The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 21, 1911, Image 4

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    The- Plattsmouth - Journal
rr Published Semi-Weekly at Plattsmouth, MebrasKa kj
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Entered at the l'oBtolIice at Platlsrnouth, Nebrabka, as second-class
Attorney (iencral Wirkershain
sas that I hi.' Sherman law is all,
Ilichartl I.. Metcalfe, Charles Y.
right, lint he should have waited j pnl.e and J. 11. Morehcad have I to
The thing Unit goes. Ihe farthest
towards making life worth
Thai costs Ihc least and does the
most, is just a pleasant
The smile that huhhles from a
heart that loves its fellow
Will drive away the cloud of
gloom and coax I he sun
It's lull of worth ami goodness,
loo, with manly kindness
I. luil ;
It's worth a million dollars, and
it doesn't, cost a cent.
.Indue field says he will not. run
for congress.
Secretary I. a t'ollellc sees hope
in (he ioldeu Utile.
Chicago gets Ihe republican na
tional convention, ami it will con
vene on the UH.h of June.
Christ mas childhood's
Another rebellion is brewing in
Mexico, and another clash is ex
pected lo loom ui at any moment.
"tin earth peace, good will to
ward men." Ah, isn't that a
heauliful sentiment. And this is
Christinas week.
All kinds of trouble in gelling
anyone lo make the steam roller
go this winter, in spite of all the
machinists I here are in- this
The fellows thai were In the
wrong are the ones I ha! cry, "Let
hy-gones hi' forgotten!" The
lime has arrived when they want
If you must do your shopping
the night before Christmas, don't
ask Ihe salespeople lo deliver a
lecture on the goods. Shut your
to .-ee what it is going to do in the
trial of the Chicago packers.
And now it is said that, a for
mer chaplain of the 1'nilcd Stales
army, angered at his discharge,
dynamited a fori. This dynamite
habit is fast becoming a nuisance.
"Not a word about Harm's, "
says Mr. Iloosevclt, and his
silence is significant. Harnes
must he pretty had if Iloosevclt is
unable to li ml words suitable lo
his case.
Joe Folk of Missouri is not cut
ting very much of a swath right
now in the presidential race, hut
watch out for returns later on. It
isn't always the noises!, fellows
I hat win out.
'l'o Nebraska landlords: The
Virginia law compelling hotels to
furnish (heir beds willi sheets
eight feet long has been declared
uneonslilulional. The supreme
courl ripped it in I wo.
:o :
Kvcry mine disaster should
mean Ihe taking of greater pre
cautions for the protection of life
at other mines. It ought to, but
piest hours is now upon us. Ile
niember those children who have
no way of getting presents.
Dynamiting used to be reckoned
fine of our safest sports, hut un
der the new Hums' rules it may
heroine as dangerous as football.
:o :
The McNaniaras won't tell what
they know about 111'1 dynamite
jobs. Anyone smart enough to
commit murder has a loyal friend
Tal'l. still clings to (lie llusisan
frcaly of 1 k: j, apparently for the
same reason Unit, he hung lo Bal
linger and (he l'a ne-Aldrieh
Willi Ihe ilyuamile jury con
vening at Indianapolis, we are
prepared to give some evidence as
to what the small ho.v lei oil'
July I.
Justice Hughes declines to have
his name used tor president, hut
as he forgol In get it copyrighted
some newspapers keep on print
ing it.
ft, lino scientists meet soon at
Washington. Is it safe for all
1hese scientists lo lake these long
journeys about Ihe country with
ml, their wives?
A woman's Hall of fame lias
heeii made up by the Illinois Fajual
flights association, and we fail to
And a single dressmaker or mil
liner in Ihe hunch.
:o: i
John V. Hill of Maine has been
made chairman of the republican
national connniltee, ami Tuft's
ro-cleclion is now up lo him an
tip-Hill lask, its it were.
Many cities are competing for
the national ('(inventions. There
is a widespread desire to take an
influential part in Ihe conventions
by howling in the galleries.
:o :
"Ihe people,', says Congress
man vie Murdock, "yearn for
fncts." And it is recalled that Mr.
Murdock used to be one of the
cry best reporters in Kansas.
California will probably make
women eligible to any of their
Herlivp This is simply
xlending their scope as family
irovrrnors to a slnte-wide scale.
:o : 1
Have you subscribed lo ihe Y.
M. C. A. fund? If you have not
you ought to do so right away.
Tou will never have an oppor
tunity to give to a more worthy
eyes, pay down your money, grab it doesn't. (lived makes count
ami run. less thousands mourn.
:o :o:
Will Ihe eight traveling gov- And Ihe Star of Helhlehem
ernors be salislied with llapjacks keeps calling lo you: "Wise Man,
and maple syrup after they get Wise Man! fiat her your gifts and
home, or will they demand 1 tint K f"i'lh in Ihe name of the Lord
their wives reproduce the cooking lo the manger wheresoever the
of Ihe (ireat While Way? Child awaits your coming."
