The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 02, 1911, Image 6

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1 1
wYiviilir Wednesday eveni
?! Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Drei
Having sold our business, and having agreed to reduce our present stock $2,000.00, we have come to
the conclusion that we will have to make some big inducements to our customers and friends in order to get
our stock down to that figure by the 15th day of November. We enumerate below a few of the big reductions
in prices:
Men's Furnishing Goods
We are offering duck coats and corduroy suits,
also corduroy trousers at 15 per cent reduction.
A few good grade fur coats that we are selling at
$5.00 off the regular price.
In our grocery department we are offering 50
cases of the famous Nellie Gray corn, two
dozen cans to the case, at per case $1.90
20 cases of Altoona brand early June peas, two
dozen cans to case, at per case 2.50
A few boxes of White Russian soap, 100 bars in
the box, that we will sell at per box 3.95
Flake White soap, 100 bars to box, per box. . . 4.25
Sunny Monday, box of 100 bars, per box 4.25
Lenox soapTlOO bars to the box, per box 3.85
Five 70-pound sacks of stock salt, 350 pounds, 1.75
Fi ve 50-pound sacks of stock salt, 250 pounds. .1.25
500 pounds of rock salt for 2.75
A Big Lot of Remnants, including Trimmings, Muslins, Embroideries, Ginghams, Prints, Ribbons, all of
whice will be sold at less than the cost at wholesale.
Fit the family out with overshoes and leggins, while we are selling them at 10 per cent off.
There will be many more items that will be placed on the bargain list, so call in early and getyourbill
of winter goods at a big saving.
K. A. Young was an Omaha
ndel Sun-
dayed with Ilnrmuii Heck and wife.
Mrs. Robert Fitch is visiting
her parents in Plattsmouth this
Take a trip to Sunnyland Satur
day evening, November U, and
hear the little Pickannies.
L. M. McVey was in Platts-
month Monday, having another
round with the Thacker garnish
ment eases.
See the little farce, "How the
Story Grew," at the church Satur
day evening, November 11, and see
if there isn't a god deal of truth
in it. The male quartet is well
worth the price of admission. ,
There will be five numbers of
the Lyceum Course this year. One
cnlTee. Those present lu
H'de.s the members were: Mrs.
Ross Williams and her mother,
Mrs. Laniard of Council Bluffs,
Mrs. Parr and her daughter, Mrs.
Shelby of Sheridan, Ind.; Mrs. B.
V. Brendel, Mrs. Myra McDonald,
Mrs. D. A. Young and her daugh
ter Mrs. Lawton of Beach, N. D.;
Mrs. Torrence Fleming, Mrs.
Charles Marhler, Mrs. F. M.
Young and her daughter, Isabella;
Mrs. Walt Minnecar and Mrs. Lee
Dry Goods Department
We have a few Ladies' Dress Skirts that are sell
ing at actual wholesale cost.
A few Ladies', Misses', also Gent's and Boy's
Sweater Coats; Ladies' Shawls and Scarfs; Children's
Hoods and Jackets, all of which we are offering at
sea, n&
Murray Department.
Tickets for Lyceum Course.
Those buying or those still
wishing to buy tickets for the
Lyceum Course will please get
them at the bank between now
and November 11, as Saturday,
November 11, will be the first
number and it will make it much
of the numbers will be given by easier for the treasurer and more
mine talent under the direction of satisfatcory for the ticket-holder
Mrs. J.' F. Brendel 'and Pauline than waiting until the evening of
Oldham and will take place in the the entertainment. All season
Christian church Saturday even- ticket-holders are admitted free
ing, November 11, at 8:30 o'clock, to the entertainment Saturday
Alva Lawton, who has made his evening, November 11.
home, in Okaton, Dakota, for the "vor nan oi trie program win
past few years, arrived in Murray b,! Pivtn by children and will be
Tuesday for a visit at the home of worlfl y,)ur whiIe to ee them in
Mrs T.nwlnn's iinrpnts Mr. and inoir eilortS.
Mrs. D. A. Young. Mr. Lawton
thinks some of establishing an
auto garage in Murray in the near
Terrence Fleming was taken
with a severe attack of ap
pendicitis last Saturday and his
doctor, coming to the conclusion
that an operation was necessary,
he was taken to Omaha Sunday,
where he was operated upon. Ho
was accompanied by Dr. Brendel,
Mrs. Fleming and G. E. llecbner,
who were present at the time of
the operation. It was very suc
cessful and it is expected that Mr.
Fleming will soon be able to re
turn home. Charles Heebner was
Omaha Tuesday, returning
For Sale.
14 extra -fine pedigreed Duroc
Jersey boars, all sired by Fal
staff, the great boar by Glendale's
Critic's last, and his dam was
Nancy Top, 2d, 92445. The dams
were sired by Critic's Banker Son,
85297. AH are April pigs and
sufTlciently large for immediate
service. Will also sell one extra
good fall boar weighing over 200
II. L. Oldham, Murray, Neb.
home Wednesday morning, and
p ronounces
him getting along hveek.
