business right. He bought over f.on pounds of chickens, which he verify ii iavs took his money he had plan I ILLIGil- HEATH I hp la ned upon spending for rt i lemon E3 ade and peanuts at the picnic. " ' ':""T -.-0 .... . M ..oar. 1 'JD ! ALCOHOL, 3 PtK CtfiT. ANfuUcIYrpanlionforAs similaiiiifJiticFoodanJRiula ling (lie Slumadis aiuiUowdsaf Proraolcs DicstionJCkerfiil ness and Resi.Contains neither Opium.Morjihinc norfliacraL; Not Nahc otic. flimJljl SttJ A'x.StniM fiprrrmuil -tiilurti'iiiikStda h'mn Srrd (anfud Siijnr halmrrm llurr. Anprfiprl Reiwdv fnrConsllwi tlon . Sour Stomach.lUarrtwK'a Worms onvulsioiis.rcvi'risD ra'ssallLossoiLLl:l,. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of WW Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years Ell THf eiHTKUD OOMPtMT, I 0 OITY. NEHAWKA. J Ncws.'. 4 It is reported a carload of Greeks have been hired to conic here and pick apples. Mrs. D. C. West and daughter returned home from their outing rn Colorado Wednesday. Mrs. C. A. Duckworth, who has been seriously ill the past week, is improving and with (rood care will soon be out of danger. Bonnet Ohriswissor and wife came down from Plattsmouth Tuesday to see their son, Charles, and family. Mrs. Chriswisser is recovering from the fractured arm she suffered a short time ago. Mrs. K. A. Kirkpatricsk left Monday for St. Joseph, where she goes for a short, visit to her son, fluy and wife, and especially to see that little grandson that ar rived on the scene this spring. Sunday was the Iltst birthday of Carl Stone, and a number of rela tives from here and Union were invited out. to the- hopilable home tf Mr. and Mrs. SI one, where, a bountiful dinner was served. I). D. Adams and wife returned Sunday from a visit to ttieir daughter, Mrs. W. I,. Sluek, at Iliff, Colorado. Mr. Adams says corn looks tine in the western part of t he stale, and that I hey are having a great deal more rain than we are. C. I). St. John pulled his two threshing outfits in Tuesday from a very successful run of shock threshing. This has been an ex ceptionally good year for the threshers, as there was not rain enough at any one time to lay their out (Its up. Victor, Ralph and Justin Strum started in their cur Sunday for a trip of several weeks to Colorado. They expected to .slop at Superior and lake Vilas Sophn wilh them. It isn't neecssnry to predict that the boys will enjoy themselves E. M. Pollard was in Nebraska City Inst week and purchased 17,- the carnival. Ben Dunn has moved his family from Omaha back to Louisville Thev also lived at Crawford a .short time. Their friends wel f ELM WOOD. J " Leader-Echo, v A. C. Ferguson and family spent. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Adams, near Union. Mrs. Hart, sister of Mrs. Cyrus llon, has returned to her home in Indiana, Dr. Alton accompany ing: her. Halph Uhley returned home froin Falls City Monday morning, where he has been holding down an operator's job for the M. I'. (icorgc Steohr and family visit ed over Sunday in Plattsmouth at the home of Mrs. Steohr's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Mois- inger. Itev. Davis went to Omaha Tuesday to see Mrs. Davis. He brought home the good news t hat Mrs. Davis continues to improve. 0. A. Burcham and wife, of Lin coln were Monday guests at the home of the latler's sister, Mrs. M. H. Tvson. Mrs. Burcham was formerly Miss fieri ie Coon. W. E. Hnsenerans and son, Clale, came out from Plal tsmouth Tuesday evening in his car, re turning Wednesday, accompanied bv Miss Raker and daughter and Miss Hanna Dettman. Harry Williams left Tuesday wilh some landseekers for Can ada. There were 200 tickets sold to Canadian landseekers on this one day. Leonard McLaughlin and Miss Louella Heaver wero married in Lincoln Friday of last week. This paper joins their many Elrnwood friends in extending hearty con gratulations. Dan McNeely died Wednesday afternoon about the hour of 2 o'clock. Funeral services will be held this (Friday) morning at 10 Tho Proof Is In Plattsmouth, Al most at Your Door. The public statement of . a Plattsmouth citizen is in itself strong proof for Plattsmouth peo ple, but continuation strengthens the evidence. Here is a Plattsmouth citizen who testified years ago that