The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 15, 1911, Image 4

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    Ladies' Kimonas, late patterns; in
colors and plain goods, worth
Ladies' House Dresses, apron com
bined, in colors and many pat
terns, worth $1.50. n Q p
Sale price Odu
Ladies' Waists; great variety in
new styles and colors, worth 75c
Ladies' Black Taffeta Silk Petti
Ladies' Heatherbloom Petticoats,
ors, worth up to $6.00; late pat
coats, worth $4.50.
Sale price
worth $1.25.
Sale price
Sale price
Sale price
to $1.00.
Sale price
Children's two-piece Underwear,
35c and 25c values. jQp
Sale price Iwu
1-irLadies' all-wool Sweaters at
less than cost.
Ladies' Flannel Shirt Waists, just
the garment for cold weather,
worth $1.75. QQp
Sale price wOu
Ladies' Black Hose, worth 15c.
Ladies' Outing Flannel
Gowns, made full,
The large size Ladies' Hand Bags,
Children's Union Suits, fleece line d
and ribbed.
Sale price
velvet embroidered.
Sale price
Men's Hose, black and tan, fancy.
Price 3 b
Ladies' Cravanette Coats, worth
$9.00. Oh 7R
Sale price UTilJ
Ladies' Corduroy Skirts, all col
Men's Caps, worth 50c. jQp
Sale price Iwu
Boy's Caps, Winter line, worth 35c.
jit Boy's Heavyweight Stockings,
worth 35c ni
Sale price
FALL and WM1
Men's Suspenders
President Suspenders
Men's Black Satin Shirts,
heavyweight ..........
is progressing very nicely, and even up to the present time, many people have visited our store, and taken ad
vantage of the many bargains we are offering. Last Saturday was a very stormy day, and while our opening
Saturday was exceptionally good from a financial standpoint, very few of our farmer friends from a distance were
able to attend the sale. Therefore we want to let our patrons now that the big line is yet comparatively un
broken, and extremely low prices are prevailing in every department. Where can you buy
10 Yards of Outing Flannel for 49c, and
1 0 Yards of the Very Best Calico for 45c
and everything in this big store is going at about the same bargain prices. Just think of the great sacrifice we
are making in our Millinery Department. We are closing out every hat in the house at less than cost. If you
will just call at our store during this Great Challenge Sale, we know you will be surprised at the many bargains
that are awaiting you, and just in tims to make your Christmas selections, which is but a few weeks off. At
this time you will buy for every member of the family, and we are in a position to supply your wants, from a
line of goods that will be useful and appreciated by all of them.
Children's and Misses' Coats, worth
Sale price .
Ladies Fur Scarfs
Men's Flannel Dress Shirts, all col-
iors, heavy weight; worth
$2.00 Sale price.. ....
Men's Blue and Red Bandana
Sale price. .. .. .. . .
Men's Rockford Work Sox, worth
10c a pair.
Sale price
) A
Blue Serge Dresses, in both ladies' and
Misses' sizes, worth, and regular seller for
$8.50, that we are offering in OA nc
this sale at OHiUJ
Serge Dresses in t he very latest styles,
neatly made and are the very best grades
and regular sellers at $14.50, which will
go in prices ranging from
S6.35. ST.95 and S8.95
$10 Men's and Young OR tn
Men's Suits OUiUU
$12 Men's and Young Oj 7C
Men's Suits OlilO
$15 and $16.50 Men's and
Young Men's Suits Jjj
$18 and $20 Men's and Young
Men's Suits J gg
$25 and $29.50 Men's and
Young Men's SuitsPM en
at $19.50 and.... OlH-iOU
$12.50 Men's and Young
Men's Overcoats Jjj (jg
An LP' n H OPlP' pv dtp
mm Minnrni
All wool serge skirts, that are well worth $6.00, that will be
sold during this sale for . . 03 9 5
The best tailored skirts, in all-wool novelty cloth, and well
worth $6.00, that will be sold at $4.98
Ladies' Corduroy skirts in all colors, late styles and well made,
that are good values at $8.00, that we are of- l I Q
fering during this sale for ... ) fr O
fiiie un
$10 Men's and Young Oc 7C
Men's Overcoats.. OJilJ
518 and $20 Men's and Young
1 Men's Overcoats J2 5Q
$3.00 Boys's Suits J gg
$4.00 Boys' Suits CO 0Q
$5.00 Boy's Suits
at .
Coney Fur Sets, black and brown .$ 1.87
French Coney Sets of Furs, large Muff.
and Collar, at $2.95- 3.85
Large Set of Furs, regular sellers at $7.50, 4.95
WOne Big Lot of Blue Serge Pants,
in high class woolens, worth $5.00, $6,00
and $7.00 an elegant assortment in
this lot 0 OC
Choice OJlUJ
Silk Taffeta Ribbon, worth 15 and
20c per yard. (ft
Sale price.
