I JILVO DEPARTMENT Umof lmeret to Journal Reader Will Be Received at the Drug Store Wfllt -prill C. H. .Ionian mouth Mi'Milny. Mis Stella Sih-i !' Thursday ;it 1 1 - -t at fair. Thomas Stout ami Klmer Klyvcr were Omaha visitors Friday. to I'latls- I children visited with .Mrs. 1..Im it ! Jiihnsnn's parent at Ashland last Sumlay. S. .M. I'l'iiuly wt'iit In (tmaha Monday. (icurc 1'iiri'iiiaii, sr., shipped if call le In Sunt h ( Imalia Mr ami Mrs. C M. .I"i'dan a!- iwn cars , tended the slal- fair last Thurs-j Monday. dav Jin' 1'rinily hail a luhl stroke nf Mrs. It. A. Kn Ics ami Mrs. Hail-J iai iily.is al his h m- in I'liivcr ley. .ret urned frnm Lincoln' Mmi-isMy I'lacc Mumlay. day. j William Sutton mailc a Inisi- 1 TKron Fiin-iriifn was a p"- ness trip In Missouri Valley, a., sengcr In Omaha Mumlay fin Nn. (, Mumlay, relurnini.' home Tucs- 14. "Wilher Thomas will attend Uiph school al l niM-rsily I'lacc this year. Mrs. Mini (imves ami son, Lyle, vi'iled in Lincoln Weilnc-day ami Thnrsilay. Mrs. Mmil ltahlwin of I'liivcr sity l'laee spent Sumlay with her mother, Mrs. M. 1'. Stone. J. If. Foreman, jr., ranie in Saturday from Colorado for a short visit, with his folks. Miss Teresa Donnelly of Lin coln came down Friday, visiting until Sunday with relatives. Tni T. Hull of Lincoln dined Willi J. A. PhnfTer Monday. Charles Ellison of Dundy coun ty look supper wilh Mr. ami Mrs. J. A. Shaffer Friday evening. Mrs. .1. 11. Slroemer returned Saturday from her summer's visit In fierrnanv wilh her mother. Mr. and Mrs. John Mullen went In Omaha Mumlay on No. If. Mrs. Charles Hucknell and daiiL-hter, lierllin. visited the slate fair Wednesday Thursday. Mrs. J. , SlialTer spent Thurs rlav at the slate fair, also visiting friends and rclat ives in Lincoln. Mrs. (i. W. Curyea and Mrs. I. nra Frit were in Murdock Mon day. Mr. and Mr W. F. Casev eider. laineil (',. . Mason and family of Plymouth, .Neh.; Dr. Timlinlm and family and Charles Hart ami fam ily of KIiiiwiiihI al dinner Sunday. Mrs. Sam Cashuer left Sunday via Kagle for a week's visit with her uncle, William Prouly and family at Kansas City. She will visit a short lime al Nebraska Cjy on her return. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Crime f Fairlleld, Neh., visited the past few days with Mrs. Crane's sister, Mrs, M. P. Stone, and accom panied by her they left Tuesday for a six weeks' visit in Ohio and Indiana. Last Saturday the O-vear-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Chris HofT- Mis. K. A. Slime and children, lini'v and Slanley, we re state fair isiim-s Thursday. Mi- D II. i Siit ii i duite sick. Dr. Mmr was called out twice last Sunday. There is very little im provement at this writing. Henry .Manner- of Kansas iil eil hi- hiolhei1. Dan. also the home folks la-l week. The children of Mr. ami .Mrs. Manners met in Lincoln last Thursday ami had a ynmp photograph taken. Waller Nickel and islcr, Miss Ollie Nickel, i.r Pekin. 111., who vi-itcd several days wilh their Cou-ill, Peter Nickel, last week, returned via Plat t siimut h Tuesday of la week In their home. C. II. Snl toil and family and T. O. Sutton and family relnrned In Chat pel, Neh., Momlav after spending ten davs wilh their par-) cuts, Mr. ami Mrs. Sulton and j relatives. I hey viilei the stale fair each day in I heir car. They made the trip to their home, a dis tance of 100 miles, in 'JO hours. School opened Monday, Sep tember M, l'.Ml, wilh an enroll ment, of no pupils. In the four ifrades. in the primary room, taught by Miss Marjorie Carr of Kagle, are: Wesjey Hird, Aliim Ingwcrson, Charley Foreman, Marie Bird, Aurel Foreman, Mil dred Codley, Johnnie Parsell, Paul Johnson, Vere Rosennw, August Fmerson, Klmer Tngvver son, Oolda Hird, Stanton Dreamer, (iertrmle Slroemer, l.ealriee Par