The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 03, 1911, Image 8

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    Children Cry for Fletcher's
' I 1 f I I
t J ft n 1 3 - 6
The Kind You Have Always nought, nnd v. hlch has been
In use for over 30 years, has horno the signature of
tuid has leen made under his n r-y--
sonal Hiipcrvlslon hIiico Its Infancy.
CClcUte Aiinw tut Rft t4 deceive vou In lh!s.
All Counterfeit, Imitations und "Just-as-good" arc hut
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the hearth of
Infants and Children ExiH-rienoe against Experiment.
Caslorla is a harmless nuhstltute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Props and Soothing1 Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor Other 'arcol5
feuhxtunee. Its age is Us guarantee. Jt destroys "Worm
and allays FcverlsluicsH. It cures Jiarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Trouhles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Jtowcls, giving healthy and natural bleep.
The Children's Panacea The 31 other's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
From Tuenday' Dally.
C. I). Spunkier went to Omaha
and Council Bluffs Ipday.
Mr. and Mrs. August Kteppat
wore visitors in Omaha today.
Ed Kisor of Louisville is in
Plattsmoulh today on road busi
ness. C. H. Taylor, county attorney,
returned this morning from
J. C. Niday of Union is in town
today with business before the
Lloyd Oapen went to Omaha to
day, expecting to spend several
days there and at Council Bluffs.
Miss Mabel Kiser relurned to
Lincoln today, after a three weeks'
visit with the family of M. Mild.
t Father Bradley of Lincoln came
down yesterday to visit Mrs. Mc
Elroy, whn was dangerously ill.
returning evening. Tat her
dor of
Charles Warner, republican
candidate for county treasurer,
drove out in the country today in
his machine to do a little cam
paign work.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Schneider
and family left last evening for
Heyburn, Utah, where they will
visit friends for two weeks. They
will return by way of Denver and
will visit several Colorado points.
C. L. Ciraves, Sam St iles, Robert
Trook and Oeorge Trook of Union
were in the city a few hours yes
terday evening, coming up to lok
after some, business matters.
W. E. Rosencrans left yester
day afternoon with a parly bound
for the San Luis valley, the mem
bers of the parly being: Klhert
Wiles, Oeorge W. Snyder and Joe
Holmes of Greenwood.
Judge 11. D. Travis and Colonel
M. A. Hales departed this after
noon on the Schuyler for Avoca.
where the judge is orator of (he
day at the Odd Fellows' picnic,
and the colonel goes to meet his
Should Take Their Advertising
Out of Hands of Those Want
ing It Done for Nothing.
The Omaha business men and
others, when they want to pro
mote anything fur that city they
send out a lot of literature and
a?k the newspapers all over the
state to publish it free. The
News can see no reason why the
outside papers should be boosting
every Omaha enterprise. If the
Omaha people want to boost their
shows let them pay for the ad
vertising the same as the Ne
braska City people do when they
pull off any stunt. Omaha has
been using its nerve on the news
papers lor years ana h is anoui
time that the newspaper men
dump all of their literature in the
waste basket when the requisite
amount of cash for inserting it
does not accompany it. Nebraska
City News.
There's more truth than poetry
in the above. If the managers
would take their advertising out
of the hands of "snide" advertis
ing men and make contracts di
rect with the country publishers,
the enterprises that want such
advertising would fare a great
deal better, and the publishers
would feel more like giving Oma
ha a little free; advertising oc
casionally. But the trouble is they
place this advertising in the hands
of parties who get all the free ad
vertising they can from the coun
try publishers, and then charge
tip full rates for what they have
done, and the parties doing the
advertising are none the wiser.
Cut it out and make your con
tra! s direct with the publishers.
Bradley was formerly pa
St. John's church here.
Charles Troop and son. Arthur,
with their wives, started Sunday
in an automobile for Denver and
Other Colorado points. They will
camp along the road. They expect
to return to Plallsmoulh in
about three weeks.
A party consisting of Mr. and
Mrs. John Wehrhein. Mr. and Mrs.
Will Wehrhein and Miss Mary
Wehrhein. went to Omaha this
morning to spend the day there.
John Wehrhein will market a car
of cattle there today.
lion. William Dclles Dernier,
the Elm wood lawyer, came in last
evening to look after some legal
matters. Mr. Belles Dernier is
known as one of the best at
torneys in southwest Nebraska,
and his practice is not confined
Dimply to Cass county, but ex
tends to all the adjoining comi
ties. J. I. Long, editor of the Ne
havvka News, was in the city a few
hours yesterday afternoon, hav
ing come up to look after some
business matters. While here he
railed on the Journal, where he
spent a few hours in a social
and business way. J. 1. is the only
editor in Cass county who can
ride in his own auto.