Auto for Sale.
Two-passanger Ford Automo
bile, in good repair, just over
hauled and repainted; will sell for
$175.00, if taken within the next
This is a snap.
J. E. Mason.
any of tu mulct of tlu Journal ktww of a mial event or an item of interest in tita vicinity and will mail same to tiw ojfice it will appear under this headin
A. Hast Sells Out.
The deal was completed this
week whereby A. Hast disposes of
his slock of goods in Murray to
Mr. John Conner of Hamburg,
fowa, who will take possesion of
the same some time the latter part
of the present month. Mr. Bast
has onlv been in Murray a short
time, but he has made a world of
friends, who will sure regret to
For Sale on Easy Terms.
114 acres good new land, about
8 miles from Plaltsmouth and
about 5 miles from Union. Ad
dress P. D. McCormick, 809 So.
10th St., Omaha. 10-30-3tw.
For Rent or Sale.
The frame business bouse just
west of the postoflice in Murray.
learn of his selling out and going Size, 10x24, and in good condition.
Bank n
Capital and
$1 5000.00
Wc Solicit Your Banking
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
Mrs. Leo Farm has been quite
tick the past few days.
Aulomobilo and, carriage paint
ing. Frank (lolielman.
Tho local sports are getting af
ter the ducks this cold weather.
Mrs. t-evi RHslerhoHi has been
on the sick list for th paid few
Frank Slaglo came in from Da
kota Sunday for a visit with his
Hast is reducing his slock on
account of invoicing and will give
you some big bargains.
A. L. Baker was looking after
some business matters in Plaits
mouth Monday evening.
The children of Mr. and Mrs.
llenrv Creamer have been on the
sick list for tho past wook.
The little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. George Moisingor has been
on the sick list for the past few
Bert Glasgow of Union was
here Tuesday helping load a car
of apples from the Frank Moore
surance company of Lincoln, has
been doing business here for that
company for the past few days.
We find Mr. Robinson to be a
mighty fine gentleman.
W. H. Puis was a county seat
visitor last Saturday.
William Puis, sr., was a county
seat visitor last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holmes
were in Omaha last Sunday.
Mrs. Charles Carroll and Mrs.
J. W. Berger were in Plattsmoulh
Wililam Hamilton alended tho
committee meeting in Plattsmouth
last Saturday.
Dr. B. F. Brendel was looking
after some, business matters in
Lincoln Wednesday.
Dr. and Mrs. Gilmorc and W. J.
Philpol look in the land show
Wednesday evening in Omaha.
The Ladies' Aid society will
give you the best dinner you ever
got for 25 cents on election day.
Take dinner and supper on
election day with the Ladies' Aid
society at the home of Mrs. Bren
del. The wedding trouscau for tho
Tom Thumb wedding will be de
signed and made by Miss Grace
Mrs. B. F. Brendel and sister,
Mrs. Shelby, went down to Avoca
Wednesday for a visit with Mr.
and Mrs. Dr. J. W. Brendel.
Waller Sans was out hunting a
few hours Wednesday and suc
ceeded in landing 21 ducks, which
With the thermometer down to we would consider a pretty good
20 degrees and thousands of first day's hunting.
bushels of apples in the orchards
does not sound well.
Mrs. Joseph Burton has return
ed home from Wood River,- Neb.,
where she has been visiling her
sister for the past three weeks.
Elmer Boedeker, who was
Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell
were Plattsmouth visitors last
Monday. Mrs. Campbell called at
the Journal office to renew her
subscription. John came up to
see Ihe dentist and have an ach
ing tooth removed.
The Ladies' Aid society of the
operated on for appendicitis last Christian church will serve din
week in Omaha, is recovering nor and supper on election day at
nicely and will bo able to return
home next Saturday.
Miss Maude Rusterholtz has re
sumed her dutjes in tho Murray
schools this week, taking charge
of her room Monday, after a few
weeks' illness, during which lime
Mrs. Margaret Brendel was in
charge of the school.
C. M. Robinson, the hustling
solicitor for the Bankers' Life In-
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. B.
r . urcnnei. lake dinner with the
ladies and we venture you w ill go
back for supper. 25 cents.
Cam Seybert, tha hustling can
didate for county commissioner
on Ihe democratic ticket, stopped
in Murray a shorl lime Friday
night. Mr. Seybert is n fine, fel
low, and if elected will no doubt
mnke a good commissioner.
R. 11. Nickels was looking after
some business matters in the
county seat last Saturday. This
is the first time we have seen Mr.
Nickels in Plaltsmouth for sev
eral weeks, since his recent sick
spell. We are pleased to see him
up and around again.
Mrs. Dave Lloyd was taken to
the hospital in Omaha last week,
where she was operated upon Sat
urday morning for necrosis of the
limb. The operation proved suc
cessful and she is gelling along
nicely. She was accompanied to
the hospital by Dr. B. F. Brendel.
J. E. Gilmore of Hay Springs,
Neb., spent Saturday and Sunday
in Murray with his brother, Dr.
