Murray Bepartmen nKPAIU:i IN THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE OF MUKKAY AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL II EA DEBS. 1 ; nun oj the readers of Vie Journal know of a social vent or an item of interest in this vicinity and will mail same to this office it will appear under this headin Ve icant all items of interest. Editor Jour w. DC Cm 3CZ3 fl Murray State B MURRAY, NEBRASKA ank 0 n Capital $10,000 Surplus $5,000 CHAS. C. PARMELE, President F. L NUTZMAN, Vice-President W. G. BOEDEKER, Cashier Wc Solicit Your Banking Business e'Our Deposits are protected by the Depositor's Guaran tee Fund of the State of Nebraska. 0 Ycu Can Pay Your Taxes Here 3 C 3 C V 0 taxes at the Murray Pay youi Statu Hank. Automobile and carriage- paint irigr. Frank Gobelman. Grandma Lalluo has been quite sick for the pant few days. Don't forget the bargains at the store of M. H. Davis. Mth. Tom Ruby Iuih been quite nick for the pant, few days. Thomas Hanson is a new ad dition's to the Journal's Murray list this week. Rook' Willi's and Ml. Pleasant precinrls may pay their taxes at the Murray Slate Hank. Mary, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A 1 1 fii Land, has been on the sick list for the past few days. The lilth' baby of Mr. and Mrs. John Van Horn lias been on the sick list for the past, few days. i Mrs. William Nix, sister of our jovial friend, L. H. Hrowu, has' been on tin1 siek list for the past few days. Miss Margie Walker went to Omaha Tuesday of this week for a few davs' visit with friends and relatives. The Clearing Sale has been a reeord-breakcr. llonesl goods, honest prices at the M. II. Davis' store, Murray. The lialiy of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hen gen, jr., who has been so ill with pneumonia for (he past few days, is reported much better at Ibis time. Torrence Fleming, who has been so ill for the past, few weeks, Special sale on all dry goods at the Davis store in Murray. Roy Hoedeker went to Louisville this week to look after some busi ness matters. T. T. Johnson of Mineo, Okla., arrived in Murray last Wednesday and visited a few days at the home of his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. (lilmore. Mr. and Mrs. George Young went to Plattsmouth Wednesday j evening, where they will visit a few days with relatives and friends before returning to their home in Oklahoma. I Mrs. Rounlree of Nebraska City arrived in Murray Wednesday,) where slie was met by her brother, Alpha Hell, and driven to the Henry Tiehle home, where she will visit her brother for a few days., Mrs. Jones, mother of Mrs. Ray Davis of Lincoln, who has been visiting here at the Davis' home I for the past few days, fell last Saturday and received a very bad 1 fracture of the knee-cap. The in jury was very painful and may re quire a great while to heal. Mrs. James Loughridge and daughter, May, went to Omaha Tuesday of this week to visit the specialist for the treatment of May's eyes, which has given her so much trouble for the past few months. The injury has not been improving as rapidly as a few days ago. Did you notice that extra broad Mrs. Stephen Heckuer is report ed as improving. Mrs. Charles Swab is numbered with the sick this week. Mrs. Frank Hhoden was a Piatt smoulh visitor Monday. John Hendricks and wife were Plattsmouth visitors Tuesday. Henry Ost and wife attended the dance at Murray Saturday night. R. H. Nickels was looking after business in Plattsmouth Friday. Ed Midcalf was delivering corn to the Union elevators Thursday. Alf. Nickels was looking after business in Plattsmouth Tuesday. Jack Chalfant was killing and dressing a fine beef Wednesday. Miss Annabel Moore is a guest of Mi's. Frank Rhoden this week. James Tigner was calling on the Plattsmouth merchants Tuesday. Frank Rliodcn had a force of men helping butcher his winter's meat. Frank Campbell was attending to husiness in Plallsmouth Thursday. owing to uie inclement weaiuer there was no service at Kenosha last Sunday. Mrs. J. Asch was a Murray visitor Friday, calling on friends and shopping. Wade Porter and wife were guests of Steve Copeuhaver and family this week. Harry Manspeaker delivered corn to Mr. Troop, near Platts monlh, Thursday. Miss Mabel Cline went to Cedar Creek Wednesday to visit her par ents for a few days. J. D. Tigner was visiting friends and looking after husiness in the county seat Friday. George Young and Mrs. George Carroll were visiting William Nickels' f v Tuesday. Mrs. K. R. Queen spent, Thurs day and Friday with her sister, Mrs. R. H. Frans al Union. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Coneuhaver entertained a number of friends al dinner on New Year's day. ' Arthur Copeuhaver and wife have returned from Kansas, where Ihev have been visiting relatives. Lee Nickels went to Nehawka Wednesdav eveniiiK and will stay for the sale at Carl Stone's Thursday. Philip Tritsch was here last Friday visiting with relatives and friends. E. O. Lyman was the guest of I). A. Young Sunday and New Year's day. Will Oliver, jr., visited friends and relatives at Greenwood and Lincoln last week. Miss Shepardson will make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Latta for a number of months. Mrs. William Oliver and daugh ter, Elizabeth, left for Platts mouth Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Countryman and children spent Sunday with Will Oliver and family. Miss Mary Trotter, from near Nehawka, spent Christmas with Miss Maude Rusterholtz. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oliver of Salida, Colo., are visiting rela tives in Murray and Omaha. Mr. Nephify Lovell and family spent Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lovell. Miss Lena Young and Mary Moore left Mondav evening for their schools at Cedar Creek. Rev. and Mrs. Williams left Monday for Council Muffs to eat New Year's dinner with Mrs. Wil liam's parents. Arnold Fil.palrick left for his school at Des Moines, Iowa, last readings, which were much ap- preciated. Partners Jor supper ': were sought by matching maga- ! zine advertisements. They then repaired to the dining room, where a delicious oyster supper was partaken of. At a late hour all departed for their homes, thanking their hostess for the de lightful evening thus spent. Those present were: Misses Emily Warner, Kittie Jensen, Clara Young, Ola Kaffenberger, Let Lair, Eva Porter.Edna Propst, Harriett, Mabel and Lillian Adams, Rachel and Jennie Livingston, Villa Gapen, Muriel Henton, Anna and Mildred Snyder and Elsie Gapen; Messrs. Ed Tschirren, John Kaffenberger,, Mr. Hailey, Frank Jean, Willie, Wayne and Dwight Propst, John Livingston, Glenn and Myron Wiles, Everett and John Wiles, Will Wetenkamp, George and Andrew Snyder and Lloyd Gapen. SPECIAL ri 20 minute rn on the following lines Saturday, January 6, .T- Miss Pearl Duuav has been spending the vacation with her grandparents. R. H. Tetch and wife of Kenosha. Miss Mary Moore, who has been home on a vacation for the past ten days, returned to her school work al Cedar Creek. James Chalfant of Hurwell, Ne braska, arrived Wednesday for a visit with his daughter, Mrs. John Hendricks and other relatives. Mi-, and Mrs. Frank Rhoden, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Good, Miss Hertha Nickels, Miss Etta Nickels, Gussie Good and Frank Reed is gaining strength very rapidly at' smile on the face of our f irend, i made up a little parly that spent this time. He is able to be up and around once more. Miss Leona Rice of Lincoln, who has been visiting for the past week at the home of her uncle, Mr. William Rice and family, de parted for her home Monday of this week. Remember that M. H. Davis Is now making a genuine clearance sale. Anyone looking for bar gains in good goods at bottom prices will profit by buying now. Porn, To Mr. and Mrs. William firiftln, a I J-pound boy, on De cember 20, liti. Holh mother and little one are getting along nicely. Mrs. Grillln is at present at the home of her 'mother, Mrs. Jen kins. Post master Maker requests us to usk all the patrons of Iho Mur ray posloftlce to kindly call for Ihefr mail between Iho hours of 12 ami I o'clock on Sundays and all legal holidays. Mr. and'Mrs. S. O. Pitman de parted Monday lor Texas, where they will remain for Ihe balance of tho w inter. Mr. and Mrs. il'lnian think a great deal of the. Texas climate in the winter season. Mrs. A. L. linker and daughter, Miss Onha. returned home from their Clay Cenler visit Monday. Tbev report a very pleasant time at Ihe home of Mr. Maker's sister in ("lav Cenler; also at the homes of Uncle JamcH Hoot nnd Dr. Davis in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Mooreland and rhildren returned from Worth county, Missouri, (ho fore part of the week, where they went to spend the holidays wilh Mr. Monrcland's parents. They re port a very pleasant lime. William Sporer, when he came down town Monday morning? Did you ask him what the occasion was? and did he tell you that it was a boy? The mother and lit tle one are getting along nicely. The little one was born on Sunday morning. The Murray State bank has cer tainly made a great change in ap pearance during the past few weeks, and it certainly shows a decided improvement. Cashier Hoedeker has re-arranged the fixtures and given them a new, coat of paint, placed new linoleum on the floor, and, generally speak- ; ing, a great improvement has been made. The services closed at the Christian church last Sunday, night. The series of meetings proved very successful, as a great deal of interest was manifested and twelve new members were ad- ! (led to the church. Rev. llollings- I worth is n very able minister and delivered some excellent