Murray Department I'UKI'AKKO IN TBI nmBBSTS UK THE PKOl'LE OF MP KKA Y AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY fOB THE JOURNAL BBAOKBH 11 nny of Dm wider of tkt Journal BASSI of a tmM e"n or an item of udtrttt in tAw rTt..ity d '' w ,mi' Pi"r "",in 'Vt tixnd all item o( vticrtt.Khtr Jour iff, murray oiaic oanrv Capital and Surplus $1 5000.00 We Solicit Your Banking Business Interest Paid on Time Deposits mm MURRAY, NEBRASKA OBW MMWimin n in i m inn mm M. C. Cram f Kansas Git) visit- Jim Holmes' "Regal." fil last Friday al Ihe hump of Mr. The following lines W8W 0OBI- ind Mrs. H. L. Oldham. posed bj the author ami written Harry Todd shipped in a car f ilh a lead pencil, espeoiail) foi f bus from South Omaha last , Ihe I'lallsnioulh Journal! Batml I Now vhii have heard about Cars Bd SI.M U.n wa lookmg after lhal m a v"r fM IOOIC Im.-.m mattes mi Omaha lia" " 0M m 1 11 Ml Tuesday. "" whtl be ft?e , . ...Ilie iffi Hi'' town oi Murray si the Glen Perry, who has been so ill , ., I . . ri-in nl Ihf sun lur hf pas rew days, s improv-; ... , . , , ,;. , Ami hf never gol in Lincoln until ing al ttit ii'' . ., . half past one, Quite a number of i pie auto-1 Wednesday was a nice day to nl in Nebraska Citj Tuesday in motor to the fair see Buffalo Bill I'm- ihf Its) time. jjm n.dnic ami wife I Will The l-year-old son of George smith ami wife decided in go Rhuman mel with ihf misfortune there, nf fracturing his arm last Batur- Thej started mil. "now listen," day. like a wicked cannon hall, Thr little 8-year-old child nf They hail some friends behind Mr. ami Mr. Herman Relke ha- them who could nol keep up been Quite sick fur the pasl few at days. I '"' sun was shining brightly ami j. . Davis, wI.m has been on tne' ,airlv fanned thebi ihf sick list for some ti is nol Tne wa wind eul Improving as rapidlj this week as f8M wouW itw9i mak'" them In- main frifmls hoped fur. sneese, ,, ,, , ,, , When just west of Nehawka, when Mrs. Melcali has been on the ., . , , . , , lhi' all ilnl lauuh ami -limit. sick ii-t for the past rew weeks , ., , , . . ; I Ik h- ,i alt turned t" sadness, Owing In lift- nilann'il am- her i , , , , lur Ihev hail a Inn blow -nut . improvement is rathfr slow. . . . . . . I I ' lllll IM l Mill I 111 M till. I fi BiG EARN AND GRANARY ON SEYBULT FARM BURNS THE LOSS IS $3,000 Ten Head of Horses Perish in the Flames Four Taken From the Barn But Two Die Soon Afterwards There Was No In surance Except on One of the Horses. m.m wv.ineSday8 Daily i around in th.-ir stall when the ih. Largs barn ami granary am Rimes began to reach them, but it "If ' ''I!. J. M. evloI mace, a imnnaalkl mile north ami a mile waal of Murray, burned to the ground it 3 o'clock this morning. The Are wa- of Unknown origin, ami was probably due in spontaneous oombual ion. The inss wae heavy, being about 13,000, with mi Insurance sxcepl mi a horse belonging to Colonel Beybolt's fitber, h. R. Beybolt. Ten head of horses were burn ed to death in the tin- ami two that were saved were badly burn ed. Tun others grot outside, but died afterwards. The cries of the horses were heartrending. Tii"v could be seen lumping li'ipi'-sinir to save thfin. The other loss included an automobile, a due new buggy, all nf the harness, a wagon, 100 bushels of oats, 200 bushels of wheat ami considerable miscel laneous stuff. The barn, while an old one, was large and in I oondiUon. Three automobiles were kept on the place, but only one Was in the barn. The lire attracted many of (tie. neighbors, who ran to the scene, but the big- structure, with its contents, burned like tinder, and all that could be done was to keep the nearby buildings from catch ing tire. Mi J, v. Walker had a load Dr. Newell, the dentUsat, In VI u rr ? StSff TnemlHy. Gel ur prices mi Hour now . A. Saat, a county seal new ohll- w ho Lei lhson was visitor Tuesday. Miss Blsie Btokes.was an Oma ha visitor last Monday, Frank OobeltiiRii. painter ami paper hanger. IMattmnouth. Will ! boll was a I'lal I smouth vinitm Tbursda) of this week. Mra kddie Btokes was an i imahl i sil in Wednexdaj e v fil ing. Tin hel scliool shoes for the children al A. Real's -tore. Also full line of school supplies. it in aoiioi .tin dm you dreti for yout tell or youi dren oall at A. Hasi'a store. Mrs James Loughridgt has been quite Hi tor the pasl few weeks. i Improving this week. Colonel Reyboll and Barl Jen kins attended the Buffalo Bill show iii Nebraska ',ii Tuesday, rge Nickels and Harve Gregi attended the plaj in Plattsi mil h last Saturday even ing. iMr. and Mrs. lr. J. T. Brendel wen in Weeping Water last Sun- iia ining with atrsi Brondel's parents. Piri Lightning and lornado Inaura written In stroni oom paniei ami ai reasonable rates. This is the season to protect yourself from lire, Place your buaineai with W, G. Boedeker al the Hurray state Bank. II. Todd, James Brown and ffood Todd are three of the pro RTSBSiVf farmers of this 00m OlUnit thai are trying mil the silo proposition tor the seeding of slock The) each received a new silo al this station lasl Satunlay. .1. w. Rolmes was In Platts-j mouth Wednesday. iniiii Thomason was b business visitor m Plattsmouth Mondaj Enoch Moreland Is laid up with a severe attack of I oils 1 1 i I ics this week. ai Marker was in Nebraska Ciis Tuesdaj to see the Buffalo Mill show. ii. c. Long was looking after "nine I'laitsinoul h business mat ters Tuesds) . Or. it. t, Brendel was In Avoca Tuesda) for a short visil with his -on. Dr. J, W Brendel, Mr. and M'. Sam Pitman and Mr. 0. . Iai were Plalts- tnouth visitors lael Saturday, I r. r. . Davis of Linoi In was in Murraj Honda) for a brief v isil with his tat hei . .1. V. Davis. John Hobscbeidl ami flu stokes were attending the Buffalo Hill sboa In Nebraska Cltj Tues day. Mr. ami Mr-. W. E. were in Plattsmouth Runday, guests at the home of Mr. ami Mr-. John lint herford. apple- delivered In the cold stor age al Nehawka Tue-da in ex change for .-twenty -five gallons of cider. Mrs, Mm. i McDonald ami Mr. ami Mrs. I. M. havis and fauiilv took Bundaj dinner with Mr, and Mrs. James Ratchet! in Hurra) : lasl Sunday. w. i. Boedeker, cashier of the Hurra) stale bank, was attend ing the Hanker-' convention in hnalia Tue-day evening. He re ports a might) fine time, Lloyd Gapen is experiencing i siderable difficult) in looking f i I. : . i' I. , u : . l. Hlinr lllo nil in vvoi ix mi- wei'K. owing In being kicked on the limit b) one of his horses a few days i- when changed the lire-. they do in motor echoo fhe fun in auto rid ins you use yottr tools. The) wrapped lhal lire with B wide strap, and when thai ta-k was done, .lim said, "We are all ready, now we'll try another run." Then Jim said unto Nettie, "Now this will never do." which were as nice as a Qrst clasS hotel. By the means of a Searchlight one can see the river ami land for miles around. Entertains Friends for Mother. Mrs. B. K. Brendel entertained quite a number of the elderly ladies of this vicinity at her pleasant home last Thursday. The occasion being: given in honor of her mother, Mrs. Amanda Parr, Who is v isiting here from Sheri-1 i dan. Indiana. The tables were decorated with white clematis, and covers were laid for sixteen i lad!.'-. The dining room was darkened for the 8 o'clock dinner oceaxjon. and illumination -was' Then Nettle said to Jim, "Now, furnJgned bj ,, d.fM, d I... L.I... I i 1 U " I iiuuuy, xfiiu or iuruuu. , o,,ll.. , i,,. it..- i M 4 MAPLE GROVE. Special r.i irre-pi tndence. , 4 I"H"MHh -!!-K-H4Hr Z. w. Rhrader put up a new silo last week. OttO Puis is building a new double corn crib Ibis week. Jeff l.t'WI.