Runaway Auto. Til.- iit t hTiir "f c.a-- i 1 1 1 1 - t. I'.. Ithiiili'ii. ('viM-i'i-'ni'ii CATARRH ' i n u u SUCCESSOR TO HOLMES & SMITH t HERE ARE SOME OF OUR BARGAINS THAT WE HAVE OUT FOR THIS WEEK'S SALE: One lot of Outings, 12 and 10c grades, at per yard. . .... 8c One lot of Wool and Cotton Mixture Dress Goods, (some extra choice pieces) regular 25c grade, at per yard . 17c One lot of Wool Mixture Fine Dress Goods, regular 50c grades, at per yard 32c One lot of Percale and Madras Clotli3, (fine for school dresses) formerly valued at 15 to 18c, at per yard 9c One lot of Dress Trimmings at J 2 off We have some shoe bargains that are now on, the values are up to $3.00, with only a few pairs of each number left, which we want to close out this week at 98c, $1.55 and $1.95. This line includes many ladies,' men's, and boys' Fall shoes. Hi 1 1 an exciting tim.' Immv W.d- -.5 im-!.i!e. T Iiiver ami owner of' U 1ISi f fnfM BALV I Hit' iiiaclimt', Mr. It 11 bra-ka City, camp up n; tlif livery mvu (.f Mr. Rhoden.l ami alighting f i mi il a-kcd to) have it in Mr. Hhodeu's care for a short t hoe . I.aliT in t h tlav Mr. Kin.. Ifii ami W. S. Scott, our I jt'iiial M. I', agent, wanted to uel, MHiii' horses in tin' liarn. anil thi "chug" wagon was in th way.' They imiiK'tliali'ly proct't'ilftl to! ii"ni' tli" machine. The driver! hal Ifft the batteries in eontaeti ami connected with the entrine, anil when they started Hi." auto ih.-: engine coiiiiiit'ct'il to work ainl tin-: auto It'ft tlif barn at a "pretty! goon Hickory. 11 was won con-; siderable effort that Mr. Hhoden ! reached tlif reverse lewr anil . .flopped the without injury, but both lii f x.. ; U a -J c a 4 "-f-s2t; 2 S 3 ?9f HAY FEVER ELY'S CREAM BALM Applied Into tha nostril is quickly absorbed. CIVE3 RELIEF AT ONCE. It ctvJariHtH, soothes, heals and protects th diieiised membrane resulting from Catarrh and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly. Restore the eusw of Ta-te and BuiulU It is exsy to use. Coutaius no injurious drill's. No meretuv, no eocaiuo, no nior- runawav Jii.f hi no i P"u? The LoushIioM remedy. l.t.L both l,i,...clf; at taut. or hj mL ami for "Scully" were 11 minute. sun1 "-kurt'ii" 3LV BR0THES3. s6 Wvien St., New York. Murray Department PREPARED IN THE INTERESTS OF TFIE PEOPLE OF MURRAY AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL RE A DEBS. 1 If any of tlie readert of the Journal know of a tonal ewU or an item ofinterent in this vicinity and will matl tame to this offix it mil appear under this headin fe want all itvui of intend. Editor Jour it. 3C DC Murray State Bank n i Capital and Surplus 515000.00 Wc Solicit Your Banking Business Interest Paid on Time Deposits 0 1C MURRAY. NEBRASKA DOC Hen Dill was a Plattsmoulh visiloi' last Saluniay. I. M. Davis was an Omaha visit or Momlay of this week. Mr. ami Mrs. Charles Creamer were . Plal I srnoul li visitors last Saluniay. Hans Christiaii.Mtn aul.oei to IMallsnioulh Tuesday for a brief business trip. Alfred (lansemer shipped a car of hof,rs hi South Omaha on Thursday of last week. Mrs. (leorge Mulz went to Omaha Wednesday morning for a few days' isit wilh friends and relatives. II. O. Todd has his silo almost completed, hut will be loo late for Hie hamlliupr of inuch of his crop Ibis sea-oh. There is no better collet' sold anywhere than Hast sell for 25 cents per pound. Try it and be your o 11 judc. Mr. and Mrs. Philip K'eil were ''nirch cb. I'l.illsmoulb visitors on Thuisdav veniiu-' an of this week, driiutr up lo look a Her some I radiny . Mr-. Torrenee Kleminn was isiliuu with her molher, Mrs. miliums, in vu'cpnip nter a few days last week. ttioush Hilly is taking in con siderable territory in the car- penier nne. us an old saying that a Kooti man has no boundary limits in the business Vorld. and bis work will stand Ihe lest, any where. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Oilmore were in Omaha last, Friday. Jack ChalfaiU shelled corn for II. O. Todd and D. J. I'ilman Mon day of this week. John Cbalfanl, from near I'nion. was a busbies.