LOST PARADISE TO BERESTORED Mankind to Ee Redeemed Through Jesus' Sacrifice, DU)V!H THEORY CRUMBLING. Pastor Russell Says Evolution Is Un scientific and Tends to Undermine the Verities of God's Word Higher Critics Leading the People Into Er ror Divine Provision For the Re generation of Mankind Will Be Made Clear During Messiah's Reign. Midocean, Oft. St b.-Pastor Bus soil made some Htnrtilng s t u t e mcnts in connec tion with his din course on the Wood of Atone ment He took f-r hin text the ronls, "For ti e lifo of the flesh 1m in the blood, and I have given it to you upon (ho altur to niuke an Atonement for your souls." (U'vitlcus ivli, 11.) lie MHid:- Al) tho trend of religious si holurship In recent years is away from the Bible and in line with the Involution theory. The Bible sets forth that tho Una uiim was created perfect, In the Image and likeness of his Creator, and that when on trial for life or death everlasting ho was disobedient, and came under the sentence of death; and tbnt all trouble, all sin and sorrow, pain and death, for tho past six thousand yearn, is the penalty, the result, of that fall from obedience and harmony with Cod. The Itlble teaches the necessity for an Atonement for sin, and this les Hon was shown in the typical sacrifices of bullocks and goats, which Israelites for centuries commemorated, especial ly upon their Atonement Hay, at the beginning of each year. The Bible and Evolution Opposed. Evolution claims that man started as a couhIii to the inonfey, and that Instead of falling into sin and deuth, an evolution procesH has been bring ing, hlra up, up, up to bis present high elevation. This theory, having no place for sin or a full, finds, of course, no place or need for a recovery, through a Redeemer, a Savior. The two theories are absolutely opised. Whoever believes the Darwinian the ory cannot, logically, be a Christian Whoever Is i Chrlstlan'cannot, logical ly. Jiold to the Durwln theory. And yi't 1he pulpits of Christendom are well stocked with Higher Critics and Kvo lutloiilsts, and all of our colleges and theologicul aeminnrk-s are graduating -others, all antagonistic to the Itlble and Its presentations. For yeors the fight has been conducted on the quiet. Tho unbelievers bold tho best and most influential pulpits and professor ship In Christendom, nod Insidiously, fftitUfy. undermine Ibo faith of those 'who are pnylng them their salaries. Ii Is time that the battle between tnitJi and error should come out Into the open, because the majority of those who uro being misled do not realize the situation until their faith Is entirely undermined -until their minds are so entrenched In error that the verities of C. d's Word, lii'dinllng the words of I'-hiis and the Apostles, have passed with them Into the llHt of absurdities, amongst these, tho stories of Jonah and the whale, Noah nnd the Hood, etc.. endorsed by Jesus and the Apostles. Higher Critioism Means Higher Infi delity. Today every college, every theolog ical Betnlnary throughout tho whole civilized world. Is teaching what Is commonly known as Higher Criticism of the Blblo-though the proper name for It would be higher Infidelity lu fidellty amongst the high ones of all Christendom. These Higher Critics are doing the Maine work eiactly that Thomas rulno and Uoliert Ingersnll did. only that they are carrying on tl.elr work on a higher plane appeal ing not to the gross nnd the vlto, but to the refined, intelligent and truth necking. As a result their Influence Is a thousand fold more injurious. Those to whom Paine nnd Ingersoll ap pealed were very rarely Christians at till; hence they destroyed very little faith-they merely made the unbelief more rank and foul. Put these Higher Critic infidels of this "evil day" arc making use of all the vast machinery of Christendom In all denominations, especially through theological seminaries, to undermine and overthrow the faith of all who have named the tiamo of Christ, greut and small, rich and poor, cultured and Ignorant It Is being (lone systematic ally, too. craftily, deceitfully, In a manner that the masses of the people would scarcely credit. It Is safe to nay that fully four out of five who graduate from theological seminaries f all denominations are Higher Critic infidels, who are Instructed that their main business Is (o promote morality amongst the people, especially to build tip Churchnnlty. particularly their own denomination, and to gradually, stealthily, craftily wean tho people from the faltu of the Ulblo to their higher critical dogmas. And they are succeeding most wonderfully. A "pes tlleuce" la tha only figure of speech f v$ which rwilly fits to this peruMous in fluence. "Out of Thine Own Mouth Will I Judge Thee," Said the bn) and in harmony with this we find that iu the Lord's provi dence thet-e Higher Critics are gradu ally more and more telling on them selves. But the nominal ( hristian Is iiite obtuse, and tunny of the true Christians, as the Aposile explains, are merely "babes in Christ." unable to use the strong meat of the Word, nnd capable only of enjoying or using the "milk of the Word." and Incapable of using its strong incut. Hence the opeu d -l.'iratiou.i of the-v wolves in sheep's clothing, who masque r.