4. MURDOCK. : (Special Correspondent.) 4 Al Hunt was in town Saturday aid Sunday. C. F. Hite of near Alvo was in town Tuesday. Miss Viola Everett was in Oma ha on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Einil Kuelm were a Lincoln Tuesday. C. Eisenhut and daughter, Vera, were in Lincoln last Tuesday. Miss Orayce Lawlon attended a farty at Wabash New Year's might. Everett visited a Harris of York, Neb., friends (?) hero over Sunday. Miss Nellie Rush visited a few "ays this week with her sister in Lincoln. Miss Hertha Shatto of Omaha Tisited friends and relatives here last Friday Mr. and Mrs. David Thimgan of Omaha spent the holidavs with relatives here Mr. and Mrs. Fogg and baby of Lincoln visited over New Year's with relatives. Miss Erna Dunconibe of Omaha in a puost at the II. V. McDonald home this week. A. J. Tool and wife entertained the Ooehy sisters at supper on Saturday evening. Misses Pearle Heed and Mayme Rowhr of Lincoln were week-end quests at the Sorick hon.e. Mr. and Mrs. James Brill ian of Lincoln were guests of relatives and friends several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Amgwert . snlortained Misses Viola Everett and Kate Amgwert at supper Sun lay evening. About a dozen of our young people attended the da-nce at Ash land last Saturday night. All re port a fine time. Mr. and Mrs. G. Mnomev and laughter, Lula, ate New Year's dinner with their son, fleorgc Moomey and wife Our basketball team played at Alvo oTi New Year's night. At the nd of the game the score stood 11 to 2 i in favor of Murdock. Miss-Kate Amprwort left Monday en No. 14 for Omaha, where she faas accepted a position with Orkin "Brothers' Clothing store. Misses Jennie Reynolds and Vhoroasa ' Kellv of Plattsmoulh were guests of the latter's sister, Mrs. Oscar McDonald and family, ver Sunday. The Ladies' Aid society met al the Pickvell home, west of town, n last Wednesday. About forty rere present and all enjoyed Ihoin selves immensely. The dance here last. Thursday itrht was well nt tended and evervone had a good time. Thorn bore's orchestra of Omaha cor ininlv made things hum. T ast Thursday evening about fortv neighbors and friends fathered at the beautiful home of Vr. and Mrs. A. E. Lake, where they passed the evening in music, fames and social conversation. This is only one of the good limes tanned for this winter. Emj Kuehn and wife entertain , td at, dinner Sunday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kuehn, who have recently returned from their redding trip. Those present. ore: . A crust Kuehn and Emma, Mr. and Mrs. Fd Thimgan and lauphler. Florence: Mr. and Mrs. David Thimgan of Omaha; Misses Fit a Sorick and Mayme Rowhr of Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. McDonald fnlertnined Monday evening at Iheir home in honor of Miss Jen nie Reynolds and Miss Threasa Fellv of Plattsmoulh. A number onsi.ted of the evenin-r's enter-l!,?, SH,, wa,,!! of 'Ulk infir lain.oent.. At the usual time a-,. . "r(' Nyas i (,r ucli headway erv d.oinlv l,hn,,n -nc eonvnH 1,11,1 "l'"ng COllId be done to slop Those present were: Misses feb-n Moomey. f enta McDonald, Fslher Hart, Hnltie Arms, Eva ?i"iek, Orace Oust in, Marguerite lTcIlonald. Jennie Revnolds, Threasa Kelly, Messrs. Max and Paul Ooehry, Ed car Moomey, Pnrrv Oillespie, Joe Oustin and Leonard Hart. Frank Dudi In'ured. Frank Duda, employed on lhe freiirht car repair track in the Burlington shops, had the mis fortune this morning to have one, foot mashed by dropping a car till upon it. Mr. Dnda sought P'cdical aid immediately nnd had the iniurv dressed. He will prob ably be off for a few days. County Commissioner C. R. joruan ueparieu ior nis nome mis mieriiMon. experuiiK io reiurn non Mondav for tho annual meet- ing, at which lime lhe hoard will consider tho lolling of contracts for county bridges. Anton Ba.jock left last evening for Olenwood, where ho plaved l!io drums for a ball. Mrs. Ev- tngham was tho pianist. AVOCA NEWSIARE MICROBES IN YOURSCALP, Mrs. William Knabe was here from Berlin Monday. R. A. Nutzman lost one of his fine driving horses last week. Dr. II. F. Brendol and wife were over irom Murray Monday. J. H. Schmidt commenced bar- vesting his ice crop this week. Harry Oakes is entertaining his mother, who resides at Strang. 