The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 21, 1911, Image 7

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    b lie
Avoca D
News Item, Gathered Each Week by a Special Reporter for Thi. Department of the Semi-WeeKly Journ.
Window glass at Coin1.
Thf walnut season is now on. '
lr. 15. F. Brcmlel was over from
Murray Tuesday.
Mrs. Charles Woodson was here ,
from Omaha this week. j
The Avoca hall team and hand
go t Manley Sunday.
John Schmidt has purchased a
new Carter louring' car.
Mrs. Theron Malcolm attended
the picnic at Cook Friday.
Robert Chapman is assisting
in the hutclier shop this week.
Asa Johnson and Carl Maseman
made a trip to Lincoln Tuesday.
Joseph C. Zimmerer and family
were at Lnrton Sunday visiting
Miss Alpha Andrews visited at
the Sam Johnson home a few days
this week.
Marian Pittman and Dallas
Spencer were at Omaha the first
of the week.
John H. F. Ruhge, wife and son
attended the circus at Nebraska
City Monday.
Samuel Johnson and wife
entertained relatives from Hamil
ton county this week.
Mrs. Charles Jenkins visited
her sister near Manley from Sat
urday until Monday.
Mrs. Schmidt of Talmage was
here a few days last week visiting
her son, John Schmidt.
Miss Mahle Hanger and a friend
from Lincoln are spending the
week with Mrs. Samuel Johnson.
!. O. Harmon has been on the
sick list for the past week, but is
belter at the present writing.
Mrs. Fli Lumly will hold a pub
lic sale on the Herman Behrns
farm east of town on October 3.
Oeorge Malcolm and May
Bogard drove to Tangeman Sat
urday evening, returning Sunday.
October (i is the first number of
the lecture course. Season tickets
are now on sale at Copes' drug
(ieorge and Carlos Durham are
at Hertrand, where they were call
ed by the death of Iheir lillle
Albert Seimers had the misfor
tune to get a limb broken while
trying to hold a broncho at the
Berlin picnic.
Mrs. James Dunbar, Mrs. James
Palmer and Mrs. Buss spent Sun
day at Talmage visiting Mrs.
Charles Woods.
Dr. Brendel and wife and L. J.
Marrpianlt and wife autoed to Ne
braska City Monday to attend the
Buffalo Dill show.
Mrs. Marsh Wnllen entertained
the Royal Neighbors at a kensing- I The Lecture Course.
ton last Friday afternoon. He-? The lecture or entertainment
freshments, consisting of fried i course which has been
chicken, sandwiches, pickles, ice 1 here for the fall
cream, cake and iced tea,
A delightful lime was re
John Schmidt, William Collner
and J. L. Nutman were called to
Minnesota Wednesday by ttie
death of their father-in-law, Mr.
and winter,
promises to be one of the best
courses of this kind ever held
here, and a glance over the pro
gram will show that it will please
only family in the United States
using this instrumentation and
which furnishes tone, combina
tions and effect in harmony im-
Peter Jorgenson. fl. F. Mohr, possible to any other inslrum-
L. W. Fahnestock, J. C. .linnierer
and J. H. Schmidt took in the Ak-Sar-Den
initiation at Omaha
Monday night.
Nearly 150 season tickets have
been sold for the lecture course,
which goes to show that the peo
ple of Avoca and vicinity ap
preciate something good.
Miss May Bogard left Monday
for Walnut, Iowa. She was com
pelled to come home last week on
account of an injury to her wrist,
caused by a wreck at Avoca, la.
A band of gypsies were calling
on our merchants last Friday aft
ernoon. Den Mohr and John
Schmidt locked themselves up for
fear they might he stolen.
Mr. and Mrs. John Fillers left
Monday for their home at Bert
rand, going sooner than they had
expected on account of the death
of the lillle daughter of Alfred
The Avoca Rebecca lodge cele
brated the anniversary of the
order Tuesday evening by having
a pleasant social time, playing
i i.
games, etc. ice cream ami citM
were served.
dilation. The four children are
all very proficient musicians, both
in vocal and instrumental.
Hi December J. M. Tot ten and
bis mysteries of magic will be
the attraction. Tolten is a big
all-round man anil a big all
round magician and entertainer.
He has not only won his spurs,
but lie has tested their quality be
fore hundreds of ehaulauquas and
lycenni audiences.
On March 28 Robert O. Bow
man, the optimistic entertainer
and character portrayalist, who is
everyone. The following is the
different numbers on the pro
gram :
On October the Halt it? Rood
Once Concert company, consist
ing of Mrs. (Iraee and her twin
daughters, Misses llossie Neal
and llallie Hood, will he here. All
are accomplished musicians and
rentiers and never fail to please
Iheir hearers.
On November 1 the Carhdnn K.
