i I The- Plattsmouth - Journal CZZD Published Semi-Weekly at PUttsmouth. Nebraska clj I R. A. BATES. Publisher. ... - 9 Entered at the PoHtohVe at Plattstimuth, Nebraska, as second-dasg matter. $1.50 PER YEAR IN AD VANCE The Democratic Ticket For Judges Supremo Court. V. D. OLDHAM. W. L. STARK. J. 11. DF.AN. For Regents University. JOHN L. MILLER. C. T. KNAPP. For Railroad Commissioner. C. I i. II A It MAN". For Judge of the District Court First District. NARVF.Y I). TRAYK For Clerk of the District Court. JAMES T. IIKYNOI..I.W. For County Clerk. I). C. MORGAN. For Treasurer. V. KELLY FOX. For Sheriff. DON C. RHODEN. For Superintendent of Schools. MARY K. FOSTER. For Surveyor. FRED D. PATTERSON. For Coroner. E. RATNOUH. For Commissioner Second District. C. M. KEYHEIIT. For Police Magistrate. M. ARCHER. :o: Haly and Turkey are marshal ling their forces for war, and will he inlo it in good shape ere many Hayn. Canada felicitates itself thai i . : the "Yankees' not il. in llie neck. What rierk"? Wh, Hie annex, of course. :o : A weather prophet forecasts a hard winter. However, il can't bp any harder Mian this summer ha been. ; . ;o: The trusts having sowed the 'wind for twenty years, expect the harvcHi of whirlwind to he taken cure of, in ahout three months. ; . :: The next edition of "Who's Who" will have to leave Mr. Kimniel out of it, tit least until it ran lie determined which "who" Kiminel is. :o: Hitchcock and Hryan should both go to the national conven tion as delcgalcs-iil-lurge ami lliere should he no question n lo Iheir seleclion. :o:- A well organized Commercial club is jtisl as essential lo (he prosperity of a city as a city council, and in many instances a great deal more so. "Rockefeller, Jr.. lias Close Call," is a head line in some of the, metropolitan journals. Any body with the scads he has can see most any kind of a call. 1 -:o: , Who is to blame for the hiuh price of sugar, if not I he repub lican party, which has fostered trusts from Mm time: of their ex istence? Think of what the poor people will suffer from the pro tection of not, only the sugar trust, but all other trusts. Tho democratic, party is opposed to the protection of these robbers. :o: Riots in Spain, Ireland and Norway, but in Mm United Slates we have peace, except that in various cities Mm militia march up and down Mm streets thirsting for blood and other drinks. :o: i The steel trust apparently has kind of cum vi'-hi:t thai iceds no accuser. Anyhow, Attorney Oem-ral Wickcrsham says that no suit for its dissolution is Con templated. : : There are about twenty-live re publican papers in the stale thai, icfuse to support Hamcr forjudge of Mm supreme rou it, and they rc working hard to ."lT"i"t hi d. f -at. 'I'ln- democrats throughout the state are in pretty fair shape as to organiat ion, and if nothing 'ranspires to occasion a friction the party will be in mostexecilcnt -h.tpe for the campaign next year. :o: The Canadians needn't, think Uncle Sam is lying awake iv'ahls thinking how he can swipe some of Ihejr land. He wants no back yard where he has trot to shovel a .now path out to the clothes i eel six months in the year. :o : In supporting James T. Rey nolds you are voting for a penile man and scholar for clerk of the dis rid court and one who will not want to hang onto the ollice until the people say, "Hold, enough I" . ;o: If Senator liilcneock desires to go to the national democratic convention as a dcci.rale-nt -larm there will be no trouble about his selection ny ine democratic mas ses. No man in Nebriieka is mon worthy of the honor. Thev ure making a biu etVorl to give Taft a biu reception at Lin coln next Monday, irrespective of faction or parly. The demonstra tion is not intended for Taft per sonally, a ii is in honor of the president of the United Stales. . :o: This paper is opposed to keep ing a man in oilice from eiaht to sixteen years, when I here are others just as competent and de- sen inn who can till the bill. It is ridiculous. o say the least, and many voters are looking at the proposit ion in I hat light. :o : The people generally sil down on a chronic office-holder when I hey think lie has had enough And there are several candidates running in this count rv who cer tainly have had