ALVO DEPARTMENT tsms of Interett to Journal Readers Morgan Curyea was in Lincoln Thursday. 1L Spoke went lo Lincoln Tues day evening. Miss Vera Pronty was in rt)n Monday. George Hall did business al I In; .pilal Eridaj. Mrs. Ali'X Junes and baby were i Lincoln Monday. Hud Lincli visited lionn' folks Rl.urday and Sunday. William Ya'ger was doing busi ngs al Onialia Eriday. Me. and Mrs. Swaiker visited iHatives al, Meadow Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Uinneinan i'c trading at Omaha Saturday. Charles Suavely was in Lincoln Saturday, returning home fSunday. Harry I'arsell was in Lincoln Thursday getting repairs for his rapine. Messrs. Smith and Olems ship ped a car of cat lit- to South Omaha Tuesday. Uncle, )ave llile and daughter, Mrs. Will Lewis, were in Lincoln Tuesday. Mrs. Will llurlbut of Hakeby, Nch., came in Tuesday to visit relalives. Miss (iladys Applenian came down from Lincoln Friday lo Sun day at home. Mrs. Ed Stone, entertained Sun day Miss Nellie Dreamer and Miss Waring of Lincoln. Miss I'earl Keefcr returned (ruin University Place Saturday to spend Sunday at home. Will Kitzel and Joe Hird were in Omaha Sunday to visit Warren Hird, who is in a hospital there. Lee, Prouty returned from school at University Place Friday ! visit home folks over Sunday. Tho Ladies' Aid society met with Mrs. P. J. Linch December "6, An excellent time is reported. The Misses Mary and May Tugwerson and Hazel Foreman drove lo F.lmwood last Saturday. Mrs. Warren Beck and daugh ter, Miss Alia, came down from Lincoln Friday lo visit relalives. Guy and Fay Parsell of Lincoln camo in t on No. 1 ' Saturday to visit friends until Sunday even ing. Joe Mullen of Elinwond shipped two carloads ot cat t lo to South Omaha from this slalion last week. . Miss Orpha Mullen who is stay ing at University Place, visited Saturday and Sunday with her father. Mr. and Mrs. Knisely and chil dren of Lincoln are visiting Mrs. Knisely's sister, Mrs. Dr. Muir and family. Prof Hutchison, Miss Stroemer ind Miss Carr were in Weeping Water last Saturday al lending to sohool duties. William Uptegrove returned from Lincoln Tuesday. He was visiting his sisler, Mrs. Harry Applenian. Henry Hanson returned from .Litchfield. Neb., last Tuesday. He reports a grandson doing line at ifcal place. Charles Frolich and sister, Mrs. Hmberland and two children, started last Friday for West field, Y., to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. William Casey and Mrs. Casey's mother, Mrs. Daniel of Nashville, Tenn., went to Oma u Wednesday to visit relatives. Mr. Fred Candy left on No. 13 Friday to meet his wife and chil dren, who were returning from a Lan days' visil with a sister at Agra, Kas. Referee's Sale! THOMAS E. PARMELE, Plaintiff, vs CHARLES V. BOEDEKER, ET AL., Defendants. Notice is hereby given, That by virtue of an order entered in the fore going entitled cause by the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, I, the undersigned, sole Referee, appointed by said Court, will, on the 10th Day of January, 1912, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at the south front door of the Court House, in the city of Plattsmouth. in Cass Countv. NPh hujhest bidder, for cash, the following described land, to-wit: The S of the SWA of section 23; the Eti of NWtf and the NWtf of the NWtf of section jj, all in town 12, north range 11, east of the Gth p. m., in Cass County, Nebraska, excepting the right of way of the Missouri Pacific Rail way Company, and known us the Theodore Ropdpk pr fnrm IvtnH omitK rf Louisville, in said county, and containing 200 acres, less railway right of wuy. Dated: Plattsmouth, Neb., December 11, 1911. w71cCr. I Atome JOHN M. LEYDA, Mm. Will Be Received at the Drug Store Morgan ('.ur ea was in Lincoln last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Foreman were in Lincoln Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Ouelhorst and I'idty were shopping in Lin coln Tuesday. Mrs. Craig and grandson, Elmer Harrctt, wife and baby, were in Lincoln Tuesday. Miss AlVa Wharton gave a re cital at I lie M. K. church Tues day night, which was well attend ed and much appreciated. Hoscoe Bird went to Omaha Tuesday to visil his brother, who lost his hand last week in a corn shredder. Uncle (ieorge Cook, accom panied by his nephew, James Cook, went to Lincoln Monday, the laler goint: lo his home al Heaver City, Neb. The M. W. A. supper was a suc cess Friday evening. November 8, 11)11. There were about 175 meals served lo the Woodmen and I lnt i families. ficorge Hall, John Kll.iolt, Chas. Atchison and Chas. Ilucknell left Sunday for f'lallsmoulh lo serve on Ibe .jury during district court proceedings. Hev. and Mrs. B. L. Story came down from Lincoln Friday to at tend tin! M. W. A. supper. They visited Mr. and Mrs. It. A. Stone while in Alvo. