The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 11, 1911, Image 3

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O asBaagim.Bm ' O
M for Axminster, of which we have Rugs of many sizes and patterns, prices
$1.15 up to $32.40.
B for Brussels, which we have in Tapestry Brussel Rugs, room sizes; prices
$9.50 to $22.00.
B for Bissels Sweepers from $2.70 up to $4.75.
C for Carpets of excellent grade; C also Chairs Morris chairs, Dining
chairs, Youth chairs, High chairs many different styles on my floors,
and the prices are right.
D for Divans of different styles and grades in stock, at $19.50 up to $24.00.
D for Dressers of many styles and designs, at $10.50 up to $27.
E for Everything in my store you will find to be of excellent quality.
P for Furniture of up-to-date styles always in stock.
G for Go-Carts large and small, many to select from, at $1.25 up to $14.50.
H for Housefurnishings our main line. '
I for Iron Beds, many styles and colors to make your selection from, should
you be in need of one at $2.00 up to $23.60.
J for Jardinier stands; we have them both large and small, in Golden Oak
and Early English at low prices.
K for Kitchen Cabinets; of which we have a large line, from $5.75 up to $25.50.
L for Lounges or rather Couches in Leather, Plush and Velour, at prices
from $9.00 up to $54.00.
Bffl for Mattresses The Dixie Felt & Spring, The Stearns & Foster Cotton
Felt, and others; also, Sanitary Couch Pads, at from $2.95 up to $16.20.
N for New up-to-date furniture in stock.
O for Other furniture, such as Sideboards, Buffets, China Closets, Combi
nation Book Case and desk, and Globe-Wernicke Sectional Book Cases.
P for Parlor Suits, of which we have a nice line to select from at $18.00 up
to $13.00.
for Quality, always found in our lines.
for Rockers of many styles and sizes, always found on our floors.
for Sanitary Couches, Spring Beds, Sewing Machines, Sewing Machine
Needles, Shuttles and other supplies, and Oil; also Sewing Needles in stock.
for Tables,-Dining. Tables, all styles and sizes; Library Tables and Parlor
Tables. We have many styles to select from.
for Uniform, and that is what our prices are to all cash customers, no
matter whether your purchase be large or small.
for Volume of money invested in an up-to-date Furniture Store, therefore
a volume of business we would like to do.
for Wardrobe, which we have to show; also the ChifTo-Wardrobe, some
thing quite new.
for Xmas Toys and Furniture, which you certainly could select from our
excellent lines.
Y for Yes we have as complete a line of Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, etc., etc.,
as you can find, no matter where, far or near.
Z the last letter in the Alphabet, so I must close, but sincerely hope that
we may have the pleasure of seeing many of you who read these lines,
and wishing you in advance a Merry Choistmas and a Happy New Year.
Respectfully Yours,
Furniture and
1 Q t."::.::T Q
tts Justbo Is Meted Out
Pastor Russell Declare That Mani
festations of Divine Displeasure Are
Everywhere About Us Since the
Fall of Adam Death Has Been the
Penalty of Sin Eternal Life la Only
For Those Who Obey the Heavenly
Father's Commands.
quired t mid to bo tlto II?
decmer He r.!ii-: r.ifft-r ile::lh. the Jen
alty that wns against Puttier Adim
Now notice the case of Cnin. ile
wn& shnpen In Iniquil.v ; In sin did Ids
mother conceive him: t lie condemn:! -tlon
upon our first parent extended to
hltu; lie was horn villi n fallen mi -lure,
lie was born under the de;it!i
sentence. The killing of 1:1 brother
i ignorance nod Mip-. -. .1 uow
darken the litiniiin mind mid cause
misapprehensions ot the Divine Wold
and character. Simultaneously He wilt
let loose the blessed iiKlucti es of truth
and enlightenment and the "whole
earth shall lie tilled with the lilit of
the knowledge of the glory of God."
Thenceforth the wrath of (Jod will
no longer K revealed ncaint nny on
account of Adam's transgression. It
Abel did not Increase the penult .v. j will no louger be necessary to be sick
which stood the same dentti-cuttin ' or in pain, or dying. On the contrary.
ofT from life. "The wnges of sin is nil may be making pood, rnp.d prog
death": "The soul Hint slnneth It shall ress up. tip, up out of weakness and
die." dying conditions, back toward the full
Retribution Sowing and Reaping. perfection of human nature which
There would have been no Message Adl,,u 1,nd bpfore 1)0 Binned, when ho
t - " T - -' , s - .'
