The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 24, 1911, Image 2

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tmof Interest to Journal Readert Will Be Received at the Druj Store
uf Lincoln was
s la-l Friday.
;i i v i
I iinitil
C. .1. Map returned from Hi
west Monday.
John l.onaui of Lincoln was in
town on Iniiin
Mrs. I a i 1 1 1 Curyi
jng the hoiiH' folks thi
Mrs. Conrad Hasp i
ber hoinc at Chicago Tue.-day.
J. II. SI lofini'r was al Sonlli
lifnd lii'lwi'rn I rains Sunday.
Robert Emerson was transact
ing business in Lincoln Saturday.
C. M. Jordan and Merl Kitzel
were Omaha visitors Sunday arid
Mrs. ('.. M. Jordan and sister,
Miss Grayre Ilailcy, were in Elm
Wtod Monday.
J. II. Slrociiicr and W. 1",. New
k irk were lishiu at South Mend
Tuesday night.
J. II. Foreman and Harry Pnr
pel were transaelinLr luisiness in
Lincoln Saturday.
Dale Moyles and Sam, Jordan
were calling on friends in Lincoln
Saturday evening.
.Oscar Toland left on No. 5
Tuesday for Monument, Colorado,
tr visit his folks.
Mr. ami Mrs. Sain Cashner
frpent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,
WcsUake near Eagle.
J. II. Stroeiuer was in Omaha
Friday .evening wetting. supplies
for the telephone ollice.
Arthur Mini and family visited
with Ed lliirlhul and family Sat
urday night and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Stone and
son, LaVcnie, were Lincoln visit
ors between trains Friday.
Mr. ami Mrs. M. M. Ikeler of
Pittsburg, Pa., nre here visiting
L. 1. Appleinan and family.
Hymn Foreman returned home
Friday from a sanitarium at Lin
coln, where he has heen taking
Mr. and Mrs. Will Case return
ed home Monday from Lincoln,
having spent Sunday with rela
tives (here.
Grandma Stone returned home
Monday afternoon from University
Place. Her grand-daughter re
turned with her. '
. Charles Hohhili, and family of
Lincoln came down last Thursday
to visit his parents and brother,
George and family. (irayce Kailey, and Miss
Marie' Stroeiuer returned Friday
evening from the teachers' in
stitute at Weeping Water.
Mrs. Harry Appleinan and
daughter, Miss Marie, of Lincoln,
are visiting the former's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. t'plegrove.
Mrs. I'.iniiietl Friend and
daughter of Litchfield, Neb., are
visiting with Mrs. Friend's
mother, Mrs. Mary Skinner, this
W. I. W heeler and Wife of
l'lattsiuoiith isied Friday with
Will Cook and family. They were
in Alvo a short time calling on
relal ives here.
Mrs. Aaron Paling ami Mrs.
Arthur Kimberly of ilreenw
drove over Tuesday of hi-t week
to visit their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. F. Newkirk.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Stone. Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Dreamer and Mrs.
I. Stone of Denver, Colo., 'spent
Sunday with Mr., and Mrs. Sain
Cashner of University Place.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Casey, Mr.
and Mrs. Keiihu, Miss Dorothy
Manners, Noel Manners and
Laura Parse camped a few days
last week near Ashland and re
turned home Wednesday.
Charles Hoidofl, ami Mud Clove
bought out George Sheesley's be
longings at the livery barn. Mr.
Sheesley has moved onto the
Moeloflz farm, south of town, and
will farm it next year.
Mrs. Clyde Moyles of Lincoln
visited relatives in Alvo a couple
of days last week. Itessie Muck
nell, who hail been visiting in
Lincoln, came home with her.
Mrs. Moyles returned to Lincoln
Mrs. Sam Cashner of University
Place, and sister, Mrs. Dean
Shme, and sons and daughter of
Denver, Colo., came in Thursday
to visit their sister, Mrs. Fred
Ireamcr. Mrs. Cashner returned
home Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Suavely
have moved into I he rooms above
II. A. Stone's store, recently
vacated by Mr. and Mrs. George
Sheesley. Mrs. Sgavely will hold
the position in the telephone
ollice left vacant by the resigna
tion of Miss Grayce Mailey.
The II. T. II. class of the M. E.
