The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 06, 1911, Image 2

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Apparatus Which Can Be Attached
to Railroad Locomotive to
Throw Water 65 Feet In Air.
W. R. Barton, fire prevention
inspector of the Missouri Pacific
Iron Mountain road has studied
out a fire-fighting apparatus
which can be attached to railroad
to do so. So come In und let us "show you" whether you are from Missouri
or Nebraska. Our Quality Line begins at $20.
MMescott's Sons
ThU Wai a Very Interesting Subject, and One That Wai Very
Entertaining From an Intellectual Point of View, and Com
mended by a Large Audience.
A largo congregation greeted script ion of their little country
Rev. Gade at the Presbyterian ami the heroism which enabled
church yesterday morning, when this people to withstand long con
he preached tho first of a series of turies of bitterest persecutions,
sermons on Prcsbyterianism, the. Rev Gade continued: "These
subject being "The Oldest Prcs- : people were and are today Prosby
byterian." The special music terians in their doctrine, in their
consisted of an anthem by the form of worship and in their
choir, the solo part being sung by church policy; and for these prin
B. A. McElwain. Rev. Gade said ciples they stood and were as im
in part: j movable as the mountains and the
"Not in a spirit of boaslfulness, hills which hid them in tehir fast-
but in a spirit of thankfulness to
God for the wonderful way in
which be has used the Presby
terian rhurch for the good of the
world, do I desire to speak on 'The
Oldest Presbyterian.'
"The early Christian rhurch
was confined principally to
Jerusalem, but after the death of
Stephen, the first Christian
martyr, the persecution which
followed, scattered the disciples
of Christ over Judea and Samaria,
and was I tie means of spreading
the new faith, for 'they went
everywhere preaching the gospel.'
So, too, years later, when Paul
was sent to his martyrdom at
Rome, the followers of Christ were
scattered over various parts of
Europe. Among those that went
forth as 'guardians of t ho truth'
was a faithful band of refugees,
known as the Waldonisans, which
I have designated as "the oldest
Presbyterians.' They found a
home in the rugged valley of
Piedmont, and there kept al've
the light of the faith."
Then followed an elaborate de-
An Address Delivered by C. A.
Rawls Before the P. E. O.
Society Friday Evening.
Referring to the Presbyterian
church on the American con
tinent reference was made that
Presbvterianism had been the
chief factor in securing individual
richts and liberty to the American
citizens. The fact was hrnusrhf
out, that the Scotch-Irish Prosbv
terians were the first to acritale
separation from Groat Britain.
.And also that more than half of
the officers and soldiers In the
Revolutionary war were Presbv
lerians. and that in TCneland it
was called a Presbyterian rebel
lion. In closing Rev. Ondo said: "Thh
Presbyterian church, great in her
mission, great in human learn
ing, great in her thoueht and life,
has come up thronirh the aires
bearing upon her broad brow the
battle scars of manv a fierce con
flict, her heart pierced through
and through, her side drinpinar
wilh blood, bearing the crimson
hands and the crimson feet, like
her Master, coming un from Edom
with dved garments."
If we should say in this ad that we can furnish you
the best suit of clothes you can buy for $20, no matter where you go or send
for them, would you believe it? You doubtless are from Missouri. But
when we make such a statement as that, and we do make it, are you willing
to give us a chance to prove it? In other words, are you willing to be shown?
We can't prove to you the truth of our statement without you give us a chance : locomotivos and effectively used
in preventing conflagrations on
the tracks. A test of the appliance
was recently made at the Ewing
avenue shops of the Missouri Pa
cific in St. Louis, which was wit
nessed by Assistant Chief John F.
Rarry of the St. Louis fire depart
ment. and Chief James T. O'Don
nell of the St. Louis Underwriters'
Salvage corps. It was demon
strated that a stream of watoi
could be thrown 65 feet in the air
with 200 pounds of steam pres
sure on the locomotive. In a let
ter to Acting General Manager J.
V. Uiggins of the Missouri Pacific-Iron
Mountain, Messrs.
Barry and O'Dnnnell endorsed the
appliance so strongly that it has
been decided to equip all yard en
gines on the entire system and
some of the road locomotives
wilh it,
The tanks of the large yard en
gines hold 6,000 gallons of water.
Mr. Barton's plan is to carry 50
feet of one and one-quarter-inch
steam hose on a reel under the
running board of the engine.
Steam hose is used, as the water
which comes from the tank and Is
forced through the branch pipe is
very hot and in a short time would
destroy the ordinary rubber hose.
