The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 14, 1911, Image 7

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Men's white hem
stitched handkerchiefs
Men' fine guuge black
or tan hose . '
Men's plain white ini
tial handkerchiefs . . .
Men's silk handkerchiefs
with plain colored bor
ders and silk initials . .
Men's garters in fancy
Christmas boxes
hi y n
Men's silk four-in-hand,
string or made upl
Men's pure silk hose
in assorted shades . . : .
Men's pearl tie holders,
stick pins and cuffftrp
buttons. . ZUu
Men's Fitnek mufflers, all
shades, in neat Christ-fir-mas
boxes J"
Men's suspenders in hand-
so me Christmas
Necktie Stirrups.SI.Qf) tV
(keeps Ida ties limits ui) V'T
Yes You,
who are reading this
ad now. You, like
most everybody else,
are puzzled to know
what to buy for Christ
mas gifts. As to your
men and boy friends
we can help you out.
We have 101 useful
things that he needs
and would appreciate.
Before you lay aside
this paper loo'; care
fully down the list we
offer and note the rea
sonable prices. Shop
by phone if you can't
get down. Our num
ber is 150.
Men's combination sets of
suspender, garters
or belts
Men's fine dress
Men's Holeproof Sox
(ti pair truant nt wtl for t)
montliS) . .
Men's Manhattans,
ca 0
Men's fine gray flannel
shirts, with military Q j r ft
collar OliOU
Men's full dress mufflers,
white satin lined . .
Men's seal caps. . . JQ
Suit cases andOIC dOwnDj
land grips... ulO to 01
Men's suitsonnfj
and overcoatswfcVi
(Quality Line)
S5 to S18
Men's smoking jack
Men's bath robes.
(full leni.Mli with cord
and tassel)
Men's fur caps
Naws Items Gathered Each Week by a Special Reporter for Thi Department of the Semi-Weekly Journa
Tot Ion in coming.
Do your Christmas buying
Mrs. Charles Woodson is hero
from Omaha.
V. W. Straub returned Monday
from Chicago.
Ward Piltman was at Omaha
one day last week.
Our merchants all report an ex
cellent holiday trade.
Don't fail lo see Tollen next
Tuesday night at Avoea.
Clyde Jenkins was down from
Mauley Tuesday night.
Miss Emma Marquardt was at
Weeping Water Tuesday.
. L. J. Marquai'dl and wife were
Omaha visitors this week.
Louis Ruhge and wife were1
Omaha visitors last Friday.
T. 11. Cromwell was down from
Lincoln several davs last week. I
Sheriff Ouinlon was over from
Platlsmouth last week on bu si
ness. , !
Miss Maude Hanger of Lincoln
is visiting at t n o samuei Johnson
society held an all-day meeting at
the home of Mrs. Chris Nutman
on day last week.
The Sunday schools of both
churches are preparing elaborate
programs to he given Christmas
night at their respective churches.
You are invited to attend the
bazaar given by the Ladies' Aid
society of the Congregational
church Saturday, December 1(, at
the town ball.
Fred Iluhge, Albert sill, Harry
Manpiardt, J. W. Hrendel and (ins
Mohr and John Schmidt were at
Plallsmoulh Tuesday attending
the l!ose-Spearhase trial.
The Tollen company,
number of the Avoea
course, will appear
evening, December 1'.),
and the neighbors were quick to
arrive and give their assistance.
Men's fur
coats. . ,
yE?v r:sss U F ft
seals are now on sale at (lopes'
drug store, (lo get them and go.
The 500 club was entertained
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 11. C.
Mai'Muardt Tuesday evening.
Owing lo a number of the mi'in-
Fine Herd of Galloway Cattle.
The line herd of Calloway cattla
owned and exhibited by Straub
Hrothers, have returned from the
International Live Slock Exposi
tion, which was held in Chicago
from December 2 to !. They had
the meritorious exhibit of Gal
loways al this exposition, the
largest live stock show in the
world. They exhibited five bulls,
winning four llrsts out of the
live. Out of six cow classes they
won four firsts. They won the
third j senior champion cow and junior
lecture I champion bull. This pair has
Tuesday) never been deefaled and have been
Reserved 'the champions wherever exhibited,
they now being the grand cham
pions on the entire show circuit.
Ladylike, the -'-year-old heifer, is
now the grand champion female
two years in succession on the
entire show circuit, including the
I hers being out of town only three j big exposition. In the group
' 1 .. 1. I i! 1 1 . .1 1 ... I I I' 1 '1 lj L' it u IlllilH.t hl'.i nil lt lin Aitl
1 I II .1, 1 11,1 IT I , I ,t III I I 17 I flfc-
The nmiimerienl .-lob nmv b:m ladles were tilled, bul a very
about twenlv-flve wide-awake pleasant evening was passed.
a sister
Mrs. E. n. Quinlon
Monday from a visit w
at Talmage.
Mrs. John ttenecke and daugh
ter, Lydia, were Omaha visitors
1 Wednesday.
Mrs. Frahin of Millard visited
her sisler, Mrs. Dr.