Thirty Years Together.
Thirty years of association-
think of it. How the merit of a
good thing stands out tin that
time or the worthlessness of a
bad one. So there's no guess
work in this evidence of Thus
Ariss, Concord, Mich., who writes:
"I have used Dr. King's New Dis
covery for 30 years, and it's the
best cough and cold cure I ever
used." Once it finds entrance in
a home you can't pry it out.
Many families have used it forty
years. It's the most infallible
throat and lung medicine on
earth. Unequaled for lagrippe,
asthma, hay fever, croup, quinsy
or sore lungs. Price line and $1.00.
Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by
F. O. Fricke k Co.
A Pleasant Surprise.
Mrs. B.-rt Lamphear and a
number of friends gave a pleas
ant surprise to her mother-in-law,
Mrs. Oeorge Lamphear,
Saturday vening. The affair was
in honor of her ilst birthday.
Music was furnished by Brissey
and Hyde and a phonograph. The
evening proved a most enjoyable
one. Those present were; Mr.
and Mrs. T. L Jennings, Mr. and
Mrs. R. B. Brissey, Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Lamphear, Mr. and Mrs.
Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. B. C.
Hyde, W. H. Hyde, Mr. and Mrs.
I. N. Cumntings, Oeorge Hyde,
Lou Brissey and Mrs. Hethering-
ton and daughters.
Weeping Water Men Complain
That They Fear He Will
Commit Assault.
From Tuesdav'i Pally
Thef ranscript in the case of
the state against Dell Tyson was
filled in district court today. The
transcript states that Harry
Walt and Orville Robertson filed
complaint on July 25 alleging
that they had just cause to fear
that Bell Tyson would commit the
offense of assault and battery
against, them. The preliminary
bearing was held before Justice
E. B. Taylor of Weeping Water
and Tyson was bound over to the
district court.
H. C. McMaken Sick.
For the past day or two Colonel
ll. u. McMaken has been very
sick, suffering from another at
tack of heart and kidney trouble.
Yesterday the old gentleman was
very weak, and while his condi
tion is quite serious, he is not
critical at this time and all hopes
are entertained for his recovery.
There is no doubt but Colonel
McMaken has suffered more for
the past few months than he
would let be known, his ambitious
strength prevailing, and he has
kept right at his daily duties un
til he was forced to give up and
lake a rest. The many friends
hope that his sickness may be
temporary only.
old friends. He formerly visited
Avoca every two weeks, but on ac
count of business at home it has
1 n nearly a year since his last
visit, but he always makes it. a
point to attend this annual
J. A. Whileman of Nehawka was
in the city yesterday, coming up
to look after some business mat
ters with the county commission
ers. We are informed that John
intended to return home yesler-
oay morning, nut met a menu
that proposed taking him home
during the day in an auto. The
auto I rip, for some reason, did
not materialize, and he was com
pelled to return home last evening
on the midnight M. P. train.
Opens New Road.
A new road has been opcuci
under the direction of County
Surveyor Fred Patterson, extend
ing from the section line between
7 and 8 and the line between 17
and IN. It. begins at the center of
section 7 and 8 and extends
through Nickolas Ilalmes' place.
There has been quite a good deal
of travel through the place, but
the people had to open gates to
gel through, so the new road will
be more convenient to those who
have been using it.
Second Chapter in the Scrap Over
the Apple Crop In Police
Henry Dot h man has filed a
complaint against 11. (!. Leland,
charging him with disturbing the
peace. Rolliman was lined in
police court Saturday for the
same offense. Rothman and Le
land had a mix-up over the apples
which were on Leland's place,
rented by Rothman. It is said
that, there was an agreement
about a division of the apple crop,
but that it wns not carried out
satisfactorily and a fight resulted.
Rothman wns arrested, and
though he said that he fought in
self-defense, the court advised
him to put in a plea of guilty to
save cost of witness fees.