1 Mrs. L. J. Maniuardt entertain ed relatives from Ftica last week. (i. D. Maseman was a Weeping Water visitor Wednesday evening. The Rebekahs held a very in teresting meeting Tuesday even ing. Orlando TefTt was a north bound passenger Tuesday morn ing. Asa J. Johnson was attending to business at Omaha Wednes day. E. O. Spencer and family of Huntley are visiting Avoca rela tives. The Odd Fellow's lodge held in stallation of officers Thursday evening. Mrs. R. A. Nutzman and daugh ter, Pearl, were Omaha visitors Tuesday. Miss Opal Lewton spent her holiday vacation with her parents in Avoca. The Avoca hand gave an open nir concert on the street New Year's dav. Manacrer Pinochle savs the Pinochles will he stronger than ever in 1012. Mis Fda Marmiardt, who is leachinor in Wyoming, is visiting Avoca relatives. ' Prof. John E. Opp and wife of Reaver Onssinsr were home last week visiting relatives. Harmon Brothers' orchestra f"rnished music for a dance at Murray Saturday evening. Mrs. R. B. Combs of Lincoln snent several dav (his week visit inf her sisler. Mrs. Ora F,. Copes. Flovd Graham, Henry Maseman. Willie Fahnestock and Fred Kutineimn returned to Lincoln Saturday. H. G. Wellensjek was over from Syracuse Monday attending a "eetinur of the officers of the Bank of Avoca. Colonel Georore Durham ar rived from Mertrand Saturday. George and his brother, Claud. i'e iojrf (tie batching sl'int in the Fred Bells properly on Carter Hill. ' HANDSOME FARM RESIDENCE DESTRQYEDBYFIRE FIEND Harry Todd's Fine Home, South of Murray, Burned Lest Evening at About 7 O'clock. The large, line residence of Harry Todd, situated two miles south of Murray, burned to the ground last night, supposed to have been caused by a defective Hue. This was one of the best residences in the county, Mr. Todd having erected I he dwelling a few years ago at a cost of $12, 000. There is said to have been $1,000 insurance on the house. The fire occurred about 7 o'clock and at the time Mr. Todd was at the barn looking after some of his stock, when he noticed many sparks flying from the chimney of his furnace and he thought at the time that the flue was burning out. He hastened to the upper story of his dwelling to make an examination, when he discovered the (lames hail spread i from the chimney along the joyce it, or arrest its progress, and the 'tine dwelling, that was the pride of lhe community,' was soon a smoldering mass of ruins. It is reported that most of the fur niture in the dwelling was saved. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Brown entertained a number of friends New Year's day. After dinner lhe party went coasting. After coast ing down hill several limes, Mrs. Oiliuore took her learn ami sleigh ami hooked lhe bob on. taking the crowd several miles in (be coun try. After supper all attended the Trier Sisters' concert. The day will long be remembered, and if each of the davs of 1012 he as joyous as the first, there will be no room to complain. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. (1. II. Oilmore. and Walker nnd Helen. Mr. and Mrs. James Holmes audi n nh. Mis Pan ine Oldham. Al i)Prj Yopnp nnd Mr. and Mrs. W. fjt Brown. Mrs f;ar,ior and n relunied from Orand Island this "mrning, whore (boy have been vi-i'mg over tho holiday season vilh reln- ' lives. It Has Been Proved That Microbes ! Cause Baldness. Professor L'nna of Hamburg, Germany, and Dr. Sabourand, the leading French dermatologist, discovered that a microbe causes baldness. Their theory has time and again been amply verified through research experiments of eminent scientists. This mic- robe lodges in the Sebum, which is the natural hair oil, and when1 permitted to flourish it destroys