A large line of Men's Gloves, in finished and un finished kid, flannel lined, high-grade gloves, jp r 1,.., 0 fnr.liirnn Krln1 lAnrth 7P Jit . . . lUU Men's and Boy's Winter Caps, with fur earlaps, in all colors 15c, 25c, 35c, 45c and 69c A very large line of Men's Underwear, llleece- lined and ribbed, Lambsdown, extra high-grade, nn per garment at from 45c up to . Du A p 0 AT THE MEMT - onnnn n r 3 rr WULnJILbLIJL I DEPART STQPiE is moving right along most successfully, and the many patrons of this popular trading center are gains we are offering in the Newest and Latest Style Merchandise in every department. daily securing their portion of the many bar- MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS and OVERCOATS Fur Coats and Sheep Lined Coats, Pants and Knickerbockers, are going at Challenge Sale Prices. $15 and S1G.50 Men's and Young Men's Suits, g(j jj in $18 and $20 Men's and Young Men's Suits, at $22 and $24 Men's Suits, extra good value, JjgQ at Kirschbaum's all-wool, heavy Winter weights, all col ors, handsomely made garments, worth QIQ CQ S29.50, at OUiJU Remember Our Sale Guarantee! This sale is conducted under our regular busi ness methods of guaranteeing all goods. A satisfied customer means a great deal to us, and we ex change goods or refund the money to all dissatisfied ones such methods are a guarantee oj absolute satisaction. l use Big isiHiiery Mm LESSEE J We Still Have a Large Line ot Furs that are Going at Challenge Prices! Wg sell ard recommend It'll w ml , v, no won in tliGm.but lots r-t n ctf VP Mr,): Shoe Department! $2.00 Men's Fine Shoes $1.48 $2.50 and $3.00 Men's Fine Shoes.. $1.9 5 $3.50 and $100 Fine Shoes for Men at $2.95 $5.00 Men's extra Fine Gun Metal Shoes, leather lined $3.45 S3 which has occupied the attention of the ladies of this community for the past few days, is still the feature of this store for a limited time. The many stylishly trimmed hats that have gone out of this store during the past, few days speak for themselves carrying with them the greatest values ever offered in the his tory of this city. Just think of it every hat going at less than half of the original cost. $10 S8 S6 Fine Trimmed Hats. Hne Trimmed Hats .83.75 $2.75 Fime Trimmed Hats j v? .v r a THIS CELEBRATED HOSILRY NEEDS NO GUARANTEE Vooltex Suits! Wooltex Suits, that are well worth the selling price of $35.00, that wTll Q j n C f be sold during this sale at. . . . UlOiOU Ladies' and Misses' Suits, made to sell up to $25.00, all the late styles and new weaves of cloth, that we are of- Q j 1 7C ferii & in this sale for OlIilO I Special Thee rediculously low prices will stand until every hat in the house is sold, which will only be a few days longer, so call early if you wish a new hat at these prices. Ladies' Cloak Suit Department! In this department we are showing one of the greatest variety of Ladies' and Misses' Tailored Garments ever shown in this city, and we are selling them right, and challenge any other house in the land to produce the same garments at a less price: We are offering Ladies' and Misses' $12.50 long coats, very handsomely tailored, in all the new styles for $4.95 $14.00 Black Novelty Cloth and Caraculs 8.95 $18.00 Black Broadcloth Novelty Coats and Caraculs. . 9.94 $21.00 Novelty Cloth, Silk Plush, and fine imported black broadcloth, Skinner satin lining 14.85 $29.00 Novelty and Plush Coats for 1 9.75 01116 FL1IEL 10 HUB FOB 49c 10 5 BEST ME CILD FOR 45c COME EARLY! rp n h3 U IA1 o iv hi r m 0) 0) 1 ml Ml Jl PC ml "THE HOME OF GUARANTEED VALUES" V- SyElE(, apanages- Plattsmouth, Nebraska DADY AND CHILDREN'S COATS Aco"rE h".d!.s SI.75 to $4,45 We are headquarters for all kinds of Children's Clothing. Our heavy Winter line will arrive this week. CORSETS! We have just received a large invoice of new corsets, and are going at prices of general reduction 45c, 79c, 98c and $1.38 BLANKETS AND COMFORTS We have just received a large line Pj OC n Ql QC of Wool Blankets.... OliOU IU OHiJO Cotton Blankets at 69c Full Size Comforts 98c to 2.96 JJJJT JJJJ MURDOCH. I Special CiOiTcspoiHliMicc. ! H'I-H-W-W-l-W-H-W Miss I. t'al a McDonald is on Hie biok list. - SlioriiT Qtiinton was in town Tuesday. Miss Mary Hior of Lincoln spout .Sunday with Iut parents lion?. Mr. uinl Mrs. (.'