The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 04, 1912, Image 4

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    The- Plattsmouth - Journal
CZZD Published Seml-Weeklj at Plattsaioutti, Nebraska g "
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Entered at the PcstofTice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class
Happy Now Year.
Hon't afil to write it l'Jl'J.
Did you ( ti rn over a new loaf?
Champ Clark swims to he very
Sympathy is I lie way you foci
when you are glad thai it didn't
happen lo you.
Dili you resolve. ni)t, lo do any
'kicking" in (012? I f you did,
si j k lo your (ext.
"Tliiof rolis Christmas lire."
Why look further for I he meanest
man in I ho world?
Nebraska has $527,tr 1.22 sur
plus at I ho close of I ho, year in
I ho slate depositories.
If at llrst you don't Kuecood you
will Hud plenty of pimple ready to
tell you why you failed.
When a man is looking for
trouble ho linds all kinds of Kuide
posts set up along the road.
"Trusts pictured as a bene
factor." Surely the point, must
have been whitewashed.
Senator l,n Kollelto declares the
people are "above the courts," and
it iH believed lie includes even the
higher courts.
The modern hustle for money
suggests that some people have
forgot ton (hat I he present styles
for shrouds have no pockets.
From the way some of (ho poli
ticians talk you would think (iod
was under the special protection
of their party.
From the number- of diaries be
ing started now future historians
will tl in I ample material regard
ing teh llrst ten days in January.
The supreme court is trying to
reduce the cost of litigation. This
is right. Public amusements
should bop rovided at popular
It costs a good deal nowadays to
smuggle goods through the New
York customs house, but some
people think the publicity's worth
the money.
A Boston .nan has worked out
a system of how to know a perfect
baby." It needs no system to tell,
however, when one has a perfectly
good pair of lungs.
The compalint is made that on
account of all this muck-raking
you can't borrow any money.
Nothing is left hut the awful
alternative of going to work.
Mr. Taft has been asked to
intervene between Italy md Tur
key, but probably he has had all
he could do to maintain order at
the New York peace mooting.
The voters are hemming more
independent every day and they
will vole for whom Ihey please,
regardless of the dictations ,f the,
"high-up" professional poli
ticians. :o:
Judge Jesse. 1,. Uoot. will sit for
the last time with the supreme
court when that body convenes
next Tuesday, lie will not partici
pate in any new cases and
opinions which ho has prepared
will bo filed before ho leaves tlityng divorced from his money is
offlfle. Lincoln Journal. quite another matter.
More snow but loss cold.
California is found to have
070,1 40 women eligible to vote,
and only rn:,i(io men. Isn't that
Taft is almost a "dead duck"
now, and if he should veto the
pension bill thai would I'm is li him
"The will of Hie citizens is the
host law," said I. a Follelto at
Toledo, Ohio, I lie other day. Well,
isn't thai, right?
In view of I he alarming ten
dency of the people lo vole, as Ihey
darn please, the nation looks for
ward lo Hie presidential year of
l'.M2 wilh feelings of appre
hension. :o:
Mr. Sherman says he is willing
lo be vice president again. We
don't see how Sunny Jim will
ever got on in the world, if he will
continue lo live this life of idle
ness. - :o:
"Taft's peace, plan riddled by
Teddy." lloosevelt declares the
United States can't afford to arbi
trate questions of vital interest
and national honor. Teddy must
have a knife, up bis sleeve.
La Follelte is insurging
through through Ohio. He may
not boa bio to dine, as often and
as extensively as Taft, but his
speeches evoke much more ap
plause. :o: .
New York wants the democratic
national convention. Which is
satisfactory enough to the poli
ticians, but the rank and He of
the democrats fear New York is
loo close lo Wall street.
Five hundred dollars is offered
for the best poem mi Ihe bailie of
Itrooklyn. Most f the com
petitors will no doubt write about
their experiences trying lo pel, a
car running across the bridge.
