The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 13, 1911, Image 2

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(Lsccss J Man Kay Nat Ba Force
Back 13 Lincoln.
h::e ciee.
Discoverer of Radium
Who Wins $40,000 NoM
Prize For Chemistry.
rliiMiiAltAi 1'
3 Resigns
Eecause of Criticism
For Marrying Astors.
Butclnry, Fire, Rzpina aid D3S
olalhn i.i Nar.kin 7.
age o sex hot spared.
Our aim is to please and satisfy our cus
tomers, by giving them value for money received.
Our unlimited variety of patterns and styles of cloth
ing Will enable yOU tO Choose Something along COIlServa- Quench rs heads wore everywhere to
tive lines, or if you are a fane
here to obey your commands,
Women and Children Are Stabbed or
Shot on Sight and Homes of Rich
Looted Insurgents Powerless to
Prevent Massacre of Innocents.
Nanking, Nov. 11. Nanking today
la desolate. Fully 1,000 of ita Inliabl
(ants lie massacred and numeious
business houses and dwellings have
been looted and burned. Ninety thou
sand persons already have fled thu
rlty and still others are joining1 he exo
dus. Along the railway leading from
the city a long snake like line of hu
manity Is trudging, seeking safety.
It was the hand of the Manchus
that brought the devastation. While
the republicans were In camp three
miles away awaiting ammunition and
reinforcements the Manchus began
(he work of carnage. Men, women
and children were slaughter d. Neith
er youth nor age was taken Into ac
count. White, the emblem ol the rev
olution, marked Its wearers for instant
death. Chinamen with white sl oes, a
rlgn of mourning amon-j them, or even
a handkerchief, were ruthlessly slain.
Mi '''f'-'- ; " J
live lines, ui it yuu uiu ci iuiiliui ui ucuiviau iucaa wc uic i)u.
'Let us Overcoat you for Winter and save you money
rebe's made a demonstration,
1 hut did little shooting and there wire
'few f.italit1";). Reinforcements are
Taken half hour off and drop around to look over our.roin,"s 1101,1 ,v,ly dM-ee.v.n. They
. x. , n. ., . . , r, - , r i ;"ro riUV !in'1 ragged recruits, but are
hne of Men s Clothing and Furnishing Goods. detcrmired and the fmai tattle pr,.m
iscs to bo desperate,
i l'or. l-ncrs are being treated with
i the utmii' f consideration. lun the
rites were opciw d the l:co;.le thronged
toward the country, ench carrying Ms
bthmlii' s rnd driven by the knperial
lst Feon ufUiwaids the carnage
Order for Gereral Slruhtrr.
Finre the nl-Jit of Nov. 3, when the
first attack wi s made by the revolu
tionists, the tartar general its en-
deavon'd to terrorize the Inhabitants
. , by vho'eile executions. Those
lies niil lumen" extra- . . . . .
1 '. . whr e fi'ie'v s had been cut o!T were
belMTt'ed, bet when the order for a
"cneml fi'airhter was given, the whole
t rtlve cllv was invaded by tho Man-
$25,00000 KOBE
eJ?e him Fe3
i n xr
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Lira u n
Mcrra outfitter!
New York, Nov. Jl An.'.rew
negie announced thnt he had
..i,uuu.D. u 10 me Liarneg u corpora i , ,,,.,.
.;.. r i-. -i , . still has hi')' held there.
HWil UI i."T 1 UI l, UI tflIll,1 (i II
Paul F. CUrk of Lincoln Formally
Files for Congress in the First Dis
trict Forccjraves Requisition Case
Is Up.
Lincoln, Nov. 11. Theodore Stan
irics, held In l.'tica, N. Y., and wanted
in this Btate on the charge of arson,
may and may not be compelled to re
turn to Nebraska. The local man is
under sentence of seven yearo in the
state penitentiary lor procuring Roy
Wilscani to a house in this city.
Later StanLsics appealed his case to
tho supreme court aftsr being released
cn a $3,000 bond.
Ho is said to have disposed of
much property here before his depart
ure. An effort was made in the dis
trict court, where his bond still is, to
have the man brought into court or de
clare the bond forfeited. An attorney
for the deiense, however, stopped the
proceedings by contending that the
district court had no jurisdiction in
the' matter now that the case was on
appeal to tho state supreme eoirt.
It will come up at the next sitting,
Nov. 20. The matter was not ruled
upon by the judge who heard the mnt
tr, bet it is probable that this meth
od will fail.
Attorney General Martin asserts
t.hct 'f the ninn does not show up he-
" if '' ' I' w
d) 1911, by Amrrlrn ,vn Association.
R2S0lt!i3.1S Cot (1:1113 CH3 PlO-
vlsicn cf Ch:iJ La!i:r Lav;.