Sunday school gave a supper at
Fred Dreamer's Friday evening
lo the Young Women's and Young
Men's class, Ihe latter having won
in the "Greater Number" contest
of the last few months. They
spent the evening singing, ami all
had a del ighl fill I hue.
I- sp-e:iil Crre-pomb-nce. J"
llairv M c 1 oi:ali was m Lincoln
la -I Thursday.
Mis- .-ic Thomas is vi.-itmg
her inol her. Mrs. Keier.
Ad (lillespje ami Harry McDon
ald were in I imalia last Friday.
John Aingwert and family spent
Sunday with home folks near
Several of ojll' Vnllllg folks at
tended the chanlaiiiua at Elm-
.1 ii' i . iul in am
went lo Omaha
Miss Mamie Sehevve vi
relatives at Lincoln a few
last week.
Mrs. Laura Koenig and son of
Plymouth. Neb., are guests at Ihe
Mrauckle home.
Murdock will hold their fourth
annual street fair August .'JO, 31
and September I.
John Karl and wife of Syracuse,
Neb., are guests at the Lindell
home west of low n.
Miss Tillie Mornemeier return
ed Saturday from a two weeks'
visit with her sister in Kansas.
s Clara Mrauckle and sister,
Laura Kenig, of Plymouth,
shopping in Omaha Salur-
Art Mornenieier
Monday in Un
Thimgan and .Mrs.
left Friday for
il with Mrs. Miller's
i?k' m
wtM teases W
- ill
her 1 and 2
b Septesn
Pleasant Event at the Home of
Mr. and Mrs. H. Solvers
Last Evening.
Mr. and Mrs. II. Seivers delight
fully entertained a large number
Of young people at their home last
evening in honor of Misses Mar
garet ami Lulu Schmdbacker of
Colby, Kansas, who have been
visiting at Ihe Sievers' home for
the past few days and who will
Soon return to their homes. The
occasion was in the nature of a
surprise, as Mr, and Mrs. Sievers
had not informed the girls of their
plans, and so when the large
company of young people came in
On them they were completely
surprised and it look I hem some
time to recover.
The time vv'as very pleasantly
spt;nt in social conversation, in
terspersed with music, both vocal
ami instrumental, and many
games were played, all of which
I made an evening of much enjoy
ment. Al a convenient hour de
licious refreshments were served,
which were likewise thoroughly
Those who enjoyed the hos
pitality of Mr. and Mrs. Sievers
were: Misses Mary and Margaret
Albert, Sophia Ilild. Kate, Lena
and Anna lleinrich, Anna Peter
sen, Anna and Mertha Tains, Rosa
F.ngelkemeier of Murray, Mertha
Smith of Thurman, Iowa, Clara
Wichinan, Sophie Sievers, John
Wichman, Mrs. II. Tains, Mr. and
Mrs. .1. Wichinan and Miss Anna
It was a late hour when the
jolly company dispersed, all hav
ing had a good time.
vv en1
Mrs. Malt
I'.!. Ill Mill. 'I
Wahoo to vi
relal ives.
Miss Casey is again at Martin
iV. 'I'oid's store as trimmer and is
ready to take that order for. your
new fall hat.
Miss Martha Goehry returned
Saturday from Plaltsmouth, where
she had been in attendance at a
house parly;
FOIl SALE A seven mouths'
scholarship in one of Omaha's
best business colleges, cheap. In
quire of Mank of Murdock.
Our boys went to Klinwooi!
Monday and played ball. Elmvvood
won by a score of 3 to 1. Well,
our boys have beat I hem and can
do it again.
Guests at Ihe Goehry home over
Sunday were; Misses Helen and
Lucy Rahn, Messrs. John Halm
and Italph Copenharve, all of
South Omaha.
Ad Gillespie and Will Schewe
went fishing one day last week at
tin' river. Thev came home with
two big cattish, one weighing; 2(5
pounds and the other 2i pounds.
This is no llsh story, either.
The stork visited our vicinity
last week and left a baby girl with
Mr. and Mrs. August Wemlt on
Tuesday morning. Also a baby
boy with Mr. and Mrs. Will Mon
roe on Thursday morning.