- -pent last Week at Plaim lew. Mr. ami Mrs. Kd (iansemer spent Saturday evening with rtda- l Ives at Plattsmouth. Mr. ami Mrs. Charles Tilson left Tuesday fur a month's visit with relatives in Virginia. Mr. ami Mrs. P. A. Bild and family span) Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Puis. Berl Salt-hell and family were k hl'ld nf Ih. his stearfng ap down Me lunK wheel. ulle mi hi head. Ami -aid. "I'll run this R"iral li we hot h go dead." H. B. i nit RALE H. C. Rook Cock- 'Is. M 1 "h and April hatched. H.00 enrh until October I. Large at , boned ami healthy stock. I Wm. Troop, Nehawka. Neb ! raj 'phone. Dr. it. P. Brendel, the ph attending Mali hew HcQuin Union, reports him doing well, but not entirely m danger for several days yel Government Steamboat. The governmenl steam .lames HcPberson, was tied up live!- itsl Rundaj al King Hill. The author of llii- little sketch ami tamiiv ami a uumiier "I friends hail the bleanuro of lisit- ; ing with the captain. E, H. Hc- iciau Farlaifd: Ci tglneer. i rank K. near Tltie 'n,i fhe,rlrk, it. B, Oavld- fairlv -on. Tli''e geutlomen were ver) ul of kind ami took nleasure in show- A ing ii- evervlhins aboul the boat, Mr Mur- speeial nurse ha' his borne to take the nexl few day- been placed '! j The care ot turn tor , I , o i- MiSS Nana in Hurra) t he home o dines. Keenan of Omaha this week, a guesl f Mr. ami Mrs. J, W, Mr. ami Mrs. W. li. It leker entertained Mr. ami Mi-". .1. w. Holme- ami Mis- Anna Keenan at dinner Wednesday, i. . Davis la having a new corncrib buill this week. . w. Hamilton ami crew of carpenters are lining the work. Mr. and Mr-. K. M. Burger re turned home from Thurman, Iowa, where they went a few dav ago to attend the funeral of their neice. George Oldham ami Mr-. Dora . Moore of Platl smouth and Mr-. Committeeman W. . Hamil ton, H. L. oidham. D. 0. Rhnden, candidate for sheriff; . D heeler ami .lame- Hatohetl went over io Louisville laal Saturday to attend the democratic conven tion. The trip was made with Mr. Hatcheit's automobile. Mr. ami Mr-, w. c. Brown de parted Wednesda) evening for Viilisoa, Iowa, where Mrs. Brown will make a several week-' viit wilh her parents, while Mr. ' Hi-own accompanies an immigrant car to Ismay, Montana. The oar I contains some slock and farming implements lhal Mr. Hopkins, i Mrs. Brown's father, is sending to 1 a -im up in I hat loealitv . Mr. Brown will be gone about one month. Imal wa- a largl being feel long and 35 f'-el aide, and carried a crew nf twenty-One men. officers and alL The mn chinerj Is very powerful ami they earn a machine shop, blacksmith -Imp ami a carpenter department. ; Eight) Inn- of coal will lnsl them about twelve day. The) run up to a snag in the river, place great cables around it. ami with the ma- ehiner) it Is pulled out ami the channel cleared, ami should the Wilier be too ShallOW Hie bili'k up and keep the stern wheel in motion, in which manner the sand is cut ami the channel of moving water carne- it away. You would be surprised to see how neat ami clean everything is kepi about the boat. They are supplied with electric lights and the rooms are tilted in the most convenient manner. The) show ed us the mayor's suit of rooms. the guests ,,(' Mr- iiml Mrs Alfred adies "f the pioneer .lavs, when Gansemer Sundav. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Heck and Mr. and Mi- Charles Herren oh- a trip i" Mrs. Corbett's Bun day, near Klmwood, in Mr. Heck's automobile. Quite a number of friends and relatives -pent Sunday ' at the 'mine of Mr. and Mr-. Frit Lutz. Our blacksmith, Mr. a. c. Bailey, returned Baturda) from a Iwn weeks' visit in low a. Hrs. Louie Puis returned last week from the Emmanuel hospital at Omaha. Henry and August Engelkemeir ami their families autoed to N" braska Cltj Sunday to spend the day. havis & Hill an- Riling their silo this week. Rt'V Bickford -pent Sunday wilh hi brother at Weeping Water. I incv wi re young, i tie aiternoon Was Spent in social conversation.: ami each Isdv present re- ouestod io relate some partfoufar Incident nf their early life, even jaway back in their girlhood days. I many of which stories proved Iver) interesting to .bebthrs. i Sixteen plates were hint for ! he 'I I o'clock dimier for the fallowing I ladies: Mesdames w. E. Di u H. L. Oldham, 1-'. M. Young, w illiatn i LoUghrldgCi William Long. , Grandma Jenkfnil, i. i. Conhal-I lv. I.. R. Beyboll, A. H, leaves, j land Orandma Graves, -f. H. Bur ! ton. I. .1. Pitman. J. N'. F'diuunds. ' I. S. White. Mrs. Gregg and v manda Parr, in w In se honor the occa-ion was given. Orand ma Parr, who is in her 78th year, wa- the oldest lady present, and Mrs. li. Burton, at the age of ti lent. Ill excellei most wa- the youngest, looordingl the verdfol of the ladles pres-1 linnet- prepared hv the nl hostess wa one of t he j leiicioiis mat it iiait i been the pleasure of the good old souls to partake, and w'e know lhai they were able to judge, for tliev have been loo busv prepar ing the many food thing for the inner man all these years not to be able to judge upon an occasion of tins kind. The dinner was served In live courses. A. HAST, SUCCESSOR TO HOLMES & SMITH 1 MkHUI II ! In Cafeteria Style. One of the new and popular novelties in the line ol church socials will be given net! Satur day by the Indies of Si. Mary's Quild of the SI. Luke's Church, in Ihe room in the Riley block lately occupied by Nemeti A Co. The ladies' are preparing an excellent menu and both dinner and supper will he served according to ymir own .selection The prices for each articles will be 5 cents and W cents, and you select, from the different counters lust what von want The) will serve both dinner and suppei Moqs Are Better Than Poetry ,L M. Wiles, the young line hog man. Is raising hogs, and he raises the best he can: They are long, deep ami wide. And have no wrinkles in their hub-: They are large and eae) feeders That will suit the packers and the breeder--. He careful. my old breeder friend Or he will have you skinned. For his hogs are good from end to end. Tin Poland - HERE ARE SOME OF OUR BARGAINS THAT WE HAVE OUT FOR THIS WEEK'S SALE: One lot of Outings. 12 ami 10c grades, at per yard 8c One lot of Wool and Cotton Mixture Dress Goods, (some extra choice pieces) regular 25c grads. at per yard 17C One lot of Wool Mixture Fine Dress Goods, regular 50c grades, at per yard 32c One lot of Percale and Madras Cloths, (tine for school dresses) formerly valued at 15 to 18c. at per yard 9c One lot of Dress Trimmings at off One hig lot of Men's and Boys' Shoes $2.50. $2.25, $2.00 and $1.75 values choice per pair, $1.55 Colonel Seybolt's Loss by Fire. The following is more accurate lo-s b) the flre at the home of Colonel .1. 11. Sevboll Tuesday evening: The barn ami granary. ami damage to Ihe Windmill tower, also hen house; BOO bush els of oals, 175 bushels o! - i wheal. IH tons of hay, 11 stds of harness, two lop buggies, one brand new; the Mason automobile and leu head of horses and manv Other minor articles. The barn wa- insured for and the grain and ha was partially covered by insurance; in all about nt0 in insurance wa- car ried, whib- the total loss will be about 18,000, less the insurance carried. ire of the large China breed: The) will make you all the money that you need. certainly would make you feel you Could buy mobile, -oon it will be hats. ater -hues for brats. (io to him and buy a line young boat': I e;ii less and weigh more anv hog you have raised around your door. Thev That Then And I He wi Than an auto large new the little For Sale. Alfalfa seed in any quantity. See or 'phone Julius Pita or Charlc- Bhopp. 9-14-wklvtf Heating Plants. John Bauer A Son. the well kimwn hardware merchants, have just contracted with ihe a. 0. 0. Y. people to place in their build ing on OhioagO avenue a Camp bell healing plant, one of the best BOH in use. They have also con- tractsd with Judge Travis to place in one of his rental residences a hot air furnace. This llrm has been prettv busy tor the pasl few months putting In heating plants, not only here in IMaltsinouth. but at many other points. Apples Wanted. At Murray. Nebraska. All varieties. Will pay highest mar ket price in cash. By Bunch A Nauniau.