Leland's story is quite different
from Rothman's. Leland asked for
when the case wns called vester-
day and it was granted by the
A King Who Left Home
set the world to talking, but Paul
Mathulka, of Buffalo, N. Y., says
he always KEEPS AT HOME the
King of all Laxatives Dr King's
New Life Pills and that the're a
blessing to all his family. Cure
constipation, headache, indiges
tion, dyspepsia. Only 2.rc at
F. O. Fricke k Co.
PKKSKNTS, That we, the underxiKned,
lo hereby form and create a coi po; a
tion under and by ihe nune of
I'he I'lattHittoiif h Villi mim! VYaigim
llrldice .'nii:iiu.
1. The priiK'liml place of business of
f;ihl rtfM(i all'Tl shall be the Cl!' of
I'lattNiiiuutli, County of Catts, se
braiska. J. The iiurpose of said corporation
hIihII be to t-onyO'Ui-t. maintain and
operate a bridge arross ttie l'latte river.
at a point on wind river eaxt of trie
bridge thereover of the Chicago. Bur
linKtori d. ouitiey Kaiiruud Company,
between tiie count it of Sarpy and Cans, I
of the State of Kebraska, and to pur-
chase and own land BUtflcient upon I
which to construct said bridge and
buildings necessary to carry on said
Vuuineag and to charge and collect tolls
for the use thereof.
3. The capita, stock of said corpora
tion shall be titi" thousand dollars.
of which twenty-five thousand doilui
shall be common stock, divided into one
thousand shares of the par value of
twenty-five dollars each, and the
owners thereof shall have the sole and
exclusive power of voting at all stock
holders' meetings, each owner being
entitled to one vote for each share of
Raid common stock by him so owned
and said stock only shall be counted
In any vote cast at any stockholders'
meeting and shall be entitled to all
dividends in excess of the six per cent
guaranteed to the preferred stock, and
the balance of said stock shall be
k:iown as preferred stock, subject to
tl.o power of the i oinmon stock and
divided Into one thousand shares of
the par value of twenty-five dollars
each, and shall be entitled to dividends
of six per cent per annum, payable
annually, and the Hoard of Directors
may, In Its discretion, order said
dividends upon the preferred stock to
bo paid quarterly or semi-annually, and
for the payment of said dividends upon
the preferred stock, the ways, works,
easements, bridge end franchises of
this company are hereby pledged.
4. Said Corporation shall commence
doing business on June 1st, A. D. 1911,
and shall terminate on June 1st, A. L.
6. The annual meetings shall be held
on the first Monday of January of each
6. Said corporation shall not com
mence doing business until ten per
cent of the capital mock shall be sub
scribed and paid and the balance shall
be due upon call- of the Hoard of
7. The Indebtedness or liability of
this corporation shall at no time ex
ceed two-thirds of the paid-up capital
X. The officers of said corporation
shall be five directors, with power to
pass and adopt by-laws, to he elected
at the annual meeting of the stock
holders, and to serve until their suc
cessors are elected and qualified, and
said Board of Directors shall, from
their body, elect a President, Vice
President, Secretary and Treasurer, and
the last two officers, at the option of
the Itoard, may be filled by one and
the same person, and the Secretary and
Treasurer may be removed by said
Board of Directors at anv time.
undersigned, have hereunto set our
bands this 27th day of May, A I., 1911.
In presence of
Paul Jensen as to (3 and 4)
Wm. A. Itobertson as to (1, 2 and 5)
(1) T. H Pollock.
(2) Llda P. Pollock.
(3) Mrs. N. A. Duff.
(4) K. A. Duff.
(6) Jas. K. Pollock.
State of Nebraska. County of Otoe, as.
UK IT rtEMKMHRIU:i Tl.nt nn thl.
27th day of May, A. D. 1911, there ap
peared before me. the iinriernie-neri
Notary Public, Mrs. N. A. Duff and R.
Duff, who in mv nrexenre Rlu-neH
the foregoing certificate of incorpora
tion and acknowledged the same to be
their free and voluntary act and dee.
In Witness Whereof. I hava hereunto
set my hand and Notarial Seal the day
and vear above written.
Oeal) Paul Jr-ssen.
Mfitnrv PiiliHn
Stnte of Nebraska. 'unty of Cass, ss.
UK IT It KM KMDEltKD. That on thl.
27th day of May, A. D. 1911, there ap
peared before me, the undersigned
Notarv Public. T II l'olliwlf v
Pollock and Jas. K. Pollock, each of
whom, In mv presence, signed the
foregoing certificate of Incorporation
anl acknowledged their said signatures
to be their free and vol-miarv act and
In Witness Whereof. I have hereunto
set my hand and Notarial Seal the day
and vear above written.