-ide as sheep, ure not taken seriously If the sheep are startled by the words, they are Sfnthed nvaln by the thought that this is our kind minister, polished In man ner and well edin-aled. and he surely would not lend us astray, he surely would not deceive us. If he bad ceased to believe the Bible and become an In fidel he surely would have left the pub pit. I'oor innocents! Blood Atonement For Sin. Our text refers to a blood atone ment for sin. The Law Covenant re quired the death of a bullock and a goat, lint the repetition of these sac rifices every year indicated that no cancellation was effected thereby merely a typical covering of sin for a year. The Law required un eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a man's life for a man's life, which Implies that a perfect man must of necessity die in order to be the Uedeeiner of Adam and the race which shared his condemnation. The bullock of the sin offering, therefore, was merely a type of a better sacrifice. The true sacri fice was provided In the death of the Man Christ Jesus. He was a man nnd Jet not a sinful man. because, al though born of a woman. His life wus from above. Had He received His life from an earthly father. He would have bwn a blemished, Imperfect, sin ful man, and as such could not have paid the ransom price for another. For this cause One was chosen to be the Redeemer who was "holy, harm less, undellled ami separate from sin ners." And all this because of Ills miraculous conception. As iu the type the blood of the bul lock was used to make a typical atone ment for a year, so in the antitype the blood of Jesus is etlicnclous to make atonement for the sins of the whole world. In the typo an earthly priest offered the blood, In an earthly tabernacle; Iu the antitype, lie who became tho Sin-Off ering, begotten of the Holy Spirit, at the time of His consecration, was therefore recognized as the greut Antltyplcal High Priest. After Ills resurrection lie ascended on high, "to appear In the presence of God for us"-for the (Jhurcb-tlrst; and when the Church shall Is? com pleted. He will appear for the world. He will seal the New Covenant for Israel, applicable to all the families of the earth, through Israel. Then, as the great Mediator of that New Cov enant Jeremiah xxxl. 31, He will, for a thousand years, reign as King of earth, the Antitype of Melchisedec a Priest upon Ills throne a Koyul Priest, possessed of the necessary power to put down sin and to uplift humanity nnd perform the function of Instructing and blessing mankind. To Regain Paradise Lost. The Paradise lost when Adam sinned was a miniature one. It Is to be re stored and to be world-wide in extent "(iod will make Ills earthly footstool glorious." He has promised to make Ills footstool glorious-"He formed it uot iu vain, He formed it to be In linbited."-lsaluh Ix. LI; Ixvl. 1; xlv, IS. As the earthly F.den It will be Inhab ited by Its master, man; the restored earth would be naught without lis master restored. And this Is tho Di vine provision, that as by man came death, sin, sorrow, pain, trouble, by a man also hIiiiII come the resurrection of the dead, the uplifting of Adam's race, mentally, morally, physically, to human perfection, happiness and ever lasting life. l'.arth's blessings will be for all except two classes: tli Those who love sin and hate righteousness, after having been brought to a full knowledge of both good and evil, will have no further Divine favor, but will die the Second Death. (2) The others who will not get human perfection and earth's blessings will be a spiritual cluss, a saintly class whom God la now selecting from among mankind to be His co-lulHirers with Christ in tho up lifting and restitution of humanity. Unquestionably, the Almighty could have arranged a plan for dealing with humanity differently He could have put a different penalty upon Father Adam. The present arrangement was made so as to display (1) Divine Jus tice. (2) Divine I,ove. (3) Divine Power, (It Divine Wisdom. Man's full and degradation under the death sentence witnessed to men and to angels the downward tendency of slu and Divine Justice lu man's condemnation. Dl vine Love is manifested in the work of redemption. Divine Power will be manifested, during the reign of Me slab, iu the uplifting of humanity from sin and deuth-the resurrection of the dead. Divine Wisdom will dually be seen by all when the great work of reconciliation nnd regenera tlon sholl have been effected. The Life It In the Blood. We have always known that In a very