Those from here who attended
the teachers' institute al Weep
ing Water last week were; Misses
Minnie Muell, Itessie Yamlcrberg,
Lenta McDonald, May and Fa a
Pickwcll, Opal and Wanda Mesack
ami Selma Mrauckle.
On Sat unlay, the last day of the
street fair at Louisville, our hoys
played hall with Ihe Louisville
team. The latter team had two
league players in their line-up,
hut our hoys held them down
pretty good. The game ended in
a victory for Louisville by a score
of 2 lo 1.
Momobile -
We need room for comtemplated changes and consequently our stock of
Cars MUST be cut down:
REFAL CARS Regular price, $1280.00, F. 0. B. Nebraska City
Our " 900.00,
MERCER CARS Regular " 2200.00,
Our " 1750.00, " "
The cars that we offer at these prices are not ones that have been used,
but instead are new, clean models. The REGAL and MERCER are well
known, and already inquiries have been received concerning the date af sale.
When you attend remember we have in connection with our Garage a
a repair shop, machine shop, welding apparatus, supplies and accessories,
presto exchange, vulcanizer and compreesed air tank.
PUFF a .,
MOTORCARS, Phones nw-m .. . Nebraska City, Nebraska
Itching, torturing skin erup
tion, disfigure, annoy, drive one
wild. Doan's Ointment brings
tpiick relief and lasting cures.
Fifty cents at any drug store.
Vacation will soon be at an end and
the children will probably need new
clothes. They are so apt to be careless
and they need clothes that will stand
the wear and tear. We have what you
need to make good wearing dresses.
Henriettas, Panamas and Serges, selling
at 30 and 50c per yard. Ladies Home
Journal patterns will give you the latest
styles and assist you in the making of
Corner. Sixth and Main St. yAones -wS.'SrJ'
Loss of Tlma Means Loss of Pay.
Kidney trouble and the ills it
breeds means lost time and lost
pay to many a working man. M.
Malent, 1214 Little Penna St.,
Streator, III., was so bad from
kidney and bladder trouble that
he could not work, but he say9:
"I took Foley Kidney Pills for
only a short time and feel entirely
well and was soon able to go back
to work, and am feeling well and
healthier than before." Foley
Kidney Pills are tonic in notion,
quick in results a good friend
to the working man or woman
who sutlers from kidney ills.
Advo and J. M. Canned Qoods.
The lady representative for the
Mrf.nrd-rtrady company of Omaha
will he in the city all next weeX
with a full line or the "Advo" and
"J. M." canned goods, demon
strating the superior value in
these popular lines. She will bo
located in Ihe building the first
door south of F. G. Fricke & Co.'s
drug store, and will be glad to
have all the people of the city call
and examine Ihe line. Orders for
future delivery will be taken
through your local dealer. Hear
in mind thai you will have an op
portunity to make a big saving on
your winter supply.
Mo not allow your kidney and
bladder trouble to develop beyond
the reach of medicine. Take Foley
Kidney Pills. They give quick re
sults and slop irregularities with
surprising promptness. For sale,1
by Fricke A Co.
Kagle next Sunday at Avoca.
Carlos Durham spent Sunday
at Merlin. .
The Avoca schools will open
September i.
Otto Carrol was here from Ne
havvka Tuesday.
William Peters is in Wyoming
visiting relal ives.
Mrs. Louis Oelkers is visiting
relatives at Wilbur.
Clyde (irahain was over from
Plaltsmouth Sunday.
Samuel Johnson and wife auto
ed lo Lincoln Sunday.
Eddie Morley is clerking at the
postotllce this week.
Charles Mohr was over from
Syracuse Wednesday.
Hanker Zinunerer was at Ne
braska City Wednesday.
Dr. Kruse made a professional
visit to Klmwood Tuesday.
Miss Hertha Smoots is clerk
ing for H. C. Marqnardt & Co.
Co to Copes' drug store for
birthday and wedding presents.
L. J. Marqnardt and wife were
at Omaha this week buying goods.
J. C. Zinunerer was attending to
business matters at Omaha Fri
Dr. .1. W. Hrendel arrived home
Saturday from a visit to Indiana
Mrs. Henjamin Hetts returned
Saturday from a visit to Valpariso
A gentleman from the Missouri
river was here Tuesday with a
fifty-pound cattish.
