The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 21, 1911, Image 2

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    Everybody Relies on
The Bell Directory
i;: !-x!i i 7
Every Bell Telephone Dirrectory is used con
stantly as a business and social guide, because it con
tains the names of people who can be reached at once
for either a business proposition or a social invitation.
Your name in the Directory gives you a certain social
and business prestige. It is an advertisement to your
standing in the community where you live. It shows
you are progressive and up-to date.
Nebraska Telephone
M. li. HRANTNKR, Plattsmouth Manager.
Unit of Intfrett to Journal Reader
Floyd Shcescly went lo Lincoln
Ir. M u i r ami wife were Lincoln
visitors Tuesday.
James .Ionian went to Omaha
on business Tuesday.
Charles Strong was transacting
business a I Lincoln Monday.
.((dm (iauu.ales .shipped a car
of hogs lo South flmaha Tuesday.
Sain Jordan ami Veil Linch will
attend the Wesleyan this year.
Itev. Hunter will be the M. K.
ruin isl ! at Alvo the coming year.!
KM i hi Snoke visited his father,
Henry Snoke, Saturday afternoon.
Andrew Christ iansnn was a
business visitor in Lineoln Tues
day. -Mrs.
Kd Sti mer and children
Sunday with
Mrs. Jake '
Cashner of University
Place whs
in Alvo on business
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dreamer and
Mrs. Dean Stone were in Omaha
Mrs. Hen Linch of Lincoln is
visiling her daughter, Mrs. Cur
(iss Ogle.
Mr. and Mrs. Hay Parsell of
Klmwood visited Hie home folks
last week.
Miss (Irani of Klmwood spent
several days last week with Mrs.
E. M. SI one.
. ii. noyies oi Lincoln was in
town last week at lending to his
interests here.
Mrs. William Casey went lo
South Omaha Tuesday on No. H
lo visit relal ives.
Mrs. John Itnbolhani of Lincoln
isileil several days last week
with relatives here,
Mrs. Albert Weichel of Klmwood!
visited her sislcr, Mrs. K. M.
Slone Lisl Thursday.
Dan Itosenow (if Omaha spent a
few davs with bis brother, ( Hi as.
Rosenow, this week.
Sam Cashner and Henry Snoke
look dinner wilh Mr. and Mrs.
Jesse Slone Sunday.
Mart Arnold of M. W. A. camp
No. 1 8T.0 died at Valley Junction.
Iowa. Mondav.
Miss Hilda Hriiikman of
Plaltsinoutb visited this week
with Miss Leah Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Kred Dreamer and
Mrs. Dean Stone auloed to
Plattsmouth Wednesday.
Paul Krohlicb of Lincoln is
visiting with bis daughter, Mrs.
Charles Huckncll. this week.
Mrs. L. It. Appleman and sis
ter,, Mrs. Helle Keefer, wenl lo
Lincoln Wednesday evening.
Henry Craiir. who is working at
Ihe depot in Waverlv, visited bis
nud her n few davs last week.
Mrs. .1. H. Slroeiner and chil
dren visited wilh Herman Hngge
and family at Klmwood Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirk
pat rick went to llockehy Friday tn
visit Will Hurlbut and family for
a few days.
Jake Finland and family of
Eagle visited Mrs. Finland's
cousin, Mrs. fi. C. Hncknell and
family, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kimberly
of fireenvvood visited Sunday with
Mrs. Kimberly's parents, Mr. and'
Mr. V. E. Newklrk.
- ,. m-A- I . m m
Will Be Received at the Drug Store
Carl J
iIiiisiiii went lo Omaha
Johnson was in Omaha
Morgan Curycu was in Lincoln
.Monday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Johnson and
children spent Sunday al Men
nelt. Mrs. A. Strickland went lo Hud
son, Kas., Monday to visit rela
I ives.
J. II. Slroeiner went In Omaha
Sunday, returning home Monday
n No. 17. '
Alfred Slroeiner returned home
from Harneslon Sunday by way of
Ld Stone ami Sam Cashner of
University Place auloed lo Man-
U' Monday.
S. C. Movies ami family and
Lois Keefer auloed lo I'niversily
Place Sunday.
Joe Foreman ami sister, Miss
Orayce, will attend school at the
Wcsleycan this year.
Mr. and Mrs. F.d St i ujer and
children, Frank and Lorene, were
in Lincoln Monday.
Miss Orpha Miillin came home
Friday from I'niversily Place,
where hc is leaching.