A pargrapher having remarked
that a woman with a hobble skirl
reminded him of an umbrella
poorly rolled up, some Indian rises
, mnnpk thnt nu umbnIla fnn bp
shut up.
"Don't be a Benedict Arnold to
your party," urges one of the
slandpat republican papers in the
western part of Nebraska. Now,
wo want to know what Benedict
Arnold ever done to the repub
lican party?
The Springfield (Mass.) Repub
lican says a taste for walking is
better than twenty motor cars. As
the only advantage of walking is
that it gives you good health, it
will never be really popular.
;o : .
The farmers who iliwenuu tii.
,.; r I,,,,, . .
------ M - V VI O II V
1 """iii sun u Ki'l UOWn i i ii
back of H,e I. ... , , ' "r""'1 'InMuspoclor, and those who
na k oi i tie horse sheds where u i
. Hunk so Will find out ililTVronllv ii
Ik in,. 1 1 f Mi i :
i'iuu-1- i nn ()V ' near .
Miein comliining m restraint of
nesia now th.valons to double I
H.o duties on tfn.U f ,;J
'"".ilry. She seems lo realize (he'
great benefits of mvinR Vour
nose in order to inakeVour cheek'
iai doodwni will have lo is elected
ins divorced wife, Edna Goodrich,'
M(i, (()(). Nat doesn't 1 1 1 i T l I lininrr
.divorced from hi. wiva i,. ....
Mr. lloosevelt gets 500 letters a
day. We trust bo shows due in
loresl in his correspondence by
waiting around Hie postotliee
while the postmaster is popping
them into his box.
If political bosses shall dictate
who shall act in the capacity of
public servants, regardless of the
public welfare, Hum we may well
impiire of the prospects of free
institutions. The public welfare
requires the service of the gov
ernment established for the peo
A congressman has discovered
iiiiother one of our treaties with
Russia that ought to be abrogated.
Ho insists that if we are going to
quit playing with Husisa we ought
to get out of Russia's back yard
enl iroly.
:o :
Says the Nebraska City Press
(repO : "if j.a Follette should
carry Nebraska at the primaries
iiexl spring how long would it
lake Vic Hosowater, ). J. Market t
and K. M. Pollard lo.jump into the
band-wagon ?"
More money has boon expended
in Hie year l'Jtl in public and
private improvements in Platts
mouth than any town of its size
in eastern Nebraska, and we would
be only too glad lo be assured of
Hie fact that we will do as well in
Hie year 1912.
A Kansas woman has written a
book entitled, "Hell Up to Date."
Wonder bow she got her line on
the doings of Pulto's will domain?
Next thing you know will be that
some Kansan is going to abolish
boll. That would put a whole lot
of preachers out of business.
:o :
The democrats should select
the strongest candidate for gov
ernor and nominate him at the
primary in April. Hon. John II.
Morohoad, wo believe, is the
strongest one announced so far,
and being a gentleman of con
siderable ability, we believe he will
make a governor thai the parly ,
would bo proud of,
Hon. II. I). Sutherland has tiled
for congress in Ihe Fifth district
on the democratic, ticket. This
sol lies Ihe fact that Mr. Suther
land will not bo a candidate for
governor. Under I he present fun
di I ion of ufTairs, with Mr. Suther
land out of the race for governor,
it almost insures the nomination
of Hon. John 11.' Morohoad of
llichardson county.
:o: .
Mrs. F.lla Wilson, the woman
mayor of Hunnewell, Kas., has at
last succeeded in gaining control
of the reractory city council and
will now show what a woman can
do at Ihe head of a city. Just be
cause n woman becomes mayor
that's no sign she isn't going to
keep on having her way. Those,
cantankerous councilmen should
have realized this long ago.
