The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 26, 1911, Image 6

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LooEc Zrthe Saturday SpecSals
Look over the list of items, and then come in and supply yourself with what you can use. We are over
stocked on the following items, and therefore are making a cut on prices of from
10 TO 33i PER CENT.
All $1 and $1.25 cays on
sale at 48c
All 50c and 75c caps on
sale at 42c
toTBig reductions are also on Men's
and Boy's
Duck and Corduroy Coats,
that we are offering at 15 per cent off.
JMen's heavy-weight Velastic two
75c values for 55c
KaTOne lot of 12 and 15c Ginghams
and madras cloth at 11c per yard.
Boy's two-piece underwear
Shirt and Drawers
30, 35 and 40c values at 28c
JWBest grades of printed heavy floor
a fine pattern, for G2j4c a square yard.
torNine-Quarter Sheeting for 25c per
yard. This is a regular 30c Sheeting.
Also, some fine bk ached and unbleach
ed muslin; 8ic values for 7c per yard.
t 1
Murray Department
and wi' arc informed that Hen is
shucking about ten bushels of
corn more per day this week than
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kepler and
family, from Elmwood, drove
down Sunday in their automobile
and .spent the day at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Dee Shrader, east of
Lee Oldham, who attended the
Duroc-Jersey hog sale at Tecum
seh last week, purchased one of
the fine boars to be placed at the
head of his herd. Lee is a firm
believer that the red hops are the
best on earth, and he exerts every
effort to keep his strains at the
top notch.
Johnnie West drove up from
Nehawka last Wednesday, accom
panied by his mother, who has
been visiting for the past few
days with folks on the farm. The
Journal man was fortunate in
gettinp a chance to return borne
with them, as the Missouri Pacific
train was several hours late, as
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Heil, from
east of Murray, were in the coun
ty seat, Thursday, and while there
Mr. Neil found time to call at the
Journal office and enroll his name
for the Semi-Weekly Journal for
one year. Mr. Beil is like the ma
jority. of farmers and taxpayers
of the county, he wants the news
of the county and enrolls his
name for the Journal.
The K. N. K.
The K. N. K. and the Ladies'
Aid society of Murray met at the
home of Mrs. Oeorpe Shrader,
east of Murray, on Monday after
noon of this week. The double
meetinp, including members of
both societies, was planned in
honor of Mrs. Shrader's birthday,
at, which time (heir hostess bad
readied her 081 h anniversary.
There were between forty and
fifty members present, and a most
excellent time was bad. A two
course luncheon was served and
the afternoon was spent in a very
pleasant and profitable manner,
all pronouneinp it one of the most
pleasant and interesting meetings
of the vear.
If any oftlte readcrt of Hie Journal know of a social event wan item of intend in this vicinity and will ntail same to this office it will appear umhr this keadin
"V want all items of interest. Editor Jour ial
Murray State Bank
Capital and
Wc Solicit Your Banking
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
: )oczz x ..
Frank CtoVolmaa, painter and
paper hanger. riaUomoulh.
Get our prices on flour now.
A. Hast.
1). L. Amick was looking after
some business mutters in Mur
ray Tuesday.
Tho best school shoes for the
children at A. Mast's store. Also
full lino of school supplies.
If in doubt about your new
dress for yourself or your chil
dren call at A. Mast's store.
It is well worth your while to
look up A. Mast's ad in this issue
for the Saturday specials.
Mr. and Mrs. llutcbens of
Weeping Wator were here last
Saturday and Sunday visiting at
the homo of their daughter, Mrs.
Terrancc Fleming and family.
The K. N. K. will give
Thanksgiving dinner and supper
in connection with iheir bazaar at
the Kenoshia church Thanksgiv
ing day and evening. Everybody
Mrs. Elmer Boedeker went to
Omaha Wednesday to spend the
day with her husband at the hospital.
Al Merger, who has been spend
ing a few weeks down in Missouri
visiting with his sister, returned
home last Saturday.
Mrs. Frank Gobelman of
Plattsmouth was a Murray visitor
Tuesday, a guest at tho homo of
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
I. S. While.
Invitations were received here
Wednesday announcing the wed
ding of Miss Mattio Minniear,
which will tako placo on tho sec
ond of November.
Mr. and Mrs. L, A. Meisinger
and little son, from west of
riattsmouth, were county seat
visitors last Thursday, and while
hero paid tho Journal office c
brief call.
Mrs. J. W. Shelby of Labanon
Indiana, will arrivo in Murray
Thursday of this week for a visit
with her sisters, Mrs. A. L, Maker
and Mrs. D. F. Drcndcl. Mrs. J
O. Parr, mother of (he two
ladies, will return homo with Mrs.
