xz Children Cry for Fletcher's '4 2 1 K-V V.-Ys 1P i The Kind You Have Always Bought, ami which Las boon In use for over 30 yours, lias boruo the Klt:nat::ro of - and has been made under his per s S J-Fflft sonal Mipcrvislou hlnoo its Infanov. WuzXJ-CcicAtU Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are bi.t Experiments that trifle with arid endanger the health of Infants and Children Kxpcrlonee against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Casiorta Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, I'are gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Li i'leasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Jsarcotie Mibstanoe. Its nge is Us guarantee. It destroys Worm and allays 1'everlshness. It cures Diarrlici-a and AVlnd Colic. It relieved Teethlnjy Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulcnc). It assimilates the I'ood, regulates the .Stomach and J;ovels, giving hcaitliy and natural fclec;. The Children's Panacea- The Mother's Friend. GENUINE C ASTORIA ALWAYS I Bears the Signature of y5 The Kind You Have Always Bough! In Use For Over 30 Years thc erNTAun company, yy humit run it. Nrw vohk city. local have Jan- W-M-I-M-M-M-H-H-J-M' NEHAWKA. 4 News. 4 HH-lH-H-l"l-l-H"!"H-!K Mrs. Agnes Reynolds received word Friday that her little grand daughter, Tolu Feinbaeher, had died that morning at her home in l)eer Trail, ('(dorado. Arthur Wolph was kicked by a horse one ilay last week, and though bruised and bumped o.nn ftiderably, no bones were broken, fcnd the young gentleman is as livf-ly ns ever. I). G. West returned Tuesday morning from his Colorado outing and looks as though the, trip bad agreed with him. Mrs. West and Gludys will not return for some lime yet. Hugh Warden had eighteen fccres of wheat, thai averaged 52 bushels to the acre. The rest of his field went, 51 bushels per acre. This, so far as we have heard, is Ihe biggest yield reported in this vicinity. The Woodmen have secured the MTviees of the Nebraska City band for picnic day, August lit. This is one of the famous musical or ganizations in this pail of I lie state, and you should not fail to hear it. Four concerts during the day. J. M. Palmer is shelling his com this week and delivering it. at tr. ...,i ,. t .,.,,,.1 .I. tin n ull 41 uiniii i. i p.iMMi inti i,i years lived near Of Ibis corn is three years old, and Mr. l'almer could have dis posed of it at one time for better than 70 cents. While riding a bieycle Monday about noon Harold Whitcman got his big toe caught, in some man ner and bad it. nearly severed, lie was immediately brought to town and the injured fool, dressed. The accident was a painful one and will put Harold out of commis sion for some time. Tuesday night someone with out fear of the present, or bere- atler, and in defiance of the statutes, broke into the henerv of Jacob (Irnber, stealing (herefrom a dozen chickens. This is a peni lenliary offense, and (lie thief, if caught, can play checkers with his nose behind the bars at. Lincoln. Howena Pollard went to Lincoln Wednesday to bid Miss May Kirk patriek, former principal of the Weeping Water High school, good-by. Miss Kirkpatrick lias been attending Rummer school at (be state university. She will soon leave for Washington, where she will bold a responsible posi tion in a High school. ing, is improving at the present writing. Mrs. I un McCurdy came over from Alvo Monday to assist in caring for her husband, who is suffering from blood poisoning. Mrs. I V. Venner and Oscar Anderson departed Monday for Seattle, Wash., having received a message announcing the serious illness of their father. 1). Hulls and wife have cause to rejoice over Ihe arrival of a fine new daughter, which was born Tuesday morning. Mother and daughter are doing nicely. Will Hordes and wife are the proud parents of a fine new son which registered at their home on Thursday evening of last week. Kill has been wearing a broad smile ever since the event. iw'ucc s nanu oi i.inmni nas been engaged to furnish tlx music for the picnic next Thurs day, which assures us that, then will beplenty of music all day Tins should attract, nianv, as the band alone is worlli going mi to hear. Word was received here Tues day morning from Lincoln an nouncing the dealh of Oscar Snavley, who died at. ! o'clock Tuesday morning after an opera lion had been performed. Mr. Snavley was ipiilo well known here, having for a number of Alvo. Mrs. N. Hooker was taken to the Sunlight sanitarium in Lincoln on the Tuesday evening train, and Wednesday morning Mr. Munger of this plaoe performed an opera tion for appendicitis. Her friends will be very glad to learn that the operation was successful, and thai she is now on the road to recovery. new school bouse started last Monday, and the structure will be started -immediately. The con tractors are to ue all the labor they can obtain and the building completed by- nary 1. Itay Long bad a narrow e.