The deputy state lire inspector
was here Friday and ho found
'onsiderablo property that was not
properly protected from lire. In a
few days these citizens will re
ceive instructions from head
quarters as lo what to do and Ihey
had better get busy and do it. No
"-..., imsmcss goes wilh (he
. m , , .v.
sorrow. Laws are mmle n,,i
only for your own protection, hut
for your neighbors' also.
, TT .
,"" " ''"""le for.""' ra ne-.Mr,cl, , am, ,ljs
"'TIT, "" 1"UW h is " , lUtlwn "" il '"
T his.,ni'i,r ,,,w v n,aH,Hl 'h' im
ehai,tr ",ul s,ai,,li,, ".an, ! rar.t her in driving (ho people
ni11' "l1 ast o ability lo bold down way from him. The "dollar
the executive chair properly, and
lol he credit of his fi'ieml in on...
question as lo lion's John II. 1
M. ... I
.......uo tiunuj lor covernor
and his general good standing
. with his people, both at Jionie and
Chris (iiiuther lias decided not
lo make the race for governor.
Ho has just entered upon his sec
ond term as district clerk of his
county and says he can't afford to
make the race for governor. Hi;
declination should insure Hu
nomination of Hon. John II. More
head of Falls City. Mr. More-
head is a gentleman, a good
democrat and possesses every re
quirement to make a good gov
Hail the New Year! II will
loach the youngsters lessons of
life thai mayhap will bring sor
rows, hut it will chasten and
purify the mind and unfold the
mystery of existence and thus help
to build up dignified manhood and
glorious womanhood. To Hie old
it will bring rolled ions of Ihe
past, Ihe mistakes (hat have boon
made in (ho cruder days of life
when coin-options of grand ideals
were not laughl in Ihe schools,
not preached from the pulpits, not
wrillen in Ihe books, as we find
Ihins now. It will also loll them
I hat Fal her Time is knocking at
the door and thai soon another
Now Year will (i ml them in Ihe
silenl city of the dead with a
white sentinel standing guard
over their resling place lo remind
the world that they lived, hot us
all so live that when wc pass away
we shall be remembered for the
good deeds we have done in the
body. For "the deeds men do live
after them." Again we sav. Hnnnv
New Year to all.
Ex-(ioverilor Ashton C. Shal-
lenberger presented his thousands
of friends throughout the slate of
Nebraska wilh a very gratifying
Christinas present. On Christ
mas day ho tiled his name with
llii- socrelarv of slnfe :.,,, li.i-.i,.
for the I'nited Slates senate. This
IS grallfvillLT lo Hie irresil limit! ,.f
ptople 111 Nebraska because Ihey
regard Mr. Shallonberger one of
the hriyhlosl luiml.s in Die lnl..
is, to our niiiiil, Ihe .greatest
orator in the slate. lie is tli
,,, (,lllliilitI(. mH, jr sms
the endorse ul of the democrats
al the primary election jn April,
bo cannot bo defeated al Ihe gen
eral election. The Democrat has
stood for Mr. Shallonhergor's
nomination f,,r mure than a year,
believing that he would, in his
own good lime, Illo as a candidate,
and thai, he will make one of the
most forcible campaigns for the
democratic endorsement that
has ever been held in the
stale goes without saying.
ICx-Governor Sballenberger never
had any honors bestowed upon
him without a fight, and he is go
ing to light for this endorsement,
and he is going to win. Buffalo
county is largely in favor of Mr.
Shallenberger and ho will receive
a handsome majority here at the
April primaries. Kearney Demo
crat. -:o:-
The change in public sentiment
toward President Taft since his
inaugural ion is one of the most
marvelous things in the history or
American politics. He came into
power with a united party behind
him and was generally admired by
the press and public, while even
Ihe opposition bad a friendly feel
ing for him. This feeling began
to change when he so p prm iiileil
himself wilh a lot of trust lawyers
as his cabinet advisers. The next
thing that (ended toward il was
his shameless alliance wilh Aki
' nn.M.a,,. His signing of
diplomacy" was such a departure
from Hie fiii'innp liir..ii.. ..f ii...
generally felt ashamed of it. The
coiisiani nroor nun. ih mimm.
istration was distinctly adverse to
'he efforts of Dr. Wiley to prevent
the. poisoning of food for the
benefit of big business arrayed
the whole vast army of American
housewives against him.