Omaha, Nov. 11. The Nebraska
lore ine oatc or me no.inng, mi wr state Teachers' convention cloocd with
Nov. 20, tN-:i he will file a nation ask- Rn insilirln vwvvam ilt the Auditorl-
ln- that the appeal be dismissed. In ura. . Tho fil,.evvtu B(;ssion of the great
this event the m-tter wi'l then stiud gathering, which biought more then 4000 of t,,e b, i-iitc-Bt minds in the
stmis'rs ecu he recalled from New gUUe t0 -el.hcr in Omaha, was largely
VcrU -If the
Year's Record la Less Than Onoj
Passenger Killed Per
It in becoiniiK,' safer to travel
on American railroads, liven so,
however, the annual slailitcr H
preuter man mat sustained in
any battle of modern limes, says
tho New York Journal of Com
merce. Dtirinif the year ended
Juno 30 last (lie casually hill ex
tftoded K.0,000, or 3, 000 weekly,
or about 4.10 daily. That is to
say, rnilrond accidents occur at
tho rale of one every three min
utes from one year's end to the
other. The deaths totaled 10,100,
but of these only 3T)0 were nas
aoiwrs, aprainst 421 in 1910. An
average of only one passenger
each day
ordinary w hen the number of pen
pie usiiiK trains is taken into con
sideration. Of the total killed
fully hair represented persons rhu po'dlers. who mnssacred nun.,
(respussinsr on the property of women end children. Even the iged
were shown no
the railroads, walking on tho
I racks or stealing rides on trains.
There was one employe killed to
every 15H employed, and one in
jured lo every thirteen in the
"'i viiiies in arms
Thownds of Chinese poured fn.m
he pr!"H until it was estimated that p
fully 0 'Hi'i persons. represntiir ev
ery ehiss t'e nierc'ients, tho grntry
service. These llpures leave room Pnil ,.rf,Mrs, na(1 0,,en nway. Mem
1 for improvement. It would he in- ' whl'o the nncbns scoured the narrow
leresling lo know just what per- streets of the citv and the houses of
cenlane could have been avoided tho wea'thv merchants were sacked,
hv (lie exercise of reasonable care Anv victim was beheaded
on Hie part of the servants grown Immediately
callous to danger through famil- j
iarity with it, .
The pre?s correspondent saw sev-
ernl w"Tnen executed and their chil-
re i n
rier a charter granted by tho New
York leiatiiro hist Juno 't-j pro
mote the advancement and diL'usi n ol
knowledge and iindi r.standlii'j; anion?
In bestowing this gift upon the cor
position, orti nized especially to re
ce've it and apply its income to the
purpose indicated, Mr. Carnesle, in a
statement sivcn out nt his home in
Fifth avenue, said he Intends to leave
with the corrorrte body the work of
founding and aiding lihiarh'S and ed
ucatlonnl institutions which he, as nn
in-ii v'dnnl, has carried on for many
Says "Troucjh" N.ean9 Bar, Not Place
Where Bribes Are Paid.
Chicago, Nov. 11. What was meant
by the "trough" in Springfield at the
time of the election of Senator
IiOrimer in May, 1909, was explained
before the senate investigating com-
hief of police of Utica attended
'1 In.' reso'utions
Hearing on Requisition.
The hcai-lr." on a requisition from
I Dakota for w- return ol Mrs.
lire no Foresraves fiom this state to
' the liekhborlrfr state to the north will
be held be' ore Governor Aldrlch to
day. The woman Is wanted at Fair
fix, Gregory comity, on the charge of
ravin? maintained a disorderly house.
The offense is punishable in South Da
lota hv imprisonment in the state penitentiary.
Clark Formally Enters.
recommended tho
enforcement of the law prohibiting tho
use of tobacco by boys under sixteen,
but condemned the provision of the
child labor law prohibiting employ
ment of children under fourteen at
gainful occupations as "baneful." Use
ful employment for children out of
school hours and d.irin? vacations was
r.dvoected rather than frowned upon.
A campaign was launched by Ger
man teachers at the meeting of that
department of the Nebraska State
Teachers' association to brin? about
a better understanding of the German
Paul F. Clark of Lincoln started the language in Nebraska.
1912 political hall rolling by filing for Teachers of German throughout the
JlepHhlican candidate for the cor.gres ftate will be requested to cultivate tho
slonal nomination from the First dls- acquaintance of the "hoch Deutsca"
trlct. Mr. Clark is understood to have in their communities and secure from
no business connections at this time them Information and help in the
ui 1 hns e,iven out that he will devote teaching ot tho fatherland tongue,
all of his time to his candidacy. Trofessor Amanda Hepr-ner of Lln
McBHen Appeals De Bolt Case. 'coin lectured on the principal German
, , .. , communities which she has visited nu-
J. lj. luCIllltll, luillirii.. oiiiio otijci-
Arm stabbed and trampled under foot. 1 mlUt'e by Joll K- neVYoir. a Demo
The ordr nnneared to he thnt anyone tr"tlc str,t representative who voted
wcarliu envthlng white which sag-1 tor I-orlmer.