Doan's Kidney Pills relieved sick kidneys and now states the cure was permanent. Can any sufferer from kidney ills ask better proof? You can investigate. The, case is right at home. Herman Tiekoetter, Ninth and Day streets, Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "I never used another medicine that brought as great benefit as Doan's Kidney Pills. My kidneys were disordered and there was a dull, tired ache across the small of my back that distressed me a great deal. If I stooped my tack pained be severely, and in the morning when I arose, I felt as lired as when I went to bed. Hearing Doan's Kidnev Pills hich- praised, I procured a box at Rynolt & Co.'s Drug Store, and it was not long before I was en tirely relieved." (Statement given June 8, 1000) . NO TIIOEBLE SINCE. On December 29, 1908, Mr. Tiekoetter said: "I cheerfully confirm my former endorsement of Doan's Kidnev Pills. I have had no trouble from my kidneys since this remedy cured me." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United Slates. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. WATERPROOF come their return. City Marshal Cam Seybert has u ciock rrom me r,nrisnan cnuren. nnchased the. three vacant lots on ,ial1 to have an obituary Cherry street, east of C. A. Rich ey. and will erect a handsome residence in the near future. George B. Mattison, another Cass county pioneer, died at his home in South Bend, Neb., Aug ust 3 at o'clock. The deceased had been suffering for some time with kidney troubles F. W. Schliefert went to Oma ha Wednesday, where hopurchas ed a fine five-passenger Stoddard aytnn touring car. rred was a little slow in contracting the automobile fever, but when he became infected there was nolh ing too good for him Dr. L. F. Polk, who succeeds Dr. Lewis, says that to practice medicine one has no time to farm ami should reside in town. lie has an advertisement in this issue offering his farm of 100 acres and his fine suburban home for sale The doctor will purchase a site and erect a neat residence in town, where he and his excellent family will receive a most hearty wel come. for next week. The contractor, who was to have commenced work last Tues day on our new school house, did not do so, but forfeited the amount, covered by certified check rather than commence the job So we will have to wait a spel yet. R. D. Bailey has sold his ice house and business to Stephen Gyger, the latter to take posses sion after ice deliveries have been made for the season. Mr. Bailey nnd family will move, to Florida where they will occupy an eighty acre truck gardening farm. Wrc shall dislike to see them leave here, but as they consider it, best for their persona'l welfare, their many Elrnwood friends will hope that such will lie the case, and that they will be blessed with friends as numerous in their home. new A LASTING COATING FOR STONE - BRICK - CEMENT! This coating when applied to the above surfaces hardens with age, rendering it proof against moisture, alkali, acids, gas, grease and steam as well. Sold at FRICKE'S DRUG STORE, Agents Heath & Milligan's Prepared Paints HIM-!-W-H"HHIH-W ! EAGLE. -J- I Beacon. J M-IM-I-M-l7M-MM-M4 A. L. McDonald, the real estate man, arrived home Sunday night from a business trip to Madison and Pierce counties. Mrs. Rose Keeley of .Central City departed for her home Mon day, after spending several days visiung wiin Mrs. i;. a. Mankor. Misses Nellie and Lena Trum ble arrived home Tuesday from Fdgar, where they had been for some lime visiting wilh their sister, Mrs. A. P. Purbaugh. A deal was made Monday whereby M. A. Rohlyer became owner of Art Kwerlh's dray busl- Attack Like Tigers. j In lighting to keep the blood pure the, while corpuscles attack disease, germs like tigers. But often germs multiply so fast the little fighters are overcome. Then see pimples, boils, eczema, salt rheum and sores multiply and strength and appetite fail. This condition demands Electric Bit ters to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to expel poisons from the blood. "They are tho best blood purifier," writes O. T. Budahn, of Tracy. California, "I have ever found." They make rich, red blood, strong nerves and build up your hcallh. Try them. r0c at F. G. Fricke iV