Then a number of bills were
prepared at the White house and
sent lo congress wilh the demand
that Ihey should be passed with
out change, which were so direct
ly for Hie benelit of the interests,
especially Ihe bill for the govern
ment of Alaska, that a large part
of his own parly revolted.
Today the president stands
without a following except that
which Ihe big interests give him,
and oven that following is some
what divided. While' there is no
fooling against Taft as a man, his
policies have been such as to
completely reverse the estimation
in which ho was held when in
augurated. World-Herald.
The Northern Hapl isl conven
tion has taken up the question of
making a holler provision for old
ministers. 'Ihey have raised
S-250,000 and expect lo got a $1,
000,000 endowment. Considering
Ihe rather frivolous choice by so
many churches of very young
clergymen, it seems only square
lo do something for Ihe elderly
men who are set aside by this
preference for youth.
It has been said that clergyman
crosses Ihe dead line at 40; that
subsequently he must expect a
lower salary and less command
ing position.
And yet in every other profes
sion a man has hardly more than
acquired a foothold at 40.
The plight of many elderly min
isters at 50 to GO is pathetic.
Their utterance has ncnniroH
ripeness, their counsel worldv
wisdom, and their heart has
learned sympathy with all kinds
of people. Hut because they feel
a lit lie. awkward while nlavinir
liddlo-do-winks al the Christian
Fndeavor social, Ihey are con
demned as lacking magnetism. Of
course, on (he other hand, the
more closely a minister keeps to
his nung people, the more he will
look al things from their point of
view, and the more he can interest
County, N'eliruskn.
In the Matter of the lCtttate of Lena
Welshelt, UeeeaKetl.
This oHiiKo mine on for henrlnK upon
Hie petition of Herman Luetehens, ex
ecutor of the estate of Lena Welshelt,
deceased, praying for a license to sell
the northeast riuarter of Section 1'
Township 10. Kange 10, Kast of the 6th'
I. M., In Casg County, Nebraska, or a
sufllclent amount of the same to brine
the sum of ll.i'OO.OO, for the payments
of debts allowed ugalnst said estate
and cost of administration and special
devises In the will of said deceased
there not IipIiiit miiHil.., norunoi
erty to pay such debts, expenses and
urv inra,
It H thorefn
-. ; mm uii per
sons Interested In said estate appear
nernrA mn a. .. .,n.... t ....
. ..... . ,,,T uluc in wie Louri
Jno"". 01 1 Ja,Ul,"iouth, Nebraska, on the
v . 1 uuiiuury, at io o'clock
. , t0. lhow cause wly a license
should not be granted to said executor
.v. . i biu rem estate as above de
scribed of said deceased or as much
thereof as may be necessary to pay
";""-. "ems unci expenses.
It la rt rprlnH 11, nt ...I. ' .. l
LH,,erd., ,?ur we Prior to said date In
the Plattsmouth Journal, a newspaper
or,,, -nri-my hi i-iaitsmouth.
Nebraska, and of general circulation
In said Cass County.
Dated this 6th day of December, 1911,
Junge of the District Court
D. O. DWVKH Attorney.
C. S. ALDUICH, Attorney. TO Sllriw i kinv
In the matter of the estate of Adam
Ingram, deceased:
TliiM onuKe camo on for hearing upon
... , . ...I..,, ... r.uwniu Ingram, adm n
strator of thn n.iitn ,r a,i... ,
rleceased, praying for a license to sell
the west half of the northwest quarter
and the southeast quarter of the north
west quarter In i section 19, township
12. range 12, In Cass county, Nebraska,
or a suillclcnt amount of the same to
miiiK me num or K'MI.OO Tor the nav
ments of debt n 1 1, i ...,i...