enough, but don't know it, ami the voters will di ride that matter for them at the Nov ember elect ion. :o : The more the taxpayers think of the competency of Kelly Fox r . . . ioj- coumy treasurer itie inoi'i iney are itetviynineil mi electing him. He has been an assistant in the county treasurer's office for nearly eight years, and has proved that he is well fitted to take charge of the affairs of the office in general. :o: . I lie canning season is on now ami wnen you go to the store, am get only II pounds of sugar for yi.no, where you got 18 a short time ago, think whose fault it is that you are compelled to submit to mis great raise m the price of sugar right here in the fruit and canning season. What is respon sible for the trust? Protection of course. Who is r'esponsibl for the advance in the sugar? The Sugar trust. Who is're sponsible for the Sugar trust The republican party. :o: With sugar retailing at 9 cent a pound tho sugar trust can in week recoup all the money the "government forced it to pay for I':n-I- Sam with false Wonder if the stipend the "greatest man m i public iife" l a ft should as a irood SUIIUM's. has !ji-t'ii iiivii'a- 1 ' xplain this advance Ihiiiir for the cori- With all danger of Canadian reciprocity past the lumber trust, the beef trust and numerous other (rusts directly interested will feel iike declaring an extra dividend. :o: Mail was transported by aero plane successfully in New York Saturday. If this method is to be adopted the postal clerks will be entitled to a substantial increase in wages. :o: I'ennivhania is another -tale that cannot point the linger of scorn at Shady Mend, Kas. lira small Pennsylvania town last, week a woman was stoned as a witch. -wi lt is a fortunate circumstance that the French battle ship Liberie, which was sunk by an ex plosion Monday with the loss of 300 lives, was not anchored in a Merman port at the lime. :o: A man at our elbow suggests that the case of Kimniel is one of transmigration of souls. The spirit is thai of Kimmel, but the body is thai of another, he says. There are, however, limits be yond which the efforts to explain the Kimniel case ought not to g. :o : The good roads proposition from Omaha lo Kansas City seems to be meeting with great favor all along the line between the two great cities. Plattsnioiith will be one of the most important points on the map when the Platte river bridge is completed and the roads are put in pood shape. :o: I'he Wilsons are still coming tin- front. Not to mention fames and Woodrow, Charles A. Wilson hits just been chosen hairman of the republican state committee of Rhode Island, ami now John s. I. 11. Wilson has een elected to a similar position y the Maine democrats. : : Don u lllio.ien will make a plendiil sheriff, and should lu lected because he is capable of performing the duties of the llice in every way. lie has lived in Cass county nearly all his life, ami his neighbors sneak in the highest terms of his excellent pialities. I lie county commissioners, at tliei' meeting next week should lake some action in regard to mtting the road to the Platte iver bridge in proper shape bv the time the bridge is completed II is a public county road and is as much entitled to the proper at entiou from the county commis sioners as any other road in the ouuty. -:o:- Oovernor Aldrich will not at tend the conference of the La Follelte followers in Chicago on October 1(5. He prefers to sit on the fence and watch a while longer, or at least until after the big reception of Taft in Lincoln He may take another notion afle thai and attend the Chicago con fercnee. The fact of the busines is the Nebraska governor don know just exactly where he is at :o: The people are more interested in the county treasurer's ollice than any other elective ollice, be cause it is the most responsible and needs a more careful guar dian of its management. ' Kellv Fox is just the man for the posi lion because be knows so wel Mm duties of the office and the re sponsibilities Connected there with. There will be no mistake made in his election lo the office of county treasurer, and the tax payers are aware of this fact and rllt-al ntir Weight. K''in- to the most of them will support him because he i.s qualified, :o: The