lnirtant sense the life of every creature Is in Its blood, as our text declares. Hut we are continually find ing that the Itlble contalus such a su perhuman wisdom that many of its statements grow In Importance as our knowledge Increases Our text Is no exception to this rule. The latent find Ings of science nre tn the effect that life nnd nature ar more portlculorly represented In the blood than lu any other manner If the theory of Evolution seemed supported by Mr. Darwin's careful l ter-breedlng of his pigeons, we art no to forget the difficulty he encounter ed in maintaining his fancy bmxK The constant tendency appeared to I to turn bat U to the original stock. We are now informed that this Is a rule, a law of nature, which applies lotti to animal and vegetable life. We hi Informed that all such breedings re turn to their original species iu thf third or fourth generation. It Is even pointed out now that diseases of the blood proceed no further than th third or fourth generation, and this most fortunately, otherwise the. physi cal health of humanity might be much more impaired than it is. Is not this a direct corroboration of that Ilible statement which some of us once thought so ungraciousGod's dec laration that lie would "visit" the sins of the fathers upon the children, unto the third and fourth generation '!" (LximIus xx. .".i It now appears that, iiintead of being a mark of Divine dis favor, it is a mark of Divine mercy that hereditary taint iu the blood Is limited to the third or fourth generation. A celebrated pLjsiclan and scientist. Dr. William II. mini Thomson, promul gating this theory, said: "Professor George II. F. Nuttall, of the University of Cambridge, look up the subject and has so extended its ap plication that a single drop of blood from any animal now suffices, not only to show by its own peculiar chemical reaction what animal It conies from, but also how nearly related an animal is by his blood to other animals. It begins, therefore, to look us if the whole classification of zoology might have to be re-arranged according to these blood tests. Thus a drop of blood from a walrus shows no rela tion to a drop of whale's blood, or the blood of any other cetacean, such as seals or porpoises, which, like the wal rus, are mammals that have taken to the sen." We may be sure that those who bold fast to the teachings of the Bible will come out on the right side of the argu ment In the long run. The endeavor of worldly-wise meu to get away from God's book has led many of them to extremes of thought and of statement, which some day will be fully rectified to their shame, said Pastor Russell. The Bible foretells this, saying, "The wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid." (Isaiah xxix. 14.) St. Paul refers to science, fulsely so calied, which will ultimately be proven nflpolv turiiiitv Complete Sin-Atonement For nearly six thousand years the reign of slu and deuth has prevailed. It is nearly two thousand years since the Uedeeiner came to give His life as man's redemption price, yet still the reign of sin and death continues. It is not because the blood of Christ was Insufficient to satisfy the claims of Justice for the sins of the world, but because, before the merit of the blood of Christ could be given to Adam and his race, It must have a previous use. That use has been in progress for the past eighteeu centuries, during which It has been the basis of the Church's Justification by faith. There is a difference between the Church's falth-Justlflcatlon of this Age. nnd the world's actual Justification, to be accomplished In the next Age. The world will actually get restitution to human life and Its privileges, earthly dominion, etc. All that Adam had and lost, all that Jesus redeemed, will be given to Adam and bis race to have nnd to hold as theirs forever. But. meantime, the merit of Christ's Mood or sacrifice Is used In the inter est of "the Church of the First-born." The earthly, natural rights will not be given to the Church, for she Is to hnve "some better thing" a heavenly Inheritance with her Lord and a par ticipation in His spirit nature. The Redeemer's merit Is Imputed to the Church, to cover the imperfection and weakness of each one called and drawn of (he Father to membership In the Bride of Christ. The differ ence between a gift nnd an Imputation Is manifest an Imputation signifies merely a loan, nn assistance. Thus the merit of Christ, imputed to those who would become His Elect Church. covers their blemishes so that they may present their bodies living sac rifices, holy and acceptable to God; as footstep followers of Jesus as partic ipants with Him In Ills spirit nature and In an attainment of the heavenly nature. Thus It will be seen that since the entire world lost life and all Its prlrl leges through the disobedience of Adam, all of these may be fully re covered from their