- visitor in Murray Tuesday. Mr. ami Mrs. I'hilip Trilisch and family were in Murray Tues day visit inn the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. i. II. (iilniore. Improving Store. The room of A. Ilaat is bemtf' treated to a new coal of paint this week, both inside and tint, which sure adds prcatly Jo Ihe appear ance of the room. Since Mr. Hast, took charge of tbe store be has made a great many improvements and changes, preparing ..everything- to suit his tasle, and in our opinion, the changes have, made a decided improvement. Mr. Hast has come to Murray with the in tention of doing business in Hie general merchandise line, ami if he does not carry the line of goods you want it is your own fault, for he is here to please you, so let him know your desires. He intends to exert every effort, to secure your patronage, and if fair treatment, honest prices and good values are considered, the busi ness will grow in volume each ri'onlh. . h FLUSH" FtGDLERS? For Sale. 14 extra fine pedigreed Duroc Jersey boars, all sired by Fal stafT, the great boar by (Ib'ndale's Critic's lat, ami his dam was Nancy Top. I'd, (f.'i ir.. Th dams were sired by Critic's Hanker Son,' x.V2i7. All are April pigs and, sufficiently large for immediate' service. W ill also sell one ertra good fall boar weighing over 100 O. M. Minford took a loud of P'imd apple lo Nehawka Wednesday, when- iliey were made into a Mjiantily of Hie good old sweet cider. Th. ice I. I.. Oldham. Murray, N b. Dr. Newell, th dentlest, In Murrar every Tuesday. (Jd our prices on Hour now. A. Hast. Frank Golwlinan. painter and paper hanscr, riattmnouth. Mis. Andrews, sislcr of Mrs. Freese, is isilmg friends in Omabu this week. S. 0. P il man and W. II. Hamil ton made a business trip to Ne braska City Monday. The best school shoes for Ihe children at, A. Must's store. Alo full line of school supplies. If in dmibl about your new dress for yourself or your chil dren cull al A. Ilasts store. The Thimble ('mild of the Presbyterian church 'will meet with Mrs. William Lnughrldgn on Friday afternoon. September LM.. Tbe Missionary society will . ii I : I give U liarvesi iioiiih tiiuuer uuu supper in the kitchen ami dining room of the church Thursday, October 12. Rev. Willard Lamp will preach nt the Presbylcrian church next Sabbath morning and evening at the usual hours. Everybody cor dially invited to nltond bold (tervices. Mr. anil Mrs. Foster of Ne braska Oily were the imesls of Mr. and Mrs. S. 0. Pitman on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Mr. Foster Is worliing with Mr. and Mrs. Davis in the handl ing; and insinuation of hei.ling and acetylene gas plants. J. T. Reynolds and William Marks were up from Union Wed nesday in the automobile of Mr. Marks. Everybody In this locality knows that Mr. Reynolds Is ou or the office of clerk of the dis t.rict court, and he was here lining up a few wires at th top of his political fence, which we belive will surround snllicient voters lo land him in Ihe ollice at. Ihe coiu .ing November elect ion. James T. Re nobis is one of the best men in thi coiinly. and we can cc no reason why lie slioum imt lie elected. Mrs. Addie Stoke?, wits an Oma ha visitor Tuesday of Ibis week. Henry iNl, from near Nehawka, was a Murray visitor Wednesday. Mr. ami Mrs. Olen Itoedeker were Plalismoiith visitors Tues ilav evi'ionvj, driving up in the auto. lireen Picket of Molt county is here this week visiting at the home of W. F. Jenkins ami mother. ,F. M. linger departed Wednes day for Long Pine, Neb., where he will make a few days' visit with his eldest son ami family. Roy Moedeker came in from DuMois. Wyoming, Tuesday for a visit with his brother, Elmer Moedeker, south of Murray. Mrs. William Loughridge, who has been sick for several weeks. suffered a very severe attack this week, but at this lime is some heller.' Dr. Lon it ami Lee Nickels have been threshing their clover crop Ihe past week, and we are in formed that it. is making a mighty good yield. The George Posial grading crew are sure getting in some pretty good lime on their grading con tract for the M. P. just now. Thev are widening the siding grades, placing it in shape for the laying of a new passing switch. The new side track is greatly needed In Murray at thi-j time, for when several trains meet here, ns has been the custom very often of late, there is considerable time lost in the see-saw task in order to let them pass. Dr. J. F. Hrendel accompanied Miss Maude Ruslerhollz lo Oma ha Tin-Mlay of this week lo con sult Dr. Allison in regard to an ailment Unit she feared might de velop join eresypelas. S. O. I'ilman has