the hair follicles and in time the liores entirely close, and the scalp gradually takes on a shiny ap pearance. When this happens there is no hope of the growth of hair being revived. We have a remedy w hich will, I we honestly believe, remove dand- mil, exterminate t he microbe, promote good circulation in the scali) and around the hair roots tighten and revitalize the hair, roots, and overcome baldness, so long as there is any life left in the hair roots. , We back up this statement with j our own personal guarantee: that this remedy called Hexall "93" Hair Tonic w ill be supplied free of all cost to the user if it fails to do as we state. Ft will frequently help to restore gray and faded hair to its original color, providing loss of color has been caused by disease; yet it is in no sense a dye. Hexall "93" Hair Tonic accomplishes these results by aiding in making every hair root, follicle and pigment gland strong and active, and by stimu lating a natural flow of coloring pigment throughout Ihc hair cells. We exact no obligation or promise we simply ask you to give Hexall "93" Hair Tonic a thorough trial and if not satisfied. Inll Hi. or., I ..... ...OI ,..,f...,.l II... I n ii no cum v u ..in iiiuuu lllv money you paid us- for it. Two sizes, 50 cents and $1.00. He member, you can obtain it in Plaltsmouth only at our store The Hexall Store. E. (i. Fricke & Co. LOCAL NEWS From Tuesdny's Dally. W. T. Adams and II. W. Living ston were passengers to Omaha on the morning train today, where they were called on business, T. K. Todd and wife drove in from Iheir home west of the city this morning and looked after business matters in the city. Mall MeCminn of Union ar rived from Omaha on the morning train today and looked after busi ness mailers at the court house. Mike Trilsch, the newly ap pointed deputy county treasurer. i f t : ...:n ii.; . morning ami win assume ins duties tomorrow. Olen Smith arrived from Lin coln today to meet the new board of county commissioners. Mr. Smith had the contract for build ing the county bridges last year. Chairman of the Hoard of Coun ty Commissioners L. D. Switzer will retire to private life to morrow, when the newly elected commissioner, C. E. Heebner, of Nehawka, will assume the duties of the ofliec. ii, o;.. ii..;i .. i t i... t- of Eight Mile Orove precinct came in from their homes this morning I ii ii . , . - ,and boarded the early tram for Omaha. ...i a. i i , wnere lliey lOOKCIl OVCr ii..... ine automoiiiie nouses Willi a view f, , . ii taking a course in (lie science of operating an auto. John Hiber of O'Neil arrived last evening and visited his- par- cuts over night, departing for his: ii.....n ii.. n in hume this morning. The winter has been much more severe in thej northwest part of the state lhani I'" "'" . l"!Sit.io deenest roaret over his 'sinhh-n here, the mercury falling as lowltlons of freight rntcs on live stock, as 18 below zero three days ago.' ' , ...... ..u-miii mm .mii; unu son 01 Lincoln spent Sunday and the New Year's holiday with Mr. Adams' sislers. Mrs. O. O. Dovev and family and Miss Carrie' Nw Mpxlro- Tcxn8 Oklahoma to Adams. Mr. Adanw rW,.nilvlForl Wortn' Tp- Oklahoma City, l u t...l hi- ....,,ri,in ; r.i: U'OIMIIII in II till 1 1- loi ni.i ,iris collegiate school, (ill, t.-lliili I. l . 1. with which ho is very pleased. much We are just in receipt of a circular of the Oram I. SlaiHl iiiisiness ami formal (.ollege ofi .vniMi-mi, a.niH l.ooo young people from the fan.