... nn. SH 111
estate and the rust of administration.
...... iu ,ny uie expenses or these
proceedings, there not being sulnclent
Personal nroiiorlv t.i imv ......i. ......
and expenses.
It Is therefore, ordered that all per
sons Interested In snld estate, appear
before me nt mi v olllce In the court
house, nt l'lnttsinouth, Nebraska on
the 20th day (,f January, l'.ll:', nt 10
o'clock a. m., to show cause whv a lic
ense shsoulil not be granted to such ad
ministrator to srll so much of the above
described real estate, or all of the same
of snld deceased us sl all he necessary
to pav s;ild debts and expenses
It Is further directed that this order
he published for four successive weeks
prior to snld dnv In the Plat tsmout ii
Seml-Wrekl V Journal, n lii'Mspaner
published nt Plattsmouth, Nebraska
and of general circulation In said Cass
Dated this 4th diiv of December 1911
,T,.,l-P "f the District Court.
D. O. DWYKIt. Attorney
Do you know that fully nine out
of every Ion enses of rhenmnlisni
are simply rheumatism of the
muscles duo to cold or damp, or
chronic rheumatism, and require
no internal treatment whatever?
Apply Chamberlain's Liniment
freely and see bow quickly it
gives relief. For sale by V. O.
Fricke A Co.
Herman Greeder,
Graduate Vctcniary Surgeon
(Formerly with U. S. Department
Licensed by Nebraska State
Calls Answered Promptly
Telephone 378 White, Plattsmouth
Do You want an
If you do, pet one who has
Experience, Ability, Judgement.
Telegraph or write
Dunbar, Neb.
Datea made at this oTha or tha
Murray State Bank.
Rates Reasonable
Lands for Sale.
HO acres in southeast Green
wood county, Kansas; fenced and
cross-fenced; 80 acres of rich
creek bottom land in cultivation,
balance finest native prairie grass
(limesoil). Fair 5-room house
stabling, etc. Some bearing or
chard. Lots of fine living water;
which is furnished by a large
creek which runs through north
side of ranch. Creek is skirted
wilh timber; cattle come off grass
into deep water. This is consider
ed to be one of the best little stock
ranches in the county. School
close by; fine smooth road to
town. Just 5 1-2 miles from
" i , i f U IT
quick sale $18 per acre buys this
i'iO acres; no trade taken on this.
Has a mortgage of $3500 that has
yet three years to run. $4420 buys
the equity. Nothing better for the
money. Give me to your friend if
you don't want me, I must sell.
W. A. Nelson, Real Estate
Hroker, Fall River, Greenwood
County, Kansas.
Another Assistant for the M. P.
Business with the M. P. has
picketl up during the fall and win
ter at the Plattsmouth station and
the shifts at the station, which
were reduced to two some months
ago, have again been increased to
three. Mr. Norton has been work
ing to this end for some time, and
has had his efforts rewarded by
having Frank Barkus appointed
third trick man, his duties begin
ning January 1. Frank is
Plattsmouth young man and eon
of Mrs. Dr. Barnes of this city,
and has many friends here who
are pleased that he has secured
this excellent position.
Medicines that aid nature, are
always most effectual. Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy acts on this
plan. It allays the cought, relieves
the lungs, opens the secretions
and aids nature in restoring the
system to a healthy condition.
Thousands have testified to its
superior excellence. Sold by F. G.
Fricko & Co.
tar dim.
The Best Flour in the
Market. Sold by all
Leading Dealers
Ir-ei Better,
8 Miles South of Plattsmouth
(the Old Martin Farm)
has installed a Saw Mill on his place
jind is prepared to furnish hard lum
ber of all kinds, nosta nnd rhnnt
arAll orders promptly filled, and
also solicited