The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 21, 1911, Image 3

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0 1 111S
will End
September 30th
1. MMM M'
Saturday P
Sill TKIE By
is still ablaze with the Genuine Bargains for the Shrewd Shopper and will continue so right up to the hour of its
ending on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th!
Ladies' Velvet Shopping Barfs with
gold and silver clasps, long silk
cords, that are good val- CQn
ues at $1 .00. Sale price 0 dU
Ladies' Fine Hosiery, in blacks
and browns, that we are offer
ing during closing days of Qp
this sale at b
Ladies' Heatherbloom Petticoats,
new arrivals in extra fine pat
terns in black only, and OQp
they go at OJb
Black Taffeta Ribbon, from 3 to 5
inches wide, well worth 25c per
yard. Special sale price in.
only lull
Ladies' Underwear, fleece lined
and ribbed, fully worth the sell
ing price of 65c. Special Cp
price T"Ju
DURING the last three days of this BIG OPENING SALE we will
hold our Grand Fall Millinery Opening, at which time we extend an invitation to every lady in Cass
county to call and see the grand line that we are carrying this season. Our motto shall he "Every
thing that is the very best." Opening Days September 28th, 20th and 30th.
THERE are only a few more days left for you to secure the
genuine bargains that we are offering in this Special Opening
Sale. We have demonstrated to the people of this section and
to our entire satisfaction, that best quality and small profits is
the modern way of doing business. During this sale we have
sold a vast amount of merchandise, and while our profits have
been small we have had many people visit our store who have
never traded with us before, but we know they are coming back
in the future for we have given them the most their money could
Men's Suits $14, $16, $18, $
Sale Price
Men's Suits$19, $20, $21.50,
Ladies' Heavy Silk Taffeta Skirts,
new line in mixed col
ors, still going at .
Ladies' Long Silk Scarfs, a large
and complete line, that Mr
we are offering at Tub
The New
Fall Goods
are coming in and we will
have a great showing of
the new Fall lines.
II ! Mil
y mna
Sfifi 98
The Kirschenbaum
Clothing are guaranteed all
wool, finest tailoring and we are
prepared to show you why they
are the best.
Fine Line of Best Tailored Gar
ments, fully guaranteed, at
Ladies' Chamois Skin ffU
Gloves at Zuu
Ladies' Fine Kid Gloves go- Qr
ingat jOu
Ladies' House Dresses and Aprons
combined, in colors and QQ
plain patterns, at wOu
10 Yards of Outing Flan- yiQ
nelat 'tJU
Men's 50 to 75c Caps, latest nnp
styles, silk lined Zull
Boys' Knee Pants, 50 to 75c val
ues, and well worth it, will le
sold during the last days Or p
of this sale at ivt
Cotton Flannel Husking Mittens;
the kind you will soon need, and
we are selling them at, A
per pair '. . . Hu
Men's Soft Dress Shirts, with col
lars attached, that are well
worth the selling price of Q7
of 50 to 65c, go at wl U
Fine Line of Overcoats from $4.50 Up!
In our Ladies' Coat Department we are showing every
charm of the new fashions in the latest Wooltex Creations. Never has so much style and art been shown in
coats before. The most reasonable prices will prevail, and we are making an extensive showing of this line in
Coats, Skirts and Ladies' Tailored Garments.
anger's Department Store,
V. ZUCKER, Manager
lzzsto G&sssssE cunp g-ssgasra mm gamma tg rayrtta r 7
Rememher Our
SEPTEMBER 28, 29 MP 30
Our Motto
large quantities 0
-smallTrdfitsi- 9
4 Special Correspondence. .J.
('n'lli'i' Moomey ji 1 14 1 wife went
to ' huwood Sunday morning.
V illiam Muni rt'lunieil Sal-
from a trip In henver.
I wis Dili- ..f Alvu isiled r.'la
tivt' Ihm'c Su :n 1 .
F. T. 'I'nul .-1 ! I ri.'a veiijiiir
.j c'.u-lili'r iii Kansa.-.
Vl,M-s Kale AmfnM-rt ami l.da
S"ii rt'liinit'il Satiinlav vcn
iritr I'rnin a visit in luwa.
i.'tuis AiiiKWt'il isii,., nvcr
SMMOav with his daiiylil.T n.-a,1
fldilin-il I'.lllll's.
Raymond Wesllakc of Uct'iiirr.
Neb., spent a few days last week
will, friends and relatives here.