PediLM-eed Duroe-Teroev male "' h He badge worn bv the Dew ott was questioned concerning a
IUIIMMC1 IMirot-.iersiy man -..w.i.i. . Klntonipnt In the Irst rnonv nf Renre
riMUT incrs in m rL lie HiiuT.i lorinwiin. - -----
tthiia nM,t t,nn.ikcr.htfr trmrio : sentntive Charles White, confessed
For Sale.
V. H. Perry,
Mynard, Neb.
Iro civn in, willi tlie finest fruil
flavors, at Thiokmeypr & Maurer's
handkerchief marked
tho possessor for death. White shoes,
which are worn bv the Chinese as a
Kirn of mourn'ng. was a signal for tho
execution of tho wearer.
YOU'LL take a lot of pleasure in
wearing the kind of clothes we'll sell you;
they're more than simply clothes; they give
you comfortable sense of being well dressed; that's
worth a good deal.
The new medals in suits and overcoats are very
attractive; we want a chance to show them to you.
Suits and Overcoats $10 to $35
Stflaon llata
Manhattan ihirtt
Attitude of Crown Prince In Moroccan
Affair Crlticlxed.
Merlin. Nov. 11. Tho Attitude of
Crown Prince Frederick William dur
ing tho debate in the relchstag when
ho openly demonstrated bis pleasure
over thfl criticisms of Chancd'or von
IVthniann ITollweg's policy in twe Mo
roccr-n affair with France. Is sharply
'condemned by not only the friends,
! but the opponents of the chnneellor.
j The Perllner Taueh'att. the Vos
j?oscho Zcitung. the Vorwaerts, the Co
(lomio Cn' tte and the Frmkfurter Zel
itiing; loin in describing the incident as
la frivolous and dangerous exhlh'tion.
I Tho papers see no occasion for serlo'i?
,roncern whn tho heir to the throne
so demonstr-'tivelv shows his dlscon
tent with thrt ro'ley of tho emperor
and tils responsible advisors and ex
press tho fear thnt tho impression hag
been riven abroad thnt the future em
peror Is bending a new German war
Pojen Florldans Fight "Tiger of 8ea"
Which Devoured Comrade,
rensaeola. Fin., Nov.- 11. After a
fight of nearly an hour, in which the
fish was perforated with rifle bullets, a
joven men killed the giant shark
which devoured Jules Antolne. The
monster was over twelve feet in
When the body was cut open almost
'.he entire corpse of Antolne was
(ound Inside. The boots bore the im
print of the sextuple rows of teeth.
To make Identification certain a
tattooed wreath, about an anchor, was
plainly discernible upon Antolne's
Taft Vlsltt Scene of Famous Battle.
Chattanooga, Tenn., Nov. 11. After
k day spent in traveling through Ten
oessee, President Taft was driven for
thirty five miles over the battlefield
of Ohlckamauga, where historians con
cede one of the bloodiest conflict! of
the civil war wai fought
brlho taker, that the day before the
election of Lorimer DeWolf asked
White whether the latter had been "up
to tho trough?"
"Fid you tell Whlto you had been
up to the trough and ask whether he
had been up?" asked Attorney John J
' "I did not," replied DeWolf. "Oi
rather I should say I never referred
to the 'troueh' except to mean the bar
In Sprinefleld tho 'trough' always
meant the bar."
intendent, has appealed to the state
supreme court from a judgment of
11,000 and costs obtained by Victor
Pe Fo't, a school teichcr at Winside,
n a libel suit.
Returns Received From Seventy-two
on Supreme Judges,
Omaha. Nov. 11. On supreme
The bodies of six miners wero dls
covered in the Adrian mine at Punxsu
tawney, Pa.
Desertions from the navy during tho
past yenr have shown a considerable
falllne off, according to Secretary of
the Navy Meyer.
President Tart granted a ninety day
reprieve to Mrs. Mattie E. l.oniax, a
negress of Washington, sentenced tc
die for the murder of her husband.
Mrs. Jane Qulnn, whose husband
was found shot to death In bed at Chi
csgo, was held to the grand jury tc
answer a chnrgo of murder by the
coroner's Jurv.
After a running flcht In the main
street of Decatur, III., two masked
men. who had held up and robbed
Mosbarcer's meat market of $400,
made their escape.