(iidtlings' family. The company
consists of Mr. and Mrs. (iiddings
and Iheir four children. Their
entertainment is eul ircly new and
The sad news of the death of j unlike anything else olVercd the
the lillle daughter of Alfred Nut.- concert-going public. This is the
man and wife of Deri rand was re- ; recognized as one of Hie foremost
ceived here Monday. Mrs. PhiHip- exponents of Ihis art in Hie
pine Niilzman, Mrs. It. Nul.inan. ! lyecuiii. His character portrayals
Mrs. C. Nutman ami Mrs. K. C. i from life and literature are
went to attend the' unique, entertaining ami in
Avoca High Wins.
The Avoca High school
ball team, acnmpanieil by
Branagan, went to Berlin
Saturday ami defeated the
school team there by a score of
ir to f). The Avoca boys had on
Iheir baiting dollies and won by
Iheir good stick work. The bat
on April .5 "The Strollers"
quartet, the program consisting
of singing, impersonations, violin
playing ami bell ringing. Fach
last i member is a cultured soloist,
Higln while as a quartet Iheir voices
lileod in nerfect harmony. As a
singing organization the SI roll
ers are not surpassed.
These at I cad ions will alt ap
ed urch
(o..v .rk of Trook and Lewlon pear at Hie t.oiigregaiioiM
at Avoca on the dales aoove
named. All are high-class enter
was exceptionally good: in fact,
the whole team played good ball..
Score Avoca High school, 15;
Berlin High school. ('. Batteries
Avoca High. Trook ami Lew
Ion: Berlin High. Flanmie and
Duck. Umpire Brandt.
tainments. Season tickets are
now on sale at Copes' drug store
Help a gootl thing along by buy
ing a season ticket. We guar
anleeyou lobe more than pleased.
Injured by Runaway Horse.
Mrs. A. 0. was quite
seriously injured last Tuesday
afternoon. Mrs. Homer Jameson
drove lo the home and was
going to take her in Hie buggy to
the inceling al the Chrysalis club.
The horse turned quickly and
Mrs. was thrown mil of
the buggy, sustaining a cut in the
forehead, her glasses were push
ed into Hie nose, her lelt sulci
bruised imile nainfullv ami also;
her wrist. While Hie injuries will j a
keep her housed for some lime, j
yet it is not thought it w ill re-!
suit, in any permanent injury, i a
Mrs. has not recovered
from a previous accident months
ago, when her I high was injured.
sustained the shock of the fall
this time. Mrs. Jameson was
I brown out ami struck on her left
shoulder and received other
bruises, but not serious. The
buggy was damaged some.
Weeping Water Republican.
Take dinner wit li I he
the St. Mary's (luild in
block Saturday,
paring an exc
both dinner and
i ing many oi i m
ladies of
I he Riley
They are pre
enl menu for
upper, coiitain
ielicaeies of Hie
A Serious Operation.
II is a well known fact that
every operation on Hie human
body is a serious mailer and that
nobody can tell with
Kansas Editor's Story of the
Curious Taxation
The following storv is clipped
from the DHpha Kansas) He
publican, and no doubt will be
read with considerable interest by
those who may hae been afflicted
with something of the same na
ture here at home. Hut it is in
some respects true to the letter,
ant) demonstrates the beauties of
Thre are some queer things
about our system of taxation.
Here is an example: Once upon
a time t In editor of Ihis paper be-
. i i ill.
came possessed oi i in lamiaiue
ambition to own a home. Having
managed to save up a few dollars,
he purchased upon I lit payment
plan some property which had
been taken in on mortgage by an
eastern investment company.
The house was in such bad re
pair that it was md tit for oc
cupancy. The cellar was full of
stagnant water, weeds grew rank
ly about the house, the porches
were rolled and sagging the house
unpainted. The lot was a couple
of feet above the sidewalk and the
earth had washed and raved, mak
ing it impassable. The place was
an eve-sore ami a menace to
health; we wanted a home ami saw
its possibilities.
It was located in a gootl neigh
borhood, and from it we had a
beautiful view over a pretty valley.
Being rather handy with tools, we
went to work before ami after
office hours. We repaired the
porches, painted the house, sod
ded and terraced in I he yard and
drained the cellar and put in curb
ing and packing. We worked early
anil late, until at last we had, as
many people told us, one of the
prettiest homes in town anil then
the assessor came around and
uoumeii our taxes.
We were lined because we bail
worked hard and converted order
into disorder, ugliness into
beauty and had wiped out a plague
spot in the neighliurtitioil. It is
also true thai the owner of a few
vacant lots adjoining our place
immediately advanced them in
price, hut neglected to cut the tall
weeds which grew on .them. It
may be added that his taxes were,
ntd , increased, notwithstanding
the fad that, be held his lots at a
higher prim.