Jr ' ' i ' , 4h
S. . Mv. AA
pent to mankind exhorting to rigbt
eousness and to turn from sin had
God not Intended to redeem man by
the death of 1(1.4 Son; and redeeming
them means to give each and all of
the human family another opportuni
ty, another trial, another Judgment
to test their worthiness or unworlhl
ness of everlasting life to prove to
what extent their acquaintance with
sin and its penally has taught them
the great lesson respecting J he sinful
ness and undesiralillity of vln and the
soreness of lis penalty death.
Accordingly, for four thousand
years God sent no Message to the
world in penornl-nntll Jesus came
and died, the .lust for the un.lust. and
thus made possible the release of
mankind from the death sentence a
resurrection from the dead. The only
exception to this rule was God's Cove
nant with Isiael, under which they
tried to pain eternal life by keeping
the I.nw. and became a great oxntn-
of the need of the Savior.
Los Angeles. De
cember 10th.
Castor Russell
preached twice
here today. One
of his discourses,
on "The Wraih of
of God," was very
different from
what some of his
hearers would
have expected.
Many of his great
congregation were
evidently convinc
ed of the truth of his position.
The committee of seven (Including
Tastor Russclli appointed by the Inter
national lilble Students Association
to Investigate and report on missions
m foreign lands, have reached here.
1'nstor Russell is the chairman of
the Coniinittec. which Is to sail from
Fan Francisco Wednesday next. Great
Interest is being manifested every
where in this Committee and the
honest report respecting foreign mis
sions which its personnel guarantees.
Reports from the missions have been
so contucliug tnat tne missionary
funds have considerably fallen off, arid
those who give their dimes, as well as
those who give thousands, are awaiting
the report with keen Interest hoping,
of course. It may be every way favor
able, yet perhaps fearing a little the
reverse of this. Next to the Pastor in
prominence on the Committee is Gen
eral Hall, L". S. A. Resides, there are j
three merchants, one doctor, and Prof.
Roblson, Secretary.
A Revolutionary Proposition.
Ills texts were. "The wrath of God
Is revealed from heaven against all
imrlehf imiiisiioss-" "for nil iinriirhleous-
....... .,.. I k, I i..i, ,. with new creatures,
lie:.?, ir :mii. imniiitii:- I, io, i .i"uu . ...i .it i i
When tl.n Pustor itolnleil out i "uie 10 i ncm 1 lieu , e ...
was in the Image of his Creator.
There will still be the marl; of the
wrath iion mankind, the weakness
and imperfections of the human flesh.
These marks wll) not be fully blotted
out until toward the close of the thou
sand yenrs of Messiah's reign. This
agrees fully with St. rotor's words,
"That your sins may be blotted out
when times of refreshing shall come
from the presence of the Lord." lActH
ill. !!). It is therefore one tiling to
have our sins forgiven and to realize
that God is no longer angry with us
but reconciled, and It is quite another
thins to know our sins are blotted out.
The sins of the Church are forgiven
the moment we are accepted of God
through Christ and made partakers of
the Holy Spirit and are si vied chil
dren of God ami heirs. Rut the
marks, the blemishes of sin. continue
with us as long as we have our pres
ent. Imperfect bodies. This to the
Church will mean thut the blotting
pie of the fallen man's Inability and ,llt of ''" sll,s '' ' ,1ln,h.
- i .i. .u i. i i. i
cause the Church will be awakened tn
the resurrection perfect, "spotless."
"without Maine." "Irreprovnble." The
Light Shined In Darkness.
or ,., ...,,-, Apostle describes this resurrection as
this Message has been going forth- ! thp CMi,r RHUrrw.tHni ,njr .. ,
namely, that God has provided for the
race a redemption from the original
death sentence, and that thore is to
be a "resurrection of the dead, both
of the Just and the unjust." All man
kind who hear this Message are there
by warned that every act of the pres
ent life will have Its weight, either
in the uplifting or in the degrading of
his own chnracter. and thus have n
bearing upon his future interests. It
Is In view of this future opportunity for
life or dealh everlasting that our con
duct In the present time has a bearing.
Those who have the hearing ear and
sown In weakness. It Is raised in pow
er; It is sown an animal body. It Is
raised n spiritual body." 1 Corinthians
xv, 4i Rev. xx. ft.
"The Wrath to Come."