-s and villages will be admit- led this year and allowed to payleast- expenses after they graduate, and earn the money. This certainly is a ureal opportunity for boys and girls of limited means and we understand a number will attend from this county. It costs noth ing lo apply for admission. .3.,.l(w ADMiRAL EVANS DIES SUDDENLY Fear Admiral Sicken Willi Acuta Indigestion. ILLNESS G.VES 0 WARN NR. Noted Naval Officer Arise, in Morning m uooa i-ieann tommanaea Battle, ship Fleet In Record Breaking Cruise Around the World.. I Washington, Jan. 4. Rear Admiral Itoblcy D. Evans, retired, died sadden-, Iv of acute indices! inn Admiral Kvnns, who was one of the most popular men In the navy, arose in the morning apparently in better health than he has had lor some time. 116 lunched at 2 oelock and almost immeaiauuy auerwarus was sincKcn. Dr. S. S. Adams was called hurried ly, but the naval officer lapsed into unconsciousness, dying shortly after ward. Admiral Evans started the battle- ship fleet in its record breaking cruise around the wcrld. resigning command at San Francisco because of hl3 ap- Poaching retirement from the ser- REAR ATMIRAL EVANS. Vice. From President Tnft down, of-' liciuiH iir i p imvi'i-iimFiir fxnriKHcii i UfllllH. near Aunurai r-vans was uorn in Floyd county Virginia Aug. 18, 1840. le received his education in the pub - lie schools of Washington and the which he graduated In 1 83. Advnnco ment In the service broucht him to - ca tho rank of captain In 1893 ns nu rnsi:ii .tir. cvnns piinicipatca in both attacks on Fort Fisher In the j civil war and in land attneks ho re- ceivca iour severe wonnus rrom ruio snots. When In command of t' e Yorktown at Valparaiso, Chile, in 1R!)1, during a period of ntralned re'ntions between. I chlle flml th, rn,t,!,, s,1!,f' hl9 , n2 'n";' i "rum v i jm u nun inn u limn lltium Ul . ..Flehtlne I5ob.. " In flm wnr ..Hh ' ed the Iowh in Snninsons fleet off i n , Santlnro. tnklii rn active part In the ...... v..r,n ,-,-t ,,my 0 1S98. LIVE STOCK RATES REDUCED Reduction Applies to All Western and Southwestern Railroads, Washington, Jnn. 4. Rndlr.nl reiluc- Pk'n? house products nnd snlt were prescribed by tho Interstate commerco commission to apply to all western and southwestern railroads. The commission holds that present ! "r8 on live stock from points In lOWn.. and Wichita. Kan., nre unrea- I ,.-. ., .. ,. ..u ! rient3 and otllPr piirkn, I)0UH(, . ,. ' ucts from Fort Worth, Oklnhoma C'ty. A 7L i nd Wichita to po'nts In other states boss was brought on, or nt least nggra also are unreasonable and that the vated, by the worry occasioned by tho rotna nn uo.lt trnnt tn Vn..unc H . .1 .1 . . . ! t U nrlilil. hoi nnma Una v ui. ..ifc ...rill lliv IMIIIHUn l' in u nirlnhnma fl( ora i.nlimt The findings of the commlsston. pre- parea oy commissioner I'routy, are tho result of rn exhaustive lnvest'ga Hon and affect the rntcs to all points ' ine rauronns nre ivon until reii. 1, 1912. to put Into effect the rates sug gested. Bryans Reach Tampa, Fla. Tampa. Fla.. Ji:n. 4 Wll'lnm .1. Ilry an nnd Mrs. Uryun arrived hero fron Havana on the steamship Olivette. They will go from here to Washington, ATTACK ON COMMISSION FORM J. J. Breen In Lincoln to Look Up Details o Passage. Lincoln, Jan. 4 J. J. Breen was p.t the state hcuse looking up the record oi the passage thro.igh the legislature of the commission charter bill anil an nounced In the secretary of state's of Ike that he would attack the validity of the measure. He did not say In whose Interest he was acting. He will assail the legality of the measure on a point which, he asserts, has never V of i- rA It Ann rn IoaiI In tVita utntf It arrears the bill was introduced in the legislature before the time Uni t i exnlrod for the Introduction of new bills Aft(.r that date however. the ' bill was amended by the addition or three sections, the one providing for the initiative, the one for the referen- dum and the one providing how the charter m'ght be voted o it of exist erce in caso the electorate desire to take such a step. He holda that these amendments. being complete sections, constituted new hill within the mern!n of the aw, and that the ent!r nieauire therefore Is invalid, as trev were m introduced after the time limit. SEEKS RELATIVES OF IHRASKH VETERAN Te:ai Wants Hers cf Friend to Have Rights. Llnco'n, Jen. 4. John E. Roller, an ot Coniederate and a wi alt .y ranch owner neor Wichita Falls, writes to Arijulant Cieneral Phelps and requests tho latter to