Journal d t ait lo enter into personalities m tins campaign, and it expects to keep a free from doing so as possible. We are honest in the belief that no man has any right to ask the people to continue him in oflice for from fourteen to sixteen j ears, when there are others just as competent and deserving. Do you. Mr. Voter? ft is asking too much, and we believe there are hundreds of voters in Cass coun ty who believe the same as we do. :o: SUGAR GOES SKYWARD. Since the canning of fruit has commenced housewives have learned some) hinur of I he power of the siiaar trust. Three months ago sugar retailed here at 0 , cents per pound and dealers made a small profit. Today sugar is re tailing at H l-.'t cents per pound and may go higher and dealers assert that, they are not making a cent. What has caused this abnormal increase in the price of sugar? We have been in vestigating this subject ami pre sent below our findings: The world's production of su'-'ar for the year 1 008 was 32,-O'l'i.-'Oil. iliO pounds. Of this iinount the United States con- umeil practically a little over L'2 er cent. The total dutiable sugar imported into the United Slates in D.mrt was 3,:jl7.l.7.t 12 pounds, n which a tariff tax of fiO.OSi,- '.il'j.aO was paid. The price paid in foreign countries for this sugar as per lim pounds. Now dd to the purchase price of $2.38 he tariff tax of Sl.'.xt and we have total cost of the sugar, not in duing ocean freight, of $4.28 ier thO pounds. Now who is re ponsible for sinrar selling in the ical market for 100 per cent hove the three items of cost we ie enumerated? The answer. must be, "The Susar Trust." It. must be remembered that ugar from the Philippine is- ands is admitted into this eoun- ry free of duly, and from Cuba a eduction of I'll per cent is made from the re.-ilac tariff. Raw sugar iv tarilt lixeil according to trade (roni (..r cents to 1 .75 per 10i' pounds, while the reiined ar- icie is faxed $ 1 .10. Sugar is a prime necessity imong all classes of people and I should be placed on the free isi. liecause ii is impossible to produce enough at home to sup ply the demand. In lrt'.'O a re publican administration put sugar on the free list, and it en abled people to buy as high as 22 pounds to the dollar. Compare that amount with 8 1-3 pounds now and you have a picture of what the Dinglev tariff law of I8l7 has made it possible for Hit ugar trust to exact from the, leopie. V change of these conditions can tome only through the elec tion of a democratic congress ami president. This should be ap parent to every man who has watched the trend of legislation. :o: CANADA AND RECIPROCITY. Canada's overwhelming defeat ' the reciprocity agreement with the United States is fraught with vast consequences to the former country. To the United States it is of subsidiary importance. This country is just now get ting down in earnest to the work of solvinr the tariff problem equitably. Canadian reciprocity was just one feature. of the large undertaking. Hut with Canada it was indeed the parting of the ways, and the wrong one was chosen. It de liberately selected the high pro lection road. This is the road that we took practically half a century ago and bave lived to regret it keenly. We are still struggling in the pitfalls and the mire to which it led. We .can see now that high tar- ift na created trusts and all 'ft f::V ALCOHOL 3 PtK CENT. AVegelabL'Prep;iniiiinforAs similaiiiiijtlicPwilandRftlula img tlw S loinacbs anlBwtils ol' ij9Os f.t.1 " Ts PrornclcsDi'A'stionJCkerftir ness and Re5i.CnnMinsm'fti o2 ' ' U. Opiitm.Morphme norflincraL! NO ARC OTIC. V, I 1 1 Ri'pffffohiiki'icrirmaL 3 '. :.-.,!.