We have told Ihis slory because
the statement itself ought to
cause someone to do some hart)
thinking. There surely is some
thing radically wrong wilh a sys
tem of taxation in which a person
is fined for merely being industrious.
i s rrra mm r nnnnn
Fall WMi
W. -d.
! r't li f
An Ele&mt Uuo
Please Call and See
Miss SViyers
Many of the Youngsters Are
Starting Off to College for
the First Time.
As usually treated, a sprained
ankle will disable a man for three
or four wccks, nut. ny applying
certainly I Chamberlain's Liniment freely as
I hat an nperal ion w ill be success- j sn(M1 ns the injury is received, and
ful. Tin most serious t qieral ions observing I he direct ions w it h each
bottle, a cure can be effected in
from two In four days. For sale
by F. O. Fricke & Co.
Never can lell when you'll mash
linger or sutler a cut, bruise,
burn or scald. De prepared. Dr.
Thomas' KHeclic Oil instantly re
lieves the pain quickly cures the
and on the same side that she wound.
mmr-. . "fW, ; v
It's the best of wisdom to paint
your property in the (all and protect
it against winter storms.
Mouse, barn, fences, implements
no in ;ttter what you want to paint
sonic one ot
Sherwin-Williams Paints
will do your work better and at less
co-t than any others.
U you want a good job that will
sri money for you come in and talk
it over with us.
are those on the digestive organs
and physicians assure us that
most of Iheni are the result of
neglect. Many of Iheni can be
avoided by paying attention to our
digestion. Pain in some of these
organs or a decided loss of ap
petite and of strength and energy,
ditlicullies after meals, constipa
tion, are the usual symptoms of a
digestive trouble. There Triner's
American F.lixir of Bitter Wine is
in ils place, because it quickly re
stores the organs lo their regular
activity ami also stimulates and
strengthens Iheni. We can
recommend this honest remedy in
all diseases where a perfect
cleaning out of the body becomes
necessary ami where a good ap
petite, steadiness of nerves anil a
healthy complexion are desired.
Al drug stores. Jos. Triner, 1333
133!) So. Ashland Ave., Chicago,
An Old Pioneer Here.
Mr. W. F. Case of l nrnas conn
ly has been here for several days
visiting old friends in Platts
moiilli ami in the country south of
lown, where he lived for many
years previous In removing lo
Furnas coiinly. In company wilh
Mayor Brown of Kenosha, he paid
(he Journal a brief visit and we
were pleased to meet him. The
Case family were early pioneers,
coming to Cass county in the 50's
ami sellling near Hock Bluffs. He
has been enjoying his visit among
old neighbors and friends.
Case Compromised.
A suit for possession of a farm
was d ied before Judge Beeson in
the county court this morning,
and was compromised in the mid
dle of the hearing. Charles A.
SHiildnieyer was the plaintiff and
Clarence J. Richards was Hie de
fendant. The suit was for $750
rent. It was settled for $700.
Don't, bt the baby suffer from
eczema, sores or any ltcnmg or
the skin. Doan's Ointment gives
instant relief, cures quickly. Per
fectly safe for children. All drug
gists sell it.
Constipation causes headache,
nausea, dizziness, languor, heart
palpitation. Drastic physics
gripe, sicken, weaken the bowels
and don't cure. Doan's Regulets
act gently ami cure constipation.
LT cenls. Ask your druggist.
Tin. last two weeks of Septem
ber are a period of breaking home
lies in many a home, where the
young folks si a it off for college
for the lirsl time. To Hie anxious
mother, wlio cannot bear to give
up her lledgeling to the tender
mercies of a turbulent world, if
seems like Hie selling out of tilt I
babies of the wood for the terrors
of I he darksome forest.
If the boy who has always stay
ed at home is set adrift al a lalcr
age through some n I for busi
ness change, I he break ollen
seems pretty lough lo him. Tin
fellow who at 30 years of age is
confronted by the need for selling
out from home ties to try his luck
among strangers, feels a limid
shrinking from Ihe experience
Dial must handicap his success.
At home a fellow is protected
by family connections. His social
position oflen gives him so good
a lime that his ambition for busi
ness success is dulled. Out among
strangers he realizes. that in the
long run a fellow only gels as
far as his own industry carries
him. College is an excellent
school for leaching Ihis lesson.
Once thoroughly acquired, he can
then return and settle at home,
full of confidence Ihal if need be
he could make a path for himself
inlo the unknown and succeed.
Delightful Surprise Party.
A most delightful surprise
parly was held at Ihe pbasanl
country home of Mr. and Mrs.
Philip Trilseh recently, which was
i in honor oi i neir in i n sou,
Johnny. The hours were very
pleasantly passed in, all kinds of
games ami all sorts of amuse
ments, which produced consider
able amusement ami frolic. A
delicious luncheon was sered al
llo proper lime, which was like
wise niosl thoroughly enjoyed.