inherited disaster. through tho Redeemer, because His life was given figuratively, Ills blood was ahed-"the Just for the unjust." as the great Sin-Atonement for the world. Atonement For the Soul. in our text the word tout Is a synonym for pcron or bring. Father Adam was a human soul, a human being, so also bis children. He alone, however, had a standing before Jus tlce. He alone was perfect he alone was on trial, and through his dlsolw- dlence and fall his children are In volved. Jesus was. originally, n spirit being, personality or soul, the ropo. lie became n partaker of flesh and blood; He was not, previously, a nw man soul, hence It was that It was nocessnry for Illm to lay aside the glory of His higher nature or order of being and be-ome a human soul, "that He. hv the grace of God. nilubt taste death for every man." illebrews II f.) He gave ills blood, Ills life, n Hansom for all. nnd thus we see the fulfilment of nor text, the exhibition of Divine favor and love with the re sultant hlesslim to the world, during Messiah's reign, nnd the blessing nnd exaltation of the Chtircb, which mast rre-ede FOUR GOVERNORS WILL TALK COAL Executives of Western S.a'es Meet on Mining iVaitsrs. DATE NOT YET PICKED CJT. Willhm Madden. Convicted' of tiie Murder of Florence Durtt at Dei Moines. Is Given Twenty Years in Prison. Des Moines, Oct. 7. Governor C.w oil of Iowa, Governor I)cmc-n of II 1 i liois. Governor s-' ibbs of Kansas, Gov ernor lladley of .Missouri and possibly the chui executives of other middle western states which have coal fields will hold a conference the latter part of the present month to discuss legis lation affecting the coal mining iudus try. The dale is not yet fixed. William Madden, colored, convicted a week ago of murder in theworf s let a week ago by a criminal court jur on a charge of murder In the second degree, was sentenced to the peniten tiary lor twenty years. Investigation of Maddon's record revealed that he had been tangled up in a shooting scrape in Kansas City. Madden waj convicted of the murdor of Florence Durtt. wife of a colored restaurant keeper In Court avenue. Educators Will Hold Meeting. The program for tho joint cioven tlon of the Association of Colleges of the Disciples of Christ and the Nu tional Ilible School Field Workers' a soclation of tho Christian church, which will be held at Drake university and at the Savory hotel from Oct. 12 to 13, has been announced. The an nual sessions will bring to Des Moines the heads of thirty schools in the United States under the direction of the Church of Christ, together with some of the most prominent educators of America. President Hill M. Dell of Drake university is president of the. association. Alleged Forger Adjudged Insane. D. N. Netherow was taken to Cla r!nda after he hid been adjudged in Rane by the Polk county commission. Netherow hid be.-n arraigned before he criminal division of the district ourt on the charge of having passed forgd check;,. When arrested he had chrck for $1,000,(100 cn his person. His relatives arc of the opinion that he could not havj been In his right mind, as he had never displayed a vicious character. ZOE VARNEY GIVEN DIV03C Wife of Confessed Murderer Grantsd Decree at Cedar Rapids. Cedar R;ids, la., Oct. 7. Mrs. Zoe Varney Webst.,r- second wife of Dr Harry E. Webster, irnfcsscd s ayer of bis third wif , as granted a divorc in the district court here. The decree was grunted by Judge V. X. Troichler on the ground of adultery. Vrs. Webster was near'v overconi" with oy when the decree was made tiown and It was sev- ra' minute b-. ore she enuld gain self con fro'. Sh e used to make any ?nn vinin ft as to her future course, further than tine that she lnt.ni';i to take a long rest nnd perhaps n journey. Father Enjoins His Son. Fort Podg, la., Oct. 7. Recourse to "n Injunction has been taken by U scph Clouse of Cooper township to strain his r.wn nn from entering o; ii I'lvuchlng his hom. The petition v s filed here. Clouse. Sr.. claims that ('louse, Jr., Tui s been Invited to leave ho-ue because he stirs up strife and ""Mcnsion in the home nnd thnt the n-er Clouse refuses to change his I tna board. It is said years ago i"h (.'louse, Sr , nttcmntcd to Kt m Itilunctlon to restrain his mother : law from entering his home. Balloon Caught in Snowstorm. Kmniettsburg, Ta.. Ott 7. A blind ng snowstorm, several thousand feet ..hove the earth, caused the halloon America II, which snIVd fn-ni Kansa ".tv In the International rnce, to do scend at a point four miles west of here. When ncarlng the ground tin hal'oon struck telegraph wires aloni the Chicago, Milwaukee and St Paul alHvuv and was wrecked. Pilot W. F. Vslman escaped without injury, but Mile J. C. Hurlhnrt was painfully l.r I'sed by a fall. Investigation Is Requested. Council Muffs. In.. Oct 7. The county board of supervisors adopted a resolution r.sklu for the Investlgn (Ion