Charles Schallly, our hutcher.
has .'leen very sirk the past week.
Mrs. Conrad Wirlh left Satur
day for Couneil WnlTs, whi're she
will visit relatives until Monday,
when she will p to Minnesota for
a month's visit with friends.
James Ilrittian of Lincoln visit
p.d hero Sunday.
Miss Sarah Million left Sunday
for her home at Fremont, Neb!,
after n six weeks visit with her
sister. Mrs. William Monroe and
Mrs. Louis Neite was in Lin
coln Saturday on business.
Anna Horm-mier ale supper
with Kmma Ktichn Sunday even
in a.
Henry liulliiuan visited his wife
and baby in IMalliiHulh over
Mi. A. J. Tool and daughters,
I Catherine and Mariieret. were in
j Omaha Saturday.
I Mrs. Jake (Inchry and daiiKbter,
Cathryn. returned Saturday from
a two months' visit wit 1 1 relatives
in Malm,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams
and dauuliler. Cora and Helen,
of I'.linwood. .peiil Sunday with
Kd Thiinnan and family.
Ilenrv Tool and wife entertain
ed II. V. McDonald and family,
also Arthur Hesaek and family at
dinner Sunday.
Thomas Stout of near Alvo was
in town Saturday evening.
Mrs. 'Ih im van returned from
Lincoln Tuesday, where she has
been visiting with relatives the
past week.
Harold Tool has recently pur
chased Iiavid Thimirnn's horse
and binrpry. (iirls, Harold has prot
some Hi now.
John Aintrvvert papered for C.
V. Hile last Monday.
Henry Ftackemier and family
nnd Chris Miller and wife were
quests of Matt Thimgan and fam
ily Sunday afternoon.
A special program was render
ed al the ierman church on Sun-
'lay evening and a larife crowd!
was present.
Stale of Nebraska,
County of Cass, ss.
In County Court.
In the Matter of the Mstate of
Anna Margaret Clans, Deceased.
To All I'ersons Interested :
You are hereby notified that
there will be a hearing before this
eourt upon the report of the Ex
ecutrix of said estate, together
with her iiet it ion for final settle
ment and distribution of said
estate according to the terms of
the last will and testament of said
deceased, on the 3rd day of Octo
ber, I'.MI, at ft o'clock A. M.. That
an on.iertions, if any. must be
day and
tiled on or before said
hour of hearing.
Witness my ham! and the seal
of the County Court of said coun
ty, this Ulh day of September.
(Seal) Allen J. n,
County Judtre.
Kelster School.
Keister Ladies' Tailoring
lege. Designing, drafting'
dressmaking taught. For terms
apply at room in Coates' block.
Managed by Mrs. N. A. Leist.
nil V I I Of Ass, MlllltVSK A.
In tlx1 Matter of tln A.!:;-ntlun nf The
I'lii I iMiioul h Auto nml WiiK'iii l!rlli;e
Coin ii n y of I'liittNiiiiiulli, Ni-I.i link 11.
I'm' an Oril'T of Court I'l i-.hi i IIiImk the
Itiili'H of Toll to ho ChaiKcil by Sulil
Coinpuny for CroBHlntt ltn llrlilKe.
ol- of lli-nrlnic on Appllcnlloii for
Schrilole of Minimum II Htca of Toll
for CropaxliiK Snlil llrliluc.
Not Ire Im lierHiv Klvi-n that on Hip Ulitll
ilay of AiiKiixt, A. I)., 'I'll 11 1'lultn-
moiitli Auto 11 nil VViiKon ItrlilKO Com
puny of i'lattsinoiith, Ncl.iaHkn. IllRtl
Hit iM'tklon In the I'l.Mtrlrl Court of the
County of Ctii-8, NnhruHka, rtiiii'Htlntf
Kahl Court to enter an order anil decree
pi i-Hi i llilnif the max lin 11 111 rateH of toll
cliniKeH for rrOHNliiK It" Hit III hl'iln
erected ihtohh the IMntte river, near
I'lHttsniout h between the Coiintlca of
CiihH and Harpy, In the State of Ne
luuxkii, nllek'lii the follow Inn Hcheilulo
of toll rateH to be reaxonn ble, to-wlt:
Steam or lliiKollne Traction K.n
KlneH not to be allowed to .
1 roxM Kiild hriilKO.