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. George Suton, Saturday December 9, 15)11, (wins, a son and a daughter. Dr. Muir attended them and reports all doing nicely. H. S. Ough of Lincoln was in town Tuesday. Mr. Ough and son, Chester, left Lincoln Wednesday for Portersville, Cal., where they will spend the winter. Rev. and Mrs. E. L. Uptegrove returned Wednesday from Lin coln, where Ihey have been visit ing their daughter, Mrs. Harry Applenian and family. The Ladies' Aid society will hold a bazaar and supper in the Alvo hall on December ID, 15)11. Supper will be served at 0 o'clock. Price, 15 cents. Everyone is in vited lo at tend. Warren Bird had the misfor tune to gel his right hand caught in a corn shredder last week, which necessitated he amputa tion of the hand just below the thumb. He was taken to Murdock and Ihence to Omaha, where the operation was performed. At, last reports he was getting along as well as could be expected. Pupils of the Alvo school who were neither absent nor tardy for Hie inonlh ending December 1, 1911, were: Augusta Emmerson, Clifford St roemer, Cert rude Slroemer, Alma Tugwerson, Yerl Rosenow, Carl Hosenow, Beatrice Parsell, Carmen Muir, Clarence Hardnock, frvin 'Knott, Wesley Bird, Stanton Dreamer, Lillian Curyea, (layl Bird, Mildred dod bey, Colda Bird, John Parsell, Aurel Foreman, Huhy Stone, Mary rngwerson, Elmer Hosenow, Jessie Bucknell, Hulh Dreamer, Hazel Foreman, May Clugwerson, Clar ence Bucknell, Fern Dimmilt, John Foreman, Archie Miller, Lyal Miller, La Verne Stone, Ruth Bailey, Cora Rung, Alma dodby, Cecil Newkirk. "Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil Is the best remedy for that often fatal disease croup. Has been used with success in our family for eight years." Mrs. L. Whileacre, Buffalo, N. Y. JOHN BOSE CONVICT ED COM Jury Deliberates Seven Hours and Brings in Verdict of Shooting With Intent to Wound. In the trial of the ca-e of the Stale vs. John Hose in Hie district court hen' yesterday, after being out seven hours, the jury brought in a verdict of guilty under the second count of the informal ion. The information in the tlrst count charge Hose with shooting? with intent to kill; the second with shooting with intent to wound, and the third with intent lo do great bodily harm in and upon I he person of Louis Spearhase, at a dance at Avoca on tho night of May Gth, last. County attorney C. H. Taylor dismissed the third count on the completion of the testimony yes terday. The jury deliberated up on the case from 1 o'clock until 8 p. m. yesterday. The punish ment for I he crime is from one to twenty years in Hie penitentiary. The complaining witness, Louis Spearhase, has commenced a civil suit in (Hoe county district court for the recovery of damages in the sum of $10,(100. Lightning Kills Few. In 1000 lightning killed only 101) people in this whole country. One's chances of death by lightn ing are less than two in a million. The chance of death from liver, kidney or stomach trouble is vast ly greater, but not if Electric Hit lers be used, as Robert Mndsen, of West Burlington, la., proved. Four doctors gave him up after eight months of suffering from virulent liver trouble and yellow jaundice. He was then complete ly cured by Electric Bit I ters. They're the best stomach, liver, nerve and kidney remedy and blood purifier on earth. Only 50c nl E. C. Ericke & Co. Blacksmith and Horseshoeing. It. C. Bailey, ihe Maple Grove blacksmith, is now prepared to do your work of all kinds. You owe I hat faithful old horse or team that has done your summer's work a new pair of shoes, and the place to secure them is at the shop of R. C. Bailey, I ho Maple Crove blacksmith and horseshoer. He knows how to do l he work, arid you know be does, so have it done now. Ends Winter's Troubles. To many, winter is a season of trouble. Tho frost-bitten toes and linpers, chapped hands and lips, rhilbrains, cold-sores, red and roufdi skins, prove this. But such troubles 11 y before Bucklen's Arnica Salve. A trial convinces. (Irealcsl healer of Burns, Boils, l'iles, Cuts, Sores, Bruises, Eczema and Sprains. Only 25c al I'. i. Ericke il Co. Attend Waterways Convention. Mrs. Sam Sniilh is in receipt of a card from Sain staling (bat he was Ibe only Nebraskan present at the deep rivers nnd harbors con vention, held in Washington, D. C, December (i lo 8. Sam is traveling in