locate the heirs of Isaiah ; l.oner, a veteran of the First Nebraska . present drainnge law. They were ap cavalry, who was a neighbor of his 1 j.cals from Nemaha county. Tho co.irt and who had died leaving a small farm 1 l.o ds the law constitutional and also and a little personal property, to holds that land benefited by tho gen which a man In tho neighborhood had oral drainage scheme must pay Its laid cla'm nnd to which Roller does share for laterals which do not direct not think he has a right, nnd wants ly benefit It but which Bald laterals thp heirs to tho northern veteran to are necessary to tho general scheme have. of dralnago in which the land Is bono- Thereby hnn?s a ta'e of friendship litrd. betwefn the veterans of the north and Tho Lincoln trnction cases are af the south. It appears tl r.t Ioni, firmed except on one point. Tho right after some tio lhle with Ms family , of the company to sell heat, light nnd nrnr Rrownville, Neb., wert to Teas power Is not determined by tho court, rnd settled on the llttlo farm near j but for this p irpose only tho case is Roller's hh runch. I oni lived the lifo , renin ml"d. As the oonipnny's rights lii of a hermit ard his on'y friend nnd ns these matter? did not appear on the sorbite was Ro'.lcr. Inn wes poor, I evidence the lower court Is Instructed end w"n his hea'th failed Roller used to deternilno them. In deciding the h's Influence to ohta'n a pens'on forcrae tho court comes to some inter Ion? ard now thnt he Is Ceid wants cstln? conclusions. One Is that the the tiortheru man's heirs to have his . (onstitutloiml Inhibition against the nirdst fFtrte. I conso'idatlon of competing railroad. The rero'i's of nrtbit-nt pen-1 docs not apply to street railroads. e-:i''s o"p rh'v th"t I rnr enliste l Another Is that In such consolldu In tho Fi VohmsVp In'ertrv rd : tlnn It Is not illegal' if the Htock and lrtr reen',rtefl 'n the Firs-'t Nhr""'--! bnids ef the new company are In ex-re'-n'rv under the name of Ephrlam ip?s of the-capitalization of the re j on-r, B?ective roinrnnleri or the artuil valuo : of the sme, bet hucIi slocks nnd WILL UVE SEFD OmN T J ,,MUS n. 0t evidence of a capllnliza- ! t'on uro'i wli'ch the conipanv Is en-Coxrr-r'-l'l 'et I H ro-inlcatlon (i,v.i i ,iun dlvldciidh or fix the pileo With Professor Purvey On'ah". .1-n. 4. The eom-nercai eb-Ns comT..'tt"o to lrn .-"r-te a r-m- pn'-n 'or P'-od seed corn N In coinmu - n'cnllen w't T'rnfp-rr C. V. P'.-sley or tne rn-vrs'i" m m-p.m ... ports o hr'n- M i to Om-M soon to snonk no'nro ho ro. - .. . i i . i on te imr-nre o- e--rM , ,,,,. . , 1 t.i. l ......I . ..... Rt in j r0MI,tV8 ,," nV8 the corn in j fiwl 0RCS than f,r ' M'dlral As'oclatlon 8-cretary, Teknman r,e. .. ;- - 'Ncshit of this p'ace. P'"'; " f Nebraska Stnte Medical assnclatu.n, Teknmah, Neb., Jan. 4. Dr. A. D VoliriHk ,,, . ,nreun 0f the councilors of t(. a8n(.ntion, has appointed Dr. J. M Antpn 0f omnha sorretirv of the 1 Bintn iKmnclntlon. to take tho place vn - ,,, ,, r,r a. r. Wilkinson of Lin - con( iaU.y dorened. ' " MOVE AGAIMST M JTINTtRS . TT.u.. t Thrift 1 nOUSd nu 1 Jilt mu i i vw w - I Th r" aFnfnpe. submission. Pfkine. .Inn. 1 Three thousnnl ,..... inmorinl troons. drawn Irom iviaiKiiu mil" i fciw,"., th anison(, 0f paotingfu nnd Shin wnnKln0i 1BV0 ,(.t.n oiiKTeu to cnin i ntt.K.b Ifin wnngtao ami lincuuw m uum mut'necr8-tliere If they do not submit, I Chao Erh Feng, formerly viceroy of the provhice of Serhuen, assisted by Manchu soldiers from Tibet has re - 'captured Chungtu. tho capital. Seii- . . . t. nnnlllillil OU9 (UHturernces. nuwnn, throughout tho province. All foreign Crs nre reported to havo left the city of Chungking. Mfi'.t. Curie Has Appendicitis. Paris, Jnn. 4 The condition of an Mine. Curie, who suffered from acute attack rf appendicitis, continues , to he serious. The doctors of tho, hospital to which flho wns removed In .i..i..h nr.oraOnn onv hno. over thill tn0v PX,)P(.t to savo her ' ... ... life. Mme. Curie's friends say her