fr V! YOU OUGHT NOT TO MISS THESE School Bargains! Boys' Knickerbocker wool suits, in gray and brown mix ture SI.88 $2,99 II Boys' Knickerbocker '' Odd pants in neat handsome pat terns only t 39c Boys' blouse waists in plain and fancy patterns 29 and 50c m I 25c Black Cat Stockings I Boys' Caps 29c C. E. WESCOTT'S SONS; THE HOME OF SATISFACTION ARE PAINTING THE Sand Blast Being Used to Take Paint and Rust Off the Big tructure. The Turlington painting crew, which has just finished the job of painting Ihe depot and the other buildings at the Kurling lon depol, have started Ihe work of painting Ihe big bridge across Ihe river southeast of town. The painters are first going over (he bridge with a sand blast, which takes off both paint and rust, and leaves the melal almost as bright as new. The sand is blown through a lube at (errillfie pressure by a gasoline engine, which is in a car on (he (rack. II is rpiile a job to go over the bridge with the sand blast, and (ben paint it and the crew will be Kome lime making the big struct ure bright red again. It was painted last in 1907. The crew that is painting Ihe bridge is one that keeps at work and year out, traveling in work -ears. They go over the en lire system, making the rounds every few years. One of Ihe men with the present crew was here, die last lime they made Plalls moulh. Many a Suffering Woman Irags herself painfully through her daily tasks, suffering from backache, headache, nervousness, loss of appetite and poor sleep, not knowing her ills are due to kidney and bladder troubles. Foley Kidney Pills give quick relief from pain and misery and a prompt re turn lo health and strength. No woman who so suffers can afTord lo overlook Foley Kidney Pills. For sale by Fricke A Co. Buys Automobile. Tom Will's of Weeping Water has just purchased a new Velie automobile. This adds another lo Weeping Water's big list of automobiles. They have the habit of buying large cars down there, loo. DEATH OF MRS. E. RSI- .. A Most Estimable Lady Passe Away After an Illness of Several Weeks. Mrs. Ellen Mary Ralnor.r was burn February -'8. 18 il), at Plymouth, Wayne county, Michi gan, ami spent all her childhood days there. She was married July 3, 1805, to Klijah Mainour of the same place. They moved to Weep ing Water in October, 187"), where she has resided until her death, August 20, 1D11. She was the mother of four children, two of whom arc dead; she united with the M. K. church in 1873, and was fait hf uI until death. Those left, behind to mourn her loss are her husband, son, Her bert; daughter, Mace, of Kansas City, Mo.; sister, Mrs. II. fi. Mace, and brother, Charles Sel leck, bolh of Weeping Water. The funeral was held in the M. E. church Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock. Mev. J. C. Street bavins charge of I lie service. A larp' number attended I he services to pay their last respects to an old friend, who had lived a noble, Christian life, who had tasted the joys and sorrows of life, ami been a loving wife and mother, a kind neighbor , and friend. Her death "followed a sickness of several weeks, in which she bore up with patience and forti tude, and when she realized that the end was near, cheerfully re signed herself to the care of her dear Saviour and into His keep in?. The business houses were closed during the service. The beautiful flowers covered a smil ing face in death that spoke of a happy meeting beyond. The sorrowing relatives have the sympathy of all friends, who pray their hours of deep sorrow may be lessened by the thought of fhe record of a splendid life lived. Weeping Waler Mepublican. Hay Fever, Asthma and Summer Colds Must . be relieved quickly and Foley's Honey and Tar Compound will do it. E. M. Stewart, 1034 Wolfarm St., Chicago, writes: "I have been greatly troubled during the hot summer months with Hay Fever and find that by using Foley's Honey and Tar Compound I get, great relief." Many others who suffer similarly will bo glad to benefit by Mr. Stewart's ex perience. For sale by Fricke & Co. A. L. Tidd Returns. City Attorney A. L. Tidd re lumed home this morning, after a visit of two weeks with his mid her and other relatives in the ISuckeyc slate. Mr. Tidd reports a most pleasant visit to Ihe scenes of his boyhood days, and especial ly did he enjoy his visit with his dear old mother, whose heart is always warm for her children, no matter how old they become or how far away from her I