.. Moomoy wore shopping in Omaha on Monday. Mrs. Louis Noilzol was in Lin coln on Wednesday of last week. Miss Marie (lieseker spent Sat urday and Sunday at lier home in Lincoln. Miss Mabel Coder, our music teacher, of Lincoln, was in town Tuesday. Chris Miller and wife, also Mrs. Matt ThiniRan were in Omaha last Wednesday. Umilo Harry of Alvo ate supper with John AniKwert and wife Sun day evening. Mr. und Mrs. II. M. Ueall of Omaha spent last Saturday with his brother, F. O. Menll and wife, here. Mr. and Mrs. John Aninwerl and small daughter, Marvel, visited relatives in F.lmwood Sunday aft ernoon. Charlie Moon of Ashland and Miss F.dilli Moon of F.lmwood visited over Sunday with Dr. Jones and family. Miss Catherine Harrington of Waterloo and Mr. Oleason of Omaha wore guests of Henry (lulhman and wife Sunday. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zoz on November II, a daughter; also to Mr. and Mrs. August Panska, on November 15, a daugh ter. Henry Oreer and family of Prairie Home, Paul Schewe and family of this place, wore guests of Will Schewe and familv Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McDonald and daughter, Marguerite, return ed Saturday from n two weeks' visit with relatives nt Plattsmouth and Murray. Henry Tool. Mrs. H. V. Mc Donald and Mrs. Arthur Desack wont to Omaha on No. 11 Monday to see Merle McDonald, who is in an Omaha hospital. finest s of Kd Tliimgan nnd wife Sunday were: Mr. Kuehn and F.iuina, Mr. und Mrs. F.mil Kuehn, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams and daughters of Elmwood. Merle McDonald was taken to an Omaha hospital last Saturday, where he underwent an operation on Tuesday morning, nnd at the present writing is very low. Herman Oakemier and Miss Solum Tliimgan, two of our pop ular young people, went to Omaha last Wednesday, where they were tuietly married. May the host luck they've bad be the worst that is coming to them. William Hush and wife enter tained at dinner, when their guests were: James Foreman und family of Alvo, Mr. und Mrs. James llrittian of Lincoln nnd Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wosllako and daughter, Mary Florence. Lacey McDonald had quite an accident last Wednesday evening in n runaway. In trying to hold bundles of shingles on a wagon when going down town be fell be tween the front wheel and the singletree, which scared the team, causing thorn to run, the wagon passing over Lacey's shoulder and one leg. He was picked up nnd taken home, where, after being examined by Dr. Neely of Elm wood, it was found ho had several pretty bad bruises, but no broken bones. He was routined to his room the remainder of the week. For coughing, dryness anr tickling in the throat, bonrsenes9 nnd nil coughs nnd colds, take Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. Contains no opiates. For sale by Fricko & Co. A MAIL CARRIER'S LOAD Seems heavier where he has a weak back and kidney trouble. Fred Duobron, Mail Carrier at Atchison, Kas., says: "I have been bothered with kidney and bladder trouble and had a severe pain across my back. Whenever I carried a heavy load of mail, my kidney trouble increased. Some lime ago, I started taking Foley Kidney Pills and since, taking them I have gotten entirely rid of all my kidney trouble and am as sound now as ever. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Box Social at Mynard. There w ill be a Hox Social given at the M. W. A. hall at Mynard Saturday evening, November 25th, by the membeijs of School Dis tricts Nos. 3 and 15, better known as the Jean and Snyder schools. Everybody cordially invited. So come, bring your baskets and have a good time. Elizabeth Oliver, Marguerite McSweeney, Teachers. Dyspepsia is America's curse. Durdock Wood Hitters conquers dyspepsia every time. It drives out impurities, tones the stomach, restores perfect digestion, nor mal weight ami good health. "I do not believe there Is any jothcr medicine so good for whoop ing cough as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," writes Mrs. Francis Turpin, Junction City, Ore. This remedy is also unsur passed for colds and croup. For sale by F. C. Fricke & Co. Try a sack of Forest Rose Flour the next time you need flour. Ask your dealer what ho thinks of it. Forest Rose Flour. Tne next time you need a sack of flour try a sack. You will And if. the best on the market. Doan's Regulets cure constipa tion without griping, nausea, nor any weakening effect. Ask your druggist for them. 25 cents per box.