sermons.: There will be services at this church next Saturday evening; also Hie usual services on Sun day. Mrs. Wilhur Countryman, re siding about eight miles west of Murray, lias hecu quite sick for Ihe past few days. Miss Walsh, who has been at the Wurl home for the past few days in charge of the pneumonia case of the little Wurl baby, was released Wednes day, and inunedialely placed by Dr. Gilmour at the Countryman mime, miss waish lias proven herself a nurse with great ex perience and no doubt Mrs. Countryman will soon be restored to her former health. a very pleasant evening with Frank Moore and family. Miss Isabella Young went to Omaha Wednesday evening to meet her sister and htllc daugh ter, Mrs. Warren Wiley of Plain- view, who arrived in Murray Wed nesday night for a few weeks' visit with home folks We Have It for You! Just What You Want You need it! Ceme to us for it! WHAT? the CZS c ' Tuesdav, after a few days' vaca tion with home folks. Mrs. Adda Stokes and son, Guy, attended the anniversary dinner New Year's day at Mr. and Mrs. Steve Copenhaver's. The Christmas prom-am and tree given by Miss Birdie Johnson al the Pleasant Hill schol house was a grand success. Walter Woliver left for his home in Morehead, Iowa, Mondav evening after a week's visit wilh his uncle, I). A. Young and family. Mr. ami Mrs. M. I'. Fleming were visiting al the home of Mrs. Levi Rusterholtz and Charles lleehner during the Christmas week. The Ladies' Aid society of the Christian church will meet at the home of Mrs. William Rice and daughter, Mrs. Lucille Young, on it-v Wednesdav afternoon al 2 o'clock. Miss Maude Ruslerholt, has re signed her position as teacher in the Murrav schools, owimr to ill- health. Mrs. J. F. Hrendel lias ac cepted the position for the balance of Ihe term. Mrs. Stephen Heekner, who look so senonslv ni at l tie Home or tier mother, Mrs. Levi Rusterholtz. Christmas evening, had improved ulllcientlv to be removed to her own home last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Art Copeuhaver returned from their trip to Girade, Kas., Saturday so I hey could be present at a New Year's dinner .riven by Mr. and Mrs. Steve Copenhaver. A great many friends and relatives were present. Miss Menola Perry, Mrs. Matlie Wiles, Glenn and Elbert Wiles, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Vallery, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Riser were some of the Mvnard people that attended the Trier Sisters' concert Mon day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lovell entertained the following friends and relatives at New Year's din ner: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grauf and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Hordman and family and Mr, and Mrs. John Hansen. A fine time was had by all. Mrs. Ivor Slandish and daugh ter, Gladys, of Almena, Kansas, who were here spending tho holt days with her parents, returned home Tuesdav of this week. Her brother, Charles Read, nnd two children accompanied her home for a couple of weeks' visit. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Oldham of Calcarv. Canada, was the truest of H. L. Oldham and familv Saturday and Sunday of this week. They left Canada Christmas eve and re ported tine weather until they came into Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Oldham left for Heaver City to visit another brother. They will return here before leaving for their home. Elevator Meeting. The Farmers' Elevator company held their annual meeting in Mur ray Tuesday of this week. This meeting is held for Ihe transac tion of all business matters that may come before the company, the election of new olPcers and the pavnient of all dividends that were earned during the year. .The old oll'cers were re-elected, as fol lows: J. R. Vallery, president ; W. D. Wheeler, vice president; W. H. Puis, secretary; Herman Reike, treasurer, and W. E. Dull, man nirer. The above officers, except the manager, compose the board j of directors, with the addition of J. W. Edmunds, Chas. Spangler and Win. Sporer. About a year ago an .extra assessment was levied upon the members, and at this meeting 7 per cent interest was paid on all Ihe shares and the extra assessment was paid. Hesides this the company shows a very substantial growth of earn ings, which was left in the treas ury in case it stiouul lie needed within the next year. Manager Dull, wilh the assistance of the balance of the ollicers, has con ducted the affairs of the company in a very able manner during the past year, and he was unanimous Iv chosen to till Ihe same place for another term. IVI. II, DAVIS STORE BEGINNING PROMETLY AT 2:30 All Outings; per yard 6c Calico, per yard 4c 50c Underwear 35c 35c " 20c the afternoon a delicious lunch was served. Partners for lunch were secured by matching apples, which were