-oape from burning up bis threshing machine while threshing for Andy Chrislensin. A spark from burn ing, wood caught Ihe stack afire, but by the (jiiick action on the part of the engineer the outfit was saved. William Osborn loaded a car with his household goods Tuesday and started for Wilsonville, Neb., where he has a farm and will make his future home. Mrs. Osborn and the children fid lowed yesterday, accompanied by Leola Lamphcar. Ir. Lislon and Hev. Mavis and wife went, to Omaha Saturday noon via Ihe Hock fsland, where Mrs. Davis underwent a surgical operation Monday. This office re ceived a 'phone message from Hev. Mavis yesterday in which be slated that Mrs. Mavis was doing nicely at that lime. II goes without saying that Hill Moles Mernior will bo supported af the primary election by the re publicans of the west end, where his record of deeds, both good and bad. are known like a book. We have no ill-will for his opponent. Judge Tii'oson, but we can say Willi a clear coiisicenco that our home man will show himself most admirably if placed in the county judge's oll'iee. Candidates for county offices have boon quite numerous on our streets the past, week. Among these was I,. It. Egcnberper, the big fat, man, who isr nnuning for county treasurer, subject to the will of the republican voters. Mr. Fgenberger had loo many pounds to catch bis train and we had to put up with him a while longer. He is one of Plat tsmouth's gen eral merchandise men. tuurned on Thursday of last week from a week's outing in Colorado. While there Mr. Burns took a trip out to Moffat and called on Jack Waldron and family, lie .epoils them happy as larks and says that their claim is a good one and that Jack has struck it rich and ex pects to make a barrel of money. Here's hoping that he does. Accused of Stealing. L F.. Chamberlain, of Clinton, Me., boldly accuses TJueklen's Arnica Salvo of stealing the sting from burns or scalds the pain from sores of all kinds the distress from boils or piles. "It robs cuts, corns, bruises, sprains and injuries of their ter ror," he says, "as a healing rem edy its equal don't exist." Only 2r,e af F. d. Fricke & Co. Thirty Years Together. Thirty years of association think of it. Ityw the merit of a good thing stands out tin that time or Ihe worthlossness of a bad one. So (bore's no guess work in this evidence of Thos. Ariss, Concord, Mich., who writes: "I have used Mr. King's New Dis covery for 30 years, and it's the best, cough and cold cure I ever used. (inoe it finds entrance in a home you can't pry it out. Many families have used it forty years. It's the most infallible throat and lung medicine on earth. Fnonualod for lagrinpe. asthma, hay fever, croup, oninsv fir sore lungs. Price .r0e and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Ouaranleeil by F. (i. Fricke & Co. NEHAWKA. J (Special Corivspondcnec.) 4 Tom Kivelt threshed ninety acres of spring wheat Wednesday, it being one of the best yields yet threshed in this vicinity. Misses Lottie and Khoda Wun ilcrlieh, accompanied by their brol her, were Plat I sin out li visitors Saturday and Sunday, returning Monday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. (1. II. (iilnioro and children were Sunday guests at Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Thiele. Miss Anna Pelring and son of Nebraska City are visiting at. W. II. Sohoinaker's this week. Mrs. Samuel Toctd is visiting in Lincoln this week. Mr. and Mrs. (ieorgo Sheldon motored to Avoca Thursday to the Odd Fellows' picnic. Miss Clara Rutherford was an Avoca visitor Thursday. "She saw all that was there." Mr. and Mrs. H. Wulf and son, Edward, spent Sunday at dust Hansen's. Charles Thiele and brother of Syracuse motored out to II. Thiele's Sunday. Miss Edna Sloll visited home folks Sunday. Mr. dilmore was called to Ne hawka Saturday on special busi ness. Miss Sadie Wurulerlieh return ed home Sunday after several weeks' stay at dale Rhodon's. Mr. and Mrs. John Knabe drove lo Avoca Thursday. Mrs. Massie and daughter spent Wednesday with Mrs. John Fitch. Traveling Inducements lor August! YLLLOWSTONE PARK This glorious vacation region during August is the magnet of thousands of tourists and campers; there is no Bcenic tour ir. the world like the Park tour, whether you use the hotels or the personally conducted camping tours. You owe it to yourself and family to see this wonderland. TO THE EAST. The thirty and sixty day excursion fares will continue in effect. They em brace the whole Eastern country. Ask