Mrs. Anna Meyers is visiting
al the home of L. F. Dunkard at
Newcastle, Wyoming.
Straub Hrothcrs left Wednes
day for Des Moines with their
fine herd of Oallovvays.
Mrs. Dick Kirchkerk of Chap
man was here last week visiting
relatives west of town.
Mrs. Muss and Nettie Carter
were at Weeping Water attending
Ihe chaulauqua Monday.
Harry Marqnardt and William
W'ulf left Saturday for Cheyenne,
Wyoming, on a pleasure' (rip.
The moving picture show has
been drawing large crowds every
night. The show is a good one. .
Mrs. Jake Spencer left Monday
evening for Austin. Texas, lo see
her daughter, who is seriously ill.
( Jus Mohr, C. D. Masenian, Ceo.
Jung and Charles Jenkins autoed
to the slate metropolis Wednes
day. William Miller and family were
here Sunday from Lincoln visiting
at the home of W. A. llollen-bcrger.
A large number from here were
at Xchawka Saturday attending
the picnic. They report an en
joyable time while there. .
Haseball at Avoca August 27,
Avoca vs. Eagle. Tlx? Eagle team
is a fast one and will try and
make the Greens go some.
Simon Rehmeier has purchased
the hotel business of George
Hraeedle and will lake charge
next Monday. Here's wishing
Simon success.
Ralph Graham, who has been
superintending an irrigation ditch
for the Cass County Land com
pany in southern Colorado arrived
home Monday evening.
M. G. Keedy was kept quite
busy after train time Monday
morning sweeping up the rice
which had been used to shower
William Morley ami bride.
vicinity, having resided here all
her life. Fntil recently she has
been clerking in Marquardl's
store, where she will he greatly
missed by the customers. Mr.
Morley is to he congratulated on
securing a wife who will be a
helpmate to him in every sense of
the word.
Mr. Morley is the villa post
master ami is known as an honest,
upright man. They expect to
commence housekeeping in the
house recently purchased by Mr.
Morley, some time in September
We wish them a long and happv
Great Worry.
Every stress of mind, worry,,
frignt, fear, grief, mental over
work, frequently results in in
digestion or some other disturb
ance of Ihe digestive organs. It
becomes necessary to give new
strength lo the nerves supplying
these organs, which can only he
done by giv ing I hem enough food.
I'se Triner's American Elixir of
1 Milter Wine. It will stimulate
n ;the digestive organs, that is. all
Avoca Wins Two Games. ',1 , r . , ,. OJJ
those organs Ihe food should pass
The Avoca ball team added two, through in our hodv, and will
more to their long list of victories i ,.,;,. n,,.,,, , .,rcept ami digest
by defeating Elmvvood nn the lat- j,nv f . it wH clean out (lie
ter's diamond Thursday by
score of 5 lo 2. Score;
Avoca ..... .0 2 2 t 0 0 f) ft 5
Elmvvood ...0 010 1 0 0 02
Malteries J. Gruher and Lar
son: Clements and Langhorst.
On Saturday the Avoca team
went to Nehavvka and defeated the
team there with ease. The Avoca
team outclassed their opponents
by their fast playing. Score:
Avoca ...034O2OOO 1 10
Nehawka 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 4
Malteries II. Gruher and Lar
son; Adams, MeKan and Hall.
Wedded BII3S.
At the home of the bride's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Nuhge,
in Avoca, Miss Sophia lluhge and
Win. Morley were married Monday
August 21. at 8:."!0 o'clock, llev.
Kok.jer nfVieiating. After the
ceremony, which was witnessed
only by Ihe immediate family, the
happy couple departed on the
morning train for Omaha, and
from there will go to Denver for
a ten days' trip.
Miss lluhge is a popular young
lady, well , known to all in this
body, cure constipation and all
troubles following the same,
headache, neuralgia, backacln-.
jaundice, many female disorders,
diseases of Ihe stomach and
bowels, nervousness ami many
blood and skin diseases. It will
improve the appetite and
strengthen Ihe whole body. At
drug stores. Jos. Triner, t.'t.llU
133! So. Ashland Ave., Chicaao,
Wahoo. neb.
The Best Flour in
Market. Sold by z
Leading Dealers