The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 04, 1911, Image 2

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    puraiii if get ft m f
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i Aims in OG
Hearst Papers Offer Prize of
Flight from New York to San Francisco Will Come Thrown
This Part of the Country, Says Dispatches.
I' I MtiHiil h niiiy gel a "f
some of tin' av ialors in the
' greatest aerial rare so far in the
history of a iat inn, the race from
New York In San Francisco, fur a
prize uf sT.n.OllO, to lie i by
the IIcarl 1 1;: n-l s. Till' prize will
go to IIm1 man who 'makes lln- trip
in Hie shortest time, ami lie ha
the choice nf starting from i I lnr
New Ynrk nr San Francisco. Any
kiful nf nirrra I'l may be used.
Musi nf (he avialnrs who have
announced their intention ot
entering I In- raee have staled that
they will go across Nebraska anil
Iowa in their long flight.. Aviator
Flower, who will start from San
1- . n i .
rrannscn s-cpiemiicr in, an-j
nounees li i m mute, which puts
Lincoln as one nf the slopping
Some of the avialnrs may not
go by way of Omaha, but, may fol
low the Burlington route, cross
ing at Plallsmoul h and following
the Burlington across Iowa.
Wife Says Relations With Gering
Have Been All Right Says
It Is Blackmail.
From Nut unlay' Dully.
The llcibnan-OcriiiK suit is a
xubjcrl that is still taking up
much space in Ihe Omaha papers.
This is due to the fact that (ier
Ing is one of the most prominent
men in Omaha, and because the
unit is for such a large amount,
L'5,(Mill. The articles run in the
Journal about the affair have all
been copied from Omaha papers.
The Journal has endeavored to
give its readers both sides of the
case, and have clipped Ihe articles
with that idea in view.
Benjamin Hcdman. a Union Pa
cific brakeman, is suing Henry H.
Oering for $25,000 for alleged
alienation of bis wife's affections.
Friday's World-IIerabl bad an
Interview with Mrs. Redman in
which she called her former hus
band a blackmailer. Today Hie
World-Herald , gives Medman's
side of the case. Parts of each
article follow, the first, being from
Friday's World-Herald:
"A case of blackmail."
"Former husband always in
sanely jealous."
"Wouldn't even pay $5 per
month alimony for his own baby."
"Wants to get some money now
without, working."
"Charges groundless."
These were some of the expres
sions used by I. aura M. Ilcdman
Thursday when asked for n state
ment. "There is absolutely nothing to
Ihe suil except a desire on the
part of my former husband to get
money and hurt me," said Mrs.
Redman, who is living with her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge H.
flrillln, who ' live nt 518 South
Twenty-sixth avenue.
"As a marriedwoman my life
was absolutely beyond any such
charges as he tries lo make. Ho
was always insanely jealous and
mean, and (hat's why I had lo
leave him.
"When he was on Ihe mad dur
ing our married life, I can prove
thai I had a girl friend stay with
me every night he was gone.
"Since I secured my divorce I
have a perfect right to keep com
pany with whom I choose, and I
have kepi company with Mr. Ccr
lng for more than a year. He is a
gentleman and it is none of my
former husband's affair."
Today's World-Herald, which
Rives lledman's side of the case,
is in part as follows:
"I will emphatically prove that
I am not a blackmailer, also thai
I haven't been asleep for Ihe past
I wo years," declared Henjamin
Redman. Union Pacillc brakeman,
who made his rst statement con
cerning his s'.Ti.OOO suit against
Henry II. Cering for alleged
alienation of his wife's affections
"There is absolutely no truth
t Ihe statement that i offered lo
settle for -jnn." continued Red
man. "As a matter of fad. I will
settle thai suit for '.:. ono and
not one cent less. wish the rase
were lo be tried next week.
