The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 28, 1911, Image 5

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Randall Papdish-
utmor Or" My Lady Or The South.
Iuustratioms By DearbprmMclviu.-
(Copyright. A. C, McClurf
The Landlady of the Occidental.
Keith had crossed at this point so
frequently with cattle that, once hav
ing 1Ih bearings the blackness of the
night made very little difference.)
Nevertheless, in fer.r lest her pony
might stumble over some irregularity,
he guve his own rein to Neb. and went
forward on foot, grasping firmly the
tired animal's bit. It was a long
stretch of sand and Water extendlns
from hank to bank, but the water was
shallow, the only danger being that
.a i m , - nni;J
til straying un mini uie luuie sunn
bottom into quicksand. With a tower
ing cut Ion wood as guide, oddly mis
shapen and standing out gauntly
against, the slightly lighter sky, the
plainsman led on unhesitatingly, until
they began to climb the rather sharp
uplrft of the north bank. Here there I
was a plain tr.iil, pounded Into smooth
nnsH by ihe hoofs of cavalry horses
ridden down to water, and at the sum
mit they emerged within fifty yards of
the stables.
Tho few lights visible, some station
ary, with others dancing about like j
wlH-o'-the-wlsps, revealed Imperfectly
the contour of various buildings, but
Keith turned sharply to- the right, anx
ious to slip past without being chal
lenged by a sentry. Beyond the brow
of the bluff other lights now became
visible, flickering here and there,
marking where a straggling town had
sprung up under the protection of the
post a town garish enough In the
daylight, convwsed mostly of shacks
and tents, but now with Its deficien
cies mercifully concealed by the en
veloping darkness. The trail, easily
followed, led directly along Its single
street, but Keith circled the outskirts
through a wilderness of tin-cans and
heaps of other debris, until he halted
his charges beside the black shadow
of the only two-story edifice in the
place. This was the Occidental, the
hospitality of which he had frequently
A light streamed from out the front
windows, but, uncertain who might
be harbored within. Keith tapped
gontly at the back door. It was not
opened Immediately, and when It u
finally shoved aside the merest crack,
so glow of light revealed the darkened
Interior. The voice which spoke, how
ever, was amply aufflcient to Identify
Its owner.
"Is that ye agin, Murphy, a playln
av yer dirthy thrlcks?"
"No, Mrs. Murphy," he hastened to
explain, "this is Keith Jack Keith,
of the 'Bar X.' "
"The liOrd deliver us!" was the In
stant exclamation, the door opening
wide. "They do be afther tellln' me
to-night av the throuble ye was in
over at Carson, an' 01 fought maybe
ye niolght turn up this way. It was
a nate trick ye played on the loikes
av 'em, Jack, but this is a dom poor
placo fer ye ter hide in. Bedad, there's 1
a half dozen In the parly now talkln'
about It, wid a couple av officers from
the fort. Is the nager wid ye?"
"Yes, but we have no intention of
hiding here. I'd rather take my
chance In the open. The fact Is, Kate,
we started off for the Bar X.' "
"Av course, ye did; 01 waa shure av
7ut down on the Salt Fork we ran
across a young girl whom Black Bart
had InvttlglPd down that way on a lie.
We had a bit of a fight, and got her
away from him. This Is what brought
us back here to put the girl where
ho will be safe out of his clutches."
The door was wide open now, and
Mrs. Murphy outside, her Interest at
fever heat.
"Ye hnd a folght wid Black Bart!
Oh, ye divil! An' ye licked the dirthy
apalpane, an' got away wid his gyurl!
(2 lory be! And would Oi take her?
Well, 01 would. NIver doubt that, me
bye. She may be ti'O qnana av Shaba,
an' she may be a Digger Injun Squaw,
but the loikes av H n Irid better Kape
away from Kate Muri-ry. It's s!al
k Ol am ter do it! Bring her in. 01
don't want ter hear no more."
"Just a word. Kate; I don't know
nether she has any money or not,
but I'll pay her bill, as soon as It la
sufe for me to come back."
"Oh, the divil take her bill. She'll
have the best In the house, annyhow,
an' OI'm only hopln' that fellow will
turn up huntin' her. Ol d lolke ter
take one Blap at the spalpane."
Fully convinced as to Mrs. Murphy's
good will, Keith clipped back Into the
darkness, and returned with the girl.
Introductions were supeifluous, aa the
mistress of the Occidental cared little
regarding ceremony.