The connection is placed on the
branch pipe between the boiler
check and injector. The idea is
that when an engine reaches the
scene of a fire in the yards a
switchman is to jerk the hose
from the reel and attach it to the
coupling leading from the branch
pipe, and the engineer is to start,
the injector, while the tlreman
goes out on the running board
and opens the valve in the branch
pipe leading to the boiler check.
The stream of water can then be
turned on the conflagration.
Mr. Barton, who designed the
apparatus, was for a number of
years general inspector of the St
Louis Fire Prevention buerau, and
savs that many disastrous fires in
railroad yards are caused by the
inability of the city fire engines to
get 'close to the scene, whereas
railroad locomotives can reach the
scene in the shortest possible time
by running over the road's own
The cost of the apparatus in
stalled will be $35, and by its use
everv locomotive will be made a
fire-fighting engine.
smog a
- i i
Another Account of Marriage of
Miss Anna Parkenlng and
William Haffke.
The pleasant country home of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles l'arkening
was the scene of a very pleaasnt
homo wedding Wednesday, No
vember 1, when their daughter,
Miss Anna, and William HatTko
of Omaha were united in the holy
bonds of wedlock. The parlors of
elaborate wedding repast of five
courses. The tablo was very at
tractively decorated, and in de
ference to the fall season the
color scheme of yellow and white j
was carried out. The centerpiece
consisted of a mat of tulip tree
leaves upon which rested a laree
pumpkin basket filled with fruits
of all kinds. Intermingled with the
roses and chrysanthemums. The
dainty place cards were also of
the same colors, yellow and white.
The bride Is a well known,
charming and accomplished young
lady, while the groom is a rising
young business man of Omaha,
having an office In the Brandels
building. They have a host of
the l'arkening homo had been fri),nds in ,hifl viHnilv, who Join
beautifully decorated for the oc-M, .Tm,mnl in wUhtng them a
Mr. and
I the .Tnnrnnl in wishing
casion with a generous use of oak i iif nA Unnina
leaves, roses and chrysantho-1 Mp. 1Ift(TUf donarlod for Omahai,ifp Arcing upon both the old
In response to an invitation of
the program committee of the P.
Fi. (). society, C. A. Raw Is ad
dressed that society Friday after
noon on the subject of socialism.
The subject was treated from the
standpoint of an independent in
vestigator, and the address show
ed that the speaker had read
widely upon this subject and knew
something about what is claimed
by the leading thinkers of the
socialistic party of today, as well
as what the greatest of all think
ers and writers in that school of
political philosophy, Karl Marx,
thought and taught.
Socialism, said the speaker, is
very much misunderstood by those
who oppose it, and by those who
claim to bo its adherents. The
address only claimed to present a
few of the fundamental doctrines
of socialism as advanced by the
best leaders of that party. The
philosophy of socialism; the
economics of socialism and the
social commonwealth, as sot forth
by Kark Marx, was explained and
discussed. The constant aim and
purpose of the socialistic move
ment is to secure for labor a
greater and more just share of the
wealth that it alone produces. To
attain that end this school teaches
that it is necessary for the people
as a collective body to obtain the
control of the means of produc
tion, not by revolution or rebel
lion, but by using the political
machinery of our government by
getting into the hands of the poo-
i pie, gradually and my lawful
I means, by process of education,
I development and evolution of
i Ihoucht, belief and of a social
consicence and consciousness, the
political power of the government.
By this means can they more
easily bring about the great
economical changes which they
believe necessary for the welfare
and common good of all the
citizenship of the republic. The
great fundamental truth which is
believed and taught by this party,
is that labor is the great produc
er and creator of values and
wealth, and that under the pres
ent svstem of capitalism, it is not
getting its just share that labor
is onlv getting a sufficient of the
value it produces to perpetuate it
self, that Is to live, to go on pro
ducing for the benefit of capital.
Many points of interest were
brought out bv tho speaker; and
he declared that say and think
what we will, that the socialistic
partv has a mission to perform
and is today in our own political
Warm Floors
Insure the Children's Health
This successful heating stove supplies the demand
for a handsome, economical magazine hard coal stove
with mica illumination, having the heating capacity of a
large base burner which can be sold to you at a low price.
Cole's Radiant Heater,
Heats evenly, top, bottom and sides. The steel bottom al
lows direct radiation of heat underneath the stove, and does
away altogether with the base flues which fill with ash.1
By keeping the ashes removed, it is possible to have
a hot base at all times when fuel is burning. On account
of the air-tight steel joints, fire and heat can be kept longer
than with any cast iron stove.