Mrs. Ci. M. Oilmore was a
Plattsmouth visitor Monday.
W. J. Philpol, was looking after
some business matters in Omaha
Mrs. G. II. Oilmore and sister.
Miss Margie Walker, were Platts
mouth visitors Wednesday afternoon.
R. C. Mai ley, the Maple Grove
blacksmith, was looking after
some county seat business mat
ters last Saturday.
Mrs. Al Kennedy departed the
fore part of the week for western
Nebraska, where she will spend a
few days visiting with friends and
Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Heck
went over to Elmwood Wednes
day of this week to attend tho
funeral of his father, who died
Tuesday. We will give a moro
extended notice next week.
Walter Sans and little son were
in Plattsmouth last Friday. While
in the county seat Mr. Sans found
lime to call at tho Journal office
and renew for his paper another
Mrs. Maker and daughter, Opha
Mrs. Charles Heebner and daugh
ters, Mrs. Torrence Fleming. Mrs
George Lloyd and daughter and
Miss Grace Porter wero all in
Omaha last Saturday.
Fire, Lightning and Tornado
insurance written in strong com
panies and at reasonable rates.
This is the season to protect
yourself from flro. Place your
business with V. G. Moedeker at
the Murray State Dank.
James Loughridgo went to
Omaha Monday evening and re
turned Tuesday morning with his
daughter, May, who has been in i
the hospital for tho past few
weeks receiving treatment for her
eye troubles. She returns homo
greatly benefited, and will no
doubt entirely recover.
Pitman A Davis aro sure busy
Iheso days rutting in light plants.
This week they aro putting in a
new one in the fine farm homo of
Ferdinand Hennings, near Louis
ville, and also one in tho modern
farm homo of George Hild. They
suro understand tho light busi
ness and placing in a good plant.
This is tho reason for their success.
II. C. Long shipped a car of
hops to South Omaha Monday.
Mrs. Hubert Filch has been on
the sick list for ,ht past few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gapcn were
Plattsmouth visitors Tuesday of
this week.
Philip Keil was looking after
some business matters in the
county seat Thursday.
Mrs. Nix, who makes her home
with her brother. L. M. Hrown.
has been numbered with the sick
for the past few days.
Harve Manners of Platts
mouth was in Murray Wednesday
looking after the telephone busi
ness and making some repairs on
the lines.
Horner Shrader is movinsr this
week to the Churchill farm that
he purchased some time ago. The
place formerly belonped to and
was purchased from J. W. Ed
Philip Keil delivered one of his
small "pin money" pigs at Mur
ray Wednesday, which was sold
to G. M. M in ford. The little fel
low weighed a little over 500
Charles Nickels, who is still in
the hospital at Omaha as the re
sult of his injury in the M. P.
wreck, is getting along nicely, and
under favorable conditions will
soon be ablo to return home.
Joseph Cook has rented the
Connally place in Murray and is
preparing to move thereto. Mrs.
Connally and her daughter, Miss
Nettie, will soon depart for Cali
fornia, where they will spend the
A. Mast was looking after some
business matters in Omaha Wed
nesday morning. He accom-
Taken to the Hospital.
Elmer Moedeker was taken to
the hospital in Omaha Sunday
evening, where he was operated
upon Monday morning for ap
pendicitis. Dr. Gilmore, his
physician, accompanied him, also
his brother and wife, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Moedeker, and his
father-jn-Iaw, Mr. Opp. Mr.
Moedeker was taken ill on Sunday
morning and his case was of a
very serious nature, and taken
just in time to save his life. Me
is resting very well at the present
time and every indication points
to a speedy recovery.
Take Advantage of This Generous
Your money back upon request
at our store if Rexall "03'' Hair
Tonic doesn't do as we claim.
That's our guarantee. You
oblipale yourself to nothing what
ever. Could you ask or could we
give you stronger proof of our
confidence in the hair restoring
qualities of this preparation?
We could . not afford to so
strongly endorse Rexall "93" Hair
Tonic and continue to sell it as
we do, if it did not do all we claim
it will. Should our enthusiasm
have carried us away, and Rexall
"03" Hair Tonic not give entire
satisfaction to the users, they
would lose faith in us and our
statements, arid in consequence
our business prestige would
We assure you that if your hair
is beginning lo unnaturally fall
out or if you have any scalp
trouble. Rexall "93" Hair Tonic
will promptly eradicate dandruff,
stimulate hair growth, and pre
vent premature baldness, or the
above guarantee becomes oper
ative. Two sizes, 50c and $1.00.
Sold only at our store The Rex
all Store. F. G. Fricke A Co.