of the orcoums of O. I Harrltv supervisor if the county fr-nii. Hur 'nfT a recent examination of the hooks of the county farm it Is said a serious tangle was discovered. Parrltt bed I'.enoslted personal and county funds In 'he banks nnd drawn against them frr personal and public expenses, It Is claimed Death Due to Use of Cocaine. Fort nodne, In., Oct. 7 After col lapsing suddenly while in a barber's- chair, William Onion, thirty years old was taken to the county Jail, where he died late'. His dealh was due to the use of cocaine. This added to the r-'cent Imprisonment of Dr. J. II. Pal iier for selling cocaine has thoroughly iroused Fort Podg people to th serl jus situation here. ROB BARNUM STORES AGAIN Business Houses Are Victims Second Tims of Burglars. Fort Dodge. la., Oct. 7 Two store,, at Itanium were entered ugain b thieves, who made a successful get away on a handcar. The whole dis trict is aroused over this second dep redation In the sam place, boldly ac complished on the night after two oili er thieves committel wholesale of fenses and suspe.ts arrested. The thieves secured only $23. They pulled down the window shad"? Df thei stores they entered that no one iiugi t . suspect trou'.de until morning COAL MINERS NOT TO STRIKE Difficulty at Beacon Is Adjusted by Arbitration Board. Oskaloosa, la., Oct. 7. No general strike among the coal miners of Iowa j will be cal'ud, according to an an-i nouncement by local miners' officials here. 'The difficulty at the Kx'elsior 1 Coal company's mines at Beacon wis i adjusted at a special meeting of the I prbitration board. The terms were not made public. A meeting of the striking mine workers was held, following which it was stated thnt the men would return to work immediately. DES MOINES CARMEN MAY STRIKE AGAIN Situation-Acute, but Harrigan May Stop Walkout Des Moines, Oct. 7. The street car war In Des Moines may be resumed this evening by reason of the failure of the company to reinstate dis charged men pending arbitration. The men are firm and openly avow their belief that the company was only play ing for time aVl never intended to en ter honestly upon arbitration. The street car men, numbering nearly 500, voted to go on a strike un less three members of the union re cently discharged are reinstated by 5 o'clock. The City Railway company officials say they will not reinstate the men. Another arbitration propo sition was made by the company which may provide a way out of the difficulty. Manager Harrigan refused the de mand of the street car (inployees that the discharged street car men be rein stated pending further efforts at arbi tration and made a counter proposition to the employees. He prefers to withdraw his attorn- ney as an arbitrator if the men will withdraw their arbitrator and both will apisjint disinterested business men as arbitrators and they will se lect the third one. TWO KILLED ON CR0SS'N3 Albia Men Struck by Wabash Train When Returning Home. Albia, la., Oct. 7. John Adam, a grain merchant here, and Clem Brown, a negro cook In a local restaurant. were- killed instantly by a Wabash train as they were crossing the rail road track about a mile south of this city. They had been at Hocking, a small town nearby, and were return ing home. It is supposed they did not see the approaching train because of a high bluff, which obstructed the view of the right of way at the cross ing. Heirs Meet at Rock Island. Rock Island, 111., Oct. 7. Claiming title to a $180,000,000 estate left by the famous Dutch general, Paul Wertz, who died in Amsterdam in 1732, 200 descendants of the general residing in the United States met here for the purpose of devising a plan of present ing their ense to the government of ttie Xetherlands in an effort to collect the fortune. Mrs. Estelle Ryan Sny der of Chicago Is presiding over the convention. CONDENSED NEWS Another uprising has been started In the state of Sonora, Mexico, against the Chinese. The Laurter ministry has resigned and Premier elect R. L. Borden has accepted the call of his excellency to form a Canadian cabinet. Buffalo, N. Y., was. chosen as next year's meeting place of the League of American Municipalities. John Mae Vicar of Des Moines was elected presl ient. A group of Frenchmen hoisted a French dug over the fort at Agadlr, Morocco, threatening grave Interna tional complications. The French gov ernment disavowed the action. Wireless messages were flashed from San Francisco to Japan, span ning fi.000 miles of ocean. Oreetings were exchanged between the San Francisco operator at Hill Crest and the Japanese operator on the Island of Tlokushu. Fred Rchroedcr, captain of the schooner Elvlera, brought a marvelous story from Arctic waters. As his ves sel neared Ilosgoslav, he said, a burst of vapor rose aliove the island, dust rained upon the sen, and as the vapor cleared four new Islands were Insight. Kidnaped by three men In