The large ash pan will hold twenty-four hours accu
mulation of ash, and fits outside bottom of fire pot,,
allowing all ash to enter pan without using ash guides.
Price $22.00 to $38.00.
Bums Hani
Coal, Crushad
Coka, Wood j
or Cobs.
Puffins Draft
Burnt tha
mom fiat.
The Proof Is In Plattsmouth Al
most at Your Door.
Meet With Miss Livingston.
The American Humane Educa
tional society held a meeting Sat
urday afternoon at the home of
Miss Nora Livingston. After the
opening exercises of singing and
The public statement of alprnyfr' tiheJ. saluted the new
Plattsmouth citizen is in itself Ml T."1' . . ?
10 wincn saiute sne responded
strong proof for Plattsmouth peo
ple, but confirmation strengthens
Here is a Plattsmouth citizen
with a pretty little speech. They
then elected Mariel Streight vice
president, Elizabeth Beoson sec-
PalQPtr dOtil Wnhnnnlnn t rt n rt . nstv
who testified years ago that i ' 7' ... " . V "faBU''
mum in.Pi-i;ii 1IUI Ul tail. 1 HO
program, which consisted of
music and readings, and a de-
Doan's Kidney Pills relieved sick
kidneys and now states the cure:
u nu nnninfinnnl Pan onv Qii f I
nun ii i ilium in,, jiiu uu i o v . . . . . .
ferer from kidney ills ask better , "" """" "
I.Y UI.HI.HU UJ LIU' lai MUlllUt'l ill
attendance. The next meeting
proof? You can investigate. The
case is right at home.
Herman Tiekoettor, Ninth and
Day streets, Plattsmouth, Neb.,
says: "I never used another
medicine that brought as great
benefit ps Doan's Kidney Pills. My
kidneys were disordered and there
was a dull, tired ache across the
small of my back that distressed
me a great deal. If I stooped my
back pained me severely and in
will be held at the home of Miss
Mariel Streight.
mums which had been very artis
tically arranged.
At the appointed hour tho
bridal parly took Iheir places be
neath a bower of oak branches
and white wood berries, tho mar
riage ceremony being performed
by llev. J. 11. Steger of St. Paul's I
Gorman Lutheran church, tho
double ring service being used.
Only relatives of the contracting
parlies witnessed tho ceremony.
The bride's dress, which came
from the Philippine islands, was
a very beautiful creation of white
Silk grenadine over white satin
and pearl trimmings. Her only
Jewel was a diamond and pearl
pendant suspended from a very
dainty chain, a gift from the
Broom. Sho carried a Bhowcr
bouquet of white roses. She was
attended by Miss Minnie Born,
who was very charming in a gown
of olive silk and who carried pink
roses. Charles HatTko of Omaha,
brother of the groom, was best
Following tho ceremony con
gratulations and best wishes were
bestowed upon the happy couple,
after which the bridal party and
relatives were invited to the din
ing room, where all enjoyed an
on the afternoon train, where they
will make their" future homo,
reorganize Class.
The Loyal Daughters of the
Christian church reorganized
Christian church reorganized in
October by electing tho following
officers: Miss Amy Mullis, presi
dent; Trua South, vice president;
Mary Peterson, secretary; Delia
Everett, treasurer, and Mrs. M. S.
Briggs as teacher. The class will
meet with Miss Celia Taylor Tues
day evening, November 7, for their
first session. Tho Christian
church is without a minister at
the present timo and it will bo the
purpose of tho class just or
ganized to keep up the church in
terest as far as possible. They
will hold meetings as formerly and
discuss plans and means of build
ing up the Sunday school. Under
the efficient management of Mrs.
Briggs the class interest will grow
and work mapped out from time
to time will no doubt attract tho
attention of others and soon in
crease the membership and use
fulness of the organization.
political parties advanced grounds
which they perhaps would never
otherwise have taken, or if at all,
at a much later period.
The address was listened to
with much interest by the ladies
present and at its close many
quest ions were asked and answer
ed. The address was educational
throughout and it was thought no
mistake had been made in re
questing Mr. Rawl3 to present this
Visits Wyoming.
John Rotter, who has been
spending a few days at Cody
Wyoming, and other points in the
mountains, returned Saturday aft
ernoon. He brought with him i
specimen of toll horns of the six
pronged elk,. which evidently had
been secured very recently. Mr.