T. N. Mohhill ami wife ri'lurm'd
home Saturday from lladdam,
Kansas, where Ihey visited rcla
I ives.
Charles Avers went lo Lincoln
Saturday evening, ami from there
he and Harry Appleman go lo lloll
county on a grouse bunt.
Mr. ami Mrs. Dan Skinner re
lumed Sunday from Council
MlulTs, where Ihe had h i veil
ing relal ives a couple of days.
I. J. Linch and family and Fred
''""'v and Sam Jordan auloed o
Fniveri-ly Place Sunday to attend
Ihe M. K. conference.
Miss Maggie Christophersou,
Mrs. Lizzie Meek and Miss Mary
Kilhefner of Lincoln spent a few
days with friends here last week
Mrs. Lura Furr and daughter,
who are guests of Mrs. i. V
Curyea, spent several days last
week wilh relal ives al Waverlv.
Miss Mae Pnuity of Dunbar and
Frank Anderson of Weeping
Water visited Sunday with Miss
I'routy's mother, Mrs. Klla
Mr. and Mrs. J. p. House re
turned Tuesday from Omaha,
where they were in attendance at
Ihe funeral of Mr. Rouse's
brother, (iilbert Rouse.
miss t.iara Horn, daughter of
(ieorge Horn of Furnas county,
was taken sick with appendicitis
and taken to a hospital at Den
ver, Colo., where she was operated
upon. At this writing she is not
expected lo live.
Kd Slroeiner and Jake Shaffer
visited the stale fish hatcheries at
South Mend Sunday. They took
dinner with Mr. ami Mrs. Fred
Weaver ami family.
Miss Pearl Keefer went to Fni
versity Place Sunday evening,
where she will study inusic in the
Wesleyan conservatory.
Mrs. Sain Cashner returned
Monday morning from her visit
at Kansas City and Nebraska City.
Her brother, Kit on Snoke. met her
al Kagle and brought her home.
Dr. and Mr. Frank Shirk
lunh'd lo Ihi'ir home al Lot
sprii'gs. ha-., a tier a week - i-il
wilti Mrs. Shirk's mother, Mrs.
Polly Kyan.
It. A. SI an'd family, Mrs.
Ihdle Menindt ami Mr. and Mrs.
(ieorge Foreman, jr., enjoyed an
ouliiitr al the state lisheries at
South Mend Sunday.
Mr. and Mr-, (ieorge Foreman,
sr., i sited their daughter, Mrs.
Kd Mobbitl, in I'niversily Place
Sunday. Mr-. Itobbitl has been
iedl'a-t for some time.
Word reaches here that Fount
DeVore of 1 1-1 1 i 1 1 k 1 1 ;t 1 1 1 . Wash.,
has been called lo Wilber, Wash.,
to care for his a ted father, who
is mil expected lo live. Also that
Marion Proiily of Cheney, Wash.,
is ipule seriously ill. having had
an operal ion performed.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Cole of Have
lock spent Saturday with Mrs.
Cole's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Foreman, and Sunday with her
uncle, Jim foreman and family.
Mrs. A. J. Foreman and daughter,
Hazel, also spent Sunday at Jim
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis
entertained at dinner last, Sunday
the following: Mrs. Men Linch
of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Curliss
Ogle, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jordan
and Mr. and Mrs. (i. W. Curyea.
Jesse Slone returned Thursday
evening from Moorehead, Kansas,
where he spent a few days wilh
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. It. K.
Slone. The Plattsmouth Journal
will visit them regularly for the
coining year.
Last Sunday William Cook and
family of Klmwood, Sam Cashner
end wife of I'niversily Place. Mrs.
Dean Slone and children of Den
ver, Colo., Fred Dreamer and fam
ily and K. M. Slone and family
auloed to Ihe home of W. D.
Wheeler, near Plallsmoulb, and
had a small family reunion, fifly
ni'ie being present. An enjoyable
time is reported.
Miss Fva Murly and daughter,
Miss Aurel. of Cambridge, Mass.,
came in Monday on No. I i, visil
ing wilh Ihe family of (ieorge
Foreman, sr.. and Mrs. Sam Cash
ner. They will make their home
in Lincoln ami Miss Aurel will at
tend Ihe stale university. John
Foreman took them to Wabash
tl'uesday afternoon, where Ihey
will visit Mrs. Murly's sisters,
Mrs. Sieve llulflsh and Mrs. John
Still retains its high place as the
serious results from a cold. Take
best household remedy for all
coughs and colds, either for chil
dren or grown persons. Prevents
only the genuine Foley's ollney
and Tar Compound, and refuse
substitutes. For sale bv Fricke
& Co.