an auto mobile, driven twenty miles northwest of Chicago, robbed of $2'i0, two suits of clothes and otoher articles and tied to a tree, from which he freed himself five hours later, was the thrilling ex perience of Stanley Schultx, a barber, iccurding to his story to the police. WISCONSIN TOWN WASHING AWAY Break In Mill Dam Floods Black River Falls, URGE DISTRICT IS MENACED. Main Dam ls Holding, but Water Is Washing Around Ends Hatfield, North Bend, Melrose and Ona'aska Are Threatened. LaCrosse. Wis., Oct. 7 The situa tion at Black Hiver rails, the prosper ous lime city of 2,U') persons which vas swept by a flood when the Black liver, swollen by recent rains, washed through the emijaukuieut of the La Cros.ie. Water Power company's dams !t Hatfield, is worse than was feared when the delude burst upon the city. Half of the business section has been destroyed, together with a part of the residence district, and it is al leged by the townspeople, who have taken refuge on high lauds, unable to make an eifort for the protection of their stores and homes, that the city will be w iped off the map. Whether lives have been lost Is not certain. The people have been scat tered and canvasses are being made to determine how many, if any, are missing. Thus far two persons have not been accounted for and they may have been swept away by the flood. Between twenty-five and thirty business houses, comprising all the stores on both sides of two streets, have been destroyed, 'together with an equal number of houses. The waters are still rising rapidly and the de struction of the stores on the othei two business streets was predicted. The water, flowing with resistless current and lu tremendous volume, un dermined oui big building after an other and 33 it collapsed and crum bled to pieces the debris was carried away. The Tremont hotel, a substan tlal three story structure, was the first to go. No precautions could be taken to stop the wrecking of the town, the residents finding it a difficult problem to secure safety for themselves. Nona rf the stocks in the stores were saved and little of the heavier furniture in the houses, the people, although they knew of the overflowing of the Hat-' field dam, showing little fear until the waters burst upon them. Below Black River Falls are sev eral vllloges, including Roaring Creek, Irving, North Bend, Melrose, Holmen, Lytles, Midway and Onalaska, and the high waters are due to strike them during the day. TWO BALLOONS STILL IN AIR Rough Weather Overhead Brings Sew. en Big Bags to Earth. Kansas City, Oct. 7. Two air hal ioons, the Condor, flying the flag ol France, and the Berlin II., carrying the national colors of Germany, are still in the air. fighting for the. honoi of winning the international balloon race and thereby wrestling the James Gordon Bennett cup from America America pins Its hope or winning to the Buckeye, piloted by Lieutenant Frank P. Lahm, which has flown far trier than any other hae entered in the lnternatl'Mial nice thnt has re torted. 'The Eucl;ever,atn down neat Kparta. Wis., miles rrom Kansas CHy. To win the forei?n aeronauts yet In the air must exceed this mark The Million Population Club, a hope of the American aeronauts, landed at Mason City. Ia., having covered but 315 miles. Rough weather drove to earth seven of the racing balloons that left here Thursday Two fell in Wisconsin, two in Minnesota nnd two in Iowa. Reports from the landed balloons bring stories nf hard battles with a vlo'ent snow, rain and wind storm that raged high over northern Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin. condenseFnews The twenty fourth annual meeting of the national conference of Christian churches will be held in Wasnington from Oct. 23 to 26. The entire administration of Hunne well, Kan., In the hands of women ap pears now to be the plan of Mrs. Ella Wilson, niavor of the town. A band of royalists have been de feated In a fight with republican forces near Braganca, In Tras-Os Montes, the north easternmost province of Portugal. In order to save four horns' time in reaching the bedside of a critically 111 relative in Chicago, Harold Kountze, a Denver banker, rurcd :140 miles In a special train from penver to Hold-ff-ge, Neb., whore he overtook the regular Burlington train Judge Joseph Markey of Indianap o'is denied the petition of state's At torney Fredericks of I)s Angeles, Cal., that dynamite seized in Indianap olis at the time of the arrest of John .T. McNamara be removed to ios An geles to be used as evidence In the trial of McNamara. After examining 725 items of amounts paid to Individuals, who re ceived $107,71)3 for campnign expenses, the senatorial committee Investigating charges of bribery In connection with the election of United States Senator Isaac Stephenson of Wisconsin, heard testimony that the money was -ised for "entertainment" and not for ny corrupt purposes.