hey get. Many changes have taken place in Ihe old home town, and like others who have departed from their native slates to seek their fortunes in Ihe west, have but lit tle lo call them back to the "old stamping ground" except to see dear old mother. Mr. Tidd reports everything in the crop line in fairly good condition in the coun try through which he passed, and he seemed pleased that, he was "home again." Foley Kidney Pills will check die progress of your kidney and bladder trouble and heal by re moving the cause. Try them. For sale by Fricke & Co. Taken to Reform School. "Hilly" Harnhart, Ihe li-year-old boy who was sent to the state industrial school yesterday by Ihe county court, was down at Ihe Turlington depot this morning, having been brought down by his grandmother, who turned him over to Sheriff Qtiiulon lo take lo Kearney. "Hilly" was in Ihe center of a group of admiring boys just before the train came in. He had received a distinction that does not come to many boys, and besides il was a nice trip lo Kear ney, and there would be many boys In play with there. The boy, on being questioned, said that he believed he would like the change all right and was anything but sad thai he was going lo leave the home of his grandparents and lake up his abode with strange people. Mr. and Mrs. If. L. Kruger went to Omaha this afternoon to visit, their son. who is ill in Ihe Clark son hospital there. Approved Pictures. Patron of moving picture shows have often noticed the Miittiiifi I ihrown on the curtain, "Passed by tlit' National Hoard of Censorship." This means that the picture is proper for young people to see. The board of censorship is composed of an or ganization of New York people whose duty it is to pass on all motion pictures before (hey are sent out for use in the shows. It is said that all picture companies are now showing their pictures before (he board of censorship. The Majestic theater here is using none but pictures that have been favorably passed on by the board. ANOTHER ENJOYABLE EVENT YESTERDAY AFTERNOON Mrs. N. W. Chrisinger Showed the Jolly Eight Card Club a Most Excellten Time. The members of the .Jolly Fight Card club were very pleasantly entertained by Mrs. N. W. Chris inger at her home on High School Hill yesterday afternoon. There were not so very many members of (he club pres( ul, but neverthe less, this did not prevent those in attendance from having their usual good time, and all pro nounced Mrs. Chrisinger as being a royal enlerlaincr. The principal amusement was derived from progressive card games, I hen1 being seven games played. Willi pretty (ally cards Ihe guests kept an account of the games won, and in the final count it was found that Mrs. Olga Croskary had captured the first prize and was presented with a handsome picture done in water colors; while Mrs. J. P. Saltier had won the least number of games and therefor had carried on me noony prize and was awarded a small cream pitcher At (he hour of 4 a dainty lunch eon was provided by (he hostess, to which all did ample justice An hour or so spent, in a social way brought to a close another most enjoyable afternoon for Ihe Jolly Fight Card club. The members of Ihe club in at tendance yesterday afternoon were: Mesdames Olga Croskary, J. 1. Sadler. W. Mason. M. Tur dick, H. Timm. J. l.ntz, A. Kankn and J. Vi'va. Many ills come from impure blood. Can't have pure blood with faulty digestion, lazy liver and sluggish bowels. Burdock Tlood Hitters strengthens stomach, bowels and liver, and purifies Iho blood. A Happy House Party. Miss Ferris York was die hos tess of a very enjoyable house parly given last week at her home in Ibis city. Tuesday the guesls had all arrived and the special event, for (be day was a picnic at Swallow Hill, which proved a very delightful affair. The feature Wednesday was a box parly at Ihe Majeslic. The young ladies went lo Ihe bridge Thursday, where they enjoyed a picnic, with many forms of pleasure. A hayrack parly was scheduled for Friday, and the merry parly went to F.ighl Mile drove. Saturday the guests departed for their homes, all much pleased with Ihe delight ful time they had had and having nothing but Ihe highest, praise for Miss York as a hostess. The guests were: Misses Rulh Hrown, Omaha; Frances Craft, Creslon; Civvendolen Harriman, Red Oak, fowa; Ruth Oladys Langhursl, Falls City, Neb.; drace Spencer, Red Oak, Iowa; F'.leatmr Wright, Lincoln; Mabelle