percent,
the middle west, with 25 per cent of
the banking capital, would hnve 30
per cent, and the fnr western and Pa
cific Btntes, with about 13 per cent of
tho hanking capital, would control ap
proximately 25 per cent.
By prescribing such a method of or
ganlzntton. it Is expected to remove
romnletely tho possibility of control
of the reserve association from any
single eroup or set of men.
Secretary MacVengh wrote Chair
man Aldrlch thnt he thought It wns ot
grent Importance that the commis
sion's plnn of reform should Include
tho prohibition 8nlnst one bnnk hold
ing stock In another
Senator From Nebraska Fears Effect
of Agreement With England.
Washington. Jan. 6. Flatly charg
ing that the administration was blun
dering Into an entangling .nlllnnce
bigh court of arbitration without the
consent of the senate wns revolution
ary and dangerous. The proposed
trenty, he said, would wipe out this
nation's time honored treatv making
plan and result virtually In the adop
tion of the svstcm practiced by the
monarchical rowers.
Big Ranch in Red Willow County Sold.
McCook, Neb., Jan. 6 Dr. John W.
Conrad of Sumner, Mo., brought the
j big P. 8. Wilcox ranch of 1.040 acres
south or Mcijook, paying ju nn ncro
for the land, a school lease for a sec
tion of land ho'n Included In the trans
action. The doctor also purchnsed
from Mr V'lcox his quarter section of
land In Dundy county ot $2,500 The
snle agereeates $31,200. Dr. Conrad
will move hre In the snrlng, ns will a
brother In law from Co'orndo. who will
have charge of the rnnch, which will
be well stocked wiih cnttle.
Pruyn Bund Over for KMIInq Corey.
Fremont, Neh., Jan. 5 At the iloso
of a spirited fight for release on fho
ground thnt he shot In self defense,
Allen Pruyn who killed Michael fior
ev In a sn'oon brawl nt North Rend
1 Christmas day, was hound over to mo
district court without bail. .Tudgo
Stlnson in tho ronntv court presided
1 Thirty witness nnd others enme
from North (lend to tho preliminary
, hearing.
Young Engineer Killed by Explosion.
Fremont, Neb., Jan. 5. Fred Klunib.
! a Phmre In tho
University of Wisconsin, who gave up
hl studies and came to Fremont two
years ago to join tho engineering
forces for the Elkhorn valley drainage
district, was Instantly killed near Ar
lington by a premature explosion of
a blast of dynamite UHed to break Ice
In the drainage work.