Surprise on Miss Newbranch.
Last night Miss Grace New
branch, one of the peopular
teachers of the High school, was
busily engaged with one of her
friends (humming out some late
rap-time, when a dozen of the
young people appeared with bot
tles of miJlc, olives, oysters and
bunches of cl.ery, together with
packages of other edibles suf
ficient fur a famished troop of
cavalry. Recoving from the first
shock of the surprise, Miss New
branch welcomed tbeni heartily
and all were soon having the time
of their lives. What matter
though one of the young cooks
got the soup too hot and singed it
and another boiled the water and
put the coffee on cold? It was all
the same to them; for each was so
interested in the companion on
the right or left,, possibly that
the earth might have passed away
unnoticed by brave Loch invar or
fair Ellen. Near the midnight
hour the company broke np.
Those present werer Misses
Gretchen Donnelly, Marie Don
nelly, Anderson, Minor, Catherine
Dovey and Newbranch, and Mes
srs. Richcy, Fritz Fricke, Ed
Fricke, Brady, Travis and Bruce
M. P. Adjuster In Murray.
The M. P. adjuster appeared in
Murray on Friday of last week,
coming to see James Loughridge
in regard to the injuries, if any,
I hat he might have received in the
wreck two weeks ago. As Mr.
Loughridge was uninjured except
from the shock and soreness from
minor bruises, he made him an
offer of $25 o sign release
papers, thereby releasing the
company from further liabilities.
Mr. Loughridge accepted the
Dyspepsia is our rational ail
ment. Murdock Mlood Mittfrs is
the national cure .for it. It
strengthens stomach membranes,
promotes flow of digestive juices,
purifies the blood, builds you up.
Fop Sale.
14 extra fine pedigreed Duroc
Jersey boars, all sired by Fal
staff, the great boar by Glendale's
Critic's last, and his dam was
Nancy Top, 2d, 92445. The dams
were sired by Critic's Banker Son,
85297. All are April pigs and
sufficiently largo for immediate
service. Will also sell one extra
good fall boar weighing over 200
II. L. Oldham, Murray, Neb.
Dreaded Army Worm Here.
The very much dreaded army
worm has reached Cass county in
earnest the past few weeks, and
has been doing a great deal of
damage to the winter wheat. Many
fields in west of Murray have been
entirely cleaned out, but it is
hoped that the recent rains will
nanied his mnlher Mr. TV,.- lcnprK ,nem. wnictl n doubt will
"V: be the case.
i oa vjiiiuuu ui ner wnv
homo in Wilcox. Neb. She has
been visiting hero for the past
few days.
Mr. and Mr. W. C. Brown re
turned home Tuesday from Val
lisca, Iowa, where Mrs. Brown
has been visiting here parents for
the past monih, while Mr. Brown
was spending a month up in
Montana, where he went with a
car of slock for Mr. Hopkins.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Land are re
joicing this week over Ihe arrival
of a new boy at their homo on
Monday evening. Both mother
and little one are doing nicely,
Apples Wanted.
At Murray, Nebraska. All
varieties. Will pay highest mar
ket price in cash. By Bunch A
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hare Always Bo'tglil
Ban the
Signature of
Rummage Sato.
The ladies of the First Presby
terian church are expecting to
hold a Rummage sale about No
vember 8. The following articles
are solicited and will be called for
Tuesday, November 7. Call Piatt s.
Tel. 215 or 83, but, if possible, de
liver articles at noons. Articles
most needed will be underwear,
men's, women's and children's
clothing of all kinds, cloaks, hats,
overcoats and mittens, dishes,
kitchen utensils of all sorts, bed
ding, furniture if broken can be
mended: fancy work, everything
you don't want and things you do
want send something to the
A specific for pain Dr. Thom
as' Eclectic Oil, strongest, cheap
est liniment ever devised. A
household remedy in America for
25 years.
Nursery Stock.
We wish lo notify tho people of
Murray and vicinity that we will
have a man in this territory soon
taking orders for our Nebraska
grown stock. The cheapest to buy
and tho best to plant. Harrison
Nursery Co., York, Nebraska.
Wood Men, Attention!
I have a large number of cords
of good wood in the timber that
I would like to have cut off, and
will either sell the wood in tho
tree or make a contract to have
the same cut on the share. Write
or call and see me.
A. L. Baker, Murray, Neb.
For Sale.
Pedigreed Duroc-Jersey male
pigs. V. E. Perry,
Mynard, Neb.
Any skin itching is a temper
tester. The more you scratch the
worse it itches. Doan's Ointment
cures piles, eczema any skin
itching. Al all drug stores.