Seal) W. A. Tlobertson.
Notary Public.
For County Treasurer.
Editor Journal:
Please announce my name a a
candidate for the odice of county
treasurer of Cass county, subject
to the will of the democratic vot
ers at the primary election Tues
day, August 15, 1911.
Carl G. Fricke.
For County Treasurer.
I hereby announce my caa-
diilacy on the republican ticket for
the otiice of county treasurer,
subject to the decision of the re
publican voters at the August 15,
1911, primaries.
L. B. Egenberger.
For County Treasurer.
I hereby announce my can
didacy lor the nomination on the
republican ticket for the ofllce of
county treasurer, subject to the
decision of the voters at the
primaries to be held August 15
next. Charles Warner.
For Commissioner.
We are authorized to announce
C. M. Seybert of Louisville as a
candidate for commissioner from
the Second district, subject to the
will of the democratic voters at
the primary election in August.
From Wednesday's Dally.
P. II. Roberts of Cedar Creek
went to Omaha today.
8. Long of South Rend was a
Platlsniouth visitor yesterday.
Miss Doris Nelson went to
H I en wood. Iowa, yesterday after
noon to visit a sister there.
County Commissioner L. D.
Rwitzer returned to Weeping
Water yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. John P. Kyle went to
Cedar Creek yesterday afternoon
to visit two sons and a daughter
living in that community.
Mrs. John Albert went to Oma
ha today, where she will meet her
daughter. Miss Amy Albert, who
has been visiting in Stanton
Sheriff's Report
The sheriff's report, for quar
ter ending July .11 shows that be
collected and turned over to the
county fees as follows: A total of
:M0..'IH from thirty-one cases in
the district court; a total of
$:!'.75 from thirteen cases in Ihe
county court, and a total of
from four cases in the justice
courts, .The report was tiled with
the county commissioners veslei
An ordinary case of diarrhoea
can, as a rule, be cured by
simile dose of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. This remedy has no su
perior for bowel complains. For
sale by V. 0. Fricke A Co.
'Twas a Dandy Show.
The show at Ihe Majestic last
niiiht was one of the best that
that popular house has ever offer
ed. A .ventriloquist, a magician
and unusually good pictures made
np the choice offering. The
ventriloquist has played all over
the Pacific coast and made a tre
mendous hit last night. The
magician is exceedingly clever
nnd his work was much applaud
ed. Tonight the same men will
appear again, but with a changed
program. Tomorrow night they
will make their final appearance
here, giving an entirely new pro
Attack Like Tigers.
In lighting to keep Ihe blood
pure the while corpuscles attack
disease germs like tigers. Rut
often germs multiply so fast the
little fighters are overcome. Then
see pimples, boils, eczema, salt
rheum and sores multiply and
strength and appetite fail. This
condition demands Fleet ric, Bit
ters to regulate stomach, liver
and kidneys and to expel poisons
from the blood. "They are the
best blood puritler," writes 0. T.
Hudahn, of Tracy, California, "I
have ever found." They make
rich, red blood, strong nerves and
build up your health. Try them.
50c at F. O. Friek & Co,
Accused of Stealing.
V.. V.. Chamberlain, of Clinton
Me., boldly accuses Bucklen's
Arnica Salve of stealing the
sting from burns or scalds Ihe
pain from sores of all kinds
the distress from boils or piles
'It robs cuts, corns, bruises
sprains and injuries of their ter
ror," he says, "as a healing rem
edy its equal don't exist." Onlv
2r.c at F. Ck Fricke K Co.
('nil for HIiU.
Phis will be received by the OYmntv
.Tmlire of Cuss romity In his office at
PliittMinouth, Nebraska. "P to noon of
.Mominv, Aiiuust ion. ii l. for the foi
lowing grading to be done out of the
Inheritance tax:
A fill to be tnnde on section line be
tween Sections 21 nnd 2'.'. Township 10
North Kiiiikp 13 I'.ast, one nnd one-hnlf
miles west nmi one-half mile north of
I nton, ( nss l onntv, NVIn-iiskn.
Plans and six'clllcatlons on file In the
office or the County t'lerk.
Allen .1. Tteescn,
County Judge.
Judge Travis.
Sarpy county has no regrets so
far over being cut off from the
Omaha judicial district and being
annexed to Cass and Otoe coun
ties. Judge Travis has made more
frequent visits to Sarpy county
than we have experienced before
and legal business is being dis
posed of in a very gratifying man
ner. And the services of Judgd
Travis have been so satisfactory
in this district that he will hav
no opposition for renomination of
re-elect ion. Papillion Times.