"My attorneys did offer to set
tle for a substantial amount at
$50,000 for Aviator who Makes
Hill ei if they tin lint Come
by way of tlir liui liiiutnii Plalls
niniith people ran go to Omaha or
l.iiienln In sec any nf the avialnrs
lha( may touch those cities in
their flight.
Thi is bv i'i'ial
mil' s the greatest, aeria
al lempleil. The av ialnr
1 1 1 1 1 -; i iii)
rare rver
will have
lo l! ne' Die Murky mountains,
which is a remarkable feat in il-
Alwnod, the aviator, a few days
atro broke the world's record for
continued flight when he made Ihe
lri from St. Louis to New Ynrk,
which is only about a third of the
distance across the continent.
Avialnrs in their (lights must
follow river and railroads to keep
from getting lost. This may
cause some who wish to take the
soul hem mule to go down the
Missouri river from Omaha to the
point where they wish to set oul.
across the west.
nne time, but it, was thousands
and not hundreds."
The brakeman was asked lo tell
why he has waited nearly three
years before f i 1 i n tr suil, when be
had Ihe alleged fads on which it
was based in bis possession at
time suil, for divorce was filed In
l!08. He explained this by say
ing thai he has been endeavoring
lo effect a reconciliation.
Asked if he had the original
love Idlers he claims was written
lo his wife, Redman said: "I have
a cop.V of it, and Ihe letter my
wife sent in response in her own
"I was nearly broken up when 1
learned that n messenger had
carried a letter from another man
to my wife and she had covered
it up. When the messenger
brought that letter there was a
detective called In to investigate
and the whole nfTair came lo light.
"When my wife came home and
f charged her with secretly cor
responding with f.ering and ar
ranging for a meeting, she at first
denied everything and then she
began to cry and said something
nboul Ins having money while I
was fioor."
Preparations for the Big Millinery
Opening of Fanger's De
partment Store.
There is a new sensation in
store for the people of Platts
moulh, something that has never
been known in the history of the
city, but it is true, nevertheless,
and the people of this city and
county will have their choice fall
hats made, designed and trimmed
by a genllenian trimmer. While
for many years the gentlemen
have proven the most stylish de
signers for ladies' headgear m the
big eastern cities, it has never
been tried in places .the size of
Mr. Fanger has secured the
services of one of the best gentle
men trimmers in Ihe western
country, and has held the position
of head trimmer for Brandeis in
Omaha for a number of years, lie
has already gone to the big east
ern markets for Ihe new line of
fall goods, and is making the new
fall patterns. Mr. Fanger will
also have a lady trimmer, but. the
gentleman will have charge of the
millinery department. Watch for
the date of their opening.
Starts for Broken Bow.
From Saturday's Dully.
C. C. Parmele and son, Pollock,
and Oeorge Morn departed this
aflern i for a few days' hunt
ing ami pleasure trip out on the
Parmele ranch near Broken How,
Neb. The trip will be made over
the automobile route in the big;
car of Mr. Parmele, and they ex
pect to arrive at Hroken How to
morrow morning.
Tho Slagel Funeral.
From Siituritny'a rnlly.
The funeral of Thomas Slagel.
the aged cilien of West Rock
Itlnffs precinct, who died Thurs
day, was held this afternoon at 2
o'clock at Ihe LrvvNtnn church.
The burial was al Ihe church
T..n I. ate f,,r Last We. k.
The Avnca schools will open
Robert Trook was over from
Union Sunday.
Mrs. John Fillers arrived from
llei rand Sunday.
U.lvde Oraliam was here from
I'lall-mnulh Sunday.
peter Jorgenson was at Omaha
with cat He Wednesday .
A few more new residences
should be built in Avnca.
Itaseball tournament at Avoca
September Kth. !Uh and 10th.
(i. A. Malcolm spent Sunday
with his parents near Talmagc.
Mrs. W. A. llolleiiberger was
a Weeping Water visitor Monday.