Co.. 110.)
! JM' 10) , h
I Msk$U$ii AS?- i, I
il -1 f W J 1 if. "f N c ll NH
1 A I . d. 'I f L 1r I I
i V yL
iiz way down through the daiit-l
"lie (1.) be a molality foine bye. Jack
Keith." she said, apparently address-.
tn M e side wall. "Ol wish OlM a
khowed him whin Ol as a s'llri:
sliiir. li s not Murphy me nninie',1 i&
now, Oi'm t'lnkin'."
Left alone, the girl bo ved her heal
on her bauds, a hot tear stealing down
through her fingers. As she glanced
up again, something that glittered on
the floor beside the bed caught her
eyes. She stopped and picked it up,
holding the trinket to the light, star
ing at It as though fascinated. It v. uj
the locket Keith had taken from the
neck of the dead man at Clmmaron
Crossing. Her nerveless Angers press
ed the spring, and the painted face
within looked up into her own, and
still clasping it within her hand, she
sank upon her knees, burying her face
on the bed.
"Where did he get that?" her lipa
kept repeating. "Where did he ever
get that?"
(To R Conlmueil.i
! I'M!
School Treasury Receives
Tuition for Forty-one
Pupils Enrolled.
"Shure It's Safe It la Yer Goin' Ter
Be Here."
"An' Is this you, my dear?" ahe
burst out, endeavoring to curb her
voice to secr.ctlve softness. "Shure,
Jack Keith has told me all about It,
an' It'i safe tt Is yer goin' ter be here.
Come on In; 0111 give ye number
forty-two, that's next behlnt me own
room, aa' we'll go up the buck sthalra.
Hllp the young loldy. Jack, fer shure
ye know the way.
Bha disappeared, evidently with
Rome hospitable purpose In view, and
Keith, clusnlug the glrl'a baud. upler-
tooft the delicate task or sareiy escort
ing her through the dark kitchen, and
up the dimly remembered stairs. Only
a word or two passed between them,
but as they neared the second story a
light suddenly streamed out through
the opened door of a room at their
left. Mrs. Murphy greeted them at
the landing, and for the first time saw
the girl's weary white face, her eyes
filled with appeal, and the warm Irish
heart responded Instantly.
"Ye poor little lamb; It's the bid
ye want, an' a dhrap o' whiskey. Jack
Keith, why didn't ye till me she was
done up wid the hard ride? Here,
honey, sit down In the rocker till 01
get ye a wee dhrlnk. It'll bring the
roses back to the cheeks av ye." She
was gone, bustling down the dark
Btalrs, and the-two were alone In the
room, the girl looking up Into his face,
her head resting against the cushion
ed back of the chair. He thought he
aw a glimmer of tears In the depths
of her lash-shaded eyes, and her
round white throat seemed to choke.
"You will be perfectly secure here,"
h said, soothingly, "and can remain
as long aa you please. Mrs. Murphy
will guard you aa though you were her
own daughter. She is a bit rough,
maybe, but a big-hearted woman, and
despises Hawley. She nursed me
once through a touch of typhoid yes,
by Jove," glancing about In sudden
recognition, "and In this very room,
The girl's glance wandered over the
plain, neat furnishings, and the rather
pathetic attempts at decoration, yet
with apparently no thought for them.
"You you have not told me where
you were going."
He laughed a little unenslly, as
though he preferred to make light of
the whole matter.
"Really, I have hardly decided, the
world is so wide, and I had no reason
to suppose you Interested."
"But I am interested," resenting hli
tone of assumed Indifference. "I
mould not want to feel that our ac
quaintance was to wholly end now."
. '"v. VO!1 r(1Aiiy mean that?"
"Why should I not? iou have oecn
a real friend to tne; I shall remember
vnu alwava with a eratltnde bevond
words. I want yon to know this, and
that that I shall ever wish to retain
that friendship."
Keith struggled with himself, doubt
ful of what he had best say, swayed
by unfamiliar emotions.
"You may be sure I shall never for
get," he blurted forth, desperately,
"and, If you really wish It, I'll certain
ly see you again."
"I do," earnestly.
"Then, I'll surely find a way. I don't
know now which direction we will
ride, but I'm not going very far until
I clear up that murder out yonder on
the trail; that Is my particular job
just now."