Co. 000 barrels which they will use in n,'ss- Mr- Ewerlh expects to on- Daokine: the annle cron. and he farming near Eagle. fxpocts that wilh tho Norris or chard, which they purchased from D. C. West, Ihey will have about 100 carloads. , MISSOURI PACIFIC BRAKE- MAjUUS A HAND Hally Delaney of Union Loses His Right Hand at Nebraska City. Iialley Delaney, a Missouri Pa cific brakoman, and one of the most efficient men in the com pany's train service on this di vision, so badly mangled his right hand shortly after noon Sunday that it was necessaryto amputate the wounded member, says the Nebraska City Press. Delaney, who is a member of the switching crew, ate dinner with his wife at. Union, his home on Sunday and came at once wilh the crew to do some work in the Nebraska City yards. He attempt ed to couple J wo cars and, in some manner which will probably never be known, he slipped and fell, his right hand falling over the rail and Hie heavy car at once passing over it. ' 4 T. D. Brown's automobile was at once pressed into service and the injured man taken from Hie place of accident, near the freight depot, to the office of Dr. S. S. Wilson. Dr. Wilson and Dr. C. D. Crudup at once examined the in jury anil came to the conclusion that amputation was necessary. The wrist was crushed and mangled and the fingers on the hand smashed and hanging ,by mere threads. Delaney was given an anesthetic and amputation performed. He was (aken homo in the afternoon and Sunday night he was sent to St. Louis to the Missouri Pacific general hospital, where he will receive the proper care. He was one of the best brake men in the service of the com pany and his injury will cause the AIITKl.KS of iroitroHTiov KNOW AM, MKN BY THKSE ! PKKKKNTS, That we. the undersigned. do hereby form and create a corpora tion under and by the name of I'lie I'lmtxinoulh Aulo mill Wagon llrldm- Oiinjiiiiiy. 1. The principal place of business of said corporation shall be the City of Plattsmouth, County of Cass, Ne braska. 2. The purpose of said corporation shall be to construct, maintain and operate a bridge across the 1'latte river, at a point on said river east of the bridge thereover of the Chicago, P.ur- lliiKton Sr. Qulncy Iiailroad Company, between t lie counties of Sarpy and Cass, of the State of Nebraska, and to pur chase and own land sulllcient upon which to construct said bridge and buildings necessary to carry on said business and to charpre and collect tells for the use thereof. 3. The capital stock of said corpora tion shall be (If ty thousand dollars. of which twenty-live thousand dollars shall be common stock, divided Into one thousand Bliares of the par value of twenty-tlve dollars each, and the owners thereof shall have the sole and exclusive power of voting at all stock holders meetings, each owner being entitled to one vote for each share of said common stock by him so owned and said stock only shall be counted In any vote cast at any stockholders' meeting and shall be entitled to all dividends In excess of the six per cent guaranteed to the preferred stock, and the balance of said stock shall be k:iown as preferred stock, subject to ti e power of the lommon stock and divided Into one thousand shares of the par value of twenty-five dollars each, and shall be entitled to dividends of six per cent per annum, payable annually, and tne Hoard or Directors may. in Its disaretlon. order said dividends upon the preferred stock to no paid quarterly or semi-annually, and for the payment of said dividends upon the preferred stock, the ways, works. easements, bridge nnd franchises of this company aro herebv pledged 4. Said Corporation shall commence doing business on June 1st. A. D. 1911. and shall terminate on June 1st, A. D. l!'i;i. 5. The annual meetings shall be held on the first Monday xf January of each year. 6. Said corporation shall not com mence doing business until ten per cent of the capital sock shall be sub scribed and paid and the balance shall be due upon call of the Hoard of Directors. . 