Hie east and made it a point to be jn Washington when the convention convened. A Terrible Blunder lo neglect liver trouble. Never do it. .Take Dr. King's New Life Pills on the first sign of constipation, biliousness or inactive bowels and prevent virulent indigestion, jaundice -or gall stones. They regulate liver, stomach and bow els and build up your health. Only 25c at E. 0. Ericke & Co. Shooting Match. M. O. Churchill says he i9 going to pull off the shooting match of the season in Murray on Decem ber 20. It will bo a blue rock shoot nnd thero will bo plenty of game and plenty of sport for every elas9 of shooters. If it is a good lime and a fine Christmas bird you arc looking for, make it a point to attend this shoot. Dance at Murray. The Murray Dancing club will give one of their social dances in Murray on Saturday evening, De cember 30. The music will o furnished by the Nebraska City orchestrn. A cordial invitation is extended to nil and a good lime assured. For Sale. Don't slop coming after those line chickens. We had a big lot lo draw from. Still have several left. The price is 50c each, pick ing choice of pullets or cockrels. J. M. Young, Upper Chicago Ave. 12-l.l.lwkd. I UEPOKT OF TIIK CONDITION or Til K Plattsmouth State Bank of Plattsmouth, Nebraska Charier No. Tstl IiiooitmrMi'd InthrMuttMif . al ihi close of Immiicss, OiveuihtT lull. KKSOl lil'KS I mitw nml ill wi'im mt ; Ovenh alts, sivuivo uiul uiistviin-tt . It 'I IlL llH' III lllu f llflllt lll-d Uli.i M .... ....... iWiil 1.4.11 3.i'.il ( n i t a n( OMH iix s anil taxes nalil. . . I'm- mini niiiieiiiii sime anil pri vate hanks iumiss: Cheeks anil items of rx- ehiinne Hl ia Currency .V:ii2 mi Hold coin (,,) silver, uiekels anil eents 414 it! - ,74." 30 i Tol al . Jlii7,t''St M 1 I.IAllli.lTIF.S Cuelttil stork pnlil In fMi.nH) Mil IUUS luuil .... i.ihhi I'mlivlih'il pmllis. ti,4ii Inilivlilual ileiMslls subject toeheek til.Mf M IVmanil eerlllleatesof cle- lH)Slt 1.1" 40 Time eertllleatesof ili'ixwll 4ililjli7--ll0.0:e 711 la'iMsitoi jruaianly fund 44 Total Jllir.iiMi .'J Static ok Nkiihahka, I I'ocNTVorCAHS lss I,.T. M. KoU-rts. cashier of the alKn e named hank, do hcretiy swear that the al-ove stalemenl Is a rui nvt ami irue copy oi tiu report made lo the state UanklnK Hoard, J. M. ;i It !: IC'l'S. Cashier. Aii.H.1-J " Nkwkm.. Ihieclor. ' 1 .1. II. Hk.i k. ii. Iiirecior. Subscribed nnd sworn lo l foreme this l'.'lh iliiy of iiiciinber. mil. K. . Wimhhm. , , Noiury 1'iihlle. ISenl My comm!s-,li!ii expln s Oct. ID. I'.il.'i. I NEHAWKA. .j. I .News. J I--H!WW!"W-H"M-WI' Bennett Cbriswisser and wife came in from their home at IMatlsmoulh Tuesday for a visit to I heir son, Charles and family. An eleven-pound boy is report ed as having made his debut at I.eo Swiler's Sunday night. This is thi' first one and is said on good authority to be the finest ever. (irandma SI rum left Tuesday morning for Superior, where she will visit with her daughter, Mrs. (i. J. Spohn and family. Mrs. A. E. Sturm accompanied her as far as Lincoln. Henry Timber and his men have been laying cement blocks for the basement of W. B. Banning's new residence in Union. Eor fear of frost Ihey are building it under a canvas and keep fires going all nighl. William Carroll, sr., who has been visiting wi'lb a son in York for the past 1 wo mouths, came in Saturday evening and will make J his home during Ihe winter with his son, Olio. He was accom panied by another son, William, of Oregon, who has not been here for a number of years. Erank Moore was unfortunate enough lasl Saturday to get hi.-i j foot mashed, breaking a bone and i badly bruising Hie member. He VlU.- lOMMn MHMO lfitll MOTH Oil the Hruce Stone house across the creek, and in tearing out a pari of Ihe foundation drooped a big stone on his fool. , The accident will keep him on crutches for a lime at least, and Ihe fool is very painful. P. E. llndncr and C. H. Chopie were over from Plaltsmouth Wed nesday. The hitler, representing the Chopie das Engine Co., and sold an ciuhl-horse engine of their make to T. E. Eulton to be installed in his blacksmith shop in place of the one he now has, and which - his needs have out grown. He will nlso install a five fool lathe and be able fo handle a class of machine work that he has been unable fo on account of equipment. This will make his shoo one of Ihe most up-lo-date in the county. Receiving Final Papers. Henry Sncll and Andrew Ander son, from near Weeping Water, were in the city Tuesday in com pany wilh eight young men from the old country, who were de sirous of taking out their citizen papers, four of whom were