Baby Bear Skin Coats, worth $4.
Sale on nr
price Oiitw
Brass Button Cards of 1 and 2
Sale price.
Hooks and Eyes, per card
Hair nets with elastic, worth 10c
Sale r
price WU
Men's Black High-Grade 20c
Socks. lift
Sale price ... . lib
Arrow Brand Collars, for men,
worth ,15. Qp
Sale price lUb
s he mm
- ZUCKER, Manager
Plattsmouth, : : : : : : Nebraska
Wooltex Suits, that are well worth
the selling price of $35.00, that fl . ft p
will be sold during this 8ale Q B
Ladies' and Misses' Suits, made to
sell up to $25.00, all the late styles and
new weaves of cloth, that we All 7R
are offering in this sale for..
Enjoy a Nlco Social Time
After the Work Was
From WedneMday'i Dam.
At a special adjourned meeting
of Platte council K. & L. of S.,
last evening nine new members
were obligated by the prelate,
Mrs. Whelan. Refreshments, con
sisting of sandwiches, pickles,
cake and coffee, were served at1 local orators are down for toasts,
"Why does President Taft wear
red, white and Muo suspenders?"
and "Why is a chicken the most
religious of all fowls?" At a late
hour the members dispersed. The
next regular meeting will be held!
on Monday evening, November 20. j
A Neat Program.
The program for the Y. M. B. C.
banquet, which will occur next
Friday evening at the parlors of
the Methodist church, has Just
been printed. The program is a
neat three-page booklet printed
on deckeledge paper. In glancing
it over we notice that a few of the
the intermission. After the ad
mission of members and the
transaction of the regular order
of business, a program, which
had been arranged by the com
mittee, consisting of music and
readings, was rendered. Instru
mental solos were played hy Miss
Mina Thierolf u"ud Waldemar
Soennichscn and Francis Whelan,
wno are nmnmr ne nest Piano
as well as some six or seven Oma
ha speakers. The principal ad
dress of the evening will be given
by Hon. Howard H. Baldrige of
Omaha, on the topic, "The Young
Men of Today." A ladies' quartet
will enliven the feast with vocal
selections. It is expected that
covers will be laid for 100 or more
of the young mm of the city. The
purpose or the class in tins new
players in the city. All of these) venture is to promote good fel-
popular players were enthusias
tically applauded at the close of
their respective numbers. The
reading given by Mrs. Baird was
up to the usual high standard of
this popular entertainer, the
audience giving her rapt attention
throughout the dramatic climaxes
with which her selection abound
ed. She was accompanied hy Miss
Etna Crabill with the piano, and
i .0 selection left a marked im
pression on all who heard it.
While the coffee was being pre
pared a lively guessing contest
was engaged in by all present,
this feature of the entertainment
being in charge of Mrs. C.II.
Smith, who passed slips of paper
to each one, the paper being ar
ranged for the answer of ques
tions propounded by Mrs. Smith.
The list contained such posers as,
low ship among the young men of
our town. This is the first func
tion of the sort to be given in this
city, and the good to be derived
from it will be beyond estimate.
Those in charge of the enterprise"
will no doubt he encouraged to
repeat it later.
Social Dance a Success.
The dance given in f.oates' hall
last Saturday evening by the Dan
cing Trio, was, as usual, a very
successful affair socially, but
financially was not up to the
usual standard of former oc
casions, owing to the very stormy
weather. The boys have another
dance billed for one week from
next Saturday evening and mere
favorable weather conditions are
hoped for. A general invitation
is extended to all.
No Sleep, No Rest, No Peace for
the Sufferer From Kidney
No peace for the kidney suf
ferer Pain and distress from morn to
(So! up with a lame hack.
Twinges of backache bother
you all day.
Dull aching breaks your rest at
Urinary disorders add to your
Get at the cause cure the kid
neys. Doan's Kidney Pills are for tho
kidueys only
Have made great cures in this
Mrs. I. Youmans, of Olenwood,
Iowa, says: "I had a dull pain in
my head, extending into my neck,
and I was unable to get my proper
rest. Two months ago I procured
Doan's Kidney Pills and their use
innde a marked improvement in
every way. I can praise Doan's
Kidney Pills highly, for I know
they can be relied upon to
strengthen the kidneys and dis
pose of any symptom of kidney
For sale by all dealers. Price
50 cents. Fosler-Milburn Co..
Buffalo, New York,, solo agents for
the United States.