Nets Winn and wife are Hie
parents nf a baby boy, born last
. W. Braczealc and family
moved to the Rehmejer residence
Mrs. M. Miller of Cook was
visiting at the home of Ora E.
Copes and wife last week.
A young child of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Hells died Monday. Funeral
services were held Wednesday.
Simon Rehmeier and wife are
now proprietors of the Oxford
bold, having taken charge last
Charles Jenkins has added a
line of magazines, which be will
handle in connection with his
barber shop.
Henry Wulf, Henry lichen's,
Henry Maseman, Dick Nenineister
and Joseph Zimnierer were at
Klmwood Tuesday.
A nice new line of jewelry and
silverware just received at Copes'
drug store. Just the thing for
wedding or birthday presents.
Come in and inspect the, line.
A baseball tournament will be
held here on September 8, !) and
10. Some fast ball games will be
lulled off. The following games
have been scheduled: September
H, Avoca vs, Elmwood; September
9, Avoca vs. Union, Avoca vs. team
of 1901; September 10, Avoca vs.
Berlin, Avoca vs. Nehawka.
The moving picture show left
last, Sunday for Weeping Water.
In the voting contest John
Schmidt won the box of cigars for
being the largest man in town.
Bertha Scbroeder was awarded
the bracelet for the rnns14fnp(ilar
The Avoca ball team finally lost
a game last Sunday to Ihe Eagle
team, being defeated by a score
of 7 to I. It seemed to be an off
day for our boys, as they simply
banded the visitors the game on
errors. Our boys played the
worst game of the season. Had
they played their uusual game the
score would have been a different
A Schedule of Five Games Is
Arranged for the Series, Be
ginning September 8.
There will be a big baseball
tournament al Avoca on Septem
ber 8, i) and 10, five games in all
to be played during the three days.
The schedule of games is as fol
lows: September 8 Avoca vs. Elm
wood, 3:30 p. m.
September 9 Avoca vs. Avoca
Stars of 1900, 2 p. m.; Avoca vs.
Union, 4 p. m.
September 10 Avoca vs. Her
lin, 2 p. m.; Avoca vs. Nehawka,
4 p. in.
There will be several very ex
citing games in this series and
the fans in that part of the coun
ty will see some great exhibitions
of the national pastime.
Married In Lincoln.
Albert ('.. Ketllvhut and Miss
Nellie Hoden were married in Lin
coln last Thursday morning in the
presence of a few relatives and
intimate friends and after a wed
ding luncheon at the Oriental cafe
al noon left on the train for a few
days' sight-seeing trip. These
young people are well and favor
ably known here, Mr. Keltlebut
having worked here for several
years prior to litis spring, and
has a host of friends. The bride
is a sister of Mrs. Hubert More of
La Platte, who formerly lived here
and has visited ihi place fre
quently. The News evli'iids best
v ishes. Nehawka New s.
Mrs. T. H. Hates returned from
Omaha last night, accompanied
by her little neice, Miss Oct a
French, who will visit her uncle
and aunt over fc?undav.
You can take your choice of any udd Sum
mer suit in the $- This includes
store for i 3 suits that sold
from $15 to $30. You'll need a new suit
for the Fair. Buy it here before you go.
You can't buy it cheaper anywhere on earth. If you
want the new Fall goods we have them in all the latest
fabrics. We have just five Panama hats left. You can
buy them at price.
to grasp.
C. E. Wescotf's
Many Transfers Being Made and
the Price Seems to Be Look
ing Up a Trifle.
The cily of I'lallsiiioulh has
once more lost, its golden oppor
tunity lo secure a good and per
manent home for its officials at a
must reasonablep rice, in the sale
of the old Patterson building on
Pearl street. The deal was closed
this morning, whereby Mr. V. V.
Leonard becomes the owner of
this properly at exactly Ihe same
figures that the building was
offered to the city.