Tailor, Kansas City, and Olga Saltier of this oil v. Thanks His Friends. Union, Neb., August 22, 1.11. Plattsmouth Journal, Plaits mouth, Neh.: (ienllemen I wish lo I hank you for the kidness with which you have treated me during the past campaign, f also wish to I bank the people of Cass county for the splendid support given me by t Ill-Ill. I feel grateful to ; my friends all over the slate and especially old Cass. With good will toward all and malice toward none, I am ready for the next "Fox chase," and I hope to hurdle over Ihe high places next lime. ap preciate all kindness shown me. Respect fully. d. S. I'ploil. After a heavy meal, take a couple of lionn' Rogulels, and give your do'iiarh, liver and bowel the help they will need. Regub'ts bring easy, regular pas sages of Ihe bowels, Miss Anna Carrolson returned lo Omaha this afternoon, after visiting Mrs. Augusta Nelson here. ir4 i ii i iJ V . i nt t .!. i r V.iiwi-- i f n 3 AS 1 FOR COUNTR I I il I L,n , i. t) J2s h -.? 4 r,0 ,:- n Plattsmouth, Nebraska. LITTLE KISS GOLDIE S1VEY SURPRISED Her Mother, Mrs. Frank Sivey, Planned the Affair in a Quiet Manner. Yesterday was Ihe eighth birthday anniversary of lillle Miss doldie Sivey, ami in honor of Ibis most, auspicious event she was made the recipient of a happy birthday surprise parly in Ihe. aft ernoon, which a number of her little friends, assisted by her niolher, Mrs. Frank Sivey, had planned for in a very secret man ner. The lillle folks had come prepared lo show Ciohlie how to properly commemorate her birth day anniversary and also lo have a gomf time, and they till sure did. They played all kinds of games which children delight in and which they could think of. Part of the lime they participated in various pranks and puns, which made a genuine jolly lime for Ihem. They sang a number of i songs, loo. At an .appropriate hour Ihcy were invited In the dining room, where a most excellent four course luncheon was served, and which all pronounced the best pari of Ihe parly. The lillle folks indulged in a lillle more fun and frolic, a further examination of the many handsome birthday gifts which doblie had received, and then, afler having wished doldie many more such birthday an niversaries, all went home, tired, but, oh, having had such a good I inin. Those who enjoyed this oc casion were; May Rentier, Lnrene Kopp, Mary and Nellie Richler, Helen Sivey, Ella Hyde, Mabel dravill, Clara Lnmphear, F.ddie and Ralph Kruger, Chester and Charles Conn, Frankie Sivey, Harold Hyde, Johnny dravill, Johnny Lamphear and Charles Trissev. Fveryhody's friend Or. Thom as' Kcleclic Oil. Cures toothache, earache, sore throat. Heals cuts, bruises, scalds. Slops any pain. AN INDISPENSABLE VISITOR Awaited with interest every week by every member of Ihe family who take LA FOLLETTE'S WEEKLY MAQAZINE II awakens and keeps alive a broader interest in both social and nalional affairs. ,, It is inspiring. II is enjoyable. It is just enough. Only One Dollar for flfty-lwo weeks, .loin the crowd of La Fol lelle Magazine readers. DO IT NOW. drop us a card or call on W. A. HOWARD, State Agent, Plallsmouth, Neh. The Boiler Arrives. The boiler fur the poslolllre Ileal ing plant arrived by freight yesterday and has been trans ferred to the new building site. The boiler weighed about 8,.r(l() pounds and was transferred from the car by Scott , doolsby in just three hours ami llfteen minutes. This we would call pretty rapid work for the handling of such heavy material, find was done without the slightest dillleully. Subscribe for the Dally Journal. Ll HTIN Y This style of lighting use it at the jets or stove The entire machine is automatic in opera tion and requires no attention whatever except to accasionally put in carbide and water, and that takes only a few minutes of your time and will last from two to three weeks at one filling. BM3EU THE KEEZER AND SIIZII ASK STATE SUPREME The Men Convicted of the Murder of Mike Geno and Given Sentence of Life Imprisonment By the JurV. Allege in Petition That They Were Wrongfully Convicted. Henjainin S. Taker, the attorney for Louis and Isadore Sitzman, the two men convicted here for die murder of Mike (leno about u year ago, has tiled with the supreme court a pel it ion for a new trial. The petition alleges I tia I. the men were wrongfully convicted. A thirty-one page abstract of Ihe record has just been tiled in Ihe higher tribunal for the perusal of Ihe judges who