For Commissioner.
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate on the republican ticket
for the nomination for the office
of county commissioner of the
Second Commisisoner district,
subject to the decision of the vot
ers at the coming primary elec
tion. C. E. lleebner.
For County Judge.
I take this method of inform
ing the voters of Cass county that
I am a candidate for the nomina
tion to the ofllce of county judge
on the republican ticket, subject
to the will of the voters at the
primaries August 15.
Wm. Delles Dernier.
For District Clerk.
I hereby announce my can
didacy for the nomination of dis
trict clerk- on the republican
ticket, subject to the will of the
voters of Cass county at the
primaries to be held on August 15
Jame3 Robertson.
For Clerk of the District Court.
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for the office of Clerk,
of the District Court, subject to
the will of the republican voters,
expressed at the primary August
15,1911. J.E.Douglass,
Stop and Thlnkl
Why should you pay rent?
Why should you buy live acres?
Why should you keep your
chickens closed up?
Break away from it. Come out
to a country where your chickens
will not scratch out your neigh
bor's garden. When you buy, buy
ight, and do not be held up.
Why not take 20 or 25 acres for
Ihe same price as one down here?
You cannot support one horse
well on five acres, without work
ing out. Quit all this. I will help
you to get a bigger and cheaper
R0 acres for 2.500; t,300
cash and balance five years' time,
nt f per cent. All fenced, small
house, good well and windmill,
small barn, in good settlement
and good neighbors, good school
and six miles from good town.
This is mostly sandy pasture and
hay land; you may farm fifteen
acres or more. Milk a few cows,
raise all the chickens you want I
and turn them out. Just slop
and think. I don't want you to
buy at once. Look at a five-acre
farm here ami then come out and
look nf 320, 180 or 010 acres. Can
it be? Yes it can. We want you
in our county, in the best corn
country in the state. I have more
places besides this, larger and
smaller, all prices and terms. The
smaller the place the harder you
will have to work. Come out and
see nie before you buy. I will
take care of you and show you
C. R. Schleicher,
v Brady, Neb.
District Clerk.
At the solicitation of numerous
friends, and after due considera
tion, I have finally decided to be
come a candidate for clerk of the
district court, subject to the wile
of the democratic voters of Cass
county at the primary on August.
15, 1911, and solicit, the support
of my friends.
James T. Reynolds.
For Sheriff.
I hereby announce myself as a.
candidate for the nomination of
the office of sherifT, subject to the.
decision of the voters at the com
ing primary. I ask them to place
me in nomination on the demo
cratic ticket. D. C. Rhoden.
For Sheriff.
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the nomination for
the o 111 o e of sherifT of Cass county,
Nebraska, subject to the decision,
of the voters at the coining:
primary election. I ask the voters
to place me in nomination on the
democratic ticket.
O. P. Barton, Union, Neb.
Meets August 14.
The Cass County Teachers' in
stitute will convene at Weeping
Water August 1 i, next, and con
tinue for one week. A line pro
gram, good instructors and pleas
ant surroundings.
Here From Mexico.
John Boelel arrived in the city
this morning from Mexico, where
ne nas neen lor ine past six
months in the employ of Uncle
Sam as teamster and driver. The
company in which John was serv
ing have returned to Leavenworth,
Kansas, and he came on home for
a few days at least. He has not
made up bis mind whether he will
return or not. His family have
been residing in Omaha during
his absence.
A King Who Left Home
set the world to talking, but Paul
Mathulka, of Buffalo. N. Y says
he always KEEPS AT HOME the
King of all Laxatives Dr. King's
New Life Pills and that the're a
blessing to all his family. Cure
constipation, headache, indiges
tion, dyspepsia.
Hynott & Co.
Only 25c nt
A well known Des Moines wom
an, after suffering miserably for
two days from bowel complaint,
was cured by one dose of Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy. For sale by F. O.
Fricke & Co.
Has New Automobile.
Charles C. Parmele received
yesterday a tine new touring car.
a Matherson "Six." This is a six
cylinder car, fifty horse power,
and live-passenger. The car is
gray in color. It came from the
Duff garage.
Miss Minn Herold of Lincoln is
visiHng at the home of her aunt.
Mrs. A. L. Tidd,
Henry Herold.
and her uncle
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hava Always Bought
Bears the