ill (ti -ill nun III ll.v.l. tv. .IIK (tint nf Prnf naant Langevln In divorce ro irt proceedings. Receivers Held as Hostages. Norfolk, Va , Jan. 4. Two federal court ofllcla's, receivers for the bank rupt Smlthfleld Trnnsportatlon com pnny, at Smlthfleld, Va., are held as hostages by Italian laborers, who are clamoring for ihclr pay. The receivers, I. L. Ilenrd nnd John T. lteld, attempt fd to take bonts for Norfolk, but were forced to ri turn to a hotel. The re reiver are not believed to be In Im- inrdlnte danger, COURT FIXES BOARD'S RIGHT Irrigation B:d Has Aulhcr'.ty (3 R2slr2h Us3 of Pao. CRA!NAGE LAWS ARE UPHELD. Unca8ter Court8 Dec,ions Uphold. Ing Consolidation of Street Railway L.nes With Respect to Capital Stock Upheld Millers Settle Controversy. Lincoln, Jan. 4. The supreme court hanuou dovn a large muuuer of opin ions and wlui that act Judge hoot le tned fiom tne bench. One of tne iuo.st important cases decided was that of KirK against the stite bo'ird of Irrigat'on. th.s case tho real point involved was whether i.. 0ii.uiu.a i..e u.-n m .iel iu .tie Nionraia ricr for power purposes it wa3 within the province of tne state to stipulate that tho power must not be sold boyond the borders of the state. Kirk was a resident of Sioux City and proposed to uso the power developed in Knox county, Nebraska, to operate street cars ;n Sioux City. The water right was granted by the board, but the restriction made that the power must be used in tho state, from which Kirk appealed, but tho supreme court holds the hoard was within its powers. Drainage Law Upheld. Another hatch of cases of general interest, all of which were atlinncd, luvo.vcd tho constitutionality of tho or scrke. j Millers Settle Controversy. . Th(i Hno rn,,wily ,.oniI)1s;lioll fll;t. 1 m,mnK ,,, nH-t controversy t,m niirlnB. . . . t , T, , ; llirtlor" wn H(.tlocI by stipulation In a 1Ri,m,or M tory to ,iarl.H. Thw i '.-vw - I interstate business except It. Is uiider i flood that when a shipment consbits : of a m'xture of tninslt and noti transit products in the seine inr tho flat car load rnte front the transit point wlH sprlv on the non transit part of the shi meet nnd' tnt the actual weight of lhe ontlr Hhip.uent will he used j t() Brrlv0 nt Mho carload minimum weight. Second Cuaranty Assessment The stnte hanking hoaid mailn it 1 Hocond susersnirnt upon state banks 1 under tho depository law. Tho as segment is two quarter of 1 per cent neon the average deposits for the six mortis preceding ll.-e. 1. These total $7.8119,632 0(5 nnd will produce $182. (121.21. This Is to lie added to $172, 000 raised hv the first, call Issued July 1. TliN money, while technically bo lon-dni' to the guaranty funds, re , ..... , , .- . - ; rr:lim In tho custody of tho various i iuiiikh irom which 11 iw i.-yim nui nu liin'j'l fn ltf iKJifil nflllf ll. minms " v -- case of a denunid caused by the fall uro of some hank. I Patterson Files Claim. j gam f1( t tfiwon, a hunker of Arapa . whQ W,1B npimlnteii Hl.irol:uy of . . minjj ma,a ny CDvernor Shnllenberger. has tiled a claim with the state nudltor for two years' sal ary$r(i000. He wnnts the auditor to sot a (Into for a henrlng thut in caso his claim is rejected he mny nppeot to tho district court, as two of the bank examiners hnve already dono In . .. Richmond Out for Auditor. 11. C. Richmond of Omaha, Demo crat. filed ns a candidate for Btnto nud I .. i t a-i 1 Itor. This is tho first fill iir up to date for this olTlce on either ticket, thoueh thero nre -several prospective candidates who probably will file soon, now that the ice has beep broken. Military Te'egrapher Fc St. Joseph, Mo.. Jan. 4 -sett, Blxty four yours old . . man, who for many years . . ed with St. Joseph, Kar LouIb nnd Fhittsuurg .( was found dead In a rr here. Death, supposed resulted from Inhaling in gns stove. Mr. HiiHsett v pher In the civil war ni pension from the Unh'il Tolegraohers' rorus. Cead. F. Has spa per innect y. St. nprrs, h i ise ntr.1. ii.. a a cary