sell. Carl Rosennw, ClilTord jyKEN (.i! toy f. i:elor; yet; usually it to see how L: (Kikf. inside for txi-'-ruwe has taught you that you can't ju!,ic a Melon ffOii' its sial and so it is with a suit of clothes the inner construction doesn't always live up to the outer appearance. But unfortunately you can rot "plug" a cheap suit of clothes. If cheiip materials and careless workmanship are employed you cannot detect it until you have worn the garment. We don't ask you to buy our QUALITY CLOTHES on faith. We ''plug" them for you slow you the inner construction and can prove to you their superiority. Don't let some fellow "hand you a lemon" when you buy a suit. Con.e to the old reliable store "Where Quality Counts." Step in and see the new Fall ideas. P - Wescott's THE HOME OF SATISFACTION THE REPORT BF HIE man was taken to a Lincoln Ima- Slroemer, Carroll Foreman, flayl pilal to he operated upon for ap pendicitis, having fell ill for a eoiinle of davs. Al. this writing the lillle fellow is in a serious condil ion. Lillle I rv in Knoll had the mis fortune In fall from a movinu' waL'on, on which he and hN friend. Willie Ingwcrson. Iindi caught a ride, hist Friday evening and injured his right shoulder and he has had to remain in bed since. a.... . m,.u r.,i,,, a,,.,,,.i i ne mis mm in i i u u i,.h... ii. to... I to t.'im-! M Him writing Wednesday ho wood Suinlav. She will attend T 1 lull school there the coming year. Mr. and Mrs, Pud Ornves have moved into the Mess property on Ihe corner east of the school house. Mr. and Mrs. Thurinan Tloyles of Overton visited Mr. Moyles mother and other relatives this week. There were eighty-one tickets sold al lliis place lo slate fair passengers Wednesday df last, week. '' Mr. and Mrs. Lhmlis and chil dren of Waverly visited Tuesday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. !en. Curvea. Miss Clady Appleinan wenl to Lincoln Sunday evening, where she will attend lliuh school the rr.minp venr. Mrs. S. A. RoMenow is carrying Ihe mail on Ihe II. F. D. while Charles I''. Hosenovv lakes his an nual vacation. Mr. ami Mrs. Ilenrv Thomas Visited their daughter, Mrs. War ren Heck, nt Hclliany from Satur day until Monday. Henry Suoke autoed in from Douglas Monday. lie went to Lincoln Tuesday lo visit a few (lavs wilh II. S. OubIi. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hird al lended the slate fair Thursday. Their children spent the day with is some better. Mr. ami Mrs. visiling them Alex Skiles have Hird, Clarence Ilardnock, Carmen M u ii and Lillian Cnryea. Tn the upper 'room, lauuht by Prof. Hutchinson of Pern and Miss Marie Slroemer, are Ihe follow ing: Fifth trrade Mnv ln'-fvver-smi. Hazel Foreman. Jessie Huck nell, Mulh Dreamer, Robert. F.nier soii. Sixth trraite Klmer Rose now, Francis Mvers, Mary Ingwer son. Seventh irrade - Uuhv Stone, I'dilli Foreman. Fiuhth grade I r in i ii fur liiimiuv election In '1NN (MHIIlly illilK I'etel'Kl.n, nelliry lees 111 'P I : t H l'THcinct at eleetllill I Kef llxi'il ) 1 M. I.. Krii'ililcli, siiluiv ami ex pense t I. ll.O..W U',1,,...- U...1 ..VOt.Mn una Hasp. I''s her Rosenow. Allna I S. .;. (in-nr.lVt, im rcliiin.iise to iinir I'lattsinmith Neb., Sept. 12, 1911. Hoanl met piiiHiiHiit to adjournment. Present: 1,. I). Hwltner, M. U Krled rlch ami C. It. Jordan, (,'ounty ConimlH sloneiM. and 1 1. C. Morgan, County Clerk. Minutes of regular session read and approved, when the following bUKlneHH was transacted In regular form: The Weeping Water Republican was this day designated as the paper In which to publish the Oelinquent Tax last. As advertised, bids were received fur furnishing coal to the county as fol lows: ('. W. ltavlor & Co. Coal delivered 15.211; hard roal to jail at 110.45 de yard, IH.L'O; to court hotis, $5. 