almost com pleted Ihe heating and lighting plants in Ihe Woolsey house at Wyoming. He is home this week, but has a small amount of work lo do wilhin Ihe next few'tlays. Mrs. II. F. Hendricks and Mrs. Alberl l.illie came down from lil .i it a , riaiixinoinu Wednesday morning for a few days' visit wilh friends and relatives. Thev were guests Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Charles Carroll. We want you to take notice' of the hoi bargains we 'are offering in our advertisement this week. In addition to the articles men tiimetl therein we want to calj your attention lo the good values we are offering in all Siaples, Dry 'titt'ils and .Notions. A. Hast. Frank Albin, from Wausa, Ne braska, has been visiting with Cass county friends this week. and is having a car of apples to ship up in his part of the coun try, where Ihe apple crop is very limited. Mr. Albin thinks he will have no trouble in disposing of a carload. W. 0. Moedeker and wife were in Plattsmoulh Tuesday evening. i rnnlc Moore has sold his big apple orchard and it goes to a man or firm from Peru. The price paid was 11,800, which is a nice sum of money, although wo x iii ure in say mat they were worth every dollar of the amount Mr. Moore had one of the finest orchards in Cass county this sea son. al Hi. Christian d lu re la-l Sunday H' v. W illiauison (!.'-, parted Monday morning for his home in Topeka. Kaunas. Mr. ami Mr. M. (1. Churchill entertained Mr. and Mrs. K. L. i llesser on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.! Hester are visiting with Cass county fiieiiiN. arriving hen; aj few days ago from California. j .1. . Holmes, I he Murray auto mobile garage man, is pretty busy these days, administering treat ment t a number of crippled ma chines of this locality. Jim is there on the repair business. The apple business seems to be about the only line of trade that is genuinely on Ihe 'boom in Murray right at present. The "apple men are even working over lime in order to take care of the crop thai is being delivered to t hem. Mr. Long and family and Mr. Anderson and family, from Fre mont, autoed down to Murray the laller part of last week for a few- days visit with relatives. Mr. Long being a cousin of our ex cellent friend, H. C. Long, from west of town, where the visitors slopped. Sunday the visitors, in company with Mr. Long and family went over to the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Long to spend ihe day. , NOTICE. Stale of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. In County Court. In the Matter of the F.state of Anna Margaret Clans, Deceased. To All Persons Interested: Yon are hereby notified that there will be a hearing before this court upon the report of the Ex ecutrix of said estate, together with her petition for final settle ment and distribution of said estate according to the terms of the last will and testament of said deceased, on the 3rd day of Octo ber, 1911, at 9 o'clock A. M.. That all objections, if any, must be tiled on or before said day and hour of hearing. Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court of said coun ty, this 11th day of September, ion. (Seal) Allen J. Meeson, CoTlnty Judge.' Gin. Them a Wide Birth , and 3jy cf Your Honn merchant. This is tiie seu-on of Hie year when the itinerant vendor "blows" into town, eslabli-lies quarters at the best hotel and invites people to come and pay him about two prices for stuff that i an be bought at home just as well. lie is a great "four-flusher" this peddler for .he's onlv a peddler with a fancy pack and good clothes and his talk is smooth. Yes, 'and peo ple fall for his palaver, too. It is surprising how many buy, im agining that they are getting something el raordinarp, when in reality they are gelling buncoed. When they receive the goods and find that they are inferior, they have no redress. Really, such people deserve to get the worst of their bargains, for they are. do ing a grievous injustice to the home merchant whom they slight when they give preference to the peddlers. And this is especially true at this time, when the first con sideration should' be for the home i merchants. If all the local peo I pie do not sustain the home mer I chant,' how can he be expected to boost the town? The money that is given to the peddler never comes back, while the money that is