for special leaflet of Eastern tourj. COLONIST RATES FAR WEST The very low $25.00 one-way fares to the Pacific Coast will be in effect Sep tember 15th to October 15th. You should go during the earlier period of these rates to avoid the final rush. THSOUGH COAST SLEEPERS The Burlington runs through standard and tourist sleepers every davto Cal-;-:n n, ,j .. oit t ..1. . iii'inm via ll-iivci, bcciiic uunuauu, ohii, Ijhkc (jiiy, wun cnoice oi routes beyond via Southern Pacific, Western Pacific (Feather River Canyon) or Salt Lake Route; atao complete through trains with all classes of equipment to tiie Northwest via Billings. HOMESEEKER FARES continue first and third Tuesdays to the West. jV;"i -"s-i. jl Write or call and let me help you plan an attractive va- 1 R. W. CLEMENT, Ticket Agent. W W AKELY, General Passenger Agent, Omaha. Neb (I Many a Plattsmouth Reader Will Feel Grateful for This Information. A King Who Left Home set the world lo talking, but Haul Mathulka, of Hull'alo, N. Y says he always KEEI'S AT HOME the King of all Laxatives Mr. King's New Life Hills and that Ihe're a blessing to all his family. Cure constipation, headache, indiges tion, dyspepsia. Only ?5e at F. 0. Fricke A Co. Attack Like Tigers. In lighting to keep the blood pure the while corpuscles attack disease germs like tigers. Hut, often germs multiply so fast the little lighters are overcome. Then see pimples, boils, eo.ema, salt -rliouin and sores multiply ami strength and appetite fail. This condition demands Electric Hit lers to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to expel poisons from the blood. "They are the best blood purifier," writes C. T. Hudahn, or Tracy, f.alifornia, "I have ever found." They make rich, red blood, strong nerves and build up vour health. Try them. !0e at F. d. Fricke & Co. W-M-I-M-H-M-M-M-M- EAQLE. Ttencon. J!!!! Man Mcflurdy, who has been dangerously ill with blood poison- H-H"I-H-H-!-HH-H!-W ELMWOOD. .j. ! liOador-Ecbo. .j. H--H"I-M--W"HIH'-IWH Melinar Saxton received the sad news yesterday of the death of his mother at Kcthauy. Oscar and Esther Larson and Miss Hessie Edwards of l'latts inoulh were miosis at the Mrs. H. A. (ireen homo this week. Mrs. (1. 11. Tronholin received a message Monday announcing the death of her father, who lived at Wheatland, Wyoming. Mrs. Tron holin left on (he noon I rain Mon day for that place. Clearing of the grove for the LOUISVILLE. .J.j J Courier. Miss Lottie Koop has rolnrned home from Peru, where she has boon attending summer school. She has boon elected lo the West Hoinl schools for (lie coining year. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mrandt re turned to their home in (loono inoowao, Wis., Monday, after a visit of several weeks with Mrs. John Sholhorn and other relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. W. W. Valentine, daugh ter, Mildred, and son, Molberl, ar rived on Friday of last week from Hiievrus, Ohio, and are visiting at the homo of Mrs. Valentine's parents, Mr. and Mrs. (1. W. May liol.l. S. C. Keckler loft Monday for Makota after his wife, who has boon visiliuu (here for (bo past month with her parents. Solly expoets to be absent for about Ion davs. M. L. Williams i is rununing the elevator during! .vi r. KecKler s ahsence. Last Saturday afternoon while several boys were playing with a rope and pulley, l'oarl Maylleld got his hand caught, in the pulley, culling off (ho end of his second linger. Mr. Lewis dressed the wound and thinks be can save llio linger without further amputa tion. While driving home from town Wednesday Heter Vogbr and daughter, Olga, narrowly escaped serious injury. Their horse be came frightened and ran away, throwing them both out. Mr. Vogler escaped injury, but Miss Olga was not so fortunate, having received severe bruises on her riuht forearm. Last Monday evening a small cyclone swept down nt the farm or Henry (issonkop, live miles southeast of Louisville, and do inoiisiieii ins harn, cliickon House and lore tilings up quite general ly. The only live stock killed, however, wore several dozen fine chickens which Mrs. Osseukop valued very highly. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hums re When your back gives out; Heroines lame, weak or aching; When urinary troubles set in, Your kidneys are "in a bad way." Moan's Kidney Hills are for sick kidneys. Local evidence proves their merit. J. S. Hall, South Sixth' street, I'latl'sinoutli, Nob., sa,vs: "In lH'.if, I strained my back and soon after that I began lo suffer from kid- I li ,t I I I'lli'l' i I 11(111 rti I I i, Ml 1 1 1 .71 i across the small of my back and' on this account it was difficult' for rue lo sloop or arise from a chair. I tried several remedies, I but to no avail, and finally, when I j bad the good fortune lo boar of Moan's Kidney Hills, I procured a box at Rynott & Co.'s drug store. Williin forty-eight hours after I; took the first dose I fell better.! Since then I have always kept a' supply o( Moan's Kidney Hills in the house." (Statement given, June , 11M1C). I Two and a Half Years Later. On December .10, 11)08, Mr. Hall said: "I cheerfully verify my former endorsement of Moan's- Kidney Hills. I know that this, remedy is a reliable one for kid ney complaint." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents Foster-Milburn Co., Duffalo, Now York, sole agents for the Fnilod States. Remember the name Moan's and lake no other. MAKING NEW ROAD OUT OF MISSOURI PACIFIC Rebuilt Railroad Buys Many New Engines, Coaches, Baggage and Mail Cars. A special from St. Louis, under date of August 7, has the follow ing to say: Contracts wore let to day by the Missouri Pacific-Iron Mountain railroads for llfty pas senger service coaches. The order includes eleven cars, eight regular passenger coaches and two divid ed passenger coaches, which are to be built by the Pullman com pany, and fifteen baggage cars and fourteen mail cars, the contract for which was awarded to the American Car and F'oundry com pany, who will construct them at their St. Charles, Missouri, shops. Under the contract all of the fifty cars are to be built on the steed construction plan and are to be equipped with the most mod ern safety devices. The pas-, senger cars are to have in addi tion every improvement In the line of comfort and are to be electric lighted and finished in mahogany with Ihe latest designs of com fortable seals, which are to be plush upholstered. The most modern heating is also called for in the specifications. The cars for which contracts wore let today are in addition to the large installment of dining cars, passenger coaches, mail and baggatfe cars which the Missouri Pacillc-Iron Mountain have boon receiving lately from the Ameri can l.ar and rouiulry company shops at, St. Charles. The latter cars, now arriving, are also con structed on the most modern plans. Since President R F. Hush took contract with the American Loco motive works for fifty freight, en gines of the Mikado typo. Under the agreement made these engines are to be delivered the latter part of (lie present month. Hids have also been asked from loading manufacturers for a large number of passenger locomotives and a big equipment of freight cars. It is expected that these orders will be placed within the next, week or two. Fifty thousand tons of heavy steel rails ordered by these lines a short time ago have been re ceived, and the track is being re- laid with theni. Another big order for steel rails is to be placed with in a short time. The Sheriff's Convention. From Tuesday's Dally. Sheriff C. M. Quinton and fam ily went to Omaha today to spend the day there. Sheriff Quinton is taking in the sessions of the state and natiorfal conventions of sheriffs. He says that one of the attractions at the. convention is Sheriff Farrell of Reno, Nevada, who wears a large gold star set with diamonds, (he gift of Ihe citizens of Reno for the splendid work done by him as sheriff. He has already served five terms. Seemed to Give Him Stomach. a Haw "I suffered intensely after eat ing and no medicine or treatment I tried seemed to do any good." writes II. M. Youngpoters, Editor of Thc Sun, Lake View, Ohio. "The first few doses of Chamber Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets gave me surprising relief and the second bottle seemed to give me a new stomach and perfectly good health." For sale by F. C. Fricke & Co. Mrs. Katherine Neumeistor of hold of the Missouri Pacific-Iron l Avoca was in town today, coming Mountain lines he has also let a in by automobile. LOUISVILLE STREET BS9BBBjEB3B 13 T imxu uin oim mriAV iu damnum ci AUGUST 17, 181 19 The Third Annual Carnival Promises to 3e Greater Than Ever! Notice From District No. 2. Notice is hereby given that all weeds along the public highway In Road Mist Not No. 2 muust be cut by the 15lh of August or the same will be cut by the road over seer and charged up to the prop erly. John Ilusche, Overseer. 'If lw Id SPECIAL FREE ATTRACTIONS AND BAND CONCERTS GIVEN EVERY HOUR! fPWfl BPH Huy it now. Now is the time to buy a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost certain lo be needed before the summer is over. This remedy has no su perior. For sale by F. O. Fricke & Co. BASE BALL GAME HEM DM! -THE CELEBRATED BIRLIHGTON BAND- OF PLATTSMOUTH Will Be on Hand Every Day to Furnish Music. Don't Miss This Carnival as It Will Be One of the Greatest Ever Held in Cass County. i REMEMBER THE DATES!