If we have seen what bus constitut
ed the Divine wrath as It has been re
vealed for six thousand years, we will
be the better prepared to understand
whnt to look for In respect to any
future manifestations of Divine wrath
"wrath to come." We are to clearly
distinguish between the wrath of a
good man and the wrath of a had
the eyes of understanding opened, dis- man, and how these would manifest
cern. as Hie Apostle says, that in God's ( themselves: and. similarly, we should
estimation all unrighteousness Is sin j be able to discern between the wrath
however great or smnll. Those who i of God and the wrath of the devil,
now accept God's Invitation are In- The wrath of God. as exhibited to us
formed that If (l)cy make a consecra- for six thousand years on the pages
tlon of tltclr lives to follow in Jesus' 0f history, has been a just dealing
footsteps, God will deal with them as the abandonment to destruction of
and no longer those who are not worlhv of everlast-
tftali'il proposals will lie received by
1ib country clerk of Cass county on or
before noon .luniuiry 1st, lit 12, for fur
ntshlnK tli following Rooks,, lllanks
ami Stationery for sunt county ilurlne
io vonr 1!U2:
1-J Miclie nied. Commissioners Record
Kstorhrook'H No. 79 pens, per f?rosn.
L'otiKiesH Tie envelopes, No. 10-1, 1-2
thick, ter 100.
Coimiess Tie envelopes No. 10-2, thick,
per 100.
Muclliine, Carter's Aralilun, per dozen
j CoiiKiess Tie envelopes No. 10-1, thick,
per j imp.
1-1 uulre toed. Deed Record (printed 1 I'enlsons Notarial Seal No. 21, per 100.
puKe). l.oimTess lie envelopes No. 10, 3-4, per
1-6 milie nied. Index to Delinquent I l'1".
Lunils (printed hem! I. j I'eiiclls. copying, per dozen.
t-8 unlre mod. Deed Record (Loose t'enholders, No. Crown, per dozen.
ICHfl. Million's No. fiol l'ens, per Kinss.
I- qnlrp nied Mol tROe Records Congress Tin envelopes, No. 10 1-2
(printed pitxe). i tlilcK. per 100.
-B (i ii Ire nied. Miscellaneous Deed
Record (Loose leaf).
!-K uulre nied. MtK. Records (Loose
leaf .
1-? quire nied. Appearance Docket
(printed hend).
1-S quire med. Court Calendar.
1- quire med. Prolmte Fee Itook
(printed pni;e).
Cnnviis covers each.
1-1 oiili-e med. Court Journal (printed
lu'llit I.
Potent tin' k per quire.
1- qulrn med. Trlul Docket (printed
lertev per book,
All roenniH to lie extra bound of No.
1 I Inen I.edifer paper, liyrnn Wen
ton's I edirer I'nper or Whiting
Lcd-rer pr per.
Rubber Rands, No. 11, per Kros.i,
rVnhoMorx. No. 137(5, per dozen.
Wrltlnn Fluid bliie-tilnek, !er qnnrt.
HrnHers, No. 1 OSS K. Fnber's. per dozen.
Pwterhrook's No. 04S pens, r-er gross.
Manures Tie envelopes No. 10 1-4
thick, per 100.
I'eneiis, .o. tiDC Kberhnrd Fnber, per
(Robe Reversible envelopes, No. 10, per
Rubber Rands, assorted No. 100 per
Red Wrltlnir Fluid, per quart.
Separate bids must be made on each
cIhsm of supplies In tho stimuli".
The Commissioners reserve the right
to reject nny or ell bids.
Rids will be addressed to County
Clerk nnd marked Proposal for Hooks,
ltlnnks nnd Stationery.
Rldders must (Ho Rood and sultlclent
bond for tho faithful performance of
their conduct.
Rids will be opened the first meeting
In January. D. C. MOROW,
County Clerk.
Fred Stoke of Munlock, a Juror
for Hie. present lonn of court, nr
rivccl from his home this morning.
Another Business Change.
Tho (Initf store of A. K. Slites &
Co. passed into new hands tho
first of last week, the uirchnsnr
lioiiig J. c. ThypreHon, tho well
known druggist of Nebraska City.
Tho now management opened up
for business Tuesday morning,
and it has boon a busy place ever
since, as tho stock was given a
thorough overhauling, now goods
coming in and a general cleaning
up and rearranging of (lie store.
Karl W. Koody has the manage
ment of the store, and is a thor
oughly competent pharmacist, as
well ns a very courteous and
sociable gentleman.