Remember the name Doan's
and take no other.
Farms For Sale.
100 acres of Cass county land,
located 3 miles south of Nehawka
This place is in excellent condi
ton with 100 acres sowed to fall
who at, 4 acres of alfalfa, 30 acres
of meadow and remainder in
pasture, 7 acres being fenced hog
tight. Improved with 8 room
house, fine new largo barn with
accommodations for ten head of
horses and fifty cattle; cribs and
granary, 4 acres orchard and a
splendid well with new mill. Be
side the well thero is a good spring
and two small running streams.
Would make a fine proposition for
stock of diversified farming.
Also 160 acres rich Otoe coun
ty land adjoining the above farm;,
135 acres under cultivation, most!
of which is bottom land and pro
duces bumper crops; and 20
acres is in meadow. This Is a
good buy for somebody. For
further information communicate
with .
C. Beadon Hall, Nehawka, Neb.
Cass County Man Appointed.
The appointments of Sheriff -elect
Ous Hyers of Lancaster
county has been announced by
that official. Among the appoint
ments we note that James O. F.ik
enberg has been made day turn
key at the jail. Kikenberg was
formerly sheriff of Cass county,
and for the past fourteen years,
and is yet, employed as a guard at
the state penitentiary.
County Surveyor Fred Patter
son returned from Murray last
f vening, where he had beon sur
veying lines for William E, Dull,
who recently, purchased residence
property in that village.
For Iafaati and Children.
Thi Kind Yea Havi Abraji BongM
Bear the
81g&twe of
The following petit jurors have
been selected for the next term of
court: James Niday, Liberty;
Will Spangler, Weeping Water;
N. K. Peoples, Plattsmouth; A. C.
Clymer, Salt Creek; Theodore
Starkjohn, Plattsmouth; A. K.
Lake, Klinwood; Oscar Oapen,
Rock Bluffs; K. Norris, Avoca;
Joe Tubbs, Plattsmouth; William
Atchison, Stove Creek; C. C.
Bucknell, Greenwood; John W.
Ruhge, Weeping Water; Frank
Sheldon, Nehawka; Ceorge Hall,
Tipton; William Wagner, Louis
ville; John Elliot, Tipton; A. F.
Boedeker, Mount Pleasant; Cbas.
E. Noyes, Louisville; O. W.
Cheney, Liberty; Fred Stoke, Elm
wood; David Foltz, Mt. Pleasant;
Henry Clapp, Stove Creek; W. F.
Diers, Louisville; John Rauth,
Charles Warren In Town.
From Wedneaduy'i Dally.
Charles Warren of Cedar Creek,
a former Plattsmouth business
man, was in the city yesterday
looking after business matters
and renewing old acquaintances.
Mr. Warren for a number of
years was the leading barber hern
and kept the most popular lon
sorial parlor in Plattsmouth.
Some years ago he. disposed of
bis holdings here and removed to
Cedar Creek, where ho has since
been engaged in business.
Surprises His Friends.
The following is taken from the
Nebraska City News of Tuesday,
November 1 4 :
"Last evening Louis Ilcinacklo
and Mrs. Anna Under of Murray
came to this city and were united
in marriage by Judge W. W. Wil
son, aided and abetted by J.
"Cupid" Miller. Tim happy couple
spent the night in this city, tak
ing in the sights, and left for
homo this morning, where thoy
will be tendered a reception."
This action on the part of Louie
will prove a great surprise to his
many friends In rlaltsmoulh,
who, with tho Journal, extend the
heartiest congratulations. Tho
bride is a daughter of Uncle Ben
Beckman, who lives south of
town, ami a lady highly respected
by all who know her. Louie is
one of the best fellows in the
world, and we wish the couple
complete happiness and all the
prosperity possible. But we can
not In-1 p but add that Louie has
at last found a lady who admires
n good pinochle player.
County Teachers' Examination.
The regular county teachers'
examination will be held, at the
odjee of the county superintend
cot November 17 and 18, Friday
and Saturday, of this week.
"The Aoorne," ths popular U
cigar. Mad by PUk A Bajeek.
Spend Winter In California.
From Tueodny's Pally.
D. Terteloll of Lincoln return
ed to his home this morning, after
visiting his daughter, Mrs. Wil
liam Baird, for a short time. Mr.
Tertelolt will depart for south
ern California in a few days,
where ho will spend the winter.
Mrs. Baird and son, Robert, will
depart for California about De
cember 15 to spend the winter In
the mihW climate of the coast.
J. S. Rough and wife and John
E. Rough and wife motored from
their home at Nehawka this morn
ing and. participated in the good
roads meeting at the Parmele this,
afternoon. .