(irsl of the week.
Light refreshments were served.
The Commercial club, which
was organized a few weeks ago,
has begun lo get busy. They arel
Irving to raise enough money for
the erection of a new opera house
in Avoea, and are ineolinir with
great success. Nearlv S'.MiOO has
Kruse the alreadv been subscribed and with
I good prospects for sl'.OOO more.
When Hie commillee calls on von.
and help
boost, as this is something' we
are greallv in need of. We expect.
1 some great things from our Com-
V 1
Facts About Indigestion and Its
Relief That Should Interest
Although Indigestion and
Dyspepsia an; so prevalent, most
people do not. thoroughly under
stand their cause ami cure. There
is no reason why most, people
should not eat anything they de
sire if I hey w ill only chew it
carefully and thoroughly. Many
actually starve themselves into
sickness through fear of eating
every good-looking,, good-smelling,
and good-tasting food, be
cause it does not agree with them.
The best thing to do is to lit
yourself lo digest any good food
We believe we can relieve Dys
pepsia. We are sso confident of
(his fact that we guarantee and
promise to supply the medicine
Tree of all cost lo everyone who
will use it, who is not perfectly
satisfied with the results which it
produces. We exact no promises,
and put no one under any obliga
tion whatever. Surely nothing
rould be fairer. We are located 1 Itexall Store
rigblhere and our reputation
should be sullicieut assurance of
the genuineness of our offer.
We want everyone troubled with
Indigestion or Dyspepsia in any
form to come lo our, store., and
buy a box of Itexall Dyspepsia
Tablets. Take them home and
give them a reasonable trial, ac
cording lo directions. Then, if
not salislied, come lo us and get
your money back. They are very
pleasant to take; they aid to
soothe the irritable stomach, lo
strengthen ami invigoVale the di
geslive organs, and lo promote a
healthy and natural bowel action,
thus leadinir to perfect and
healthy digestion and assimila
tion. A 2"ic package of Itexall Dys
pepsia Tablets furnishes 15 days'
treatment. In ordinary cases,
this is snllh'ient to produce a cure.
In more chronic cases a longer
treatment, of course, is necessary,
and depends upon the severity of
the trouble. For such cases, we
have two larger sizes which sell
for fine ami $1.00. Remember, you
can obtain Rexall Remedies in Ibis
community only at our store The
F. fi. Fricke & Co.
M. W. A. Elects Officers.
The Modern Woodmen of
America met at Iheir hall last
evening and elected olllcers. There
was a large number of the mem
bership present; a smoker was in
dulged in after the transaction of
the routine business and a splen
did lime enjoyed by all present.
The ollicers for the ensuing year
will be: Consul, (). C. Hudson; V.
A., F. J. Libershall; banker. Wil
liam Hassler; clerk, 11. F. Coos;
escort, II. W. Wilcox; watchman,
J. D. Parker; sentry, Jesse Warga;
member of board of managers, A.
J. Heeson.
Copes' drug store is displaying
a line lino of Christmas goods, and 1"I ''""' name ,,n the li
the prices are right.
Lorin Mickel and wife are tin
narenls of a fine baby boy. born
... .......
t'N.inv nr IikI m.4; internal club in Hie near mum
You will find nearly everything Ihey seem lo be a live set, or
you may want for a Christmas boosters.
gift at Copes' drug store. The farm bouse of Mike Ruder
Have you added your name to caught fire in some unknown
the subscription list for a new manner, presumablv by a defect ivt
opera bouse? If not, why not ?
Mrs. James Palmer ami chil
dren of Nehawka were visiting at
the Dunbar home east of town last
Fred Belts ami family have
moved lo (he Sheldon farm, north
of town. Mr. Ttelts will work for
Mr. Sheldon.
The Congregational Ladies' Aid
Hue and was burned lo the ground
Saturday afternoon. Nearlv all of
the furniture was saved, bul (lus
lost all of his clothes and 40 in
money. Mr. Ruder also lost $15
in money. Fntil Ihe house is re
built they will occupy I lie Herman
Union house, owned by Louis
Carslen. Mrs. Ruder gave the
general alarm on Ihe telephone
He comprise the groups, they
made a clean sweep, winning every
Ursl prize offered. In the last
class they led out. three entries,
winning first, second and fourth.
The prizes at Chicago consisted of
twelve firsts, four seconds, one,
four! h ami two champions.
On the show circuit of 101 1
they won over 100 lirsl prizes and
about 40 champions and grand
champions. I.ntMike, .'14011, be
sides being grand champion fe
male of the breed al all the lead
ing stale fairs and expositions of
1010 and DM f , won Hie silver cup
nl the Nebraska stale fair over all
breeds for Ihe best beef animal of
anv age. This herd also von (lit!
silver trophy al Kansas City on
Ihe best ten cattle owned by one
exhibitor. '
The people of Avoea and
vicinity are certainly proud of
Ibis herd, as it has been a big ad
vertisement for Avoea. We ex
lend lo them congratulations for
the success they made during t.lio
season of 191 1. Slraub Urol hers
have been building their herd up
for years and have at last Bid it to
where j is not surpassed by any.