The proposition of purchasing
a city building has been up before
the council for some time, and
many members of that body have
been greatly in favor of the move
ment, and have exerted every effort
to that end without avail, while
the others have seemed to work
against the movement, while not
very active, they had a great deal
to do with the matter in delaying
if, for what reason they alone
probably know.
We are not attempting to tell
the "cily dads" what. they ought
to do, for 'we only have the one
voice among many, but it does
seem to us as though the nrice
for which they were offered this
building it. would certainly beat
paying rent, be more profitable in
the end, beside giving them much
more comfortable rooms, ft, is
rue it. would reipiire some outlay
of money in placing the building
in proper condition, but nothing
compared with the benefits that
would be received from the pos
session of their own honied The
members of Ihe council certainly
cannot hope to secure a building
ror less money than the same
properly will bring from the
private individual, and when Mr.
Leonard purchases the building
at Ihe same figures, he can cer
tainly see where there is some
profit in it for Mr. Leonard and
was a bargain. Those members
of the council that have been in
strumental in delaying the pur
chase have certainly made a grand
mistake, as thev will never n train
j have such an onnortnnitv nro.
sented to them.
Among the other real estate
changes that have taken place
within Ihe past few days was the
transfer of the two lots just west
of the Journal office, Mr. V. V.
Leonard selling the same to H. M.
Soennichsen, w hom, we are in
formed, will some time in the near
future place thereon a good, sub
stantial building, J
. i
Visits With His Sister.
From Saturday's Dally.
Mrs. T. I Wit to and children
of Heloit, Wis., who 'have been
visiting with the former's sister,
Mrs. F. J. Hennings. at Cedar
Creek for the past three weeks,
were passengers lo Scribner this
morning, where they will visit for
a few days with her sister. Mrs. C.
Ploehn. before their return to
their home in Wisconsin. They
were accompanied to Scribner by
Miss Louisa Hennings of Cedar
Creek, who will visit there for a
week. Mr. Will Meisinger of
Ceihir Creek came in this morning
to board the noon train for Oma
hi. accompanying them that far
on their journey.
II. C. Hailey and little son. F.d
ward. departed this morning for a
few days' visit with friends and
relatives in (irinnell, Iowa. Ihe old
home of Mr. Hailey. They were
accompanied ns far as Omaha bv
O. V. Hailey.
Better not wait. Other values
Band Serenades Home.
From Saturday's iJany.
Superintendent V. s. Askwith
and the members of the Masonic
home have asked the Journal to
stale that they are very thankful
for the delightful concert given at
the home last evening by the Htir
lington band. The thoughtfulness
of the band in going there de
serves commendation.
A Suggestion Worthy of Attention
Right Here in Our Own
The town of Fnid, Oklahoma,
recently secured widespread pub
licity for a clever symbolical per
formance of "Burying the Ham
mer." A mammoth hammer was
put into the ground as a symbol
of the spirit of dissension and
criticism that had interfered
wilh the progress of the town.-
This little performance has a
suggestion worthy of attention
right in our own community. The
faculty of criticism is too easy.
U is one much affected by men o
mediocre character. A man lack
ing Ihe slightest constructive
ability often makes very just
criticisms. It takes a Shakespeare
to write a great play, but a cub
reporter might go to see Ihe thing
and find some real flaws that the
greatest of dramatists failed to
Usually this spirit, of criticism
is a mere dead weight on the
eomniuriily. , disheartens those
who have the power of leadership,
and it fails to substitute anything
better for the faults complained
of. If some local enterprise is
proposed that is in the main
good, but has a few flaws, some
men can see only the faults and
utterly overlook the benefits of
the thing as a whole.
If we want our town lo advance,
let us criticise plans for public
betterment only when some de
finite amendment can be made by
such criticism.
Plattsmouth and Its Engine Will
Get Much Advertising All
Over the State.