A. K. Stiles, who has conduclod
tbo business for several years,
fools the need of a change of oc
cupation for a while at least, and
we understand that he expects to
locate on a large ranch in Mon
tana, whoro ho can enjoy the out
door life. Union Ledger.
that his texts declare n prrwnt reve- 1
Intion of III vino wrath and not a
future one. his audience "sot up nnd
took notice." The wrath of God 'f 1
revealed, the Pastor emphasized, nnd
we see It all about us. Kvery ceme
tery witnesses to It, so docs every oof
tin, every hearse, every piece of crepe,
every doctor's sign. Pain, suffering,
speaks of disease; disease of decay:
decay of ilailh working In the human
family and bringing all, rich and poor, 1
bond and free, to the grave, the great
prison house, from which none can es j
cape until the resurrection, at the com i
Ing of Messiah.
leath. the penally of sin, the maul- j
feslatlon of God's wrath against sin. '
began to be revealed six 1 lion -nnd t
condemnation, but treat them as hav
ing passed from death condemnation
to life Justification.
Moreover, their flesh will be reck
oned ns dead; full arrangements will
be made for the covering over of all
their unintentional weaknesses, and
I heir Judgment In God's sight will be
according to their will or Intention If
their Intentions are perfect I hey will
be counted as perfect through the
merit of their Jtodoemer and Advo
cate. Hut St. Paul admonishes (ho
Church, saying. "If we sin wilfully,
after that we have received a knowl
edge of the truth." "and have tasted
of the good Word of God and the
powers of the Age to come and have
been made partakers of (he Holy
years ago when our Orst parents dis- ,,'"V" " ' " , , , ,
!...wt .),. ni..i eon,.,..wi c ngiiln to repent a nce"-tr If IuIwm In
the matter would seal our case, how
ever small the transgression-Just as
o'oeyod the Idvlne command. Lvery
d:iy aud every hour since, the world
has been witnessing that God's wrath
Is against It. that the death penalty is
being Inflicted. As the Scriptures de- j
dare, (he world has been under a
Kelgn of Sin and Ienth. However
sympathetic and loving the Heavenly
Father has been. He has allowed
stern Justice to mete out this penalty '
against every member of our race. He
is thus giving us a great lesson on
the exceeding sinfulness of sin Its
pernicious. Injurious influence and re
sults under Divine Law. He wishes
this lesson to be so thoroughly im
pressed upon our race that when in
due time lie shall bring In relief we
will never forget (he lesson, to nil
eternity, but will hate sin and dread
It as our worst foe.
We may understand the Aposllo to
lay special emphasis upon the word
"all" in our text-"Tho wrnth of God
Is revealed against all tmrlghleous
ness" not merely ngalnsl great sins
nnd gross violence, but ngalnst every
form of sin-even (lie slightest. Thus
the Scriptures declare that God's Law
Is one. and that n violation of It in
one point means (he violation of the
entire Law. To break one command
would be sin and merit (he dealh pen
alty: and to break all (he command
metits wotdd be sin and merit the
death penalty. Klernal life is provid
ed only for those who are perfect aud
who maintain that perfection and har
mony with God by full obedience (o
the Divine Law In every particular.
Do not misunderstand me to leach
that it makes no unit tor whether one
be a gross sinner or only a minor of
fender. In one way It irf matter, and
In another way It will not. Adam's
transgression was. In some respects, a
minor one. as compared to that of hi
son Cain. Adam stole and ate a for
bidden apple, nnd (he penalty was
death -the very strongest penalty of
God's Ijiw. If he had murdered his
wife the penalty would have been the
same death -not eterunl torment.
Whatever Adam's transgression. Di
vine Law would have hindered him
from ever again coining back to God.
It would have cut lilm off from ever
lasting 'life, and he would have need
of a Savior. Just the same for one sin
ns for another. Murder would have
been aln. nnd the disobedient eating of
the apple was sin. and sin cannot be
condoned by the Divine Law. It re-
it sealed Adam's fate with his minor
trn nsgresslon.
Tint let us not forget thnt (he Apos
(le limits (his possibility of sin-the
sin unto death to the Church to the
Spirit begotten ones. These, receiving
(heir share of (he great Atonement
sacrifice of Jesus, and falling to con
form to (he Divine requirement, come
tinder the Divine penalty n second
time, and theirs will be the Second
Death, from which there will be no
resurrection, no recovery. Compare
Hebrews vl, 4-fl and x. 2(1-31.