paid the home merchant stays here and gets into other channels. Anyway, the home stores can , erve you bet ter than any peddler, whether it be in staples or extras, and they can do it cheaper and more satisfactorily. Why, then, buy from peddlers or out-of-town houses? I.K,;VI, NOTirK. Ststf of Nebraska County of OiiHM. sk. In County Court. In Hie Mutter of the Katate of Ann M. ImvIh, Itfcoaseil. To All lVrnnns Intett'stfil : You are hpreby notltlfii that there will be a lieRtlniT uin the report of the AtlminlHtrntor of pa hi estate, to cether with her petition for final et- tiemen thereof, on the 7th day of Octo ber, 111, at ! o'clock A. M., In the County Court I'.ooniH at Plutt.smouth, In alti County. That nil objections thereto, If any, tntiHt he tlleil on or before said day and hour of hearing. Witness mv hand and the seal of the County Court of Said County this 18t!i day of September, 1911. (Senl) . Allen J. Heeson, county Judge. Alfalfa Crop Is Good. Charles Shopp. living south of the city, was in Tueil:iy. ami in conversation wilh him in regard to his alfalfa crop, be tfiU ns that it proved a. sure winner Ihe past season. He had a field of ten acres (hat, cut him two good crops f hay, and he threshed Ihe third one that gave him "! bushels of seed. Julius Pilz, his neighbor; had about two acres, from which he cut three crops of hay . and threshed 15 bushels of sect! from t he fourth crop. Thi is what we would term mighty good returns from the small acreage. 'The present price of, the seed is about $10 per bushel. William Hamilton and force of men are completing the new corn cribs for A. J. Davis and will move I hursday 0f this week to the farm or Charles spangler, south of Louisville, where they will build a large barn Different Now. Old people tell us how healthy they all used to be, how strong and full of life and how they did not mind small ailments. Their diet was different, as was their mode of life; they lived more in the fresh air and had very little excitement. It is all dilTernt now, We live in Ihe age of nervous rush and excitement, we eat and drink what our system cannot digest and we ruin our health pre maturely. We should keep our svstein clean by using Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine It will not only clean out the body, but strengthen it, regulate Ihe di gestion, purify the blood, cure constipation and all its con setpiences. At drug stores. Jos Triner. 1333-1339 So. Ashland Ave., Chicago, II!. Try a sack of Forest Rose Flour the next time you need flour. Ask It looks to us as your dealer what he thinks of it I.K.tiVI, 1VOTICF. Walter Thnrker will Ink notice that on tbe 13th day of Heptember, 1911, M. Archer, .Justice or the reace for C.'ss County, Nebraska Issued an order of attachment for the sum of $70.95 In an action pending before him, wherein the Jones drain Company Is plaintiff and Walter Thacker Is defendant, that property of said defendant, conslstlntt of money In the hnnds of L. M. McVay, has been attached under said order. Snld cause was continued to the 30tli day of October. 1911, at 10 o'clock a. m Mepteinoer is, isii. Jones drain Company. By J.- K. Itouiiluss, Its Attorney. l.KGAL NOTICE. Walter Thacker will tAke notice that on the 9th dvy of September, 1911, Al len J. Beeson, County Judge of Cass County, Nebraska, Issued an order of attachment for the sum of $16.75, In an action pending before him, wherein H. M. ISoennlthsen Is plaintiff and Walter Thacker Is defendant that property of the defendant, consisting of money In the hands of L. M. McVay, hag been attached under said order. Said cause was continued to the ?5th day of Octo ber, September 14th, 1911. H. M. Soennlchsen. Plaintiff. By J. K. 1'ouKlass, Attorney. Slops earache in two minutes; toothache or pain of burn or scald in live minutes; hoarseness, one hour; muscleache, two hours; sore throat, twelve hours Dr. Thomas' Fried ie. Oil, monarch over pain. Mr. and Mrs. J. R Clark of Chicago have been here since Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Austin. They went to Omaha this morning and will leave for Chicago tonight. Mrs. Austin went as far as Omaha with them. 4 Apples Wanted. At Murray, Nebraska. All varieties. Will pay highest mar ket price in cash. By Bunch St Nauman. AH30M1US wahoo.neb. The Best Flour in the Market. Sold by all Leading Dealers