7. The indebtednvKS or liability of this corporation shall at no time ex ceed two-thirds of the paid-up capital HtOCK. S. The officers of said corporation shall be live directors, with power to pass and adopt by-laws, to be elected nt the annual meeting of the stock holders, and to serve until their suc cessors are elected and qualified, and said Hoard of Directors shall, from I heir body, elect a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, and the Inst two olllcers, at the option of the Hoard, may bo filled by one and the same person, and the Secretary and Treasurer may be removed by said Hoard of Directors at nnv time. IM XVITNKSS WI1KKK01' We, the undersigned, have hereunto set our hands this 27th day of May, A D., 1911. In presence of Paul Jessen as to (3 and 4) Wm. A. Itobertson as to (1. 2 and 5) (1) T. II Pollock. (2) I.Ida P. Pollock. (3) Mrs. N. A. Duff. (4) 11. A. Duff. (5) Jas. K. Pollock. Stnt of Nebraska. County of Otoe, ss. UK IT REM KM B R It ED, That on this 27th day of May. A. D. 1911, there ap peared before me, the undersigned Notary Public, Mrs. N. A. Duff and R. A. I tuff, who In my presence signed tho f-ireirnlng certificate of Incorpora tion and acknowledged the same to be their f-ee and v-iionlar" net ami rtei-. In Witness Whereof, I hnve hereunto set my hand and Notarial Seal the day ami vear above witten. (iCKl) I " Jessen, whom, In my presence, signed tho foregoing certificate of Incorporation and acknowledged their said si'inattires to be their free and olunlary act and deed. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto- set my hand and Notarial Seal the duy and year above written. (Seal) W. A. Robertson. Notary Publi:. I.KOAL KOTICK. State of Nebraska, Cass County, ss. William W. Coates nnd Frank C. Renter will take notice that on the 7th day of August, 1911, M. Archer, a Justice of the Peace of the City of Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska,. Issued an order of attachment for the sum of $98.60, In an action pending be fore him wherein Ueorge Poisall Is plaintiff and William W. Coates and Frank C. Henfer are defendants, that the property of the defendant, con sisting of a debt owing by Weyrlch & nauraoa 10 me saia winiam w. coates, has been attached under said order. Said cause was continued to the 10th day of September, 1911, at t o'clock. a. m. Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this 10th day of August, 1911. . George Poisall, Plaintiff. NARROW ESCAPE FROM SERIOUS INJURIES Pony Gets Scared at Auto and Runs Away, but Occupants of Rig Escape Without Injury. On Monday afternoon, when Mrs. Ohlenhouse and Miss Emma Warner, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Warner, were driv ing to Plattsmouth they came very near meeting wilh a serious runaway accident. About four miles from this city they njet Mr. Osscnkop of Louisville, returning home from Plattsmouth in his big red and black . automobile, at which the pony that the ladies were driving became, frightened and ran away. This was rather unexpected by the ladies, as the pony had become accustomed to their auto and they thought such would be the case at this time. Possibly 'the change in color in the machine was the cause for the runaway. The ladies wered ragged for some distancei n the top of the buggy after it had been turned over, but the top was broken off, which permitted the ladies to escape uninjured, otherwise tne results might have been very serious. The ladies were slightly bruised, but no bones were broken. Teh buggy was the one that Mr. Warner purchased from August Oorder a few days ago, anil otherwise than the demolish ed top it was uninjured. notary ruonc. i Sfnte of Nebrnsk 1. '"oontv of Cass, ss. HE IT RK.MKMIIEnED,' That on this 27th day of May, A. D. 1911. there ap peared before me. the undersigned ;owiry runuc, i. -n. ronocK, 1.111a r. ,i,; , ti.i,ni Pollock and Jas. K. Pollock, each of '""lis MOlkennaupt. Mrs. 11. A. Wilson returned to Omaha this afternoon, after visit ing helween trains with Mrs. Congratulations, Qus. From Wednesday's Pally. The Journal received a 'phone company to lose a splendid man, message lliis morning apprising according to the statements of l-H-H-H-H-I-H-H-I-H-J-I LOUISVILLE. ! Courier. ! H-H-I "H-I-M M-M-J JWI C. F. Heiehart is enjoying a vacation in the mountains of Colorado. Miss Katherine lliehey visiled Miss (iladvs Ilayden in Lincoln this week und attended the as sembly. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Keckler re turned Wednesday evening from an extended visit in South Da kota. Will LenholT came down Tues day from Lincoln to attend to pome repairs on his farm at Col lege Hill. Three thousand and ten pounds of horse wrapped in one horse hide is some horse. That is what we are going to show you durinir F.d Ax, who has been running an extra gang for tho Missouri Pacific on the Crele branch, has returned ami assumed his posi tion as section foreman, which has been tilled by Henry Caddy. The Missouri Pacific has had a pump gang here this week testing the How of water of the vein In Iheir well. If the flow is sufficient Ihey will probably put in a water lank at this place. Misses Klecla and Lavie Jones arrived a few days ago from Kan sas and are visiting with their sister, Mrs. O. L. Myers. In com pany with Mrs. Myers they will make a trip to Omaha the last of this week. Miss Maude Jack of Washing ton arrived Monday to spend a month's vacation with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Jack. Miss Jack is employed in the con gressional library at the national capital city. Charles Price was about the busiest man in town Tuesday it of Ihe fact that Ous livers had been nominated by the repub licans of Lancaster county for sheriff. This is good news to tho citizens of Plattsmouth, wtiere Cius spent his boyhood days, and is a son of Hubo Hyers, who was sheriff of Cass county for several years nnd then warden of the stale penitentiary. Tin very large vote fins received at Have lock shows the high esteem in which he is held by his home people. He received about 100 ma jority in Haveloek. and this was increased to over 000 in Lincoln and the county. We extend con gratulations, knowing full well that he will fill the ofilce to the entire satisfaction of all con cerr.ed. A republican nomination in Lancaster county is equivalent to an election Funeral of Infant. A child, which was born yes terday to Mr. and Mrs. K. L Spies, died at birth, and the fun eral was held at 10 o'clock this morning, The funeral was morning, beinfr in the chicken 1 private. tne tram men wno know him so well. It 'is quite likely that he will be unable to again enter the service of the company in Ihe train department. Accused of Stealing. E. E. Chamberlain, of Clinton, Me., boldly accuses Bucklen's Arnica Salve of stealing Ihe sting from burns or scalds the pain from sores of all kinds the distress from boils or piles. "It robs cuts, corns, bruises, sprains and injuries of their ter ror," he says, "as a healing rem edy its equal don't exist." Only 25fl at F.O. Fricke & Co. M. W. A. Log Rolling. Frank Sheldon, the merchant prince; John Wunderlich, John Whiteman and Dr. Thomas, all of Aeluiwka. were here today in the interest of the M. W. A. Log llolling at that place next Satur day, August 19. Plattsmouth should send down a large delega tion, remembering that Nehawka always treats her guests in the most hospitable manner. Traveling Inducements for August! YLLLOWSTONE PARK This Rlorions vacation region during August is the magnet of thousands of tourists and campers; there is no scenic tour in the world like the Park tour, whether you use the hotels or the personally conducted camping tours. You owe it to yourself and family to see this wonderland. TO THE EAST The thirty and sixty day excursion fares will continue in effect. Thev em brace the whole Eastern country. Ask for special leaflet of Eastern tours COLONIST RATES FAR WEST The very low $25.00 one-way fares to the Pacific Coast will be in effect Sep tember 15th to October 15th. You should go during the earlier period o tliese rates to avoid the final rush. THSOUGH COAST SLEEPERS The Burlington runs through standard and tourist sleepers every day to Cal ifornia via Denver, scenic Colorado, Salt Lake City, with choice of routes beyond via Southern Pacific, Western Pacific (Feather River Canyon) or Salt Lake Route; also complete through trains with all classes ol equipment to the Northwest via Billings. HOMESEEKER FARES continue first and third Tuesdays to the West. Write or call and let me help you plan an attractive va cation tour. R. W. CLEMENT, Ticket Agent. L. W. WAKELY, General Passenger Agent, Omaha. Neb