J. A. Chopieska, owner of the
Chopie (iasoline Kngine factory,
went to Lincoln I his morning,
where he has an exhibit at the
state fair. Mr. Chopieska will
have quite an interesting exhibit
there and will no doubt attract
many visitors to the nierits-of the
engine made in Plattsmouth.
He has had printed an immense
amount of advertising matter for
distribution lo the visitors at the
fair, who will come from all parts
of Nebraska. This advertising is
well gotten up ami will not only
prove excellent advert iseing for
the Chopie engine, but for Plaits
mouth as well.
Fvery Plait smoulh visitor all
the fair should call around audj
see the exhibit that is of so much!
interest to this city. I
Mrs. A. F. Seyhert and two
daughters and Mrs. W. H. Seybert
and son came in this morning
from Culloni lo visit relatives
Carl Smith was in the big
delegation that went In Omaha
Ibis afternoon, many of whom
will spend Sunday, there with
friends and relatives.
' f
here you ought
i New
Beacon. 4
H-H "i-M-H- H-H-l -H-H
Fred lijehl departed on the noon
train Wednesday for New Mexico,
where he will make his home with
his parents.
Peter . Walch had Ihe mis
fortune to lose one of his horses
of a tine team last week. The
animal was valued at $200.
Dan McCurdy, who has ben
! confined to his room for several
weeks on account of blood poison
ing, was able to be down town for
a short time Wednesday.
Mrs. P. F. Venner and Oscar
Anderson arrived home last Fri
day from Seattle, Wash., where
they were called several weeks ao
by the death of I heir fa I her.
Work was commenced Wedns-
1 . .
day morning on Dr. Munger's new
office building, which will be
located back of Peterson's store
j Dr. Monger plans upon having
one of the finest office buildings in
the county.
Margaret, daughter of Dr. and
Mrs. L C. Munger, received a very
painful injury last Saturday by
being thrown out of a swing to
the ground with such force as to
fracture her collar-bone.
A deal was made this week
whereby T. R. Adams and wife
took charge of the Eagle hotel.
Mrs. Manker and daughters, who
have had charge of Ihe hotel, went
to Lincoln Monday, where they
will run a boarding house.
Dr. I. C. Munger arrived home
Tuesday noon from his trip to
Canada, where be went lo look af
ter his wheat crop. When he ar
rived there he found that hi
wheat crop was not ready to
harvest, so he returned home,
leaving Hen Root, in charge.
A deal was made this week
whereby I. L. Creamer became
owner of the derdes' restaurant.
His daughters, Misses May and
Lucy Creamer, took charge of the
business Monday. We welcome
the Misses Creamer as additions
to our business directory.
Miss Mary Arenson, who has
been sick for some time past with
appendicitis, was taken to Lin
coln last week and Saturday
morning an operation was per
formed at the Shoemaker hospital.
Her many friends will be pleased
to learn that the operation was
successful and that she is now on
the road lo recovery.
Soared Tom Patterson.
Nehawka didn't win anything at
the opening games or Ihe Platts
mouth tennis tournament in the
way of trophies, but Itud Hall
nearly scared Tom Patterson, the
Cass and Mills county champion
lo death by almost winning the
Tuesday morning singles from
him. Dave West and Hud won in
1 ne doubles Ihe same morning.
They report the meet a success
and believe if there was some way
to treat the hookworm that seems
to be devastating the local talent
they could take a team out of here
that would come mighty near
cleaning up the next series. Ne
hawka News.
A Fine Lecture.
From 8nt unlay' Pally.
Dr. F. P. Ramsay, palor f th
Third Presbyterian church at
Omaha, delivered a good lecture
al (lie Presbyterian church last
evening on the subject, "What
About Ihe Bible?-' On account of
Ihe hot weather there was a small
attendance, and the fine thought
of the speaker wa not beard by
the number of people that should
hav e been present.
Mrs. J. V.. McDaniel and dauh.
Ier. Virginia, went to Omaha this1