:o: :o:
tl is now positively assured that Aldrich has about come to the
(leoige W. Merge will llle for gov- conclusion that he is not big
ernor. Well, (here will be no (lis- "'-b f"' foiled Slates senator,
count on (ieorge making a good nd will run again for governor,
race and also a good governor, if ; position that he has not proven
elected. able to hold down as it should be.
:o: :o:
The fellows who now wanl to Jniues M. McCreary was gov-
I brow Tall overboard and lake on ernor of Kenlucky thirty-six years
I'edily insl 1 seem lo have for- n Tuesday of last week he
gotten that it was he'wllo gave iishMit inaugurated Kentucky's chief
Chiitire.'t Cry far FJeichor's
Hilly. They can't vcrv well gel. eecui lve again. I hey no come
.... . . - . Ill ('ii i i - i . . , . i . i
rut the lie .Jonah in ha manner, oaeiv, iioiw iiiisian.img nr. usicr s
. .... , .,
,) rcif nran'd wieory
An Oklahoma pauper look the :o-
on oil' an old wooden h-ir that had Hon. John II. .Morehead of
. . . . . . I I . 1 I ......... i . . . . 1 i
n lell turn bv a friend am uanisou t ounij seems to ne in
found SI (i.doo hidden in a cavity
therein. Here was one leg that.
was puMcii o splendid advantage'.
President Tafl is sending in
messages on Hie serial slorv
plan, luil we musl remind him
Ihe lead, so far, for Hit; nomina
tion for governor. If there should
be no oilier candidates, '.Mr. More-
head will sure be Ihe next demo
cratic candidate for governor of
:o :
Christmas next Monday. Just
thai eight volume novels are no
longer included 'among Ihe six ,IV(' mi,ro t,;'s n which to do your
best sellers. shopping. Hut don't wait till Ihe
:o; lasl day lo do it. The rush is not
No om can feel just exactly 1110 I'111' to f'1 Jut what you
right in giving out presents that want, (live the clerks a chance to
they have purchased out of town, show you the goods. You can't
No one can enjoy his Christmas " I"' waited on nt once.
dinner so well after knowing how
wrong he has been in not buying
his presents of the home mer
chant. :o:
i nere are no more aceom-
modaling merchants in any town
in the west than right here in
Plait smoulh. They never refuse
Those Chicago packers have any honest person credit, and it is
been called the kings of meal. It not right for people to go to
should be remembered, however, Omaha lo do their Christmas
dial .government prosecutions shonning. where thev have In nnv
have been trying, hard, but have the cash ami (hen ask Ihe home
not yet succeeded in making merchants lo credit thent for Ihe
mincemeat of them. necessaries of life.
-:o: :o:
l'lie war now seems to have " should appear to every
been declared between Victor I ri'a.sonalilo citizen that when a
Itosewater and Senator Norris '"''I'thaiit credits them for the
Hrovvn. Victor demands Ihe tin- necessaries of life when they
conditional surrender of Senator have not got the money to pay for
Hrown's "pie fort" or (ho big gun "1,,n- ou should respect his
will he touched off with disastrous Fondness to you at least to the
elVect. Can Senator Hrovvn have extent of buying your supplies of
the nerve to face the coming as- "ini when you have the money, and
sault by Victor on "Fort Pie?" ' Fo away from home to buy
1 :o: . those articles which should be
Hear in mind Mm bund concert bought at home. People are. go
at the Parmele theater Thursday '"F to Omaha lo buy Christmas
night, December L'8, and also re- Foods that ought lo leave the
member that everybody wants lo mon,,' those who have ac
attend. (live the boys a big mnnnodated them when they had
house. They deserve every dollar nn money to pay for goods. It i9
they can gel. Remember the con- m right, and they know it.
certs are given for the purpose of :o:
securing means lo purchaso new Forest Rose Flour. The next
uniforms. Remember the dale lime 'oun(,(,d or flour try
i , t, rv , & sack, ou will And it the. best
Thursday night, December 28. on the markeU
come candidates for the dcino
rratie nomination for governor at
Hie primary election to he held in
April next year. The Democrat
cannot regard all of these can
didates in the saint! favorable
light. Mr. Metcalfe, who is the
most able ami, perhaps, the best
qualified lo till the oliice of the
three candidates named, is, with
out question, the most illogical
candidate because he would enter
the race at the general election
the weaker candidale. The
esteemed vv orid-iieraiil takes a
false view of the situation when it
asserts the opposition lo Mr. Met
calfe comes only from the Lincoln
News. The Lincoln paper has call
ed attention to an immovable con
dition and the Worbl-IIerald can-'
not improve that condition by
showing a magnanimous spirit to
ward him.
There are thousands of demo
crats in Nebraska who, not stop
ping to consider the right or the
wrong of their action, won hi play
the game of politics with regard
to Mr. Metcalfe that he played the
democratic parly lasl year. II
sounds pleasing lo Ihe ear to hear
a man say that "all is forgiven
and forgotten," but the cold fact
still abides in his heart that he
really believes that "all is fair in
the game of politics." Last year
Mr. Melcarfe took the stump and
advocated Ihe election of a repub
lican governor. The democratic
candidale has as many party
friends as Mr. Metcalfe. II would
be unreasonable lo say that they
volid support the man who so
recently sent them to defeat. It
is an unnecessary error to assert
I iial they will do so and thereby
become a parly in bringing about
anolher defeat similar to the om
brought about last vear.