Ijeonard Fake, fifteen years old, who
wrecked the Soo line Velvet special at
Fremont, Wis., Sept. 4 and caused tho
death of four persons, was sentenced
to the state industrial school.
Efforts to check the spread of hog
cholera In Whiteside county, Illinois,
have proved unavalllnn and it Is now
est'mnted that the value of animals
killed will reach more than $1,000,000
Newton C. Dougherty, former treas
urer of th.i Peoria school board and
superintendent of schools, who was
a.nt to Joltet for an indefinite term
was granteJ a parole by the Illinois
hoard of pardons.
An apparatus on which Anthony P.
wice of St. Louis had worked for
more than a year, Intended to gener
ate heat without the use of coal
caused his death. Wlce was making
an alteration In the tank, when It
exploded, kllllnj him.
merous times, and Illustrated her talk
with stereoptlcan views. Student 1 fa
in Gt rmany was explained, from 11 e 'n
the traded Hchoo's through the col
lege course?. The hardships of Ger
man "fiat" lifo were detailed.
Panama Developer Is Accused In Los
Anneles of Misusing Malls.
Los - Angeles. Nov. 11. Dr. John
Judscs 1,259 precincts, or seventy two , Grant Lyman, the promoter, now in
co.intles, complete in iseurasua givo
Hamer a lead of 2,975 over Dean,
while in the same counties Fawcett
had a lead ov"r Sullivan of 1.66G. Only
twenty of the smaller divisions of the
state aro yet to report.
Hall lor railway commissioner now
has a lead of 8,770.
In the Third d'strlct, seventeen out
of tho eighteen count'es give Stephens
a majority of 3,171 over Elliott.
Cyrus H. Gilmore Dead.
Fullerton, Neb., Nov. 11. Cyrus II.
Gilmore, one of the pioneer residents
of this city, died at his home here.
He suffered a paralytic stroke about
ten days ago and on account of his
ago he was too feeble to recover. Mr.
"SUniore had resided In Fullerton for
about thirty years and whs very prom
inent in Masonic and Grand Army or
tho Republic affairs.
Brick Trust Must Stand Trial.
Chicago, Nov. 11. Judge K. M. Lan-
dis In tho United State.! district court
overruled a demurrer filed on behalf
of D. V. Purlngton and others indicted
on a charge of restraining trade and
ormins what was known as "the
brick trust." This means that the men
will stand trial within a few months.
prison in San Francisco, was indicted
by tho federal grand jury here on the
charge of having used the malls to de
fraud. Itail was fixed at $25,0 0.
Lyman conducted his operations un
der the name of the Panama Develop
ment company, a corporation supposed
to have a capital of $1 000,000 paid
up. Seven or eight suits were filed
against the concern by land buyers,
and tho authorities raided its offices
on Sept. 9.
Lyman disappeared at the same
time and was arrested near San Fran
cisco. Dr. Lymrn had a spectacular
social career in Pasadena.
One Hunter Killed, Another Wounded.
Duluth, Minn., Nov. 11. John Red
lark of Deer River was Instantly killed
rnd hl3 companion, Charles Lindahl,
dangerously wounded while hunting at
How Strlnt lake. They, had killed a
niooso and were dressing It when fired
on by a party of unidentified hunters,
who mistook them for big game.
Injunction Against Pickets.
Springfield, III.. Nov. 11. A tempo
rary injunction was Issued by Judge
Humphrey in the United States cir
cult court restraining the striking em
ployees of the Illinois Central rail
road from picketing the shops and
from using any method of Intimidation
Omaha Aeronaut Is Killed.
Perilns, Okla., Nov. 11. Samuel
lleller of Omaha, was killed here
white making a balloon ascension.
Proposed Walkout on Rock Island Sys
tem Postponed Three Weeks.
Chicago, Nov. 11. Action toward
the threatened strike of shop em
ployees on tho Rock Island railroad
system was postponed three weeks.
F. N. Tlrsman, general manager of
the Rock Island system, sent a final
Rnswer to J. W. Duff, chairman of the
shopmen's committee, In which Tins
man said the railroad refused to deal
with the employees as a federation.
The federated committee decided to
let the strike situation mark time un
til the annual ronvent'on of the
American Federation of Inbor, which,
opens In Atlanta, Ga., next week
Former Kansas City Merchant Charged;
With Misuse of Mails.
Kansas City, Nov. 11. J. J. Swof
ford, formerly president of Swofford
Brothers' Dry Goods company here,
was Indicted here by a federal grand
jury on a charge of using the malls to
defraud. The Indictments charge that
Mr. Swofford sold through the malla
$200,000 worth of stock of his firm to
various persons.
The company is now defunct and It
is charged that Swofford concealed the
real condition of the business and as
sured buyers that the atock would pay
big returns, when It wai practically