Those who part icipafeil in this
movable occasion were; Mes
srs. ami Mesdames William Keil '
and family, Louis Keil ami family, i
Louis Horn ami family, William j
Seybert and family. Mrs. Andrew
Fudge ami family, Klmer Sloehr,
Clifford Sloehr. Verna Sloehr,
Agnes Born, Finina Trilseh, Frilz 1
Trilseh, Flmer Trilseh, Margaret
Trilseh, Mabel lleltlicker. Libert j
llelllicker. F.I la Noll ing. Dora j
Nidi ing. Frit. Noll ing. Henry j
Nulling, Orace Nulling ami Willie
Nidi ing.
Here's Your Chance.
You can wt the Daily State
Journal ail toe rest oT this year,
without Sunday, for only One
Dollar, or including the big Sun
day paper, only $1 ..!. This is a
cut price made just lo get you
started reading this splendid
paper, and at the end of the timet
the paper will be slopped without
any eil'ort on your part. Tht
Stale Journal, in addition to its
wonderful Associated press and
special telegraph semees, is the.
leader in reporting affairs from
all over the stale of Nebraska. It
is clean, independent and thor
oughly reliable. The publishers
think it's the one Nebraska paper
above all others thai ou should
cad, no matter what your polities.
This Lincoln paper will please
jour whole family. The sooner
you send in the more papers you
w ill get for your money.
Big Dance.
There will be n dance at the T.
.1. Soknl hall on Saturday night,
September 23. The public is in
vited to attend. A good time is
nssured to all. The admission
will be 50 cents lo men. Ladies
will be admitted free. The music
will be bv Ihe M W. A. orchestra.
Avoca, Nebraska
Take dinner and supper with
the ladies of lie St. Mary's fluild
next Saturday. You will find many
good things to eat. Select your
own Iim and pay for what you
"I have n world of coiiltdence in
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for
I have used it wilh perfect suc-
1 cess," writes Mrs. M. L Basford,
Poolesville, Md. For sale by I-.
fi. Fricke Si Co.
Good Bible References.
The Presbyterian ami Fpisrn-
palians have recently organized j
bibb classes ami other churches
have classes doing much bible
study. The librarian. Miss Jones,
informs Hie Journal Ihal there
are a number of good reference
works on Hie bible at the library.
Mrs. Anion Meisinger was a
isilor in Omaha today.
Mr. ami Mrs. L. A. Meisinger
wenl lo Omaha Ihis morning to
spend the day.
Ollie and Walter Nickels will
return Ihis evening lo Pekin, III.,
after visiting relatives hen.
Mrs. Harry ShalVer returned lo
FiniTsoii. Iowa, yesterday, after
visilinu Hie families of John and
Harry Kuliiiey.
II. C. Long, from near Murray,
was in Hie city loday looking af
ler some business mailers. While
here be paid the Journal olViee a
brier call.
(ieorge A. Kallenberger, resid
intf eijihl miles west of Ihis city,
was in lown lav! evening and call
ed al Ibis oilice ami renewed his
subscript ion to the Daily Journal
for a year.
""V. 11. Wiles and Krnesl. M.
Wiles of near Wabash were in the
city Saturday taking in the sights
and i s 1 1 i 1 1 friends in Ihis city.
They are two Imsllimi young
farmers ami line boys.
James II. Ftlinumls of Oram! Is
land. Neb., who has been here for
Ihe past week isiliug with his
son, Oliver departed last Saturday
eveiiiiiir for (ilcnwood. where he
will make a short visit before re
turning home.
.lames (iilmour of l lysses, Ne
braska, who has been visiting in
Ihis county since Ihe lallcr pail
of at week, relumed lo his home
Ihis morning. Mr. (iilmour was
a pleasant caller al the Journal
office last eveninv and In I ! Is us
Ihal everylhing up in his part of
the stale is lookimz very prosper
ous, the crops are as good or a
lillle better than the balance of
Ihe slate. Mr. (Iilmour has a
great many friends ami relatives
in this emmty, wilh whom he has
been visiting for the past few
Will Hoberlson went to Omaha
this afternoon on business.
Jennings Sievers, who went to
Falls Citv lo work in the Missouri
Pacific shoos there, has returned : returned home
lo Plallsmoulh and will work I She had been in Pekin for Ihe past
j three months.
(ieorge Weyrii h ami Mr. and
Mrs. Adam Weyrich returned this
morning Pekin, III., after visit
ing (ieorge Meisinger here.
Henry lleil and daughters, Mis
ses Mamie anil Flenor. from west
of Ihe city were here Saturday, lie
paid the Journal office a brief call,
discontinuing the copy of the
paper going to his daughter, Miss
Lizzie, at Pekin, 111. Miss Lizzie
a few days ago.
The Best Flour in the
Market. Sold by all
Leading Dealers