05. .1. V. i:enl.erer Coal delivered to paupers. H-VIO; lo Jail, $10.55; at yard, tti.:::i; to court house. $1,115. L'onliacts awarded as follows: .1. V. Ht'i'n bet er roa 1 to court house at $l !i5 per ton. C. VV. Ilavlor Co. Coal to paupers $5.0; hard coal to jail at $1045 de- 89.05 It!.; 94. 69 151.75 28.10 60.25 34.50 157.00 30.57 Iiistib. t 'o. 14 Stioeii"-: i.eiiilier Co. material. Iload I ilsti ii t No. IS' rtroetni'i. I.tuiiher Co. material, Koii.l I listi lct No. 6 ' C II. S mini, mail work, Itoad I ilst rlct No. l.'l J. C. I.oinever, road work, Road 1 lst rid No. 5 C.eorne lllte, road work, Road lil.vtriet No. 7 C. .1. I .e In, road work, Road Iilstriet No. II John Root, mad work, Road Dis trict No. 16 Lee Artiett, culvert, Road Dis trict No. 6 Lee Arnett. culvert, Road Dis trict No. 15 25.74 Lee Arnett, culvert, Road Dis trict No. 2 Lee Arnett. culvert. Road Dis trict No. 13 C. H. Illte, road work Road Dis trict No. 7 ' C. T. Rlchardss. mud work, Road Iilstriet No. 4 J Adams ti Son. material, Road District No. 16 John II. Husi lie, road work, Road Iilstriet No. 2 . John ltauer, nulls, Road District No. 27 John llauer. merchandise, Roud District No. 1 C. Shiilkev, ha illtiff sand, Road District No. WHY IHE EOT MIES livered in bin i ee r.niowiNK claims were aiioweu on i A j Tool merchandise, Road the (ieneritl fund: I DK'D'ict No 7 Judges and Clerks lor primary ( f N,,,,,' i,,, '.er ( ,'o'.,' YuiiibeV, cic-iiim. Ill . luiiiil.y, I I 1 . . ...:.. uv, , Con,) iktv il V(. fj C.odbev. Huckne! Hnth TSailev. Herlha1 Cora Rung, Cecil New- ! this week from1 kirk. Ninth grade Hello Fore man. Kmilv Strong. Fern Dimiuill, Olcnn Dimiuill, Nod Foreman, John Foreman, filenn Lewis, Clarence Hucknell, Archie Miller, Lyle Miller. : The Turnlng-Polnt. ' A member of the family is sick ami his sickness is al its height, Unit, is, al the turning-point, either lo recovery or a fatal issue. The physician docs not give iueh hope, having been called loo late. Such anxiety can he avoided, in the majority of cases, if at the first symptoms of an indisposi tion, such as loss of appclile, constipation, headache, coaled tongue, stiffness of Ihe joints, heaviness in the stomach, weak ness, you will at once use Triner's American Fdixir of Hitter Wine. The turning-point to recovery will come soon, because this rem edy will thoroughly clean out and keep clean Ihe organs of diges tion ami will give new slrenglh lo Ihe nerves. It, will purify Ihe blood, which often will drive out of the system rheumatic and neuralgic pains. It is indicated niotiicr, Mrs. ."Vervia tvnotl ami in all alleclioiis of I tie stomach, son, Irwin, altemled the stale fair, the liver ami the intestines. At. returning Thursday evening on' drug slores. Jos. Triner, 13.'13- ('.Iciiwooil, la., Mrs. Mary Miekel wail and Mrs. Martha William, sisters of Mrs. Skiles: llalnh Mickehvail and family and C rover Mickelwait and wife, nephews, and Mrs, Hrown Miller and dautih ler, Kyle, ami Mrs. William Skil licot'ii. nieces. James P. Rouse and brother, Frank House, of Nelson, Neb., went to Sonlh Omaha Tuesday In attend' the funeral of their broth er, (lilberl Rouse, aued 7fi. who' died'al Nelson la-l Fridiiv. He was a pioneer resident of Sarpy counlv and left three daughters Mrs. .1. C. Hopkins and Mrs. J. T. Alton of South Omaha and Mrs. Cus Sachs of Florence to mourn for him. The funeral was hold at Ihe Lefler Memorial church ami interment was in Laurel Hill cenielerv. Charles Fllisoii came in Wed nesday of last week on No. I 'i from Lincoln, where lie was spending the week al Ihe slate fair, to visit his niece, Mrs. Dan Manners and family, and nephew, (ieorge F.llison. Thursday Mr. Fllison, (ieorge T'llison and his velopes !' red Patterson, work on road near t'nion W. M. Sikes. work on road near