Kncli permm on foot, on bicycle
or in vehicle
Children under twelve years of.
line, when accompanied by
pnrentH or Kuardlan
Home anil rider
Motor cycle and rhler
me-horne, vehicle and driver...
Two-home vehicle at.d driver...
Three-home vehicle and driver..
Kour-hoiNe vehicle and driver...
llomen and cattle, led or driven,
Calves, nlieep, if on In or Iiorh, led
or driven each
Iluekxter, 'live poultry. patent
medicine and grocery peddler,
each, waxon and driver $1.00
KmlKiant wiiKon, wild driver f 1.00
For each addltlonnl pernon 05
Automobiles and chauffeur 60
Thresher separator, team and
driver $3.R0
Corn sheller, team and driver. . . $ 1.50
For each additional vehicle or
Implement drawn by team or
person 10
and an order of Court was entered
fixing the th day of October, A. I).
1S11, at ten o'clock A. M., and district
court room In the City of I'liittsmouth,
County of Cass, Nebraska, as the time
and place of hearing upon said petition
and that at said time nnd place such
orilers will he made nnd entered pre
scribing maximum rates of toll charges
for the line, or snlil hrltlge, as to the
Court may appear proper nnd Just. All
object Ions to said schedule above pre
sented must be filed before said hour
of said day of hearing; of nil of which
you will take due. notice.
My the Court, Harvey f. Travis,
Juilye of the District Court In nnd for
the County of Cuss. Nebraska.
Itvron Clark and W in. A. Kotierston.
action pending before him, wherein H.
M. Soeiinlcliseii Is plaintiff nnd Walter
Thin ker Is defendant that property o(
the defendant, consisting of money In,
the hands of 1,. M McVay, has been
attached uiiilcr said order. Said cuuH
was continued to the llfith day of Octo
ber. Uul.
September 11th, 191J.
II. M. Soennlchseii. I'laltitlfT
Hy J. K. Imiiglass, Attorney,
I lot I MI'I'II
I State of Nebraska
county of Cass, ss.
In Coonl) Court.
In Hie Matter of the Kslate of Ann
M. I in vis. I ici eased.
To All I'ersons Interested:
Von are hereby notified that there
will be a I. earlier upon the report of
Hie Administrator of said estate, to
gether with her petition for final set
Hemen thereof, on the 7th dav of Oclo
her, l'.Hl. at o'clock A. M In the
County Court llooms at I'lattsinoiith, In
said County.
nun an objections thereto, if any,
must lie filed on or before said day ami
hour of hearing.
W itness my hand and the seal of the
Count v Court of Said County this lMh
day of September, 1!U1.
Seal) Allen .1. lleeson,
County Judge.
Iliuhesl market price paid for
apples al the Wetenkainp build
ititr, I'latlsinoulh, Neb.
J. K. Ilundle.
i.i:iii, oti i:.
Walter Thacker will take notice that
on Hie in It day of September, 1 1 1 , M.
Archer, Justice of the Pence for Cass
Countv, Nebraska Issued an order of
attachment for Hie sum of $70, H5 In an
action pending before him. wherein the
Jones drain Company Is plaintiff and
Walter Thnekcr Is defendant, that
property of said defendant, consisting
of money In the hands of I.. M McVay,
has been Ht Inched under said order.
Said cause was continued to the IlOth
day of October, 1011, at 10 o'clock a. m.
September IS, !!H1.
, Jones (iraln Company.
Hy J. K. luiuglnss, Its Attorney.
Walter Thacker will take notice that
on the ftth day of September, 111, Al
len J. lleeson. County Judge of Casa
Countv, Nebraska, Issued an order of
attachment for the sum of $15.75, In an
For Sale.
Three male bogs, thoroughbred
I'oliiinl-Chinas. For particulars
see Julius I'itZ, south of IMatts
inouth. ' l)-li-3tw.
Mrs. A. W. Smith went to Oma
ha this morning to spend the day,
1 -L-t
I will tend r" 10 of tha prettiest
piitctrd you ever Raw if you cut out
thin dve'tismrnt and send it to m
with two 2 cent stamps to pay for tha
cost o( asftortinR snd mailing. I will
distribute SO 000 sets of tbasn hiH
grade, embossed Christmas cards to
quickly introduce my new snd t flect
ive Postcard fjrs
le not tni-a this onpnrtunllv to )( is mt
lbs fint cH evr Mat out. Ssnd st one.
7l Jackson. St. Omaha, Nesv