after llnal or second papers and four for the first ones. Ilasmus Larilzen, J. C. Christiansen, Chris Hasmussen and Alfred Neilson were in for their flnnl nnners. i i i J while Oscar Anderson, Jens Chris- lensen, (,hris Klgard and Mariuz Buemann were after their first papers, and were greatly disap pointed lo learn that tho clerk of the district court had no blanks. They will be compelled to return within the next few months lo make applications when the necessary blanks arrive. While here Mr. Snell and Mr. Andrews called at the Journal ofllce and Mr. Snell enrolled his name for the paper for one year. We found them to be mighty fine young men. Box Social. Program, box social and Christ mas tree at the Cottonwood school, three miles west of My nard, Saturday night, December 23. Everybody invited to come and bring a box. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS Tonic in action, quick in results. Will cure any case of kidney or bladder disorder not beyond the reach of medicine. No need lo say more. Eor sale by E. O. Ericko & Co. fiS WHEN YOU THINK OF 1 1: Henry's lotion Store as the place to make your selections. . The largest line of Christ mas Goods to be found in the city, is now on display. Many very beautiful gifts, ranging in price RANGING IN PRICE UP TO $4.00 Christmas Post Cards Christmas Candies General Line of Toys and Holiday Goods. Pay us a visit before you buy. I- GREENWOOD. .J. ! (Special Correspondence.) J. We understand that Cedric Eul mer has sold his farm, which is southwest of town. A. 1). Wellon's brother and family from Idaho visited here lasl week. Hoy Chapin's baby has been sick for the past week. Dr. Houston Jones lias return ed from the home of her parents in Oklahoma, where she spent Thanksgiving. Miss Shuesler of Lincoln is visiting Mrs. Mowery, east of town. Mr. and Mrs. Headrick of Ansel mo, Neb., are visiting her mother, Mrs. Kennison. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kyles are (he proud parents of a son. Dr. Tal colt reports all well. Torrence Me fiord is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Kennison. Warren Bird had Ihe fingers of his rif-hl hand mashed in a corn shredder last week. He was taken lo Omaha to have Ihem amputated Mr. and Mrs. William J. Jones of Elsie, Neb., who have been visil ing Dr. E. L.Jones and family for a few days, returned home Tuesday morning. Mrs. John Bellinger has been suffering with neuralgia for sev eral days. The Blind Boone Concert com pany al the M. E. church was at tended by a, large audience and highly appreciated. Eor n mild, easy action of the bowels, a single dose of Doan's Itegulels is enough. Treatment cures habitual constipation. cents n box. Ask your druggist for them. FOR BUYERS You will save minutes and money by visiting our store. OUR NEW HOLIDAY STOCK offers in great variety really desirable and useful presents for people of all ages, and is a most popu lar stock in every respect, because of its choice se lections, trustworthy values and fair prices. A Few Selections: Handsome Gold Watches Lockets and Chains Gold Beads Cuff Buttons Belt Pins ; Bracelets and Rings Bar Pins Mesh Bags Sterling Silver Q FREE ENGRAVING! THINK OF With the Coming of Middle Ag There is a lei ling down in the physical forces often shown in an noving and painful kidney and bladder ailments and urinary ir regularities. Eoley Kidney Pills are a splendid regulating and strengthening medicine at such a time. Try them. Eor salo by F. C. Ericke & Co. Will Have Box Social. School district No. 37, in which Miss Helen Trilily is teaching, will give nn enjoyable box social Sat urday evening,' December 16. There will be an interesting pro gram taken pari in by the pupils of the school. The young people of the vicinity cannot afford to miss this event, ns Miss Trilily does not do things in a half-way manner, and Ihe program arrang ed by her will be excedingly enter taining. "BEST ON EARTH." This is Ihe verdict of 11. J. Howell, Tracy, O., who bought Eoley's Honey and Tar Compound for his wire. "Jler case was the worst I have ever seen, and looked like a siiree case of consumption. Her lungs were sore and she coughod almost incessantly and her voice was hoarse and weak. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound brought relief alo nee and less than throe hollies effected a complete euro." Eor sale by E. O. Ericko & Co. A OTAFl I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bo'iglii Signature of Diamonds Cut Glass Hand Painted China Umbrellas Fountain Pens Clocks Toilet Sets Manicure Sets Military Brushes La 'J Watchmaker and Jewelsr s