I'nlon II. Sievers. janitor and laundry. . C. I. (Ju i nl on, salary am! board- inn enmity prisoners C. D. Quiuton, commlttni' tits and boardiiiK city prisoners M. Archer, State vs. Kred Wamier C. D. (Juinton, State vs. Kred Waifiier Dave Atnlck, State vs. Fred Wagner C. L. Herder, State vs Fred Wanner Henry Trout, State vs. Fred Wanner . . . .' Wm. Sherlock, State vs. Fred Warner I. N. CummltiKs, hauling rubbish iroin court house till. (Ml ; 1.00 10.70 it 00 10.00 1 1.75 ; S..I0 1.00 i;s.oo 224.30 4.55 ' .5.90 20.65 1.00 j 1.00 I la bor, Road 1 u m - ion 5.K5 1 SO. 00 5.75 District No. 7 Siillivan-.VJeiiil l.imiber Co her, Road Iilstriet No. 4 Win. Massler. repairs, Itoad I Hs- . M l. t No. I Mi ll .-,.,i piiHeryin. road work. In heritance tiS J:iiii"s Kainev. roa. work. In herit nc t il x L 1 1. Switer. road work in heritance tux .' i;eoi-.e I'nisall, iriHdlnK roads, in lieri I ance tax M I Kn ili l.-h, road work, In herltaiMe tax Mat Mc'i.iinii. road work. In heriti'iice tnx .lulu Scheel. road work, Rond District No. t M. L. Furlonif. road work, I Road District No. 27 bVfiril llii..y,.f ci wn,.ls lr,.,.l 0 65 District No. 2 .' 146.15 Pen Hai knian, road work Road District No. 10 168.40 John Waterman, lumber, Road District No. 1 11.00 , nn ' followltKT claims were allowed on 00 the Rrldtre fund: I F. M. Hlchev, hrldife material.. $ 16.40 '"O Cellar Creek Lumber Co., ma- , iin terlal 219.10 'UUP, V. M. Rlchey, brldK material.. 61 41 I' rank l.anham. l.ridire work.. 8.00 Stroemer Lumber Co., bridge material 140.03 W. C. Houclier. hrlditfl work.. 13.00 He Should Not Do So, but He Does and He Cannot Tell Why. Did you over see a hoy that would .admit he liked to go to school? If ho did admit it, was he any good in after life? From lusty juvenility a practically un animous protest goes up against the call of the school boll. This is true even with a groat many children of a mature habit of mind. At home I hey will ask any amount of questions about facts 6 501 in gooarapliy ami history, imiioat i ..... . . ing inai ine sniip'cis itioy are handling in school socni to in terest thorn. The essential trouble umlouht- 30.00 32.76 17.00 55.00 42.90 112.72 3.00 S..10 4.7H : 4S.0!) i i.oo" cdlv conies from the attempt to 22 28 ('""v"''t Ihe youngster over from the savage info the civilized state. It is the theory of educators that n.oo every ytmnc jfo coos throusrh all i.r.o Hie peri'. ds of development throuL'h whi'h the entire human race has passed. Every hoy has a p'T-iod v.'ion ho conforms very rlosclv to the habits and ideals of oo i be u!d American Indians. When you reflect that it has taken 2.000 years to turn the untutored tribes of Europe into the civilized peo ples of today, it is no wonder that it takes several years to convert a potential Sitting Hull into an ordinary hum-drum merchant or mechanic. 6.40 129.85 R. Peterson, ut.nn aim repairing boiler 15.65 Mary K. Foster, salary and ex pense i;i:..:u c it,.,,,.i,r i,.i,i.r w,.i. ,!",',,!,n' ""''" V end expense 50.00 , N,.'t,I H1ka Construction Co.', r . M. Richey, material to court . bridge work 3 ' IW, r. Norvnl. bridge work. , I'MIke I.iif., brldire work.... ' I Wm. H. Rush, hrldife work M. L. Kurlonir'. bridee work Stationery Co., Ice to blue court 65.16 the special. Mr. Ellison reinain- their cousins, (iraee mill (ieorge j ed until Saturday, going on No. Kitzel. :t:i o Lincoln, thence on Ihe H. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnson ami ' A M. to Henkeltnan, Dundy coun Mr. ami Mrs. Hubert Johnson and ly, near which town he resides. 13,'P.l So, Asl III. iind Ave., Chicago, ln fltlf (ll J ' A 1 .' -.