Gilmore. Mr. Gilmoro was cashier
of the Murray Stale bank for
several years and was well known
in this part of the county. His
visit, while short, was enjoyed by
all his old friends.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Baker, Mr.
and Mrs. IL C. Long and daugh
ter, Miss Gertrude, were enter
taincd at dinner last Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tor
rence Fleming. They report a
most excellent time and one of
tho finest dinners of their lives.
Mrs. Mark Furlong was taken
to Omaha Monday, where she was
placed in the hospital for an
operation for appendicitis. Dr.
Gilmore, tho attending physician,
accompanied her to the hospital,
and on returning home reported
her getting along nicely, with
every prospect for a speedy re
We are informed that our good
friend, Joe Cook, will install a new
meat market in Murray in the
very near future. He has rented
Ihe store room of William Mc
Daniel, which is already fitted up
with a portion of the fixtures
needed for this line of business.
A good market in Murray will no
doubt receive a good patronage,
and we believe that Joe Cook is
about Ihe right man for the place.
Mrs. Charles Stone and mother,
Mrs. James Allison, arrived in
Muray Wednesday evening from
Nehawka, where they have been
visiling friends and relatives for
Ihe past few days. They just
recently arrived from the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Slono in Yampa,
Colo., where Mrs. Allison has been
spending the summer. We did
nol learn just how long they will
to leave Murray, ell is sure a live
business man, one who thorough
ly understands every branch of
I the mercantile business. Mr.
Hast has been well satisfied with
the increase in his business, but
it does not look as though it could
be made a great deal larger, and
he cannot see his way o reach the
volume of business that he would
like o do each year. He does not
believe that it is here. This is
about his only reason for selling.
The Journal certainly regrets to
see Mr. Hast leave Murray.
From his large ad in another
column of this issue it will be
seen that Mr. Hast will make bis
remaininor nays in Murray live
ones in the merchandise line. He
is mnkinsr some bargains that will
move the goods for the next two
weeks. He is compelled lo re
duce Ihe stock before the new
owner takes charge of it.
Apply to Holmes or Smilh.
Matt McQuinn and William
Marks were looking after some
business matters in the county
seat Tuesday evening.
First Number of
Lyceum Course
Christian Church
8:30 P. M.
"Tom Thumb Wedding"
Entertalns for Gue3t
Mrs. I). C. West of Nehawka
Grace Long as ..Bride
Ralph Holmes Groom
entertained Mesdames James Margaret Spangler Maid of Honor
Holmes, J. W. Edmunds, William Gladys Mamska Flower Girl
Loughridge, William Brown, A. Helen Gilmore Flower Girl
L. Baker, O. A. Davis, S. O. Pit- Lola Chambers Flower Girl
man, Harry Todd, James Walker, Ansell Williams Best Man
G. H. Gilmore, Glenn Perry, Jas. Clara Churchill Bridesmaid
Allison, W. T. Smith, J. D. Pit- Leona Davis Bridesmaid
man, W. E. Dull, Miss Pauline Walker Gilmore ...Usher
Oldham, all of Murray, and Mes- Lyle Fleming... Usher
dames J. Palmer, Bruce Slone, H. Ella Hamilton ... ... Mother of Bride
Carper, Carl Stone, Misses Mil- Irvin Manners Father of Bride
dred Kuhn and Mattie Martin of Bulah Freeze, Channes Freeze, Verna
Nehawka in honor of Mrs. Charles McDanieif Le0na Farris and other chil-
Mone oi jampa, mmo. ine guesis drent guefiU of wedding.
ironi Murray were mei ai ine
depot with autos and conveyed to
the beautiful home of Mr. and Male Quartette Selected
Mrs. D. C. West. The house was Messrs. Spangler, Gilmore, Min-
decorated with Halloween orna- ' niear and Williams
menls. the rooms were darkened ril,ia hn PirUninniw."
and lighted with candles at Ihe
luncheon hour. The day with
Mrs. West and her guest, Mrs.
Stone, will long be remembered,
and Ihe delightful manner in
which they were entertained was
very much appreciated by those
Solo ; ' Selected
Rev. Ross Williams
Thimble Qulld Entertains.
Mesdames Gus Minnear, James
McCulloch. John Lloyd and H. L.
Oldham entertained the Thimble Mrs. Green.
Solo Selected
Mrs. Jas. Holmes
Farce "How the Story Grew"
Mrs. Brown MiHS Margio Walker
....Mrs. J. F. Brendel
Guild at Ihe home of Mrs. H. L. Mrs. Bean Mrs. Adda Stokes
Oldham Friday afternoon. Fifty Mrs. Rice Miss Minnie Guenther
ladies were present and spent the Mrs. Doolittle Misa Elsie Stokes
aflernon peicing quills and work- Mrs. Taylor Miss Fay Oldham
ing embroidery. The rooms were Mrs. Snow.... Miss Maude Ruterholtz
decorated with fall (lowers and Mrs. White Mis Lela Vallery
the Halloween menu was served,
consisting of sandwiches, dough
mils, apple and pumpkin pie and
I Admission - 25 Cents