Before she could answer, Mrs. Mur
phy re-entered and forced her to drink
the concoction prepared, the girl ac
cepting with smiling protest. The land
lady, empty glass In hand, swept her
eyes about the room.
"Bedad, but the place looks betther
than Iver Oi'd belaved, wid the gyurl
Ol've got tlndln' to it. She's that
lazy she goes ter ilape swapln' the
Dure. Jack, would ye niolnd hllpin'
me move the bid; shure, It's rale ma
hogany, an' so heavy It breaks uie
back Intoirely to push' It 'round."
He took hold willingly enough, and
the two together ran the heavy con
trivance across the room to the posi
tion selected. Once a leg caujht la
the rag carpet, and Keith lifted It out,
bending low to get a firmer grip. Then
he held out his hand to the girl.
"It Is not going to be good bye then.
Miss Hope; I'll find you."
She smiled up Into bis eyes, much
of the wearlneea gone from her face.
"I am going to believe that," she an
wered, gladly, "because I want to."
Mrs. Murphy lingered aatU his itepa
sounded on the atalra. aa be slow If
l'mfcssiii' Larson, principal of
tin llijjh .scliiiol, has compiled a
of the pupils in the High
sclion! whose t ii i t itii is hciu paid
hv thi' ilislric! in which they live.
as provided l the new special
law of the stale. The district ant
the name of the pupils follow:
.No. 2 Mabel Adams.
S. 25 Mae Harker.
No. 17 I.eota Harlot).
No. 8 r.lizaheth Campbell.
Nit. i Nellie Cook.
No. r!-Mirace Fiuht.
No. 17 line Kran.
No. il Ola KatVeitlii'tKef.
No. 3 l.i'la Lair.
No. 3 (iilcs I,ai'
No. 2 Jennie' Livingston.
No. 7 Willa Moore.
No. li Cirare Monkey.
No. 12 Anifie MeC.arrol.
No 3 Hnenita Potter.
No. 3 Wayne Propst.
No. 3 Florence Richardson.
No. 3 W illiamson.
No. 3 Robin Richardson.
No. t2 Florence Rninniel.
No. o Henlah Sans.
No. 17 Reuben Savon.
No. 12 Florence Sehentz.
No. i! Mildred Snyder.
No. 1 I.ydia Todd.
No. 1 1 Dwer Todd.
No. I S Vance Todd.
No. 3 Alice Tschirren.
No. 3 Emma Tschirren.
No. 3 (Iny Wiles. 1
No. ! Oessie firkener.
The following students at the
Huh school pav tuition: Iean
Cummins. Fern Lewis. Iwiitht
I'eop.-t. Ifarlex Wiles. Conrai
Well Known Newspaper Man Will
Run a Strictly Republican
Weekly Here.
Krnm Wednesdiiy's Pally.
Yfslerdax afternoon K. it. May
lield of Omaha became the owner
of Hie Plallsiui'tith News-Herald
and aniiMimrnl lk;it lie intended to
run t republican weekly paper.
Mr. Max Meld is well known in Ihe
county, having run a newspaper
al Louisville in Ihe early no's, lie
is at present the Sunday editor of
the Omaha World-Herald. Pre
vious to acceplinu that position
he spent five ears wilti the
Western Newspaper Fninii in a
managerial capacity, l'efore that
he was with Ihe World-Herald
Mr. Ma field came here yester
day and i'Ioni-iI up Ihe deal with
Mr. K. M. Pollard and others, lie
has rented a suite of rooms at the
Riley and will stay (here until
sprimj, when he will move his
household pmils here. Mrs. May
field will not be here for about ten
'T am coins' to run a strictly re
publican weekly," said Mr. May-
Id. "not a daily or a semi-
week I v. I believe there is room
here for a llrsl -class republican
i' i i .i: n "Lru s-vi,-
'.J .-J i. .1 111 l I
11 !&Sii)&
Schlaler. Mildred Stewart. Milton
McMaken. Pheme Richardson
Herman (ireeder.
A total of over l.foO will be
received this year from smirct
out side of school taxes am
license moneys; mo niuti scnoo
tuition income will amount to
iM.usn this year: the norma
traininir fund from the state is
$350. and the estimated income
for tuition from prade school
pupils will be 180, makinx a
total of 1,(510.
A Dreadful Sight
to H. J. r.aninin, of Freeville, N.
Y., was the fever-sure that had
plagued his life for years in ppite
of many remedies he tried. At
last he used Ilucklen's Arnica
Salve and wrote: "II has entirely
healed with scarcely a scar left."