are lo pass Upon the case. The facts of Ihe murder and of Ihe trial are well known to Cass county people, as both Ihe killing and Ihe trial attracted consider able attention, detio was em ployed in a rpiarry near Louisville and was at I ticked by two men while fin his way back to camp after having had tiis check cash ed. Rnbberv was Ihe motive of Ihe attack, deno, (Seorge San ders and anolher companion were beaten with clubs and robbed of about, $70. deno's skull was fractured ami he lived hut. a short time nfler the attack. The mur der was committed on September 1, I'llO. There was considerable feeling against and at die lime and many who beard Ihe trial looked for a verdict of hang ing. They were sentenced In Ihe penitentiary for life. It is alleged that there was error in each of Ihe Ivventy-four JJJ J-JmJ tJJJ ! TENNIS NOTES. ! if"Il"I' JaJ (From the present time until the end of the Cass ami Mills counties tournament the Journal will run a department devoted lo tennis news. Results of practice games, or other news of Interest to tennis enthusiasts an; wanted for Ibis column.) I'.nlries for the tournament close next' Saturday noon. The drawings for the tourna ment will be made Saturday even ing. There will be two social events for the visiting players, a smoker on Monday evening ami a dance Tuesday evening. No admission fee will charged tit any time during tournament. The public is he Ihe in- iled to see Ihe games. Nehavvka will send four players for Ihe Plallsmouth tournament, which begins next Monday. Stone and Hall, both good players, are two of Ihem. On account of the fact thai many of the men entered in the tournament tire business men a number of the contests will be played after 5::i0 o'clock. dlenvvood w ill have a fast bunch in the tournament. The dlenvvood boys recently defeated the Lake Manawa Tout club delegation, which proves that (Slenwood has HOMES! makes gas just as you and no faster. X HARDWARE MAN instructions of die trial judge, and that he also erred in not giv ing ten instructions desired by the defendant. The exceptions taken indicate that Ihe defendants are pinning Iheir hopes on error in the in structing of Ihe jury. II is con tended that the court should have required that Ihe proof show be yond doubl the premeditated pur pose of murder when Ihe attack was made upon (leno; that Iho court should have tnfd the 'jury thai if won hi not. be warranted in lltidiug them guilty unless some thing was said ill Ihe lime by the defendants thai they minuted to rob detio; that tin1 court should have told the jury that it would have no right to Hud that an as sault was made to rob deno be cause mi assault vvtis made on Sanders in tin at tempi In rob him; and thai the court should have in structed the jury that die slain having tailed to prove that money or properly was lakeu from deno the presumption is thai none was taken from him and thai, after Ihe assault his money ami property were still on bis person. made a confession after his arrest, and later on admitted his part in lint tragedy. Their confessions, made to the sherilf, his deputy and the county attorney, were received ill evi dence. a fast aggregation. The prizes for Ihe lournanieut are on exhibition at llcrold's stationary slore. An ?K racket goes lo the winner of Ihe singles and two 1.0 shaker-knit sweater coals In Ihe winners of the doubles. Morgan and Slaals went to Omaha yesterday ':aflcruomi to meet a crack learn there, hut they could not gel a team to meet Iheiii. McKay, die'lmliana slate I champion, and Morgan went for a ..... r..t.- :.".. -U:V i. - ni'i, mcivuy winning, n-i , .Mormui and Slants Iheit play I'd four sets, Morgan winning after a hard match. Division Superintendent. A special fi'om.'SI;, Louis, under dale of August. : IN), says: den eral Manager Sullivan of Iho Missouri Pacille-fron Mountain railroad today announced the ap pointment of J. F. Russ to be superintendent ,of Ihe Omaha division, with otliee at Falls Oily, Neb., vice A. Ie lternardi, who has been promoted lo Ihe superinlend cney of the western division, with headquarters at Kansas City, Mo. It. d. Cardeu has been promoted superintendent of the northern Kansas division, with ofhY. at Atchison, Kits., vice J. F, Russ, transferred lo the Oinah: di vision. Tidh appointments will become elTeclive August .8. Mr. Carden formerly was superin tendent of the eastern Missouri division, with headquarters at Jefferson City.