-yf From City to Country Bell Telephone Service is daily bringing the peo ple of the city and country more closely together. It has done more than anything else to make the smaller towns and the country a pleasant place to live. You will find t tint a Bell Tilophone will afford you more comfort and briutJ you more pleasure than double . the expense put in unytliing else. Bell service may not cost as much as you think it does. Nebraska Telsphono Company M. I:. HKAXrXr.X, 1'l.illsmoitth Manager. James T. Hey nobis, the demo cratic candidate for clerk of the district, court, will visit the various sections of Cass county before Ihe elect ion. lie is a man of the common people and his record as a neighbor and all- round u'mmI citizen will speak for ilsclf. As the Journal has re peatedly said, he is one of (he best men in Cass county and there can J hi no nuostion as to his (pialillca- lions for Hie position, as he is a well educated gentleman. He member that his candidacy is one whore the olVice seeks the man and not the man who seeks the olllce. He should be elected be cause ho has never sough! an ollice. bouse Meijeat h print II. C. McMnkcn, house Mrs. C. A. Adams, care of Dan'l McCurdy ( Refused) .1. Yv. Crablll, repairs to number- Inn machine 1.50 M. lllld, merchadise to county.. 11.05 Wm. Molly, merchandise to poor 6.00 Kred Pat terson, sain ry 4-1.00 N. D. Talcott, second quarter salary County Plnsiclaii Iils triet No. 5 15.00 11. A. Schneider postal supplies. . Tl.'.i'l C. K. Cook, male hor to county , farm 12.50 C.eo. 1,. Karley, ciinvassInK board primary election 3.00 .1. I'. Kb Iter, canvassing board primary election 3.00 Krans Son, merchandise to poor 5.00 K. !, Lewis, expert testimony (Refused! Jll.llO C. VV. ltavlor & Co., coal to paupers 8.45 Jos. Ket.er, merchandise to county 6.70 .1 II. Tunis, salary 75.00 1. C. MoiKiin, salary and ex pense 191.69 Wm. llassler. merchandise am! labor to farm and court bouse 15 0(1 John llauer. merchandise to farm 5.50 The I'lut tsmout h Journal, print In 27.46 I). C. Moi'K'in, expense delivering primary ballots :'0.00 Nebraska Telephone Co., rent and tolls 2.30 llr. (. K. I.lston, second quarter salary County I'hvslclan, Dis trict No. 6 12.50 Nebraska I.lKhtltiR Co., mis to eourt house and jail 16 19 MurrouKhs Aiblinif Machine Co., repnlrs to machine 1.50 Klopp a Martlett Co., supplies.. .35 C. II. Taylor, salary and expense 109. K2 I'lattsniouth Telephone Co., rent and tolls K. M. I'rlbble, asslnned to C. II. Tavlor, print Inn K. Munspeaker, salary deputy sherln 000.00 9.R0 1.1.75 20.50 3.00 Hen Mecknian, brldue work... 50.60 John Waterman, brtnire lumber 30.15 Hoard adioorned to meet Tuesday October 3, 1911. D. C. MoVpan, County Clerk. A Great Advantage to Working Men. J. A. Maple, l'.'G S. 7th St., Sleubenville, O., says: "For years I suffered from weak kid iieys and a severe bladder trouble. I learned of Foley's Kidney Hills and their wonderful cures so I began taking them and sure enough I had as good results as any I hoard about. My backache loft mo and to one of my business, expressman, that along is a great advantage. My kidneys acted free and normal, and that saved me a lot of miserv Common Colds Must Be Taken Seriously For unless cured they sap the vitality and lower the vital re sistance to more serious infection. Protect your children and your self by the prompt use of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and note its quick and decisive results. For coughs, colds, croup, whoop ing cough, bronchitis and affec tions of the throat, chest and lungs it is an ever ready and valuable remedy. For sale by G. F. Fricke & Co. Digestion and Assimilation. It is not Ihe quantity of food taken, but Ihe amount digested and assimilated (hat gives slrnglh and vitality lo Ihe sys tem. Chamberlain's Stomach and I. ivor Tablets invigorate the slom- neh and liver and enable them to perform their functions naturally. For