- t'w.tiunl - Hum Srni CMrx.J ,lv- s-s, Apcrfert Rewdy fovCotisfipa lion , Sour Stomach. Uiarrtita Worms .Convulsioii'j.f'cvcrisli ncss and Loss of Sleep. FacSliii'-lc Sijnature of NEVVY0BK. Guaronte Exact Copy of Wrapper. LZ their long trail of evils, has caused the amassing of predatory wealth, .and has recently resulted in putting the cost of living al most beyond the income of the average man. (Mir courts and our congress have been working overtime to remedy the mistake we made. They haven't yet succeeded. All our experience was before Canada to profit by. It rejected; it, preferring rather to learn the bitter lesson for itself. Canada's manufacturing enter prises are just now in the first tlusli of successful development. Taken sensibly in hand at this stage, they could be so guided and controlled that their growth would not be retarded and at the same time they would not be al lowed to become an economic menace to the country by reason of the high protection for which they clamor. It was the manufacturing in terests that caused the defeat of the agreement. Intimidation of employes was used, and where this did not avail the annexation scarecrow was made to do ef fective work. The result of last Thursday's election means that, porteclion has taken such a grasp upon Canada as will take decades to shake off. -:o: Forced to Leave Home. Every year a large number of Ior sufferers, whose lungs are sore and racked with coughs, are urged to go to another climate. Dut this is costly and not always sure. Theres a better way. Let Dr. King's New Discovery cure you at home. "It cured nie of lung trouble," writes W. R. Nel son, of Calamine, Ark," "when all else failed and I gained 47 pounds in weight. It's surely the king of all cough and lung cures." Thou sands owe their lives and health to it. It's positively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds La Grippe, Asthma, Croup all Throat and Lung troubles. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free at F. 0. Fricke & Co. M-H-K- -H-H- 4-H-H I There will be a lecture on . "Christian Science," .J. I by Mr. William R. Ralhven, J member of the Hoard of -j. 2 Lectureship of the mother I church, the F'irsl Church of l Christ, Scientist, in Post- 4. J ton, Mass., on Monday even-j- ing, October 2, at 8 o'clock, 4 in the Christian Science ! 4 church on High School Hill. I The lecture is entirely free 4. I- and the public is cordially 4 invited. j. I 4. vtt, m t j c ' ,ntiuil inwU'rtheFooilai '.i . uu""""- ran (ft rain UAMUiilA Tor Infant3 and Children. Ths Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of MSWEH IT HONESTLY. Are the Statements of Platts mouth Citizens Not More Re liable Than Those of Utter Strangers? This is a vital question. it is fraught with interest to IMattsmouth. It permits of only one answer. It cannot be evaded or ignored. A Plattsmouth citizen speaks here, Speaks for the welfare of Plattsmouth. A citizen's statement is re liable. An utter stranger's doubtful. Home, proof is the best proof. , Mrs. O. J. (jilson, Lincoln Ave., Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "We have used Doan's Kidney Pills in our family for lame back and other kidney disorders and they have brought the best of results. We advise anyone suffering from kidney complaint, to give this remedy a trial." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Attention, Farmers! The annual meeting of the Cass County Fanners' Protective Association will be held in Louis ville on Saturday, October 7, 1911, at. 2 o'clock p. m.. for the purpose of electing officers for the corn ing year and transacting such business as may come before the meeting. J. O. Schoemaiin. Pres. J. O. Meisinger, Sec. No Need to Stop Work. When your doctor orders you to stop work, it staggers you. "I can't," you say. You know you are weak, run-down and failing in health, day by day, but you must work as long as you can stand. What you need is Electric Hitlers to give tone, strength, and vigor to your system, to prevent breakdown and build you up. Don't be weak, sickly or ailing when Electric Hitlers will benefit you from the first dose. Thou sands bless , them for their glorious health and strength. Try them. Every bottle is guaranteed to satisfy. Only 50c at F. O.' Fricke k Co. Sent to Asyluum. The insanity board yesterday decided to send an unknown man picked up here Sunday at the depot to the asylum. He gave the name of Fish, Hemlrix and several other names, and was so averse to talking that no information about bis family or where he came from could be secured, lie is a young, smooth faced man. about 35 years old, of medium height ami build, sandy complexioned. He was taken to the state hospital at Lincoln Ihis morning bv the sheriff. Charles R. Hall of Nehawka was bere yesterday. r In y For Over Thsriy Years mi i TMC GCNTAUH HK CiTt.