"Willi all due respect to the
World-Herald, ami the kindliest
tel lings toward Mr. Metcalfe, we
believe il is wrong from every
point of view, under the existing
circumslanees, lo encourage or
asisi in .nr. .Mi'iraile s candidacy,
ess you desire llie re-election
of (lovernor Aldrich, who will be
the republican candidale Ihc
same man who was good enough
for Mr. Metcalfe one year ago.
The wise thing to do is to ad
vocate and secure Hit! nomination
oi a man vuo can enter the race
free-handed and not the especial
enemy of any of these entangling
factions; who is clean, a rep
resentative of the people ant not
haml-l ieil or longue-t ied. We be
lieve I hat man is Thomas W.
Smith of York county. Tom
Smith is just a plain, everyday
democrat, not anlagnislic to any
factional elements, forcible per
sonality, strong executive ability,
clean character and successful in
every undertaking in life. If the
democrats of Nebraska desire to
win in the state next year, they
must be led by a man at the head
of t ho stale ticket who was not a
conspicuous party lo turning the
slate over lo the republicans last
year. Kearney Democrat.
v -l l. vj t rt-.'x i. j u.i i i t fl .'.
v.--A vi7f i v.t-j i j v; a n v-i i-j r-
The Kind You Have Always Keuht, and v.hicL Ii.v. been
In 'use for over 30 years, has borne tlio sir,nuit;re of
and. has been maJo nnder li's jcr-
, sonal supervision hinco its Luriey.
Allow no ono to deceive you m this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but
UxiM'rinicnts that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children F.xperieneo against Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Casiorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Socthin Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor Other Karcotic
substance. It: age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worm
and nllaya I'everishncss. Jt euros IIarrhea and AVlnd
Colic. It relieved Teething- TrouMes, cures Constliatlon
and I-'Iatulcncy. It asuhuiin tc the Food, regulates the
K'.uniitc!) and Dowels, frivln;? healthy a::d natural sleen.
The Children's Panacea- The- Slather's Friend.
mrjyjNE CASTORIA always
f IS
Bears the Signature of
The Kind Yosi Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
y!"? ft!! m
neighborhood and try to help any
one who may be heartless and
hopeless on the day that should
bring joy to all.
Let Us Look Over Neighborhood
and Try to Help Anyone Who
Doserves Assistance.
"Poverty" writes us asking,!
"Ilovv shall I give my wife the em
broidered sofa pillow that she
wants for (Ihrislinas, when I have
noil hoc cash nor credit?"
To this Ihe more obvious reply
is lh;il if "Poverty" has neither
ash nor credit he would much!
heller pul any money lie may be'
able lo scrape up into a good I
opiaro meal for his family, which i
is probably hungry, than inlo(
luxuries . like sofa pillows. And;
yet, are the poor to be denied all j
display of sent intent ? Is the man
who can bandy support his fam
ily wasting his substance and en-
I i I l,i,l I,. III,. i..,lnil.-n ,.f Ho. I
llll.ll III' l nil n. in III, lllKlll.
visitor, if he spends -Tt cents for
a tiny tree ami a dollar for a few
trinkets for the wife and chil
dren? After all, Ihe poor need
Ihe glamor of sentiment even
more than anyone else, lo cover
up the sordid grind of a losing
The majority of our people are
so comfortable that no family in
our neighborhood ought to lack
on Christmas day either for a
good dinner or for such little gifls
ami finery as will put a song into
Ihe heart of Ihe wife and dance
steps into the feel, of the children.
Let us all look over our own
When in need of typewriter
supplies call at the Journal offic.
Graduato Ve!cniary Surgeon
(Formerly with U. S. Department
Licensed by Hebraska Stale
Calls Answered Promptly
Telephone 378 White, Plattsmouth
Do You want an
If you do, get one who has
Experience, Ability, Judgement.
Telegraph or write
Dunbar, lieb.
Dates made at this office or tha
Murray State Bank.
Rates Reasonable
lii 1
Senator C. M. Skiles of David
City is a probable candidale for
congress in the Fourth district
Senator Skiles is a Cass county
boy, and you know it is always a
hard mailer to keep them down,
especially when they possess
ability and energy, and Judge
Skiles possesses every essential
in this line. If ho concludes lo
make the run he will give Con
gressman Sloan a race for his
Politicians who desire to be
delegates to Ihe national conven
tions should not waste time study
ing up the history of political
parties or of candidates, but
should go out in the back yard
nights and practice prolonged
Try a sack of Forest Rose Flour
tho next time you need flour. Ask
your dealer what he thinks of it.'
When an emergency occurs, whether it be fire,
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In any crisis the telephone will cover miles of
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Telephone service is neither a luxury nor an extrava
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