Heals Hums, ISoils, F.czema. Cuts,
ttruises, Swcllin-'s, Corns and
Piles like magic. Only 25c at F.
(1. Fricke & Co.
Havelock Plant of the Burlington
Will Shut Down for the
Week Tonight.
When the Havelock shops of
the lturliimlon close loniaht it
will be for the week, the time this
week helm: three days ol nine
hours each, twenty-seven hours.
Th shops were closed on Friday
of last week. For some lime past
the regular time al Ihe shops has
been live das per week ol tune
hours each.
The explanation for this shut
ting' down practically for half
week is snort and terse: business
is light and the operating cost for
September must be held down
The coin pan v is ahead with its
shop work, having many idle en
gines. new or in unod repair.
When a railroad desires l
make a showing on operating
cost for a month during a perjoi
of dull business, the shop men
arc liable to be laid oil". During
the past 1 1 x ) ii 1 1 1 a number of sys
teins, 1,101 notably roads in th
soulliwest, have been culling
down their shop lime.
When business is dull and few-
trains are run operating cost so
far as it arises from train sen if
is handled automatically. I
trainmen ijo out infrcpieully Ibcy
make less. Shop men, however
work straight away so long as
there is work to do. and there
usually plenty of work that may
lie done until alter a long perioi
of dullness.
While railway olllcials do m
care to indulge in prophecies
whose fiiltlllinenl depends on
business conditions, I hey express
the belief that the mouths to fol
low will see the shops in this part
of the country working the usual
lime. They do not look on shut
ting down for one to three days a
week to be a permanent feature.
Lincoln Journal.
To Dedicate School.
Father Michael Shine left this
afternoon for Wahoo, where a
new $35.00(1 parochial school will
be dedicated. Hishop Tilu-n of
Lincoln will be the master of
ceremonies at the dedication. The
school will be in charge of Father
Malhias Ilor, who was formerly
located in Platlsmnuth.
Madt of Hard, Stiff Wire, of Honest Quality
r T' r j. I.
rAx ,'-" vv oven-wire rences must ue
1 hf vv. aa thev have to turn animals l)V
i i j ... . .... -
fj the sheer strength of the wire. Why:
A fence with baths is protected trom excessive pressure
because the animal fears the barbs. Remove the Inubs and the
createst strength of the animal is thrown upon the fenee.
Hence its wires must be laruer and stronger. Therefore, to
have a longlife woven-w ire fence vm must have a heavy fence.
Among the valuable features that distinguish American Fence is the
Ilinged-Joint (patented). We back this feature with all our experience
as the largest makers of fence in the world.
Under side stress and strain the resilient Hinged Joint yields to pressure
and quickly returns to its old form without bending or breaking the stay
wires, the strain nemg taken up uy tne nesivy non.oiuui ours.
Tli r il it a f,-ni' in the nervica von "et out of it. Test, iudt'
'compare American Fence under nny and all conditions, and you will
u will If
ility, U
find that the steel, the structure and galvanizing are eipiul in durability,
strength and efliciency to the hardest uses.
We have just received two carloads of fencing and cai
ill orders for almost any design fence you would want,
Furthermore we figure owt fence against any fence made, in
eluding the mail order houses. Bring your mail order cata
ogue along and we will show you that we sell fence cheaper
than any mail order house in existence.
ctlorts to succeed. .
This school is thoroughly or
ganized itilo Rrades and division
after the most modern and
scietitillc plan and on this Rally
day there will be promotion!
made and something like 100
handsome diplomas awarded to
si ludars who have coiunlel,ed tht
year's course. The general pro
gram is in charge of Mrs. MattU
(lobelman and' promises many
oilier interesting features well
worth hearing.
One -of the uniiiue preparations
for this day is the notice of it
Splendid Program Arranged for
Big Sunday School, Which
Numbers About 400.
In order to begin the new fall
season in a manner befitting a
real live organization, tho
Methodist Sunday school proposes
Lo hold a genuine rally next Sun
day, October 1, at their home in . hirh has been sent to all the
the Methodist church. All Ihe; members in the form of a orinted
subpoena gotten up in Ihe, exact
style of a court document and
commands that "they he present
on that diy and witness to their
interest, in the work."
This subpoena was sent, out by
messenger hoys of the Sunday
school. The exercises will be
held next Sunday nioriiiim, be
ginning promptly at '.:3o, and the
vnernl public are invited to loolc
in upon this worthy enterprise.