Coming Events Cast Shadows Befor.
It should be clear to us then that, in
harmony with our text, tho whole
world Is now under tho wrath of God,
which came upon the race through the
ing life, by reason of disobedience to
Divine Law.
The redemption accomplished for
these through (lie death of Jesus will
eventually be gloriously worked out.
and give to every man n full oppor
tunity of recovery, harmony with God
and everlasting life. The reason why
Go. I makes (his provision for redemp
tion Is because only one man sinned,
wilfully and Intelligently. All the re
mainder of his children were "born In
sin" nnd under the death sentence.
The redemption therefore Is in order
that every individual may have an
opportunity for reaching a decision n
to obedience or disobedience. r-
The lesson of sin nnd death Is taught
first. In (he few years of (ho present
life, and the marks of slu will go
over till the next Age. Those marks
will be deepened In proportion as any
In the present life live below the
plane of their knowledge of the Di
vine standard and In wilful opposlltoa
(hereto. While being Instructed re
specting the other side of the ques
tionthe Divine requirements and the
blessings attending them, mankind will
be given an individual trial or test, to
demonstrate whether tho great lesson
has been rightly learned. The willing
nnd obedient will get the reward of
eternal life, the unwilling and disobe
dient will receive tho final penalty, the
Second Death. It will be final In thnt
God will make no provision for rescue .
from that Second Death. It will be
"everlasting destruction." II Thess.l.y.
As the wrath of the present time Is
tho Divine death sentence uxn the
race, so "the wrnth to come" will be
disobedience of our first parents; and i the "second death" sentence, which
th nnlv ones who have esennod from ! will fail upon an WHO sin wiiruuy.
thnt wrath and irotten back Into liar- fK'r U"'? ''ve ,0 n knowledge
inony with God are the saintly few, bo
gotten of the Holy Spirit. The escape
of (hose from Divine wrath or the
death sentence Is not actual, but by
fullh. They reckon themselves as tiav
Ing passed "from death unto life."
As for the remainder of the world,
(hey are not thus reckoned, for they
are yet In their sins, still children of
wrath nnd experiencing the penalty of
sin. The world will continue under
these conditions until (he completion
of (ho election of the Church, nnd then
the I'edeomor, who now occupies the
position of Advocnte toward the
Church, will assume a new Olllce; He.
with Ills Church associated with Him.
will become the great Mediator be
(ween God and men. lie will niedlale
for Israel nnd for nil the families of
the enrth upproprlnllng the merit of
Ills sacrifice for the sins of (he whole
world, even ns In the beginning of this
Age He fmoifc( this merit to the
Church for the covering of her sins.
Thenceforth, as noon as. the great
High Priest shall have sealed Hint New
Covenant for the world, and tho Fath
er shall have accepted It. the sins of
the world will be camelled. That Is
(o say, death, (he wrath of God re
vealed against all unrighteousness for
six thousand years, will Immediately
bo cancelled as respects all who will
(hen avail themselves of tho privilege
nnd enter Into the New Covenant re
lationship. The glorious Mediator of
(hat New Covenant will bind Satan for
k thousand yenrs nnd scatter nil tho
of the truth. With this "wrath to
come." in this complete sense, may
be included Inferior manifestations of
Divine wrath: for Instance, such ns
came upon Hie Jews In the end ot
their Age-destroying them as a na
tion and such as is to come upon
Christendom in the end of this Age.
Hoth of these are styled "days of
wrath." "days of vengeance." The Di
vine vengeance which overthrew the
Jewish polity took cognizance of the
fact that as a nation they had en
Joyed great privileges for centuries.
It took note of tho fact that they
hail not lived up to their light nnd
privileges nnd were therefore deserv
ing of a corresponding national chns
tiscmcut, which was administered to
them. Of that time our Lord dislares.
"These be the (lays of vengonnce, thnt
(II things written In (lie Law and In
the Prophets concerning then) should
be fulfilled." Justice owed them those
experiences, nnd the account has been
In the end of this Age the "wrnth"
will come upon Christendom, been use
Christendom In general lias not a
I preclnted and used, ns It might un
done, the wonderful privileges. Ides;
lugs nnd enlightenments showered
upon her. She hits the more responsi
bility liecnuso ot her great light and
privileges, and so much the more will
he the claim of Divine Justice ngalnst
her, which will be settled In tho great
'lime of trouble" with which this Age
will end. (Duuiol til, 1.)