Rotter visited many places of in
terest, saw the Shoshone canvon
and tho dam 328 feet high, which
gathers the water from the sur
rounding creeks and forms a great
reservoir used for . irrigation.
While prospecting in the Yellow
stone park Mr. Rotter made his
headquarters at Pahasha inn,
Buffalo Bill's second hotel in the
mountains, which is two miles
from the park entrance.
Injured by Bull.
Otto Schaacht was the victim of
a vicious attack by an angry bull
in which ho had one rib broken
another one cracked and was
otherwise mauled and bruised. He
was trying to drive the bull back
into the pnsture when the animal
became enraged and turned on'
him. The doctor was called and
plastered him up, but it will be
some time before Otto will bo as
good a man as he was Just before,
and probably longer before he at
tempts tn drive that bull unless
equipped wilh a good stout club.
-Nehawka News.
Visited the Country.
John Leuehtweis and Herman
Streetweiser drove out to the
country yesterday ana" visited
August Wesch for a few hours,
arriving at Mr. Wesch's home in
time for dinner. They spoke
the morning when I arose I felt as j very highly of the hosm'tality of
tired as when I went to bed. j (heir host, and enioved the dinner
Hearing Doan's Kidney Pills high- j immensely. They talked over the
ly praised, I procured a box at pnod times thev used to eniov in
Rynott & Co.'s Drug Store, and it j the Fatherland, and discussed the
was not long before I was entirely prohibition movement, in Mil
relieved." (Statement given June1 wankeo, returning in time to
8. 1906.) avoid the shower.
On December 29, 1908, Mr.
Tiekoettor said: "I cheerfully
confirm my former endorsement
of Doan's Kidney Pills. I have
had no trouble from my kidneys
since this remedy cured me."
For sale by all dealers. Price
50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co..
Buffalo, New York, sole agents for
the United Slates.
Remember the name Doan's
and take no other.
Install Waste Paper Press.
E. fl. Dovey & Son have just in
stalled a Kramer waste paper
press, the operation of which fur
nishes athletics for the clerical
force. This firm received a large
consignment of tho "A. B. C."
goods this morning, which are al-
File Good-Sized Mortgage.
The Plattsmouth Water com
pany this morning filed a
mortgage to an eastern trust com
pany for the face value of $00,000
to secure first mortgage gold
bonds of $500 each, bearing 5 per
cent interest, redeemable at any
interest-paying date at 102 per
cent. The mortgage is signed by
Geo. W. West, president, and
Vernon West, treasurer, and ex
ecuted in Cumberland county,
Store Boat for Winter.
C. L. Pitman and Mr. Bailey of
Omaha brought their motor boat
to Plattsmouth yesterday, corn-
ready sold and w ill be delivered at j jnp the river route, and will store
once. it hero for the winter. They
found the duck shooting good and
spent most of the day on the trip
securing several ducks. They re
turned to Omaha on the M. P.
P. Hansen came down on the
afternoon train Saturday and
spent Sunday with relatives.
All kinds of cool nmmer drink
it Bookmeyer & Manrer's.
Steam at Court House. .
Tho steam was turned on at tho
court house this morning, the
break in tho boiler flue being re
paired Saturday morning, but
when the pressuro was turned on
arain tho waste pipe gave way,
which required another day to re
pair. The officials were back at
Iheir posts this morning ready to
do whatever duties might come
Applications Coming In.
Thero aro already fifteen ap
plications in the hands of Com
missioner M. S. Briggs for the
position of fireman at tho new
government building, with two or
three moro to be filed. The mat
tor will be determined on the 15th
F. A. Beins of Mynard, while In
the city attending to business
mailers, took time to call at this
office and have his name placed on
our Semi-Weekly list
Carl R. Colo of the vicinity of
Mynard was a visitor in the city
C. E. Martin is in receipt of a
letter from Mrs. Harvey, stat
ing that Grandma Fry, at the
sanitarium, is improving nicely, ' Saturday and called at this office
which the numerous friends of and enrolled hfs name on our
tho family will bo glad to know. Semi-Weekly list.
are the ones who wear our VELLASTIC
underwear, This underwear is easy fit
ting and durable, the reason for which
is it is elastic ribbed. The reason it
keeps you warm and comfortable it is
fleece lined. And this fleece will NOT
wash out, knot or mat. Separate gar
ments and union suits for men and wo
men, 50c and up. Children's garments
20c and up.
Corner. Sixth and Main St. yJAones-
INI)., ANDll