Early Morning Thermometer
Was the Lowest in Four
This is the llrst day of autumn
and the event was celebrated by
giving us Ihe coolest morning in
four months, for the I herummcter
dropped lo below 5(1, standing al
S'J at 8 o'clock. It was probably
a degree or two colder than this
earlier in the morning. This has
been a remarkable summer in al
most all parts of the northern
hemisphere, and it is probable
that Ihe winter in Ihe southern
hemisphere has been just as re
markable, as unusual conditions
on one part of the globe usually
have their effects on other parts.
While Ihe llrst day oT fall start
ed out prelly cool, it warmed up
rapidly when Ihe clouds and fog
disappeared. Yesterday it was
rather disagreeable. If rained
lightly most of the day and the
temperature was a lit lie loo low
for comfort.
Before You Reach the Limit
of physical endurance and while
your condition is still curable,
1 - t - t ....
lake roiey Mdney Pills. Their
quick action and positive results
will delight you. For backache,
nervousness, rheumatism, and all
kidney, bladder and urinary
troubles. For sale bv F. 0. Fricke
&. Co.
Beam-Klsh Nuptials.
Clarence Meam and Myrtle Kish,
both of Hamburg, Iowa, were mar
ried here yesterday by Judge A. J.
Meeson. Miss Kish looked reai
kissable. while Mr. Meam beamed
with happiness.
Forest Rose Flout. TTie next
tune you need a sack or flour try
a Hack. You will fln it the best
on the market.
Formerly a Teacher in Public
Schools of Cass County, Liv
ing at Louisville.
Mrs. Ruth Molin and children,
Marguerite, Klliolt and Kenneth,
who have been the guests of
Judge an Mrs. M. S. Itamsey for
some days, left for Omaha this
afternoon, when they will visit
for awhile before returning to
their home at Ord. Neb. Mrs.
Molin is Ihe daughter of Dr. and
Mrs. John M. Waterman, who
formerly lived at Louisville, .Neb.,
ami where Ihe doctor practiced
medicine for a number of years
before removing to Hay Springs,
Sheridan county, Nebraska, where
lie died a number of years ago.
His widow, Mrs. Melle R. Water
man, is a sister of Judge Ramsey,
ami now resides at Hay Springs
with her daughter, Miss Ethel.
Mrs. Waterman, before her
marriage, was a teacher in Ihe
public schools of Cass county,
having taught the .Nchavvka public
school when ex-( iovernor (ieorge
L. Sheldon was a little boy and
one of Mrs. Waterman's pupils.
Mrs. Molin, wltti her three
bright children, accompanied by
her uncle, Judge Ramsey, paid
the Journal a visit, which was
great ly appreciated.
A Great Advantage to Working
J. A. Maple, 125 S. 7th St.,
Sleubenville, 0., says: "For
years I suffered from weak kid
neys and a severe bladder trouble.
T learned of Foley's Kidney Pills
and their wonderful cures so I
began taking them and sure
enough I had as good results as
any I hoard about. My backache
left me and to one of my business,
expressman, that, along is a great
advantage. My kidneys acted
free and normal, and that saved !
me a lot of misery. It is now a
pleasure to work where jtu sed to I
lie a misery. Foley Kidney Pills I
have cured me and have my bigh-
est praise." For sale by Fricke i
& Co.
Dr. Salisbury Here.
Dr. A. Salisbury, a dentist, who
lived in Plattsnioulh nineteen
years ago, slopped off here yes
terday and spent the day wilh his
old friend, V. V. Leonard. Dr.
Salisbury was well known here at
Ihe time and bad many friends.
He met a number of them yester
day. He is now of Chicago and
came west to SI, Joseph. Hiawatha
and Lincoln lo visit relatives. He
returned lo Chicago last evening.
Will reach your individual case if
you have any form of kidney and
bladder trouble or urinary ir
regularilies. Try them. For sale
by F. fi. Fricke & Co.
Try a sack of Forest Rose Flour
Ihe next lime you need flour. Ask
your dealer what he thinks of it.
IN -i
r4i i "i im
Tells of the Virtues That the Young Should Strive For Makes a
Plea for More Politeness, Lost Virtue in This Country
Tells How to Cultivate Habits of Virtue.