Hogs Wanted.
Will pay the market price for
bogs weighing from 80 to 150
pounds. See J. P. Falter, Coates'
Heavy, impure blood make sa
muddy, pimply complexion, head
aches, nausea, indigestion. Thin
blood makes you weak, pale, sick
ly. Durdock Blood Bilters makes
I lie blood rich, red, pure-restores
perfect health.
Subscribe for the Datly Journal
The Bank of Avoea
Chacter No. 494-
iil the Slate of Nebraska at .tint rinse of busi
ness !(' I'lllblT jlli. I!M I
v$ty ft.
When Ycu Buy Her SILK HOSE Remember
that wc handle the
Ldiiiis and Hkcounts
Overdrafts, secured and tniseeuiTil
Hanking house, furniture and II x-
t u res
Current expenses and (axes paid .
Cash Items
lue from national, stale
and private banks i 23 71 :.1i
Currency 4 f'.'5 no
(iold coin 1 L75 IK)
Silver, nickels and cents .. 1 III stl til KB 15
3 OttO 00
HI 3 04
III 10
That slrikes terror to the entire
household is liie loud, hoarse ami
metallic cough of croup. No inis
laking it, ami fortunate then Ihe
lucky parents who keep Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound on
hand. II. V. Casselinan, Canton,
N. ., says: "II is worlh its weight
in gold. Our little children are
troubled with croup and hoarse
ness; and all we give them is
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound.
I always have a bottle of it in Ihe
house." For sale by F. (J. Fricke
i Co.
Te the Masonic Grand Lodge.
James Hoberlson, (). C. Dovey
and lr. Frank Cummins went as
delegates to the .Masonic. (Irantl
lodge yesterday al Omaha. A
very interesting session was had.
Dr. Cummins ami 0. C. Dovey re
lumed last, evening and Mr. Rob
ertson this afternoon.
Without, opiates or harmful
drugs of any kind Foley's Honey
ami Tar Coniopml slops coughs
ami cures colds. Dn not' accept,
any substitute. For sale by F. (1.
Fricke & Co.
Total I24 m II
flood barn for rent, ("all
the Journal for particulars.
When in need of typewriter
supplies call at the Journal office
ir ooo oo
J.'iO 00
j mi i w
Capital stock paid In
Surplus fund
( ndlvlded proflts
Individual checks, sub
ject tori ieck t;i 0:.'l 4s
Time cert ificates of de
posit 31 itT.7 03
Cashier's checks out-
stauilliiK I ." 00 104 MA CI
DeiKisttor's trunranty fund -'." K
Total I I24 : 11
State of Nkhimska. (
County of Cuss. m I. .los. V. Zlinnierer.
Cashier of the above named bank do hen 'by
swear that the aliove statement Is a correct
nud true copy of the i-eisul made to the Stale
liankliiir Hoard. .los. C.
Attest: . Cashier,
.lohn II. lltisch, lllrcclor
llemy Wohlers, IHrector
Stilwcrlbcd anil sworn lo befoiv me I his Ml
dny of liceeinlier. IWI.
II. c, MAitut'AitPT, Mitnty t'uiiiic.
it fc.WM.Mi
ultima, i
They are full fashioned and have the reputation of the
largest Hosiery House in the country back of them.
Ladies' 50c, $1 , $1 .50 and $2
rVlcn's 50c
Cured In Her Own Home Town.
Kearney, Neb. Mrs. Itelle Har
lan, 1318 8th Ave., tells Ihe way
for her fellow townsmen to be
cured of their kidney and bladder
ailments, as she was cured. "I
had u severe attack of kidney
trouble when f be an I of Foley
K(dney Pills ami look I hem. I
had a severe pain across my back
and felt miserable and nil played
mt, but after taking Foley Kidney
Pills the pain left my back and I
fell greatly improved and once
more full of life. Today I am glad
lo say I am free from kidney
trouble uml gladly recommend
Foley Kidney Pills lo all who .suf
fer, as they cured ino." For sale,
bv F. fl. Fricke & Co.
the Journal for particulars. If.
is . I f I
IS i , .-.'';-.H
it .!.: ; -;'- .... ...;.?.,
Ik .. i l T i ; i ' : w . I.
F i.. 'v.- . .. ' - .
v : .-. .!'. . .j '.i'm - -j
i . -. ',"
W hat can you timl lor a Clirist
mas present that will be more ap
propriate than a handsome box of
fine slalinery that Whiting
grade like may be seen at the
Journal office! Some of this con
tains n handsome embossed in
t.l l..ll..n 'l'l...u.t ni-ti at .11
. 'J :: ?. i The Totten Company-Third number of Avoea Lcctu re course Dec 19th
ami let us show you what we have. Seats now on sule ot Copes drug store.