Got Hot Quickly.
From Wednesdny'i Dally.
It was just 22 decrees holler al
8 Q'cloek this morning than at the
same time yesterday. At 2 o'clock
today it was 20 degrees hotter
than at, 2 o'clock yesterday. The
rise in temperature took place
mostly during the night. It ap
pears as if the .sudden rise will
bring with it a rain.
Not a Word of Scandal
marred the call'of a neighbor on
Mrs.-W. 1 Spangh, of Manvillc,
W'yo., who said: "She told 'me
lr. King's New Life Pills had
cured her of obstinate kidney
trouble, and made her feel like a
new woman." Easy, but sure
remedy for stomach, liver and kid
ney troubles. Only 25c at F. 0.
1'ricke & Co.
enthusiast ir. element, of a popular
political rally will he present ex
cept the flambeau and the band.
This school numbers in its con
stituency about 400 members,
and a systematic effort is being
put forth to have them all pres
ent on this day.
The rradle roll, superintended
by Miss Alice Tuey, is composed
of babies in arms up to .'1 curs
and numbers close to 100. These
are expected lo be I here and oc
cupy a place on the prouram. The
home department of f0 members,
superintended by Mrs. Emily Mor
rison and composed of those who
by reason of age, health or oc
cupation are unable to attend reg
ularly, are lo be there if trans
portal ion rnii be provided.
The beginners' department of
25 will be there. The primary
with 50. the juniors with 05, Ihe
intermediate with .15 and Ihe
seniors with 1'0; these, together
with Ihe H5 or more officers and
teachers, will make a crowd
enthusiastic boosters that
town need he ashamed of in
Digestion and Assimilation.
II is not the quantity of food
taken, but the amount digested,
nud assimilated that gives
str'Miglh and vitality to the sys
tem. Chamberlain's Stomach and
: I. iver Tablets invigorate the Rtom-
ach and liver and enable them to
perform their functions naturally,
For sale hv F. O. Fricke & Co.
FOll SALE II. C. Hock Cock
rels. March and April hatched,
$1.00 each until October 1. Large
of! boned and healthy stock. Mrs.
Win. Troop, Nehawka, Neb. Mur
ray 'phone.
For Infants and Children.
Tha Rind You Have Always Bought
Bears th
Signature of
Wreck on Missouri Pacific.
From Wednexday's Dally.
The Missouri Pacific passenger,
due here al 0:50 a. m., was about
seven hours late today because of
an accident in the Atchison yards.
The passenger, in leaving the
yards ran into the rear end of a
freight train and it look about
seven hours to clear up Ihe wreck
and get the train started on its
way again. At the time of writ
ing this the train was scheduled
to arrive in Plattsmouth at 1
To Mr. and Mrs. Snyder.
From Tufnilavi Dally
Ail infant daughter was born
to Mr. and Mis. A. J. Snyder this
morning. The news spread
around the court house rapidly,
and when Andy shows up there
he might as well bring several
boxes of good cigars with him.
September Travel Bulletin!
Tho excursion rates to Eastern localities will continue. It is your last low
rate change of the Summer to visit your old home or make a tour of the East.
The Dry Farming Congress will be held at Colorado Springs, October 16-20.
Special rates will be mado.
The colonist one way rates to the Pacific Coast are in effort September 15th
to October l.lte, only, this year
The Burlington has through standard and tourist sleepers every day to Cali
fornia -on No. 3 via Rio Grande, Scenic Colorado, and the Southern Pucific and
Salt Lake Route; on No. 9 via the Rio Grande, Scenic Colorado, and the Wen
tern Pacific.
"On Time" operation. Western people living in tho territory served by the
Burlington will be interested in knowing something about the punctuality with
which the management tries to operate its trains. Fast mail No. 7, from Chi
cago to Omaha, during the months from April to July inclusive, n period of 122
dnys, arrived at the Missouri River "On Time every day. The other exclusive
fast mall and express train No. 15, from Chicago to Omaha during June and
ul y, 2911, arrived "On Time" at the Miasouri River every day. TheBe are tha
exclusive mail and express trains that dally bring into the West the great vol
ume of traffic so necessary to the social and commer cial lit
of that region.
R. W. CLEMENT, Ticket Ant.
L. W. VHAKELY, Ueneral Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb
1 lite ;