Rev. Father Michael Shine of
St. John's Catholic church talked
at (lie High school assembly this
morning on "The Training of the
Soul." He defined man as a
creature composed of body and
soul. It is the soul that you are
educating, he said. As a part of
the soul are the faculties of will,
memory and understanding. The
soul is the seat of the mind, the
reason, the understanding, the in
telligence. The speaker told his hearers
that in training the soul they
were acquiring habits which were
either virtues or vices. Virtue
is a habit that makes us strong.
A habit is simply a quality of the
soul thai is acquired by repeat
ed acts.
He said that sludy is habit,
also a virtue. The more you study
in the right and proper manner,
the easier it is to make study a
habit. He spoke of the four car
dinal virtues justice, prudence,
temperance and fprlilude. Justice
is the quality by which you give
every man his dues; temperance
is moderation; fortitude is
strength, power, that staying
quality we have that no matter
what difficulties come in our way,
we are able to meet them bravely;
prudence is that virtue by which
we do not act precipitately.
Then Father Shine took up
what he termed the natural vir
tues. He first referred to polite
ness, which lie said was becom
ing rare in Ibis country. It,
springs from juslice. In mani
festing our rig his we should not
Common Colds Must Be Taken
For unless cured they sap the
vitality and lower the vital re
sistance to more serious infection.
Protect your children and your
self by the prompt use of Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound and
note its quick and decisive results.
For coughs, colds, croup, whoop
ing cough, bronchitis and affec
tions of the throat, chest and
lungs it is an ever ready and
valuable remedy. For sale by 0.
F. Fricke & Co.
For Annual Report.
Supt. N. C. Abbott has com
pleted the report of the Platts
nioulh schools for the annual re
port of the slate superintendent
of school.
"Had dyspepsia or indiigesl ion
for years. No appetite, and what
I did eat distressed me terribly.
Murdock Mlood Millers cured me."
I. H. Walker, Sunbnry, Ohio.
TIME now to think of your
Fall Clothes, won't be long
before "the frost is on the pum
kin." A great lines of Clothes
here biggest showing ever seen in Platts
mouth tans, browns and Oxford blues, in
novel as well as conservative styles, $10 to
$35. Splendid values at $15, $20 and $25.
Some class to
our "fuzzy" hats, brown,
tan and gray mixtures in
new "knockabout" styles,.
$2 to $3
Stetsons $4
Stctxon Huts
do so in a harsh and unnecessary
j manner. We all have certain
I likes and dislikes; there are peo-
pie that appeal lo us and those
i that repel us, but we can be polite
i to those thai we do not like,
j Father Shine next spoke of the
virtue or broad-mindedness. The
world is tilled with many minds
who possess many opinions, and
we should give due credit to the
opinions of others. The field of
knowledge is so vs that no one
mind can compn bend it. The
more education and knowledge
and experience a man gets the
more does he realize what an in
finitesimal thing the mind of man
is. It, is narrowness and bigotry
to always believe one's self abso
lutely right and others wrong.
Next the speaker look up the
virtues of honesty and truthful
ness. Honesty, he said, means
uprightness; it means acting in
an honorable way. Truthfulness
is speaking exactly what is in
one's mind. At the close of his
address Father Shine gave a very
interesting and effective summing
up of his talk.
Superintendent Abbott an
nounced at the close of the exer
cises that Prof. Larson would
speak al the assembly next Thurs
day morning ami thai Mis- Cora
Anderson, a High school teacher,
would hold Ihe center of the
stage two weeks from today. At
torney A. L. Tidd, Miss Mary E.
Fosler, county superintendent;
Rev. W. L. Austin and Rev. L. W.
Cade are some of he assembly
attractions for later on.
Hydraulic Engineer Here.
Wynkopp Kiersted. an expert
hydraulic, engineer of Kansas
City, was here today .investigat
ing conditions at the water plant.
He came at the request of Mr.
West, the owner of the plant. Mr.
Kiersted said that the local water
was as good as could be found
anywhere. He returns tonight to
Kansas Citv.
Is a great medicine of proven,
value for both acute and chronic
kidney and bladder ailments. It
is especially recommended to
elderly people for its wonderful
tonic and reconstructive qualities,
and the permanent relief and
comfort it, gives them. For sale
by F. fi. Fricke & Co.
C. Murray of Mynard vva.s a
visitor in this city recently and
called al this office and had his
name placed on our Semi-Weeklv
If you want a
sweater coat you want a
good one That's the on
ly kind we sell. All the
new shades. Prices rang
ing from
$1.00 to $7.50
Munlmtinn Shiiit