sale by F. C. Fricke ci Co. !7.75 5.50 3750 .50 2.00 V00 hOO 4. SO 4. SO 3.35 34. SS 3.50 7 50 pleasure to work whore it u sod to I he a misery. Foley Kidney Pills have cured me and have my high est praise." For sale by Fricke ci Co. Sues for Husband's Death. A suit for $50.00(1 against the Hurlington railroad has boon filed in the district court at Omaha by Mahoney it Kennedy, attorneys for Mrs. Freer, administratrix of the estate of her husband, C.eorge Freer, who was killed 111 a wreck at Imlianola. Neb., last May.. Cross negligence upon Ihe pari of the rairoad is charged. Freer was It is now a I employed as express messenger. The deceased husband was em ployed by Ihe Adams Fxpre company for many years, and was reared in Plallsmoulh. Forest, Rose Flour. The next Wesooll's Sons have just put in j time you need a sack of flour try nnot her line display show case for ' a sack. You vviM "k! it the best the display of shirts ami ties. fin Ihe market. Keistor School. Krister Ladies' Tailoring Col lege, liesiuiiiug, drafting and dressmaking taught. For terms apply al room in Coales' block. Managed by Mrs. N. A. I.eisl. it-t l-lmo-wkly C. 1.. Martin, hauling- man to Dr. Martin's W111-KR Cecil, labor at eourt house C, (5. WnniNut, wood to court house ,1. K. Wolff, haullni. Inmate to farm William Kaufman, State vs. Win. A. Meeker Kred Kaufman, State vs. Wm. A. Meeker Allen J. Meeson, In matter Anton Koy, feeble minded C. 1. guiuton, In mntter Anton Roy, feeble minded James Italney, livery and two drivers WecpinK Water Republican, road notices The follow'.tiK claims were allowed on the Road fund: J. A. Whitemau, roud work, Koad .listilct No. 12 $ 25 25 .1. C. Nldav, roud work. Road IMstrlcl No. II RI2.00 K. Ilnrlbfit. wi.id work, Roud Iilstriet No. 6 Ilenrv Miller, road work. Road lUstrl.t No 6 Wm. II. Rush, road work, lloii.l Iilstriet No. 7 121.00 Mike I. lit, rond work, Itoad I listrb t No. 1 119.50 John Skinner, rud woi k, Koad I Ust rli t No. II 67.6(1 T. K. Keckler, road work Rond lMstrlct No. S Ralph Keckler. road work. Road I "(strict No. S I'nlon l.umher Co., material, Koad Iilstriet No. 15 Juke Knieuer, roud work. Road lUstrlet No. 9 J. M. Latum), material, Itoad I list 1 let No. 16 11. 1'. Haves, road work, Road lUstrl.t No. 15 VV. C. Nerval, roud woik, Road September Travel Bulletin! The excursion rates to Eastern localities will continue. It is your last low rate chance of the Summer to visit your old home or make a tour of the East. The Dry Farminc Congress will be held at Colorado Springs, October 16 20. Special rates will be made. The colonist one way rates to the Pacific Coast are in effect September 15th to October late, only, this year The Burlington has through standard and tourist sleepers every day to Cali fornia -on No. 3 via Rio Grande, Scenic Colorado, and the Southern Pacific and Salt Lake Route; on No. i via the Rio C.rande, Scenic Colorado, and the Wes tern Pacific. "On Time" operation. Western 1 eople living in the erritory served by t' e 8-2r' j Burlington will be interested in knowing something about the punctuality with x.r.5 which the management tries to onerat its trains. Fast mail No. 7, from Chi cago to Omaha, during the months from April to July inclusive, n perioa or ui diys. arrived at the Missouri River "On Time every day. The other exclusive fait mall ntul express train No. 15, from Chicago to Omaha during June ami July, 2-J11. arrived "On Time" at the Missouri River every day. These are the i '" exclusive mail and exnress trains that daily hnnir into the West the great voi- ume of trallio so necessary to the social and commercial me of tii at region. R. W. CLE VENT. Ticket Ant. VlNkU'-V' '' W. VAKELY,UeneralPaen,ser Agent, wma.u. no 6 III) 6fl.s5 lo.no 3.:ir 125.50 X . 1 ! r 11 irr: ! I.