cut in fancy shapes. Those present were: Mae Loughridge, Esther and Grace Fight, Margaret Spangler, Mat tie, Helen and Edith Gapen, Nita Cook, Eva LaRue, Ruth Hamilton, Esther Rice, Vera llatchett and Elsie Gapen; Chester Minnier, Martin and Chester Spores, Ever ett Spangler, Virgil and Russell Perry, Ralph Kennedy, Waller Hamilton, Virgil McDaniel, George Jenkins, Oscar and Oliver Gapen. Social Gathering. Mesdames G. 11. Spangler, H. G. Todd, Addie Stokes and W. S. Smith entertained the Thimble Hee club al the home of the former. These ladies deserve the cup lor excelling all other Thim ble Ilees in numbers, over sixty being present, and beside they have the honor of entertaining the onlv man that has been brave enough to invade these gather ings. Not but what the men would be welcome, but they inust think that Ihe clamour ami din is too much for their sensitive (?) nerves. The afternoon was spent in needle work and at 1:30 sand wiches, pickles, cream chicken, coffee, frnppe and cake were served. The treasury of the mis sionary society was increased by over SFo. Christmas Dinner. There was a large crowd gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Read on Christmas day to partake of an excellent dinner prepared by Mrs. Reed and her two daughters. All of the children and grandchildren and other relatives were present. Those invited were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Creamer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Mutz, Geo. Unit, Chas. Reed and children, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tigner and children. Mrs. Iver Slandish and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Hyron Read and family. Trier Sisters' Concert Co. New Year's evening the Trier Sisters gave an excellent enter tainment in the Presbyterian church. The night was cold, but the sleighing good, and tho single admissions amounted to more than any previous lyceum number given in the the years that they have been conducted in Murray, the amount being $2(5.50. Every seat in the church was taken. Four of these girls were twins and the resemblance was very strong. Their entertainment was very high class; they recently studied under Frank Root of Chicago. This makes Ihe seventh year on Ihe lvceuni platform for the com- pany. People in general feel well paid for attending. Dance a Disappointment. The dance billed at the Jenkins' hall for last Saturday night was a great disappointment to the large crowd that gathered there for the usual good time. Harmon Broth ers, from Avoca, who wero to fur nish the music, attempted to drive up, and lost their way and wandered over this section of the country for many hours, arriving at Murray about midnight. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Churchill were prevailed upon to furnish the music for about an hour of dan cing just before midnight. Many had gone home before this hour, however. If you. haven't the time to ex ercise regularly, Doan's Rcgulcts will prevent constipation. They induce a mild, easy, healthful ac tion of the bowels without griping. Ask your druggist for them. 25 cents. WOMEN, sell Guaranteed hose; 70 per cent profit. Make $10.00 daily. Full or part time. Begin ners investigate. Strong Knit, Box 1029, West Philadelphia, Pa. Guaranteed not to sag. It is cheaper than steel nnd will last fully n8 well. Come and tot one. EDMUNDS & BROWN, Murray, Nebraska A Very Ploassnt Party. Last Friday about thirtv invited miests assembled at the home of Miss Flsie Gapen, where a very pleasant evening was spent. Games were indulged in and were ureal Iv enjoyed by all. Music was furnished by Misses Ola Kaffen berger, Elsie Gapen, Muriel Hen ton,' Rachel Livingston and Eva Porter. Miss Clara Young favor- Improvements at Nl. P. The M. P. station at Murray is sure beginning to don the garb of a genuine railroad point, as Agent Scott has been given two assist ants, who arrived al Ihe new point of dutv this week. One of them is G. H. Benedict, who hails from Jt. Louis, Mo., and the oilier is S G. Yabcll. who has been wilh the coiinianv for some time. The new block svstem that will soon be inautruraled on this division of the M. I'. is Ihe cause for Ihe necessity of more help at this point. The lime for the men will be cut into three shifts. Mr. Scolt. who will look after the telegraph business, works from t to .1, and the oilier two men work nine hours each. DO YOU KNOW THAT -J, H. COOK- carries a full line of FRESH and CURED 5 Fresh Bread, Cakes and PissI 3 Jv&wwwwwwwwwwwVi"! (he company with two of her Entertains Birthday Party. Oliver Gapen entertained twen-tv-four of his young friends last Saturday afternoon, the occasion being his 13th birthdav anniver sary. Games were played and greatly enjoyed by all. During Also a nice line of Con fectionery and Cigars. McDaniel Old Sland MURRAY, NEBRASKA